Are Are We We Ready Ready to to Embrace Embrace a a Bold Bold New New Vision Vision for for the the Dental Dental Profession? Profession?
We are at a critical moment for the dental profession. What we do now, or what we don’t do, will define the entire profession of dentistry for decades to come. The pandemic has brought unprecedented disruption to our personal and professional lives, but it’s really what comes next that is the game changer. What’s approaching us is not just a guess. We have seen and will continue to see major acceleration in several trends that will have a profound impact on the profession. The future is now being painted clearly and several factors once thought to be shortlived fads are now well established trends. From the patient’s perspective, we know that there is a shift in the mindset of how patients are perceiving health care overall. This includes dentistry and is particularly common amongst millennials. This phenomenon, coupled with intensified consumerism and public and private insurance replacing the self-pay market, is leading to a change in patient base. This will challenge our previous outlook when we analyze the future consumers of our dental care services.
By Raymond Cohlmia, DDS and Marko Vujicic, Ph.D
What we do now, or what we don’t do, will define the entire profession of dentistry for decades to come.