Climate Direction in Fairbourne, Wales
Unc ted references are included n the research report
Climate Direction in Fairbourne, Wales
Unc ted references are included n the research report
Thefocusofmyresearchprojectistoidentifythepracticality and effectiveness of strategically positioning saltmarshesasameansofmitigatingcoastalfloodrisk in Fairbourne. This topic was chosen due to its significance in addressing the pressing global issue of climate change and its potential to contribute to sustainableenvironmentalmanagementandresilience.
The village of Fairbourne is located on a narrow strip of land, south of Barmouth estu- ary, and is prone to flooding due to the estuary’s proximity. The village has been identi- fied as one of the most flood-
-42%ofthepopulationaged 65andover.
-Medianageofresidentsin Fairbourneis57yearsold.
-PredominantlyWhiteBritish population.