Endangered Animals

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Polar bears The polar bear is the world's largest terrestrial carnivore and largest bear of them all. They live up north near the ocean and like the cold, they are omnivorous and can weigh between 300-700 pounds. They can get up to 10 feet tall. Females tend to be half the size of the male. Although they are very closely related to brown bear it has evolved very much, because their body is capable of low Temperature. It can also move between over snow and ice, it crosses over open water some times. The polar bear's fur is very thick, the color is white as snow. Polar bears spend most of their time at sea because they get their food from there. The polar bear also got a scientific name it is called marietime bear. You can find the polar bears at: Alaska, Canada's Arctic islands, Greenland, Svalbard, Franz Josef Land, northern Siberia and Wrangel Island. Each of these countries, they may not hunt polar bears, they make these rules so that the polar bears will not be as endangered as they were before.

How they live Polar bears swim well but moves and hunts better on land. You can see them swimming several miles from land. A polar bear can easily get caught in a trap and get hurt. There are a lot of people who are trying to catch them and sell their fur. The fur is very expensive and that’s also why the polar bears are endangered. The maximum speed a polar bear can get up too while running on land is about 40 miles per hour. Usually it goes at a rate about five miles an hour. The polar bear can be 20 to 30 years old. When the female is at four or five years they start to get babies. They usually don´t have so many babies. Normally, they get two babies. They sleep in a cave that is built of snow. They stay in their cave rest of the winter.Their babies are not so big when they are new born. They are as big as a rat and the weight of it is about a pound. So that means they are much smaller than hour human babies are. They can grow to a full man size if they have a lot food and eat well in a year. The polar bears primarily eat seals. They often rest silently at a seal’s breathing hole in the ice, waiting for a seal in the water to surface. Once the seal comes up, the bear will spring and sink its jagged teeth into the seal’s head. Sometimes seals are hard to find, especially in the summer when the ice has melted. If they don’t find any food they live on their reserve body fat. Today humans are the polar bears only predator. All across the Arctic man is moving in to the bear’s territory to mine after oil and coal and there is less space for the po-

Pandas The cute little bear that is sitting and eating bamboo is the picture we have of this magnificent creature. It has become a symbol for the World Nature Fund’s work towards a greener world. It’s a symbol for the fight against the extinction of animals and devastation of the rainforest. Panda or the Giant Panda as it is also called belongs to the species of Bear. Although it took a very long time for scientists to figure out that it belongs to the Bear family. Opposite to other bears, the panda is mostly a herbivore. It can sometimes eat one or another mouse or snake, but prefers plants. Mainly it lives on a plant called bamboo, but also other plants. Since bamboo does not contain a good amount of nutrition, it needs to eat about 20kg of bamboo per day. Pandas reach about 1,- 5 & 1,- 7 meters tall and weighs from 70 to 150kg in adulthood! It has a very special appearance with its white fur with black spots. The reason for this appearance is currently unknown, but scientists believe that it is a perfect camouflage in the bamboo thickets which is its natural environment. If you are at the zoo and see a panda, it is really easy to see, it kind of lights up where it is. But if you’re outside in its home territory in the bamboo thickets, it’s going to be almost impossible to see. Pandas often live alone, and only meet other pandas during mating time, but after that they return to a life of their own again. A normal day for a panda mainly consists of doing one thing, and that is eating. Since bamboo is so poor on nutrition, the panda needs to spend about 12 hours per day just eating it. The Panda’s Extinction Now that you have gotten a brief look of what the panda is, it’s time to see why it is getting so much attention. The panda was chosen as a symbol for the WWF (World Wide Fond) which was a good fit since the panda is extremely endangered. Today the panda only lives on certain places in China, and scientist calculate that there are about 1500 free pandas living in the world. About 300 pandas are today kept in captivity and hunting for the animal is strongly prohibited. Pandas do have some natural enemies such as wild hounds and other predators. But the most dangerous enemy towards the panda is the human, since the panda is hunted for its fur and its natural habitat where it lives and eats gets run over by cities and such. Pandas are also caught and sold alive; unfortunately they tend to die during transport or captivity, since they are purely made to live in freedom. However, the panda does have a great looking future in sight. With stronger control on the export from China and hard control of the business in the country, it is becoming harder for illegal hunters and fur dealers to conduct trades with pandas and their fur. No one would like a world without these cute animals, right?

Sharks Facts Sharks are animals that live in the ocean. It’s a predator that means it eats other animals to survive. You can find 440 species of sharks have live but not today. Anatomy Teeth Most sharks have teeth. There are some differences when it comes to teeth in sharks. Some sharks eat for example crustaceans and their teeth are dense flattened teeth for crushing the crustaceans. Sharks that eat fish have needle-like teeth to grab a fish like a hand in their mouth. The sharks which have many teeth lose 30,000 or more teeth in their lives. GREAT WHITE SHARK The big shark is looking in the ocean to find something to eat. This kind of fish, which we see is like a monster. The great white lives in the oceans. The Shark is an animal who like to eat flesh with much fat or blubber. So they don’t like the human flesh because it has too many muscles. So the best flesh they can get is from a dolphin, but is very hard to get. So a great white's main prey is any type of aquatic carnivore. Seals and sea lions can be up to 50 % fat, satisfying a shark's craving for blubber. So its eat 11 tons of food every year. To give you an idea of just how much grubs this is, a 150-pound human eats about half a ton of food in the same amount of time. The technic to get a pray, is it dive deep the swim fast to surface with an open month and eyes closed to protect them from a hit or something.

The great white shark's scientific name, Carcharodon carcharias, means "ragged tooth" in Latin. Each great white has about 3,000 serrated teeth. A typical great white weighs in at about 4,500 pounds and grows to a maximum length of about 20 feet. Great whites are the largest predatory fish in the sea, as the only bigger sharks feed on plankton and small fish. Great whites grow slowly and usually live about 30 years. Males reach maturity at about age 10, while females reach maturity at about age 15. Why is the great white in danger? Its few left of the great white because the jaws are a great sell in the market. Humans have killed a great number of white sharks to get their teeth and jaws for trading and their meat for pills and trophy hunting. So today is just 3,500 white sharks lived so it’s rarer than tigers. So in about 10-15 years if it continued like this the white shark will get eradicated. So maybe you think this monster is bad and dangerous with the size and the teeth. It’s not, it just humans selfishness who make them so dangerous and monsters.

The Tiger Facts: The tiger is the largest cat in the world, with a total length up to 3.3 meters and a total weight of up to 306 kg. The tigers most known characteristic is the pattern of dark stripes and a red/orange fur. One of the reasons to why this animal is such a worthy predator is because of their exceptional teeth, giving them an advantage against preys with thick hides. Their yaws have an extreme force, which allows them to end the suffering of their prey within a matter of seconds, in comparison to other predators that tends to ”play with their food”. Appearance: Tigers are one of the most recognizable and popular animals of the world. They're featured in ancient folklore and mythology and yet to this day, tigers continue to be depicted in films and literature. Tigers appear on a lot of flags, coats of arms and also as mascots for sporting teams. The Bengal tiger serves as the national animal of both India and Bangladesh. Back-story: The impression a lot of people has been given is that the tiger exist naturally in the savannah, Africa. This is not true, the tigers origin from Asia, Turkey and Russia, but they have been forced to move their habitat to other places due to habitat destruction and poaching. The reason to why tigers do exist in Africa is because the operation ”Save China's Tigers” came in place. The idea of the operation was to reintroduce the Chinese tigers into the wild, by placing captivebred tigers in South Africa, attempting to recreate their natural hunting instincts. The project was successful, 5 cubs were born, and all five were capable of snapping up the survival instincts from their mothers. Generations later, the tigers were finally fully capable of breeding and surviving in the wild, which brought hope to many organizations, but also the responsibility to protect the newly reintroduced creatures. With this little briefing out of the way, it's time to cut to the chase. Sadly, this wonderful creature has become Endangered according to the Conversation status of the IUCN. This is not only because their original habitats are being devastated, but also by the help of poachers. The fur, the teeth and the skull has become very valuable items on the black market. A lot of organizations have stood up against this threat, but it's impossible to know how much this has affected the poachers. With resistance, poaching becomes harder. Harder work equals larger sums of money. Larger sums of money brings bigger interest, and bigger interest requires more resistance. It's a very unfortunate circle of events that this brings up, so something has to be done before it's too late. India is today the country with the largest amount of tigers, approximately 1700 individual creatures. If that does not ring a bell, then what does? The TOTAL amount of tigers in the ENTIRE WORLD brings us to the number 4000, rounded up. Organizations such as the WWF keeps the hope for the survival of this magnificent animal alive, but something this important can not be accomplished without the help of others.

Together we can save the elephants! The elephants in danger! There are three elephants that are endangered, the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), the African savanna elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the African forest elephant (Loxodonta cyclotis). The Asian elephant is labeled as acutely endangered and the others are not that acute. An elephant spends around 16-18 hours on eating each day. They eat a lot, around 5 % of their own body weight. The African savanna elephant is the world’s largest land living mammal, full grown males can weigh over six tons. The male African forest elephant can grow up to 2,5 meters in height. The Asian elephant are somewhat smaller than the others and live in the forest, they as well build clans. The good thing about these elephants is that they are easy to tame so they are used as working animals. There are not many left! During the late 70s there were over 1,3 million African elephants and today there are just around 500 000 left. Only around 50 000 Asian elephants are left today while there were over 50 % more three generations ago. Poaching! Poaching for the ivory is the biggest threat but there is also the conflict about space, for example, the damage they make on farm land. This conflict is growing stronger and stronger in Africa and Asia. Nowadays people kill elephants more often in “selfdefense” than for the ivory. Poachers kill elephants just to get the meat, bones and ivory and then to sell it to get money. It is illegal to poach elephants so the ivory, bones and meat is sold on the black market. The nearest future! Within only 12 years the mammal is at risk of being extinct, US and African scientists say. The rate of elephant’s death is currently higher than ever. ”If the trend continues, there will not be any elephants except in fenced areas with a lot of enforcement to protect them,” said Mr Wasser the lead author of a paper in the August issue of ‘Conservation Biology’. There is a chance that the elephant will become extinct the way that the wooly mammoth did. The mammoth was also hunted for ivory and its habitat also was getting destroyed. A long time ago the modern elephants’ ancestors lived all over the globe back then. Mammoths were just a species of elephant, but then the climate started to change so their habitat started to get destroyed and humans started to hunt them and more and more of them died. When their time came they got extinct and now it seem like we are repeating history. What to do about this! What we can and should do to save the elephants is to stop cutting down trees, save the forest because a lot of elephants live in the forest. Besides, when we cut down trees we do not harm only the elephants but also other organisms. And by cutting down the trees we give the elephants no food to eat and no place to live so they die or move, a lot of them die. As the elephants die the forest loses its natural balance and some plants start to overpopulate. If we don’t save the elephants the whole ecosystem will be harmed.

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