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Hiring the perfect match for your business

By Tonilyn Hornung

Finding the perfect match for a position in your company doesn’t have to be a daunting process. Whether you’re looking for someone with a flexible schedule, excellent computer skills, or the ability to problem solve and tell a good knock-knock joke, there are solid steps to take while searching for that singular employee to complement your company’s vision.

Sometimes it’s the simple things that make a good first impression. Marketing your company with an up-to-date website is a wonderful way to engage a potential new hire. “If the company has a website, that’s the first thing people will go to,” says Tiffany Cardwell, a principal advisor on MCM’s HR Advisory Services Team, with over 20 years of experience in human resources. She suggests doing a once-over of the company’s website to make sure contact information and links are active and up to date.

A good way to maintain your website and keep your webpresence relevant is to be active on social media. “It’s so easy for a possible applicant to Google Search right now,” Tiffany says. She also suggests getting a little creative when you’re ready to write your job description so your ad will stand out from the crowd in cyberspace.

Cindy Read, deputy director with KentuckianaWorks — an organization that engages “employers, educators, and job seekers with resources to build a stronger community through the dignity of work” — says to remember to include the deeper mission of the open job position. “Make sure that the person knows they have the opportunity to feel good about what they’ve accomplished at the end of the day,” Cindy says. Another tip Tiffany gives is to keep your post “industryspecific versus general,” and think through the “qualifying things they want in the role.”

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