Loving life with little ones
April - June 2013 - Oxfordshire
Father’s Day Craft Activity
Shop ABout unique and fun products for your little ones
What’s New
for bumps, babies & toddlers
WFiinn t gerprin
Silver n Kit from sio Impres ewellery, KNR J £49 Everything Bump, Baby & Toddler Near You worth Covering Oxford, Banbury, Bicester, Witney, Abingdon, Wallingford, Didcot and surrounding villages
Hello &
to the FIRST edition of Toddle About Oxfordshire!
When we had our first baby, it was like being thrown into a whole new world - and I’m pretty sure you know what I mean when I say that! One of the biggest problems we encountered was that we wanted to go and do baby things with the new addition to our family - but we had no idea what was on offer or where... The information was all out there, but it was scattered across umpteen different websites, flyers and leaflets - and finding the time to sleep was a big enough issue, let alone trauling the internet for ideas of things to do. We knew we weren’t alone in our dilemma, so we decided to solve the problem for everyone and create a central resource that put everything in one place. You’re holding the result of that journey in your hands - the Toddle About magazine. And we hope you like it! Inside, you will find literally hundreds of groups and classes to try out in our Daily Activity Planner (p.20-30), all listed by location and in a day-by-day format so you can easily find what you need. We also have several special offer vouchers in our centre pages, letting you try many of these classes for free or at a discounted rate. Look out for the sign on adverts - this tells you if they have an offer voucher for you.
Contents What’s New?
Spring Craft Activity
In at the Deep End
Shop About
Like Riding a Bike
Family Friendly Festival
Baby Yoga & Massage 12-13 Controversy Corner
Special Offers
Mums Making It
We hope you like the magazine - you can subscribe for FREE so you never need miss a future edition at www.toddleabout.co.uk/subscribe!
Daily Activity Planner 20-30
Loving life with little ones,
Competition Time
Tim and Ruth
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Owners/Editors Tel: 01327 830171 or Email: info@toddleabout.co.uk
Meet the team....
Tim & Ruth - Owner/Editors
Linda - Advertising Sales & Support Eloise - Graphic Designer & Editor
Gemma - Office Support
14,000 copies of Toddle About are distributed every quarter around Oxford, Banbury, Bicester, Witney, Abingdon, Wallingford, Didcot and surrounding areas. Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the information in Toddle About is accurate and correct, we cannot guarantee that this is so and neither Toddle About nor Tim Freed can accept any liability for loss, damage or problems arising from any errors, omissions or inaccuracies in content, nor from actions taken by readers based on information or opinions presented in advertisements or throughout the magazine. Images and information supplied by 3rd parties have been accepted in good faith and all liability for any legal transgression including breach of copyright remains with the supplying parties.
Toddle About, Unit 6, Yorks Farm Business Centre, Watling Street, Towcester, Northamptonshire, NN12 8EU. Tel: 01327 830 171.
April-June 2013 Toddle About
Wh at ‘s N ew ? What’s new for bumps, babies & toddlers in the Oxfordshire area Key to each area:
Bond with your baby....!
Enjoy a happy and healthy pregnanc y - and baby! Active Birth Preparation Classes Using yoga movement, breathing and birth hypnosis relaxation techniques, Daisy Birthing classes prepare both your body and mind, ready for your big day. Baby Massage & Yoga Classes Learn how to soothe your baby, deep en bonding and develop important sensory syste ms at Daisy Baby classes. Help to ease colic, flat head and sleeping issues, and even reclaim your tummy! Bicester - Donna@lazydaisybirthing.c o.uk or call 07412 580853 Banbury - aliso n-hargrave@ lazydaisybirthing.co.uk or call 0797 6 977782 www.thelazydaisychain.co.uk P.13
Work Opportunity with Action Kids Action Kids are looking for licensees in this area. Grab this opportunity to start an active career with great earning potential and a low cost of entry. Current licensees currently benefit from a fun working day, flexible hours and the ability to grow their business at their own pace. Start dates occur every 6 months so if interested now or in the future let us know! Request an information pack by emailing james@actionkids.co.uk P.18
Dance, Dance, Dance in Banbury! LoveBallet Dance Company are now offering new dance classes in Banbury. We are very excited to be offering Ballet, Funky Dance, Gymnastics and a Combination LoveDance Class on Wednesdays starting 17th April at the North Oxfordshire Academy School. Classes are for 3yrs+ with the opportunity to work towards exams and take part in shows. First class free as a trial, just email claire@loveballet.co.uk or call 07774 518949. P.22
April-June 2013 Toddle About
S. Oxon
W. Oxon
Vale of WH
Baby Sensory: A Unique Baby Development Class Baby Sensory classes are NEW to the Banbury area on Wednesday mornings and classes are now also running again in Abingdon and Wallingford as we welcome back Leigh from maternity leave. Our hour long sessions offer different baby development activities each week plus babies can explore our unique exploratory play area. With some fantastic themed sessions such as Baby Pirates, Jungle Jitters and Beach Party available for all babies from birth up to 13 months throughout the Oxfordshire region- we welcome you to join us for a free trial at any of our venues. And in June if you’re looking for something special to offer Dad for Father’s Day why not book him onto one of our Father’s Day Specials. Visit www.babysensory.com to find your nearest session. P.21
Father’s Day Dilemma?
Not only do we struggle to find the men in our lives something for their birthday or Christmas oaching, but now that Father’s Day is fast appr who man the for get you do earth what on er - KNR already has everything? Look no furth e to suit all Jewellery has a men’s product rang your precious ure capt – sizes ly budgets and fami make a little one’s fingerprints in silver to Dads and for sake keep ised onal pers special ’s Pendants Grandads. Key Rings from £75, Men inks from Cuffl and £75 from chain or er leath on all hand – yone ever for thing £95. There is some ay 16th June made to order. Father’s Day is Sund your 10% off – last orders 8th June. Don’t forget buy online to Visit too! Toddle About Voucher 5 271051 www.knrjewellery.co.uk or call 0129 P.11 ent. intm to make an appo
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Flexible Work Opportunity in Banbury & Oxford Areas
Due to the continuing expansion within the Oxfordshire area, Musical Minis are recruiting two Oxford areas. Assistants to work in the Banbury and assist and You will work alongside the Leader be ld shou You on. sessi the t them throughou children. enthusiastic and love working with but a A musical background is not necessary only -time term is job dynamic person is! The be able to must You s. hour ble flexi s offer and ation. The drive and have your own transport training will roles are temporary positions as full classes.Full run to er Lead a me beco to be given . training will be provided a on: For an informal chat contact Leen is.co.uk for lmin usica a@m leen or 652 738 6 0129 more info. P.22
Little Kickers Classes in Oxfordshir e
Nothing is more rewarding than watching a child learning new skills, keeping fit and loving every minute of it! That’s why more and more parents are bringing their children along to Little Kickers football train ing sessions. At Little Kickers the focus is very muc h on fun, with a network of informal yet profe ssionally run training classes where enthusiastic boys and girls (18 months – 7th birthday) are given a helping hand to stand on their own two feet. Classes are suitable from 18 months to 7th Birthday - classes are run in Banbury, Bicester, Oxford, Kidlington, Thame & Chinnor. P.26 (Bicester & Banbury) 01869 323186 or email Helen at hjohnson@littlekickers.co.uk (Aylesbury & Oxford) 07412 480804 or email Kieran at ktownsend@littlekickers.co. uk
New to Oxfordshire - Jumping Clay!
to Give your children the opportunity to experience Jumping Clay! New toxic and Oxfordshire, it is the lightest, softest clay in the world; air drying, non an provides and free mess is it all, of Best colours. bright 8 in easy to use. Comes creativity exciting, fun 3D modelling experience that ignites the imagination and of of all children. Find out more and take your children through the wonders below. See 4228. 0770103 on Fern Contact fun! colour and shape, all whilst having
A Fun 3D Education
New to Oxfordshire!
Jumping Clay - Learn Through Play Develops creativity & imagination, improves fine motor skills, s p o h s rk o self confidence & concentration. Fun W Non-toxic, mess free, light, soft, Educational Coursessmooth, intermixable & air drying.
Par ties
After School Clubs Quirky Artworks
Contact Fern for more info: f.spengler@jumpingclay.co.uk
Tel: 07701 034228 April-June 2013 Toddle About
Don’t forget Sunday 16th June
Pen Pot Holder
Things you’ll need: en towel or toilet roll • A tube e.g. a kitch no sharp edges) tube or a tin can (with paper or art paper) • Paper (e.g. sugar r in Dad’s favourite colou le-sided sticky tape • PVA glue or doub choice – see below • Decoration of your o circle for the base) • Strong card (cut int Instructions: e
Art Tissue Paper Window
same height as the tub 1) Cut a strip of paper the p around with about wra to and long enough 2cm extra. one side to create a tab 2) Draw a line 2cm from r little one to you w Allo er. cov the that will join te the paper in any way get creative and decora . below they choose see ideas d around the tube and car the p wra ply 3) Then sim e. tap or e glu PVA secure it using the ng t a bottom, use the stro 4) If using a tube withou e. tap or e glu h k wit card to create a base. Stic
Creative ideas:
Using child friendly • Hand/finger/foot prints. them to push their de gui er eith nts poster pai them to decorate freely. w allo or print onto the card me. Collage pictures • Choose a sporting the w daddy playing his from a magazine or dra extra feature of a golf an Add rt. favourite spo ab skewer and lump keb a flag or boat sail using of Blutac at the base. – use pencils, pens, paint • Raid the art cupboard to draw a picture. • Potato print a pattern. • For older children make the strip out of felt and sew a message or picture.
April-June April-June 2013 2013 Toddle Toddle About About
Things you’ll need: s colours • Tissue paper in variou r • A piece of tracing pape rs sso • PVA glue & sci • Card in any colour
flat 1) Lay the tracing paper ce pie a Use le. tab on the size much larger than the that you want for the final picture. 2) Cut or rip the tissue paper into shapes.
3) Brush a large area of h the tracing paper wit g the tissue paper, buildin glue and stick down ue tiss The . tern pat ss gla up a collaged stained ny ma too ate not to cre should overlap but try colours will merge. layers otherwise the to is dry use strips of card 4) Once the tissue paper or pe sha a into it e or cut create a picture fram letters on the g win dra en wh ber letter. Remem y need to be in reverse. the back to cut out the window of your choice 5) Finally display in the a lovely flash of for d) she ’s Dad in n (maybe eve sun shines. colour every time the
d 5+ s parties for children age Gemstar run Creative Kid . ting crea or g urin and involve painting, colo
kindly written by Gemma at icon tells you which advertisers have a voucher in Gemstar the centre pages Parties
In at
The Deep End Babies love being in water – as you’ll see from the excited smiles and gurgles around the pool. And swimming from birth is entirely natural. After all, they’ve just spent nine months in the womb! ‘Generally, babies start swimming at around six weeks,’ explains Saz Sunthareswaran, director of Water Babies Oxford. ‘Though it’s becoming increasingly popular for dads to bring them earlier as this then becomes their special time with baby, right from the start.’ The warm water amplifies positive emotions within a fun, shared activity. And weekend classes are perfect for dads, who are often still working full-time. There’s normally no need for your baby to have had their immunisations before going swimming. However, if your baby was premature, or you have any other medical concerns, check with your doctor first. With obesity rates doubling over the last ten years, it’s vital that children form the habits of fun, regular exercise from a young age - and it’s important that they see their parents as active role models. ‘Getting our babies used to exercising from birth is something of which we’re really proud,’ says Saz. Despite looking very gentle, each half hour lesson with Water Babies provides a complete physical workout – exercising and strengthening muscles they’d never even find on land.
TIP: Interact with your baby Once you’re in the pool, keep your baby constantly moving all the time: bouncing across the water, swinging them round, singing nursery rhymes as you go. You’ll find they respond really positively, especially as they’ll love sharing such an unusual one to one time with you. However, if they’re still very small, don’t be surprised if they don’t appear to be remotely interested in what you’re doing, there’ll be a huge amount of other stimulating things attracting their attention. The other obvious benefit is water safety. Sadly, drowning is still the third highest cause of accidental death among children in the UK. However, with carefully structured training, babies can be taught life saving skills such as turning onto their backs or, following a sudden submersion, swimming to the nearest solid object. ‘And if the confidence of knowing you’re making your child safer in water isn’t enough to drag yourself out of bed at the weekend, I don’t know what is,’ suggests Saz. ‘Especially as you’re almost guaranteed to have a really good time!’
Exercise: Water Safety It’s important that your baby learns what to do if they fall in the water by accident. Start by sitting them on the side of the pool and bring them into the water, taking them a little way from the edge. Then, whilst repeating, “turn, turn,” turn them to face the side. Saying “kick, kick,” bring them back to the edge. And then say, “Hold on” and encourage them to grab the side. As with all else, repeat over and over!
TIP: Dressing your baby You’ll find that a toasty baby is infinitely happier than a shivering one! Do make sure you put your baby in a wetsuit at the start of the session. It’s very easy to take it off if they get too hot, however if they start getting too cold, putting anything on them at that stage will do little to make them warmer. Keeping little ones warm in water is a serious consideration as the body can lose heat up to 25 times faster than on land – and a baby’s body can lose heat even faster than an adult’s.
Saz and the team on 01869 325 499 Water Babies classes run across Oxfordshire, for more information call or visit www.waterbabies.co.uk to areas) ing (please call Tamsin on 01295 709221 for Banbury and surround cover. back the on April-June 2013 Toddle About 7 advert See find your local pool!
t u o b A p o h S uniq ue and fun prod ucts Imagine I Can Role Play Sets - £14.99 Do you have a wannabe secret agent? A new range has been introduced by US toy company Manhattan Toy which aims to catch the imaginations of young children. For age 3+, this Secret Agent Spy Kit contains everything a little spy needs including pretend finger print powder, invisible ink bottles and a secret message decoder, all packed away in a useful carry tin. www.popsyandpeanut.com
Special Offer Vouchers in the centre pages to use on some of these products
Baby Reading Programme - £150.00 The MonkiSee collection is perfect for parents who want to give their baby a head start. The programme exposes your baby to words through written and spoken language, in a really fun way. The DVDs have rhyming poetry and the narrations are very descriptive, allowing your baby to relate to what is being shown on the screen. Parents are often amazed at how quickly their baby learns to read when they regularly use the MonkiSee DVDs, Flash Cards & Books. Buy from www.monkisee.co.uk Get 20% off with code ACC3E0404646
Personalised music gifts for that special child in your life! A one stop shop to dress your princess for a birthday party or any special occasion, with the added benefit of using our gift page to select the perfect gift to take along to the party. Extensive range of pettiskirt tutus, matching tops, petti dresses, children’s charm bracelets, tiaras, Charlie Bears, Mermaids, Fairy dress up and much more. For regular updates and promotional codes: Follow us on Twitter P_fullofposies Follow us on facebook Pocket Full of Posies
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Looking for a fabulous personalised gift?
10% off see centre pages
We offer a range of embroidered products; bibs, burp clothes, baby hats, fleece blankets, polo shirts, t-shirts and dribble bibs. We cater for disabled & special needs children/adults. Prices from £2.50.
For further details email: dale.shaylor@btinternet.com
April-June 2013 Toddle About
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Things to make for Dads (paperback) - £4.99 Looking for inspiration to make that special gift for Father’s day? Whether it’s for your own children or for a pre-school group that you run, Things to make for Dads has eighteen great ideas to make dad’s day - any day of the year. Activities include a pop-up goal card, a car photo frame, a dangly-dads decoration, a garden collage and a sleepy-dad door sign. Each activity is clearly illustrated with stepby-step instructions and includes over 200 colourful stickers to decorate the activities. WARNING! Not suitable for children under 36 months because of small parts. Choking Hazard. For more information and to order your copy contact Jenny Cooke, jenny@cookeville.plus.com, 07976 231127. To see inside sample pages visit www. usborneonline.org/cookeville_books
Soft Play Sets - £24.99
Pocket full of Posies - from £6.99 A one stop shop to dress your princess for a birthday party or any special occasion, with the added benefit of using our gift page to select the perfect gift to take along to the party. Extensive range of pettiskirt tutus, matching tops, petti dresses, children’s charm bracelets, tiaras, Charlie Bears, Mermaids, Fairy dress up and much more. Prices: regular skirts £14.99, premium skirts £21.49, many matching tops ranging from £6.99 - £12.99 with the frou frou top being our favorite for summer! Matching hair rosettes, headbands, clips, tiaras and a fabulous range of fairy wings all at reasonable prices. To buy visit Pocket full of posies website: www.pocketfullofposies.co.uk See voucher in centre pages for 15% discount
FirstBike Balance Bike - £96.75 The multi-award winning balance bike that has taken Europe by storm is now available in the UK.
Soft play sets from Swedish brand Oskar&Ellen. They are made of soft fabric and come in different themes, from the beauty box for a little girl wanting to copy mummy, afternoon tea sets perfect for spring, to the aeroplane hangar and spaceship for boisterous boys! They come compact in a soft box or a bag so they can be taken anywhere and be easily stored away. These toys are great for stimulating children’s fine motor skills and imaginative role play. Find a great selection at www.thelittlelavendertree.co.uk
Featuring advanced composite construction, a unique rear drum brake and a host of other safety features, FirstBIKE™ is the coolest bike on the street. It’s the ideal companion for walks and discovery journeys because it’s designed so young children can keep up with their parents’ walking speed. Children will develop an early sense of balance and control, along with independence, self-confidence and happiness – all without any need for stabilisers. Winner of toy awards across Europe, FirstBIKE™, catches your eye from first sight due to its unique ergonomic design. It surpasses other balance bikes, primarily due to its high quality workmanship and range of important safety features. For further information contact FirstBIKE on 07882 507 460 www.thefirstbike.co.uk
April-June 2013 Toddle About
Teach Your Child to Ride
Without Stabilisers Learning to ride a bike is one of those milestones in life that represents a huge achievement for children and parents. It’s the next stage of mobility and opens up new possibilities for days out, fun games and healthy exercise. But learning to ride a bike can be full of tears, fears, thrills and spills. Traditionally in the UK, we strap stabilisers onto the bike so that our children can learn the feel of riding and work out how to pedal. When we’re feeling brave enough – or simply embarrassed that our soon-to-be-teenager is still riding with stabilisers – we remove the stabilisers so they can learn the last piece of the puzzle: balancing. The whole ‘learning to balance’ thing is where it gets tricky. As parents, on the whole, we quickly learn that our children are not going to learn to balance on their own – after a couple of nasty falls, our excited little adventurers are none too keen to climb back on and give it another go. So in comes the back-breaking parental support, holding onto seats, handle bars or shoulders to help our children stay upright for more than a few seconds. And eventually, after quite possibly doing some permanent damage to our spinal cords, our children can ride their bike. Fortunately for our generation, there is an easier and quicker way to teach our little ones to ride a bike. Not only does it save our backs, but it also makes the whole process a lot more fun and pretty much eliminates all tears.
Nowadays, there is the option of buying a specially designed ‘balance bike’, such as those sold by FirstBikeUK (see below). Light-weight and pedal-less, these bikes mean that children as young as 18 – 24 months can start learning to ride – and they will typically move seamlessly to a regular pedal bike somewhere between 3 – 5 years old. The saddles on these balance bikes are deeper than regular bikes, giving the child a solid connection between their feet and the floor and a lower centre of gravity, making them feel more stable and comfortable. Little to no instruction is needed from an adult – typically a child will try to walk whilst holding the handle bars and with the bike between their feet. The little one controls the whole situation with his legs, using them as brakes from the beginning (he will later manage to control the hand brake too). After a while, he will rest his bottom on the seat and the walk will gradually turn into a “run” with the ride becoming smoother. After a few hours of practice, the child will experiment with lifting up both legs at the same time and.... they will balance! Eventually, they will want to try a regular bike with pedals and you’ll be amazed – they will learn to pedal very quickly. And they won’t ever need stabilisers!
We do this by switching the learning process around - instead of teaching how to pedal first, followed by how to balance, we teach balancing first and pedalling second. How do we do this? Well, we remove the pedals of course! And in fact, this isn’t a new idea. People have been taking pedals off bikes to teach little ones to ride for decades – the problem however has been that pedal bikes can be pretty heavy, so this is only really suitable for older children. selling the By Julie Fox. Julie runs FirstBIKE UK, ce bike multi-award winning FirstBIKE balan out find To . storm by pe Euro taken that has or visit more, contact Julie on 01788 332 187 opposite www.thefirstbike.co.uk. See advert
April-June April-June 2013 2013 Toddle Toddle About About
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Just So Festival Just So Festival in Cheshire are out to prove that being the parents of the very youngest children shouldn’t stop you enjoying some festival fun this summer, and have announced that they will be expanding and improving their celebrated Peekaboo baby area in 2013.
The Family Festival The organisers of this boutique family festival have been overwhelmed by how many babies are attending the event and have responded by announcing more programming and better facilities for their very youngest festival goers. With the support of returning sponsor Weleda Baby this August parents will be able to take their little ones along to festival favourites like baby yoga, baby massage, choral lullabies and clay babies. Joining them in 2013 will be; Shiny, an interactive dance experience for babies and toddlers; bubble hour, the shiny sensory tent and shake, rattle & roll a fabulous music making session.
Facilities will be better than ever with a baby change tent with free biodegradeable nappies and wipes, info about the Go Real Nappy Campaign from Cheshire East Recycling team, a beautiful breastfeeding boudoir sponsored by Medela where you can relax, feed your babies and warm your bottles, a baby bathtime tent, sling library and baby café. Rowan Hoban, Co-Director of the festival, says “I’ve taken my babies to festivals since they were just 8 weeks old and I can’t think of a better way to spend a weekend, immersing their tiny bodies and minds from the get go in wonderful outdoor adventures, it also means I know what kind of facilities new parents need and the kind of programming that will inspire”
make a resounding The Just So team are gearing up to details of all acts, Full al. festiv al annu 4th their of success able on the avail are ts ticke activities, adventures and .uk l.org stiva sofe .just www ite webs
FIRST SENSE OF BALANCE The multi-award winning balance bike that has taken Europe by storm is now available in the UK. Designed in Germany, FirstBIKE™ is the perfect super light training bike for developing your child’s sense of balance and motor skills – all without any need for stabilisers.
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April-June 2013 Toddle About
All about...
Baby Yoga & Massage Baby yoga and baby massage are a great way to bond with your baby, and they can really have a positive impact on your baby by calming them and helping with sleep issues and colic as well as increasing mum’s wellbeing, and easing postnatal anxieties. We run Daisy Baby classes in Bicester, Banbury and Milton Keynes and our classes are all about baby-led active bonding. We teach mums yoga and massage techniques within a friendly and intimate group surrounding, making them feel more empowered, more energised and ready to face the world!
spatial awareness, and in babies, this is developing day by day. We can help to encourage your baby’s vestibular system development by lifting them gently up and down, all the time keeping eye contact with them so they are comforted and confident because they know you are with them.
Baby Yoga
Baby Yoga to try at home!
By using gentle movement you will help develop your baby’s vestibular system. This is what triggers the startle reflex in babies and makes them jump suddenly and cry (ever had your baby in your arms quietly asleep and you lay them down ever-so gently but they still wake and cry?) This is the sensory system that contributes to balance and
A very good way to try this is by singing ‘Row, row, row your boat’, with your baby sitting on your lap facing you whilst you pull them up and down, by their hands, from flat to sitting gently (please note that this exercise is for babies who can support their heads themselves).
Earn your
kitchen products
Have an hour? Host a party! We will give you free kitchen products to say thank you*. Hosting is so simple and rewarding. Just invite friends over for a delicious get together! It’s as simple as that! Plus enjoy half price, discounted products and a further 10% off for an entire year - book your party today! *Terms and conditions apply - speak to Tracey for details.
• Get together with friends • Try our range of high-quality kitchen tools • Learn to make a simple but spectacular recipes •Enjoy tasting the results • Shop from the comfort of your own home Find out how to earn free products: contact Tracey on 07718 533163 or email: tracey.aldridge@yahoo.co.uk
April-June 2013 Toddle About
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Baby Massage Infant massage deepens bonding with your baby, encouraging a release of Oxytocin and Endorphin hormones, which make both you and your baby feel happy. It can also help with teething and blocked sinuses, essential in the winter months when colds are doing the rounds.
Baby Massage to try at home! A technique to try at home if your baby is suffering with teething or blocked sinuses is to gently roll each toe – one at a time - between your fingers, all the way from the big toe to the little toe, and all the way back to the big toe again (repeat on other foot). You could sing to them ‘This little piggy went to market....’ whilst you keep eye contact and smile, reassuring your baby and bonding with them at the same time.
These are just a couple of techniques that Daisy Baby® classes teach, to help you actively bond with your baby, cope with ailments and help them to develop important sensory systems in the early months of their lives. Plus we have gentle techniques to help you get your tummy back too!
with classes in Bicester and Milton Instructor at The Lazy Daisy Chain ®, By Donna Lynch, a Birth Educator and ing baby bonding yoga, massage offer n®, Chai mark of The Lazy Daisy est Keynes. Daisy Baby® is a registered trade throughout the UK. To find your near e movement-based antenatal classes rt below. adve and postnatal classes, and also activ See . 0925 465 0845 call or k azydaisychain.co.u teacher, search for a class at www.thel
Teach Your Baby to Read! Babies can start learning to read from as early as 3 months old with MonkiSee’s reading kit. It requires no effort – just lots of fun and stimulation! And children that learn to read from such a young age have a huge advantage over the rest. The kit contains books, DVDs and Flash Cards, combining music, poetry, puppets and real-world images to expand your baby’s vocabulary and teach them to read.
20% OFF
with code ACC3E0404646
Active Birth Preparation Classes Help both your body and mind prepare for labour. Learn yoga and breathing techniques to enable you to relax fully and bond with your baby, leaving you more confident in your ability to birth comfortably, and without fear. Bicester – Donna 07412 580 853 email donna@lazydaisybirthing.co.uk Banbury – Alison 07976 977 782 email alison-hargrave@lazydaisybirthing. co.uk Visit www.thelazydaisychain.co.uk to see a sample class!
April-June 2013 Toddle About
Controversy Corner
What Sort of Parent are You?
So you think it is time to tidy up and your toddler disagrees – how do you handle it? Researchers have attempted to classify our responses and have come up with three different styles of parenting.
What are the different parenting styles? According to psychologist Diana Baumrind (see insert), parents are either authoritarian, permissive or authoritative when interacting with their children.
What are the main differences? Put simply, authoritarian parents aim to keep their children under strict control via rigid rules. Rules are typically enforced via threat and the use of punishments. Permissive parents allow their children to largely do what they want and do not exert significant influence or have expectations of compliance. The relationship often feels more like a friendship. Reasoning, manipulation and bribes are used to achieve some level of control. Finally, authoritative parents aim to shape their child’s behaviours in definite ways and have high expectations but use a firm but fair approach. There is room for negotiation and discussion but only up to a point.
It sounds like authoritative is the desired style?
What are the advantages? The caring and warm manner of authoritative parents, along with the use of praise and perhaps rewards, teaches the child that behaving and fitting in feels good. They are able to emotionally regulate themselves and develop good social skills. Research suggests they do well in school, are self-confident and goal oriented. April-June 2013 Toddle About
Baumrind focused on two aspects of parenting: parental responsiveness and parental demandingness. She placed parents on each of these on a continuum from high to low. Responsiveness described the degree to which parents made efforts to understand and respond to the specific needs of their child. Demandingness described the level of control parents asserted over their child. Parents deemed to be highly responsive and highly demanding were classified as authoritative.
Baumrind certainly thought so, as do most people today. Authoritative parents are accepting of their child’s current behaviour and outlook but hold clear views about how they want to shape them to their own ideals. They use reasoning and reinforcement to support the child’s development but also have clear boundaries and assertively manage situations, where necessary.
Studying Parenting in the 1960s. The 3 parenting styles described are the result of research carried out in the early 1960s by a developmental psychologist called Diana Baumrind. She and her team observed and interviewed 100 middle class families with preschool children.
Those who were highly responsive and low on demandingness were seen as permissive. Finally, those parents who were observed to be highly demanding but low on responsiveness were labelled as authoritarian. Baumrind clearly favoured authoritative parenting. In the 1980s, Maccoby and Martin added a fourth parenting style. They realised that parents could be low on responsiveness and low on demandingness and they classified these parents as neglectful. Baumrind’s research is still influential today although the complexities of parenting have been explored further.
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Is authoritarian parenting really so bad? Authoritarian parents tend to see the world in black and white, good and bad. Unquestioning compliance and control are key. Children learn to conform out of fear. As an upside, they usually do relatively well in school and are less likely to misuse substances or get in trouble with the police. However, they are not as socially skilled as they might be and can find it hard to handle frustration. Girls tend to give up in the face of challenges and boys tend to react with aggressiveness. They are also more likely to suffer from low self-esteem, anxiety and low mood.
Are there any advantages to permissive parenting? Permissive parenting is sometimes seen as the cause of all of today’s problems! Permissive parents believe in the autonomy of the individual and respond positively to all of their child’s desires. They tend to avoid confrontation and the overt use of power and discipline to shape and regulate behaviour as it is seen as restrictive of a child’s natural development. The children are often good conversationalists with adults (their equals), have high social skills and selfesteem and low levels of depression. However, they can have difficulties with anxiety due to the absence of limit setting which children need to feel safe and secure. They can also become bossy and dominating in an attempt to find where the limits are.
How to be an Authoritative Parent 1. Be curious about your child – try first to understand why they are behaving in a certain way to determine whether you should let the child continue, to learn and problem solve for themselves, or whether a guiding hand is needed. 2. Set clear boundaries and say no when necessary so your child feels secure in the knowledge that there is someone watching out for them who will keep them safe.
So is it really that clear cut? Is authoritative parenting the way to go? Probably. Most parents want children who feel valued and listened to, who feel safe and secure, who know what is expected of them and fit in well with society, feeling good about themselves. Authoritative parenting is the most likely to achieve this. However, it is now acknowledged that these three categories are quite restrictive. There are times when a more authoritarian or permissive approach is the right approach for that child in that situation. The ideal is to aim to have a largely authoritative style, whilst acknowledging that there are times to get tough and times to just let it go.
Dr Helen Andrews is a Clinical Psychologist with over 15 years of experience working with children and young people.
3. Gently help your child to calm when they are overwrought – children often struggle to handle powerful feelings
Through her business, Family Matters in Warwickshire, she helps parents when they can see that their child is struggling with their emotions, behaviour or development. She focuses on early intervention as the evidence is clear that it is never too early to ask for help.
4. Recognise your child as an individual who will find some things easier than others, and help them them to develop and achieve their potential.
Family Matters supports prospective parents through the final stages of pregnancy, new parents struggling with the challenges of infancy and toddlerhood and more experienced parents too.
5. Allow your child to express themselves and find their own place in the world, but guide them towards what you value most.
You can contact Helen on 01564 795337 and you can find out more at www.familymattersinwarwickshire.co.uk
April-June 2013 Toddle About
20% OFF ALL MONKISEE PRODUCTS Babies can start learning to read from as early as 3 months. Order your kit today - use the code ‘ACC3E0404646’.Expires: 30/06/13.
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Salt Therapy –
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Contact the Salt Cave now on 01908 888480 to book your free 60min session. The Salt Cave, Unit A, Old Stratford Local Centre, Falcon Drive, Old Stratford, MK19 6FG www.saltcave.co.uk
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April-June 2013 Toddle About Toddle About April-June 2013
One in five children in the UK suffers from eczema, a condition that causes itchy inflammation of the skin. Symptoms are worsened during a flare-up and the skin can become extremely irritated, hot, scaly, swollen and blistered. Meet 18-month old Maani Hussain; he has been having regular treatment at The Salt Cave in Milton Keynes since he was 6 months old to treat his eczema. His parents first discovered Salt Therapy while researching about salt baths, which was recommended to them by their homeopathic consultant. Regular salt therapy combined with using natural Shea butter (emollient & moisturiser) as well as salt baths at home have helped to continually reduce Maani’s eczema symptoms and speed up the healing process of any flare-ups. For mum Rayhana, this has been the best combination for Maani and she is really happy that she has never had to use any steroid creams on him.
Providing relief for Eczema...
Both parents say ‘It’s great to have finally found a treatment that has helped our son with his eczema. Our advice to parents with children suffering from eczema is to try b salt therapy and not to give up too soon. In our experience we have had highs and lows as Maani is still teething, but overall we have seen continuous improvement. We can’t recommend The Salt Cave enough and owners Linh & Chris are lovely people. Maani gets really excited when we get to the salt cave and chats away to them before going into the children’s cave to play with the toys while having his treatment.’ Linh explains that exposing skin to the tiny particles of the dry salt will help kill bacteria and fungi whilst cleansing the skin of allergens like pollen, dust or smoke. The salt eases the itching sensation and reduces the inflammation of rashes. Salt therapy helps children who suffer from eczema develop a greater resistance to the disease and boost their immune system. If your child suffers from eczema and you want to find a natural and effective alternative to steroid creams, then why not give salt therapy a try?
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Indoor Play
FREE TASTER SESSION DAISY BABY ACTIVE BIRTH PREPARATION CLASSES Quote ‘Toddle About’. Expires: 30/06/13. Booking essential – subject to availability.
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01865 436920 or at enquiries@babycollegeoxford.co.uk
Beccy: 07800 568 040 www.babysensory.com
FREE Trial Class Bouncing Balls
Busy Bees Baby Music Discount Card
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5 sessions in 6 months for £13 (saving £3). Buy in class for yourself or as a present. Expires: 30/06/2013. Quote ‘Toddle About’.
Contact Lisa: lisa@bouncing-balls.co.uk 07811 174 733 www.bouncing-balls.co.uk
01235 521 039 www.busybeesmusic.co.uk Mum & Baby Yoga / Pregnancy Yoga or Baby Massage
(worth £4.25 for 45 minutes)
Expires: 30/06/2013. Quote ‘Toddle About’. To book your space contact Leena: 01296 738 652
Classes in Didcot & surrounding areas. Expires: 30/06/2013. Quote ‘Toddle About’ Email: suzanne@yogabellies.co.uk
E: leena@musicalminis.co.uk www. musicalminis.co.uk
Suzanne: 07747 166 795
2 FREE TRIAL CLASSES & 10% OFF first course
Classes held in Peppard (near Henley). Expires: 30/06/2013. Quote ‘Toddle About’. Call Jane: 07500 220 588.
Free Trial Session Football training for kids, 18mths to 7yrs. New customers only. Expires: 30/06/2013. Bicester & Banbury Aylesbury & Oxford Helen: 01869 323 186 Kieran: 07412 480 804 E: hjohnson@littlekickers.co.uk E: ktownsend@littlekickers.co.uk
Baby & Toddler Classes
£5 OFF
Offers Ballet, Tap, Modern, Gymnastics and Street Dance for ages 3yrs+. Expires: 30/06/2013. Quote ‘Toddle About’.
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sessions available
Taster sessions available Call us on 01869 325499 Oxford ad 62x19mm.indd 1
April-June 2013 Toddle About
02/04/2013 14:23
it Ma k ing
Lorraine Day talks to us about setting up LoveBallet Dance Company whilst balancing family life
Why did you decide to work for yourself? I am definitely not a 9-5 office person! I knew from a young age that I didn’t want to do anything like that but it was more the dream of having my own dance school that decided the fact I would work for myself.
How did you choose what to do? I have been dancing since I was 3 years old and always had a passion for dance. Following my professional dance career I knew I wanted to share my passion and love for dance by teaching others.
What changed when you became a mum? My little girl Heidi is 15 months old so it’s very busy. My own mum always said I live my life by the second, which is more true now than ever before. Being super organised, efficient and having a very
supportive husband and family to help out is a blessing. I had a very short maternity leave (if you can call it that)! It’s hard to take time off when you have your own business and classes that need to continue - but I love my job so I didn’t mind.
How do you juggle being a mum and a business owner? Multi-tasking is key! Heidi often watches me plan for dance lessons, making up dance routines and sorting out the LoveBallet uniform orders and clothing. It’s lovely as I generally have the daytime free to look after Heidi, then teach when the schools close, but it means all the admin and paperwork has to be done when she is in bed, so it’s a long working day for me - but all very worthwhile and I wouldn’t change a thing.
Ballet, Tap & Funky Dance, Gymnastics, Singing & Acting classes - New Classes in Banbury
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Request an information pack by emailing james@actionkids.co.uk
April-June 2013 Toddle About
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What have been the biggest highs for you? Doing a job I completely love, sharing a love for dance with the pupils I teach and seeing them progress. I am so proud of them all when they work so hard for their examinations or a show. They work their socks off and their hard work pays off. I have a number of pupils who have been with me since the day I started the very first LoveBallet class and seeing them work their way through the grades and come into their own as a dancer is just such a wonderful reward as a teacher.
What have been the biggest challenges? It’s hard work. I think some people have the perception that running your own business is easy, but they couldn’t be further from the truth. Getting everything I need to get done in a day is hard and I’m often up late at night working and getting all the admin done or planning the next show/exam
sessions. But the hard work pays off when I see how much the pupils enjoy performing, or when I give out their exam results. When it gets hard and I need a pick up I remember a quote “the brave may not live forever, but the cautious never live at all” - very true!
What advice would you give to mums thinking about starting their own business? Go for it - you only live once, so give it a go. It will probably be the best decision you ever take. My one piece of advice would be to make sure you create something you can be proud of - it will be hard work but worth every bit of it.
LoveBallet Dance Company I 07711 010 404 I www.loveballet.co.uk
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April-June 2013 Toddle About
Daily Activity Planner
Your local ‘What’s On Guide’ for families with bumps - 5s in Oxfordshire
The Daily Activity Planner is your one stop shop for finding virtually any and all of the bump, baby & toddler groups and classes. Visit the Toddle About website at www.toddleabout.co.uk/directory simply enter your postcode and the groups will be listed in order of distance from your home.
Chipping Norton
12:45-14:30T at Glyme Hall, Burford Road OX7 5DY. Helen: 01869 323186; For 2 - 3s, (book by term). Fun football classes from 2-3.5 yrs
09:45-11:30T at Aynho Village Hall, Croughton Road (opposite Cartwright Hotel) OX17 3AP. Leena: 01296 738652; For 0 - 4s, £4.25 per session (please book). Classes at 9.45am and 10.45am
Little Kickers Football Classes
Parent and Toddler Group
09:00-11:30T at North Banbury Children’s Centre at Hanwell Fields Community Centre OX16 1ER. 01295 271841; For 0 - 4s, £1.25 per session (drop in).
Cropredy Baby & Toddler Group
10:00-12:00TH at Church Rooms, Church Lane Deborah: 01295 750618; £1 per session (drop in). Not bank holidays
Shutford Baby and Toddler Group
10:00-12:00T at The Village Hall, Banbury Road OX15 6JD. 01295 788747; For 0 - 5s, £1.50 per family (drop in). Friendly group
Sing & Sign Baby Signing Classes
The Sunshine Centre Drop Ins:
10:45-11:45T at Kidlington Baptist Church, High Street OX5 2DS. Helen: 01993 709532; For 0 2s, £6 per class (book by 10-week term). Help your baby communicate BEFORE speech
Teenager and Parent/Pregnant with Stay & Play: 12:00-15:00T; FREE Soft Play Stay & Play: 12:30-14:00T; £1. Edmunds Road OX16 0PJ. 01295 276769
Kidlington Toddler Group
North Banbury Children’s Centre:
Musical Minis
The Sunshine Centre Drop Ins:
Music Stay & Play: 09:15-11:15TH; £1. Health Visitor Clinic: 10:00-11:00TH FREE. Little Movers: 12:00-12:45T; For 1 - 3s, £1. Edmunds Road OX16 0PJ. 01295 276769
Little Stars Parent and Toddler Group
09:30-11:00T at The Salvation Army, 66 George Street OX16 5BH. 01295 262 449; £1 per family (drop in).
Outdoor Session
First Steps 1 - 2.5 Year Olds: 09:30-11:30TH Mums to Be: 13:00-14:30T; Health professionals Drop in Health Clinic: 13:00-14:00TH; fortnightly Babies Birth - 1 year: 13:00-14:30TH The Cabin, Hardwick C.P. School OX16 1XE. 01295 271841. £1 (donation). Drop in.
13:15-15:00T at Various Locations for Forest Walks; 0778 0786593; Contact Christine on 0778 0786593 (Drop in)
09:30-11:30TH at North Banbury Children’s Centre, The Cabin, Hardwick C.P. School OX16 1XE. 01295 271841; For 0 - 5s, £1 (donation). Children can play & learn outdoors
13:00-14:30TH at Butterfly Meadows Children’s Centre, New Road, OX15 4RJ. 01295 722240; Voluntary donation of £1 per family
09:30-11:00T at Grimsbury Community Hall, Burchester Place OX16 3WT. Kate: 07825 630524; £1 per family (drop in).
Playbus Drop In
Stay and Play
09:00-11:00T at Brookside Children’s Centre, Queens Avenue, Bicester, OX26 2NR. 01869 249604; £1 per family (drop in).
Mad Academy Music & Dance Classes
09:30-12:00T at Bicester Methodist Church, Bell Lane OX26 6JQ. Sophie: 01869 369502; For 0 - 4s, (please book). Fun, funky & physical music & dance classes
Sing & Sign Baby Signing
09:45-12:00T at Sing & Sign, Salvation Army Building OX26 4FR. 07906 055591; For 0 - 2s, £6 per class (book by term). Help your baby to ‘talk’ BEFORE speech!
Musical Minis
Baby Signing for babies 6 - 18 months Help your baby to 'talk' BEFORE speech Lots of Fun, Songs, Music, Props & Puppets Classes available Mon-Fri in Banbury, Bicester, Abingdon, Kidlington, Oxford and Witney.
Banbury and Bicester Helen Brawn on 07906 055591, email: helensingandsign@btinternet.com Oxford and surrounding areas Helen Foster on 01993 709532, email: oxfordsingandsign@gmail.com www.singandsign.co.uk
10:00-11:45T at Bicester Methodist Church, Bell Lane OX26 6JQ. Leena: 01296 738 652; For 0 - 4s, £4.25 per session (please book). Classes at 10.00am and 11.00am.
Daisy Baby Yoga, Massage & Postnatal
12:30-13:30T at Glory Farm Children’s Centre, OX26 4YJ. 07412 580853; For 0s, (please book). Baby yoga, baby massage & bonding classes
Crawlers and Explorers Toddler Group
Toddle About April-June 2013
Tuesday Ambrosden Musical Minis
09:45-10:30T at Garrison Centre Community Hall, Leena: 01296 738 652; For 0 - 4s, £4.25 per session (please book). 45 minutes of structured music sessions
Britannia Road Children’s Centre:
Britannia Babies Drop In: 10:0011:30T; £1 per family. Breastfeeding Support: 13:3015:30T Grove Street OX16 5DN. 01295 264068.
10:00-12:00TH at Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Rotary Way OX16 1ER. Simone: 07921460086; For 0 - 5s, £4 per family (drop in). Fortnightly group
Daisy Birthing Classes
19:30-21:00TH at IKidz Activity Club, 3 Bridge Wharf OX16 5AY. 07976977782; £6.67 per class (book by 6-week term). Natal yoga, active birthing, birth hypnosis
Baby College Development Classes
09:30-12:30T at St Edburgs Church Hall, Old Place Yard OX26 6AR. 01865 436920; For 0 3s, (please book). Sensory, physical fun, music & language games
The listings are updated but we advise calling before attending - just in case!
Cherwell Area continued - to add your class email: info@toddleabout.co.uk
Acorn Toddlers
Water Babies Swimming Classes
09:30-11:00T at Brookside Children’s Centre, Queens Ave OX26 2NR; 01869 249604, £1.
St Francis Toddler Group
10:00-11:30T at St. Francis Church, Highlands OX16 1FA. 07402 447655; £0.50 per person.
10:30-12:00T at Bicester Methodist Church, Sheep Street OX26 6JQ. 07599 941706; £0.50 per family (book). Check before attending
Musical Minis
10:00-13:30T at Sibford School, Sibford Ferris OX15 5QL. 01295 709221; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Stay and Play
10:00-11:00T at Bodicote Church Hall, Church Street OX15 4DW. Tori: 07775 857271; For 0 - 1s, £6.50 per class (book by term). Awardwinning class for 0-13mths.Free trials
11:00-14:15T at Langford Village Hall, Peregrine Way OX26 6XX. Leena: 01296 738652; For 0 - 4s, £4.25 per session (please book). Classes at 11.00am and 13.30pm
Baby Sensory Classes
13:15-14:45T at Glory Farm Children’s Centre, Glory Farm School OX26 4JY. 01869 320553; For 0 - 4s, £1 per family (drop in).
LoveBallet Dance Classes:
Kidlington & Gosford Leisure Centre:
Prima Ballerinas: 16:45-17:15T; For 3 - 5s, Fun introduction to ballet Funky Dance: 17:15-17:45T; For 3 - 5s, A lively, fun and energetic class Gymnastics Class: 17:45-18:15T; For 3 - 5s, Learn handstands, rolls, splits & more Love Dance Class: 18:15-19:15T For 7yrs+ at North Oxfordshire Academy, Drayton Road OX16 0UD. Lorraine: 07774 518949; (book).
Kings Sutton
Open Door Family Drop In: 09:15-13:00T £1 per family. Play & Activities for Under 5’s Locality Baby Clinic: 09:30-11:00T Topsy Turvey Group: 13:30-14:15T For 1-4s Grove Street OX16 5DN. 01295 264068
0-5s Group Drop in
09:30-11:00T at Kidlington Methodist Church, 53 Oxford Road OX5 2BP. 01865 373958.
Music and Movement: 09:30-10:15T For 0 4s, £2.75 per child. Mixed Dance: 10:30-11:15T For 3 - 5s, £3.50 Oxford Road OX5 2NU; 01865 376368. (book)
Kings Sutton Toddlers Drop in
10:00-11:30T at Millenium Hall, Astrop Road OX17. 07825 999105; For 0 - 4s, £2 per family Arts, crafts, play, singing & refreshments
Britannia Road Children’s Centre:
Baby Group and Well Baby Clinic
13:15-14:45T at Glory Farm Children’s Centre, Glory Farm School OX26 4JY. 01869 320553. £1 per family (drop in).
Stay and Play Drop in
13:15-14:45T at Brookside Children’s Centre, Queens Ave OX26 2NR. 01869 249604. £1.
Hook Norton
Community Morning Toddler Group
09:15-11:15T at Hook Norton C of E Primary School, OX15 5JS. 01608 730697. £1 (drop in).
Thursday Ambrosden Musical Minis
13:15-14:00T at Ambrosden Village Hall, Old Arncott Road OX25 2LT. Leena: 01296 738652; For 0 - 4s, £4.25 per session (please book). 45 minutes of structured music sessions
Bodicote Toddler Group
Stay and Play Drop in
Middleton Cheney
13:45-15:00TH at Middleton Cheney Sports & Social Club, Astrop Road OX17 2PG. For 0 - 4s, £1.50 per child. Runs every other Tuesday
09:45-11:30T at Bodicote Village Hall, White Post Road OX15 4BN. janetate@supanet.com; £1 per child, 50p/extra sibling. Drop in
KEY: T :Term Time H :Holidays
10:00-12:00T at Begbroke Playgroup, Begbroke Village Hall OX5 1RN. 07594 652291; For 0 - 4s, £2 per family (drop in).
Sibford Tots and Babes
09:30-11:30T at Sibford Village Hall, Sibford Gower OX15 5RW. 01295 788711; For 0 - 5s, £1.50 per child (drop in). Toys & activities. £1 per adult, 50p per child
Funky Munkys Drop in
Begbroke Toddler Group
In the Water
Music & Singing
09:30-11:30T at Britannia Road Children’s Centre at Bodicote Church House OX16 0TB. 01295 264068.
Physical Fun
Arts & Crafts
Daily Activity Planner
Baby Group & Well Baby Clinic
Daily Activity Planner
Cherwell Area continued - to add your class email: info@toddleabout.co.uk The Sunshine Children’s Centre Drop Ins:
Mini Market: 08:45-09:30T For 0 - 5s. Babies Together: 10:00-11:30TH £1 per family Weaning info & advice. 1st Thursday of mth Edmunds Road OX16 0PJ. 01295 276769
Sibford Tots and Babes Drop in
09:30-11:30T at Sibford Village Hall, Sibford Gower OX15 5RW. 01295 788711; For 0 - 5s, £1.50 per child. £1 per adult, 50p per child
Open Door Family Drop In
09:30-11:30T at Britannia Road Children’s Centre, Grove Street OX16 5DN. 01295 264068; For 0 - 4s, £1 per family.
North Banbury Children’s Centre:
Family Session: 13:00-15:00TH Play activities Music for Babies: 13:00-13:45TH The Cabin, Hardwick C.P. School OX16 1XE. 01295 271841 £1 (donation).
Sing & Sign Baby Signing Classes
13:30-14:30T at Rugrats & Half Pints, Beaumont Road OX16 1QY. 07906 055591; For 0 - 2s, £6 per class (book by term). Help your baby to ‘talk’ BEFORE speech!
Stay and Play Drop in
09:00-11:00T at Glory Farm Children’s Centre, OX26 4JY. 01869 320553; 0 - 4s, £1 per family.
Catholic Church Baby & Toddler Group 09:15-10:45T at The Presentation Convent, Kings End OX26 6DT. Katrina: 01869 252755; £1 (drop in). Toys,books,arts & crafts
Little Kickers Football Classes
09:15-12:00T at Langford Village Community Centre, 8 Nightingale Place OX26 6XX. Helen: 01869 323186; For 1 - 3s, (book by term). Fun football classes from 18mths-5 yrs
Mad Academy Music & Dance Classes
09:45-11:30T at Bicester Methodist Church, Bell Lane OX26 6JQ. Sophie: 01869 369502; For 0 - 4s, (please book). Fun, funky & physical music & dance classes
Daisy Birthing Classes
19:30-21:00T at Bicester Children’s Centre, Queens Avenue OX26 2NR. Donna: 07412 580853; For bump, £9 per class (please book). Natal yoga, active birthing, birth hypnosis
Playbus Drop In
10:00-11:30TH at Butterfly Meadows Children’s Centre at, Windmill Centre car park OX15 0QH. 01295 722240; £1 (donation).
Middleton Cheney
Ma Mites Mums & Tots Group
13:30-15:00T at Middleton Cheney Village Hall, Main Road OX17 2LT. For 0 - 4s, £1.50 per child (drop in). 50p per extra child
Friday Adderbury
Musical Minis
13:45-14:30T at Lucy Plackett Activity Centre, Round Close Road OX17 3EP. Leena: 01296 738652; For 0 - 4s, £4.25 per session (book by term). 45 minutes of structured music sessions
Creative Stay & Play
09:15-11:15T at The Sunshine Centre, Edmunds Road OX16 0PJ. 01295 276769; For 0 - 5s, £1 per family (drop in). Creative fun!
North Banbury Children’s Centre:
Play with Numbers: 09:30-12:00TH A group with number based activities Childminders Group: 10:00-12:00TH The Cabin, Hardwick C.P. School OX16 1XE. 01295 271841 £1 (donation) 0-4’s
Sing & Sign Baby Signing Classes
09:45-12:00T at Grimsbury Community Hall, Burchester Place OX16 3JT. 07906 055591; For 0 - 2s, £6 per class (book by term). Help your baby to ‘talk’ BEFORE speech!
Little Kickers Football Classes
09:45-11:30T at Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Rotary Way OX16 1ER. Helen: 01869 323186; For 2 - 5s, (book by term). Fun football classes from 2-5 yrs
Toddle Time Drop in
10:00-11:30T at St. Pauls Church, Warwick Road OX16 2AN. 01295 251092; For 0 - 4s, £1
Southam Road Toddlers
10:00-11:30T at Southam Road Evangelical Church OX16 2EJ. 01295 273120; £1 per family (donation). Fun activities.
Musical Minis
11:00-11:45T at Hanwell Fields Community Centre, Rotary Way OX16 1ER. Leena: 01296 738 652; For 0 - 4s, £4.25. 45 minutes of structured music sessions
Water Babies Swimming Classes
13:15-15:45T at Sibford School, Sibford Ferris OX15 5QL. 01295 709221; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Multiple Treasures Drop In
13:30-15:00T at Britannia Road Children’s Centre, Grove Street OX16 5DN. 01295 264068; For 0 - 5s, £1 per family.
Musical Minis is a pre-school fun time music group for babies and toddlers. Each structered session encourages cognitive, physical and emotional development through the use of music, intruments and stories.
Classes in Bicester, Oxford, Woodstock, Aynho, Ambrosden, Banbury, Adderbury and Calvert Green (Bucks). For more information contact Leena Thakker Email: leena@musicalminis.co.uk Tel: 01296 738652
Toddle About April-June 2013
The listings are updated but we advise calling before attending - just in case!
Cherwell Area continued - to add your class email: info@toddleabout.co.uk
Stay ‘n’ Play: 09:30-11:00TH Pip Squeaks 0 – 4’s: 13:00-14:30TH Bloxham Childrens Centre Hub OX15 4HP. 01295 722240. £1 (donation) per family.
Little Kickers Football Classes
Water Babies Swimming Classes
08:45-12:15T at Frank Wise School, Hornbeam Close OX16 9RL. 01295 709221; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Hook Norton
Friday Toddler Group Drop in
09:00-11:30T at Hook Norton Baptist Church Hall, Netting St OX15 5NJ. 01608 730 697; £1.50.
Kidlington & Gosford Leisure Centre:
Music and Movement: 09:30-10:15T For 0 4s, £2.75 per child (please book). Encourages interaction, speech and movement Post Natal Class: 10:45-12:15T £7 per class (book). £2.50 for members. For you & baby. Oxford Road OX5 2NU. 01865 376368
Little Kickers Football Classes
09:15-11:45TH at North Oxfordshire Academy, Drayton Road OX16 0UD. Helen: 01869 323186; For 1 - 5s, (book by term). Fun football classes from 18mths-7 yrs
Saturday Morning Family Time
10:00-12:00TH at North Banbury Children’s Centre, Hardwick C.P. School OX16 1XE. 01295 271841. £1 (donation). 2nd & 4th Sat of mth
Dad’s Play Drop in
Kirtlington Baby and Toddler Group
10:00-12:00T at Britannia Road Children’s Centre, Grove Street OX16 5DN. 01295 264068; For 0 - 5s, £1 per family. 3rd Sat of mth
09:00-11:00T at Village Hall, South Green . 07740 984129; For 0 - 3s, £1.50 (drop in).
Water Babies Swimming Classes
Middleton Cheney
09:15-12:00TH at The Cooper School, Churchill Road OX26 4RS. Helen: 01869 323186; For 18m - 7s, (book by term). Fun football classes
Saturdads Drop in
10:00-11:30T at Brookside Children’s Centre, Queens Avenue OX26 2NR. 01869 249604. £1 per family. Call Centre for dates.
10:00-12:00TH at Butterfly Meadows Children’s Centre at, Bloxham Childrens Centre Hub OX15 4HP. 01295 722240. £1 per family (donation). 1st Saturday of each month
Little Kickers Football Classes
09:15-11:00T at Kidlington Scout Centre, Blenheim Rd .Kieran: 07412 480804; For 2 5s, (book by term). Fun football classes
13:00-14:30T at Sibford School, Sibford Ferris OX15 5QL. 01295 709221; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Ma Mites Mums & Tots Group
09:15-11:30T at Middleton Cheney Village Hall, Main Road OX17 2LT. £1.50 per child (drop in). 50p per extra child
Your local ‘What’s on Guide’ for bumps - 5’s and parents
Your local ‘What’s on Guide’ for bumps, babies, toddlers and their parents
gift wrapping available
Personalised and embroidered gifts for all the family – hoodies, towels, face cloths, blankets, gymbags, backpacks, baby muslins, bibs and more.
Sing & Sign Baby Signing
10:00-12:00T at St James Church Centre, Beauchamp Lane OX4 3LF. Helen: 01993 709532; £6 per class (book by 10-week term). Help your baby communicate BEFORE speech
Visit www.myhuggles.co.uk or call Sue on 07799 433057
Water Babies Swimming Classes
14:30-17:00T at DW Sports, Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Road OX4 4XP. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Baby College Development Classes
09:30-12:30T at St. Alban’s Church Hall, Charles Street OX4 3AH. 01865 436920; For 0 - 3s, (please book). Sensory, physical fun, music & language games
Musical Minis
13:30-14:15T at The Jericho Community Centre, 33A Canal Street OX2 6BQ. Leena: 01296 738652; For 0 - 4s, £4.25 per session (please book). 45 minutes of structured music sessions
North Oxford Children’s Centre:
Peep Circle Time: 09:30-10:15T; For 1 - 3s, (please book). Ask for more info Stay and Play: 10:30-12:30T (drop in). Stay and Play with Music & Lunch at North Oxford Children’s Centre, Wren Road OX2 7SX. 01865 559742.
KEY: T :Term Time H :Holidays
Rose Hill
Rose Hill - Littlemore Children’s Centre
Drop in Play For All: 09:00-12:00T; For 0 - 5s. Baby Drop In: 10:00-12:00T; For 0s. Health Visitor Clinic: 10:00-11:00T; For 0s. Baby Singing: 11:00-12:00T; For 0 - 1s. Young Parents: 13:00-15:00T; For 0 - 2s. at Rose Hill-Littlemore Children’s Centre, The Oval OX4 4UY. 01865 716739. Drop in!
Tuesday Mad Academy Music & Dance Classes
09:45-11:15T at Ark T Centre, Crowell Road OX4 3LN. Sophie: 01869 369502; For 1 - 4s, (book). Fun, funky & physical music & dance classes
Music & Singing
10:00-12:00T at Baptist Church Hall, Godstow Road OX2 8NY. Leanne: 01865 511503; For 0 - 4s, £2 per family (donation). Toys, Singing, Baby corner and refreshments
North Oxford Children’s Centre:
Midwife Clinic: 09:00-11:00T Little Stars: 10:45-12:00T; For 0s, For parents with their first babies at North Oxford Children’s Centre, Wren Road OX2 7SX. 01865 559742. Drop in!
Childminders Group
Sunflowers Toddler Group
10:00-12:00T at Magdalen Road church Hall, 41a Magdalen Road OX4 1RB. 07837 128873; For 0 - 4s, £1.50 per family (drop in). Toys, refreshments and friendly people
Family Fun
09:30-12:30T at Headington Community Centre, Gladstone Road OX3 8LL. Rachel: 01235 521 039; For 0 - 4s, £3.20 per family (please book). Musical fun for the under 5s!
In the Water
Dandelions Baby and Toddler Group
09:30-12:00T at North Oxford Children’s Centre at Baptist Chapel Hall . 01865 559742; For 0 - 4s, (drop in). 2nd Tuesday of the month
Busy Bees Music Group
10:00-12:00T at DW Sports, Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Road OX4 4XP. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Lower Wolvercote
Peep Group
13:30-14:30T at North Oxford Children’s Centre at Jericho Health Centre, New Radcliffe House OX2 6NW. 01865 559742; For 0 - 3s. With books, singing, circle time
Water Babies Swimming Classes
10:00-12:00T at The Kings Centre, Osney Mead OX2 0ES. ; For 0 - 4s, £0.50 (drop in). A fun group for the under 5s
Physical Fun
Arts & Crafts
Daily Activity Planner
Butterfly Meadows Children’s Centre:
62x44_sophieHill:Layout 9
Daily Activity Planner
Oxford Area continued - to add your class email: info@toddleabout.co.uk
For classes of pure MADness, join MAD Academy Classes in Oxford, Kidlington & Bicester
FREE Trial Class!
Call Sophie on 01869 369502 or email: sophie.hill@madacademy.com
For more information please contact Bea or Donna on 01865 436920 or at enquiries@babycollegeoxford.co.uk
Book online at www.babycollegeoxford.co.uk
Music And Dance and a whole lot of fun!
Jam and Juice
Weekly parent and baby development classes from 0 to 3 years and NEW baby massage & baby yoga classes too.
Baby College Baby Massage
10:00-12:00T at Jam and Juice, St. Matthews Church Centre OX1 4LW. 01865 726102; For 0 - 3s, £1 per family (drop in). A fun group for parents,carers & childminders
14:15-15:15T at St. Anthony of Padua Church Hall, 115 Headley Way OX3 7SS. 01865 436920; For 0s, (please book). The awardwinning MamaBabyBliss® programme
Stay & Play for 0-5s
11:30-15:15T at East Oxford Children’s Centre, Union Street OX41JP. 01865 248729; (drop in).
Baby Cafe Breastfeeding Support
14:15-16:15T at North Oxford Children’s Centre at Jericho Health Centre, New Radcliffe House OX2 6NW. 01865 559742; For 0 - 1s, (drop in).
Rose Hill
Rose Hill-Littlemore Children’s Centre:
Childminders: 09:30-12:00T; For 0 - 4s. Baby Café: 12:30-14:30TH; For 0s The Oval OX4 4UY. 01865 716739. (drop in) Drop in Play: 09:30-11:30T; For 0 - 5s. Health Visitor Clinic: 10:00-11:00TH; For 0s. Walkers and Toddlers: 12:45-14:45T; 0 - 2s. Ashhurst Way OX4 4UY. 01865 716739 (drop in)
Stay and Play
09:00-12:00T at North Oxford Children’s Centre, Wren Road OX2 7SX. 01865 559742; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). Bring a packed lunch !
Rose Hill
Walkers and Talkers Drop In
09:30-12:00T at Rose Hill-Littlemore Childrens Centre, The Oval OX4 4UY. 01865 716739.
Water Babies Swimming Classes
Thursday Botley
Water Babies Swimming Classes
12:00-13:30TH at Butterfly Meadows Children’s Centre at, Bloxham Childrens Centre Hub OX15 4HP. 01295 722240; For 0 - 4s, £1 per family (donation). For the under 25’s, Light Lunch Provided
09:00-12:00T at Westminster Sport, Harcourt Hill OX2 9AT. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
13:00-14:00T at Seacourt Hall, Chapel Way OX2 9LS. Helen: 01993 709532; For 0 - 2s, £6 per class (book by 10-week term). Help your baby communicate BEFORE speech
09:15-11:30T at Headington Quarry Foundation Stage School, Quarry School Place OX3 8LH. 01865 762345; For 0 - 5s, £1.
Sing & Sign Baby Signing Classes
Mad Academy Music & Dance Classes
09:45-11:15T at Headington Community Centre, Gladstone Road OX3 8LL. Sophie: 01869 369502; For 0 - 4s, (please book). Fun, funky & physical music & dance classes
10:00-12:00T at St Ebbes, Lime Walk OX3 7AE. 01865 453226; For 0 - 5s, £2 per session (drop in). 18 Mths free,£2 Child,£1 Adult.
Toddle About April-June 2013
09:45 & 10:45T at Magdalen Road church Hall, 41a Magdalen Road OX4 1RB. 07838 128873; For 0 - 4s, £3 per family (drop in).
North Oxford Children’s Centre:
Stay & Play: 10:30-12:30T; Music & Lunch Health Visitor Team: 10:30-11:30T Wren Road OX2 7SX. 01865 559742; (drop in).
Wolvercote Stay and Play
Risinghurst Japanese Toddler Group
Baby College Development Classes
12:00-16:00T at The Oxford Hotel, Godstow Road OX2 8AL. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Caterpillars Young Parents
Buttercup Music
09:30-12:30T at North Oxford Association, Diamond Place OX2 7DP. 01865 436920; For 0 - 3s, (book). Sensory, physical fun, music & language games
09:30-12:00T at Barefoot Books, 294 Banbury Road OX2 7ED. Sophie: 01869 369502; 0 - 4s, (book). Funky & physical music & dance classes.
09:30-11:30T at St Clements Family Centre, Cross St OX4 1DA. 01865 246674; For 0 - 3s, £1 per family (drop in). Play & Singing
St Clements Toddler Group
13:15-14:45T at North Oxford Children’s Centre at Wolvercote Youth Club OX2 8AU. 01865 559742; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
Mad Academy Music & Dance Classes
Headington Quarry Toddler Group
Baby College Development Classes
09:30-12:30T at St. Anthony of Padua Church Hall, 115 Headley Way OX3 7SS. 01865 436920; For 0 - 3s, (please book). Sensory, physical fun, music & language games
10:30-12:30T at Risinghurst Community Centre, Kiln Lane OX3 8EZ. 07884 063930; For 0 - 4s, £1.50 per family (drop in).
Rose Hill
Drop In Play For All
09:00-15:00T at Rose Hill-Littlemore Children’s Centre, The Oval OX4 4UY. 01865 716739; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). Thurs: 9.0012.00 & 1.00-2.00pm
Coffee morning
09:00-11:30T at Rose Hill-Littlemore Childrens Centre, Ashhurst Way OX4 4UY. 01865 716739; For 0 - 3s, (drop in).
Sing & Sign Baby Signing Classes
10:00-12:00T at The NOA Community Centre, Diamond Place OX2 7DP. Helen: 01993 709532; £6 per class (book by 10-week term). Help your baby communicate BEFORE speech
Friday Marston
Mad Academy Music & Dance Classes
09:30-11:15T at OXSRAD, Court Place Farm OX3 0NQ. Sophie: 01869 369502; For 1 - 5s, (please book). Fun, funky & physical music & dance classes
09:45-11:30T at United Reform Church, Marston Road OX3 0EH. 01865 246954; For 0 - 5s, £2 per family (drop in).
10:45-13:15T at Marston Northway Children’s Centre, Copse Lane OX3 0AY. 01865 559742; For 0 - 3s, (drop in). Contact Phil on 07899 668286 for more info!
Northway and Marston Childminder, Parent and Toddler Group
Young Parents Group
The listings are updated but we advise calling before attending - just in case!
Oxford Area continued - to add your class email: info@toddleabout.co.uk North Oxford Children’s Centre:
Busy Bees Music Group
Stay & Play
Special music sessions for babies from 2 months to too wriggly
Midwife Clinic: 09:00-13:30T Twinkle Toes: 10:00-12:00T; For 0s Baby Cafe: 10:30-12:30T Support for breastfeeding mums Gems: 13:15-14:45T; Last Fri of mth Wren Road OX2 7SX. 01865 559742
09:00-14:30T at East Oxford Childrens Centre, Union Street OX41JP. 01865 248729; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
Risinghurst Toddler Group
09:30-11:30T at Risinghurst Community Centre, Kiln Lane OX3 8EZ. 07884 063930; For 0 - 4s, £1.50 per family (drop in). Friendly toddler group
Rose Hill
Drop in play for all
Little Kickers Football Classes
08:30-12:45T at Oxsrad Ltd Leisure Centre, Court Place Farm, Marsh Lane OX3 0NQ. Kieran: 07412 480804; For 2 - 5s, (book by term). Fun football classes from 2-7 yrs
1st Saturday
10:00-12:00T at Magdalen Road Church Hall, OX4 1RB. 07839 128873; £2 per family. 1st Sat of mth
Dad’s Army
Baby Music sessions In and around Oxford and near Didcot. Award winning, independent music sessions for very little babies, only £3.20 including refreshments.
09:30-11:30T at Rose Hill-Littlemore Children’s Centre, The Oval OX4 4UY. 01865 716739; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
10:00-12:00T at North Oxford Children’s Centre, Wren Rd. 01865 559742; (book). 3rd Sat of mth
Rose Hill
10:30-13:30TH at Rose HillLittlemore Childrens Centre, The Oval OX4 4UY. 01865 716739; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). Fathers & male carers
Water Babies Swimming
Water Babies Swimming Classes
09:00-12:00T at DW Sports, Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Rd OX4 4XP. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
12:00-16:00T at DW Sports, Kassam Stadium, Grenoble Road OX4 4XP. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Call Rachel 01235 521 039 www.busybeesmusic.co.uk
Your local ‘What’s on Guide’ for bumps - 5’s and parents
Your local ‘What’s on Guide’ for bumps, babies, toddlers and their parents
Chalgrove Children’s Centre Drop Ins:
Wonderful Words: 09:30-11:45T; £1 donation. 9:30-10:30 18 mths+ & 10.30-11.45 0-18 mths Baby Clinic: 11:45-12:45T Chalgrove School OX44 7ST. 01491 614179.
Henley on Thames
Messy Play
10.00, 11.00 & 13.00T at Rainbow Children’s Centre, 55-57 Market Place RG9 2AA. 01491 577414; For 0 - 5s, £0.50.
Horspath Toddler Group
09:15-11:30TH at Horspath Village Hall, Oxford Road OX33 1RT. Michelle: 07906 717008; For 0 - 5s, £1.50 (drop in). Please check before coming in holidays
Baby Sensory Classes
10:00-11:00T at Wallingford Sports Park, Hithercroft Road OX10 9RB. Leigh: 01980 849354; For 0 - 1s, £6.70 per class (book by 10-week term). Award-winning class for 0-13mths.Free trials
KEY: T :Term Time H :Holidays
Watlington Children’s Centre Drop Ins:
Stepping Stones Toddler Group
09:30-11:15T at Didcot Baptist Church, Wantage Road OX11 OBS. Joan: 01235 817409; For 0 - 3s, £2 per family (book).
YogaBellies Baby Massage
Musical Fun: 09:30-11:30T; £1 (donation). 9.30-10.30 2yrs+ 10.30-11.30 under 2’s Buggy Walk: 11:30-12:30T Watlington School OX49 5RB. 01491 614179
Music and Play
10:00-11:00TH at 3 Stort Close, OX11 7UR. Suzanne: 07747 166 795; For 0s, (please book). Learn to massage your newborn (until mobile).
10:00-11:30T at Rainbow Children’s Centre at, Woodcote Village Hall RG8 0QY. 01189 724024; For 0 - 5s, (donation).
Henley on Thames
Rainbow Children’s Centre Drop Ins:
Baby Clinic & Breastfeeding: 10:00-11:45T Stay and Play: 13:00-14:45T; With singing! 55-57 Market Place RG9 2AA. 01491 577414
Sonning Common
Little Kickers Football Classes
Rainbow Music Group
15:45-17:15T at Chinnor Village Hall, Church Road OX39 4PG. Kieran: 07412 480804; For 2 - 5s, (please book). Fun football classes from 2-5 yrs
Stepping Stones Toddler Group
14:00-15:30T at Rainbow Children’s Centre, Reades Lane RG4 9LN. 01189 724 024; For 0 - 5s, (donation).
Tetsworth Little Kites Toddler Group
10:30-12:00T at Tetsworth school Hall, 15 High street OX9 7AB. 07936 708792; For 0 5s, £1 per family (drop in).
In the Water
Music & Singing
09:30-11:15T at Didcot Baptist Church, Wantage Road OX11 OBS. Joan: 01235 817409; For 0 - 3s, £2 per family (please book).
Physical Fun
Arts & Crafts
Daily Activity Planner
Daily Activity Planner
Oxford Area continued - to add your class email: info@toddleabout.co.uk YogaBellies Baby Massage
10:00-11:00TH at 3 Stort Close, OX11 7UR. Suzanne: 07747 166 795; For 0s, (please book). Learn to massage your newborn (until mobile).
YogaBellies Yoga for Pregnancy
19:30-20:45TH at Ladygrove Community Centre, Tamar Way OX11 7QH. Suzanne: 07747 166 795; For bump, (please book).
Henley on Thames
Henley on Thames
Stay and Play
10:00-11:30T at Rainbow Children’s Centre, 55-57 Market Place RG9 2AA. 01491 577414; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). 15 minutes of singing
Kindermusik with Jane
09:45-17:00T at Peppard Cricket Pavilion, Stoke Row Road RG9 5JD. Jane: 07500 220588; For 0 - 4s, £5.25 per class (book by term). Music, movement, imaginary play & stories!
• Mum & Baby Yoga • Pregnancy Yoga • Baby Massage
Little Caterpillars
10:45-12:00T at Rainbow Children’s Centre, 55-57 Market Place RG9 2AA. 01491 577414; For 0s, (drop in). For first time parents with new babies
Friday Chalgrove
Room to Zoom
10:00-11:30T at Chalgrove Children’s Centre, Chalgrove Primary School OX44 7ST. 01491 614179; For 0 - 2s, £1 (donation).
Bouncing Bunnies
09:30-11:15T at Thame Youth Centre, Towersey Road OX9 3NW. 07812 480439; For 0 - 4s, £2 per family (drop in).
£5 off quote Toddle About
Classes in Didcot & surrounding areas.
Email: suzanne@yogabellies.co.uk Suzanne: 07747 166 795 www.yogabellies.co.uk
Long Wittenham
Witteenies Stay & Play
13:00-15:00T at Long Wittenham Village Hall, High St OX14 4QH. 01865 407417; For bump 5s, £2 per family (drop in). Very friendly group!
Watlington Stay and Play
10:00-11:30T at Watlington Children’s Centre, Watlington Primary School OX49 5RB. 01491 614179; For 0 - 5s, £1 (donation).
Oakley Baby and Toddler Group
10:00-11:30T at Oakley Village Hal, Oxford Road HP18 9RD. oakleytoddlergroup@gmail. com; For 0 - 5s, £2 per family (drop in). £1.50 for babies under 12mths.
Sonning Common
Rainbow Children’s Centre Drop Ins:
Stay and Play: 10:00-11:30T (donation). Baby Clinic & Breastfeeding Support: 13:0014:30T (donation) Reades Lane RG4 9LN. 01189 724 024
Chalgrove Children’s Centre
Buggy Walk: 10:30-11:30T Stay and Play: 13:00-14:45T £1 (donation) Chalgrove School OX44 7ST. 01491 614179.
Stepping Stones Toddler Group
09:30-11:15T at Didcot Baptist Church, Wantage Road OX11 OBS. Joan: 01235 817409; For 0 - 3s, £2 per family (book).
YogaBellies Mum and Baby Yoga
10:00-11:00TH at All Saints Youth and Community Hall, Roman Place OX11 7DE. Suzanne: 07747 166 795; For 0 - 1s, (please book). Postnatal yoga to gently tone your body
Baby Sensory Classes
10:00-12:30T at Grove Village Hall, Main Street OX12 7JY. Beccy; 07800 568040; For 0 - 1s, £6.50 per class (book by term). Award-winning class for 0-13mths.Free trials
Watlington Children’s Centre:
New Beginnings: 10:00-11:00T; For 0s, Breastfeeding Support: 10:00-12:00T Peep for Babies: 11:00-12:00T; For 0s, £1 (donation). Watlington School OX49 5RB. 01491 614179
Baby College Development Classes
Sonning Common
Grace Notes & Semi-Quavers
10:30-12:30T at Rainbow Children’s Centre, Reades Lane RG4 9LN. 01189 724 024; For 0 5s, £2 (donation). 2nd Sat of each month
09:30-12:30T at Christ Church, Upper High Street OX9 2DH. 01865 436920; For 0 - 3s, (book). Sensory, physical fun, music & language games 10:00-11:00T at Thame Barns Centre, Church Road OX9 3AJ. Kate Paver: 01844 261546; For 0 - 4s, £2 (drop in). Rhymes, songs & free play
Little Kickers Football Classes
15:45-16:30T at John Hampden Primary School, Park St OX9 3HU. Kieran: 07412 480804; For 2 - 5s, (book by term). Fun football classes
Dad’s & Male Carers Group
Dads’ Bacon Butty Group
10:00-11:30T at Watlington Children’s Centre, Watlington Primary School OX49 5RB. 01491 614179; For 0 - 5s, £2. 27 April & 25 May.
Watlington Baby Clinic
10:00-11:00T at Watlington Children’s Centre, Watlington School OX49 5RB. 01491 614179.
variableNotwith Jane
Sing & sway, laugh & play. This is Kindermusik, the most trusted music and movement programme for children up to 7yrs
FREE TRIAL CLASS Classes held in Peppard (near Henley)
Tel: 07500 220 588
We're having a Ball! For details and availability call: 01869 323186 (Little Kickers Bicester & Banbury)
or email Helen at hjohnson@littlekickers.co.uk Classes in Bicester, Banbury, Buckingham, Shipston-on-Stour & Chipping Norton. Running weekends and weekdays, mornings and afternoons.
07412 480804 (Little Kickers Aylesbury & Oxford) or email Kieran at ktownsend@littlekickers.co.uk Classes in Aylesbury, Chinnor, Oxford, Kidlington & Thame. Running weekends and weekdays, mornings and afternoons.
Approved football training for kids aged 18 months to 7 years
For a Child’s Brain, Body, heart & Soul
Toddle About April-June 2013
The listings are updated but we advise calling before attending - just in case!
Your local ‘What’s on Guide’ for bumps - 5’s and parents
Your local ‘What’s on Guide’ for bumps, babies, toddlers and their parents
09:00-10:30T at Radley College, Radley OX14 2HR. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
10:00-12:00T at Christ Church, Northcourt Road OX14 1PL. Helen: 01993 709532; For 0 2s, £6 per class (book by 10-week term). Help your baby communicate BEFORE speech
St Helen’s Baby and Toddler Group
Sunningwell Tots
Water Babies Swimming Classes
Sing & Sign Baby Signing Classes
9.30-10.45 & 11-12.15T at St Helen’s Church Centre, off West St Helen’s St OX14 5BS. Rachel: 01235 521039; £1 per family (book).
09:15-11:15T at Sunningwell Village Hall, OX13 6RD. Jacqui: 07739 455932; For 0 - 3s, £2 per session (drop in). Arts & crafts, toys, games, singing and story time
Twins and Multiple Birth Club
10:00-11:30T at Abingdon Baptist Church Hall, 35 Ock Street OX14 5AG. 07719 400729; For bump - 5s, £2.50 per family (drop in). Meet every 2nd & 4th Monday
Abbey Toddlers
10:00-12:00T at 10 Checker Walk, OX14 2JB. 07773 211729; For 0 - 5s, £0.50 (drop in). Different craft each week and singing
10:00-11:30T at North Abingdon Children’s Centre at Dalton Barracks Community Centre, Cholswell Road, Shippon OX13 6HA. 01235 523481; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). For service families
Stay N Play: 09:00-10:30TH; FREE (drop in). Health Visitor Clinic: 12:30-14:00TH; FREE. Dunmore School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481
Messy Monday
09:30-11:30T at South Didcot Children’s Centre, 2 Hillary Drive OX11 8PS. 01235 511444; For 0 - 1s, (drop in). Fun learning and play opportunities
Tea Time Play Time
15:00-16:30T at The Children’s Centre at Stephen Freeman School, Freeman Road OX11 7BZ. 01235 812969; (donation). Healthy Tea Time Snack, all ages welcome
St John’s Toddlers
Open Garden For Family Use
13:30-15:00TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). Not staffed by the children’s centre
The Children’s Centre:
Baby Sensory Classes
10:00-14:00T at Radley Village Hall, Gooseacre OX14 3BL. Leigh:01980 849354; For 0 - 1s, £6.70 per class (book by 10-week term). 1hr classes for 13mths+ start 10, 11:30 & 1pm
North Abingdon Children’s Centre:
Young Parents Group: 11:30-13:00TH For parents under 26 years, lunch included Stay N Play: 14:00-15:30TH. With CAB Advisor Dunmore School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481
Busy Bees Music Group
09:00-12:30T at Cumnor Old School, High Street OX2 9PE. Rachel: 01235 521 039; For 0 - 4s, £3.20 per family (please book). Musical fun for the under 5s!
Make and Play
10:30-12:00T at The Children’s Centre at Stephen Freeman School, Freeman Road OX11 7BZ. 01235 812969; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). Fun group with lunch-please book lunch
Bumps & Babies
09:30-11:00T at Faringdon United Church, Coxwell Street SN7 7HA. Megan: 07931 305109; For 0 - 4s, £2 per child (drop in). Toys, singing & stories. Extra kids 50p
09:15-11:15T at Grove Parish Church, Main Street OX12 7LQ. 01235 771479 (weekday mornings; For 0 - 3s, £1 per family (drop in). Informal play session, with story & snack
Stay and Play with Singing & Story Time
Twins and More: 09:30-11:30TH Childminder Drop In: 09:30-11:30TH Breastfeeding Support: 12:30-13:30TH Baby Stay & Play: 13:00-14:30TH; bump-0s at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522. (drop in)
In the Water
Music & Singing
09:30-11:30TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). With a lovely outdoor space!
Wantage, Grove and Villages NCT Branch Bumps & Babies Coffee Morning
10:00-11:30TH at member’s homes, Contact us for details. Kristal Rees: 07507 649998; For bump - 1s. Contact Kristal on 07507 649998
Baby Bar Breastfeeding
Water Babies Swimming Classes
St John’s Toddlers
11:00-12:30TH at Wantage Children’s Centre at Mably Way Health Centre, OX12 9BN. 01235 764522; For 0 - 2s, (drop in).
09:00-11:00T at Kingfisher School, Radley Road OX14 3RR. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
KEY: T :Term Time H :Holidays
09:30-11:00T at Radley College, Radley OX14 2HR. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
12:30-14:30T at South Didcot Children’s Centre, 2 Hillary Drive OX11 8PS. 01235 511444; For 0s, (drop in). Support and Advice. Lunch available £1
Wantage Children’s Centre:
North East Abingdon Children’s Centre:
Water Babies Swimming Classes
Bouncing Bumps & Babies: 12:30-14:30TH; A meeting place for prospective & new parents Baby Clinic: 13:00-15:00TH. at Stephen Freeman School, Freeman Road OX11 7BZ. 01235 812969. (drop in).
Faringdon Baby and Toddler Group
09:15-11:15T at Grove Parish Church, Main Street OX12 7LQ. 01235 771479 (weekday mornings; For 0 - 3s, £1 per family (drop in). Informal play session, with story & snack
09:30-11:30T at The Northcourt Centre, Northcourt Road OX14 1PL. 01865 436920; For 0 - 3s, (please book). Sensory, physical fun, music & language games
Toddler Time
13:00-15:00T at South Didcot Children’s Centre, 2 Hillary Drive OX11 8PS. 01235 511444; (drop in). Messy play, arts & crafts
Baby Cafe Local: 10:00-11:30T; For 0 - 2s, FREE (drop in). Breastfeeding support drop in Lego Club: 10:00-11:30T; 1st Sat of mth. For children with additional needs Stay N Play: 13:30-15:00T Lamborough Hill OX13 6DA. 01235 523481.
North Abingdon Children’s Centre:
Breakfast Club: 09:00-09:45T; For 1 - 5s, Healthy breakfast available for a donation Music: 09:45-11:15T; For 0 - 4s, FREE (drop in). Toddler 9.45am & Baby 10.45am Cloud 9: 13:00-14:30T; For 1 - 5s, FREE (drop in). Group for children with additional needs Dunmore School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481
Stay N Play
North Abingdon Children’s Centre:
Baby College Development Classes
Ante-natal Breastfeeding Group
12:30-14:30TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For bump, (drop in). 1st Wed of Month
Physical Fun
Arts & Crafts
Daily Activity Planner
Daily Activity Planner
Vale of the White Horse continued - to add your class email: info@toddleabout.co.uk OASIS Autistic Support Group
12:30-14:30TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). Monthly: 3rd Wed of Month
Wootton Baby Bliss
13:00-14:00T at North East Abingdon Children’s Centre, Lamborough Hill OX13 6DA. 01235 523481; For 0s, (drop in). Sensory session for babies birth-crawling
Baby Movers
Now I am 2
09:30-11:30T at South Didcot Children’s Centre, 2 Hillary Drive OX11 8PS. 01235 511444; For 2 - 3s, (drop in). Stay and Play helping with school readiness
Antenatal Baby Care
13:30-14:30T at The Children’s Centre at Stephen Freeman School, Freeman Road OX11 7BZ. 01235 812969; For 0s, (drop in). Practical Tips for caring for your new baby
Faringdon Baby and Toddler Group
14:30-15:30T at North East Abingdon Children’s Centre, Lamborough Hill OX13 6DA. 01235 523481; For 0s, (drop in). For babies crawling (6-12 months)
09:30-11:00T at Faringdon United Church, Coxwell Street SN7 7HA. Megan: 07931 305109; For 0 - 4s, £2 per child (drop in). Toys, singing & stories. Extra kids 50p
Young, Loud & Proud - Established Young Parents Group
Abingdon Stay N Play
09:30-11:00T at North Abingdon Children’s Centre at Hadland Road Community Centre, OX14 3RR. 01235 523481; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). For local families.
Baby Movers
09:30-10:30T at North Abingdon Children’s Centre, Dunmore Primary School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481; For 0s, FREE (drop in). For babies (6-12mths)
Baby Bliss
11:30-12:30TH at North Abingdon Children’s Centre, Dunmore Primary School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481; For 0s, FREE (drop in). Sensory drop in babies 0-6mths
Health Visitor Clinic
12:30-13:45T at North Abingdon Children’s Centre at Dalton Barracks Community Centre, Cholswell Road, Shippon OX13 6HA. 01235 523481; For 0 - 2s, (drop in). Situated in the ‘Hub’
Baby Café
12:30-14:00TH at North Abingdon Children’s Centre, Dunmore Primary School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481; For 0 - 1s, FREE (drop in). Breastfeeding Support
Baby College Baby Massage Classes
14:15-15:15T at The Northcourt Centre, Northcourt Road OX14 1PL. 01865 436920; For 0s, (please book). The award-winning MamaBabyBliss® programme
YogaBellies Yoga for Pregnancy
19:30-20:45TH at Wootton and Dry Sandford Community Centre, OX13 6DA. Suzanne: 07747 166 795; For bump, (please book). Enjoy pregnancy and prepare for birth
Chipping Norton
Bouncing Balls Multi-Sports Classes
09:30-10:15T at Salford Village Hall, Salford OX7 5YW. Lisa: 07811 174 733; For 3 - 5s, £4.50 per session (please book). Learn ball skills from a variety of games
Little Stars
09:30-11:30T at The Children’s Centre at Stephen Freeman School, Freeman Road OX11 7BZ. 01235 812969; For 0 - 5s, (please book). Referrals only, contact us for details
Toddle About April-June 2013
11:30-13:00TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). Up to the age of 21
Young Parents with Bumps & Newborns
13:30-15:00TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For bump - 0s, (drop in). Up to the age of 21
Stay N Play
13:30-15:00T at North East Abingdon Children’s Centre, Lamborough Hill OX13 6DA. 01235 523481; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
Friday Abingdon TGI Friday
10:00-12:00TH at North Abingdon Children’s Centre, Dunmore Primary School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481; For 0 - 5s, FREE (drop in).
Toy Library Drop in and Play
10:00-12:00TH at North Abingdon Children’s Centre, Dunmore Primary School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). A selection of toys to borrow
Busy Bees Music Group
09:30-12:30T at Harwell Village Hall, High Street OX11 0EX. Rachel: 01235 521 039; For 0 - 4s, £3.20 per family (please book). Musical fun for the under 5s!
Next Steps Stay & Play
09:30-11:30TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). For newly walking toddlers
Moving On Up!
14:30-16:00TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For 1 - 5s, (drop in). For children going to nursery/school
Saturday Abingdon
Family Group
10:00-12:00TH at North Abingdon Children’s Centre, Dunmore Primary School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481; For 0s, FREE (drop in). 3rd Saturday of the month
Family Forest School
10:00-12:00TH at North Abingdon Children’s Centre, Dunmore Primary School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481; For 1 - 5s, FREE (drop in). 1st Saturday of the month
Dads Group
10:00-12:00TH at North Abingdon Children’s Centre, Dunmore Primary School OX14 1NR. 01235 523481; For 0 - 5s, FREE (drop in). 2nd & 4th Saturday of the month
Family Zones
10:00-12:00T at The Children’s Centre at Stephen Freeman School, Freeman Rd OX11 7BZ. 01235 812969; For 0 - 5s, per family (donation). 27th April,25th May,22nd June,20th July.
Dad’s Zone
Water Babies Swimming Classes
10:00-12:00T at The Children’s Centre at Stephen Freeman School, Freeman Rd OX11 7BZ. 01235 812969; For 0 - 5s, per family (donation). 11th May and 8th June 2013
10:00-11:30TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). For Dads with under 5s
09:30-11:30T at The Children’s Centre at Stephen Freeman School, Freeman Rd OX11 7BZ. 01235 812969; For 0 - 2s, (drop in). Play and Music session
14:00-15:30TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). For single parent families. 2nd Sat of mth.
11:15-13:15T at Kingfisher School, Radley Road OX14 3RR. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Learning through Play with a Wiggle and a Jiggle
Chilton Baby & Toddler Group
09:30-11:30T at Chilton Village Hall, OX11 0RU. 07948 311300; For 0 - 5s, £2 per family (drop in).
Fun with Food
Wantage Saturdads
Single Minded
International Group
14:30-16:00TH at Wantage Children’s Centre, The Butler Centre OX12 8BL. 01235 764522; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). For families who are new to the UK. Fortnightly
09:30-11:30T at South Didcot Children’s Centre, 2 Hillary Drive OX11 8PS. 01235 511444; For 0 - 4s, per family (drop in). Fun cooking activities with your children
The listings are updated but we advise calling before attending - just in case!
Your local ‘What’s on Guide’ for bumps - 5’s and parents
Your local ‘What’s on Guide’ for bumps, babies, toddlers and their parents
Monday Let’s Play
09:30-11:00T at Willow Tree Children’s Centre, Bowling Green Close OX18 2NJ. 01993 851799; For 0 - 4s, (drop in). Activities for you and your child
09:30-11:00T at Burwell Hall, OX28 5NP. 01993 702979; For 0 - 5s, £1 per family (drop in). Play,craft activities & song time
10:00-12:00TH at St Michael & All Angels, Lonsdale Road OX2 7ES. ; For 0 - 5s, £1.50 per family (drop in). Lively Play group with refreshments.
Noah’s Ark
10:00-11:30T at Congregational Church, 4 Welch Way OX28 6JF. 01993 709992; For 0 4s, £1 per child (drop in).
Childminders’ Group
09:00-11:45T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 0 - 5s, £1 (donation). Parents looking for a childminder welcome.
Toddler Stay & Play
Play Together
Little Treasures Toddler Group
Bampton (Nr Witney)
09:00-11:45T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 1 - 4s, £1 (donation). Sibling babies are welcome.
Musical Minis
09:45-11:30T at St. Hughes of Lincoln Roman Catholic Church, Hensington Road OX20 1JH. Leena: 01296 738652; For 0 - 4s, £4.25 per session (please book). Classes at 9.45am and 10.45am
Fun introduction to sports & fitness (3-5yrs) different sport every week!
St Michael’s Baby & Toddler Group
Tackley Toddler Group
10:00-12:00TH at Tackley Village Hall, OX5 3AH. ; For 0 - 5s, £1.50 per child (drop in). Open all year apart from Christmas
Baby College Development Classes
09:30-12:30T at Madley Park Hall, Northfield Farm Lane OX28 1UE. 01865 436920; For 0 3s, (please book). Sensory, physical fun, music & language games
Cogges St Mary Toddler Group
Tennis, Volleyball, Football, Skittles, Basketball, Cricket and more.Classes in Shipton-under-Wychwood/ Chipping Norton. Contact Lisa: lisa@bouncing-balls.co.uk
13:00-14:30T at Carterton Children’s 07811 174 733 Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 0 - 5s, £1 (donation). For young mums up to 23 years
Ante Natal Evenings
19:00-21:00T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For bump, £1 (donation). Various Mondays through year - call for dates
Little Wrigglers
Post Natal Mums Baby Movers
09:30-11:00TH at Willow Tree Children’s Centre, Bowling Green Close OX18 2NJ. 01993 851799; For 0 - 1s, (drop in). This Session is for 0’s to crawling
Chipping Norton
ACE Playtime for 2-3 years
13:15-14:45T at Willow Tree Children’s Centre, Bowling Green Close OX18 2NJ. 01993 851799; For 0 - 2s, (drop in). For little ones who are walking
Family Centre Drop in with Singing
Bladon Baby and Toddler Group
15:15-16:30T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 0s, £1 (donation). For babies up to 4 months old
ACE Playtime for 2-3 years
09:30-11:15T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 2 - 3s, (drop in).
Family Centre Drop in with Singing
09:30-11:15T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 2 - 3s, (drop in).
09:30-12:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
09:30-12:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
Lunch Club for 3-5s
10:00-11:00T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
09:45-11:45T at Cricket Pavilion, High Street OX7 6AY. 07968 006451; For 0 - 5s, £2 per family (drop in).
Dads Group
11:45-13:00T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 3 - 5s, (drop in).
Bampton (Nr Witney)
Chipping Norton
13:30-15:00T at Cogges Church, Church Lane OX28 3LA. 01993 779613; For 0 - 5s, £1 per family (donation).
Lunch Club for 3-5s
Walkers and Talkers
09:45-11:30T at Church Room (Nxt to Bladon Church), Church Street . 01993 812651; For 0 - 3s, £1 per family (drop in). Activities for children, toys & singing
Toddler Stay & Play
09:15-11:30T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 1 - 4s, £1 (donation). Sibling babies are welcome.
Asian Ladies Group
11:45-13:00T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 3 - 5s, (drop in).
Twins Group
14:00-16:00T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0s, (drop in).
First Friends
15:15-17:45T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 0 - 5s, £1 (donation). For lone parents (short or long term)
Chipping Norton
13:00-14:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). 13:30-14:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
Water Babies Swimming Classes
Bouncing Balls Multi-Sports Classes
09:30-11:00T at Lincoln Farm Park, High Street OX29 7RH. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
KEY: T :Term Time H :Holidays
13:15-14:45T at New Beaconsfield Hall, OX7 6BQ. Lisa: 07811 174 733; For 3 - 5s, £4.50 per session (please book). Learn ball skills from a variety of games
In the Water
Music & Singing
Tea Time Club
Postnatal Group
09:30-10:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0s, (drop in).
Physical Fun
Arts & Crafts
Daily Activity Planner
Daily Activity Planner
West Oxfordshire Area continued - to add your class email: info@toddleabout.co.uk ACE Playtime for 2-3 years
09:30-11:15T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 2 - 3s, (drop in).
Health Visitor Drop In Clinic
10:00-11:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 2s, (drop in). Including breastfeeding support
Lunch Club for 3-5s
11:45-13:00T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 3 - 5s, (drop in).
11:45-12:45T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 0 - 1s, £1 (donation). Inc breastfeeding, bottle feeding & weaning
RAF Brize Norton Toddler Group
12:45-14:45T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 0s, £1 (donation). Music, movement & simple baby massage
Baby Movers
ACE Playtime for 2-3 years
09:30-11:30T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 0 - 5s, £1 (donation). Relax and chat with tea and toast 13:00-14:30TH at Millenium Building, Stanmore Crescent OX18 3UG. ; For 0 - 5s, £1 per family (drop in). Everyone is welcome not just RAF families
13:30-15:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
Young Parents Group
15:15-16:30T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 0s, £1 (donation). Music, movement and simple baby massage.
First Friends Extra
Chipping Norton
14:00-16:00T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 1s, (drop in). With soft play
Water Babies Swimming Classes
09:00-11:30T at Lincoln Farm Park, High Street OX29 7RH. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Sing & Sign Baby Signing Classes
09:30-12:30T at The High Street Methodist Church, High Street OX28 6HG. Helen: 01993 709532; For 0 - 2s, £6 per class (book by 10-week term). Help your baby communicate BEFORE speech
Health Visitors Clinic
09:30-11:00TH at Willow Tree Children’s Centre, Bowling Green Close OX18 2NJ. 01993 851799; For 0s, (drop in). For all your Health Enquires
middle barton
Little Tiddlers (Pram Service and Sing a long)
10:30-11:30TH at Alice Marshall Hall, North Street OX7 7BH. 01869 340510; For 0 - 5s, £2 per family (drop in). Runs on 1st and 3rd Wed of month
Thursday Bampton (Nr Witney)
Bampton Baby and Toddler Group
09:15-11:00T at Willow Tree Children’s Centre, Bowling Green Close OX18 2NJ. 01993 851799; For 0 - 3s, per child (drop in). Run by local mums for local families
Stay ‘n’ Play
09:30-11:00TH at Willow Tree Children’s Centre at, Warwick Hall OX18 4RY. 01993 851799; For 0 - 5s, . Baby clinic included 2nd Thurs of month
Feeding Support Session
Yo-Yo Adult Group with free Creche
Stay & Play Baby Session
Chipping Norton
09:30-11:15T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 2 - 3s, (drop in).
Lone Parents Support Group
Family Centre Drop in with Singing
10:00-11:15T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
ACE Playtime for 2-3 years
11:30-14:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
Soft Play
11:45-13:00T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 3 - 5s, (drop in).
09:30-12:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). 09:30-11:15T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 2 - 3s, (drop in).
10:00-11:00T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 1 - 5s, (drop in).
Lunch Club for 3-5s
11:45-13:00T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 3 - 5s, (drop in).
Childminders Group
13:30-15:30T at ACE Children’s Centre, Burford Road OX7 5DZ. 01608 644440; For 0 - 5s, (drop in).
Water Babies Swimming Classes
09:30-11:30T at Lincoln Farm Park, High Street OX29 7RH. 01869 325499; For 0 - 4s, £13.50 per class (book by 10-week term). Fun, action packed, progressive swim classes
Stonesfield Mother, Toddler Group
10:00-11:30TH at Stonesfield Village Hall, Field Close OX29 8EF. 01993 898212; For bump - 5s, £1.50 per family (drop in). Toys, crafts & singing. Older siblings welcome!
Friday Carterton
RAF Brize Norton Parent and Toddler Group
10:00-11:30TH at Millenium Building, Stanmore Crescent OX18 3UG. ; For 0 - 5s, £1 per family (drop in). Everyone is welcome not just RAF families
Early Days Coffee and Chat
10:30-11:30T at Carterton Children’s Centre, Edith Moor School OX18 3HP. 01993 840318; For 0s, £1 (donation). Help prepare for the early days with baby
Family Centre Drop in with Singing
Lunch Club for 3-5s
Bouncing Balls Multi-Sports Classes
14:00-14:45T at New Beaconsfield Hall, OX7 6BQ. Lisa: 07811 174 733; For 3 - 5s, £4.50 per session (please book). Learn ball skills from a variety of games
North Oxford Little Bears
10:00-12:00T at Woodstock Road Baptist Church, 198 Woodstock Road OX2 7NQ. 07825543325; For 0 - 4s, £1.50 per session (drop in). A friendly and informal drop in
Sing & Sign Baby Signing Classes
09:30-11:30T at The High Street Methodist Church, High Street OX28 6HG. Helen: 01993 709532; For 0 - 2s, £6 per class (book by 10-week term). Help your baby communicate BEFORE speech
Minster Lovell Mother and Toddler Group
10:00-11:30T at The village hall, Brize norton road OX29 0SP. ; For bump - 4s, £2 per session (drop in). Great range of ages,toys and activities
Saturday Bampton (Nr Witney)
10:00-12:00T at Willow Tree Children’s Centre, Bowling Green Close OX18 2NJ. 01993 851799; For 0 - 5s, (drop in). Runs every 4 weeks
If you attend or run a group or class that isn’t listed here, please email us at info@toddleabout.co.uk with as much information as possible. All free or not-for-profit groups will be listed here for FREE!
Toddle About April-June 2013
The listings are updated but we advise calling before attending - just in case!
WIN a Silver Fingerprint Impression Kit from KNR Jewellery The kit is beautifully presented and contains everything you need to take a fingerprint impression, KNR Jewellery create the rest for you. Simply follow the step by step instructions in your own home, when it suits you and return your impression to KNR Jewellery by pre-paid post and you will receive your ‘Standard’ sized silver charm within 2-3 weeks. The most precious gift for all occasions. 1st, 2nd & 3RD prize: FREE Silver Fingerprint Impression Kit from KNR Jewellery, worth £49.
To enter the next Toddle Models competition, please email your favourite pic of your little one dressed up in their favourite fancy dress costume (along with their name, age, your phone number and where you’re from) to toddlemodelsoxford@toddleabout.co.uk by midnight on Monday 27th May 2013. The winners will be decided by Toddle About. We will print as many entries as possible in our next issue. to give you a nice keepsake The winner may even appear on our front cover!
KNR Jewellery I 07967 399 449 I www.knrjewellery.co.uk
See Special Offer vouchers
ABOUT y TODDLE D ire ctor
Business Opportunities
in the centre pages
Monkisee Reading Programme 13
Little Kickers
Pocket Full of Posies
LoveBallet Dance Academy
Business Mums
Smiley Kids Personalised Gifts 8
Mad Academy
Phoenix Cards
Your Name in Song
Action Kids
The Pampered Chef
Usborne Books
Days Out Rugrats & Half Pints
Gifts and Products
8 8
Health & Pregnancy Daisy Birthing
The Salt Cave
Baby College Oxford
Baby Sensory
Bouncing Balls
Busy Bee Music Group
KNR Jewellery
Musical Minis
Sing & Sign
Water Babies
Nurseries & Schools
Groups and Classes
FirstBike UK Jumping Clay
Deddington Village Nursery
Directory TheToddle AboutDirectory
Fancy Dress Photo Competition
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