Tennessee Times Fall '15

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From the Desk of‌‌.

Tennessee State Director

Greetings! Tennessee Zetas, Amicae and Youth, thank you for your continued service. It is all because of you that we serve and are able to serve in the tremendous state of Tennessee. With this being the Year of the Undergraduates, as you peruse through the pages of this Tennessee Times you will read and observe the dedicated work and impact of some of our undergraduates in the various communities throughout Tennessee. As a service organization and state we continue to see the need and answer the call with countless dollars and hours by Building on the Principles of Zeta While Blazing New Path in helping other people excel. Keep up the good work Tremendous Tennessee! Yours in Service and Sisterly Love,

Donna R. Williams Tennessee State Director

Tremendous Tennessee SALUTES YOU Epsilon Alpha Chapter

Iota Upsilon Chapter

April 15, 1933 Tennessee State University

Rho Gamma Chapter

March 27, 2013 Bethel University

May 1968 University of Memphis

Gamma Nu Chapter May 28, 1985 Austin Peay State University

Pi Alpha Chapter

Kappa Gamma Chapter

April 13, 1939 LeMoyne Owen College

November 1966 Fisk University

Delta Iota Chapter

Alpha Mu Chapter

Omega Pi Chapter

November 25, 1978 University of Tennessee -Martin

August 23, 1982 Christian Brothers University

March 18, 2000 Vanderbilt University

Sigma Xi Chapter

Pi Epsilon Chapter

April 30, 1991 East Tennessee State University

October 10, 1974 University of Tennessee-Knoxville

Mu Sigma Chapter April 30, 2005 Tennessee Tech University

Mu Theta Chapter September 17, 1977 Middle Tennessee State University

Lambda Delta Chapter June 16, 1971 University of Tennessee-Chattanooga

November 21, 1968 Lane College

The Prestigious Pi Epsilon Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority Inc. The Pi Epsilon Chapter has been busy this year! The Sorors hit the books hard and received the Deans Fraternal Letter of Recognition for achieving a 2.75 and above chapter term G.P.A. at the NPHC and MGC Greek Retreat. At the 2015 Greek awards, Pi Epsilon won the Chapter of the Year Award and the Program of the Year Award. In the spirit of service, Sorors volunteered in the Walk to End Alzheimer’s. Sorors showed off their “Finer Women Don’t Haze” shirts in support of National Hazing Prevention Week. They participated in an open discussion with other councils on what is defined as hazing and the steps to prevent it. Pi Epsilon hosted a panel discussion in called #SayHerName. The discussion was centered around police brutality on Black women and the Black woman’s role in the #BlackLivesMatter movement. Panelists included professors as well as student leaders.

Sorors left to right: Amirah Anderson, Jerica Jackson, MacKinzie Washington, Paulette Johnson, Melanie Smith, Alexis Dabney, Arriana Sage, Maya Johnson, Tori Miller, and Deonna Williams

Nu Zeta is off to a good start this fiscal year! In May, we had one new addition to our chapter, Soror Jewel Shelton. We also participated in the annual March of Dimes walk and had a grand time. We are proud to say that we have 2 Sorors who are Zeta Organizational Leadership (ZOL) candidates, Sorors Dannitria Williams and Dr. Eboni Winford; where they learned some valuable information from their trip to Washington, D.C. in July. In August, we kicked off the year with our annual picnic; we enjoyed taking the time to be with each other since the summer break. In September, Nu Zeta and Pi Epsilon participated in a health fair at New Friendship Baptist Church to promote and bring awareness to the Go4Life campaign, which stress the importance of exercise and movement in older /elder adults. Two of our very own, Sorors Darneta G. Brown and Bonita Gilespie were featured in the Dove Notes (Article dated September 1, 2015) for opening Hildrith’s Place, which is an adult daycare facility in our Knoxville community. We also had Sorors to participate in Reignite Ambition Increase Self Empowerment (RAISE) with our adopted school, Vine Middle. RAISE awareness event was kicked off with volunteers within the community lined up in the halls welcoming kids to school. We thrilled that our Sorors can do positive things in the community! We cannot wait to dig into the new year with various events. We have been working hard for Zeta and are so excited to be hosting the Tennessee State Leadership Conference! We welcome our Sorors to the Big Orange Country!

Gamma Iota Zeta Chapter were hard at work before the close of the year. On May 30, 2015, the chapter, initiated its first Adopt-A-Highway clean-up, we are making sure that we are doing our part in keeping Tennessee beautiful. Several members attended the 86th South Central Regional Conference, in Birmingham, AL. The chapter participated in the Tennessee State fundraiser by donating a basket for the fundraiser. Zeta Dove,SororBarbara Echols was recognized with other Doves of the region and SororAwayne Williams received a certificate for 25 years of Service to the sorority. GIZ sent two kids, this summer to a technology camp for one week, where each child was able to gain valuable knowledge to help prepare them for the tech world. SororAwayne Williams is seeking ZOL Certification and attended ZOL Leadership training, July 9-11 in Washington, D.C. The chapter participated in the Minority Health Fair on August 22, 2014, by sponsoring a table on “Giving Babies a Healthy Start”Stork’s Nest. We are making plans to relaunch our Stork’s Nest soon. The Health Fair was a great success and we look forward to participating again next year. On Saturday, August 29, 2015, the chapter held its Zeta RoundUp! We had over 25 Sorors in attendance to listen to information on activities and events such as: FINER Friday events, Z-HOPE projects, Blue Revue 2016, Centennial 2020 and much more.GIZ is proud to welcome back five reclaimed sorors and welcome three transfer sorors. The chapter supplied our new Adopt-A-School:Dalewood Middle with supplies. We chose the school because it is a low performing school and we wanted to make a difference in the lives of these students, through tutoring, mentoring and just being a presence in the school. The eight grade teachers, all of whom are young African American men, two of them being members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., were very appreciative of our support.We are also proud to say that both the Principal and the Asst. Principal are members of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., as well. President Awayne Williams looks forward to seeing bigger and better things for GIZ as we remember that T.E.A.M means: Together Each Achieves More and more is exactly what we inspire to do through Scholarship, Service, Sisterhood and Finer Womanhood.

Rosemary Reynolds, Aszland Thornton, Ashley Hayes (Left to right)

The Epsilon Alpha Chapter action picture shows a few sorors after volunteering for the March of Dimes walk in Nashville, TN on April 18, 2015. The 2015 March of Dimes March for Babies walk highlighted the strength of families affected by premature birth, birth defects and the loss of a child, celebrate the strides we’ve made towards accomplishing our mission and applaud the fundraising efforts of our donors. Over 7,000 individuals came together at LP Field to support the March of Dimes. Community Service is important for many reasons. Taking part and volunteering teaches compassion and understanding. One of our favorite things about community service is that there are so many opportunities right in our very own campus community. You can volunteer for something you really believe and have an interest in, and can volunteer as much or as little as you'd like or have time for. Many students think that community service is just something you are forced to do through organizations. Some organizations do community service because they have to, but we do it because we want to. To us, community service is our way of giving back. We love making people feel as though they matter, and it gives us a warm feeling at the end of the day because we made a difference. Epsilon Alpha grows as a person each time we do community service. This year we plan to volunteer over 100 hours of community service at a local elementary. Where we will help children complete their homework assignments and spend quality time with them while their parents work late. We hope that this paper inspires you to go out in your community and make a difference.

Gamma Nu: Mentoring our Sisters at Austin Peay State University Gamma Nu Chapter at Austin Peay State University embarks on a new campus wide initiative to promote sisterhood, service, and finer womanhood. The “Sister2Sister” Movement (S2SM), created by the members of Gamma Nu with support from a $7,900 grant from Austin Peay State University E^3 initiatives, is a mentorship program for first year underrepresented minority collegiate women that provides monthly service activities, quarterly support group sessions, and a culminating week of events entitled Women’s Empowerment Week. During the culminating event Spring 2016, Gamma Nu will sponsor the 5th Annual Young Women’s Leadership Conference partnered with the APSU Diversity Committee and the Department of Political Science. Under the S2SM,members of Gamma Nu chapter serve as student mentors to program participants specifically to model the work ethic abilities that allow them as Zetas to maintain high scholarly aptitude, active engagement in community service, and support system development. As our Founder Viola Tyler Goings said, “There is a Zeta in every girl regardless of race, creed or color, who has high standards and principles, a good scholarly average, and an active interest in all things that she undertakes to accomplish,” and our S2SM encompasses the very spirit of this quote to help mentor women who may have interest in the principles of Zeta but are not members, yet.

Pi Zeta Chapter thoroughly enjoyed the 86th South Central Regional Leadership Conference in Birmingham, Alabama. Pi Zeta donated over 200 items consisting of snacks, Kleenex, soaps, lotions, beauty products, toiletries, etc. for the South Central Region Z-HOPE project: Urban Ministry’s “Meeting the Basic Needs for Youth”. Soror Ashley Pinkerton received the 2015 South Central Region Undergraduate Advisor of the Year Award! Friend/ Amicae Arlita Swanson was crowned as the Queen of Parade of Stars! We are excited about our next stop in Mississippi on “The Journey to Centennial”! Pi Zeta currently has members seeking ZOL Certification for the 2015-2016 sororal year. We are proud of them for taking the initiative to enhance their knowledge about the infrastructure of Zeta and to share their experiences with members who want to take their leadership in Zeta to the next level! Pi Zeta began this sororal year by partnering with Edgehill Community on August 4, 2015, in support of the “Edgehill Night Out Against Crime”. Members were responsible for playing BINGO with the residents and assisting wherever there was a need. Pi Zeta volunteered at the “Annual Pancakes & Puppets” event on August 15, 2015, at Matthew Walker Comprehensive Health Cente. Soror Carolyn Smith, our new Adopt-A-School Coordinator, organized a donation drive for John Early Museum Magnet Middle Prep School. We collected Kleenex, paper towels, Clorox Wipes, hand sanitizers, snacks for after-school tutoring, and other supplies request by the school. We supported the Family Tech Night. Also, we are collecting new undergarments for young ladies to supply John Early’s Clothes Closet. In an effort to keep the Nashville community engaged, Pi Zeta hosted two phone banking events at Goodwill Industries for the Davidson County Run-Off election on September 2, 2015, (beginning of the last week of early voting) and Wednesday, September 9, 2015, (day before the election). We thank the ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha-Kappa Lambda Omega Chapter for volunteering with us in our efforts to educate and encourage people to vote in the Mayoral election. Pi Zeta partnered with the Lupus Foundation of America, Mid-South Chapter (LFAM) to support the 17th Annual Walk to End Lupus Now on September 13, 2015, at Centennial Park in Nashville. Thank you to Soror Linda Thompson for spearheading this walk! Congratulations to Soror Candace Jones on her second book, Small Remnants of Me: Poems Inspired By Life Experiences Part II! She hosted her second book signing at Barnes and Noble. For more information about Pi Zeta Chapter, please visit our website: http://www.nashvillezetas.org/.

Building on the Principles with our Zeta Undergrads Rho Mu Zeta Chapter 2015 was the year of growth for Rho Mu Zeta. Such growth would not have been possible without the strong commitment of our graduating undergraduates from Gamma Nu at Austin Peay State University (APSU) who transitioned to our graduate chapter, Rho Mu Zeta. The sisterly commitment to staying engaged and active in service encouraged Soror Roya Marsh, Soror Chelsea Smith, Soror Christine Jones, and Soror Dewanna McClellan to matriculate to our graduate chapter upon their degree conferment from APSU. This is the largest number of matriculating undergrad to graduate chapter in Rho Mu Zeta’s recent history. The result was Rho Mu Zeta’s highest active enrollment numbers since its charter in 1999. The 37 women who called Rho Mu Zeta their Zeta home last sororial year demonstrated their zeal for service by completing 47 Z-Hope activities, raising and donating nearly $5800 for service projects and scholarships, and providing nearly 1,000hours in community service. Our Undergraduate turned Graduate members smoothly transitioned right into PMZ with contributing to service activities and proposing ideas for service. The value of their youthful zeal is a strong reminder that our very founders were such women: young co -eds with a voice and vision. Rho Mu Zeta celebrates the historically high matriculation rate of our undergrads to graduate chapter, and looks forward to another sisterly year bonding with our undergrads of Gamma Nu as they further

Sorors of Gamma Nu with sorors of Rho Mu Zeta at a joint service project

Alpha Mu chapter was chartered on the campus of Christian Brothers University on August 23, 1982. The Christian Brothers University holds true to its Lasallian traditions and Catholic values. This university stresses the motto “Enter to learn, Leave to Serve”. The members of the Alpha Mu chapter have been doing just that! The Alpha Mu chapter completed events such as a “Baby Shower Mixer” for March of Dimes, the March for Babies Walk, and Zingo. Members of the chapter also volunteered in the Fall Festival with the Neighborhood Christian Center, served at the St. Mary’s Soup Kitchen, as well as stepped in the Multicultural Festival at Egypt Elementary. Members of the chapter hold the principle of Service in high esteem. The principle was instilled in us from our illustrious sorority as well as our prestigious university. Members of the chapter plan to build on the principle of service, along with our other founding principles, as we continue to blaze new paths.

Volunteering and participating in Egypt Elementary Multicultural Fair

Members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, the Astounding Alpha Eta Zeta chapter, have been about the business of service this summer throughout the Greater Memphis community! On July 18th the chapter participated in the First Annual New Horizon Community Appreciation Day along with the UT School of Dentistry, Memphis Fire and Police Dept. and many other community organizations. The day provided those in attendance with the opportunity to receive free dental and health screenings, employment connections through the three employment agencies present along with information about our Stork’s Nest located in the apartment complex. Sorors shared information about our Stork’s Nest services and took referrals from expecting mothers. Bouncers, water slides, Hot 107.1, game trucks, BBQ hot dogs and hamburgers, snacks, and giveaways were also a part this wonderful day and made it a great success. Kudos to our very on Amica Keisha Carr, The New Horizon Apartments Manager for organizing this wonderful event! Members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Alpha Eta Zeta chapter of Memphis, TN held its Annual Health Fair and School Supply Give -A-Way in conjunction with Greater Mt. Moriah Baptist Church. During this great event, all in attendance were blessed with the opportunity to learn more about services offered in the Memphis and surrounding areas as well as help save a life through blood donations with Life Blood. School supplies were given to students in preparation for the upcoming school year. Sorors, Amicae, and our youth groups worked diligently alongside the church members to make this annual event one for the books once again!!!

Classy, Sophisticated, and more importantly, Scholarly, the Magnificent ladies of Mu Zeta Zeta Chapter of Bolivar, Tennessee is constantly committed to the Principles of our Sorority. They celebrated 35 years of Sisterhood, Scholarship, Community Services and Finer Womanhood. The chapter recognized their six phenomenal charter members during this spectacular event. Special guests were State Representative Johnny Shaw who presented the chapter with a State Proclamation for Outstanding Community Services to Hardeman County and Donna R. Williams, TN State Director extending greetings to guest. The chapter also hosted its biannual Scholarship Luncheon on Saturday, April 18, 2015 at the Bolivar Municipal Center, located in Bolivar, Tennessee. Each scholastic year, the chapter recognizes two commendable high school graduates from the surrounding areas in Hardeman County, Tennessee. The two honorees receive a scholarship of monetary value during their second semester of college. With honor, this year, previous recipients of the scholarship, expressed their gratitude for the scholarship by exemplifying service throughout the program. Keynote speaker was TN State Director Donna R. Williams. Nevertheless, it is the goal of Mu Zeta Zeta to continue to encourage, serve as scholarly advocates, and promote our youth to fulfill their individual and unique potential in life.

Chi Lambda Zeta Chapter continues the work of Zeta as we adhere to the National Initiatives such as: Elder Care Abuse Awareness, Prematurity Sunday Awareness, Stork’s Nest, March of Dimes- March for Babies, Finer Women Don’t Haze Campaign, Adopt-A-School, and Adopt-A-Highway) Chi Lambda Zeta Chapter is always working to move Zeta forward and willing to answer when Zeta Calls. We donate fans to the elderly during the summer months, feed the homeless and donate socks and blankets during the winter months. We volunteer at and contribute to the students at W.E.B. DuBois Charter School. We always make a sizable donation each year to the March of Dimes and serve as volunteers on the day of the March for Babies Walk in Memphis,TN. We tutor and mentor young ladies as part of the Kappa Days of Caring Saturday Tutorial Program throughout the school year. On March 14th, A Finer- Womanhood Observance Program was held where Soror/ Judge Earnest Hunt-Dorse served as the guest speaker and Soror April Jackson was named the 2015 Zeta of the Year. Soror Yalaunda Taylor explained what FINER Womanhood Observance meant to the members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. She along with Zeta Amicae of Bartlett President, Amica DeQuona Taylor the 2015 Amicae of the Year, paid homage to Charter member /Former Amicae Sponsor and Triumphant Soror Sonja Crumble. Soror Crumble had been named the 2014 Zeta of the Year and passed shortly, thereafter. She had served as an educator for over 20 years in the Memphis City Schools and was a graduate of Jackson State University. She was a firm believer in education, very loving and generous. She had a special place in the hearts of the members of Chi Lambda Zeta Chapter who saw it only befitting to name the annual scholarship in her honor. Her family was in attendance from Jonestown , MS and were well- pleased by the efforts of the Chapter and Auxiliary group to keep Triumphant Soror Crumble’s memory and legacy alive. We are growing Zeta every year and welcomed 4 new members in May. We congratulate and celebrate Soror Yalaunda Taylor and Soror Jaqueline Riddle for being “Silver Sorors” with 25 Years of Finer-Womanhood, Service, Scholarship, and Sisterhood.

Charlotte Ghoston – Alpha Eta Zeta Donna R. Williams – Alpha Eta Zeta Vicki Hammock – Chi Sigma Zeta Jocelyn Jones – Epsilon Alpha Awayne Williams – Gamma Iota Zeta Joyce Murphy – Mu Zeta Zeta Darneta G. Brown – Nu Zeta Dannitra Williams - Nu Zeta

Eboni Winford – Nu Zeta Lametric Bishop - Pi Zeta Ernestine Wilson — Pi Zeta Heather Brown - Psi Sigma Zeta Jerri Govan-Brengettcy - Psi Sigma Zeta Juanita Wilchie - Psi Sigma Zeta Cherryl Williams - Psi Sigma Zeta Fern Dantzler - Psi Sigma Zeta

2015 Zeta Military Appreciation Week Events Sunday, Nov 8, 2015 Partner with local places of Worship or other community events for participation in local Military Recognition Programs. Monday, Nov 9, 2015 Zeta Military Social Action Day Tuesday, Nov 10, 2015 Zeta Military Moment of Silence at 11am/ Military Related Zeta Day of Service Wednesday, Nov 11, 2015 (Veterans Day) Wreath laying/Women Veterans Rock Rally Thursday, Nov 12, 2015

Military Related Zeta Day of Service Friday, Nov 13, 2015

Military Related Zeta Day of Service Saturday, Nov 14, 2015 Close-out of Military Appreciation Week, by giving “Shout-Outs� to participating Chapters by displaying pictures or videos of events that Chapters have conducted and/or participated on the National Military Facebook Page .

Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. Partnering with the March of Dimes are please to announce the re-opening of Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter Stork’s Nest! Purpose of Stork’s Nest • Encourages regular prenatal care  Promotes healthy pregnancies • Provides participation incentives for expecting mothers Stork’s Nest New Horizon Apartments 3644 Duchess #1 Memphis, TN 38116 Hours of Operations and Registration: Tuesdays, 9a.m.-2p.m. Wednesdays, 9a.m.-2p.m. and 4p.m.-7p.m. Second Saturday, 8a.m.-12p.m. Contact: 901-348-9254 (office) Email: ahzstorksnest@gmail.com

Be a part of the vision! Join us as we Journey to Centennial! We need your help by becoming involved in the 2020 Visionaries campaign, the official and primary fundraising campaign for the Centennial Celebration.  Please visit the official Zeta Phi Beta Centennial website at www.zphib2020.com to become a 2020 Visionary. Please spread the word to all sorors! Note: You do not have to be an active member to participate in the 2020 Visionaries campaign.  If you have already created your 2020 Visionary account AND made a contribution, THANK YOU! If you made your first $50 donation or made contributions to reach any donor level, you will receive your base pin and/or other benefits . Please note that other benefits kick in once you have reached the Charter Donor contribution level which is $250. Information regarding donor levels is on the Centennial website at www.zphib2020.com.  Connect with us on social media. Be sure to like the “Journey to Centennial” Facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/ZPhiB2020  Soror Lametric Bishop (Pi Zeta Chapter) will be serving as your Tennessee Journey to Centennial Coordinator. Please contact her via email at lametricb@gmail.com if you should have any questions regarding the Centennial Celebration or the 2020 Visionaries campaign.

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