Wilton Manors Assessment Report

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Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program April 14, 2017 Prepared by

Contents Preface




Stakeholder Interview Summary


Observations & Recommendations


Destinations, Traffic Flow & Decision Points

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program



Preface This document represents the culmination of Phase 1, Planning and Project Area Analysis. It is a summary of interviews, research and planning tasks which precede, and will influence, the strategic and creative development in following phases. The primary function of this document is to summarize collected data, observations and offer preliminary recommendations that will improve navigation through the City of Wilton Manors and to the destinations within it. A second, just as important objective, is to help elevate the community's unique sense of place and overall visitor’s experience. On March 2, 2017, Roberta Moore accompanied Todd Mayfield from Axia Creative on a guided tour through Wilton Manors as an introduction from a local perspective. After the driving tour, Todd met with the wayfinding Steering Committee for an official project kickoff. Process phases, general expectations, concerns and criteria were discussed during the meeting. After the kick-off meeting, Todd continued to explore the city on his own to gain a perspective from a visitor's point of view. This would be the first of several visits to be conducted within phase 1. Wilton Manors' wayfinding project is divided into five phases: Planning and Project Area Analysis, Concept Generation, Design Development, Documentation and Production Oversight. During Phase 1, in addition to the on-site surveys, research and stakeholder interviews, an online interactive map of the project area was prepared and shared with key members of the wayfinding steering committee. This evolving project map will include survey notes, comments and proposed locations of key plan elements. It will serve as a collaborative tool that will be updated through the life of the project. Phase 2, concept generation will begin upon approval of the assessment report. It will include the generation of initial concepts which will be deliberated by the Wayfinding Steering Committee, presented to City representatives and made available for public review.

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Preface, continued Phase 3, Design Development will apply refinements to an approved single design direction. All system sign types will be developed, sign messages will be proposed and their respective locations indicated on the Google map. Probable cost estimates will be collected and additional on-site studies will be made. The existing Wilton Manors brand will be studied and interpreted into the design of the system. In the Documentation Phase (4), after the final design has been approved, we will begin preparation of scaled drawings of all sign types, a message schedule, location plans and production-ready artwork which will include full size templates, icons and a kiosk map. The resulting set of documents will be compiled together to become the Fabrication Bid Documents. All production-ready artwork will be uploaded and stored in Wilton Manors' project web page which has been prepared for exclusive use by the Wilton Manors Wayfinding Steering Committee and any authorized individuals. Phase 5, Production oversight will begin with RFP formatting assistance, sign contractor qualification advice and recommendations on RFP distribution. Axia will oversee the bidding process and advise on an award recommendation. Axia will interact with the sign contractor during the course of fabrication and installation. Upon completion of the installation, Axia will be on site again to inspect the program for completeness and provide a post installation summery report to the City.

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Objectives The primary goal behind the data collection and analysis phase is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the project and to verify that the design team’s objectives are in alignment with the Stakeholders’ vision. We encourage this document be reviewed by the all associated stakeholders and committee members. The collected feedback and refined analysis will build a platform from which the design concepts and strategy for the wayfinding program can be built with successful results. The Wilton Manors wayfinding program is an initiative that supports the goals set forth in the City of Wilton Manors 2015-2020 Strategic Plan. In addition to the program's primary role of improving navigation through the community, the wayfinding system will help establish aesthetic features that celebrate Wilton Manors’ social, cultural and historic wealth. Redesigned gateway signage will help establish a stronger sense of arrival into the community and strengthen the Wilton Manors brand perception. Vehicular guide signs will help drivers navigate through the community and to public parking areas. Pedestrian guides and information kiosks will support the goals of a more "walkable" city. A clean and well-maintained wayfinding system in economic centers will tell visitors they are in a thriving and safe community. It will attract new businesses and encourage residents to congregate there. As the Wilton Manors brand is promoted through various forms of visual communications, the wayfinding elements in the environment will help validate the brand and generate a positive sense of place for visitors. It will also strengthen community pride among its residents. A successful system will tie parts of the community together and serve as a visual catalyst to create the perception that Wilton Manors is a well-packaged and organized destination. It will contribute to making the city a better place. Another objective is to build a system that is not only designed well, but designed responsibly. This requires the use of green and recyclable materials when possible. This, in itself, will generate community pride and result in great PR for Wilton Manors.

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Objectives, continued Furthermore, an additional goal is to develop a system that is expandable and easily maintained. At the end of the implementation phase, existing Design Intent documents provided by Axia may be combined with as-built drawings (fabricator's shop/engineering details) and product maintenance information provided by the fabricator. This combined document can serve as a program manual for system maintenance and future additions. Wilton Manors belongs to its citizens. It is important to gain public consensus along the way. Although it is impossible to make everyone happy and to meet all personal expectations, Axia, in partnership with the wayfinding steering committee will make efforts to involve the public in the early stages of the design phase. This can be facilitated, in part, during a public concept presentation prior to final design development.

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Stakeholder Interview Summary On March 23, 2017, Todd Mayfield from Axia Creative met with several key stakeholders in order to gain personal perspectives, opinions and ideas for the development of an effective wayfinding solution for the City of Wilton Manors. Each meeting yielded valuable information that will be considered during the development and creative process. There were no substantial opposing opinions. Many of the comments and opinions were shared by all stakeholders. This summary is a collection of key points drawn from the meetings. Duplicated information or those that are closely aligned have been distilled into common points. Ideas and remarks outlined in this document will be used to form the foundation of Phase 2: Concept Generation. At the beginning of each stakeholder group meeting, Axia explained that the primary objective of the stakeholder meetings was to collect input in order to help formulate a successful wayfinding solution. In each meeting the term “wayfinding� was defined as the art and science of connecting dots for visitors and residents from place to place. It was also explained that a second role for the wayfinding program was to help support a branded experience unique to Wilton Manors. Individuals who were not able to meet with Todd were interviewed by phone in the days that followed. Perception Wilton Manors is a close community. People know each other and are frequently met with welcoming smiles and waves. It is a place of good friendships and eager volunteerism. The outside impression of Wilton Manors is that it is a "hip" community with progressive plans. When asked why visitors come to Wilton Manors, the unanimous reply was because of the open Gay and Lesbian culture, vibrant night life, safe environment and a warm sense of community pride. Intended Audience All interviewees emphasized the importance to convey a celebration of the LGTB lifestyle and to demonstrate that Wilton Manors is a safe and tolerant community. That said, it is also important to appeal to a broad demographic and support an atmosphere where everyone can live and let live in a balanced and diverse environment.

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Stakeholder Interview Summary, continued System Design Everyone agreed that improving functional navigation through the community is paramount but equal importance should be put on supporting an atmosphere of open-minded cultural awareness. The aesthetics of the signage must support the Wilton Manors brand and help establish a visual sense of place. It was suggested to "push the boundaries" and support a more creative character to promote Wilton Manors as an arts and entertainment community. Wilton Manors should be regarded as fun, festive and safe. There are no objections to creating a system that is creatively bold and "out-of-the-box". It was desired that the system should be celebratory and festive in form and exhibit a fresh contemporary feel. It was suggested that we look at Pensacola's wayfinding system for reference. The Pensacola downtown environment also has a program where visitors can search for pelican statues as an interactive activity to encourage exploration. We discussed the idea of introducing creative elements in the design that would do the same thing and involve visitors in a scavenger hunt type activity to move them around the community in an interactive way. The brand suggests that Wilton Manors is an island community surrounded by water but most people who visit the area are not aware of the proximity to water because it is not very accessible. Signage could be designed with a water relevance and help to guide people to available water landings. Additional water access will have to be created to increase such opportunities. It was suggested that artwork be introduced into the environment such as sidewalks, bridges and building facades. The suggestion that eco bins could be decorated by volunteer artists is not necessarily a wayfinding devise, but could serve as area demarcations and visual cues. Local artisans could also be enlisted to create interesting sign finials that can enhance the sense of creativity and free expression. Fabrication Funding To make the most of existing fabrication funds, the system will be implemented as annual phases. Axia will help identify groups of signs that can be installed within the first year and others that can be pushed off to consecutive years as fiscal budgets are replenished. Additional fabrication funding may

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Stakeholder Interview Summary, continued be available though community sponsors and organizations who are vested in the growth of the community. It was noted that the Business Improvement District may donate money from their annual expenditure. There may also be access to the Police forfeiture fund. Community Support When asked if there would be any push back by groups or individuals, the response was that the majority of people were on board with the program and would not be resistent. The only push back we may face would be by residents who are part of the east side homeowners association. Even these people are beginning to agree that change is needed. Sign regulations are not considered viable and should be expanded or rewritten. It is likely that discoveries made during the development of the wayfinding program will influence their revision. Competition Some feel that Fort Lauderdale is the main competitor for Wilton Manors while some do not. The thing that everyone agrees on is that Fort Lauderdale overshadows Wilton Manors and it is often assumed that Wilton Manors is part of Fort Lauderdale. It is also believed that Oakland Park aspires to become the next Wilton Manors. They are competing with Wilton Manors for the new commuter rail station. It is thought that they have the advantage on this prospect. Landmarks There are not apparent landmarks in Wilton Manors with the exception of the tall steeple at St. Clements Catholic Church on North Andrews. The idea was brought up to create photo opportunities, landmarks and/or meet-up spots. One idea was to build a giant martini glass. These elements would serve as landmarks which would provide visual points of reference. Five Points could be signed so that it could become a key landmark. Using the Logo and tag line All interviewees did not feel the logo is totally set in stone but advised that residents who have lived in Wilton Manors over 10 years would be resistent to any form of change. Recently, brand guidelines

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Stakeholder Interview Summary, continued were adopted which prohibit any change to the logo. That said, it is felt that some minor refinements or at least interpretations of the logo might be entertained for limited use in the wayfinging system. Todd advised that brands should be able to evolve with time and adapt to market and style trends in order to remain relevant and current. It was suggested that perhaps subtle versions of the logo could be modified for limited use but would not constitute a formal change. In any case, ideas would be presented for consideration before carried into the design of the system. It is recommended that the tag line: "Life is Just Better Here" be promoted in key gateway signage. Todd suggested that tag line derivatives could be used for special promotions to highlight specific Wilton Manors attributes such as: " Life is just better here, that's why we celebrate it" or "Life is just better here, that's why we're so friendly". Key Destinations The Pride Center is considered a key part of the community. It is the largest employer and a popular destination. It provides an important service to the community and is planning to build a senior living center. Private Entities on Signs The question was asked how much signage do we give to private entities? Todd suggested that a set of criteria be written to qualify businesses and private organizations for inclusion on the wayfinding signage otherwise everyone will want to have their business on directional signs. Sign Clutter It is a shared concern that adding signs may create a cluttered feel to Wilton Manors. Todd said that any redundant signs will be slated for removal and that new signs will have a consistent and pleasing design which will help to unify an otherwise disjointed graphic environment. Gateways Of the many routes into Wilton Manors, Wilton Drive is the most traveled. It is a popular short cut to Fort Lauderdale also used the most as cut through to Fort Lauderdale. Federal Highway 95, Powerline

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Stakeholder Interview Summary, continued Road, Andrews, Dixie Highway and Federal Highway 26 are considered the main access routes into Wilton Manors. These would require primary gateway treatments. All others could receive secondary or scaled down gateways. It was commonly desired that the gateway signage reflect a vibrant community with a sense of festivity and fun. They should be more substantial that the existing signage and provide a unique arrival point into Wilton Manors . It was asked if cameras could be incorporated with the gateway signage. Todd responded that cameras would be more functional if they were placed up high on signal or light poles for better visibility. It was requested that gateway signs be lighted at night. If power was not accessible, solar panels could be installed behind the signs. It is apparent through the interviews that Wilton Manors is often mistaken as part of Fort Lauderdale which indicates the need for a strengthened identity. This supports the desire to retain all eleven of the gateway placements. Vehicle Guide Signs Guiding motorists through Wilton Manors would feature key destinations and not include private businesses. An exception might be the Pride Center because of its importance to the community. Todd will provide written guide sign messaging criteria to control what destinations qualify for guide signage. Pedestrian Guide Signage One of the goals of the wayfinding system is to help Wilton Manors become more of a walkable community. Pedestrian guide signs would be a big part of this initiative. Todd suggested that private businesses could be included on pedestrian level guide signs much like you see in many towns in the California wine communities. Many of these "totem" like guide signs are pay-to-play requiring businesses to pay an annual fee. Future FDOT road realignment of Powerline, Federal Highway 26 and Wilton Drive will help to facilitate pedestrian access and would require signage to support the walkable downtown initiative. Dixie

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Stakeholder Interview Summary, continued Highway has already been redeveloped. Street fixtures have not been selected and it was suggested by Todd to hold off until the design of the system has progressed to that selections may have some continuity with the new sign system. Todd also suggested that pedestrian guide signs include walking distances or walking times next to each listed destination. Information Kiosks The idea was brought forth to create signage or possibly iconic symbolism for kiosk maps to identify locations for gender-neutral restrooms. It was further discussed that these and all wayfinding symbols could be repeated on both printed and web-based community maps. Parking The lack of guidance to parking areas is a concern. Parking guide signs should be visually pronounced and incorporate the iconic "P". Lot identity signs would include the same graphic character as the guide signs. In addition to the need for guide signage, it was suggested that a parking app with lot information be developed and made available for free download. It was mentioned that a parking shuttle service was being proposed and that signage for shuttle stops should be considered as part of the program. Event Signage There seems to be a need for event signage that can inform, direct and identify. These would be temporary and changeable to accommodate the many events throughout the year. It was suggested that digital message signs be permanently placed in key areas to announce upcoming events and public programs. Street Banners Banners are currently being developed by others. Todd suggested that special banners be used to mark gateway areas or demarcate districts.

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Observations & Recommendations Prior to and after the stakeholder interviews, Axia explored Wilton Manors to become familiar with the project area and to observe, first hand the existing conditions of the Wilton Manors environment. Several observations were noted and a photo inventory was made. After an initial study, we recommend that the Wilton Manors wayfinding system include five primary sign types: 1. Gateway Signs

With a few exceptions, most of the existing gateway signs are placed in good locations although Axia will consider alternate spots to maximise visibility and to compliment surrounding environments. There are three gateway types: large horizontal panel mounted to a brick and glass block monument, a large horizontal panel supported by two visible posts and a small panel supported by two hidden posts.

We propose that the new gateway signs be more vertical to maximise the use of limited ground space and to elevate the sign for better visibility. The logo will be incorporated into the design but stylistically interpreted for a fresh look. The new gateway signage will replace eleven existing signs– South entry on NW 9th Avenue, North and South entries on North Andrews Avenue, North and South entries on N Dixie Highway, North entry on NE 6th Avenue, South entry on NE 4th Avenue, South entry on NE 15th Avenue and East entry on NE 26th Street. We recommend moving the gateway location on the North entry on NW 9th Avenue closer to the bridge.

If power is accessible, we recommend that the gateways be illuminated for night visibility. Landscaping around each sign will increase the visual footprint and hide any exposed foundation or light fixtures.

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Observations & Recommendations, continued 2. Vehicular Guide Signs

With the exception of a few blue directional signs near the City Hall complex, there are no discernible vehicular guide signs in Wilton Manors. Those few we did find were initially missed and discovered when doing a second drive through the town center.

We recommend that new vehicular guide signs be more prominently placed and include a larger font. They should be isolated from competing poles, light standards and other signs where possible. The new vehicular guide signs should display no more than four listings per sign. If more are deemed necessary, five may be included but we highly recommend messages be kept to a minimum of 4. If possible, each message should occupy a single line. Two lines may be used but it is preferable to use abbreviations to shorten messages for quick readability and efficient use of limited sign area.

A motorist only has a few seconds to comprehend a sign's message.

Mixed-case words should be used instead of all caps. Mixed case messages have several advantages over those that are set in all caps. They take up less room horizontally. We comprehend mixed-case words faster than words in all caps; the mind recognizes mixed-case sentences as a footprint, comprehending the entire line at once. When letters are set in all caps, the mind tends to read each letter or word individually, slowing comprehension. Capitalized words, however, do require less space between lines (leading). This can be helpful if you have sign height limitations.

The font should either the Clearview font or Highway Gothic font which have been adopted as a standard highway system font.

The signs should have dark backgrounds with white messages. The panel colors should be at least 70% in contrast between the background and the message.

Because speed limits in Wilton Manors do not exceed 50 KPH, we feel the height of the fonts may be kept at a minimum of 4 or 5 inches tall. We recommend field testing messages of

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Observations & Recommendations, continued

various font heights to determine proper legibility in traffic zones with variable speeds.

Guide signs should be placed on the right side of the road between 100 feet and 300 feet before an intersection or decision point depending on traffic speed and lane quantity. 5'-0"

4'-4" Words should not be kerned (space between letters)



too tightly. If letters within a word are too closely spaced, they meld together in the viewer’s eye, 7"

reducing comprehension. The same goes for the 1'-2"


Ahead Direction Left Direction Right Direction

space between words, lines (leading), and between the edge of the sign and the message itself. Ample

R 9'-6"

negative space around messages is as important for 10'-5"

comprehension as the letter-forms themselves. In this case, bigger isn’t always better. Proper legibility requires ample visual breathing room. Typically, a vehicular guide sign will allow room for 12 to 18 characters per line across a sign face. Any more and you end up with a very wide sign, small

illegible letters, or words that are too tightly kerned or use an overly condensed font. If possible, use abbreviations such as Dtn (Downtown) and Ctr (Center). Don’t include periods and other forms of punctuation. If you have only one casino or airport in your community, leave off the proper name and just use Casino or Airport. Instead of John’s Golf Course, simply use Golf, unless is more than one golf course in the same area.

The distance from grade to the bottom of the lowest sign panel should be no less than 7 feet if it is accessible by pedestrian traffic, otherwise 5 feet is permissible. The sign's position will be determined by street setback and traffic visibility sight lines.

In areas where it is not possible to place a sign on the right side of the road between 100 feet

and 300 feet, a sign may be placed across a joining road at the centre of the “T” or on the other

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Observations & Recommendations, continued

side of the road as long as it is legible and does not create a

4 1/2 inch (OD) square aluminum tube slips over a 4 inch (OD) round pole. Square tube allows for easy removal of sig n panel and eliminates the need for traditional brace and fasteners. Gives the back of the sig n better visual appeal. driving hazard. 1/8 inch thick alu minu m panel. Graphics digitally printed over white reflective dia mond bright film.

3. Parking Area Guide Signs

It is understood that guidance to parking areas is crucial. In order to make Wilton Manors a







successful walkable city, you have to get people

parked and out of their cars. Currently, there are FREE



3 public lots: Richardson Park, City Hall/Hagen

LO T 1 8'-4"

Park and NE 8th Terrace. Parking is free until 6 pm.



Between 6 pm and 3 am, parking costs $1.50 per card through ParkMobile. At the City Hall/Hagan

Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare.

6'-0" or 7'-0"

hour via pay stations or by cell phone with a credit

Park lot, 30 minutes before and after public-noticed meetings at City Hall are not free. Monthly parking permits are also available at the Hagen Park lot. 2'-0"

Front View Side View Back View As mentioned in several of the stakeholder meetings, public parking areas are not readily

Front View

Parking Guide


apparent. We recommend that new parking guide signage be isolated from combined message guides and include a large iconic "P" symbol. If a parking guide message is combined with a group of directional messages, it may get lost. There might be cases where there is not enough Client: City of Sedona available space for both an isolated parking guide sign and a multi-message guide sign. In this Project: Contact: Karen Osburn Project No:

Parking Signage SD1001

case, we may have to compromise and join the messages onto one sign. We will include a smaller version of the iconic "P" symbol next to the "parking" message to help its visibility. 4. Pedestrian Guide Signs


In areas where there is significant pedestrian traffic, or where a critical point of decision 400 Ft

.39 Mi

946 Ft

must be made, we propose fingerboard signs Riverside Park

.36 Mi

Downtown Snake Alley Capitol Theater

400 Ft

Riverside Park

.36 Mi

.39 Mi 946 Ft



Downtown Snake Alley Capitol Theater

mounted onto a free-standing post or pole. Destinations would be listed with a directional arrow. Walking distance or walking time 9'-0"

indications could be added. If retailers are

allowed placement on pedestrian signs, the 7'-0"


Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Dow Snak Capi


Observations & Recommendations, continued

number of messages are likely to increase the size of the signs so they would need to be placed in areas where overhead clearance is not an issue. In Sonoma, branded retail guide signs are stacked in a totem-like format.

3. Identity Signs

Existing identity signs for public areas and parks look much like the gateway signs. We feel the gateways should be 1st in the hierarchy of system design with the identity signs assuming a subordinate second.

Depending on the use of the park or public facility, the scale and design may require a unique character instead of a standard "one-size-fits-all" approach. As we move into the conceptual phase of the program we will explore ways to create a unifying design while allowing for some customization for special cases. We will design identities for municipal facilities as well. 5. Street Banners The design for future street banners will be generated and considered for gateway areas and zone demarcations. The size of the banners will be determined by the height of the light poles and the distance from which they will be viewed. 1'-0"

Reserved Parking Mayor Tommy Ruzzano



Facility Name

Facility Name

Donec placerat. Nullam nibh dolor, blandit sed, fermentum id, imperdiet sit amet, neque. Nam mollis ultrices justo. Sed tempor. Sed vitae tellus. Etiam sem

Donec placerat. Nullam nibh dolor, blandit sed, fermentum id, imperdiet sit amet, neque. Nam mollis ultrices justo. Sed tempor. Sed vitae tellus. Etiam sem

Arcu, eleifend sit amet, gravida eget,

Non lacus vitae ipsum viverra pret

Neugiat ac, molestie eget, wisi.

luctus ipsum. Vestibulum nunc.

• •


Fusce magna sem, gravida in

Nullam nibh dolor, blandit sed, fermentum id, imperdiet sit amet, neque. Nam mollis ultrices justo. Sed tempor. Sed vitae tellus. Posuere vitae, nulla. Sed varius nibh ut lacus. Curabitur fringilla. Nunc est ipsum, pretium quis, dapibus sed, varius non, lectus. Proin a quam. Praesent lacinia, eros quis aliquam porttitor, urna lacus volutpat urna, ut fermentum neque mi egestas dolor

Phasellus massa. •



disclaimers at public facilities and parks



Signs that convey usage rules and

Violators will be towed

Violators will be towed

Nullam nibh dolor, blandit sed, fermentum id, imperdiet sit amet, neque. Nam mollis ultrices justo. Sed tempor. Sed vitae tellus.


Reserved for Accessible Parking Only



6. Regulatory Signage

All others will be towed

Adipiscing libero. Integer leo. Sed Quisque ipsum nibh, ullamcorper luctus ipsum. Vestibulum nunc.


Posuere vitae, nulla. Sed varius nibh ut lacus. Curabitur fringilla. Nunc est ipsum, pretium quis, dapibus sed, varius non, lectus. Proin a quam. Praesent lacinia, eros quis aliquam porttitor, urna lacus volutpat urna, ut fermentum neque mi egestas dolor

will be designed to look less utilitarian and will convey messages in a more 1'-0"

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program



s over a or easy ed for ck of the

minu m panel. rinted over white bright film.

Observations & Recommendations, continued

brand aesthetic but will still communicate 1/8 inch thick messaging alu minu m panel. with a tone of authority. Graphics digitally printed over white reflective dia mond bright film.

7. Parking Facility Identity Signs




LO T 2

LO T 3

LO T 4

Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare.

Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare.

Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare.

Identities for2'-7" parking facilities will exhibit the international “P” symbol, to visually link with the parking guide signs.


8. Information Kiosks

Information kiosks could be located in areas

LO T 1

to inform the visitor about places and events 8'-4"

in Wilton Manors. They can take many forms. Depending on the amount of information they 2'-0"

need to dispense, they can range in size and

Port of Burlington/Welcome Center






Snake Alley - Pedestrian Landing


Flint River Trail


Snake Alley - Vehicle Entrance


Westland Mall

Mosquito Park




Amtrak/Depot SE Iowa Airport

West Burlington Pool

Burlington Downtown


West Burlington



Locomotive Display


Capitol Theater




Starr’s Cave


Burlington Trailways RecPlex

LO T 7


Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare.



Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare. 7

pedestrian traffic. If they are located near

LO T 6 3'-2"



6 1/2"

You are here Public Restrooms Information/Directory


are located in areas where there is high



Kiosks are most effective when they

1 3/4"


LO T 5

9 1/2" 4" 3"


simple two sided directories.



Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare.



complexity–from full walk-in structures to

Pellentesque vel dui sed orci faucibus iaculis. Suspendisse dictum magna id purus tincidunt rutrum. Nulla congue. Vivamus sit amet lorem posuere dui vulputate ornare.


roadways where they are clearly visible to vehicular Front traffic, View they should be accessible Side View


Sedona Osburn

4 1/4 inch xsizes 4 1/4 inchwill aluminum welded to each to accommodate message length positive and friendly tone. Multiple beangle considered sig n panel. Fastened to 4 inch (OD) round pole. Rests on decorative square tube below.Parking regulatory signs can be designed to fit the and the requirements of a specific facility.

with safe pulloutsParking where a driver Area Identities can easily move out of traffic

and park.

Elements of a kiosk may include Project: Parking Signage Project No: SD1001

an area map, a changeable


Description: Free Parking Signage Version: 4

Caption Here

Caption Here

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Caption Here

Caption Here

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Caption Here

Caption Here

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Caption Here

Designer: Date:

Caption Here

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Caption Here

Caption Here

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Caption Here

Caption Here

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Caption Here

Caption Here

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Caption Here

Caption Here

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

Aliquam aliquet, est a ullamcorper condimentum, tellus nulla fringilla elit, a iaculis nulla turpis sed wisi. Fusce volutpat. Etiam sodales ante id nunc. Proin ornare dignissim lacus. Nunc porttitor nunc a sem. Sed sollic itudin velit eu magna.

You are here


Public Restrooms










1 2




Snake Alley - Pedestrian Landing




Snake Alley - Vehicle Entrance


Westland Mall







Crapo Park


SE Iowa Airport


Aspen Grove Cemetery


Spirit Hollow Golf


Aspen Grove Cemetery


Flint River Trail


Farmers Market


Roosevelt Ave


Farmers Market


Roosevelt Ave


Bracewell Stadium

Flint Hills Golf Course


Southeastern Community College


Bracewell Stadium


Southeastern Community College

Riverside Park


Flint Hills Golf Course

19 20 21


Southeastern Community College



West Burlington Pool


Great River Medical Center



Burlington Trailways


Riverside Walk


To Be Determined


Riverside Walk





Great River Bridge


To Be Determined


Great River Bridge


Locomotive Display


Capitol Theater


Community Baseball Field


To Be Determined


Community Baseball Field


To Be Determined



Mosquito Park


West Burlington Pool


Great River Medical Center


Burlington Downtown


Burlington Trailways


Riverside Walk


To Be Determined


Riverside Walk


West Burlington




Great River Bridge


To Be Determined


Great River Bridge


Locomotive Display


Capitol Theater


Community Baseball Field


To Be Determined


Community Baseball Field


To Be Determined



Starr’s Cave


Dankward Memorial Park


To Be Determined


Dankward Memorial Park


To Be Determined


Port of Burlington/Welcome Center10


Starr’s Cave


Dankward Memorial Park


To Be Determined


Dankward Memorial Park


To Be Determined



Snake Alley - Pedestrian Landing


Snake Alley - Vehicle Entrance




SE Iowa Airport


Flint River Trail


Flint Hills Golf Course Aspen Grove Cemetery Farmers Market Bracewell Stadium Riverside Park

28 29 30 31 32

Flint Hills Golf Course Aspen Grove Cemetery Farmers Market Bracewell Stadium Riverside Park

28 29 30 31 32

Crapo Park Spirit Hollow Golf Roosevelt Ave Southeastern Community College Great River Medical Center To Be Determined To Be Determined

Crapo Park Spirit Hollow Golf



Riverside Park




destination legend, brochure

Port of Burlington/Welcome Center10

Todd Mayfield 4-5-17 Crapo Park Spirit Hollow Golf Roosevelt Ave

Westland Mall

Mosquito Park Burlington Downtown West Burlington



You are here Public Restrooms Information/Directory

Great River Medical Center To Be Determined

Weyerhaeuser is aproud sponsor of the Mooshead Lake Region

To Be Determined

Weyerhaeuser is aproud sponsor of the Mooshead Lake Region Weyerhaeuser is aproud sponsor of the Mooshead Lake Region

Weyerhaeuser is aproud sponsor of the Mooshead Lake Region

Weyerhaeuser is aproud sponsor of the Mooshead Lake Region

Weyerhaeuser is aproud sponsor of the Mooshead Lake Region

Weyerhaeuser is aproud sponsor of the Mooshead Lake Region

Weyerhaeuser is aproud sponsor of the Mooshead Lake Region

holders (not recommended for severe weather conditions or in

Front View

Side View

Back View

Rear View

Primary Information Kiosk

Client: Contact:

MLEDC Luke Muzzy

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program

Front View

Side View

Secondary Information Kiosk

Project: Regional Wayfinding Program Project No: ML1001

Description: Kiosk Alternates Version: 1

Designer: Date:

TM/LS 11-8-16


Observations & Recommendations, continued

areas that are not frequently maintained), digital reader displays and enclosed display cabinets for current information or special event posts. In areas where power is not accessible, small solar panels can be incorporated into the design to power night illumination, interactive displays or emergency devices.

9. Electronic Message Boards

The primary benefit of an electronic message board is they are an effective way to promote an event or convey a message to a high density audience, specifically motorists. The newest models allow remote changeability over the internet and include detailed resolution for vivid and compelling graphics. The negatives include high cost, potential traffic hazards for drivers who take their eyes off the road and they can be considered by locals as an eyesore.

We will look for placement opportunities as we contemplate visual concepts and study the project area further.

10. Temporary Event Signage

We understand that Wilton Manors has seasonal events that may require event-specific signage. Promotional signage can take the form of street banners, messages on electronic message boards and trade show type pop-up stanchions. We will recommend options as we dive into the next conceptual phase.

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program


Destinations, Traffic Flow & Decision Points The map below is a screen capture of the Google map that we are using as a collaborative tool throughout the project. Currently, it indicates the points of arrival into Wilton Manors, vehicular decision points, primary arteries, existing gateways, destinations, parking areas and potential parking guide signs.

There are several general destinations in Wilton Manors that may or may not be included on guide signs. Further study and collaboration will determine which destinations will be signed. These include: • City Hall • Richardson Historic Park & Nature Preserve • Eucalyptus Gardens • Nova Southeastern University • Five Points • Wilton Manors Elementary • Library • Colohatchee Park • World Aids Museum • East Park Square • Island Park Preserve • Pride Center

Axia | Assessment Report for The City of Wilton Manors Wayfinding Program

Arrival Points Key Decision Points Main Vehicular Arteries Existing Gateway Signs Destinations Parking Area Potential Parking Guide


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