The “Ideal” Lead Generation Process That Pays YOU!

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The “Ideal” Lead Generation Process That Pays! february 7, 2013 by t odd warren Like



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So you have been looking for a rock solid lead generat io n pro cess t hat isn’t going t o break t he bank and t ake up a t on of your t ime… Let face it , t ime is money and if you are spending all your t ime chasing down leads, t hen you aren’t able t o focus on what REALLY makes money …which is your market ing and sales!

Lead Generation Process – A Lead vs Contact Info

You Need A Lead Generat ion Process THAT PAYS YOU!

Leads are t he lifeblood of building any t ype of business successfully, it doesn’t mat t er if it is a st andard brick and mort ar operat ion or an online business. Having a solid “lead generat ion process” is crit ical t o t he success of any company, whet her small or large.

And while building your business, you might t hink a lead is a lead, but you would be wrong. …Let me explain. Creat ing a cold lead and a very t arget ed lead might cost you t he same amount of money, but t he lat t er is obviously much more desirable. Why? When set t ing up your market ing funnel, t here needs t o be some sort of t echnique t hat you can use t o ident ify qualified leads and separat e t hem from t he “curious clickers” I like t o call t hem. Your conversion rat es will be disappoint ing ot herwise and you’ll get frust rat ed and your business will fall apart as you lose mot ivat ion and drive. Don’t fall int o t hat t rap.

Lead Generation Process – The How Creat ing leads can quickly become a job in and of it self if you aren’t careful t hough…. If you are not online, t hen t he offline lead generat ion process means you (or your t eam members) meet ing prospect s head t o head at t he local St arbucks or hot el meet ing. This will also include cont act ing t hem by t elephone. Leads t hat are generat ed at t rade shows and ot her event s must be placed in a dat abase and made cont act wit h one at a t ime (not very t ime efficient ). The business may have t o mail info t o t he prospect s, which may also be a pricey overhead cost .

Somet imes t he leads have t o be qualified and t hen passed off t o t he company sales office, where a sale is possibly generat ed in t he fut ure.

…So is the online lead generation process any easier? Online lead generat ion appears much easier if you are just now seeing what goes int o offline lead generat ion, nevert heless t hose t hat own t heir own net work market ing or mlm business know t hat t his is not always t rue. Generat ing leads online is no less complex and labor-int ensive, and if you have had your own online or mlm business for any period or t ime, you are likely nodding in agreement right now. OK – online, when you market , you do have an audience of millions – but t hat suggest s t he t hat qualifying process is more import ant and it ’s much harder because very few people know who you are from a hole in t he ground. There are few businesses t hat don’t need a preliminary invest ment t o get it going, and obviously t he more capit al you can invest t he quicker your business can t ake off which will mean you can out source t he t iresome jobs or t hings you’re not capable of doing yourself using a service like Advert ising at some part icular point will always pull in more leads, but only if it ’s done properly. If you have creat ed a t ast y web sit e and you are following t he t ried and t est ed syst ems of success, such as making an invest ment in an aut oresponder, prompt ly answering e-mails, adding art icles on a regular basis, prominent ly showing an opt -in box, building backlinks and joining social media net works, t hen you should be making money and if not …it is t ime t o change t hings up. If you are like 97% of all online market ers at about t hat point , you may probably be t hinking of giving up and ret urning t o t he arena of an offline business where you have t o show up somewhere in order t o make money. …Not my idea of freedom…But t hat s just me!

So What Do I Do…Buy Leads? – Lead Generation Process Good luck wit h t hat . Even if you can find a reput able company which will give you fresh, qualified leads, you will most likely pay t hrough t he nose for t hem, whet her you convert t hem t o sales or not . Your profit s are quickly sliding away and you cannot raise t he price of your product , because t hen no-one will be int erest ed. In t his respect , a lead generation process t hat is capable of offering great result s can help an ent repreneur t o st ay in charge of t he process. What you need is some sort of syst em t hat allows you t o earn money WHILE YOU BUILD YOUR LIST of leads so t hat you can re-invest more money int o market ing for your business. Most lead generat ion syst ems will only give you a port ion of t he sales you make, so it s import ant t hat you find a syst em t hat let s you keep all t he money. I suggest t aking a look at Empower Net work’s 100% Commissions Syst em t hat t eaches you how to market online, but also earn mo ney while yo u are learning. This way you can re-invest back int o growing your business while generat ing more and more leads wit h your lead generat ion process…Doesn’t get much bet t er t han t hat ! Onwards & Upwards…Toget her!

Psalm 112:5 It is well with the man who deals generously and lends, who conducts his affairs with justice.




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