Toasted Tidings April 2014

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Vol 9 Issue 3 April 2014

CLUB No.2910



THE VISIONARY LEADER A sneak peak into our leader’s life– PAGE 12




Publisher Editor

TM Williams Antony TM Samanthi Gamage

Proof Readers

TM Sarita Jacob TM Rukhsana Khan

Qatar Toastmasters Club Office Bearers 2013-2014

Page 2


Page 3

President's Message

Page 4

We are the world

Page 5

QTM on top


TM Williams Antony

Page 6

Champions of Qatar Toastmasters Club

VP Education

TM Thomas Joseph

Page 7

Glimpse of Area 18 Annual Conference

VP Membership

TM Jayaraj K . R

Page 8


Page 10

Rome was not built in a day

VP Public Relations TM Samanthi Gamage

Page 12

The Visionary Leader- Cover Story


TM Biju Mathew

Page 15

What they say….


TM Saad Ghosn

Page 22

This is how we roll…

Page 23

Get to know me

Sergeant at Arms

TM Eranga Wijeyawardna

Page 28

It's Never Too Late- By TM Cipriano

Page 29

It's Now or Never- By TM Fathima, CC

Page 31

Hall of Fame

TM Jais Thomas


Mission of a club





We provide a supportive and positive learning experience in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills, resulting in greater selfconfidence and personal growth.

From the Editor’s Desk Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to high sights, the raising of a person’s performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations. —Peter Drucker

If you remember the days that you learnt to walk, gathered letter by letter to read a word or even the effort you took in holding a fork and a spoon to eat from the dinner plate….. How many times did you fall? How many times did you make mistakes and read a wrong word? How many times did you drop the fork and spoon? I remember some of these moments, except the times I walked and the results of such occasions, how disappointed and discontented I was. Every time when I failed and every time when I wanted assistance there was someone behind me – my parents, my aunt and even my teachers. They were my heroes and my true leaders! Time passed by and I moved my steps from home to the society. Learning to walk along the right path, with right skills and attitudes was my next objective. I learnt many theories and did experience much ; thereby collecting a vast knowledge and skills to be successful in life and career. However, I understood the importance of improving the art of communication which makes the difference in the world. Therefore, I started the journey of Toastmasters! If I could spend time to improve my speaking, thinking, listening, and responding skills at once, it was only at the Toastmasters with positive response to the roles which I took up at meetings. Toastmasters International - Where Leaders are Made, is a place where anyone can learn to develop confidence and Real World Transferable Skills to succeed in the very competitive world.

A leader in Toastmasters gathers information, then analyzes, interprets and understands it before acting. A mentor recognizes an individual who has less experience and cultivates that person’s potential and talents and helps him or her succeed.

These heroes are the helping hands and parents of the club who assist and guide the other members to reach their destinations through Toastmasters.

Samanthi Gamage Vice President Public Relations

President’s Message Dear members of Qatar Toastmasters Club, It is a great honor for me to lead one of the most vibrant clubs in Qatar. When I took over as the President for the term 2013-14, I considered it as a privilege, but at the same time I knew that it was a great challenge to be in a seat occupied by great leaders who built the club. Effective leadership is not about making speeches or being liked; leadership is defined by results not attributes. Qatar Toastmasters Club has been built by steady and strenuous efforts of leaders with sheer dedication, determination and hunger for excellence. The strength or caliber of an organization is determined by the leaders in its ranks and we are proud to have great leaders like Past International Director, DTM George Thomas, current Lieutenant Governor (E&T) District 20, TM Subha Sarma Anupindi, current Area 12 Governor TM Thayalan, DTM Shoaib Kasim, DTM Mohan Varghese, DTM Raghavan, DTM Virendranath and many more. The latest to join the bandwagon is current Area 18 Governor TM Juttas Paul. A visionary leader who believes that everything is possible if one has the vision and courage to achieve it. This year he created ripples among the Toastmasters fraternity in Qatar when he achieved his vision of chartering the first Arabic Community club ‘Tamim Toastmasters’ in Qatar. I believe that “it is not the position that makes the leader; it is the leader that makes the position”. We are also proud to have champion speakers like TM Koka Prasad and TM Nevine Kamel as our members. This year we bettered our own record by becoming the first club in Qatar to achieve 10/10 DCP Points and also Presidents Distinguished Club status on 16 March 2014. During the Area 18 Conference on 04 April 2014 our club was adjudged as the Best Club in the Area. We also won many other awards. We created another record when 4 of our lady members won all the 4 speech contests and will be representing the Area at the TAC-Q 2014. We are repeating this feat for the 3rd year in a row. I often wonder as to what is the secret of the success of our club? The answer is quite simple - just like the success of any organization is its workforce; similarly the success of our club is our “Members”. I am very fortunate to have joined a club bubbling with passionate Toastmasters who inspire and motivates other members to bring out their best. In such an environment I am sure that a member has only one option ‘to go up the ladder’. I would like to sincerely thank all the members for contributing to the success of this great club. Remember— members might come and go, but Qatar Toastmasters Club is there to stay. Regards, Williams Antony President Qatar Toastmasters Club 2910 Area 18, Division E, District 20

WE ARE THE WORLD Qatar Toastmasters Club is proud to have representatives of

14 countries as its members. A true image of Unity in Diversity is presented by the members of this great club.













Qatar Toastmasters Club is the only club in Division E that has been winning all the contests at the Area Level consecutively for the past 3 years and this year there is yet again a “First”. For the very first time in the history of Division E ladies will represent Qatar Toastmasters and Area 18 in all contests at the Division Level. Qatar Toastmasters Club Area Contest Results Speech Contest Year

International First Place

Humorous First Place

Evaluation First Place

Table Topics First Place


Nevine Kamel

Shaikha Al Nassr

Belinda Yare

Rukhsana Khan


Koka Prasad

Aloris Dias

Nevine Kamel



Nevine Kamel

Thomas Joseph


Nevine Kamel


2013 — 2014

2012 — 2013

2011 —2012


2009 —2010






Nevine Kamel

Belinda Yare

Seymur Rasulov


Shaikha Al Nassr

Nilesh Oturkar

Belal M Khan


Belinda Yare

Nevine Kamel

Jais Thomas

Table Topics

Rukhsana Khan

Nevine Kamel

Samanthi Gamage


Koka Prasad

Clarivic Vistal

Nevine Kamel


Aloris Dias

Nevine Kamel

Thomas Joseph


Nevine Kamel



Table Topics

Rayhanul Islam


Nevine Kamel


Nevine Kamel

Mai Sharief

Thomas Joseph


Thomas Joseph

Mohamed Aklan

Nevine Kamel



Rukhsana Khan

Nevine Kamel

Table Topics

Mohamed Aklan

Edmund Chapman

Nevine Kamel



Ashokan PV

Vimalkar TK


Ashokan PV

Belal Khan

Allain Stiven



Edmund Chapman

Ashokan PV

Table Topics

Edmund Chapman

Mohamed Aklan

Juttas Paul


Koka Prasad

Williams Antony

PV Ashokan


Williams Antony


Rajesh Nair



Siva Raman

Abdul Kareem

Table Topics

Edmund Chapman


Sunny Mathew





DTM George Thomas for 2nd Vice President It is with great pride we announce that our founder member DTM George Thomas has been nominated as a candidate for 2nd Vice President for Toastmasters International. He is an active Toastmaster since 1996. He served as District 79 Governor, led the District to President’s Distinguished District status and registered the highest growth in membership and retention during the year. He served as Region 11 International Director for the 2011-2013 term. (

We wish him all the best!

Under the leadership of DTM Saquib Raza Khan as the Division Governor, Division E became the first club in the entire District 20 to attain the President’s Distinguished Status on 14th March 2014.

Area 18: The First President’s Distinguished Area

Under the leadership of TM Juttas Paul Area 18 was the first area in the entire District 20 to become the President’s Distinguished club.

Qatar Toastmasters: The First Club to achieve 10/10 DCP points in Division E Qatar Toastmasters Club created another record when it achieved 10/10 DCP Points on 16th of March 2014. So far we are only club in Division E with this amazing. (Click below to see how we did it)



Qatar Toastmasters Club has a long history of achievements. We are consistently achieving the President’s Distinguished status since past 10 years.

QTM rocks at Oryx Awards! Qatar Toastmasters Club wins 5 awards at the Area 18 Oryx Awards in the category of Best Club President, Best V P Membership, Best Club, Best Newsletter and Best Educational Achiever Award for TM Seymur Rasulov.

Best Club President– TM Williams Antony

Best V P Membership– TM Jayaraj

Best Newsletter– TM Samanthi Gamage

Best Club– Qatar Toastmasters Club

Best Educational Achiever– TM Seymur


Rome was not built in a day– A walk down the memory lane Rome was not built in a day — A walk down the memory lane It is said that “Rome was not built in a day” and the “Pyramids were not built by one person”. The same goes with Qatar Toastmasters Club, the epitome of Toastmasters in Qatar. A club built by many dedicated, determined and passionate Toastmasters. The Editorial team of Toasted Tidings walked down memory lane, to remember the leaders who have led the club to its achievements, since its inception in the year 1997.

Executive Committee Members

Year Mentor

Past President


VP Education

VP Membership

VP Public Relations



Sergeant At Arms

Albert Rosario

1997— 1998



Judith Britten / Frank

George Thomas

Frank Banaynal

Mubarak Dr. Ali El Al Khulaifi Bahrawi


1998— 1999


Frank Banaynal

George Thomas

Francis Seles

Dr. Ali El Bahrawi

Joanne Dandres

Mariam Sequiera

Ramesh Abel RoSubrama- sario nian

1999— 2000

Frank Banaynal

George Thomas

Dr. Ali El Bahrawi

Mohan Varghese

Moza Al Malki

Eustace Menezes

Josephine Manoj Soriano Menon

Abdulla Kutty Haji

2000— 2001

Frank Banaynal

George Thomas

Mohan Varghese

Ommen K Medhen John Tedla

Prakash GK

Mohd. Shoaib Kasem

Timothy Viegas

Anthony Peter D’Souza

2001— 2002

George Thomas

Mohan Varghese

Ommen K Medhen John Tedla / MM

Mohd. Shoaib Kasem

Felix Chacko Thomas

Sankara Narayanan R

Deviah NT

2002— 2003

Mohan Varghese

Ommen K Prakash John GK

Annamma Mohd. Mani Shoaib Kasem

Subha Sarma Anupindi

JS Paul

Mohammed Nazeem

Karthikey an P

2003— 2004


Ommen K Annamma John Mani / Mohd. Shoaib

Mohd. Shoaib Kasem / Sudhir

Karthikey an Palani

Rashed Noman

Ashok G Kamat

Haridasan Ravi NelShetty lacherry

2004— 2005


Mohd. Shoaib Kasem

Sudhir Pandra

Karthikey an Palani

Jose Kurian

Ashok G Kamat

Haridasan Krishna NelNagaralacherry jan

PB Shaji

2005— 2006


Sudhir Pandra

Karthikey an Palani

Haridasan Ashok G NelKamat lacherry

Krishna Nagarajan

Sandeep Kumar

Subramanian S

Subha Sarma Anupindi

Lewis Jesudasan


Rome was not built in a day– A walk down the memory lane Rome was not built in a day …….continued from page 8 Executive Committee Members

Year Mentor

Past President


VP Education

VP Membership

VP Public Relations



Sergeant At Arms

2006— 2007


Karthikey an Palani

Haridasan Subha Nellacherry / Sarma Jose Anupindi Kurian

Lewis Jesudasan

Kumara Badugae / Abdul Razak Palakkal

Subrama- Kabeer nian S

K Thayalan

2007— 2008


Jose Kurian

Subha Sarma Anupindi





Rajesh Nair

Kale Rao/ MA NP Sahoo Aexander

Srirthan / Raghunathan

2008— 2009


Subha Sarma Anupindi

Lewis Jesudasan

M.A. Aexander

N Prasad Sahoo

Edmund Chapman

Raghavan Juzar NV C.M.

Mohamed Faizal

2009— 2010



M.A. Alxander

Raghavan Williams NV Antony

M Abdul Kareem

Shrikant Seludkar

Baiju K


2010— 2011


M.A. Alexander

Koka Prasad



Krishna Moorthy

Williams Antony

Rukhsana TK Khan Vimalkar

2011– 2012


Koka Prasad



Krishna Moorthy

Manzoor Juttas Mohamed Paul

Mary Jay- Mohamed Thomas aweera Aklan Joseph

2012– 2013



Juttas Paul

Williams Antony

Rukhsana Thomas Khan Joseph

Rehab Sharief / Samanthi Gamage

KR Jayaraj

Rayhanul Islam / Mahesh Gowda

2013– 2014

Raghavan Juttas N.V Paul

Williams Antony

Thomas Joseph

KR Jayaraj

Biju Mathew

Saad Ghosn

Eranga W/ Jais Thomas


Samanthi Gamage

Sunny Mathew P


Manzoor Mohamed


The Visionary Leader: Cover Story By TM Thomas Joseph, CC

I joined Qatar Toastmasters Club in 2011 and within three months I was absorbed into the Ex-Com as the sergeant at arms. During this time I met an unusual man. He was the Vice President for Public Relations. He had an uncanny aura to himself. He seemed not to be happy doing things the usual way thus he took it upon himself to raise the standards in whatever he did. Our senior members testify that it was him who revamped and revitalized the Qatar Open Youth Public Speaking Championship conducted by the club since 1997 when he became the Qatar Open Chair in 2011. Since then Qatar Open has been growing stronger and bigger year by year. This man or (shall I say superman) is called Juttas Paul. He is truly a visionary leader. He is a leader who dares to dream big, who inspires others to pursue excellence and someone for whom “good enough is not good enough”. Juttas Paul was born in Mutholapuram, a small village in Ernakulam district of Kerala, India. He has a younger and an elder sister and being the only boy was surely mama’s favorite and the naughty one. He did his schooling in Kerala and got a Bachelors in Mathematics and an MBA in International Business. His pursuit of excellence began at a young age as he acquired various professional qualifications such as PG Diploma in Computer Applications, Certified Enterprise Architect, CGEIT, CISM, ITIL, MOFF and FCP. He got married in 2007 and has three sons and a daughter. I cannot help but mention that their names all begin with “J”. Jerome, Johan, Joshua and Joana keep their little home alive at all times. It is said that if you want to get something done, give it to the world’s busiest man. Father of four, Head of IT systems in Al Jazeera, Area 18 Governor, countless involvements in other professional and expatriate forums but you would never hear him say “ I AM BUSY”. There is a Japanese saying that “If someone can do it, I must do it and if someone cannot do it, I must definitely do it”. Well in his case he does the latter part a lot, which was evident during Qatar Open 2012 which saw the highest amount of sponsorship raised for this event to date. I personally was petrified when he disclosed the budget but I couldn’t see even a drop of sweat on his face. It may come as a surprise to you that one fine day his boss told him that “you are doing excellent in your professional work; however you need to improve your presentation skills moving forward”. He looked for opportunities and eventually joined Toastmasters, though he jokes that initially he thought there would be a lot of toasts. Well let’s raise a toast to his boss for giving us this great gift. Speaking of his recent endeavor, the biggest Area conference in the history of Division E, I asked him why so 12

The Visionary Leader: Cover Story much effort for an area contest? To which he replied “It is not about the Area Conference; I wanted to achieve two goals… First, I want people to realize that in every position you hold, there are lots of opportunities for you to work, perform and improve. We should not look at what people used to do and just continue doing so. We should look at what your limits are and try to explore it to the fullest potential. Second, I want to emphasize that our dream is our limit. Nothing else can stop us from doing things or getting things done. I hope this will encourage at least a few people to dream big in Toastmasters as well as in their personal & professional lives, to achieve higher goals.” I couldn’t agree more with him. Area 18 Conference was not a showoff, it was a showcase. A showcase of ambition, talent, hard work and excellence. It is said that if your dream does not scare you, it’s not big enough, but Juttas Paul doesn’t agree with this. He says, “I never felt scared. It is my passion to take up things that are very challenging. Be it in professional life or anywhere for that matter. I have taken up things even when I had no clear understanding about how it will work, but an inner calling telling me that ‘yes you can’. When you push yourself out of the comfort zone and walk that extra mile you achieve great things.” Upon asking how he felt about his journey as the Area 18 Governor he said, “It was a good opportunity to interact with all Toastmaster leaders in Area 18 and Division, which was a learning experience for me. It also provided an opportunity to venture out to new fields such as colleges, universities, Arabic community, etc. and introduce Toastmasters to them. Personally I earned many more friends too. It was a good experience letting more people know about Toastmasters and when they realize the benefits, they embrace it.” Man with the plan? No, not Juttas Paul as he claims that he did not come to Toastmasters with a plan. He took

Above: Sons of TM Juttas Paul from Left: Jerome, Johan and Joshua


The Visionary Leader: Cover Story things as they came. He says, “I have learned a lot from Toastmasters and hence I am obliged to give it back at every opportunity available. Also my Toastmaster journey is just in the beginning stage, there is much more to learn and progress.” With so many things on his plate are you wondering how his wife and kids bear with him? Then you must do what I did; pay a visit to his home. I was playing with the four little J’s as I waited for our Area Governor at his residence last week to get this interview. As soon as the doorbell rang three little J’s abandoned me and bolted toward the door to welcome their Big J. Big J puts down his laptop bag on the chair, takes his 6 month old J in his arms and pats her back as he asks all the three boys about their activities since morning. He listens carefully to each of them with a sincere smile. I was thinking to myself if this man just came back from work or a vacation? It was one of those moments in your life when you are reminded that “Life is beautiful”. TM Juttas Paul steps down from the Governorship for Area 18 on 30 June 2014 but his legacy will live on for his successors to carry forward. Finally, do you want to know who inspired Juttas Paul the most? Let me put his answer this way, leaders are not always made. Sometimes they are born... Juttas Paul: The Visionary Leader

Above: TM Juttas Paul and his family 14

What they say….

George Thomas, DTM is the Immediate Past International Director and one of the charter members of Qatar Toastmasters Club. He is the CFO for Intertec Qatar and advisor to the Chairman.

Q1: When and why did you join Toastmasters? I joined toastmasters in 1996 as charter member of the first club in Qatar – Doha Toastmasters. Initially there was no particular reason for joining. I was impressed with the demo meeting and decided to join. It was for meeting friends and to have some change from the routine activities. I always believed that learning never stops. Another intention of joining toastmasters was to learn and improve myself.

Q2: How have you grown as a communicator and leader since you joined Toastmasters? I could hardly speak in public when I joined toastmasters. My personal communication was also very weak. I have improved by leaps and bounds after joining toastmasters. But I used to take leadership roles from my school days. In the college I was elected as the Commerce Secretary. So I decided to pursue my passion – leadership. I grabbed all the leadership opportunities that came my way and thus could become a leader at international level within a reasonable time. Toastmasters is not just only about communication and leadership. It is about improving ourselves – personally, professionally and socially, and becoming a better human being.

Q3: What do you like best about Qatar Toastmasters club? Qatar Toastmasters Club is a well-balanced club with the right mix of old and new members. I admire the leaders produced by us who are upholding the core values of Toastmasters International, viz; Integrity, Service, Respect and Excellence. It is really heartening to see our members dominating the toastmasters activities in Qatar and in our District. Q4: What have you done in Toastmasters to gain leadership experience? I have taken on all the leadership opportunities that came my way. Most of the time without knowing what is to be done. You need to do your best in whatever you do in order stretch yourself and bring out the best in you. If you do that in all the roles you take, you will excel.

Q5: What do you tell your friends and family about Toastmasters? Toastmasters is the place where you learn by doing. It is the place where you are a student and a teacher, a leader and a follower, a master and a servant, a mentor and mentee, a speaker and an evaluator. You can choose the pace at which you want to progress. You can choose the goals you want to accomplish in communication and leadership – The World Champion of Public Speaking or The International President.


What they say...

Raghavan Menon, DTM is the Immediate Past Assistant Division E Governor for Marketing. He is the Operations Manager at Intercol Communication W.L.L Qatar and current Club Mentor for 2013-2014.

Q1: When and why did you join Toastmasters? I joined Toastmasters in 2008 after attending a Speechcraft program conducted by Qatar Toastmasters Club. I joined Toastmasters to primarily to improve my presentation skills which is essential to perform my duties in my job. But I’m happy to tell you that I ended up learning much more than that.

Q2: How have you grown as a communicator and leader since you joined Toastmasters? My friends & well-wishers say that there is a marked improvement in me as a communicator & leader since I joined Toastmasters. Leadership roles in the Club, Area & Division levels, as the Mentor for members & Clubs, as Coach for sick clubs & as Sponsor of new clubs are some of the leadership roles that I have enjoyed over the past 5+ years. Thanks to the leadership lessons I learnt in Toastmasters, currently I occupy a responsible position of the Chairman of KEF, an organization of 500+ Engineers of Indian origin who are working in Qatar. For all these leadership roles, good communication is a must. Therefore, I believe that I have grown as a good communicator as well since I joined Toastmasters. Q3: What do you like best about Qatar Toastmasters club? With more than 14 nationalities as members, the multinational & multicultural atmosphere and the abundance of positive energy flowing during the meetings make me feel that the 2.5 hours we spend every fortnight at Qatar Toastmasters’ meetings are not enough. I have seen many members not going home immediately after the meetings. They stay back in the hall, exchanging ideas & opinions with their fellow Toastmasters. That shows the love & enthusiasm of our members towards our Club & our members. What I love most about Qatar Toastmasters is this fellowship among our members. I’m sure this is the spirit of Toastmasters & the objectives with which the Founder Dr.Ralph Smedley started this great organization. Q4: What have you done in Toastmasters to gain leadership experience? I do not know what I have done to gain leadership experience. It would be better if I say everything fell in place. All my Mentors especially, our current LGET-District 20 & the then Club President when I joined Qatar Toastmasters Club, TM Subha Anupindi has played an important role in guiding me & sharing her knowledge whenever I needed. In my opinion, there are plenty of leadership opportunities up for grabs in the Club, Area or Division levels. You must grab the opportunity when you spot it.

Q5: What do you tell your friends and family about Toastmasters? As my wife says, even if I’m sick & bedridden the whole day, come 6 PM on a Toastmasters meeting day, I get up from the bed , wear the coat & there I go. She is right. Even I do not know how that happens. I get some extra power to go for Toastmasters meetings even if I‘m not well. I’m sure all my fellow Toastmasters must also be feeling the same. Whenever I get an opportunity, I tell my friends & relatives to experience Toastmasters. This is because I want my friends & relatives to experience the goodness of Toastmasters that I have experienced. I have proudly displayed the Distinguished Toastmasters plaque in my office as well as “DTM” is printed on my business card. I’m proud to be a Toastmaster.


What they say...

Virendranath, DTM is one of the veterans of Qatar Toastmasters Club. He works for LIC and is also a member of Million Dollar Round Table.

Q1: When and why did you join Toastmasters? I joined Toastmasters in 1996 at Abu Dhabi Chapter. I heard about toastmasters from a friend of mine and was instantly intrigued into finding out more. Q2: How have you grown as a communicator and leader since you joined Toastmasters? It was a great learning experience for me. The evaluations which I received from my evaluators, tips from my mentors have helped me to improve my communications skills- this has greatly helped me in my profession and in my day to day life. By taking various leadership roles in club excom to becoming Area Governor and PRO of Division E I have grown in stature. I am able to contribute to my profession and my community. The very fact that I was MDRT Chairperson for Qatar for 3 years and a member of Executive committee of Indian Business Professional Next group is the testimony of benefits I received by being a toastmaster. Q3: What do you like best about Qatar Toastmasters club? The way the meetings are conducted, the opportunities given to its members to speak and take up roles, composition of members of different countries above all the team work which is there. I liked that most. Q4 : What have you done in Toastmasters to gain leadership experience? The leadership positions I have taken at the club, the area and the division plus the opportunities I got at the club, area and Division events. Also my contribution to the club, area and Division activities has helped me to gain a great deal of leadership experience by which I have immensely benefited. Q5: What do you tell your friends and family about Toastmasters? I say only one thing: that it is a great place to learn the art of communication and leadership. Don't miss out on opportunity. I wish to state here that Toastmasters is a unique organization different from others in many ways. Be it communication, leadership or organizing events it gives a lot of scope to bring out our best in us and at the same time it brings recognition to one self- I have experienced this many a time in the last 17 years or so.


What they say...

TM Rukhsana Khan, CC, CL is a well known lawyer in Qatar. She works at the law office of Gebran Majdalany. Many new members look up to her for her contributions and achievements in the club. She is the past secretary and immediate past VP Membership of Qatar Toastmasters Club.

Q1: When and why did you join Toastmasters? I joined Qatar Toastmasters in June 2010, after completing their Speechcraft program. The main reason I joined was to break through barriers that were blocking my personal and professional effectiveness and growth. Those barriers were my lack of self-confidence and fear of speaking up in front of a group. I had been searching my whole adult life for a solution, and luckily I found Toastmasters! Q2: How have you grown as a communicator and leader since you joined Toastmasters? I cannot count the number of ways I have grown since joining Toastmasters. In terms of communication and leadership I am clearer in my writing, speaking, listening and thinking. I feel a huge difference and everyone who knows me has noticed the difference. I have gained the confidence and skills needed to complete all the speech and leadership projects in the competent communication and competent leadership manuals. Every speech and meeting role has been a challenge for me but a valuable learning opportunity at the same time. I have done things I once thought impossible for me, such as mentoring speech contest winners, performing as a master of ceremonies, and being a panelist outside of Toastmasters. Q3: What do you like best about Qatar Toastmasters club? I love Qatar Toastmasters’ team spirit and commitment to quality. You can feel the warmth and positive energy at every meeting. Our members come from all corners of the globe but we are a family of friends. Q4: What have you done in Toastmasters to gain leadership experience? I have served as club secretary and VP membership. I chaired the organizing committee for Qatar Toastmasters 15th anniversary gala. Most recently I was chair of the sponsorship committee for the Qatar Open Youth Public Speaking Championship 2012, an annual speech contest open to all students in Qatar between 13-18 years. I have learned that Toastmasters is a place where leadership opportunities are endless. And you don’t need a title. Q5: What do you tell your friends and family about Toastmasters? Whenever I tell people about Toastmasters they tell me I speak with passion. I tell them how it has changed my life. I tell them how it can make a difference in theirs. I tell them to visit a club to see what I mean.


What they say...

Nevine Kamel , CC,CL is an experienced HR Consultant with 15 years experience in talent management & development.

Inside each of us there is an inner voice that keeps on nagging till it finds its way out. That is exactly what happened with me three years ago when I heard about Toastmasters International. I felt that finally the nagging voice inside me will settle down because it will be heard. I always felt that I had something to share with others. I could not settle down to serving the world only as a wife and mother, I felt there was more to contribute with. Toastmasters was the window that opened to me amidst four cement walls to allow fresh air into come in my life. A cozy and trustworthy fraternity of people who joined forces across the globe to develop each other’s communication and leadership skills, what else can anyone aspire for? Since I joined Qatar Toastmasters club, opportunities for development came one after the other. It helped me develop my public speaking skills as well communication and leadership skills. I was involved in many special events organized by the club that aimed as well to serve the Qatari community. This has stretched my skills and added a new word to my professional dictionary that is “community service”. Toastmasters is not a place for the passive and pessimistic. It is a vibrant community that encourages its members to develop and excel each in his/her own way. It is an equal opportunity organization that comprises millions of people around the world that come from different nationalities, religions and beliefs, and while we all value the importance of diversity, we never focus on those differences but embrace the potential value they might add for the sake of a better communicating community. I always tell my friends that I found “Nevine” the day I found Toastmasters. Every meeting I attend, and every contest I compete in, adds a piece to the unsolved puzzle in my life. The puzzle that each of us has to solve in their quest for their unique identity. It is rather ironic that up till three years ago, I had very few memories to share with my sons, but now the album is full of energetic images, trophies, inspirational speeches to the extent that I do not know where to start from.


What they say...

Sarita Jacob, CC, CL works as Group HR Manager at MAS Holding, Qatar. She completed her Competent Communicator at an outstanding speed and is already pursuing her advance level speeches.

Q1: When and why did you join Toastmasters? I officially joined Toastmasters on 1 October 2012. After attending a couple of meetings as a guest, I found Toastmasters to be fun, educational and useful to my life. So, I decided to join in order to become a well-rounded individual and make the most of my time in Qatar. Moreover, joining this global organization was an extremely easy process. It was really worth every penny I paid and more, compared to the benefits and development I achieved. Q2: How have you grown as a communicator and leader since you joined Toastmasters? I had no formal public speaking experience before joining Toastmasters. I could improve my speaking style within a short period after joining Toastmasters. Toastmasters gave me an outlet to bring out my hidden skills, and practice what I’ve learned after joining Toastmasters. Speaking about a number of different topics has opened my mind to new and exciting ideas, and thinking critically about these ideas has shaped my personal views and opinions. My growth did not happen automatically. Mentoring, both received and given, contributed to the development of my communication and leadership skills. Initially I used to think I was doing great, but the feedback received was different at times. The variety of regular feedback I got, made it a lot easier for me to improve. There are no limits to learning in Toastmasters and there are no boundaries for growth. I have still a long way to go before I become an effective leader and an impactful communicator. But it is a fun journey because everyone works together and tries to learn together at the same time. Of all the organizations I’ve joined, Toastmasters has had the greatest positive impact on my life. I believe the benefits of membership extend far beyond simple public speaking skills. It opened up a whole new world of leadership opportunities before me. All in all, Toastmasters has made me a better person. I sincerely hope to grow even more as a speaker and leader, as well as a better human being, through Toastmasters. Q3: What do you like best about Qatar Toastmasters club? It is the diversity of the Club’s members who come from varied cultural backgrounds. The opportunity to meet and interact with an immensely wide variety of people of different nationalities is fantastic. Moreover, the club has a high volume of members, both fresh and senior toastmasters. This environment enables me to gain different, rich and inspiring experiences. The club tries its best to make people welcomed and puts a strong emphasis on being supportive to the people around. I love being surrounded with so many talented people who believe in me, who are interested in seeing me continue to develop as a leader and communicator, who are successful leaders and great 20

What they say... CONT...

communicators themselves. Q4: What have you done in Toastmasters to gain leadership experience? I tried to expand my leadership experience by continuously pushing myself out of my comfort zone, falling down, getting back up, falling down again and getting back up again. I challenged and stretched myself without stressing too far. And I couldn’t do it alone. A variety of regular feedback helped me greatly. However, an honest evaluation is not easy to hear. Initially, I did not like criticism at all. But the stings of those simple truths turned out to be beneficial for my growth. Listening to the words of wisdom from experienced leaders and accepting corrections, without taking them personally, helped me a lot. I strongly believe in the words “Give and it will be given back to you.” I accepted the mentoring opportunities wholeheartedly. By helping others to do better, I could reinforce my learning and put my leadership skills to practice. Q5: What do you tell your friends and family about Toastmasters? In today’s world, public speaking and leadership are core skills needed for dealing with people. We are required to use these skills many times every single day. Toastmasters provides me invaluable experience in both these areas in a structured manner. The feeling of improvement and accomplishment that comes with each finished project in Toastmasters cannot be matched. You’ll grow fastest if you want to, not just if someone else wants you to. So, if you have the willingness to try Toastmasters, it is a proven fact that you will learn a lot from it. I have personally witnessed many people grow tremendously through Toastmasters, even though they came without any prior experience. Toastmasters is an amazingly inexpensive coaching place for personal development. The most important ingredients in this are your energy, enthusiasm and desire for learning. So, if you want to keep growing yourself and better yourself, step outside your comfort zone and make Toastmasters a habit.




Most of you know me by my name, Eranga, I come from Sri Lanka; currently working as Salesman with Almana and Partners. My wife is an extravagant character who plays a vital part in my life and we are blessed with two kids. No hidden secrets in life. Every person whom I associate with knows in and out about me. Toastmasters, I consider as the best thing that has ever happened to me next to my family. I only wanted to improve my public speaking skills but it definitely has changed my life. It’s completely responsible for the happy life I live today. The impact is so much that it has given me inexplicable confidence both in life and character. Wow, if it's toastmasters in Doha it definitely has to be Qatar Toastmasters. The value it brings to its members is amazing. I have never seen such a community of people so eager to help one another and always wanting to see their flag flying high. My special gratitude to our senior members who are mentors; for the painstaking efforts they have taken for individuals like me in helping them achieve great heights. - Eranga. W

I’m Dawood VST, a graduate Civil Engineer from Anna University, India in the year 2010. I’m presently working for Galfar Al Misnad since Aug’12 as Civil Execution Engineer for buildings. I’m a proactive person, self motivated, professionally competent individual, nonstop leaner and these are the qualities that I bring to my work. I am overall equipped with nearly four years of experience in Indian and Middle Eastern construction industries especially in Buildings. There are many reasons for one to join Toastmasters Club. According to me, the primary reason for joining toastmaster is to speak effectively and efficiently in a group to express our thoughts explicitly. I joined Qatar TM Club because of its cultural diversity and great learning environment. It’s a platform where people overcome the fear of public speaking. QTM is the best TM club that I’ve ever seen so far. -Dawood VST



My name is Kanchana Alupotha and I am from Sri Lanka. I worked as a Quantity Surveyor back in Sri Lanka after graduating from University of Moratuwa. In year 2009, after my marriage, I came to Qatar and joined hands with the Qatar Construction Industry. Subsequently, in 2011, with the arrival of our little angel, I resigned from my job and became a full time mother. This year however, I wish to hopefully re-start my career again. I decided to join Toastmasters’ club, as I desired to improve my skills and confidence in presentation and leadership. What I like about Qatar Toastmasters Club is that it’s a very organized club with loads of help and encouragement offered by fellow Toastmasters. I am glad I joined here and look forward to a valuable time ahead. -Kanchana

Before I got to know the Toastmasters I used to think that I was a good speaker. The question is how you define a good speaker. A speaker might have confidence or audible and clear voice, or stage control. However, a good speaker is the one who can bring all these key skills onto a stage aligned with a story that not only will grab the audience's attention, but also will give them a message to take home, leave them with a question and a positive impression. I think that is a good speaker. And when tackling projects through icebreaker to P10, I learned that I can be a good speaker by only reflecting the feedback I receive from my peers and by practicing more and more until I know my story. I work at Qatar Foundation as an Electronic Resource Management Specialist. That is heck of a long title. I love playing with new gadgets, writing blog posts on personal and professional development, and I love reading articles and books to help me understand life and understand myself. Qatar Toastmasters is a unique place where many great people get together twice a month and help each other craft communication skills. I am lucky to be one of them. I have visited at least 5 different clubs, and I with full confidence can say that QTM is the most diverse and dynamic club. I am privileged to be a member of this club, and I look forward to achieving more during my membership. -Seymur



I am Saji Ben, completing my 10 eventful years in Qatar. I work for Hamad Medical Corporation as Head of IT support and I have enjoyed a successful career to date as an IT Service Management Professional. I am from India and living in Doha with my wife and 2 children. Sometime back, I realized that leadership and effective commutation skills are the strong pillars of the professional career. My search for a professional coach ended when I attended my first meeting at Qatar Toastmasters Club. What I like most about being in Qatar Toastmasters Club is the discipline and the gracious atmosphere among the members. Now I am proud to say that I am a member of Qatar Toastmasters Club. -Saji

I come from Marburg, 100 km north of Frankfurt. I have one identical twin brother and one sister back in Germany. My parents also live back in Germany. I am working since April 2012 for Qatar Petroleum in the Research & Technology department. Before coming to Qatar I worked for 6.5 years in Perth, Australia. I joined Qatar Toastmasters because I wanted to improve my public speaking skills. I like the professionalism with which the meetings are conducted.




I am Denisa Palii. I was born in Romania. I am in Qatar for 1.5 years. I am the only child in the family until the age of 17 when a brother, which now is 8, popped out, and I became the elder sister. Story ended?! Not yet! 2years ago story continued and I became the middle child as I found out I also have an 36 year old sister. So far I believe life is a story full with surprises. I joined toastmasters because what better way to enhance your communication and leadership skills? What safer environment to develop ourselves?! I love Qatar Toastmasters because of the warmth and the positivity in the air and the fact that is proves it’s possible to keep a fun and friendly environment within a formal meeting. -Denisa

My name is Azeez Mohammed and I come from the southern part of India. I have been in Qatar for the last 3 years, working at Tanween as a Senior Finance Consultant. Academically I am a qualified Engineer and hold master’s in Finance. On a personal front, my family consists of me, my wife and my 2 year old daughter. I was looking forward for a platform wherein I could meet people, hone my skills and in the process become an active social player. Toastmasters would be an ideal platform to achieve my goals with the interesting format for skill development, involving projects scoped around the objectives of breaking the ice, voice modulation and research on one particular topic. I look forward for a long term and constructive association with Toastmasters. -Azeez



As a new member to Qatar Toastmasters, it falls upon me to give you a brief resume of who I am, what I do and what brings me to live and work in the State of Qatar. Born in 1962, my name is Ian Charles Gault and I am originally from the great city of Belfast, Northern Ireland. As a citizen of Northern Ireland, which, depending on your political viewpoint, is part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, yet part of the island of Ireland, both British and Irish Governments lay claim to jurisdiction over my country and in so doing, both say I am a citizen of their respective countries – therefore I am both British and Irish and carry passports for both. I am a qualified architect and ran my own practice for over 20 years based in Belfast before I made a career move in 2006 and entered the Loss Adjusting and Risk Management profession. In 2009, I was ‘headhunted’ by my present company, Axis International Middle East, a firm of Chartered Loss Adjusters, Risk Managers, Surveyors and Marine Consultants, and moved from Northern Ireland to the Gulf nearly five years ago, originally living in Bahrain before moving to Qatar nearly three years ago to establish an office presence here for Axis Adjusters Qatar (part of the Axis International Middle East group of companies). I am presently General Manager (Qatar Operations) and also Technical Director (Construction) with responsibility for major construction risks and claims for all our offices around the Gulf (Jeddah, Riyadh and Al Khobar in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Dubai, Sharjah, and of course here in Qatar). On a personal level, I have been married and divorced twice, and am the proud father of five children ranging in age from 29 to 11 years old and comprising three boys and two girls. My eldest son and his wife are about to make me a granddad (although I feel way too young to be a granddad!!!) I was introduced to Toastmasters by Samanthi Gamage, who shared her enthusiasm for the organization, which, I must confess to having been ignorant of until then (I now know something of the organization’s history and am amazed I haven’t come across it before). Being naturally gregarious and socially active, I found myself drawn to Toastmasters by its desire to enable each of its members to be positively active and involved from Day 1, giving each member , including myself, an equal opportunity for personal development at his own pace and level and offering encouragement and the platform for him or her to develop social skills, rhetorical capability and fully exploit his or her leadership potential. I am of the opinion that the interaction of cultures, races and nationalities here in Qatar, and in particular in the local Toastmasters clubs, brings an added quality to Toastmasters membership that may be lacking in a more monotheistic culture such as the one I come from and it is this interaction that has a fascinating and powerful attraction for me. I look forward to being an active member of the club insofar as my work commitments allow (I travel quite extensively and my position within my company and the work it undertakes puts me in a position where I am on 24 hour call 7 days a week).


It’s Never Too Late By TM Cipriano Collado

Were you once a shy and timid person? Have you ever experienced standing in front of people and being too nervous to speak? If you have, don’t lose hope. We can overcome it because like you I also experienced the same … but like some of us here learned from the just concluded Leadership Workshop, we should never stop learning and I believe that while we are leading, in my case as a father and a workmate, we’re also learning…. continuously. So I believe that It’s Never Too Late for us folks. My name is Cipriano Collado, Jr. Some people misspelled my first name as “CYPRINO” and pronounced my last name as “COLADO”. So I have to correct it. My first name spells – C I P R I A N O and my last should be pronounced “COL YADO”. I was named after my late father - Cipriano Sr. who’s a retired World War Two veteran. Actually he was a war hero and responsible for the mass slaughter of Japanese soldiers during the war. My mother, named Resureccion, was a plain housewife. I am a naturalized Filipino citizen and spent all my primary, secondary and tertiary education in the Philippines . I was one of the four firstborn children of my father and I was the 3rd one among the firstborns. Actually, my parents were both in widowhood when they met and both have children from previous relationships. My father has six children while my mother has five. During my childhood, I was so shy, introvert and timid. This behavior which really saddened me, was carried through my adolescence and until my adulthood. In education, although I was the beneficiary of my father’s educational benefit earned for serving in the military, I still struggled while in college because I had to work as a security guard to support my unemployed mother as my father was not able to give her financial support when they were separated due to some differences and misunderstandings. In college I took up BS Psychology in an attempt to understand the behaviors of the people around me and also myself to know what I really want to do in my life. Actually I have a talent in the field of art specifically, drawing or sketching but I did not hone that skill which I regretted later in my life. I was in the last year in college when I was assigned to work in a busy office environment. For that reason, I was not able to complete the remaining practicum hours and a subject required to complete my college course since I devoted most of my time to work. While in the Philippines, I had a girlfriend who was my former officemate. Our relationship bore fruit – a boy. But due to some personal reasons and some differences, we parted ways and our child was left in her care. I went on with my life until an opportunity to work here in Qatar knocked on my door. And because I was not earning enough in the Philippines, I grabbed the opportunity. While here in Qatar , I exchanged love letters with another friend which eventually led to marriage. We were blessed with three children. Two are still studying here in Philippine School Doha while the other one is already in the Philippines pursuing her college education. Right now I have a strong conviction that my children should not grow shy like me and must develop strong personality and become leaders in their own right and I will personally train them to attain this goal and as I learned from our Leadership Seminar, we must continue learning as long as we are leading and I strongly believe that IT IS NEVER TOO LATE……


It’s Now or Never By TM Fathima Shajitha,CC A young man was walking on the wet seashore. He saw some fishermen at sea casting their nets and catching fish for the day. Curiosity made him approach them and take a closer look. He noticed that one of them was carefully removing the smaller fish from his net and putting them into his basket. However, to the young man’s absolute surprise the fisherman was throwing the bigger fish back into the sea. He was puzzled and asked him “Hey, what you are doing?” “Catching fish for dinner.” The fisherman casually replied. “Then why are you throwing away all those big fish?” the young man inquired. “I am not that rich you know; I only have a tiny frying pan, he answered. Do you think the fisherman was foolish to do what he did? Yes indeed. Instead of cutting the larger fish to fit his frying pan, the fisherman threw away his precious catch back into the ocean. We are not unlike this fisherman my friends. How many times have we cast away our bigger dreams and opportunities, fearing they were not just right for us? Doubting this to be the right time for change and growth? I was in a similar situation, immediately after my Post Graduate studies. I decided to work temporarily at a coaching centre to gain some teaching experience. It was a mixed college. On the very first day when I entered the class, I scanned the unfamiliar faces of the students. Instantly, I felt nervous and confused. A chill ran down my spine, my palms felt moist with sweat when I absorbed not only the large number but also their size, in terms of physical appearance! There were around 90 students and some of them didn’t even look like students, they seemed older than me! Usually, it’s the students who were scared of the teacher, but in my case it was the teacher who was scared of the students. I went absolutely blank, forgetting everything that I had prepared the previous night. I wanted the floor to cave under me and swallow me up! That however is not how things happen in real life and so I summed up my courage and decided to face my fate. The following day offered no comfort. Without losing hope I tried my luck but with no success. I was convinced that teaching was not the right profession for me. I cursed myself; I felt anger rising inside me compelling me to blame my parents for not bringing me up as a confident individual. Finally I declared myself a failure and decided to give up on my dream of becoming a teacher. When the bell rang, I hurried to the principal’s office and informed him about my resignation. He looked at me and said “Fathima, if you leave this job now, it won’t affect us very much. However it may affect your whole life, your self-confidence will be lost forever, and then you won’t be able to come back to this profession at all. My advice for you is to continue here for a few more months. I can help you.” Hanging on to hope and the principal’s words by a bare thread, I decided to give it one more try. He assisted me in taking up classes, gave me moral support, motivated me and tried to boost my confidence. Gradually I could manage taking classes on my own. I even managed to inject some fear into those very students who had looked intimidating when I first began.


Cont….. It was when I joined a regular college after six months that I started to enjoy teaching. In addition to academic work, I was assigned the role of staff secretary of the college. On one occasion, representing the whole staff, I had to deliver a speech before the entire college. I prepared my speech the day before but did not practice it as we do at Toastmasters. Though I was somewhat nervous, I embarked on my speech confidently. Unfortunately I noticed from the corner of my eye that Principal was looking at me and listening to my speech. In an instant, I lost self-control; my voice started to quiver, I forgot my sentences and seemed dazed. To date I do not have a clue as to how I concluded my speech. That day I took a decision. Avoid any roles that demands speaking in front of an audience. I remained as a teacher, never venturing into public speaking. I kept my deepest desire of becoming a confident individual locked away in my heart never trusting myself to make an attempt. When I came to Qatar, I made a resolution. “I will use this opportunity by doing whatever I can do to become a confident speaker”. I stepped into this prestigious club where I joined with a hope making my dream a reality. But when I started my journey at Toastmasters, there was an obstacle that I could not ignore. The Table Topics session. First I thought I wouldn’t be able to continue my journey. I thought that this was going to be yet another dead-end. Then a little voice inside me recalled the wise words of the principal; “If you do not use this opportunity you will remain as you are forever”. Following the footsteps of some toastmasters I took up different roles, with the sole hope of not being called as a table topic speaker. The strong desire for change along with the encouraging words from my mentor TM Thayalan and fellow Toastmasters, and the strong support from my family helped me to hold on to my dream of becoming a confident person. Today I am not the best of speakers, but I am a better speaker, not the best of leaders, but a better leader, definitely a different person, a changed individual. Today I have the courage to stand in front of you, to speak before you, to share my experience with this audience. I am not comparing myself to any toastmaster. But I compare myself with what I was yesterday, I compare myself to the speaker I was all those years ago. Microsoft co-founder and philanthropist Bill Gates once said, “Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world; if you do so, you are insulting yourself”. Today I feel that I am a different person, even though I have a long way to go. It gives me the courage to believe in myself, it gives me self-confidence, the power to pursue my dreams. Dear friends, be not like the fisherman. Don’t throw away your dreams no matter how big or unattainable they may seem at the beginning. Believe in your own abilities, and chase after your dreams. If you want to feel a difference in your life this is the right time for change. It is now or never.


George Thomas, DTM

TM Subha Anupindi

Immediate Past International Director 2011-2013

LGET District 20 - 2013-2014

District 79 Governor- 2009-2010

LGM District 20 - 2012-2013

Division E Governor- 2005-2006

Division E Governor- 2010-2011

Area 18 Governor- 2003-2004

District PRO 2009-2010

Raghavan N.V, DTM

Shoiab Kasem, DTM

Virendranath, DTM

Asst. Div E Governor for Marketing 2012-2013

Area 18 Governor 2004-2005

Division E PRO 2009-2010

Area 18 Governor 2010-2011

Mohan Varghese, DTM

Koka Prasad

District 79 Secretary 2007-2008

District 79 International Speech Champion 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010

Thayalan K

Juttas Paul

Thomas Joseph

Area 12 Governor 2013-2014

Area 18 Governor 2013-2014

Division E PRO 2013-2014


VISION “Toastmasters International empowers people to achieve their full potential and realize their dreams. Through our member clubs, people throughout the world can improve their communication and leadership skills, and find the courage to change.”

MISSION “Toastmasters International is the leading movement devoted to making effective oral communication a worldwide reality. Through its member clubs, Toastmasters International helps men and women learn the arts of speaking, listening and thinking - vital skills that promote self actualization, enhance leadership potential, foster human understanding and contribute to the betterment of mankind. It is basic to this mission that Toastmasters International continually expand its worldwide network of clubs thereby offering ever-greater numbers of people the opportunity to benefit from its programs.”

REFERENCES Toastmasters International Website :

DISCLAIMER This magazine is published for internal circulation among the members of Qatar Toastmasters Club, to promote the ideas and goals of Toastmasters International. Editor does not take the responsibility for the authenticity / opinion of the articles / authors, published. Toastmasters International and its logos are trademarks registered in the USA, Canada and many other countries.

GO GREEN To save the trees and to leave planet earth with all its flora and fauna to our future generations, this magazine is circulated to members only electronically. Think before you print this.

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