The Oracle -Feb. 10, 2012

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Volume 95 | Issue 11 | Free in single copy | February 10, 2012

Air quality prompts tests, warnings By NICK ROLLINS Asst. Managing Editor

An ongoing problem with the indoor air quality at South Hall has prompted doctor’s visits, numerous air quality tests and no resolution for faculty and students. Faculty and students on the second floor of South Hall first encountered symptoms of dizziness, headaches, nausea, elevated blood pressure and heart rate, breathing problems and flu-like symptoms in November. Julia Baker, foreign languages assistant professor, said that she was experiencing headaches in her office. She went to Satellite Med due to ongoing symptoms, where they tested her blood and found an elevated level of carboxyhemoglobin, which is when blood cells have carbon monoxide instead of oxygen attached to them. “I was told that my carboxyhemoglobin level was 9 percent total,” Baker said. “My doctor told me 8-12 percent is considered to be that of the level of a heavy smoker, and I don’t smoke.” According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the permissible exposure limit for carbon monoxide is 35 partsper-million during an eighthour time period, which is

By KAYLA GULLEY Beat Reporter

Jessica Wilson

Orange flyers hang in South Hall to inform students like Rachel Evans what to do in case a carbon monoxide detector is sounded. about a 6 percent carboxyhemoglobin level. “I used to work out twice a week and now I can’t do that,” Baker said. “Now I walk three stairs at home and I’m out of breath.” Baker also said that this has not only affected professors, but students as well. Colleen Hays, foreign languages associate professor, said, “I remember one of my students running in my office saying, ‘Can I get some aspirin? I’m having the worse headache I’ve had in

my life’.” However, Tech has tested air quality within South Hall since November. According to test results, they have found virtually no detection of carbon monoxide, but they have found typically higher levels of carbon dioxide that fluctuate throughout the day, particularly during class time. “We found levels up to 1,500 parts-per-million of carbon dioxide,” Kent Clawson, Tech’s coordinator of environmental health and safety,

said. “OSHA’s limit for working eight hours a day is 5,000 parts-per-million. Those spikes of carbon dioxide are really right around [class time] because you have all of the students waiting to get into class and all of the students getting out of class.” Also, the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers has a standard of 1,000 ppm of carbon dioxide in indoor spaces.

See “Air Quality,” page 6

Tech’s increasing tuition could lower federal funding By JONATHAN KAULAY Beat Reporter President Obama’s proposal to keep college affordable could have negative consequences for Tech. The proposal directly links a college’s eligibility for federal aid programs with its tuitions affordability. The plan will impact $3 billion in federal aid money known as campus-based aid that is used for programs like Work Study. Under Obama’s proposal, campus-based aid would be raised to $10 billion. This money would then be distributed to colleges and universities, rewarding the schools that maintain tuition costs. “We are now on the low end of the tuition scale, but it’s based on a percentage,” Claire Stinson, Tech’s Business and Planning vice president, said. “If you have a product and charge a dollar for it, then the price goes up another dollar, that’s a 100 percent increase.” Tech’s tuition costs have been increasing steadily over the last few years. Under this proposal, Tech’s increas-

ing tuition could cost the university federal aid money. “We are tied closely with federal aid,” Stinson said. “The STEM building was built entirely with donations and federal funding.” Obama first made reference to the plan during the State of the Union Address by putting colleges and universities. “If you can’t stop tuition from going up, the funding you get from taxpayers will go down,” Obama said during the address. Obama began revealing the details of his proposal to the public when he spoke at the University of Michigan three days after the State of the Union Address. The proposal comes at a time when student loan debt is at an all time high, increasing the tensions between students and schools. “I feel like a broke college kid,” Lindsay Moore, a Tech accounting major, said. “It is just too expensive.” The proposal also comes at a time when many colleges and universities are faced with large state budget cuts. “We’ve seen a 31percent cut in state funding that


TBR announces presidential search committee members


April Gilbert

Students such as Bethany Stringfield may benefit from Obama’s plan to contain tuition cost. we have to partially replace with tuition,” Stinson said. “It worries me when the federal government gets into the business of influencing tuition rates.” Obama made several other proposals related to colleges and universities. He proposed lower interest rates for federal subsidized loans and a permanent extension of a tuition tax credit. He also called on colleges and universities to offer a list to potential students comparing financial aid packages

and statistics on graduates, like how much they are earning and where they are currently employed. According to Obama, all of this is designed to give students a better value. “Once the nose is under the tent, the whole body will soon follow,” Stinson said. “We got people in Washington trying to manage universities nationwide who do not know all the variables.” All of Obama’s proposals will require congressional approval.


The newly appointed Search Advisory Committee is preparing for the first public meeting, scheduled for 12:45 p.m. Feb. 17 in Tech’s Multipurpose Room. The Search Advisory Committee and Tennessee Board of Regents Chancellor John Morgan’s responsibilities are to narrow down the list of applications and screen the qualifications of the candidates. The committee then chooses and presents one candidate to the TBR, which will either accept or deny the candidate. “I think of Tech students pretty much as being the stock holders of our University,” Ashley Humphrey, Committee student representative said. “There-

fore any decision that’s made, that is going to affect the students, needs to come with student support and a student voice.” Milestone dates and the search procedures will be established at the metting. The committee list was finalized and made public Jan. 31. Hopes for new President The new president will be the ninth in Tech’s 97year history. “The person who is selected as president plays a tremendously important role in the future of the University; and that affects not just the students who come here, the faculty and staff that work here, but the entire region,” Paul Semmes, committee faculty representative, said. See “Search,” page 6

Barnes & Noble to compete for University bookstore bid By JESSICA SMITH Beat Reporter Bids for the University bookstore opened Feb. 3, with three vendors responding to the request for proposals. The contract with current owner, Barnes & Noble, whose successful proposals have retained its management of the bookstore since 1994, will expire at the end of June. Tech is looking to have a new contract by the first of July. While the proposing vendors remain unnamed at this time, evaluation of the proposals is underway. “This bid was done in two phases. There are a technical portion and a cost portion,” said Judy Hull, Business Services director. An evaluation team looks at points from the technical portion, like qualifications and experience, pricing structure, store layout, marketing strategies and student involvement, scoring each vendor based on the potential 70 points. The financial portion of the proposal has yet to be reviewed. After the proposals are evaluated in the technical portion, the financial portion will open and each vendor will be scored based on proposed revenue. These points will be added to the technical score and the

vender with the most total points will win the contract. “They can’t buy the contract. It’s something where you look at the overall picture,” said Hull. The technical portion should be completed by Feb. 24, opening the second half of evaluations. “We have a target date of March 8 for issuing a letter of intent, and that just notifies everybody of the successful proposer,” said Hull. “We have a review period where the other two can come in and look at the scores and files and make sure that they don’t have any issues or anything with the University’s decision.” The successful bidder will earn a five-year contract to manage and operate the University bookstore. An additional five years could be added based on how successful the vendor is at Tech. “We left the second five years very flexible. We can do whatever best suits our needs,” said Darla Wilhite, director of auxiliaries and University liaison between the University bookstore and contracted vendors. Regardless of the winning organization, the University bookstore will sell similar products and remain in the same location in the RUC.


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NEWS Page 2 | February 10, 2012

Tuition Runs Out Day events to highlight University @ tech February operating costs By JODI LAWERENCE Beat Reporter

Jessica Reeves

Students, like freshman Garrett Emberton, would have no reason to study if Tech were to shut down on March 20.

The Office of Annual and Special Programs is hosting the second annual Tuition Runs Out Day, with help from SGA, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. March 20 on South Patio. “Tennessee Tech is a Tennessee Board of Regents school, by that we are partially state funded,� SGA President Lee Gatts said. “We are about 40 percent state funded, to be exact, and the rest of our money comes from tuition.� Tuition Runs Out Day is an event to educate students, faculty, staff and community members about the cost of running the University and

why donations are so important. Without alumni donations, the University would be forced to shut down in March each year due to depleted funds. Lee said there will be organizations set up and activities being held to get people involved. Tech’s average running cost is around $4.60 per second. At this rate, it costs Tech $16,560 per hour to stay in operation. “So Tuition Runs Out Day represents our alumni who make their contributions. Even if it’s just a dollar, they are still helping us keep our doors open here at Tech.�

International student enrollment sees yearly increases By MICA BILBREY Beat Reporter Tech’s International Student Affairs Office is busy as the number of international students grows. Within the last five years, Tech’s student body has grown. According to an e-mail from Alexis Pope, Tech’s assistant director of

admissions, one of the biggest increases comes from the international freshman. In Spring 2011, 53 international students were admitted while 188 international students were admitted in Spring 2012. “Charles [Wilkerson] has been going out and recruiting more, like traveling to China and Vietnam, and go-

ing to career fairs to recruit students,� Amy Miller, Tech study abroad coordinator, said. “He wasn’t able to do that much before because we didn’t have enough staff here. As we have added on to the office and have more staff members, he has been able to go out and recruit more students.� According to Miller, part of the growth comes from the international students who come from abroad to study and get a degree. Another influence is through wordof-mouth, with students telling their family and friends, spreading international awareness about Tech. “We get mostly Saudi Arabian students,� Miller said. “We also get people from other countries including China, India, Kuwait and Brazil.� According to Miller, there are several aspects that appeal to the international students, including an English language school on Tech’s

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campus and a less expensive tuition. With Tech being a smaller college and overseas from their home lands, students studying at the University will have a better chance of getting a job. “Charles Wilkerson visits career fairs in places like China and Vietnam and other countries,� Miller said. “He also speaks to different schools about the engineering and business programs available on our campus. When he goes overseas to the career fairs, he gets a lot of attention specifically because we have a strong engineering department.� Andrew Bleignier, Tech immigration specialist, said, “The Tennessee Board of Regents has allowed us to make agreements with agents that can help do the recruitment from abroad. Our director has been tasked to build good relationships with trustworthy individuals that can help provide us with applications for the students.�


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According to Miller, one reason students come to Tech is to get different types of scholarships, including honors scholarships and other funding from their countries’ governments. “All scholarships come from the outside. Some come from their governments to come here,� Miller said. “An example is almost all the Saudi Arabian students are on a full scholarship from their government. Also, several Brazilians are on a program called Science without Boarders, which allows them to study abroad and allows them to be here for a year.� Bleignier said, “I’m bias. I think it’s absolutely wonderful in so many aspects. I think international students on campus add to an educational environment of sharing exploration with other students. I think more a diverse a campus is—not just of race, but of ages and backgrounds—benefits everyone in so many ways.�

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11 8:00 a.m. Cupids Chase 5K Prescott Hall 10:00 a.m. Tommy West Barrel & Poles Hyder Burks Pavilion 5:00 p.m. Ellen Bomar, saxophone Senior Recital Wattenbarger Auditorium 7:00 p.m. Philip Shapiro, trumpet, Junior Student Recital Wattenbarger Auditorium

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Page 3 | February 10, 2012


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One of the many uncomfortable moments during Madonna’s half-time performance.

Madonna half-time show falls flat JONATHAN FRANK Asst. Editorial Editor

Oracle readers, we need to have a family discussion about that halftime show at the Super Bowl this year. Admittedly, I’m not a huge Madonna fan. Cue the letters to the editor. I would have liked to see a performance by someone who’s a little bit more current, say for example, The Carpenters, ABBA, or perhaps John Tesh. In terms of the actual performance, let’s start with the um, “singing.” Madonna and I have two things in common: neither of us has ever sung at the Super Bowl. This isn’t the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and Madonna isn’t Ashlee Simpson (she could, however, be her mother). I was expecting a live performance. Instead, I’m pretty sure some guy hit “play” on a CD in a sound booth somewhere while Madonna and her army of Trojan soldiers

bopped around on stage. Madonna, dressed in some sort of Cleopatra-inspired getup, performed her hit song “Vogue” and briefly did some shufflin’ and various awkward stretches with LMFAO. Then Nicki Minaj, M.I.A. and a chorus of cheerleaders took to the stage and joined Madonna in a performance of a new song entitled, “Give Me All Your Luvin’.” It was at this time that Madonna picked up a pair of pompoms and joined the cheerleaders in their routine. Madonna, you look great but you’re 53 years old and are probably already receiving solicitation in the mail from AARP. Stop gyrating across the stage in your stripper boots and put down those pompoms; you could throw out your hip. Also during this song, M.I.A., who I only

know from the “Slumdog Millionaire” soundtrack, flipped the bird to the show’s 111-million-strong audience, thus sending the Parents Television Counsel and the FCC into panic mode. But hey, at least we didn’t have a wardrobe malfunction. After that song, a marching band lead by a visibly winded Cee Lo Green came out and joined Madonna in a 30-second medley of “Open Your Heart,” and “Express Yourself.” I’m a product of the ‘90s so I had to Google the lyrics. Then, for the grand finale, Madonna and a sparkly-black, choir robe-clad Cee Lo Green, who at this point is starting to resemble a low-budget drag queen, lead a choir in a performance of “Like A Prayer.” This concluded with Madonna disappearing into a cloud of smoke and the message “world peace” displayed across the stage. World peace, huh? Let’s just shoot for civility between you and Elton John. That would be a good start.

Poll of the Week Another Groundhog day has come and gone. Did you wish for an early spring or 6 more weeks of winter?

37% - Winter. I want more snow! 63% - Spring. I’m tired of this dreary weather.

This poll is not scientific and only reflects the opinions of those who chose to participate. It does not reflect the public as a whole. Voting for this poll took place online between Feb. 3 and Feb. 10, 2012 at

This week: What’s the most annoying Facebook picture pose? Go to to vote!



Weekly. Student Operated. Tennessee Tech University TTU Box 5072 Cookeville, TN 38505 WILL HOUSLEY Managing Editor NICHOLAS ROLLINS Asst. Managing Editor BRIDGETTE BUCHANAN Ad Manager JESSICA WILSON Ad Assistant JENDA WILSON Copy Editor CASSIE TESAURO Editorial Editor JONATHAN FRANK Asst. Editorial Editor

ROSS HARVEY Sports Editor ANDY RUTHERFORD Asst. Sports Editor CHRISTINA RIDDLE Entertainment Editor WILL SHECKLER Asst. Entertainment Editor LOGAN NICKLESON Web Editor HOLLY COWART Faculty Adviser

Ron Paul is a fascinating figure in American politics. This claim was made in an article by Jonathan Frank in last week’s edition of The Oracle. While the claim itself is true, the article did not quite give Mr. Paul a fair analysis at all. This article was extremely biased; that being said, I am fairly biased also. Why? Because I’ve actually bothered to do my research on Mr. Paul and have drawn completely different conclusions about him. Despite being 76 years old, Paul has amassed a large following among col-

‘Faux pas’ too picky Now, I don’t have the best fashion sense out of the majority of girls here on campus, but I have a bone to pick with a few of the “faux pas” in the fashion article in last Friday’s edition of The Oracle. While I agree that Uggs and short shorts aren’t the best idea and salmon colored skinny jeans might not always be the most flattering thing, why are we not allowed to put our hair in pig tails? Maybe certain girls rock pigtails, or maybe they just want to feel young again. Who is to judge their hair? It’s their own hair; they can

Too much parking? Here are some comments on last week’s “Letter to the Editor.” Tech does promote “responsible and legal” parking. They’re called parking tickets. Tech Police write a ridiculous amount of them, but people still park where is convenient for them. As a tour guide, I heard many statements on how beautiful the campus is already. And Tech does “give other universities in the state a run for their money.” Where would you move thousands of parking spots off of campus? Tech is pretty landlocked. And how about the millions of dollars that would cost?! For those of you that don’t know, Tech has

lege campuses. This is the same group who shunned McCain (who is actually a year younger) in 2008 for being too old and out of touch. What makes the difference between the two? The fact he is not a run-of-the-mill politician—he refuses to be bought out by corporations and truly believes what he stands for. As was pointed out in the previous article, Paul has an extremely low success rate for proposed legislation and often votes differently on issues than virtually every other Congress member. This is because he votes for what he believes is right for the country, not what is right for big business or his chances of getting reelect-

ed. He is the only candidate whose stances on major issues do not change to whatever will get him elected-he’s been consistent since day one. Unfortunately, I’m limited to 300 words to bring you today. But I do ask you to do your own research into the presidential candidates. I’d prefer you to be informed and completely disagree with me on Ron Paul, rather than just take what you read from one or two individuals and move on. As we saw last week, sometimes biases can get in the way of the true story.

style it how they want. And female khaki pants? I’m not even sure what’s wrong with khaki, not to mention brand labeled clothing. I can understand not wearing tank tops in winter, but she also put no leggings under shorts/skirts, which is often worn because it’s cold outside because it’s winter! But I could look past all of these “faux pas” if it wasn’t for number five on the list, wearing purple and gold. Seriously?! Our school’s colors are purple and gold! Why was this advice put in the school newspaper to be distributed to students who should be told to support the school not that the school col-

ors are a fashion mistake? Plus, when did those two colors become uncomplimentary? Someone forgot to give that memo to LSU, the Minnesota Vikings and all other sports teams that use those two colors. Also, in the article she mentioned color blocking, “two very bold colored pieces, giving the illusion that the colors block each other off.” Wouldn’t wearing purple and gold be considered her definition of color blocking?

a master plan that includes tons of new facilities, beautification, green areas, and yes, even a parking garage. The administration is constantly doing things to improve the quality of education at Tech, which includes keeping your education affordable by finding cheaper janitorial services and cutting the cost of printing. You would be astounded if you saw the amount of paper that was needlessly wasted by students. The decision to charge for printing and possibly lay off janitors will be made “to provide leadership and outstanding programs.” – TTU Mission Statement Don’t expect every problem Tech has to be gone before you graduate; be patient. Investing in our educational

Brandon Schreiber

Elisa Tanksley

system will be one of the things that will help right the course of this country. “How can I invest as a broke college student?” Give your opinion to an administrator or your SGA senator; their jobs are to make your voice heard. Don’t go home on the weekends and become involved in a student organization. Student groups are the lifeblood of TTU. And lastly, if you can’t have any faith in Tennessee Tech and its administrators, well maybe you should just transfer and take your complaining elsewhere.

Jordan J. Jozwik

Have a question? The Oracle’s new “That’s What She Said” advice coumn is here to help. Questions can cover any topic. Send your submissions to:



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Commentaries should be around 500 words and include a picture.

4. Letters may not run in every edition due to space.

The Oracle encourages readers to write letters and commentaries on topics of interest. A few guidlines:

2. Originality is required. Plagiarized works will not be considered.

5. The Oracle reserves the right to edit for style, grammar, length and clarity.

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1. Letters should not exceed 300 words.

3. For verification, letters and commentaries MUST include your name, e-mail address, home town and classification or title.

6. Submissions must be received by 4 p.m. on Tuesday.

BEAT REPORTERS: Rosemary Apple, Ashley Ayub, Mica Bilbrey, Krystal Blouin, Allison Boshears, Heather

Chapelle, Morgan Collins, Cassie Conley, Jacob Cook, Ben Craven, Harley Davidson, Justin Duke, Melissa Edwards,

Drew Eller, Jamal Fergueson, Shane Foley, Lindsey Gore, Kayla Gulley, Emily Haile, Callen Harrell, Tyler Jackson,

Jonathan Kaulay, David Lane, Jodi Lawerence, Shelby McDonald, Samuel Omachonu, Abby Patton,

Ariel Perry, Megan Severe, Jessica Smith, Shanna Thompson, Zack Traylor, Aaron Vick, and Jacob Walker.

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this newspaper DO NOT necessarily reflect those of Tennessee Tech University’s employees or of its administration.

SPORTS Page 4 | February 10, 2012

The Extra Point: Athletes Salaries By Ross Harvey Sports Editor

Allie Sampson

Sophomores Brittany Cotto (left) and Dalis Connell practice for the upcoming OVC championship.

Bradley, Tech track and field fare well at Southern Illinois By DAVID LANE Beat Reporter

Senior Leah Bradley led the Golden Eagle track team at the Southern Illinois University Invitational with two new career records. Bradley improved on her record, set last week at the Niswonger Invitational, in the 800-meter race with a time of 2 minutes, 25.69 seconds. She also set a personal best in the mile, finishing with a time of 5:25. Golden Eagle runners Kara Webb, Traci Jones and Rebecca Cline all joined Bradley in finishing in the top half of the mile runners. Webb and Cline beat their previous records in the mile with improved times. “I believe our team is doing well for how early in the season it is,” Jones said. “We have a young team and everyone is pushing hard to do their best at conference. I’m looking forward to seeing how things play out for us as individuals and a team at the indoor conference.” Tech’s Emily Weinzetl, Jenna Philpott and Webb

all finished in the top half of runners in the 800-meter race. Webb and Weinzetl both set personal best times, along with Elizabeth Mitchell and Kathryn Forbes. “This is the first time I have done indoor, so it’s different for me,” Webb said. “I am working hard to get faster every time I hit the track.” Golden Eagle Lacy Yslas competed in the shot put, throwing for a distance of 37 feet, 1 inch. This beat her performance last week and set a career best for her in the field event. Emily Williams (11:35.47), Brittany Brown (11:43.92) and Meghan O’Donoghue (11:46.35) all scored personal best records in the 3,000-meter run. The SUI Invitational was the last chance for the runners to compete before the Ohio Valley Conference Track & Field Championship, scheduled for Feb. 2425 at Tennessee State University in Nashville.

Weekly Roundup

With Prince Fielder signing a nine-year, $214 million deal last week, the commonplace argument on every sports talk show was whether athlete’s salaries today are fair or blown out of proportion. Let’s start with some numbers. By year, the highest contract in North American sports is held by Alex Rodriguez, third baseman for the New York Yankees. His yearly salary, before taxes, is $27 million. That deal is for a guaranteed 10 years. For the 162-game baseball schedule, that’s a little more than $169,000 per game. In football, the largest contact belongs to Larry Fitzgerald, who makes $15 million annually. For a 16-game football schedule, that’s a little more than $937,000 a game. The largest world contract is that of Ferrari Racing driver Kimi Räikkönen, who makes a whopping $51 million every year. With a limited racing schedule, that’s about $2.9 million every event. Not included in these numbers is income received, like endorsements and signing bonuses. So are these huge dollar amounts warranted, or is society to blame for inflating these athletes’ heads to the point that they believe they can demand such ridiculous amounts of money? In an article by Patrick Goldstein entitled “Is Sports the New Showbiz?” he says sports teams are willing to take monetary risks that they would not have in past years because of the payoff for successful teams. With TV deals and revenue sharing at an all-time high, the best teams are making enough money to more than cover their salary expenses. In these days, when actors in Hollywood are making less money per movie, sports ventures are not as risky and have more guaranteed returns. However, this has come to bite some teams in the proverbial behind later down the road. The largest basketball contract belongs to Rashard Lewis,

Bases Loaded: Super Bowl Reaction By Andy Rutherford Asst. Sports Editor

Last Sunday, the world watched as the Giants and Patriots came down to the wire in Super Bowl XLVI. Tom Brady didn’t have a great game; we saw a miraculous catch by a Giants receiver, a Giants touchdown in the closing minutes, and a Patriots Hail Mary play that fell incomplete. In a way, it was a very similar ending to Super Bowl XLII. But the aftermath couldn’t be more different. Four years ago, everyone in the media was discussing the fascinating David vs. Goliath victory for the Giants. This year, there has been quite a bit of negativity. For starters, let’s look at Eli Manning. The guy is coming off his second Super Bowl MVP performance in four years, yet he can’t sit down for an interview without being asked about his brother’s condition. As Super Bowl MVP, you are sup-

This week’s sports stories at a glance

Tech’s EXPW program waits for approval on expansion plans

cal Therapy, Pre-Occupational Therapy and K-12 Teacher Licensure.

Tech’s exercise science, physical education and wellness department is looking to expand in the near future and are waiting for Tech’s approval. For long-term aspects, the department has been speaking with the local hospitals and the human ecology department to make plans for expanding programs such as physical therapy and occupational therapy. The demand for these two programs is growing nationally. Also, the demand for enrolling in physical therapy and occupational therapy courses at Tech is rising. EXPW is also looking to add a graduate program in PT and OT, by Fall 2012. Another change the department is considering is changing the coaching and sport administration degree to a minor, to allow non-EXPW department majors, who would like to coach, to take classes and get this as a minor. Tech currently offers the following undergraduate programs in the EXPW department: Coaching and Sport Administration, Fitness and Wellness, Pre-Physi-

Coach Watson Brown excited about incoming recruits: “best class” TThe Tech football team signed 24 new players on National Signing Day, Feb. 1. “We’re excited about this group,” said Head Couch Watson Brown, “Each class gets a little stronger, and this is the best one we’ve had. We were able to meet the immediate needs that we went after.” The 2012 recruiting class is a linemanheavy class, with 11. The Golden Eagles are losing seven linemen this year and three more next year, leaving several positions for filling over the next couple of seasons. Brown said he is also excited that 18 of the 24 signees are from Tennessee. One in-state lineman signee was offensive tackle Brent Dillard from Mount Juliet, Tenn. Dillard, a Tennessee Mr. Football Finalist, was heavily recruited by other schools on Tech’s level, but chose to play for the Golden Eagles. Dillard was not available for an inter-

making more than $21 million yearly. However, after signing this contract with the Seattle SuperSonics, he was traded to the Orlando Magic, where he had a few good years before he was traded to the Washington Wizards. He was widely criticized for never living up to his contract and taking up large portions of his teams’ salary cap. Sometimes these moves pay off, however. The New York Yankees have the biggest payroll in Major League Baseball, along with 27 World Series and 40 American league titles to show for it. They also have four of the top-10 largest contracts in all of sports. Mihir Bhagat, Bleacher Report senior analyst, said athletes’ salaries have blown out of proportion. “Professional athletes are making too much money in a society where salaries and wages are traditionally based on the value of one’s work,” Bhagat said. “In today’s society, one should be paid according to the job’s economic importance and their value to society.” Economic importance? We are talking about billions of dollars in taxable revenue generated by American sports. That seems like economic importance to me. The reason athletes get paid so much is because that is the cost of putting a good product on the field, which, in turn, makes the money back. Owners wouldn’t give such lucrative contracts if they weren’t still making money. “Professional sports are a business,” said Jimmie Lee Solomon, director of minor league operations for Major League Baseball. “Our product just happens to be putting highly paid players on the field or court. “Which player has the superior talent? Which player is more likely to help the team win games? Which player is more likely to draw fans into the ballpark and sell jerseys? Those are the questions we ask.” Marcellus Wiley, former NFL player and current ESPN analyst said he was all for the guys getting paid and he loves it. The bottom line with sports, and life, is that you’re going to have busts. Some people are not going to perform up to expectations. However, some risks are taken in order to be successful. It is a business. If fans and companies continue to pay large amounts of money in support of teams and individuals, then owners and managers will continue to pay top dollar in order to acquire the best players.

posed to be seen holding the Lombardi Trophy, driving off in your brand new car and going to Disney World. Eli has done these things but nobody has noticed because everyone wants to know if Peyton will play next season. It seems Eli can’t make his way out from underneath his older brother’s umbrella even after an MVP. Looking at other quarterbacks on the field, you have to feel a little sorry for Tom Brady—which is something not often said about a good looking millionaire married to a supermodel. This guy only threw one interception but saw catchable balls go through his receivers’ hands, including a drop by the usually sure-handed Wes Welker that may have cost them the game. The poor guy should have been left in peace to mope, but technology rears its ugly head again as someone catches his supermodel wife blasting the Patriots’ receiving core on camera. Maybe he wouldn’t have had this problem if Rob Gronkowski had been completely. The second-year tight end, who had 1,327 yards and 17 touchdowns this year, was limited to two catches with a high ankle sprain that limited his mobility. Except on the dance floor. Gronkowski was seen after the game dancing with his shirt off in an Indianapolis club, much to the chagrin of many Patriot fans and former players.

Those are just the examples of the negativity surrounding those directly involved in the actual game. There’s always the critique of the halftime show. Though not as bad as last year musically, a controversial gesture by M.I.A. had Super Bowl officials apologizing for the first time since the infamous wardrobe malfunction. Commercial reviews are even coming up negative. Whatever happened to the days when heroes were immortalized on the big stage? Super Bowl winners and MVPs were considered godlike. Losers had to answer tough questions about the game, but not about their family members or post-game activities. This Super Bowl should go down as a great game for both teams. Yes, the Patriots lost, but to be in the Super Bowl with the defense they have is something to be proud of. Yes, Tom Brady lost his second Super Bowl, but the fact that he has been to five, ties him with John Elway for most appearances. As for the Giants, two titles in four years is something any team would beg for. As for Eli, yes he may have to see and hear hours upon hours of Peyton coverage, but for once in his life he has something that Peyton does not: two rings.

view, but mentioned via e-mail his feelings on coming to play for Tech: “I chose Tech because I knew it was a great school, with a great football program. I felt that the coaches and the players were the type of people that I would like to be around for the next four to five years. And I am just relieved that the signing is over and I know where I will be spending the next few years of my life.” In addition to linemen making up almost half of the recruiting class, Tech signed three receivers, two safeties, two quarterbacks, two linebackers, two running backs, one cornerback and one punter/kicker. They also signed three players from Georgia and one each from Alabama, Ohio, and California. Jared Davis is one of the quarterbacks signed. He was also a highly recruited player by many schools on Tech’s level throughout the South and also chose Tech over all other offers. For more information, visit www.

is $16 per person. In addition to a public recognition of the team’s success, Brown will announce the winners of the Robert Hill Johnson Award and several additional honors for the 2011 Golden Eagles including the Sonny Allen Leadership Award, the Unsung Hero Award, the Tech Pride Award and MVP honors by position. Brown will also announce the 2011 permanent team captains. The event will also feature a behindthe-scenes video showing some team highlights and activities that have not been previously seen by the public. The Golden Eagles finished one of the most successful year’s in program history by capturing the school’s 10th OVC championship, appearing in the FCS Playoffs for the first time, and placing in the Top 25 of all thre final FCS polls.

Football awards dinner this Sunday, open to public

Tech’s men’s tennis game against Gardner-Webb scheduled for 11 a.m. Saturday has been postponed and has been rescheduled for April 11th, at 1 p.m. For more information, visit

The Tennessee Tech football team will gather Sunday afternoon, Feb. 12, for head coach Watson Brown to present the team’s annual awards, and the public is invited to attend the 2 p.m. event in the Roaden University Center. The cost of the dinner

Tennis team has match rescheduled

This week’s Weekly Roundup features stories from Beat Writers Drew Eller and Aaron Vick, and from TTU Sports Information.


Page 5 | February 10, 2012

Album Review:

The Woman in Black, bleak and boring By LINDSEY GORE Beat Reporter

Dr. Dog “Be the Void” By LOGAN NICKLESON Web Editor

Dr. Dog released “Be The Void,” a consistent addition to the band’s previous six albums, Feb. 7 under record label ANTI-. “Be The Void” introduces few surprises, featuring Dr. Dog staples like classic guitar tones, piano-driven compositions, echoing vocals, punchy bass lines and Beach Boys-inspired, multipart harmonies. The group has again achieved an enjoyable marriage of ‘60s pop and modern psychedelic folk. Alternating lead vocals

by bassist Toby Leaman and guitarist Scott McMicken keep the record’s 12 songs from sounding too much alike. The easiness and youth in Mcmicken’s tenor voice complements the tragedy and woe in Leaman’s bellows. “That Old Black Hole” and “Do The Trick” stand out as the album’s best songs, having the signature Dr. Dog sound, immediately catchy chorus melodies and high energy. The record has a theme of repetitive but pleasant guitar riffs, noticeable in “Lonesome,” “How Long Must I Wait” and “These


Days,” which mimics the gruff vocals and danceable bass line for which The Strokes are famous. Dr. Dog ends with “Warrior Man” and “Turning The Century.” Both songs evoke memory of the Beatles, through carefree vocals and experimentation with sitar, and are strong album closers. A lack of memorable, impactful songs is arguably the biggest flaw of Dr. Dog’s releases and “Be The Void” is no exception. Although it is yet another well-produced, fun album, it falls short of changing listeners’ lives or revolutionizing the world of music.

Fashion Forward Staple Pieces to Declutter Closets By CHRISTINA RIDDLE Entertainment Editor If you have a full closet but nothing to wear, you could be missing important staple pieces that pull any outfit together. Contrary to popular belief, there comes a point when too many clothes can be distracting. The key to any wardrobe is to have a few staple pieces that will guide an outfit to a completed, cohesive look. A tailored blazer is an article every closet should contain. A blazer’s versatility makes it possible to dress an outfit up or make a dress more casual. The blazer being tailored is the most important element in pulling an outfit together. The sleeve length should also be considered when choosing the right look. A flattering approach to the blazer is to pair it with dark-wash skinny or boot-cut jeans and a top with a plunging neckline. For a more conservative, day-time look, add

long necklaces to cover the exposed neck and chest. Finally, wedge booties complete the look while keeping it casual. Another essential element to any wardrobe is the perfect, figure-flattering pair of jeans. The perfect pair of jeans, more often than not, will cost more than the average Old Navy jeans. However, not to worry, because it is only important to have one pair, so feel free to splurge. A few excellent brands to consider are: Paige Denim, J Brand, Rag & Bone, TEXTILE Elizabeth & James and GoldSign. The most important elements when searching for jeans are the wash and fit. Keep in mind, even the most petite person can have a dreaded muffin top if jeans are too small. Every woman should have little black dress on hand. This type of dress can be worn in almost any atmosphere. Generally, black has a

dressed-up feel, but wearing a pair of distressed, camelcolored suede boots transforms the dress into a perfect Saturday afternoon outfit. Don’t be hindered by the word “little” with this piece. This dress can be virtually any length, have any neckline or sleeve length that you prefer. Accessories can be used to make any outfit unique or to add a personal touch. The accessory that never goes out of style, and can be worn in any season, is the pashmina. Unlike a scarf, a pashminas are made of a linen or cashmere material and are usually wider than scarves. They can be used as a body wrap, shawl or neck wrap. A pashmina can be worn with literally any style outfit, with the most common being the jeans and t-shirt combination. Adding this accessory actually makes the look more feminine, in addition to breaking a common style.

Christina’s Valentine’s Day: what to wear and what not to wear



• Embrace the holiday’s festive colors of red and pink.

• Go overboard with sparkles and bows. (you’re not a present)

• Pick a dress that is figure flattering.

• Pick a dress that leaves nothing to the imagination.

• Wear heals. It will increase your height and make your legs look more defined. • Accessorize. (always!)

“The Woman in Black” falls far from spooky by relying on familiar scares and a predictable plot. Daniel Radcliffe plays the heartbroken widower and father, Arthur Kipps, who is trying to make ends meet for him and his son. Kipps works as a lawyer and is sent to work in a small town to resolve the legal affairs of the late Alice Drablow and selling her home located in a marshland, Eels Mansion. Kipps notices something is awry when a majority of the locals treat him rudely or ignore him completely. After arriving at Eels Mansion, he quickly realizes that he is not alone. Daily, played by Ciarán Hinds, is the only person willing to help Kipps as he attempts to work through the eerie sounds and shadows that seem to move. After a young girl dies in his presence, Daily informs Kipps of the string of child deaths that have surrounded the town and their relation to the Eels Mansion. Kipps then decides to take the fates of the town and his son into his own hands. “The Woman in Black” does a decent job of making its audience jump, but it lacks the original thrills needed to stick in a viewer’s mind. The film’s early 20th century setting adds an element of creepy to the story with a dreary atmosphere and subdued colors. Scenes receive an extra element of terror and loneliness as most scenes primarily take


“The Woman in Black” leaves viewers less than interested, similar to the acting of Daniel Radcliffe place in the Eels Mansion on the marshlands. The setting and scenery have the potential to add a unique sinister feel that is not frequently utilized. The effects are often nothing more than a chairs rocking with no one in them, shadows moving, or bumps and creaks. The sound effects are adequate and placed properly for optimum scares, but sounds are the only real scares the film has to offer. The use of a green screen is painfully obvious and leaves a bigger impression than the movie’s plot. Cheap, unoriginal thrills, like loud noises and ghosts jumping out of shadows, are the film’s main source of scares. The film’s reliance on these clichéd elements makes the uninspired


seem even duller. Radcliffe’s acting is satisfactory. His role seems like it would be more appropriate for an older actor, but Radcliffe succeeds overall in his first major film since the “Harry Potter” series. His role as Kipps is strong enough to show that he is talented and willing enough to break away from the role of Harry Potter. “The Woman in Black” has the opportunity to be a refreshing break from the bloody cliché horror movies have become, but the weak plot, inadequate effects and cheap thrills waste this potential. “The Woman in Black” is rated PG-13 for thematic material and violence/disturbing images.

Restauraunt Review: Christy’s Bakery By WILL SHECKLER Asst. Entertainment Editor

Christy’s Bakery was this week’s restaurant contender, but instead of storming the castle while all her units were ready to for battle I decided to try out her baked goods at dawn! Alright, not necessarily at dawn, but I did arrive at Christy’s right as the doors opened at 7 a.m. and I had never tried their breakfast. I entered cautiously because the place seemed slightly deserted this early in the mornJillian Boreing ing and was seated quickly. For a good 30 minutes The Morning Sunrise breakfast combo at Christy’s Bakery. or more, I was the only perThis is one of four breakfast combos on the menu. son eating which was nice. However, I was surprised which totaled $6. I can’t com- 10% off your meal. no one was coming in to eat plain since my food came out All the meals are under since the prices were very well cooked and surprisingly $10 and even though breakfair. Also, I loved their ra- quick. My French toast love fast ends at 11 a.m. you can dio preset of oldies music. A still goes out to Grandpa’s still order any time morning, week before this I came with Pancake House because it noon or night. a friend on a Thursday night was tastier, but the toast at Check out Christy’s and loved the music so much Christy’s was alright. Bakery this weekend for a that I started to sing out loud, The rest of the menu food special in celebration of only to realize I was disrupt- seemed pretty basic, just Valentine’s Day. ing the live performers pro- switching the main item on From Friday, Feb. 10 to gram. He was very good and the dishes. Tuesday, Feb. 14th, a dish comes every Thursday and The food sections range of herb crusted porkloin, a Friday for dinner. from biscuits, omelets, plates choice of 3 side items, a desSo this morning, I ordered and Christy’s breakfast sert and a beverage will be the French toast plate with special. $12.99 per person. scrambled eggs, two orders They do not have Tech of hash brown and a cup of discount, but if you have a coffee with unlimited refills smart card those will take off

• Wear hooker boots. • Make yourself look like you should be placed on a Christmas tree.

Listen online at

NEWS Page 6 | February 10, 2012

Air Quality CONTINUED from page 1

“We have tested for mold, volatile organic compounds, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, oxygen levels, relative humidity and temperature,” Clawson said. “We have also used other equipment for VOCs in general to help identify where the source is, but we haven’t been able to find any elevated levels throughout the building.” Clawson said he believes that one cause of higher levels of carbon dioxide is poor air circulation on the second floor. “There’s no mechanical air circulation on this end of the building,” Clawson said. “But, the other thing that goes along with that is that this floor hasn’t had a circulation system since its inception. We are not discounting that it is an issue, but it has been that way for over 30 years. “We haven’t found anything that had levels we didn’t expect to find. Oxygen was what we expected,

Search CONTINUED from page 1

“This University contributes in many different ways to the county, to the country, to the region and to the state.” Tech’s is the state’s only technological school and, according to its mission statement, is committed to enrich the lives of people and communities in the Upper Cumberland region of Tennessee. Humphrey said, “I am looking for someone that can represent Tech in many different situations, someone that is a great community leader, someone that can connect to the students on a personal level, someone that can represent Tech, even in a national sense.” While Kaye Loftis, committee support staff representative, said Tech needs “a really good leader” because the economy has brought on hard times. “It really does not matter what school they went to. I think we need someone

and for carbon monoxide, we haven’t found anything. I think it is difficult on a lot of levels because we could have some people who could say they have elevated carboxyhemoglobin in their blood.” After researching the issue, Clawson also said that the carboxyhemoglobin could have methylene chloride molecules, from products such as paint removers, attached to the blood cells instead of carbon monoxide. “Even though it tests one thing in your blood, it can also be mimicked by other things like methylene chloride,” Clawson said. “So when we heard that those findings were out there, I rented another piece of equipment that tested for methylene chloride.” However, according to test results, detection of methylene chloride has come up as less than 25 parts per billion. Testing will resume for now in the offices and classrooms so that a solution to the problem is found. “It’s a difficult situation because you want to find something, and if you can’t find something, it’s difficult

to say, ‘Well, maybe it’s not here’,” Clawson said. “I’m bothered by the fact that we can’t find something that explains why people are not feeling well.” Since November, several foreign language professors have temporarily relocated their offices and classrooms to the School of Nursing and Health Services building because of their students’ safety. Baker said, “I think it is difficult for all of those involved because half of the department is no longer even over at South Hall.” The Commission on the Status of Women, chaired by Hays, is planning to send out a campus-wide survey on building satisfaction and safety. Hays said, “This will be for faculty, staff and administrators. But we are going to try to get an online survey for students as well.” Baker said, “Students have a right to a safe, healthy environment.” For more information about the air quality lab results at South Hall, visit south-hall-iaq-results.

that has had leadership experiences, someone that has proven at the University,” said Loftis. “I want someone that has been more in the administrative experience.” TBR and search firm Greenwood/Asher & Associates Inc. have been accepting applications and nominees for Tech’s new president since September. Honor being on the Committee Humphrey said, “I feel like it is a really big honor and I don’t take this responsibility lightly. I know it is going to take a lot of time and commitment: I am only one of three students who was chosen to represent a student body of over 11,000, so I feel like, I want to really make sure that the student’s voice is heard.” Semmes said, “I made a choice a long time ago that I cared about the institution and I wanted to be at the table when there are important decisions being made and serving on the Search Committee is one way to do that.” Loftis said, “I am anxious to get into seeing who the applicants are, what their

qualifications are and to get started on the whole process.” The Search advisory Committee members are as follows: Emily Reynolds, committee chair and TBR board member; John Copeland, TBR board member; Lee Gatts, Student Government Association and TBR student regent; Julius Johnson, TBR board member; Robert P. Thomas, TBR board member; Corinne Darvennes, faculty representative; Carl Owens, faculty representative; Jeff Roberts, faculty representative; Paul Semmes, Faculty Representative; Ashley Humphrey, student representative; Morgen Cupp, student representative; Nathan Burton, alumni representative; Kaye Loftis, Support Staff Representative; Marc Burnett, administrative representative; Joe Albrecht, business community representative; Jean Davis, community-at-large representative; Steve Rains, community-at-large representative and John Rose, community-at-large representative.


ST 25


Brittany Anderson

Lauren Keeled and Ashley Bhegani, of Alpha Kappa Psi, the professional business fraternity, sell Candy Grams to Bassey Inameti for Valentine’s Day Feb. 7 in the RUC.


Brandi Campbell

Tech police officer, Chris Russell, writes an unsuspecting student a parking ticket.


Up to date campus crime information at:

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