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Learnings from case studies
The visits to the four case studies resulted in gaining knowledge of the daily activities in the centres and how the architecture influence the perception of these spaces. Some of the main spatial qualities in the centres is illustrated on the right. These are important areas in the buildings that I have used as inspiration in my own project approach.
Warm welcome
A warm and immediate velcome is one of the most important features in the counsellings. In Herning this is working good, due to the design of the entrance.
Single conversation
The counsellings have to offer comfortable spaces to have private conversations. On the right is a picture from Aalborg.
The counsellings should facilitate areas that is designed for children. This space is located on the lower level in Herning.
The counsellings should offer rooms for families to have counselling and private conversations in a neutral space away from home.
The counsellings focus a lot on the health through exercise and courses about nutrition for people dealing with cancer. In Herning they have a inspiring gym located seperate from the social spaces.