2l Day Daniel Fast
A Lifestyle Fasting was never meant to be the rare practice that it is today among Christians. After Jesus called his disciples, He gave them their first public teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. In it He explained to thern the kingdom of God its laws and life. He provided the pattern by which each of us is to live as a child of God. This pattem mentions three specific responsibilities: giving, praying arrd fas ting,
In this passage Jesus said, *When you give...", t.When you pray" and"Vl/hen you fast" (See Matthew 6). He made it obvious that fasting is to be aregilar part of the Christian life. He did not say "rf you fast" but "when you fast." We are to eive as much focus and priority to fastine as we do to eivine and praying.
Making prayer and fasting aregdar,habitual part of our lives is central to a life full of the Holy Spirit: "2aAnd those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have crucified the flesh (the godless human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires.2sl|we live by the [HolyJ Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:24-25, emphasis added).
Following Jesus' Example Jesus doesn't expect us, His modern day disciples, to do something He didn't do. Before launching His ministry, Jesus spent time in fasting and prayer. How can we expect to launch into the coming year without the same? If the Word of God-the One who spoke this world into beins-found fastine necessary in God's economy. then who are we to tr.y to live bl/ any other standard? Who are we to think that we can attempt to live without it?
If Jesus could have accomplished all He came to do without fasting, why would IIe fast? He knew there were supernatural things that could only be released that way.
in John l3,"You address me as 'Teacher' and 'Master,' and rightly so. That is what am.,I've laid down apatternfor you. What I've done, you do...If you understand wltat I'm telling you, act like it - and live a blessed ffi." Jesus said
The Blessed Life Beloved, I want to live a blessed life, don't vou? And blessings are released in the supernatural realm when we fast and pray! o Fasting is not optional, it's a demand o FastinB is to minister to the Lord o FastinB is a Spiritual Weapon to come against demonic spirits o FastinB causes Spiritua! breakthroughs
o o o o
Financial, Family, Curses, Disease, Addiction, Bondage of Sin Broken, Burdens lifted, etc... We come to know God in deeper, fuller, more intimate ways! Relationships are restored. Direction and wisdom are imparted. Spiritual renewal
All Leaders of the Resurrection Center are expected to participate with this fast in the following manner: Purpose for this God mandated fast for this time is: Spiritual Growth, Deeper Relationship with God and Growth in the Church. Dailv Fast Hours of Fasting: 6 am - 12 noon
throughout the year: No Distraction such as Talking/Playing Games on the Phone, lnternet, TV unless it is Christian Based ONLY! This is your time with God. How would you feel if you were talking to someone and you kept getting distracted/interrupted every few minutes? Now imagine how God feels when we allow that to happen with our time with HIM! No lntercourse with your spouse at all during the entire time of fasting. Thints you can do during this time:
o o
o o o o o o o
Pray Read
the Bible (God's Word = God Himself)
Praise God
Listen to Christian Music Sing and Dance to the Lord Watch Christian Based films that will Edify you only
There are several types of fasts. The one you choose is between you and God. He will honor your best sacrifice. Fasting is NOT a 66Diet Program to Lose Weight!"
What is a fast? It is a voluntarily abstaining from food for
a spiritual purpose.
Types of fasting can include:
- A fast abstaining from solid food but allowing for liquids (fruit or vegetable juice and/or broth). Some call this a "normal fast." (You establish the number of days.) Drink water, and plenty of it (a good goal is a gallon a day).
Full Fast
Daniel Fast - A limited fast consisting of abstaining from certain foods for a prolonged period of time or abstaining from all foods for a portion of the day (e.g., abstaining from eating before 3:00 P.M.). The Partial Fast is a good stepping stone to a Full Fast for those who have never fasted before. There are many types of partial fasts. A few are listed below.
Daniel Fast. This is the most frequently used example of a partial fast. Eat no red meat, no sweets and no bread. Eat fruits and vegetables and drink water. o If Partial - Only Lean meats like chicken or fish in addition to all fruits and vegetables
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Reminder - Keep low proportions so your body can adjust to the change in diet. Other types of partial fasts could include:
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Giving up one food item, such as caffeine or slveets. Giving up one meal & replacing that time with prayer. Vigilance is needed to ensure that the value of omitting the one meal is not offset by increasing the
intake at others! Fast for a specific number of days - one day, three days, you decide. Fast from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or from sun-up to sundown. When doing this type of fast, consider your work and sleep schedule. The hours that you sleep should not be considered part of your fasting period. . Along with fasting food, you might go on a "TV fast," going without television at specific times. You might also fast other forms of technology as well. When you do this, use that time in prayer and the Word. . If you have a health condition which prohibits you from a Full or Daniel fast, there are other options such as choosing something from your daily routine (i.e. specific foods, television, other technology, etc.) and fast in that manner. You could grve up something else that might have control in your life or be preventing you from experiencing spiritual growth. Replace that time with prayer and study of God's word. When fasting, keep in mind that your body has been submitted to certain foods. Your energy levels are going to drop. During this 21 day fast whether it be Full, Daniel, Partial or daily fast - You cannot do usual activities like going to the gym, jogglng, etc...
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Scripture References for Fasting: Blessings of Fasting: Deuteronomy 28:13-14; Deuteronomy 28:2;2 ChroniclesT:14; Isaiah 58:8
Daniel Fast: Daniel 10:2-3
Fasting Do's: Matthew 6:16-18 Fasting Don'ts: Matthew 6:16-18; Luke 18:9-14
Preparing to Fast: Mark 7l:25; Luke 11:4; Romans l2:l-2 When to Fast: Matthew 9:14-15
Why Fast: Romans 72:l;Matthew 6:33; Mark 9:29;Isaiah 58:6;
1 Samuel 7:3; Luke
Corporate Fasting: I Samuel 7 :5 -6; 2 Chronicle s 20:,3 -4; Esther 4:l Nehemiah 9:l-3; Joel2:15-16; Jonah 3:5-10; Acts27:33-37
5 -17 ;
Ezra 8:21 -23
Additional References: I Samuel 1:6-8, I7-L8;Neherniah 1:4; Daniel 9'.3,20;Joel2:12;Llke 2:37, Acts 10:30; Acts 13:2 Rernember, the details are not as important as the spirit with which you participate. It is the attitude of a heart diligently seeking Him to which God responds with blessing (Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 14:12,I Corinthians 8:8). May God bless you as you fast!
2l Day Daniel Fast
A Lifestyle Fasting was never meant to be the rare practice that it is today among Christians. After Jesus called his disciples, He gave them their first public teaching in the Sermon on the Mount. In it He its laws and life. He provided the pattern by which explained to thern the kingdom of God each of us is to live as a child of God. This pattem mentions three specific responsibilities: gring, praying ard fas ting,
In this passage Jesus said, *When you give..."r *When you pray" and"When you fast" (See Matthew 6). He made it obvious that fasting is to be a regular part of the Christian life. He did not say "tf you fast" but "when you fast." We are to eive as much focus and priority to fastine as we do to eivine and praying. Making prayer and fasting aregtlar, habitual part of our lives is central to a life full of the Holy Spirit: "2aAnd those who belong to Christ Jesus (the Messiah) have (the godless -crucified the flesh human nature) with its passions and appetites and desires.2sIT*" live by the [HolyJ Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:24-25, emphasis added).
Following Jesus' Example Jesus doesn't expect us, His modern day disciples, to do something He didn't do. Before launching His ministry, Jesus spent time in fasting and prayer. How can we expect to launch the coming year without the same? If the Word of God-the One who spoke this world into
being-found fasting
necessary in God's economy. then who are we to try to live by anv other standard? Who are we to think that we can attempt to live without it?
Jesus could have accomplished all He came to do without fasting, why would He fast? He knew there were supematural things that could only be released that way.
l3,"You address me as 'Teacher' and 'Master,' and rightly so. That is what am...I've laid down a paltern for you. What I've done, you do...If you understand what I'm telling you, act like it - and live a blessed ffi." Jesus said in John
The Blessed Life Beloved, I want to live a blessed life, don't vou? And blessings are released in the supernatural realm when we fast and pray! o FastinB is not optional, it's a demand o FastinB is to minister to the Lord o FastinB is a Spiritual Weapon to come against demonic spirits o Fasting causes Spiritual breakthroughs
o o o o
Financial, Family, Curses, Disease, Addiction, Bondage of Sin Broken, Burdens lifted, etc... We come to know God in deeper, fuller, more intimate ways! Relationships are restored. Direction and wisdom are imparted. Spiritual renewal
All Leaders of the Resurrection Center are expected to participate with this fast in the following manner: Purpose for this God mandated fast for this time is: Spiritual Growth, Deeper Relationship with God and Growth in the Church: Dailv Fast Hours of Fasting: 5 am
12 noon
o o
throughout the year: No Distraction such as Talking/Playing Games on the Phone, lnternet, TV unless it is Christian Based ONLY! This is your time with God. How would you feel if you were talking to someone and you kept getting distracted/interrupted every few minutes? Now imagine how God feels when we allow that to happen with our time with HIM! No lntercourse with your spouse at all during the entire time of fasting. Things you can do during this time:
o o o o o o o
Pray Read the Bible (God's Word = God Himselff Praise God Listen to Christian Music Sing and Dance to the Lord Watch Christian Based films that will Edify you only
There are several types of fasts. The one you choose is between you and God. He will honor your best sacrifice. Fasting is NOT a 66Diet Program to Lose Weight!"
What is a fast? It is a voluntarily abstaining from food for a spiritual purpose.
Types of fasting can include:
- A fast abstaining from solid food but allowing for liquids (fruit or vegetable juice and/or broth). Some call this a "normal fast." (You establish the number of days.) Drink water, and plenty of it (a good goal is a gallon a day). Full Fast
Daniel Fast - A limited fast consisting of abstaining from certain foods for a prolonged period of time or abstaining from all foods for a portion of the day (e.g., abstaining from eating before 3:00 P.M.). The Partial Fast is a good stepping stone to a Full Fast for those who have never fasted before. There are many types of partial fasts. A few are listed below.
Daniel Fast. This is the most frequently used example of a partial fast. Eat no red meat, no sweets and no bread. Eat fruits and vegetables and drink water. o If Partial - Only Lean meats like chicken or fish in addition to all fruits and vegetables
. .
Reminder - Keep low proportions so your body can adjust to the change in diet. Other types of partial fasts could include:
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Giving up one food item, such as caffeine or sweets. Giving up one meal & replacing that time with prayer. Vigilance is needed to ensure that the value of omitting the one meal is not offset by increasing the
intake at others! Fast for a specific number of days - one day, three days, you decide. Fast from 6:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., or from sun-up to sundown. When doing this type of fast, consider your work and sleep schedule. The hours that you sleep should not be considered part of your fasting period. . Along with fasting food, you might go on a "TV fast," going without television at specific times. You might also fast other forms of technology as well. When you do this, use that time in prayer and the Word. . If you have a health condition which prohibits you from a Full or Daniel fast, there are other options such as choosing something from your daily routine (i.e. specific foods, television, other technology, etc.) and fast in that manner. You could give up something else that might have control in your life or be preventing you from experiencing spiritual growth. Replace that time with prayer and study of God's word. When fasting, keep in mind that your body has been submitted to certain foods. Your energy levels are going to drop. During this 21 day fast whether it be Full, Daniel, Partial or daily fast - You cannot do usual activities like going to the gym, jogglng, etc...
. .
Scripture References for Fasting: Blessings of Fasting: Deuteronomy2S:13-14; Deuteronomy2S:2;2 ChroniclesT:14; Isaiah 58:8
Daniel Fast: Daniel 10:2-3
Fasting Do's: Matthew 6:16-18 Fasting Don'ts: Matthew 6:16-18; Luke 18:9-14
Preparing to Fast: Mark
Luke 11:4; Romans
When to Fast: Matthew 9:14-15
Why Fast: Romans 12:1; Matthew 6:33; Mark 9:29; Isaiah 58:6; Corporate Fasting: I Samuel
1 Samuel 7:3; Luke
-6; 2 Chronicle s 20l.3 -4; Esther 4:l 5 -17 ; Ezra 8:21 -23; Nehemiah 9: I -3 ; Joel 2 : I 5- 1 6; Jonah 3 :5- I 0; Acts 27 :33-37 7 :5
Additional References: I Samuel 1:6-8, 17-18;Nehemiah 1:4; Daniel 9:3,20;Joel2:12:,L:uke 2:37, Acts l0:30; Acts 13:2 Remember, the details are not as important as the spirit with which you participate. It is the attitude of a heart diligently seeking Him to which God responds with blessing (Isaiah 58, Jeremiah l4:72,I Corinthians 8:8). May God bless you as you fast!