3 minute read
A Plea from a Local Doctor By Dr. Amy L. Garlove, pediatrician with Norton Children’s Medical Associates-Brownsboro, featured on the cover. WE
WILL GET THROUGH “If this is not causing your life to be completely changed, in every area, you are doing it wrong. If you are hosting dinner parties, you are doing it wrong. If you are running to the grocery/hardware store/ Target every time the mood strikes, you are doing it wrong. If your kids are not complaining every day that they want to be with their friends, you are doing it wrong. If you are on a beach, and it isn’t part of your private backyard, you are doing it wrong. If you are participating in any street parties, in any part of town, you are doing it wrong. If you don’t treat every interaction with another human (outside of your in-home family) as if you could pass this disease to them, and them to you, you are doing it wrong. If you are traveling outside of what is required for your “essential worker” job, you are doing it wrong. If you are wearing N95 masks to the grocery store, when doctors and nurses are going without, you are doing it wrong.
Every time you don’t play by the rules, you are not only setting yourself up for exposure, you are exposing everyone else you come into contact with, even if you don’t have any symptoms.
THIS The rules apply to all of us, and yet so many are still doing it wrong. If you aren’t sure if you should be doing something, err on the side of caution, and don’t do it. STAY HOME. That actually means STAY HOME. STAY.
HOME. This is hard for everyone, but every person who thinks these rules do not apply to you is making it harder.” I have to go to work, and I have to reuse equipment that may not even protect me, and it may not even protect you when you come see me and you are still doing it wrong. I have bruises around my nose & mouth from the mask that I wear to try to protect me as best I can and I have colleagues around the world who are exhausted and sick and dying and making decisions that were never meant to be part of the Hippocratic Oath, and you are still doing it wrong. I can’t hug my kids when I come home after a long, scary, gut-wrenching day because I am potentially teeming with infection, and I have many friends who have just moved away from their families so they aren’t at risk, and you are still doing it wrong.
April 2020 Today’s Woman Manifesto
PUBLISHER Cathy S. Zion publisher@todaysmedianow.com APRIL 2020 | VOL. 30 | NO. 5
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Anita Oldham editor@todaysmedianow.com
EXECUTIVE EDITOR Tiffany White tiffany@todaysmedianow.com
EDITORIAL DIRECTOR April Allman april@todaysmedianow.com
DESIGN DIRECTOR Jill Cobb jill@todaysmedianow.com PHOTO DIRECTOR/PHOTOGRAPHER Melissa Donald melissa@todaysmedianow.com
GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jillian Jones jillian@todaysmedianow.com
CAMPAIGN MANAGER Jessica Alyea jessica@todaysmedianow.com
OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Scheri Stewart Mullins scheri@todaysmedianow.com
BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR Rachel Reeves rachel@todaysmedianow.com
SENIOR MEDIA CONSULTANTS Susan Allen susan@todaysmedianow.com Teri Hickerson teri@todaysmedianow.com
MEDIA CONSULTANTS Jennifer Phillips jennifer@todaysmedianow.com Terri Waller twaller@todaysmedianow.com
CIRCULATION MANAGER W. Earl Zion Today’s Woman is published monthly by: Zion Publications, LLC 9780 Ormsby Station Road, Suite 1400 Louisville, KY 40223 Phone: 502.327.8855 TodaysWomanNow.com TodaysMediaNow.com The opinions expressed herein are exclusively those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect the position of the publisher. Today’s Woman magazine does not endorse or guarantee any advertiser’s product or service. Copyright 2020 by Zion Publications LLC, all rights reserved. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner is prohibited without permission from Zion Publications LLC. ADVERTISE: Call 502.327.8855 or email advertising@todaysmedianow.com. REPRINTS: Call 502.327.8855 or email reprints@todaysmedianow.com. SUBSCRIBE: Send $18 to the above address for 12 monthly issues.