The Oracle - Nov. 9, 2012

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Volume 96 | Issue 7 | Free in single copy | November 9, 2012

Students react to election results Election

By JUSTIN DUKE Beat Reporter


Tech students had mixed feelings as President Barack Obama was re-elected Tuesday. “I’m not really sure how the next four years will turn out,” Kara Young, senior, said. “I’m interested to see how the health care bill is going to pan out. I hope to see improvement in the economy and to see the unemployment rate decrease. I also hope that there is a little more cooperation between political parties. However, that just doesn’t seem likely. Hopefully there will be more focus on what this country needs as opposed to politicians working for their own selfish ambitions.” Sophomore Morgan Britt said, “I think the economy will be in a bit of bad shape, but it will get better. It’s going to take more than eight years to fix this country. But on the other hand, I feel like we’re working and will continue working progressively for more equal rights, no matter your race or your sexual orientation.” After the first polls closed, results started coming in to show how people were voting. Governor Mitt Romney started off with a pretty sizable lead over President Obama in the popular vote and took an early lead in the electoral votes by capturing Indiana, Kentucky and Georgia. At the time President Obama only had Vermont. The race began tightening up once more numbers from each state began to come in. After most of the eastern and southern states’ results came




Sigma Alpha Epsilon broke ground on a new fraternity house on Peachtree Avenue Nov. 4, putting the fraternity on Greek Row. The new location for the house was chosen because of a deal with Cookeville Regional Medical Center. The lot where the current SAE house sits on Seventh Street was traded for the new lot on Peachtree Avenue that CRMC previously owned. “When we saw the location of the lot that the hospital wanted to do a signing trade with us for it was a done deal,” Harrison Burdge, SAE treasurer, said. “We called our nationals and told them we were mov-


Barack Obama Mitt Romney

We are more than a collection of red and blue states. We are the United States of America. And with your help, and God's grace, we will continue our journey forward, and remind the world why we live in the greatest nation on earth.

I so wish that I had been able to M\SÄSS `V\Y OVWLZ [V SLHK [OL country in a different direction. But the nation chose another leader, and so Ann and I join with you to earnestly pray for him, and for this great nation.

Barack Obama Mitt Romney

BARACK OBAMA Acceptance speech

Designed by Will Housley

in, Romney and Obama were tied in the electoral votes 153153, with Romney leading in the popular vote. Romney won Tennessee with 1,450,595 votes. President Obama received 951,406 votes. Romney also won every county in Tennessee except for Davidson, Haywood, Shelby and Hardeman. Members of the media were expecting Romney to possibly take Michigan and Pennsylvania, which before had not been much of a factor for Romney. But once the voting results began to come in, there was hope for the Romney campaign. However, Obama won

both Michigan and Pennsylvania, putting Romney in a tough spot. With states such as California, Washington and Oregon going to Obama, Romney needed to win Ohio, Virginia, Colorado, North Carolina and Florida to have a shot at winning the presidency. Romney won North Carolina but lost Colorado and Virginia, which sealed his fate. Romney led in Virginia for most of the night, but toward the end votes for Obama increased and put Obama ahead to give him the win in Virginia. “I think that our economy will be much worse than it already is,” Ryan Young, senior,

said. “ObamaCare will pretty much ruin the medical field. Doctors will not be able to make enough money to cover their overhead, which will mean fewer jobs for the future nursing students and possibly the first time you see hospital cut jobs. Gas prices will be so high that the national class hierarchy will change drastically, meaning that the current middle class will drop into the poor class. The national deficit will increase and the unemployment rate will sky rocket. If it gets bad enough quick enough I say you could see a revolt within the country, especially if he tries to enforce gun

Burdge said the money comes strictly from alumni donations. The fraternity has guidelines to follow about how to get the money, but it is up to the fraternity to actually do it. For at least five years, the Tennessee Delta chapter has been donating $1,200 a month to the alumni association to start the building Jodi Lawrence process. SAE conducts a ground breaking ceremony for their new “We are having house, which is the result of an agreement with CRMC. great alumni involveing, and they helped us signed to mimic the ment, even all the way get it going. We raised other buildings at Tech, from our founding $230,000 in two weeks, will have living space members,” Noble Haland that was the start of for 14 members as well liburton, current SAE our money. Right now as a full kitchen, chapter president, said. “We are the plan is to start build- room and study room. already 70 percent toing in February and to Currently the house is wards our fundraising be done by the begin- expected to be valued goals, and we hope to at $600,000 and will be get the other 30 percent ning of October.” The future house, about 5,200 square feet soon.” which has been de- plus parking space.



Putnam County

SAE breaks ground on Greek Row By JODI LAWRENCE Beat Reporter




MITT ROMNEY Concession speech

control.” Florida and Ohio were the tightest races of the night. There were many lead changes in Florida between Romney and Obama, and in Ohio Obama pulled ahead of Romney early receiving 55 percent of the votes to Romney’s 44 percent. Romney closed the gap in Ohio as the night went on, and came within 2 percent of Obama. But Obama won Ohio 2,672,302 votes to Romney’s 2,571,539. President Obama won both the electoral votes and the popular votes. As of Wednesday, Obama obtained 303 electoral votes and 60,095,941 popular

votes. Romney received 206 electoral votes and 57,412,482 popular votes. Obama is expected to take Florida, which hasn’t announced a winner. A win in Florida will give him a total of 332 electoral votes. “The debt will have increased to even higher levels, the unemployment levels will have decreased due to government jobs, which is only a temporary fix and will ultimately exacerbate the problem,” Robert Griffin, senior, said. “Our status with foreign countries will have continued to deteriorate, weakening our world and economic strength.”

College of Interdisciplinary Studies works to implement master’s program By SUZI VAUGHN Beat Reporter The College of Interdisciplinary Studies is currently seeking approval for a master’s program in professional science in environmental informatics. “In July 2012, the School of Interdisciplinary Studies became a college and has recently added the School of Environmental Studies with a bachelor’s degree in environmental and sustainability studies,” Susan Elkins, vice president for extended programs and regional development, said. In addition to the new degrees offered, the Center for Protection of Water Sources has joined in the support to work with students pursuing an interdisciplinary studies degree. In 2002, the School of Interdisciplinary Studies was established offering a Bachelor of Science in interdisciplinary studies and in professional studies with two concentrations. Recently the college has added

two more concentrations, creating a total of four: organizational leadership, information technology, health administration and training and development. “Interdisciplinary studies is a create-your-own degree,” Tammy Boles, coordinator of programs adviser, said. “Some people take that the wrong way by thinking it has a negative connotation, and it’s just throwing a bunch of classes together. The degree is more than that.” Boles said the two concentration areas must complement each other because students are required to complete one project in order to graduate. “Interdisciplinary studies works well for students coming back to school, or for those who have decided to change majors,” Boles said. “Students who do not want to start over can use the field they are changing from as a concentration along with concentrating in the new field of interest without losing any credit hours.”

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Page 2 | November 9, 2012

Republicans need to learn from this loss JONATHAN KAULAY Opinion Editor

The election is now over, and Barack Obama will be the President of the United States for four more years. Despite all the Facebook status updates and Tweets saying we need to pray for our country because of the election results and warning us of an oncoming apocalypse because of Obama’s reelection, I still managed to get up this morning, shower using hot water, eat a 500 calorie biscuit from Hardee’s and attend my classes like normal. I have yet to see any ominous horsemen. The sky is not falling, nor are the rivers running red with the blood of the sacrificed. Things are pretty much normal. It is this type of overreaction from the right that cost Republicans the Senate and White House this time around, so perhaps they should tread carefully. When Republicans lost the White House in 2008, the backlash was extreme. Many hard right social conservatives grabbed seats in the House of Representatives and Senate because a ton of money was being poured into their campaigns by

disgruntled republican PACs. However, after this election, it is clear the nation is not on the side of extreme social conservatism, a side the Republican Party gets pandered to all too much by Republicans during election seasons. What we saw this election season was a backlash against this. We saw same-sex marriage legitimized in three states. Minnesota voted down an amendment to its constitution to define marriage as between a man and a woman. Tammy Baldwin beat Republican Tommy Thompson for Wisconsin’s open U.S. Senate seat to become the first openly gay senator. The president even mentioned gay rights in his victory speech. These are clear indications the nation does not agree with the extreme view that gay marriage should be banned, and when Republicans cater to this idea whether or not they actually believe marriage should be constitutionally defined, it hurts them during the election. Republicans also took a hit because of their views on im-


President Obama gives his victory speech in Chicago after Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney concedes the election. migration. Polls now consistently show Americans want to provide illegal immigrants with a path to citizenship, and it was the Hispanic vote that put Obama over the top to win this election. While Obama getting a second term is very important to me, he is not the biggest win-

It is time to pray for our country, leaders HALEY MULLINS Assistant Opinion Editor The election is finally over, and we will continue with Barack Obama as president. Many Republicans are feeling the pain of defeat and asking themselves if there was more they could have done. I too have found myself daydreaming about what Mitt Romney’s campaign could have done differently: exposing Obama’s lies about Benghazi or maybe simply just calling him out on childish behavior – Romnesia anyone? But as I thought about the “should have, could have, would haves,” I started to realize it was unproductive and useless. Instead, I started to realize I needed to accept the fact that Obama was going to be the President of the United States for four more years, and I am called, as a Christian, to pray for the leaders of my country. And that is what I intend to do, and I would urge you to do the same.


I may not agree with most of the president’s policies, but I do agree with the Constitution. The “tribe has spoken,” and Obama won. However, I am afraid he was elected on the ignorance of the Americans who actually voted and the ignorance of the people who chose not to vote. But at any rate, I will do as I am commanded and put my trust in the Lord Almighty and pray for the leaders of our country, even if I do not agree with who is sitting in office. I do know God can change the hearts of men if it is His will. I want to urge my fellow conservatives to not fall into the trap of name-calling and finger pointing. We must stand together as Americans (both Republicans and Democrats). We must see our neighbors in need and go to their aid, no matter whom they voted for. We have New Yorkers and people all along the Jersey shore who desperately need help.


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WILL HOUSLEY Editor-in-Chief DRAKE FENLON Managing Editor BRIDGETTE BUCHANAN Business Manager KRISTINA DYESS Sales Assistant EMILY HAILE Copy Editor JONATHAN KAULAY Opinion Editor HALEY MULLINS Asst. Opinion Editor ROSS HARVEY Sports Editor

JAMAL FERGUSON Asst. Sports Editor JACOB THREET Entertainment Editor LINDSEY GORE Entertainment Critic HANNAH BENJAMIN Entertainment Critic MELISSA EDWARDS Web Editor WILL SHECKLER Circulation Manager HOLLY COWART Faculty Adviser

Just as we are called to pray for our leaders, we are also called to help our neighbor! I urge each of you to take the high road, no matter what side of the political fence you are on, and stand together. We elected a president, good or bad, and now we must make the best of it. It is still the job of the people to make sure the government upholds the Constitution. Please, if you haven’t read it in its entirety, read it! We must continue to be diligent in our homework of what is happening in our government. We need to educate ourselves on policies being implemented and make sure government is following the law of the land – the Constitution. Just because the election is over does not mean it is time to stop doing our due diligence and turn back on “Honey Boo Boo.” Continue to keep yourself educated and informed. We are still a “government of the people, by the people, for the people.” America must honor God if America wants God to continue to bless America! Pray for our nation and pray for our leaders!

ner of the night. The biggest winners are civil rights for the gay community and Hispanics. Republicans will now have to consider lightening up on the suppression of Hispanics in the form of harsh immigration policy and outrageous laws if they eventually hope to win because they will need the Hispanic

vote to secure the White House. Republicans will also have to redefine their position on gay marriage because it has now been shown that public opinion has shifted, and gay marriage can be put to a vote and win. It should now be clear to Republicans that pandering

What’s on your mind? “The American people voted to go forward and not backward. We have elected a man who truly cares about our nation. President Obama came into office with an economy in free fall. Since taking office, he signed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, repealed Don’t Ask Don’t Tell, endorsed marriage equality, saved the American automobile industry, gave millions of Americans the chance to go to college, has overseen well over 30 straight months of private sector jobs, got the unemployment rate down to 7.9 percent, enacted financial reform and gave millions of Americans the chance to have affordable health insurance. My support of this president is wholehearted. He has our nation’s best interests at heart. I’m excited about what the next four years have in store for us.” - Shayne Wesley Bilbrey via Facebook


The GOP needs to change

Time for the GOP to reinvent themselves. They ought to focus on business topics such as unemployment, fiscal policy and so forth. They ought to give up the notion that taxes, homosexuality and religion are priorities because they can’t help but alienate a huge portion of voters. Gays are not a threat to traditional marriage, but the 53 percent divorce rate and all the collateral damages a divorce does to the average family is a threat. Religion ought to be shared to your church family, not pushed on everyone

around you. I realize “sharing the good word” is a big theme for most church groups. They must enlarge the membership. The median income based on tax returns is $50,000, and $250,000 is not considered “middle class” in the work-a-day world most people operate in. If they want more votes they need to appeal to the average person, not solely the Sunday morning goers and the investor class. The problem is politics today is so expensive that everyone wants to get the voters riled up over topics big and small, real and imagined, so folks will contribute to “save America” from the other



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1. Letters should not exceed 300 words. Commentaries should

Editor 931.372.3285 wahousley21@students.

to the extreme sects of their party is only going to hurt their chances when they take a run at the White House. Republicans need to reevaluate some of their positions and evolve, or we could be looking at a Democrat in the White House for years to come.

be around 500 words and include a picture. 2. Originality is required. Plagiarized works will not be considered. 3. For verification, letters and commentaries MUST include your name, e-mail address, home town and classification or title.

party. In order to include the maximum number of voters, what they’ve done is adopt the religious right, proclaim taxes to be a big hairy deal (and it is if you have a few million bucks of income, not so much if you make $52,000 per year), worry about the dusty topics of guns and abortion and roll out the notions that Barack Obama is Muslim, wasn’t born here and so forth. The GOP needs to call out or separate themselves from the conservative extremists and make them appealing to the work-a-day crowd. Let’s work together and resist those who work so hard to polarize America. Fritz Jackson via Facebook

4. Letters may not run in every edition due to space. 5. The Oracle reserves the right to edit for style, grammar, length and clarity. 6. Submissions must be received by 4 p.m. on Tuesday.

BEAT REPORTERS: Jared Anderson, Ashley Ayub, Mica Bilbrey, Brandi Campbell, Andrew Chaney, Kayla Clouse, Candace Cutlip, Danielle Davis, Justin Duke, Brittany Franklin, Chayce Gaw, Ryan Gibbons, Lindsey Gore, Hayley Greenhouse,

Callen Harrell, Drew Haston, Matthew Hill, Emily Homan, Dillon James, Travis Johnson, Jonathan Kaulay, Jordan Kerley,

John Lamb, Jodi Lawrence, Gerilyn Lemons, Lauren Luckhart, Kyle Martin, Shelby McDonald, Chandler Pecora, Ariel

Perry, Matthew Phillips, Will Sheckler, Jessica Smith, Karen Smith, Brittany Stovall, Kelsey Tack, Katie Vaughn, Suzi Vaughn

DISCLAIMER: The opinions expressed in this newspaper DO NOT necessarily reflect those of Tennessee Tech University’s employees or of its administration.


Page 3 | November 9, 2012

Tech Sports Hall of Fame inducts four new members By KATIE VAUGHN Beat Reporter

Jamal Ferguson

Marcus Edwards puts a hit on TSU QB Michael German. Edwards is one of the 18 Tech seniors to be honored tomorrow during Senior Day.

Tech football hosts OVC leader UT-Martin for Senior Day tomorrow By CALLEN HARRELL Beat Reporter

The Golden Eagle football team will host Senior Day, Military Appreciation Day and Scout Day at tomorrow’s game against the Skyhawks of the University of Tennessee at Martin at 1:30 p.m. “As seniors, we have all enjoyed a great career here together and we have represented Tech in a positive way,� Tre Lamb, senior quarterback, said. “It means a lot to all of us to play at Tucker Stadium for the last time this weekend.� The Golden Eagles have a tough challenge for their final home game of the season. UT-Martin is ranked No. 1 in the

Ohio Valley Conference with a 5-1 record in conference play and a 7-2 record overall. The matchup between these two teams Oct. 1 of last season was full of big plays and a dramatic finish that ended in Tech’s favor with a 34-31 victory. However, tomorrow’s game will have much more on the line. In addition to it being the Golden Eagles’ last home game of the season, the team is winless in OVC play so far with just one game left after tomorrow. It’s also a big day on campus honoring all of the senior football players, military members and scouts. “I’m looking forward to seeing my roommates play their last game at home,� Jake McIntosh, former line-

This week’s sports stories at a glance

Weekly Roundup Head Coach Davis, Tech women’s basketball begin journey

The Jim Davis era of Tech women’s basketball officially begins tomorrow as Tech takes on Tennessee Wesleyan College at 6 p.m. at the Hooper Eblen Center. Tomorrow’s game starts the quest for the 2013 Ohio Valley Conference championship. This is the first season at Tech for head coach Jim Davis and assistant coach Erin Batth. “I think we have all the pieces to have a great season,� senior Kylie Cook said. “We are so excited about the new coaching staff.� Tech took on Lee University Monday night in an exhibition game. It was a rough first half for Tech. Lee got off to an early lead for the first 10 minutes of the game until Tech took over. Tech played a clean first half, only committing

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backer, said. “It should be a fun day for friends, families and everyone in attendance.� The seniors who will be honored during the game include Jordan Adams, Slade Adams, Michael Baker, Hunter Beedle, Zach Bush, Marcus Edwards, Howard Griffin, Taylor Hennigan, Tremaine Hudson, Will Johnson, Tre Lamb, Tommie McBride, Caleb Mitchell, Matt Moran, Kedrick Towles, Adam Urbano, LaDarrius Verge and Zack Ziegler. After tomorrow’s game, the Golden Eagles will conclude the 2012 regular season in Clarksville visiting the Austin Peay State University Governors in an early game, kicking off at 11 a.m. For more information, visit

four fouls. There were many ups and downs in a game filled with 10 lead changes with Tech leading at the half 39-32. Sophomores T’Keyah Williams and Diamond Henderson both shined for Tech. Williams had a double-double, contributing 12 points and 11 rebounds, while Henderson led the team in scoring with 13 points. The game came down to a final 3-point shot from Kellie Cook to put Tech over Lee, winning the game 71-66. “We have a really good chance of winning it all this season.� Senior Kellie Cook said. “We are so excited and blessed to have the coaches and teammates that we have this season. The action starts at 6 p.m. with the men’s game following immediately after. This week’s Weekly Roundup features a story from Beat Reporter Ariel Perry.

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A crowd of 400, including many current student-athletes and a dozen members of the Hall of Fame, recognized the induction of Kenneth Fults, Janet HoltBaker, Randy Smith and Grant Swallows into the Tennessee Tech Sports Hall of Fame Nov. 2. “The highest honor that Tennessee Tech Athletics can bestow upon former student-athletes, coaches, staff and friends is induction into the Tennessee Tech Sports Hall of Fame,� Mark Wilson, athletics director, said. “Four very deserving individuals were inducted this past weekend that highlight the rich traditions of athletics at Tennessee Tech.� Frank Harrell, associate director of athletics, said, “The Sports Hall of Fame Committee is appointed by the president and includes alumni, former student-athlete alumni, faculty and staff from TTU and student representation. The Hall of Fame Committee operates under policies developed by the TTU Athletics Committee, which is also appointed by the president. Both are standing committees of the University. Inductions are held each year as part of the Homecoming festivities.� This year marked the 38th annual induction ceremony for Tech sports. A Hall of Fame dinner was held Nov. 2 to present the honorees with their plaques of achievement. The inductees were also recognized at halftime during the Homecoming game

Nov. 3 at Tucker Stadium. “I am always so proud of the nominees,� Harrell said. “We have a rich history of great student-athletes in many sports now.� According to TTUSports. com, Kenneth Fults was an AllAmerican on the Golden Eagle football team that won four consecutive Ohio Valley Conference championships from 1958 to 1961. Janet Holt-Baker was the OVC Player of the Year, team MVP and Academic All-America selection during her playing career on the women’s basketball team from 1998 to 2002. Grant Swallows was also an Academic All-America pick and set numerous school records as the quarterback of the Golden Eagle football team from 1998 to 2001. Randy Smith, a member of the tennis team in the ‘60s, returned to his alma mater to coach the men’s and women’s tennis teams for nearly 20 years and also served as a senior administrator in the athletics department. Harrell said each year, the Hall of Fame selection committee seeks names of nominees from the public. This list is supplemented by the Hall of Fame Nominating Committee. The deadline for submitting names for nomination each year is June 30. For information on nominating someone, please contact Mandy Thatcher at (931) 3723949.

ENTERTAINMENT Page 4 | November 9, 2012

Atlanta drama continues

What’s happening in Cookeville

By JAKE THREET Entertainment Editor

By HANNAH BENJAMIN Entertainment Critic

Kicking off “Bravo’s Big Premiere Week� last Sunday, the girls of the ATL are back and throwing shade around like it’s a hot potato. Since we left off last time on season four, Kim had a baby, got married and even got a spinoff show. NeNe divorced her husband Greg and landed a recurring role on “Glee.� Kandi found love again and started her sex toy line called “Bedroom Kandi.� Cynthia started her modeling school and finally got a backbone. Phaedra was working on becoming a mortician and owning her own funeral home. Oh, and Sheree was working on a nonexistent house, otherwise known as Neverland, and got fired. Season five starts off with NeNe, and we learn, as she says in her intro, “I have arrived, and the spotlight is on me, honey!� And she definitely grabbed that spotlight. Continuing her recurring role on “Glee,� she is also a supporting actress on the new hit NBC show, “The New Normal.� And if that wasn’t enough, she is still an Atlanta Housewife. NeNe is thinking about the idea of getting back with her ex-husband Greg, and boy does he want her back. He has a glimmer in his eye that has not been seen in awhile. I believe he truly wants to make things right and prove to NeNe he will do anything to win her love all over again. Success is a powerful thing, and I hope it doesn’t change NeNe from the real, hilarious woman she is. And if you didn’t know by now, she’s rich bitch, very rich. Kim, we learn, is

The No. 1 complaint from most people on campus is, “There’s nothing to do here!� But that’s simply not true. While Cookeville isn’t a huge metropolis, the community still strives to implement new happenings of all kinds. Here are a few things you can enjoy this weekend. ‘Cabaret’– This exciting musical, opened Thursday at the Backdoor Playhouse and is full of dance and pizzazz. The show runs at 8 p.m. Nov. 9, 10, 12, 13, 16 and 17, with a late show at 10 p.m. Nov. 15 and a 2 p.m. matinee Nov. 17. Tech students get in free with their Student ID. This production is Student Directed by Adam Combs, with Music Direction by Mendy Richards, and features Choreography by Stage One Dance studio owner Jennifer Dotson-


The ladies of “The Real Housewives of Atlanta� are bringing the drama and laughs Sundays at 8 p.m. CST on Bravo.

pregnant yet again. She’s a very fertile woman. While she is still an official housewife, we won’t be seeing as much of Kim this season. She did not film as much because she was pregnant and caring for her family. That makes me sad, as I will miss her trucker mouth and heavy cleavage. The audience is informed that Kim and her husband Kroy are not buying their dream home and are moving out because the owners increased the price last minute on them. Seven months pregnant and getting kicked out of her house, Kim still manages to look fabulous. Kim and Kroy are shockingly a perfect couple. They complement each other greatly and are wonderful parents to their four kids. As Kim stated in her intro, “I asked, believed and I received.� And that she did. She received her “happily ever after� life. Kandi is seen moving into her dream home. It is huge and I get lost in it just watching. We get to meet her boyfriend,







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Todd, and the pair is head over heels in love. Her “Bedroom Kandi� line is doing phenomenally, and she continues to write hit songs. It’s nice to finally see Kandi happy and smiling all the time. The girl has had her heartaches, but she deserves her happy ending! Phaedra and Cynthia are a snooze fest so far, and I really have comments about them. They need to get interesting quick before they get fired like Sheree. Nobody likes a boring broad on these Housewives shows, especially me! There are two new girls this season, Kenya and Porsha, and while we won’t meet Porsha until episode three, she is definitely going to bring the drama. Kenya starts off the show with attitude, sass and a mouth with no filter. Her intro tells it best: “I won Miss USA, not Miss Congeniality.� The girl isn’t afraid to mix it up with the veteran cast. At Cynthia’s model search, she let herself be known that she was not going anywhere. NeNe and Kim make this show, and without them it would have never become what it has. Those girls are comedy gold, and they know it. If one or both of them leave, I’m checking out of the ATL because it simply won’t be relevant anymore. The fifth season premiered to incredible ratings with more than 3.2 million viewers in its initial telecast. More than 5.8 million people tuned in for the entire night, making it the second most watched cable show Sunday. If the trailer at the beginning is any indication, hold on to your weaves because it’s about to get real in the ATL. “The Real Housewives of Atlanta� airs Sunday nights on Bravo at 8 p.m. CST.

Creter This production contains adult situations and language that may be objectionable to some audiences. The ART Prowl - The ART Prowl is Cookeville’s annual two day, free, mostly walkable tour through the West Side. Happening today and tomorrow, the historic West Side and its shops will be hosting activities, artists and cool demonstrations of all kinds. Many of the businesses will be offering specials just for mentioning the ART Prowl. More information on demonstration schedules and discounts can be found at www. ‘Annie’ - Also in Cookeville’s theatre community, the Cookeville Children’s Theatre will present “Annie,� the timeless classic of the little orphan who finds a home

with millionaire Oliver Warbucks. The show runs at 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9, 10, 15, 16 and 17 with a 2 p.m. matinee Nov. 10, 11 and 17. The Miss Fabulous Pageant - The second annual Miss Fabulous Pageant will take place tomorrow at the Cookeville Community Center. The Miss Fabulous Pageant was started last year by Cookeville High School student Madison Hill as a way for girls with disabilities to shine and build selfconfidence. This year, 50 girls are participating in the pageant with nearly 30 male escorts. The pageant begins at 10 a.m. Participants are asked to donate supplies for the Cookeville Animal Shelter, and those who are attending are asked to pay $5. The money generated will go to nonprofit organizations in Middle Tennessee.

‘Wreck-It Ralph’ demolishes box office By LINDSEY GORE Entertainment Critic

“Wreck-It Ralph� is an animated adventure movie that will appeal to all audiences but is nothing new when it comes to content. Ralph (John C. Reilly) has been the bad guy his whole life in the game Fix-It Felix, Jr. As the game is approaching its 30th anniversary, Ralph is tired of everyone in the game loving good guy Felix (John McBrayer). Ralph decides he will no longer be labeled a bad guy and sets off to win a medal to prove to everyone that bad guys can be good guys too. Ralph begins to “game jump,� which involves traveling from game to game via power cords in the arcade. He journeys into Hero’s Duty, where the objective is to kill hordes of bugs terrorizing a planet, but the game proves to be a little too much for Ralph to handle. He accidentally lands in the bubbly, candy-themed racing game Sugar Rush after causing chaos in Hero’s Duty, but Ralph unknowingly lets loose a threat that could take down the entire arcade. The film is one that will certainly appeal


Sarah Silverman and John C. Reilly contributed their voices in Disney’s latest animated feature, “Wreck-It Ralph.�

to gamers of all ages. Games from the ‘80s up to modern day first-person shooters are brought into the film. Characters from famous video games such as Street Fighter and Sonic the Hedgehog make appearances, and elements from popular modern games such as Halo are used. The film does not only appeal to gamers. The plot and animation are both quality elements of “Wreck-It Ralph.� The plot meets the usually strict Disney standards, and corners were clearly not cut in terms of animation. The colors are vibrant, and each character is carefully constructed to look just as unique as the last. One minor turnoff of “Wreck-It Ralph� is the movie’s predictability.

The film is not predictable in the terms of plot because there is a twist, but it is predictable in content. As with any Disney movie, there are inspiring moments, times for tears, a few intense scenes that are always resolved and of course there is a happy ending. The sacrifice of a surprising structure must be made in order to get the quality that Disney rarely fails to deliver. “Wreck-It Ralph� is a fun movie for gamers and non-gamers alike with quality animation and plot, but audiences should not expect Disney to step out of its comfort zone too much. “Wreck-It Ralph� is rated PG for some rude humor and mild action/ violence.

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