2 minute read

Shaped For A Calling


By Vicki Smith // Director of Women’s Ministries


Inspiring & Empowering Women to Find Their Full God-Potential

I was having a conversation the other day with a former pastor and lifelong friend of mine. We were reminiscing about our days of serving together. I made the statement to him that wasn’t it fun to be involved in ministry. He looked at me a little strange and said, “Well as long as everything is going well”. I knew what he meant but I could not help but find the humor in his reply.

I spent thirty years as an elementary teacher. It was a profession that I took very seriously. I felt called to the classroom. I loved kids and had a desire to in some way make a real difference in their life. I always said that over the years they may not remember what I taught them but rather how I treated them. For my seventieth birthday my daughter reached out to seventy of my former students and friends and asked them to name something that they remember about me. I was blessed to read so many responses that referred to positive things I had said or things I had done for them.

After I retired from teaching God called me to the mission field and as Sid and I answered that call and prepared to go I could see how God had been shaping me for that ultimate assignment. Over two and a half years ago when I stepped into the role of leading Women’s Ministries it again was the result of a calling that I felt. I can describe it in much the same way as my calling to teach. I love Jesus, I love missions and my desire is that all come to know Him in a personal way.

At the Women’s Ministries board meeting in April, the board voted to remove the interim title and give me the full title of director. I have never been concerned about titles and as one put it, we want our women’s groups and churches to know that Women’s Ministries is serious about fulfilling the mission of the ministry. It sends a message of permanency. Obeying God’s calling should be something that we do with seriousness and on a permanent basis.

I want to encourage you to join Women’s Ministries at their Summit breakouts when we meet in just a few weeks. On Monday afternoon we are going to praise Him for what he has done in and through us and then we are going to look at what is next. For you see in ministry we should never be finished but should always be looking ahead and following His leading.

On Tuesday we will be sharing with you what some of the women in our churches are doing to mentor the women in their churches. You are going to be excited to hear how these women have answered the calling that they heard.

On Wednesday afternoon come and hear about The Mighty Oaks ministry on the OCU campus. Again, answering a calling and encouraging our young people to do the same.

My prayer for you is that you will be open to God’s calling and what he desires from you. The journey is amazing.

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