3 minute read
Our Calling
By Dr. Daniel Dunivan, Interim Executive Director
General Baptist Ministries sends out a weekly email update called GB News (if you are not receiving it you can sign up for it at www.generalbaptist.com). As part of that weekly update, I provide a note on my interactions with General Baptist churches. Since becoming the Interim Executive Director on August 1, I have visited more than 30 churches. Each week I am struck by the diversity among us. Each church has its own personality. One weekend I visited two different churches a short distance from one another that are both making tremendous kingdom impact, and they were on opposite sides of the traditional/contemporary spectrum. Unfortunately, some believe that some of our differences are negative forces tearing at the fabric of our identity. However, I would argue that it is those differences that lead us to fulfilling who God has called us to be for our communities and for our time. Though we are different, I have marveled to see the hearts of our churches and leaders as they focus on joining God in his mission to bring the Good News to the world. This missional focus is at the heart of who we are as General Baptists.
The foundational historical moment that led to the beginnings of our movement has often been cast as a theological break. The affirmation of the doctrine of general atonement was indeed important, but the primary concern was one of ministry effectiveness rather than mere theological correctness. Stinson broke from the other Baptists in southern Indiana because he was concerned with being able reach those far from God with the gospel (the complete story is for another time). However, my point is that the needs of the community were the driving factors for our origins. Some faithful people saw God at work, and they were bold enough to do what was necessary to answer God’s call.
General Baptists are still responding to God’s call today! This issue of the Messenger displays some of that faithfulness.
Vince Daniel, Director of National Missions, shares about being called to plant churches.
In a preview of the theme of this year’s Mission and Ministry Summit in Owensboro, Kentucky, I share on the theme of being “Called.”
Christiana Massey, Director of Faith Home in Honduras, shares about her journey to responding to God’s calling to missions.
Director of Women’s Ministries Vicki Smith shares the callings of several General Baptist women who are making an impact in their churches and in their communities.
Charity Julian from Oakland City University shares how missions is an important part of her calling.
Interviews with two long-term General Baptist pastors Byron Beck and Barry Cullen, showcase the faithfulness of God as individuals respond to his call to spend years in the same community.
The truth that ministry is something all God’s people are called to is highlighted in an article from Oakland City University about students who major in areas other than Christian Studies.
God’s calling among General Baptists stretches around the world. In an article showcasing some of our national workers, we hear about God’s call on the life of Dr. Sharon Castro and Miguel Rodriguez in Honduras, Joyce Porcadilla-Rubia in the Philippines, and Dr. Prakash Pamu in India.
The article from Chris Vaught, lead pastor of Connection Point Church in Jackson, Missouri, and one of our keynote speakers for the 2021 Mission and Ministry Summit, shares about how to walk alongside others as they answer the call of God upon their lives.
Finally, Josh Carpenter, the chair of the the Restructure Task Force (RTF), provides an update on the efforts to position General Baptist Ministries for fulfilling our calling into the next generation.
I hope that in these pages you will find encouragement and challenge as God calls you to join him in his redemptive mission to the world.
Grace and peace,
Dr. Daniel Dunivan,
Interim Executive Director