February, 2012
High-Profile: Facilities Development News
Monument Dedicated to Engineers Boston - Pressley Associates, a Cambridge-based landscape DUFKLWHFWXUH DQG XUEDQ GHVLJQ Ă€UP announced the dedication of the Bernard M. Gordon Tribute to Engineering Leadership at Northeastern University. NU President Joseph E. Aoun hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony for this interactive hightech monument of moving digital images on LED screens and photo tributes to engineering leaders including Bernard Marshall (“BerQLHÂľ *RUGRQ With more than 200 inventions to his credit, including the high-speed analog-to-digital converter, the instant imaging computer-aided tomography scanner Digital Doppler Radar, and the world’s Ă€UVW VROLG VWDWH [ UD\ JHQHUDWRU Gordon endowed the university’s Gordon Engineering Leadership Program with $20 million. Situated on the pathway be- Bernard M. Gordon Tribute to Engineering Leadership tween the university’s Snell Engineering Center and Egan Research ern University Veterans’ Memorial. Center, the Gordon Tribute’s surrounding These are the latest in a series of plaza was designed by Pressley landscape Northeastern campus landscape improvearchitect Matt Latimer with a grayscale ments designed by Pressley, which replaced paving pattern evocative of electron paths many of the campus’ asphalt-paved roads around an atom or moon orbits around a and parking lots with curved brick pedestriplanet, inlaid in a red brick pavement. an walks, greenspaces, granite-curbed tree/ Ergonomic stainless steel benches Ă RZHU SODQWHUV DQG WKH ODQGPDUN .UHQW]provide viewing seats for the monument. It man Quadrangle on Huntington Avenue. is down a path from Pressley’s Northeast-
New Mass. Projects for GEI Boston - GEI Consultants, Inc. is providing various consulting engineering services for the design and construction of a green bus maintenance facility located at Logan International Airport in East Boston. The 72,000sf facility will be located in the north service area of the airport and will LQFOXGH RIÀFH PDLQWHQDQFH DQG VWRUDJH VSDFH IRU WKH à HHW RI EXVHV XVHG IRU RSHUDtions at the airport. GEI performed an environmental asVHVVPHQW DQG JHRWHFKQLFDO ÀHOG LQYHVWLJDtion of the site; designed a foundation that consisted of spread footings on existing site soils improved with controlled-moduluscolumns; and evaluated and approved a
contractor proposed value-engineering alternative to support the facility on spread footings over site soils improved with rammed aggregate piers. Currently, GEI is providing construction oversight for this project. GEI also was selected to be part of the program management team engaged by Massport for review of design-build project improvements to the Runway Safety Area (RSA) at the end of Runway 33L at Boston-Logan International Airport. The proposed improvements are required to enhance the RSA, to the extent feasible, to be consistent with the Federal Aviation Administration’s current airport design criteria for RSA.
Bomco to Build New Facility Gloucester, MA - MassDevelopment has issued a $4 million tax-exempt bond, purchased by TD Bank, on behalf of Bomco, Inc., a manufacturing company located in Gloucester, which produces sheet metal fabrications for jet engines, industrial gas turbines, and land and marine turbines. The company will use bond proceeds to build an 18,000sf manufacturing facility on Bomco’s current property, which contains 52,000sf of production space, and to purchase equipment for EDM drilling, vacuum furnace heat treating and EUD]LQJ DQG DLUà RZ DQDO\VLV 7KHVH FDSDbilities will vertically integrate the production process to improve turnaround time to customers. The company expects the proj-
ect will create 10 to 15 jobs. “Gloucester is best known for its Ă€VKLQJ LQGXVWU\ EXW %RPFR H[HPSOLĂ€HV the commonwealth’s success in another VHFWRU DGYDQFHG PDQXIDFWXULQJ Âľ VDLG MassDevelopment president and CEO Marty Jones. “From predevelopment WKURXJK SHUPDQHQW Ă€QDQFLQJ 0DVV'Hvelopment supports Massachusetts manufacturers. We’re pleased to provide access WR WKLV ORZ FRVW Ă€QDQFLQJ IRU %RPFR¡V H[SDQVLRQ Âľ Bomco began in 1958 in a small garage, refurbishing wire spools. Presently, the company’s products include industrial gas turbine combustors, intake center bodies, and various internal jet engine components.
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