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Promoting the Profession
The FDA takes a proactive approach to public relations with an integrated communications campaign that raises awareness of the important benefits of choosing FDA dentists and maintaining consistent dental visits.
SPECIAL EVENTS The FDA Foundation’s Florida Mission of Mercy (FLA-MOM) and other special events provide a unique opportunity for the FDA to educate the public and influence their oral health habits.
NEWS RELEASES The FDA regularly distributes news releases about member accomplishments and issues related to oral health.
MEDIA OUTREACH Building relationships with the media is critical to the way dentistry is portrayed to the public. The FDA works diligently to educate the public about the profession.
DIGITAL MEDIA The FDA uses social media to educate the public, media, lawmakers and healthrelated organizations on the importance of oral health and its correlation with overall health. The FDA’s digital advertising and social media posts encourage patients to practice good dental care and to choose an FDA member dentist.
ALLIANCE OF THE FDA The Alliance of the FDA (AFDA) is the association’s organization for members’ significant others who are also advocates for the dental profession, oral health and the dental family. Committed to supporting the FDA, the AFDA is a primary sponsor for Dentists’ Day on the Hill and volunteers for the FDA Foundation’s FLA-MOM each year. Visit allianceofthefda.com or email info@ allianceofthefda.com.