2019 YEAR IN REVIEW General Baptist Ministries working from the denominational offices in Poplar Bluff, Missouri functioned throughout 2019 under the mandate to “maximize Kingdom impact by starting, equipping and inspiring local churches to accomplish the Great Commission.” This mission found expression in the 2019 Strategic Plan submitted, reviewed and approved by the Council of Associations. This missional objective draws from the larger mission envisioned for General Baptist Ministries of “fulfilling the Great Commission of Jesus Christ through equipping Christians in the local church and challenging them to become actively involved in the mission and purpose of the Church (C of A Bylaw VI. A.).
These missional objectives of General Baptist Ministries are identified in the organizing documents of the General Association of General Baptists and the General Baptist Council of Associations, Inc. as adopted by the various representatives of the churches and associations affiliated with General Baptists.
A SNAPSHOT OF SOME OF THE MINISTRIES UNDERTAKEN IN 2019 FOLLOWS. Congregational Ministries continued to provide a response system to local churches. On-site consultations, phone and digital communications and sharing custom designed resources all assist in this process. In 2019 several downloadable resources addressing pastor search, pastor compensation and organizational models were popular. Church turnaround resources remain available at http://www.turnaround2020.net. Church Rebrand Pilot Project. In 2019 a grant was given to the First General Baptist Church of Clay, Kentucky to assist them with a Rebrand/Restart in their community. The grant from the denomination helped provide coaching, web site development and local advertising. As a result of this effort the church re-launched in the fall with 151 members and guests present on their first Big Day. In the following weeks they continued to see first time guests with a steady increase in average attendance. Pastor Johnny Hibbs reports that folks have discovered new avenues of service and witness with a genuine atmosphere of spiritual renewal in every service.
34 | General Baptist Messenger Spring 2020