Togatus Yearbook 2019

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Togatus is published by the TUU State Council on behalf of the Tasmania University Union (henceforth known as “the publishers”) It is understood that all submissions to Togatus are the intellectual property of the contributor. However, the publishers reserve the right to reproduce material on the Togatus website at Togatus Team: Editor-in-Chief: Joe Brady Deputy Editor: Logan Linkston Publication Director: Monte Bovill Creative Director: Maddie Burrows Graphic Designer: Liam Johnson, Zaniel Clark Foreign Correspondent: Bethany Green Copy Editor: Anastasia Stojanovič Editorial Assistants: Genevieve Holding, LJ Parks, Mackenzie Stolp, Megan Oliver, Morgan Fürst, Pius Kung, Tyra Kruger Togatus welcomes all your contributions. Please email your work and ideas to Edition 1, 2019 Contributors: Dan Prichard, Elise Sweeney, Joseph Schmidt, Joshua Scott, Lizzie Dewis, LJ Parks, Mackenzie Stolp, Megan Oliver, Miles Kahles, Norah Wenrui Wu, Rainer Curcio Edition 2, 2019 Contributors: Dalipinder Singh Sandhu, Dan Prichard, Elise Sweeney, James Kelly, Joseph Schmidt, Lili Koch, Nathaniel Lau, Norah Wenrui Wu, Sophie Sliskovic, UPS Team, Will Boddy Edition 3, 2019 Contributors: Dalipinder Singh Sandhu, Dan Prichard, Eden Noble, James Kelly, Joseph Schmidt, Miles Kahles, Niamh Schofield, Norah Wenrui Wu, Sarah Davison, Taylar Bowerman Yearbook, 2019 Contributors: Bec Pridham, Courtney Salter, Dalipinder Singh Sandhu, Dan Prichard, Dana Anderson, Desmond Marcenko, Eden Noble, Elise Sweeney, Eve Gowen, James Kelly, Joanna Postlethwaite, Joe Brady, Joseph Schmidt, Liam Johnson, Maddie Burrows, Lucy Smith, Miles Kahles, Sharifah Syed-Rohan, Tabitha Zachariah, Taylar Bowerman, UPS Team Online Contributors as of October 2019: Benjamin Dudman, Lili Koch, Niamh Schofield, Thomas Bearman, Zoe Stott The opinions expressed herein are not those of the editors, the publishers, the University of Tasmania, or the Tasmania University Union. Reasonable care is taken to ensure that Togatus articles and other information are up-to-date and as accurate as possible at the time of publication, but no responsibility can be taken by Togatus for any errors or omissions. Contact Togatus: Website: Facebook: @TogatusOnline Twitter & Instagram: @togatus_ Post: PO Box 5055, UTAS LPO, Sandy Bay 7005 Email: Contribute: Advertise: Togatus is printed by Monotone Art Printers.



Population, Poverty and the Pill


4 4 6 2019 What the Hell Just Happened

10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Ar e

He 201 re 9

To ga tu s: Ye ar bo ok ,

Yo u

Faith and the Singularity: Mormon Transhumanism

Not Long for Hong Kong

My TUU Story


8 24 26

28 30 Greta Thunberg: Leader of the Future Move Out Day

When Cultures Collide: Indonesian Domestic Workers in Taiwan

10 Steps to Zero-Waste

32 34 36 38 40 42 Growing Old The Magical Ingredients of These Curries

44 46 48 50 52


Heart Dance for Uni


6 58 60 62 64 A Timid Defence of Piracy Two Moviez You Should Watch Before Expiring

66 Sands of Time

Poetry Suite 8:9

Leading a Decuple Life

54 68 70 72 Hidden Avocado The Future of the Video Game Industry

74 76 78

What I Learnt as a UTAS Student Brave New World

86 88 90 Yearbook Signatures

Dear School of Creative Arts


Treasure Hunt: Clues and Answers

Wake Up Australia


TUU Breakdown 2020

Dealing with Study Stress

80 92 94 96 98 100


Bec Pridham

Courtney Salter

Contributors Eve Gowen

Dalipinder Singh Sandhu

Dan Prichard

James Kelly

Dana Anderson

Miles Kahles

Desmond Marcenko

Sharifah Syed-Rohan

Artwork Eden Noble Elise Sweeney James Kelly Joanna Postlethwaite Joe Brady


Joseph Schmidt Liam Johnson Maddie Burrows Lucy Smith Taylar Bowerman

Tabitha Zachariah

UPS Team

Togatus Team Editor-in-Chief

Joe Brady

Editorial Assistant

Genevieve Holding

Editorial Assistant

LJ Parks

Deputy Editor

Logan Linkston

Publication Director

Editorial Assistant

Monte Bovill

Mackenzie Stolp

Creative Director

Editorial Assistant

Maddie Burrows

Megan Oliver

Graphic Designer

Editorial Assistant

Liam Johnson

Morgan FĂźrst

Graphic Designer

Zaniel Clark

Foreign Correspondent

Editorial Assistant

Copy Editor

Editorial Assistant

Bethany Green

Anastasia StojanoviÄ?

Pius Kung

Tyra Kruger


Editorials Editor-in-Chief Joe Brady

So closes another year on Earth. It’s a good earth, and in this edition you’ll see a lot of authors recognise that fact in calls for awareness and action alike. You know, it seems like every year we congratulate ourselves for making it through the worst one yet. 2014 was a pretty bad year. 2015 was pretty meh. Then along came 2016 through 2018, not to be outdone by the sad fog of the years prior. More news, more fun, more anger. I wonder how history will treat 2019. There’s a lot of anxiety around, but I feel like there’s more hope than in these last few years. More wheels are turning. There’s a lot more people ready to step outside and do something about our collective problems. That’s quite special, I reckon. You hear a lot of calls for change, but it’s only once a decade that you end up with the sort of solidarity required to inconvenience yourself and do something about our shared concerns. Good on you if you’ve taken direct action this last year. We need more people like you.

I feel like I’ve been hearing about climate all my life. It’s not like the arguments have changed. I remember understanding as a child the basic premises of climate change and our role in it. Yet it was only in 2019 that I can recall the sort of mass movements we’ve seen this year. I’m not yet sure if having our voice heard is enough — especially when so much of our pollution comes from unglamorous, raw material extraction and refining — but it’s leagues ahead of where we were a few years ago, where alarming headlines would appear and dissipate so regularly they became desensitising. It’s not just climate, either — we all have our burdens to bear. We’re good people. Let’s take care of ourselves. Face the horizon and enjoy the stories contained within.

Clues and Answers for all the Avocados in 2019 are on Page 93!

Avocado Treasure Hunt! The mysterious Captian Odacova has hidden a grand bounty right under your nose and within it, a treasure trove of riches! The bounty is none other than glorious avocados, and the riches, well they're bragging rights. You'll need a keen eye and a sharp hook to uncover them all. Here's some advice, trust me, you'll need it: Avocados cannot hide in the fine print of articles, the likes of which you are reading right now. They simply wouldn't fit. But anything else is fair game. The mischievous little fruits are commonly found pear-shaped with a pip in the centre. However, do not be taken for a fool my friend. The rare avocados take far more difficult forms so treat anything unusual with suspicion.


Deputy Editor

Creative Director

Logan Linkston

Maddie Burrows

Alright, alright, alright, y’all — Previously the yearbook has usually looked back upon the year that has passed, at the achievements and failures of the university and its students. But this year, we wanted to do something a little different — seems to be the theme of the 2019 editorial team. This time, we’re looking back to the future. Despite the incredible movie reference and the timely discussion around our futures, the idea was for this yearbook to fill you with hope. Maybe it’s hope that you’re one year closer to finishing your degree, or maybe you’re filled with hope over your impending graduation ceremony in December. Maybe it’s simply hope that 2019 is coming to a close and soon we’ll have a second chance at the era of the roaring 20’s. Sometimes things seem real bleak, and sometimes the future can seem that way too. As the good doctor says in Back to the Future, “Is there a problem with the Earth’s gravitational pull in the future? Why is everything so heavy?” In the midst of exams and making decisions about what exactly you want your future to look like, I hope you can give yourself a break and put it down, because it’s heavy.

This edition marks the end of another avocadofuelled year of Togatus, and concludes the service of several key members the Tog Team, and highlights our dreams for the future. We spend so much of our university lives wondering about the future. If you’ve been at UTAS for a day, a year or what feels like a century you’ll inevitably be asked, ‘what are your plans after you graduate,’ or, ‘what is your career goal once you have your degree?’ Some of us have clean and simple answers, and the rest of us probably have arts degrees. No matter how far along you find yourself in your studies, or where you plan to be in the future, this yearbook will fill you with hope and dreams of utopia. Working for Togatus has been a rollercoaster of overcaffeinated laughs about UTAS drama, heated debates over punctuation and personal ads from ‘busty blondes’. Togatus is not just a magazine — it's a family, and my hope is it will continue to be a family for Tog Teams to come. I have learnt more working with this bunch of kids than I have in my entire degree. You want hope for the future? Keep reading!

And if the moment you put it down is to read this final edition of Togatus for the year, I’ll take that. Thanks for havin’ us, kids.

Hmm, it seems there are


avocados in this edition! Note: The one under the magnifying glass on the left there doesn't count.



What the Hell Just Happened A Year of Highs, Lows and Everything Between Monte Bovill The future of the University of Tasmania has been shaped by the past, and in 2019, major decisions were made that will change our campuses forever. Many of us may not be here to see out the developments, but current students were catapulted into the hot seat of these initiatives.

JANUARY Third year arts/law student Ella Hilder was named as the 2019 student member on the UTAS University Council. The announcement came after an online election was held in late 2018. The breakdown of the results were never released to students, despite requests from Togatus.

FEBRUARY The TUU launched a new campaign promoting a safe, fair and well university community. The ‘Find the Right Blend’ campaign was focused on creating “sustainable cultural change” across UTAS campuses, with the aim to combat instances of sexual assault as well as to encourage students to seek support when in a state of crisis.


UTAS announced an external review of international student recruitment and admission practices would be conducted ahead of a Four Corners investigation that aired on the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Four Corners contained allegations Australian universities had been waiving their English entry standards in a bid to attract more high-paying international students.

MARCH The UTAS community was rocked by the death of lecturer Dr Stewart William, who died after an alleged one-punch attack at a Hobart nightclub. The Tasmanian University Geography Society said the loss was “tragic and senseless,” and that “Stewart was a widely loved teacher and colleague, who brought passion, intelligence and warmth to all aspects of his life as a scholar. He is and will continue to be sorely missed by our Discipline and by many across the university and the wider community.”

Also in May, UTAS Vice-Chancellor Rufus Black apologised in a visit to the Fine Arts School in Hobart following a year of unrest on the campus in 2018. Professor Black addressed student concerns in a Q&A meeting about the restructuring of technicians’ employment, and the loss of two essential teaching staff. In the meeting, Professor Black gave an official apology. “I would personally like to apologise for the experience that you had… We have a lot to do to put things right, and that we will absolutely do,” he said. “In addition to sorry, I wanted to talk about the university’s absolute commitment to the art school. Rumours fly around that somehow we don’t value it, or it doesn’t have a strong future, or we don’t have a commitment to it… those things could not be further from the truth.”

APRIL In April, the most significant decision in the recent history of UTAS was made. Following consultation with students and staff, the University Council decided to move away from the Sandy Bay campus and consolidate courses and facilities in Hobart’s CBD. The decision will change the future of the institution, the city and the state, with the city-centric campus to be developed in Hobart over the next 10 to 15 years. The campus will be anchored with a central library and public square on the corner of Argyle and Melville Streets, with the relocation expected to cost about $600 million. Shortly after the decision was announced, UTAS confirmed it had purchased the K&D Warehouse site in Melville Street as part of the move, with the site set to become the third student accommodation site in the street and the sixth in the city.




JULY In July, UTAS released the findings of an independent review into sexual assault and harassment in university accommodation. The report was delivered in December 2018 but was not released to residents until July. The University accepted the report’s recommendations, which included increasing counselling capacity.

UTAS released the findings of the external review of international student recruitment and admission practices. The review found the University has made a strategic shift from rapid to sustainable growth in international student numbers, which “will have financial and organisational implications.”

JUNE Expanded plans for the new UTAS campus in Inveresk were revealed in June. The move of the Launceston campus from Newnham to Inveresk is now worth $350 million, up from the original figure of $260 million. Courses and facilities will be progressively moved to Inveresk over the next five years.

Several recommendations were made to improve academic governance oversight, with the review calling the existing oversight “weak”. 26 per cent of the university’s total student demographic were international students in 2018, with the report revealing 919 international students were admitted to UTAS through an informal method of demonstrating English proficiency that the University is no longer accepting. The review also found students entering through informal entry points have a higher than average failure rate. UTAS accepted all 19 recommendations the report made.

The Law Faculty and its students were left in the dust in the wake of late notice budget cuts stemming from the UTAS College of Arts and Law at the start of Semester 2. In an email sent to international students, the Faculty of Law’s Acting Dean, Professor Gino Dal Point, reported CALE had forced the Law Faculty to “regrettably” restrict the budget of the International Students Support Program (ISSP). The ISSP is part of a suite of services designed to support international students as they progress through their law degree. The budget cuts resulted in the cancellation of half of the foundational ISSP tutorials on offer, a decision that left international students stunned and confused.

The ABC reported the University’s accommodation complex on the corner of Melville and Elizabeth streets was included in a leaked list of Tasmanian buildings potentially containing combustible aluminium cladding. The complex as well as the unfinished UTAS Hedberg building were included in the list as high-risk structures.



AUGUST A wall of pro-democracy posters were torn down at the University of Tasmania, following growing tensions between Hong Kong and China. The ‘Lennon Wall’ display in the Student Lounge at Sandy Bay campus, which featured messages for “peace” and “freedom” after widespread protests in Hong Kong against mainland Chinese influence, was taken down by one student. A University spokesperson said that the “protection of freedom of speech on university campuses is paramount.” Less than a week after the wall was torn down, staff and security intervened to stop the removal of replacement displays. Just hours later, more displays were ripped down in the early hours of August 7, and so the normally 24-hour access lounge became closed between 10pm and 7am everyday in an effort to protect the posters.


SEPTEMBER Annual TUU elections were held in September, with Braydon Broad elected as 2020 President. 1590 students voted in the annual elections, 6.3 per cent of the total number of eligible students. The turnout was the highest for a TUU election for at least eight years and almost doubles last year’s number of 823 voters.




My TUU Story Sharifah Syed-Rohan For me, the TUU election period is somewhat cathartic. It has allowed me to reflect on what has been two of the most interesting years of my life… interesting in the sense that they have not been good, yet they have not been all that bad. Now, I know what many people think: the TUU is a place where career politicians are born, and where they use their voice to pursue their self-interest. Do you know why I knew you thought that? Because I thought the same thing before coming into this organisation. Now, if I reflect on my journey, perhaps I too may have been perceived in this light. I suppose I conform to the stereotype of ‘Head Girl’ and the overly-ambitious. However, the reasons I got involved with the TUU were far from pursuing my own self-interest, but instead about using my voice, and my (albeit limited) skillset to advance the interests of my fellow students and to ensure that their educational journey was fulfilling.

fact I was in over my head with TUU policy, protocol, and expectations of my fellow SRC members, I am so appreciative of the wonderful people I met that year, the things I learned, and the leadership I saw embodied by people my age. The learning here was that things can be quite daunting, but that doesn’t mean you should knock them back. University is all about stepping out of your comfort zone and exploring new things — and that is what TUU has allowed me to do. However, as my term as Welfare Officer was nearing an end, I realised I wasn’t quite finished yet and still had a lot to learn andy a lot to give, and so I stood for the role of Southern Campus President and was fortunate enough to be elected.

For as long as I can remember, I have always been acutely aware of the struggles and injustices in our world, and have lived by the mantra that there is no purpose in complaining about the shortcomings within our society when we could instead be working towards bridging the gaps, empowering people and creating solutions. And I think that’s what led me to the TUU — this innate desire to do good and attempt to overcome some of the shortcomings I had observed in our university setting.

Therefore, in 2018 I found myself in the role of Southern Campus President, and my time transitioning into that role was far from easy. At the beginning of that year, a friend of mine passed away unexpectedly. They were somebody that, despite me never telling them, inspired me greatly because they carried themselves with an enviable degree of confidence. They were self-assured and willing to express their views, whether they were deemed to be wrong or right. Most importantly, they never viewed any issue as being too big to fix — they were proactive, competent and eager to bring people along on their journey to effect change. Whilst it took me some time to come to accept their absence in my life, and the lives of those important to me, I feel they taught me the importance of agitating for change, even when it may be difficult. This person’s time in my life, despite short, has allowed me to reflect on the practices of a change-maker I admired and they have inspired me to work harder, to speak up and to speak out about issues of student concern and the injustices of this world.

My time with the TUU started in the middle of 2017, when there was a casual vacancy in the role of Southern Welfare Officer. A friend of mine encouraged me to apply, and I’m really glad that they did, because despite the


Union My year as Campus President was a year of realisation — realisation about how hard it would be for me to maintain a reasonable GPA, be a good daughter and friend, and to regain the student body’s trust in the TUU, and I can assure that I still haven’t found the perfect solution. As many of you would be aware, the TUU is constantly under scrutiny, and the release of the LH Martin report emboldened many negative conceptions of our organisation. If you are looking for a job free from criticism, and where everything is happy families, the TUU most certainly isn’t for you. On reflection, I don’t think I have ever been as heavily criticised in my entire life as I have been in the past two years, or been made to feel as though I am not trusted. In our university landscape, it is hard to know whose role is who, why things are not getting done and where the bloody hell the SSAF is going, and so naturally those questions and their inherent criticisms have come to me. At first I used to feel somewhat offended by comments that would be made to me, but I soon realised that it wasn’t me specifically that people were angry with, it was the lack of information they had access to and the lack of consultation taking place — areas that the LH Martin folks had made explicitly clear.


Therefore, in the last two years, I've worked consciously to improve visibility of the TUU, and to encourage both the TUU and UTAS to actively consult with students and provide them with the information they require. Rebuilding trust is one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, and to try to rebuild the trust of 35,000 students will be an ongoing challenge for the TUU in years to come. Whilst 2018 was challenging both personally and professionally, I decided to run for the position of Statewide President, and was successfully elected. I would liken this year's experiences to being thrown headfirst into a deep pool and then learning how to swim. My term as President commenced in December of 2018, and by the second week of my term, things had gotten real, and they'd gotten real very damn quickly. In the middle of December, the TUU found itself at the forefront of the UTAS housing debacle where students were unsure of whether their leases in UTAS accommodation would be renewed. This situation was incomprehensible, but it reminded me of the power of the student voice, and how when we unite, we are so incredibly powerful. As a result of the mobilisation of our students, UTAS reversed its decision and brought more accommodation online. Students have so much power, and they should never underestimate themselves. Leading a team of 27 people has been both a challenge and a pleasure. Many of them have made me thankful to have had the opportunity to work with them, because they are productive, passionate and hardworking, and I always knew I could turn to them for guidance. Conversely, I've learned that not everyone will share your passion and want to effect change, and whilst it is upsetting, you shouldn't focus on them alone — you should focus on the people with energy and mobilise them to reach their full potential. My time in the TUU has also reinforced the power of partnerships and how students are so lucky to have access to services like Red Frogs. The Red Frogs are a group of individuals of whom I find myself forever in awe of due to their dedication to students, and the fact they expect nothing in return for what they give.

My time with the TUU has also taught me that: •

It is hard to manage people, especially when they are each trying to navigate their way through a defining time in their lives.

Being innovative is risky, but it can also come with great rewards and amazing outcomes.

Localised leadership is critical, and having meaningful conversations with people from varying backgrounds, disciplines and journeys allows you to develop more holistic views about student matters, and any matters for that matter.

Not everyone will like the way you operate, and may not like stepping outside the status quo, but you should never let that stop you.

Navigating bureaucracy is harder than trying to get a very old GPS to work.

Posting memes on the TUU Instagram is never sensible the night before exams.

People love free things — they might not always say thank you, but that’s okay.

Change is not easy for individuals, nor is it easy for organisations.

To be honest, I am not the most emotional person in the world, I cry twice yearly (on average) and will only hug people on special occasions. However, in the last month, what has upset me is the prospect that all of the hard work over the last two years to regain student trust and to agitate for meaningful changes to the TUU and its future could all come undone. I know this makes me sound like a type-A clinger, but I think that the TUU serves as somewhat of a symbol to me for what has been a rather challenging time in my life. In the last two years, I have invested so much time, energy and enthusiasm into the TUU, which has been of detriment to my mental health and GPA. So I think my final, and perhaps most important learning has been that putting the weight of an organisation on your shoulders isn't healthy, because you alone cannot effect every change you wish to see. It is important to look after yourself and not compromise your health and wellbeing, because in doing so, you may just be compromising what you can do in the future to help others. Thank you for having me serve you as #yourTUU President in 2019.



Population, Poverty and the Pill Bec Pridham In the developed world, many women are now choosing to hold back on having kids until later on in life and are opting to advance their education and careers instead, which is a reflection of social movements promoting women in these areas. It’s a pretty clear-cut phenomenon; there’s a unanimous agreement amongst demographers of the relationship between greater education and lower fertility.

It is no secret that climate change is one of the biggest collective challenges humanity faces, and how we tackle it will determine the future of all life on earth. One of the biggest players in the climate change challenge is unprecedented population growth. Since 1950, we have seen the world population nearly triple, from 2.6 billion to 7.7 billion people, and demographers predict that come 2050, our planet will be home to some 9.7 billion people. The challenges that we face as a global community stem not only from a collective exploitation of the earth and its resources, but also the sheer number of people that we are asking it to support. The majority of growth is happening in the world’s poorest countries, with the bulk of future growth forecasted for Sub-Saharan Africa. More specifically, the United Nations predict that half of it will be in just nine countries: India, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, the United Republic of Tanzania, Indonesia, Egypt and the USA. Interestingly, not all countries have growing populations; many are stabilising, and some are even declining. Part of this is due to migration, but another major cause is women having fewer children.

These changes in fertility also coincide with the liberation of contraception and family planning services, especially the pill. It goes without saying that family planning services play a crucial role in allowing women to monitor their fertility. Contraceptives delay the age at which women choose to have their first child and allows them to control the number and spacing of their children. This, in turn, creates a window of opportunity for educational and career advancements. In the developing world, this window could be the golden ticket out of poverty. All around the world we’ve completely altered family sizes by empowering women. If we were to follow suit in the developing world, we could not only nip the population crisis, but also break the poverty cycle. Empowering women is bigger than just women; it’s generational. It gives their children a better life too. Where women have the choice, they tend to lean towards smaller family sizes. With fewer siblings to compete with, parents can invest more in the children that they have, particularly in their education and healthcare. This is most significant for girls in families where there is a preference for sons — these girls get a fairer go.

So why are we experiencing such different and varied population trends across the planet? The answer may just lie in women’s empowerment. It could be that women’s empowerment, a worthwhile pursuit in its own right, is what is needed to reign in unsustainable population growth.


In theory, we can do this if we can ensure education and employment opportunities, as well as family planning services to all women, everywhere. It’s easier said than done though…

These findings suggest that family planning services have expanded in the developing world, and that women have greater access to low-cost contraceptives, which is a marker of progress.

This is what we’re up against in the developing world: In 2014, approximately 225 million women went with their contraceptive needs unmet. There are around 74 million unwanted pregnancies each year, mostly due to women using traditional contraceptive methods or no contraception at all. If these needs were met, 52 million of these pregnancies could be avoided.

It does, however, open up the question of why women are choosing not to use contraception, suggesting that it’s a more complex issue than cost and access.

The Guttmacher Institute conducted a ground-breaking study on the unmet need for contraception in developing countries. Contrary to popular belief, this study revealed that cost and physical access are no longer the biggest barriers to contraception. In fact, very few women reported these as reasons for not using contraception, the exception being West and Middle Africa; even so, this was only the case for 10 to 15 per cent of women.

The report revealed that although women have become more knowledgeable of modern contraceptives, they are reluctant to use them for fear of adverse health outcomes such as infertility and depression. Many women also indicated that they chose not to use contraceptives because they weren’t having regular sex, were breastfeeding, or hadn’t resumed menstruating after a recent birth, and therefore felt that they were unlikely to fall pregnant. The other reason that kept coming up was that either someone close to them, or they themselves didn’t believe in family planning, indicating that women aren’t always the only ones who have a say in their contraceptive choices. Fear of marginalisation was another major reason, particularly amongst unmarried women. From this, we see that efforts to ensure contraception need to look more holistically than simple cost and access. So, where do we go from here? Well, policies and programs need to get down to the root of the cause, which is why women choose not to use contraceptives. Communication is key; it is vital in smoothing over misinformation. Quality sex education for both men and women is necessary to correct misconceptions, namely that irregular sex and recent births aren’t safeguards against pregnancy. This also goes for providing women with accurate information about contraceptives and side effects. It’s also important that women are provided a with a variety of different methods, particularly for those who fear side effects. Giving women a platform to chop and change and assess what method is most appropriate for their circumstances could make contraception far less intimidating.



Communication again remains vital where there is an opposition to contraception. Where communities are better educated about contraception, it becomes normalised and makes women feel safer to seek it. This requires a broader scope – classrooms, communities and the media. Unfortunately, being able to initiate policies and programs in this way is somewhat idealistic. It would be negligent to assume that this is a simple matter of educating people about contraception and hoping everything falls into place, without addressing the fact that a lot of resource-poor countries are characterised by culturally conservative governments who oppress women in the first place. For example, in Indonesia it is illegal to ‘show, to offer, to broadcast, to write or to promote a contraception to a minor’ and offenders could face imprisonment. The current president, Joko Widodo, also wants to ban sex outside of marriage, with offenders facing a one-year prison term. He’s also pushing for a four-year sentence for women who have abortions for reasons other than rape or medical. Human Rights Watch state that this ‘will set back women and girls’ rights under international law to make their own choices.’ Against this backdrop, it’s obviously not a simple matter of going in guns-blazing with an education program. Initiatives to educate communities about contraception don’t stand a chance in the face of such oppressive governments. These laws are a major infringement of women’s rights that leave little leeway for such necessary public interventions. Promoting women in education and the workforce seems somewhat easier, and there are a number of ways to do so. These include waiving or subsidising school fees, giving families small sums of food or money in exchange for girls’ school attendance, as well as restructuring school systems to accommodate both genders. Microloans are also a way to support women to work. These are small, low-interest, start-up loans that help people in poverty to start up their own businesses. They are typically aimed at women, who are supported along the way to ensure they are making money. These loans can raise women’s status in both the home and community. Because they are generally managed by independent bodies, microloans give women who might otherwise have no access to money some financial capital. Being managed by an independent body serves as a safeguard against corrupt and oppressive governments.

“There is no one-size-fits-all solution to alleviating poverty and empowering women…” They have been successful in improving the lives of women in Bangladesh. In a country were women are confined to their homes, marrying as early as 11 years old, and are economically and socially powerless, microloans have made a world of difference. Enabling them to feed their children and send them to school, there’s no doubt that this has given these women some leverage. Of course, the success of microloans is relative to the unique cultural climate of each country, so it shouldn’t be seen as the answer to all the problems. What is generally agreed upon though it that they can serve as a tool in the financial toolbox of families, which is a starting point. There is no one-size-fits-all solution to alleviating poverty and empowering women, and there’s certainly no silver bullet. What we do know is that promoting contraceptives and supporting education and workplace involvement are vital. Changing fertility patterns are an ultimate reflection of women’s freedom of choice. It seems that not only is achieving gender equality a basic human right, but it is also fundamental in breaking the poverty cycle and reaching a sustainable population. It turns out women’s empowerment isn’t just a women’s issue after all.


Not Long for


Hong Kong is a loud, bustling jewel of a city. It is perhaps my favourite city in the world. On sweltering days, what sounds like raindrops smack the pavement as hundreds of air-conditioning units drip liquid into the streets below. In North Point, you might as well be fifty years back in time. Thin double-decker trams ding-ding-ding their way through crowded market streets with smells pungent enough to turn your stomach in the humid air. New tower blocks develop a run-down patina in a matter of years. Everyone is shouting, all of the time. Enough people have asked me to share my experience in Hong Kong that I’ve decided to get around to doing it. I was reluctant for a few reasons. The first is that I felt I didn’t have anything particularly profound to say (it recalls white tourists returning home from building a cowshed in Vietnam and describing how seeing poverty really, like, made them grateful). The second was that there are enough Western voices telling us how to feel about police brutality and freedom movements, and I don’t see how my anecdotes would contribute to anything but further anxiety and sorrow for Hong Kong. I am not some kind of saviour, or for that matter a journalist. I did not do anything good for Hong Kong. I don’t see how I’ve earned my right to talk about it. So treat this only as a collection of thoughts, influenced and calcified by my time in a wonderful city. Do not go to Hong Kong right now unless you’re willing to get hurt for it. These are not localised outbreaks of violence. In Tsim Sha Tsui, the trendy shopping heart of Hong Kong, I saw a female tourist carried out of a tear smoke plume by her partner. I next saw her laid out several streets away amidst protester paramedics. It



can be difficult to tell which places are safe, even when trying to avoid or escape a protest. I had not realised I was across from a besieged police station when I first had a taste of tear smoke. I hadn’t seen the smoke warning flags or police lights. The night after the events of TST, the police used tear smoke in an underground MTR station. It should not take an expert to realise why using chemical weapons in an enclosed, unventilated space is an escalation of police violence. Quite frankly, considering the scale of the protests and the hostility of the HK riot police, it is only chance that someone hasn’t been killed (or at least confirmed to be). Hong Kong is a gorgeous, wonderful city, but the risks are obvious and largely unavoidable. I recall running with some strangers to the corner of Haiphong and Nathan Road, where an MTR station was still operating, as three busses of riot police arrived and unloaded onto the pavement beside me. The protests on Nathan Road clearly hadn’t dispersed to their liking. I was there by chance, doing tourist things. They were carrying tear smoke guns and shields. It is very surreal to

be surrounded by some of the most valuable commercial real estate in the world, stocked with Tiffany Blue gift boxes and BVLGARI fragrances, only to be racing riot police to the station entrance before the metro shut down. The following night, my hotel in North Point boarded up its doors in preparation of a riot between protesters and pro-Beijing counterprotesters. I hung around for a while, but it seemed the protesters were smart enough to avoid North Point that night. My point is that, after dark, tourist impulses to see sights and enjoy good food will lead you into an escalating civil disturbance that has been ongoing for nearly three months now. What are we, the world, supposed to do about Hong Kong? Just this week, protesters marched on the U.S. embassy waving American flags. What do they expect the Yanks to do? Appear off-shore with an aircraft carrier as a show of force? Despite the sacrifice of Hong Kongers at home and abroad, the dialogue still seems to be not of Hong Kong and her future, but of China. Even if every demand should be met, the “two systems, one country” promise will expire in a few decades, and what do we plan to do about it then? Dump more opium into China and demand Hong Kong back?


“Hong Kong is not the tipping point — Hong Kong is the first of an ongoing shift of power in our region.” Despite my unwavering solidarity with Hong Kongers and their struggle, I find myself reeling from the gloating of our media, on social networks and in print, over the grisly iconography of the protests. Crows and carrion, I say. We don’t really intend to do anything about it — China could perpetrate another massacre and we’d only wring our hands about the incivility of it all. Who would we sanction the Chinese mainland from? Ourselves? We’ve spent the entire post-war era comfortably offloading our manufacturing into the cheap, exploited labour markets of East Asia. Are we willing to sacrifice our entire manufacturing base over the blood of Hong Kongers? Journalists scribble. Social media lurkers like. Politicians wrestle with the reality that our mother country’s navy is no longer able to stomp about the world anymore. Even America, our World Police, seem to be flexing only their civil service — intensifying bureaus and firing up cabinet meetings. So what are we, the world, supposed to do about Hong Kong?


I watched thousands of Hong Kongers risk livelihoods and safety, only to return to the infantilising paternalism of Western commentary, with loaded notions of Hong Kong as a ‘Western pocket’ of Asia, flicking between sympathy theatre and condemnation of Beijing. It seems disingenuous and lurid, and although our free press is more decent about the matter than the Chinese state media could ever be (my Twitter in Hong Kong was sponsored exclusively by Chinese newspapers decrying the violence of protestors), it’s nonetheless uncomfortable for me to tout my own righteous, democratic superiority when all my morals and all my democracy leave me useless in the face of Chinese hegemony. It’s left me burnt out and cynical in a way that tear smoke and street fires never could. There is spirit and vigilance in the protests in Hong Kong, but we live in a world of global trade and information overload. Hong Kong is a very small place, and the world is very big. Our sympathy does the reality of the situation no good. Hong Kong is not the tipping point — Hong Kong is the first of an ongoing shift of power in our region. There will be more crises like Hong Kong, and our neutered ability to cohesively respond to them without drawing upon our supposed moral superiority is a weakness. China does not understand Western presence and commentary in Hong Kong as a democratic effort — it sees it as the legacy of imperial ambition and colonial politics. How much of Australian shock and outcry is about reconciling our own powerlessness with our principles? What good is an opinion of the People’s Republic or of the HK police?

Report We recognise the distastefulness and incivility of violence, but that does little to influence the imbalance of power spilling blood in Hong Kong right now.

“…all my morals and all my democracy leave me useless in the face of Chinese hegemony.”

Awareness is not enough — we’re only a few taps and two clicks away from live minute-by-minute updates of every tear shed in the ongoing protests. There are thousands of journalists in Hong Kong covering every angle of police brutality. And yet the violence goes on… This is my announcement that I am, in fact, useless — that for all my Australian pretensions of decency and agency, the situation has changed not one bit. And I thus volunteer my honourable withdrawal from the “Discourse”. All I’ll say is this:

Images: Joe Brady

Hong Kong is the first of many. Consider what Hong Kong means to you, and what you can do about it.


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SINGULARITY Mormon Transhumanism Desmond Marcenko “…prompts fascinating questions about the intersection between faith and technology.” Few would think that aggressively nice, vaguely proselytising, caffeine-avoiders would embrace the seemingly radical futurist doctrine of transhumanism, yet here we are. The history of Mormonism itself is one shrouded in charlatanry, violence and blatant bigotry. Spearheaded by notorious American con man Joseph Smith in the 19th century, Mormonism at large is characterised by its incredibly complex and self-contradictory reimagining of Christianity. Rife with arbitrary and largely nonsensical commandments, alien planets and a surprising amount of half-man/half-toad creatures, Mormonism in its ad hoc absurdity possesses the privilege of being a uniquely American religion. Belief in the process of ‘exaltation’ is a tenet of Mormonism for its almost 16 million followers worldwide. Exaltation is the process wherein by leading a virtuous life one can merge with the supposed ‘Godhead’ — the conventional Christian trinity. In achieving exaltation, Latter Day Saints’ believe that they too may be elevated to the status of godhood, achieving immortality and eternal happiness. The Mormon Transhumanist Association (MTA) is a steadily growing advocacy network that endorses the values of transhumanism in synchronisation with the beliefs of the Mormon church. Established in 2006

at the advent of popular transhumanist movements like Humanity+, the MTA extols the transhumanist maxim of humanity reaching their fully realised potential through technological augmentation. Largely, the MTA strives to maintain its relevancy through public seminars, many of which are made available online. In these, members of the organisation attempt to reconcile the Judeo-Christian ethic of Mormonism and the largely secular tradition of transhumanism by syncretising both doctrines’ esteem of liberating oneself from the constraints of corporeal form. The MTA endorses the view that science and technology are God-given tools to ascend to a state of exaltation, reconciling too the desire for eternal life and youth that both dogmas uphold. Admittedly, the absurd and hackneyed traditions of the Mormon faith cause some to view the MTA with a reasonable degree of skepticism. However, even divorced from the ideology it shares its roots in, the mission of the organisation prompts fascinating questions about the intersection between faith and technology. In an age where the achievements of man have seemingly replaced the need for a belief in a higher power, such movements appear almost entirely paradoxical. Indeed, networks like the MTA appear to permit a more flexible view of religious ideology, one which doesn’t discredit the achievements of modern scientific understanding, but divinely weaponises them. The mission of the organisation almost seems to demarcate a necessary evolution required for religion to maintain its relevancy in an increasingly secular world. Furthermore, the matter also stimulates discussion regarding the impetus for transhumanistic movements and the future of their role in our society. The increasing popularity of the MTA poses the question of whether a strictly humanist agenda of bettering conditions for all is enough to spur a societal shift towards transhumanism, or if embracing the existing precepts of established religion is a better step towards this.

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Eden Noble Honours Year | Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Communication Major)

(All) Self-Portrait, 2019 This selection of work is a part of my ongoing honours year thesis titled Aethereal. Aethereal is an imagined hyperreal space that exists between the clouds and the outer reaches of earth’s atmosphere. It is a delicate and lightfilled space containing beauty and awe beyond all comprehension. My honours thesis aims to visualise the aethereal and its relationship with contemporary art and design practice. Self-Portrait explores the destruction, frail mortality, and fragmentation of the human body within the unearthly aethereal plane.


When Cultures Collide: Indonesian Domestic Workers in Taiwan Featuring a Q&A with Michelle Phillips, Former Fulbright Taiwan Fellow and Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology at UC Berkeley Bethany Green

“They have no money, no phone, no computer access, no local friends, very little Mandarin proficiency, a large debt, and the knowledge that they will be unable to visit their family for three years.” Lower birth rates and a rapidly ageing population are issues facing East Asian and Western countries alike. While in the West, it is relatively common for the elderly to live in a retirement home or assisted-living facility, in many Asian countries influenced by Confucian cultural values of ‘filial piety,’ including Taiwan, this is considered the height of disrespect. As a child, you are expected to provide for your parents in their old age as, keeping them in your home as their health deteriorates where they can be cared for by their family — primarily the wife.


However, over the past few decades as women in Taiwan have increasingly pursued jobs outside of the home, they have looked for someone else to take on and fulfil that ‘wifely’ role. This is where the Philippines and Indonesia, among other less-developed Southeast Asian nations, saw an opportunity to enter the market and help meet the demand for increased social care, encouraging lowerskilled females to work abroad as temporary labour.


As of 2018, according to the Taiwanese Ministry of Labour, approximately 190,000 Indonesian migrant workers were employed as caregivers or domestic helpers in Taiwan, making up 76 per cent of all domestic workers in Taiwan. As evidenced by these statistics, the Indonesian caregivers have become an integral part of Taiwanese society. The average age of the Indonesian domestic worker is around 25, however some are much younger. Many of the labourers come from poor families in rural areas. Attracted by the prospect of a job and higher salaries overseas, they apply to work as a domestic worker through a broker, usually recommended by a friend or a recruiter. After taking out a loan to pay the exuberant application fee — over half their yearly salary in Taiwan — they complete a three month training course in Mandarin and aged care, before being sent to Taiwan where the will live with their employer, at their beck and call 24/7. Many have never travelled outside of Indonesia before and are making a turbulent transition from rural to urban life. They have no money, no phone, no computer access, no local friends, very little Mandarin proficiency, a large debt, and the knowledge that they will be unable to visit their family for three years. So what motivates a young woman in her early 20s, the same age as many UTAS students graduating in the next few months, to take up this sort of employment? According to Michelle Phillips, a multilingual former Fulbright Taiwan fellow and Ph.D. Candidate in Sociology at UC Berkeley who has conducted extensive research into the domestic labour “maid trade” system in both Taiwan and Hong Kong, the answer is simple – money.


“In terms of abuse, sexual abuse and physical abuse are the exception,” said Michelle. “But that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen. More common are labour and verbal abuse.” Working hours, breaks, and overtime payments are negotiated between the employer and worker. In this contract, the worker has very low bargaining power and is often reliant upon the goodwill of their employer. This leaves the workers vulnerable to exploitation.

“Money, money, money. That was the primary motivation in all the 100-plus interviews I had with domestic workers,” Michelle said.

In many of the interviews Michelle conducted during her research, Indonesian workers would recount how, either by showing contempt or outright refusal, employers would refuse to give them their legally mandated day off.

“The money can be used for different things; a house, an education for their children, or medical care for their parents. The salary in Taiwan is high enough for the domestic workers to build a house over the course of five or six years.”

“Honestly, the attitude I get from employers when it comes to their day off is resentment. The mindset for a lot of them is ‘I have paid for this worker, therefore, I am getting a life,’” she said.

But it’s not just the fact that the salary, set at NT$17,000 per month, is higher; it’s the fact that they can obtain a job in the first place. “In Indonesia, there is no job for them or their husbands,” Michelle said.

“In this contract, the worker has very low bargaining power and is often reliant upon the goodwill of their employer. This leaves the workers vulnerable to exploitation.”

“There is a significant gender imbalance in terms of the demands of market labour. You would normally think of migrant workers as factory workers or construction workers, but the demand now, internationally, really is for domestic work — and that is female labour. Even if the man wanted to go abroad, there are no jobs for him. The woman has to do it.” Working abroad offers an irresistible opportunity for the young women to improve their family’s quality of life, and also provides a solution to Taiwan’s increasing demand for aged carers and domestic workers — seemingly a win-win situation. However, domestic workers residing in their employer’s home are vulnerable to all forms of exploitation: labour abuse; physical, sexual, verbal, and psychological abuse. And when abuse does occur, it can be extremely difficult for the domestic workers to push for change. Domestic work is not recognised as work in Taiwan, and therefore is not covered by the Labour Standards Law. Instead, their placement agency in Taiwan is the primary enforcer of their rights while in Taiwan. Under certain circumstances a migrant worker has the right to change the employer. However, in many cases the odds are against them — the agency is paid primarily by the Taiwanese employer, and as the domestic worker is employed entirely in the private sphere of the house they often lack witnesses to prosecute the case.


“And that as a woman, the caring role is ‘natural’ and performed out of love so they should devote their entire selves to it, with or without pay.” Employers will often scold their domestic worker, raising their voices and yelling when she doesn’t do things correctly. Poor Mandarin language skills complicate communication between the employer and labourer, and many speak little-to-no Taiwanese. These miscommunications often prompt verbal abuse. “In Indonesian culture, the polite thing to do is to be very passive and quiet. You do not express that kind of anger,” said Michelle. “You also do not tell your employer when you do not understand their instructions. You bow, say ‘yes ma'am’ and try to guess.”

“I have paid for this worker, therefore, I am getting a life.”

“The agencies are not giving the employers nearly enough training,” said Michelle. “This is sometimes because the agencies themselves are ignorant about how much training is required.” “This isn’t just about a person managing a worker — you are managing another family member, someone who is living in your home, and that requires compromises on both sides.” While the Taiwanese government does provide a curriculum designed to help employers adapt to having a domestic worker, very few people actually take it.

“They have no idea their domestic worker has paid so much or had to go through so much work to apply for the position in Taiwan, or has received so little Mandarin training,” said Michelle. “In fact they were told that their worker would be fluent — which is a matter of the agency lying to them.” According to the National Development Council, Taiwan will become a “super-aged society” by 2026 — that is, at least 20 per cent of the population will be aged 65 or above. As the proportion of elderly continues to increase, so too will the demand for caregivers. Despite the sacrifices and vulnerabilities associated with seeking employment as a domestic worker abroad, the higher salary and a chance to improve their family’s quality of life remains attractive to young Indonesian women. It is precisely this hope that leaves immigrant domestic labourers in Taiwan vulnerable to exploitation, until coordinated measures are put in place to protect them.

“The biggest thing I think the government could do in this area is to work with the agencies and the NGOs and provide funding for those NGOs to host training sessions to prevent problems happening in the first place,” said Michelle. “They also need to find a way to incentivise or enforce the training. Perhaps they could require employers to obtain a certificate of attendance from two different sources, which makes it difficult to fake.” Michelle has also found that when she acts as a cultural broker of sorts, using her multilingual skills and understanding of the domestic worker brokering system to explain to employers how their domestic worker interprets their actions and speech and vice versa, as well as how their workers are exploited by the agency and broker system, employers are very receptive.

Bethany Green is a foreign correspondent at Togatus and a current New Colombo Plan scholarship holder. The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not represent the views of the Australian Government.



The domestic worker will pick up Taiwanese, and achieve fluency in Mandarin, but this takes time — certainly requires longer than the three months training they have received. In the meantime, as the language and cultural barriers persist, the employer can become very frustrated, and the domestic worker very depressed — often leading to despair and hopelessness.

10 Steps to Zero-Waste Eve Gowen and Courtney Salter

Climate change, unsustainable, pollution, global warming, consumerism. We’ve all heard these words. There is such an overwhelming amount of information being poured over us every day and often we’re left spluttering at the end, feeling confused and helpless. We understand there’s a problem, but we’re left with upturned palms thinking ‘What can I do?’. This is where the Zero Waste movement comes in; the weapon of the little guy. If you haven’t heard the buzz encapsulating the Zero Waste movement of late or noticed just how many keep cups are collecting in your cupboards, you’re clearly far too focused on your studies! Zero waste is a fast-growing trend, with the Hobart City Council being the first capital city in Australia to eradicate single-use plastic in the CBD by 2020. So, what does this actually mean? Zero waste is a lifestyle that is growing particularly popular with young people, with the aim to send nothing to landfill and very little to recycling plants. Think about how many times you put your rubbish bin out on the street — it’s every week right? Well, the zero-wasters often stick to a small jar that contains all of their rubbish for the past year! Or for some, multiple years of rubbish in one small mason jar (see @trashisfortossers for some inspiration). Clearly this requires a massive lifestyle change, as so much of our food from the supermarket comes packaged in a least one layer of plastic, often more. In Australia, 85 per cent of soft plastics from bags and packaging ends up in landfill and the average family throws out over $3500 worth of food every year!



With all this in mind, how do we even begin this process in our single-use world? Here’s a 10-step process to get you well on your way. 1.

Cut out the excess plastic — get reusable bags and containers and actually use them, hit up those bulk shops and got to the places that sell unwrapped fruit and veggies.


Make the easy switches: use newspaper or fabric for wrapping paper, buy a drink bottle, use a keep cup.


Wise up on what’s recyclable — while recycling isn’t strictly in the name of zero-waste it’s obviously 100 times better than landfill, and SO much more can be recycled than what people realise. Foil, soft plastic, coffee pods, pens and small plastics, batteries, phones, if you’re about to throw something out take a moment to look up if it can be recycled and start a list for yourself.


Say no to free things — this can be a deceptively difficult one. Free things really do play on our psychology, but it is a good policy to adopt. How many pens, note pads, stress toys and drink bottles do we really need? Chances are, no more.


Goodbye to brand new clothing. Get onto that op-shop chic.


Tackle the food scraps. There is a common misconception that throwing food to landfill is the ONLY thing that is ok because it will “break down” and its natural. Unfortunately, this couldn’t be further from the truth. When trash is piled upon already enormous piles, the food scraps aren’t exposed to sufficient oxygen to decompose. An estimated 40 per cent of our weekly waste is food scraps. The best solution is compost: If you don’t have a garden, find someone who does! Give the scraps to chickens. Start a worm farm.


Goodbye single use items. There are so many replacement options for these disposables, for example using a metal straw or a shampoo bar instead of shampoo in a plastic bottle. It is recommended that these one-time investments

happen slowly, because they can be quite expensive (like safety razors), however, they will definitely save you money in the long run and help the environment! These next three steps really are the last nitty gritty parts of going fully zero-waste. Chances are if you’ve implemented the previous seven steps, your rubbish bin is lucky to go out once every three months, not every week. Going zero waste really does make you feel good, save you money, and help the environment. But the following steps are when things get a little more time consuming and pricey, but here’s the info if you want to go one-small-jar-for-a-year-of-waste kind of zero waste. 8.

Learn to DIY — toothpaste, deodorant, moisturizer, kombucha, mending clothes, cooking.


Change where you buy — butcher, market, whole foods, baker.

10. Homegrown — start that veggie garden! A good 80 per cent of your rubbish can be cut down with a few simple steps. The goal of zero-waste can be slightly daunting for some. Under time constraints? Use the 80/20 principle, focus on the big things. Make the easy switches. The main thing is, don’t give up on lowering waste because you can’t go all the way! There are so many people who are pumped about zerowaste and one of the places that they are congregating is through the new UTAS Zero-Waste Society. This society is passionate about reducing waste so if you’re looking for more tips or want some support in tackling your waste then absolutely hit them up. We know you’re all off to start Step 1, so that’s all from us. Good luck!

You can find the UTAS Zero Waste Society on Facebook or you can email them at


Greta Thunberg: Leader of the Future Genevieve Holding

In a time of scrutiny in the leadership of our countries globally, it can be easy to criticise and place under a microscope all the actions of those in the spotlight. But what happens when the person in the spotlight is a fifteen-year-old girl? Greta Thunberg only emerged into the international media sphere when she organised a school strike for climate change, her actions launching a global campaign of school children following in her footsteps. While her actions and encouragement of younger people to actively protest and fight for their views were met with a large base of positive feedback, a wave of negativity also met the teen. Thunberg’s Asperger’s diagnosis has also become a target for global leaders to take aim at her. Canadian member of Parliament Maxime Bernier called Thunberg ‘mentally unstable’ in reference to her syndrome. New York Times writer Christopher Caldwell labelled her ‘radical’ and ‘undemocratic’ in her activism. French members of parliament called Thunberg the ‘Justin Bieber of ecology’



and that her activism should win a ‘Nobel Peace Prize for Fear’. Commentary on social media often shares similar sentiments as those above in regards to her actions, with the majority of criticism coming from adults. What is the justification for this criticism on such a large scale from supposed professionals? Some may disagree with Thunberg’s views on climate, and there'll be critics of anyone’s point of view. Indeed, any person who tries to tackle issues as difficult and touchy as climate change will attract criticism, regardless of the age of that person. Does the criticism of Thunberg’ activism focus more on the fact that she is a young person though? As a younger person, Thunberg clearly goes against the old saying; children should be seen, not heard. Her shaming tactics of government’s inaction may be ticking off people in positions of power simply because she is a child, and children have no place in “adult” conversations. The focus on her age seems to emphasise that it’s the content of her message that’s really annoying political

power. A child calling out international governments on their lack of movement on what is a scientifically-proven phenomenon that will affect everyone globally is bound to bring about reactions. And, as the first thing you notice about Thunberg is her age, attacks on her will start from there and proceed to her character. Her restraint and professionalism in response to criticism is another area in which Thunberg gains upper ground over political leaders, despite some like Maxime Bernier employing very personal attacks towards her. Thunberg remains dedicated to the cause of climate change and doesn’t fall to the level of attacking other political powers, but rather their actions or lack of. Should politicians be taking a leaf out of Thunberg’s book? A person that young displaying decorum, devotion to political issues? Restraint and a dedication to their work despite opposition? These are qualities that many would say are lacking in our global leadership. Maybe instead of a subject of undeserved criticism, Greta Thunberg should be a gold standard of what we hope our leaders and activists will look like in the future.



Special Investigation: UTAS Accommodation in Hobart Monte Bovill It has been almost a year since residents in UTAS accommodation complexes in Hobart were told to look elsewhere for a place to live as a result of increasing demand, but concerns the same situation could have happened again this year have been alleviated for now. In an extensive investigation by Togatus, students have revealed they were given rent incentives to live in the recently acquired Fountainside Hotel, with others saying they feared they may be without a place to stay next year. The anxiousness stems from December 2018, when a letter from the then-Director of UTAS Student Living Paul Bloomfield was sent to students. “We have needed to prioritise students who are coming here from other parts of Tasmania and students entering their first year of University study,” the letter read. “…the housing market continues to be tight and we would encourage you to start exploring a range of options for next year.”

In early September, Tasmania University Union President Sharifah Syed-Rohan said she hoped history didn't repeat itself. “I have spoken to members of senior management about whether the same saga will happen in December of this year, and they haven’t exactly answered the question,” she said. “I do hope they are taking steps to ensure it does not repeat itself because we do not want students to be faced with that kind of stress again.” Less than two weeks after the concerns were aired, an email to staff and students confirmed current residents who had applied to renew their lease in UTAS accommodation next year, would be guaranteed an offer for 2020. “We are now working through the applications, with a plan to provide confirmation of offers to returning students over a two-week period commencing from October 1,” UTAS Executive Director of Student Experience Stephanie Taylor said in the email. “Following this process, accommodation will be offered to all other applicants and allocated in line with NRAS guidelines where applicable and, generally, on a first-infirst-serve basis.”

Trust in University Has Faded: Students Paramedic student Nicole Bryan is one of more than 1000 students who live in UTAS accommodation in Hobart. This year is her second living in the University’s 440-bed Hobart Apartments in the CBD. She said the letter which was sent out in December 2018 has made her lose trust in the University.

“I do hope they are taking steps to ensure it does not repeat itself because we do not want students to be faced with that kind of stress again.”

“It was so poorly worded, and it told us nothing about whether we would get a place here… it left me more confused than I was before,” she said. “I think that the people who are already living here should get priority… because it is just not fair if you start a degree and you feel comfortable with the home you’ve made, and the friends you’ve made, and not be guaranteed that as you continue your degree.”



Move Out Day

Incentives and New Options It was an anxious wait for many existing residents, but just four days out from Christmas, the University announced additional accommodation would become available in Hobart for 2019. One of those was Fountainside Hotel, a place Maddy White hadn’t heard of until a phone call from UTAS in mid-January. She was one of a number of first-year students who were offered a place at the Hobart Apartments as the situation unfolded. After offering returning residents to stay on following widespread backlash, the University had now overbooked the popular CBD complex.

“It was so poorly worded, and it told us nothing about whether we would get a place here…” At the same time the letter was sent out, news broke of a special offer preferencing international students. The offer gave students from overseas the opportunity to “skip the accommodation queues” and be allocated a room ahead of others.

“When I got the phone call, I was a little bit stressed. I just thought it was about moving to the apartments, but I didn’t think they were actually going to, sort of, kick me out,” she said. Maddy was offered $2000 towards her rent and a guaranteed parking spot if she relinquished her offer for the Hobart Apartments and lived in Fountainside instead. She took up the offer, but has recently been accepted into the Hobart Apartments. “It wasn’t too bad, but I think I would probably have been better off if I had been here from the start,” she said.

“I think that really added some fuel to the fire, so to speak, and got students really passionate about the matter,” according to Sharifah.

On the other side of the city, another addition to the University accommodation portfolio was causing issues.

“I think it was really important that the University did revoke the offer, but the fact that it was there to begin with is concerning.”

The Old Commerce building on the Sandy Bay campus was transformed into accommodation for 170 students, but for much of first semester, many of the beds remained empty, according to first-year student

A petition launched by the TUU against the University’s move gained more than 5000 signatures. Further adding to the growing anger amongst students, statements from senior UTAS staff appeared to contradict information already released. In 2016, residents returning to university accommodation were told “as a current resident, you will automatically be offered a place”. The information remained available on the UTAS website and contradicted media statements made by Executive Director of Student Experience, Stephanie Taylor. “It is important to note that acceptance in any year does not imply ongoing accommodation in our properties,” Ms Taylor said, despite advice on the university’s website.

Images: Monte Bovill


“I just thought it was about moving to the apartments, but I didn’t think they were actually going to, sort of, kick me out.”

Work Underway to Improve Accommodation Standard The University has recognised that the situation last year was “an anxious time for many students” as they “attempted to meet unprecedented demand and preferences for accommodation.” “We recognise that there were some challenges as new and refurbished accommodation options came online at a rapid pace for the start of semester 1 and 2,” Ms Taylor said in the email.

“There was absolutely no community at all… it was so rushed and the students were the ones who suffered the most.” Sarah Elias. “There was absolutely no community at all… it was so rushed and the students were the ones who suffered the most,” she said. It’s a common theme amongst students across a number of locations, according to the TUU President. “A number of students have outlined to me that they are not happy with the quality of their accommodation, and particularly the cost associated with it,” Sharifah said. “I don’t think the University should be compromising the quality of accommodation just to meet demand, they should also be creating high quality accommodation bases that ensure students have the best outcomes.”

“We have been focusing on improving the experience of students residing in these new living communities throughout the year, and we will continue to do so.” Improvements are currently being made at the Old Commerce site, with plans for refurbished, single room options to be available by the end of January. UTAS has also identified issues at the Annexe accommodation, which it says will be fully completed in time for next semester. Three new Heads of Student Living will now be appointed as part of a reshaping of the University’s student living community model. For students still living in UTAS accommodation, the uncertainty over what will happen at the end of this year has subsided, but with Hobart still in the grip of a housing crisis, challenges will remain for UTAS students well into the future.

Accommodation Map 1: Hobart Apartments 2: Fountainside 3: Theatre Royal

4: Midcity 5: Melville Street 6: K&D Warehouse




3 5




Elise Sweeney Third Year | Bachelor of Media Wharf Rises, 2019 As various UTAS faculties slowly move into Salamanca and the CBD, I’ve found myself admiring the harbour skyline more often, and during the past year I started to capture some of my favourite views in photography. The simplistic beauty of a morning by the water, with the delicate lines made by masts, streetlights and telephone poles has become a luxury that I have grown to treasure.


James Kelly North Crescent, New Norfolk, 2017 This photographic series was a documentation of the street I lived on throughout my childhood years. It explores the beauty of a hometown’s emptiness and desolation, while also evoking an eerie atmosphere.



Growing Old Pius Kung

“Will you still love me, when I’m no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me, when I’ve got nothing but my aching soul?”

Have you thought about growing old? Most people my age haven't considered it on a deeper level. Some people start to grow white hair when they’re 30, others when they’re 15. Growing old is an unavoidable stage and process of our life — some people are afraid of it, some people may embrace it. It sounds like a premature topic for me to talk about (now in my prime years of life), and like my friends always say, “you’re only 18 — you still have a lifetime to spend before you need to worry about being old and death!” I couldn’t agree more, but sometimes (maybe more than sometimes) growing old doesn’t seem that far away, and I’m a little scared of that. I am a big fan of sad and emotional songs, so of course I can’t miss Lana Del Rey. One of her most popular songs, “Young and Beautiful,” always touches my heartstrings. “Will you still love me, when I’m no longer young and beautiful? Will you still love me, when I’ve got nothing but my aching soul?” The lyrics are beautiful, touching but also confronting. Will you? Will you still love someone when they are old and ugly? Will you still kiss someone’s face when their skin’s all wrinkled? Being old is first and foremost about physical change — wrinkled skin, thinly spread hair — not a lot of people will stay attractive when they are old. I always look at the mirror and ask myself, “what would you look like when you are old? What would you do when you are not so young anymore?” That always brings me to an existential crisis. I know I need to stop worrying. I know I should just enjoy my life right now. But I just can’t stop thinking about it.


Can you really avoid thinking of what you will become in the future? We all know there’s nothing that can stop us from growing old and facing death, but the hardest part is that you know it’s coming — you know that one day you are going to be old and tired and lonely, drifting in a world when your friends and partner won’t be there with you anymore. Aren’t you afraid now? Aren’t you afraid of growing old? People believe in God. They believe there is a heaven and hell. And no matter what they believe, there is one thing they are all going to be — dead. Some people believe in reincarnation, and that after our body dies, our soul gets to live on in a different physical body. It doesn’t have to be human; it depends on what you did while you were alive. I believe in spirits, because if you don’t believe in anything in life, how can you believe that you are alive? Recently I had a video call with my grandmother. She is about 75 years old. In the video call, she smiled at me most of the time. Her voice is still the same, the same as the voice in the echoes of my memory, and to be honest during the whole call I could only think of one thing — she is old now. She is actually old now. From her smile, all I can focus on is the wrinkled skin at the side of her mouth; from her eyes, all I can see is a woman who grew up in a small town, raised three kids, had two marriages and is talking to the grandson that she loves so much that she wants to spend all the time she has to love him and take care of him. After many years of being in this world, she knows that there is nothing she can take away with her at the end of the day, at the end of her life. She asked me, “am I old now?


Do you think I look old now?” I looked at her, and paused. I can’t tell her the truth — of course she is old now; 75 years old, of course she is old now. I smiled, or at least I tried to smile, and said, “No, you still look young, not old at all.” She laughed, I knew she was happy to hear me say that, that’s what everyone wants to hear when they are old. And I knew she knew that it was not entirely true, that I only said it because I wanted to make her happy. When you are in her shoes, when you reach that stage of life, you will know that death is coming but it’s okay, because it has to be okay. I almost cried in the video call, but I tried not to, I tried to look as happy as I could. Because I know if I couldn’t hold it, if I cried, she wouldn’t be able to hold it, and she wouldn’t be able to stop crying. I stared at her face while she was talking, she always says the same thing to me, “eat more food, sleep more, take care of yourself and don’t go out too late.” I used to think that was the most annoying thing to listen to, but now, I love hearing every word that comes out of her mouth. I know, at some point, some day, she will stop talking, she will stop moving, she will stop breathing. And I will have to deal with that, because I’ve wasted too much time that I could have spent with her. I cried afterwards, while writing this article. Growing old yourself is scary, but looking at others growing old is worse. Looking at your puppy growing old, looking at your grandparents growing old, and your parents, and your friends. If you are the “lucky” one who gets to live the longest, when everyone else is gone, it will be the next generation’s turn to watch you grow old and die. It’s an infinite circle, but you only get to be there once.


The Magical Ingredients of These Curries History, Values, and Journey Dalipinder Singh Sandhu While walking down the streets of the charming Battery Point in Hobart City, one is likely to come across a signboard which reads “Magic Curries”. Situated on Hampden Road, this family-run Indian restaurant caters to dozens of customers daily, not just with food but also with their values and cordiality. The restaurant redefines Indian food, which is not only catered for the palette of locals but also sets aside the myths and stereotypes regarding the same. Mr Anil Sharma, the co-owner of Magic Curries alongside Mrs Manju Sharma, claims that there has been a lack of awareness which has led to the common perception of Indian food being spicy and hot. “Our goal is to educate people about Indian food; it doesn’t have to be spicy and can be medium or even mild as per one’s own taste. We at Magic Curries try to construe the liking of our customers and serve them food specifically catered for their taste buds, while taking care of their allergies and other dietary requirements or restrictions,” Mr Anil stated.


It wasn’t an easy route for the couple to open up their restaurant, which was a dream project for Mrs Manju. Initially, they opened a restaurant in 1993 which was located in Sydney, from where Mr and Mrs Sharma later migrated to Hobart in 2001. The couple from Punjab, India were in search of a comfortable city to raise their newborn daughter. While managing her family life in slow-paced Hobart, Mrs Manju was determined to pursue her passion of cooking, and with the wholehearted support from her husband (who usually looks over the management side of things), the stars aligned in the couple’s favour to accomplish their dream of serving the residents of Hobart an authentic and relishing experience of north-Indian food culture.


Over the years, the owners have come across various suggestions and feedback from customers that have inspired the small tweaks in their recipes. This brought out the best of the flavours from their cuisines while not drifting away from the verities of the food fare they specialise in. Mr Anil observes that the people of Hobart are very hospitable, polite, humble, warm-hearted, honest, and who never misuse their ascendancy; truly the salt of the earth. These values are also imbibed and inculcated by the restaurant runners who have successfully fused Indian and Australian values to run the establishment in a way which proudly represents the best of two unique cultures. Thus, the owners not only passionately prepare the magical curries with edible herbs, spices, and other ingredients, but also whisk in a mix of benevolence, joy and endearment as they serve the end product with pride in heart and a radiant smile on their face.

The effort has been made to make Magic Curries a place where not only the food but also the ambience serves to the best of experience. The restaurant provides its guests and frequenters with a cosy casual dining atmosphere. The warmth of the fireplace on wet, cold, and windy evenings of Tasmania’s winters is more than welcoming. Truly a family friendly place to unwind and be regaled with steaming delicacies, everything at Magic Curries qualifies as a place to visit when in Hobart. Though the establishment is situated in a prime location of the city, it also manages to deliver food at one’s doorstep via the third-party mobile applications so that the residents can enjoy a meal without having to leave the comfort of their home. Thus, like many other migrant families, this family also wears two hearts proudly as they continue to learn and adapt. They bring their own tradition from the land of Indus valley and through their experiences over the years in the Oceanic subcontinent they express a journey with the food they prepare and serve. It’s not just the cultures and values, but also the maturity which reflects in the way they carry out their everyday operation which is centralised around the comfort of the customers.

Images: Dalipinder Singh Sandhu and Magic Curries


Cinquanta 50

Maddie Burrows Fourth Year | Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Communication Major) Instagram: @experience.italy (All) Experience Italy, 2018 These works are a collection of imagery that formed my graduate Visual Communications exhibition project, a trilogy of books titled Experience Italy. It evolved from the desire to showcase the essence of Italy so others would be inspired to seek their own Italian adventure. The final exhibition showcased a trilogy of books that featured photography, painting and poetry, from which these samples were taken. My work introduces those who have never been to Italy to its landscape, vibrant colours and seductive textures. Collectively the books highlighted how my experience meeting Italy was alike to the passion and excitement one feels when falling in love for the first time. I believe Italy is more than a country, she is a passionate, artistic and forever changing soul. ​To fall in love with her is to be a curious wanderer, an open-minded explorer, and to take in all she has to offer.

Cinquant­uno 51

Lucy Smith Third Year, Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drawing Major)

(Top) Finally, 2018 Drawn in watercolour for my partner upon his graduation. (Bottom) For Tabby, 2018 This watercolour piece was drawn in memoriam for my family’s dear late cat Tabitha — such a funny cat.


Taylar Bowerman Bachelor of Fine Arts with Honours (Professional) | Printmaking and Drawing (Left) Scrubtit, 2019 (Bottom) The Long-Tailed Mouse, 2019 A part of my honours project revolves around portraying representations of animals that I have seen in the wild, ranging from birds to echidnas, wallabies, rabbits and mice. These animals are created using a black and white linoleum relief printing technique which is then scanned and collaged onto a colourful, digital composition. They are designed to deliberately contrast against the environment, as though they no longer belong to it, despite being natives to the land. The work as a whole is designed to reflect on Tasmania's growing environmental issues, where the wildlife is continuously being put at risk due to deforestation and excessive hunting.


Leading a Decuple Life LJ Parks I had never been particularly fond of cats. Then I started volunteering at a cat shelter. This begs the question — why would somebody willingly give up four hours a week to work at an institution that dedicates itself to care for and rehoming of felines when they don’t even like them? I’ll tell you why — I wanted to try something new. I grew up around dogs, and I adore them. In fact, I love them so much that I would turn “John Wick” on anyone with my metal straw before I let them hurt a canine in my presence. However, as a result of growing up in a cat-free family, felines were unknown territory. I didn’t understand them, and therefore found it difficult to relate to them. It wasn’t until I stumbled upon a job listing for Volunteer Shop Assistants at the Ten Lives Cat Centre in Newtown that I thought about giving the critters a second chance.

I applied for the position with an open mind. The role was perfect — I would gain work experience in a retail environment, whilst also contributing to a good cause. Additionally, I would have the opportunity to decode cats. I had always been curious as to what it was about these creatures that some people loved. In concept, cats seem pretty cool. They’re fluffy, cuddly — cute. Something must have gone wrong during my childhood, because the internet’s obsession with cat videos went straight over my head. My family’s unconscious bias against these creatures led me to believe they were stuck up, judgemental pricks that will scratch and bite you at every opportunity. I’ve since come to discover that’s only true some of the time. On my first shift I was too scared to actually introduce myself to the cats. Fortunately, the brunt of my work was in the retail shop, stocking shelves and carrying around large bags of food and litter. As time went on, I found that I had quite a bit of downtime once I had completed my required tasks, so I had the perfect opportunity to go out to the adoption rooms and build up some confidence around them. It wasn’t until the third week that I really started to get inside their heads and discover their charms. Understanding body language is key, particularly in assessing whether or not the cats are in the mood for you. If you try to cuddle a sleeping cat, they’ll probably try to murder you. The same goes for a cat that’s eating, frightened or generally in a shitty mood. If the cat approaches you though or shows deep interest in your petting services, then it’s a go-picture (if you didn’t understand that Bowfinger reference, you should really stay in more).


Scaredy Cat

Let me tell you, there is nothing more satisfying than receiving the approval of one of the most vain and fussy creatures known to humankind. When a cat brushes up against your legs then you KNOW you’re in. And when they start purring? That’s equivalent to receiving a kitty academy award. “You like me! You really like me!” I finally understand how cool cats are, and why I hadn’t liked them in the first place — I didn’t know how to approach them like I did with dogs.

and go regularly. A cat I may have made friends with one week could easily be gone the next, but I don’t get sad about it because it means they’ve found a new home. Volunteering at Ten Lives has only served to remind me that change isn’t always a bad thing, and that trying new things — no matter how much they scare you — can be a rewarding experience. Dogs and cats are not dissimilar. Doggos are almost always game for a pat and it’s very easy to win them over just by showing them some love. Cats, however, are more refined and sceptical. They don’t always have time for you, but if you put yourself out there and give them a chance, they might do the same in return. Am I exclusively a cat person now? No — I still love dogs, but I now see both creatures as equals in my heart. Both have the potential to offer great love and companionship. The same could be said of different groups of people. We’re all animals, after all.

The shelter is in a constant state of change. Because I only volunteer once a week and so many people contribute to the running of the place, there’s always something different about the shop every time I work there. One of the displays might have moved, and stock turns over all the time. In a similar vein, new cats come

“…bias against these creatures led me to believe they were stuck up, judgemental pricks… that’s only true some of the time.”


Heart Dance for Uni UTAS Salsa Dance Society Provides a Fantastic Avenue for Learning Dance Tabitha Zachariah

Bright and bubbly faces of young people fill the Hobart city apartment students’ lounge. Male and female, university and non-university students alike, all eager to get as much knowledge on the captivating social dance as their enthusiasm will allow. Watching their teachers demonstrate the basic steps involved in the dance skyrockets their curiosity, as shown on their mesmerised faces. Perfect back and forth steps enriched with slight side to side hip swags that are more noticeable on the female teacher, look too good to grasp leaving the audience gasping in awe. Whether they had attended such dance sessions before, or not, is hard to tell as all the faces light up more with every step that the teachers make. “The basic idea is a bar of eight and you’ll be stepping on one, two, three, (pause), five, six, seven, (pause). The basic steps are: left right left, right left right,” Calum Knight’s slightly broken voice fills the room. His tall, slender body moves forth and back to demonstrate the steps. He is the salsa dance teacher, as well as the Treasurer of the society. The audience, comprising of eager students hungering


for knowledge of the intriguing social dance sway their bodies in perfect imitation of their teacher. Broad smiles from the group shows that the learners are beginning to grasp the basics of the dance. With Calum as the lead, and Carla Delgado as his follower, they keep repeating the basic steps until they feel receptive progress from their students. Carla teaches the followers salsa dance moves and is also the Vice President of the group. Her back to forth steps accentuated by perfect side-to-side hip sways only leave the students with one aim, “to be just as good”. For a progressive one-hour lesson, the students test their abilities to grasp the moves and their body flexibility to the dance moves exhibited by their teachers. It is not just the expertise of the teachers that stands out, but their patience in teaching as well. The two attributes make it easier for the students to acquire the moves and they are soon seen making salsa dance moves on their own while corresponding to the beats from the background music. The lesson grows more fun and enjoyable until the music suddenly stops.

It is time for social dance. The salsa dance class is supposed to last for an hour and is succeeded by social dance that lasts for at least 30 minutes. During the social dance, students practice the dance moves that they learn during the class to beats of background music. There is no order of doing the social dance, it is meant for practice and fun. A student can dance alone or with a partner, any partner. It is 8:10pm, time to call it an evening for the small group that is already full of warmth. A beaming young lady with neck-length silk blond curly hair steps forward. Her happiness and satisfaction is clearly displayed on her face. Her name is Aleksandra (shortened to Sasha) Koreshkova. She is the President and founder of UTAS Salsa Dance Society. Her strength and determination is obviously admirable. It is the first salsa dance class and she is clearly happy with the high turn up of students. She gives a brief introduction about the group and welcomes all the learners to the society.

She was already a member of the Casa Cubana group in Hobart and had learned some social dance moves. She approached Ali, who is the president of post graduate students and he directed her to the Tasmania University Union Society Council by providing some contact emails of personnel to approach. She got a handbook on the TUU Website offering steps on creating a society and she embarked on the paperwork straightaway. UTAS clubs and societies day was coming up on 27 February 2019. It was a very short period to get ready, but she managed to get a stall to showcase different dancing styles to the new students and managed to get over 100 students to sign up. It was the beginning of a successful group and her tireless efforts were starting to bear fruits. She created a Facebook page where she posted information about the group. Within three days the page had 35 likes. It was time to salsa. After holding an Annual General Meeting to decide on administration roles and sign the constitution, the first salsa dance class was set for 2 April 2019. She sought for a venue from university space and after much consideration settled for the lounge space in the UTAS Hobart Apartment.

Image: UTAS Salsa Dance Society



The idea of starting a social dance group for the University of Tasmania first struck Sasha on 22 February 2019 night as she was struggling with insomnia. She was watching various clips of social dances and was intrigued by Bachata dance and soon found herself in the middle of the room at 4 am dancing to Bachata music. She wanted to learn more and after realising that the university did not have any social dance societies, she felt convinced to start one.

Salsa is a popular social dance originating from Caribbean traditional dances. It is made of a combination of chacha-cha, Son, Mambo, bomba, Rumba and Danzon AfroCuban dances. In many salsa dancing styles, the upper body remains almost unaffected as weight shifts cause movements on the hips. Arms and shoulder movements are incorporated in different stages and styles.

Miami-Style Casino combines Casino elements with several American cultural elements and dances. Rueda de Casino Style was developed in Havana, Cuba in the 1950s. In this dance, pairs of dancers form a circle as one person calls out dancing moves which involve rapid swapping of partners.

Los Angeles Style is a dance performed “on one”, (meaning dancers start to move on the first beat) in a line, using various stage dances and North American elements. New York Style or “on two” is danced in a “flat figure eight” on the floor, with partners facing each other most of the time.

Characteristics that identify a style are: basic steps, timing, body movements, foot patterns, attitude, turns and figures, the way partners hold each other and dance influences. The beats of salsa music range from around 150 bpm (beats per minute) to 250 bpm. Salsa dance is continuously evolving to incorporate new dancing styles. New styles are named according to geographic areas of origin. Afro-Latino Style is popular in the Caribbean, Haiti, Puerto Rico and Cuba. African language and instruments are part of the music distinguishing it from other styles. •

Colombian or Cali Style is known to be Salsa’s Capital (Capital de la Salsa) because salsa music is the main genre in nightclubs, parties and festivals. The Boolgaloo and Pachanga dances influenced Cali-Style elements.

Cuban Style or Salsa Cubana is a popular style that originated from cha-cha-cha, Cuban Son, Guaracha and Danzon. In this kind of style, no step is taken on the first and fifth beats in every clave pattern and the fourth and eight beats are emphasised.

The students have also been introduced to Bachata Dance Style, a social dance originating from Dominican Republic. In partnering, the lead can decide to dance in open, semi-closed or closed position. Dance moves rely on the music, mood, setting and interpretation. The basic sequence is performed in a full 8-count, consisting of three steps followed by a tap or different step syncopations (like “double step”). The tap is made on the opposite foot of the last step and the same foot is used to make the next step. •


“The Original Bachata Style is very fast, and there is a lot of footwork, a lot of playfulness with the feet,” says Xavier. The dance has evolved to introduce “side-to-side step” that is often accompanied by an exaggerated “pop” of the opposite hip of the foot that taps.

Western “Traditional” Bachata Style involves sideto-side basic steps involving a change of direction after every tap. Partners dance in close connection and there are not many turns involved. Bachatango Style combines short sequences from western “traditional” steps with different Tango steps.

Modern Bachata Style was developed on the basic elements of “western traditional” around 2005 with added dance elements from tango, salsa and ballroom. Couples move their torsos more and greatly exaggerate the hip hop.

Sensual Style is an independent bachata dance style that has strict lead-follow principles dominated by body waves and circular movements with body isolations and dips when need be.

Ballroom Style, used mainly for dance competitions, involves lots of ballroom dance styling and intense hip movements.

The number of learners is growing with every subsequent class. Young Casa Cubana members volunteer to teach interchangeably. Xavier Amblard, Jacqueline Morrison, Ankit Gupta, Coralie Vllt and Jasmin Saunders have taught bachata dance so far. “We try and alternate teachers, so everybody gets a feel of different styles, different feel, different techniques and things like that,” Ankit says. The teachers are talented and happy to share the skills with interested young people. The learners are happy


with the progress that they are making in building on their dancing skills. They find the classes interesting and most of them have invited their friends to join. The administration has great plans for the group. They have acquired a venue at the Republic Bar & Café on Elizabeth Street to allow more time for social dance and access to food and drinks. “The ideal venue would have a wooden floor, enough space for all the members… and the time is not limited,” says Sasha. They also want to introduce different dancing styles including: Rueda, Kizomba and Reggae Tone. “There is also Kizomba we would like to teach… it is from Africa… from Angola. It is almost like a tango, it is kind of slow… it is a lot more grounded than bachata or salsa,” Xavier says. Constant committed members will ensure the stability of the group and occasional celebrations, events and parties are part of the plan. Rented party in the bar at least once a year is a big part of it as well. Xavier believes that social dance is healthy for the body and the brain. It is an enjoyable exercise which involves coordination and memory. It also gives a person confidence to attend social events. “I want it to be fun for everyone… for the teachers, the students and not just a class where people feel like they need to do efforts… just for entertainment. My biggest reward is to run around with the camera and seeing people chatting as they dance,” Sasha says.


Joseph Schmidt Second Year | Bachelor of Fine Arts (Drawing and Printmaking Majors) Luscious Locks, 2019 In admiration for Helen Wright’s ‘Fairy Tale’, I created a drypoint etching to present the flow of hair as if luxurious locks took the form of natural everyday organisms. This is my own hair and I haven’t gotten a haircut since October 2017, making the locks look extremely wild.


Joanna Postlethwaite Fourth Year | Bachelor of Fine Arts (Painting Major)

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, 2018 In this atmospheric oil painted composition, small birds appear content, seemingly framed within a cage. Yet are they really? Upon closer inspection one might see they are part of the furnishings of a house, lit by the afternoon light through a window. Women are often referred to in language describing birds such as chick, hen, duck and flighty so it is no great leap of the imagination to apply this scene to some women’s predicaments.


Poetry Suite 8:9 Miles Kahles

I Home Phone With my trident head, I See the sobering underbelly — The world.

Fizzling sparks cast my Telephone conversations Conversations on the telephone Made eerie in my sober head.

A head that has seen. Rifted in through the cracked red Landline, in world postal union Sheen.

With my trident head, I Scrunch my thoughts until I see Inert dust laden streets.

They invite Paisley sheets of karma Best served on a holiday in Singapore At the Hyatt, sobering up on venison.



II Arrowheads and Daggers “Don’t mistake kindness for weakness” My mother once said as I Sat squirming in my weaselly Adolescence.

I once vaulted the stairs In the esoteric shape of boyhood Cruel in my fun and Playful in candour.

It was only for the Calm, clay hand That my grip steadied On rueful purple splashes.

I plot a sweet sorrow In my spinning volition Unable to blur the façade Of damage done.

I settled in with the breeze And lay down with The form I call clarity In uneasy text.


III Noam Bushwick Noam walks the plastered path Like a man on a freedom high Out of Jonathan Franzen’s musings.

In a cached Corner of his mind

His eyes glare a fed-up green And his mind Feeds a drip dragging.

Straight back To his placid devotion

“Enough is enough” announce his knees As he bends to the sheer force Of just not taking it anymore.

His acquiescence Erodes like dirt

And finally he pledges allegiance To his flight of freedom’s fancy in Insert crafty distraction.

Here lies the soul of old Young Noam Bushwick


Joe Brady Third Year | Bachelor of Media Instagram: @melon.kony

(All) The Petticoat Project, 2019 I’m a digital artist with my heart in the world of the analogue. I appreciate the labour of old animated films, in all their complexity and beauty, and I try to imitate that style in my illustrations and storytelling. It evokes whimsy and childhood, which make wonderful platforms for exploring visions of the past.




Sands of Time ^

Anastasia Stojanovic “Her eyes now fixed not only on the searing sand, but on the horizon as well.”

survive so far could never have prepared her for this: to wake up disoriented and numb, in a foreign landscape of sand the colour of rust, with nothing but the wind’s voice as company and a brass compass to guide her.

Mira surveys the barren wasteland, her mind being plagued by the distant memory of water. She wanders the sandy slopes alone, a makeshift pouch slung across her back and an empty water skin dangling from her fingers. The idea of salvation is lost in the neverending sand storms and escape seems impossible. “The beginning of the end,” she thinks bitterly. Mira pushes forward, one blistered foot in front of the other, her tongue absentmindedly swiping over the cracks in her lips. Her eyes now fixed not only on the searing sand, but on the horizon as well.

She lay sprawled on the soft earth, her face pointed towards a dark sky that is peppered with stars. Goosebumps rise on her arms and Mira’s thin clothes stood little to nothing against the cold desert night, her chattering teeth filling the silence around her. As she sits up, the sun mimics her, rising to spread its light across the sky in orange streaks and its warmth through her stiff body. “Where am I?” She wonders, looking around in disbelief and seeing nothing but sand, an ocean of lonely dunes. Mira snatches the small water skin pouch lying beside her, only to find it empty. Desperation slowly creeps inside her; she will need to find water soon. She turns her head and something shiny catches the corner of her eye. Plucking the compass from the sand, she cups it in her small hands, relief washing over her. Her legs shake as she tries to stand. How long has she been unconscious? When she turns over to support her weight on her knees, she fists at the sand in frustration. Why does her body feel so drained? Is it the desert, with its blistering heat? Or is it the nagging doubt in the back of her mind that she won’t make it out? She would have to if she wants to survive.

Even as a child, Mira always seemed to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and a life of poverty in the unforgiving underbelly of Arabia had made it hard to be inconspicuous. The Bazaar was one of its many overpopulated cities; a mound of dirt that she called home, scattered with makeshift huts and tents full of people who always had somewhere else in mind. Mira was a quick child, manoeuvring herself between the mobs of people through the marketplace morning and night, looking for scraps to feed herself and her younger brother. She was resourceful at such a young age and was clever enough to find something almost every time. On the nights that she didn’t, she would cradle her brother to her chest as they crouched in a forgotten ally, hushing his whimpers and the growling of their bellies. No matter how hard she tried, Mira could not remember the faces of their parents. Her strongest memories were only of her brother and herself. But everything she’d learnt to


Forcing herself to her feet, Mira turns the compass over in her hands. It’s a small beauty, flat and brass with etchings carved into its case. She opens the lid to look at the dial but finds that the arrow isn’t pointing north. Mira falls back to the ground and drops the compass in frustration, she needs to get out of this place and find her home. “I want to go home.” She tells the compass. The thing lies open in front of her, its needle now spinning around its face. Clutching her knees to her chest, she looks harder at the compass, “I want to go home.” Mira keeps repeating the phrase in her head until the needle stops


completely, hovering between north and west. “What are you pointing at?” She questions hesitantly, drawing in a deep breath to steady herself before picking herself and the compass up.

The sun is close to vanishing and Mira hasn’t seen anything or anyone in her travels. The arrow of the compass never wavers from its place underneath the glass. Her thirst is overwhelming, with the taste of sand and the empty water skin as a cruel reminder. Mira’s skin is cracking in some places and is burnt despite its darkness. Her feet throb in pain with each step. She runs her dry tongue over her lips in vain. The sun is dropping, and she is just about to do the same, until her gaze lifts and notices something ahead. The shallow pool is clear, reflecting the moon’s crescent shape. Mira falls into a desperate sprint as her body collapses beside the water, face first. She drinks long and deep, the cool liquid running down her throat. The relief is immediate as she scrubs the dirt from her sunburnt face. Dragging herself away from the pool of water so she won’t drown in it, Mira falls flat onto her back panting. With her thirst quenched and body scrubbed raw, Mira’s eyes droop as the sun disappears. She falls into a deep slumber, clutching the brass compass tightly between her fingers with the still empty water skin pouch resting on her stomach.

When Mira opens her eyes, everything is on an angle. She sits up groggily and stretches her stiff limbs. Sleeping on sand is somehow worse than sleeping on dirt. Dusting herself free, she raises her head to get a better look at the small pond. At night the pool looked unearthly, the luminescence of the moon’s light reflecting the pool’s face like an oasis. But during the day the pond seemed more

ordinary, shallow at the surface, with cattails prowling above the water weeds. The sheer desperation she felt for water must have transformed the pond into a haven. Even though the pond appears ordinary, it is still the only jewel in this maze of sand. She crouches down to take another gulp of water when she hears splashing from the other side of the pond. Her empty stomach churns with the little fluids it has left, as she turns her head nervously. The creature is large and has a golden coat that blends with the environment. Its dark eyes bore into hers as the camel lifts its head from the small pond, water dribbling from its lips. It has been days since Mira has had contact with anyone or anything, but it feels so much longer than that. Her lips stutter when she tries to speak. Too many days have passed since she has not breathed a word and Mira cannot remember the last time that she’d spoken. The beast’s ears twitch at the noise. Rising slowly from her squatting position, Mira stands and walks to the other side of the pond. The camel is sitting in front of the water, his knobbly legs tucked beneath him. He startles at her sudden movement, tail swishing warily. She crosses the pond deftly and sits beside the camel, bringing her knees to her chest. He watches her from the corner of his eye before continuing to drink from the pond, stopping to chew on the water weeds. Her stomach begins to growl, and she realises she hasn’t eaten anything since she woke up in the desert. Mira reaches out her hand and grabs at the same weeds the camel is eating. As she chews the plant, the nectar begins to soothe the aching sores in her mouth. She feels a puff of air on her cheek as the camel’s large snout sniffs the side of her face. He licks her cheek with his scratchy tongue and she giggles. How long has it been since someone else has cared for her?


A Timid Defence of Piracy Joe Brady

I have an unusual problem. I know a great many people who are really into modern technology (usually consumer electronics; I don’t know as many who are really into oscilloscopes and kinetheodolites). I also know many more, usually of an analogue generation, who are suspicious and even outright hostile towards smartphones and social media. I do not know many people who are both. What I’m getting at is, I’m a person who is really into consumer tech, but by most metrics am fed up with it. I livestream product announcements, tinker with computers and chase obscure internet subcultures, but the ways in which our constant connectivity and information overload have changed the premise of modern life are largely uncomfortable for me. It’s an obvious and irreconcilable contradiction, but humans are nothing if not schismatic. If given the chance, I would sacrifice the mass of electronics and parts I’ve collected to live in a smaller, analogue world. One of the characteristics of modern life, of course, is technology moves so quickly that eras seem to pass in a half-decade. The internet itself was a very different place twenty years ago, where we saw the birth of discussion systems like Usenet and shitty Web 2.0 sites. Internet humour, culture and content from only ten years ago is like trying to understand another language.


A defining trend of the last decade has been the consolidation of web traffic into a handful of platforms. Go on, think about what you use for entertainment on a daily basis. For most of us, we can count them on our fingers: Google, Facebook, YouTube, Wikipedia, Netflix, eBay or a niche e-store, a pirate streaming website for the stuff Netflix doesn’t have. Perhaps another community of your choice — Tumblr, Insta, Reddit, or an image board. I’ll throw in one or two specialty sites you might happen upon — a blog that resonates with you, or maybe a random site thrown up by Google search, and that’s pretty much the lot. Simultaneously, services that seemed clunky and parasitic in the era of iTunes and MySpace have matured into Silicon Valley starlets. The most precious possessions of our lives, whether it be an album of our youth or a beloved TV show, have moved to Spotify and Netflix for convenience. And as these young companies struggle with the success of their own business models, the old guys are circling like vultures. Apple’s doing well in music streaming, and Disney’s muscling into the streaming game and taking its catalogue along with it. Venture capitalism becomes vulture capitalism. It’s the lay of the land. Now, for the Millennial and post-Millennial, this might not matter much. We’ll always have our Oasis CDs and Thunderbirds on VHS. How many of us have Harry Potter in print on our shelves? But spare a thought for the digital generation; our Gen Z brothers and sisters; our Zoomer successors. Services deal in exclusives, and the same TV shows and movies kids enjoy today are tied to a particular platform that requires a constant subscription and regular internet connection to maintain.


Now, it’s unlikely that should Netflix or Spotify sink they’ll simply swallow the exclusives with them. Almost inevitably their property would be sold off or absorbed in an acquisition. But is it totally inconceivable that certain innovative types of media — interactive films, or computer-generated albums — might not be maintained forever? We face a future in which our favourite films, shows and books might soon be hosted in proprietary deathware waiting for a flip of the killswitch.

Of course, I’m not suggesting a company should shell out the cash to support every product forever. It costs money to distribute. But I think most agree that an offline, less functional copy of a product is better than a dead product. As we hurtle towards exciting innovations in cinema and songwriting, as well as the popularisation of video games across all ages, it’s worth asking questions about how exclusively online media persists after it stops being profitable. We need to be serious about end-of-life commitments. Of course, failing that, there is always piracy.

You can see this issue in online video games that depend on a company server, and we’ve already watched popular, modern products disappear entirely after the publisher decides to pull the plug. This isn’t “gone” in the sense that no-one’s selling them — these games are dead forever without a central server and will never be played again. A lot goes into the creation of a game — artwork, writing, music. It’s a crime to lose it. To transliterate the idea to film, it would be like the studio revoking all but the title screen after you’d purchased it, instead of disabling online connectivity. I am not making a legal argument here — this is a case for the preservation of art.

I’m not telling you to rip off good people. I’m not even cool enough to tell you to steal from large companies. What I am telling you is stripping Digital Rights Management (DRM) software out of art is the only thing that has ensured the longevity of exclusive, copy-protected content. Thinking about mainstream films and music, longevity is probably not such a big deal — the web is awash with copies and it’s unlikely that stuff will stop being sold in the age of information proliferation. But multimillion dollar products have been killed before in the internet era, and they will be killed again. I think it’d be a real shame to have the next big innovation in cinema from Netflix, Hulu, Disney or Amazon disappear forever because the first season underperformed. Art should not be so disposable, and you should consider the premises of online-only copy protection before something personal to you comes to rely on the benevolence of a publisher.


Two Moviez You Should Watch Before Expiring James Kelly

Joe Versus the Volcano (1990) Directed by John Patrick Shanley

Joe Versus the Volcano is the first recommendation. This movie’s not really a masterpiece, nor a movie that you’ll remember in T-minus five days, but it’s a small journey that might strike you with an enlightening sense of wellbeing. Tom Hanks (Cast Away, Splash) plays Joe Banks, a miserable soul who works in a corporate, drab and cold fluorescent facility with other zombified workers who don’t have a sense of colour. He feels ill, has an appointment with a doctor (Robert Stack, Flying High), and is informed he has a disease called a “Brain Cloud”, leaving him with a few months to live. With this information, Joe decides to quit work in the best way possible. If you’ve worked in a factory or office, you’ll definitely relate to it. The colour in his life starts to express itself like a Broadway play, after he asks his co-worker Dede (Meg Ryan) out on a date. But all of that is mainly build-up to the meat and potatoes of the tale. A random old rich dude (Lloyd Bridges) comes to Joe’s and offers him all the money he could ever dream of, including a two-week vacation… but the catch is that he has to make his way to a tribal island and jump into a volcano. “Live like a king, die like a man,” is what the old dude says. Throughout the adventure, Joe goes shopping with a limousine driver (Ossie Davis), listens to a heartbroken and hysterical Angelica (Meg Ryan again), goes on a ship called the Tweedle Dee with Patricia (Meg Ryan again again) and eventually gets to the tribal island.


The contents within each of these segments are funny, wholesome, and ooze with passion. In nearly every scene, there’s some minor message that resonates on a deeper frequency. The limousine driver, Marshall, asks Joe what clothes he’s going to get, and Joe doesn’t know. Marshall informs Joe he’s just hired to drive, not to tell him who he is, and that he’s spent his life trying to figure out who he is. The way Joe says the title of certain books like The Odyssey and Romeo and Juliet as he quits his metallic work environment feel like fresh freedom. When Joe and Patricia are stuck on massive matching luggage in an empty sea, he protects Patricia from the blazing sun, keeps her hydrated, all while he dances like a free living soul. Showing how far he’s come in the adventure. The cinematography isn’t going to blow your mind, but the direction by John Patrick Shanley (Director of stage plays such as Doubt) who makes this minuscule epic feel like a play, from the set design to the colour palette, is a delight to witness. Not to forget the performances as well. Tom Hanks gives one of his funnier and more energetic performances, but Meg Ryan kills it playing three entirely different characters; a shy, sniffly Dede, the melodramatic moneylender Angelica, and a fed-up but adventurous Patricia. Joe Versus the Volcano is that film you came across via Southern Cross on a weekday afternoon when you were sick, and it's one I suggest you experience, ill or not.

Experience Anomalisa (2015) Directed by Charlie Kaufman and Duke Johnson

I have a long list of favourite movies, and Anomalisa is in my top three. It was either Singin’ in the Rain or this masterpiece written and directed by Charlie Kaufman (Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Synecdoche, New York), and I chose the latter. To keep the plot simple, it follows Michael, a customer service expert who’s making his way to a convention to talk about said service. He spends the night at a hotel, tries to find a gift for his son, calls and meets a former love of his, and for the main portion, stumbles across a woman named Lisa. This straightforward story, is captured in style and simplicity. Anomalisa is a stop-motion animated film using 3D puppets, and is probably one of the most realistic animations I’ve seen. Everything feels real, from the organic movements of the characters to the way they interact with objects like a simple grab of a TV remote and wiping the condensation on the bathroom mirror. But what’s so brilliant about it is the way Kaufman uses it to portray the way Michael sees the world. He says the line: “It’s boring, everything’s boring.” And we get to see that perspective of Michael from the visual representation of his encounters. Everyone has the same face and voice. Seeing through the eyes of a man going through a midlife crisis. Till he meets Lisa.

The small sets are lively, and detailed with hints and references. The cast lead by David Thewlis, Jennifer Jason Leigh and Tom Noonan are riveting and really get into their roles. The beauty of the screenplay is just like the animation itself; flowing and drifting like a normal conversation or argument. Each scene can go on for quite a while, but it’s all for a reason. And for some of us, we can relate to Michael in the way he sees life. It's not entirely drama though, for it's also a comedy. Michael asks his taxi driver if there’s any toy shops close by, to buy a gift for his son. But the driver misdirects him to a different kind of “Toy” shop. Moments like that left me chuckling. Some could also find the sex scene in the movie humorous when watching this with your friends, but it is a beautifully awkward scene. The final act is bizarre, destructive and left a major impact on me. The animation is phenomenal, the performances are unforgettable (especially from Tom Noonan), and the pacing is slow, but effective. I couldn’t cut a moment of it. It’s one of my highest recommendations. And if you want some other stop motion films, My Life as a Zucchini and Mary and Max are also great.



Liam Johnson

(All) Rainward, 2018

Graduated | Bachelor of Fine Arts (Electronic Media and Painting Majors)

What if water fell upwards into the heavens?


This atmospheric hand-drawn animation explores an alternate reality of Tasmania with every single element revolving around the central premise of upward falling water. Inhabited by giant stalactite mountains and all manner of whimsically mysterious creatures, journey through this visually breathtaking landscape both similar and yet so alien to our own.


(Bottom) Weight of Your World, 2018 (Top) From Naught to Nowhere, 2018 (Far Right) In the Party of Life, 2018

In everyday life we seldom ponder the disquieting concerns and uncertainties lurking at the edge of our thoughts. In my last year of univeristy I started to seriously question my future and these paintings highlight my confusion, isolation and distress, common to so many. The Existential puppet who struggles under the weight of choice, the Nihilistic flock tumbling over the edge for no reason and the Absurdist celebration trapped in their own sandy tomb.



The Future of the Video Game Industry From a 90’s Perspective James Kelly

James’ Log — May 10th, 1993 I’ve always wanted to know how far video games could revolutionise and upgrade the industry. We’ve had a rather successful, entertaining few years with the Super Nintendo and Sega Mega Drive. These bad boys just kept on delivering influential video games that could possibly never be topped. SNES served a solid cup of 16-bit goodness with the likes of Super Metroid, Super Castlevania IV, Super Mario World (basically a lot of super), sprinkled with some Donkey Kong Country and Final Fantasy III. Oh, and the Sega Mega Drive gave us Streets of Rage, Revenge of Shinobi and Dragon’s Fury, the best pinball game on the planet, not to mention my favourite of the bunch: Rocket Knight Adventures. So the rumour that’s been going around the far reaches of the earth is that Sega has a new console that’s named after a planet. Which is understandable — it signifies a universal balance to its generation cycle. As long as they don’t call it Sega Uranus, I think we’ll all be fine. Sega Jupiter sounds cool, maybe even Sega Saturn, but I have a feeling that it’s going to be Sega Earth. Because that’s the planet we live on, hey? Makes sense. Atari is also apparently kicking into gear with their massive comeback after the subpar Atari 7800. And instead of four digit numbers, they’re naming their new console the Atari Jaguar… so, cats and planets. Seems legitimate to me. One thing I can’t comprehend is that the Atari Jaguar is 64-bit. That’s double the amount of bits from the Super Nintendo and Sega Mega Drive combined. They must be able to make realistic looking games like Mortal Kombat and Pit Fighter now which is crazy. My head is probably going to explode from the mere thought of all the graphical detail from these consoles. Oh, that reminds me — the other day, not only did my friend Jerry tell me


he was a race car driver, but he also told me that Nintendo is making a 64-bit console as well. And Mario is going to be in 3D… excuse me? He’s lying about that, because if it was 3D, it’d likely fail big-time. Like, no one is going to buy a console called Ultra 64. What’s so ultra about it? I'm very much looking forward to Nintendo’s new handheld experience though, leaked as the VR32, which is apparently the beginning of virtual reality as we speak. I’ve seen The Lawnmower Man with Pierce Brosnan (apparently he’s the next James Bond… that’s complete trash, he was the guy that got a fruit thrown at him by Robin Williams in Mrs Doubtfire… it's not happening), so it's bound to be a totally flawless and revolutionary piece of technology. Oh god… Sony is also making a gaming console as well? That’s gonna go as well as the Phillips CD-I or 3DO. Discbased games are not the future, and I don’t think they ever will be. Sony should just stick to CD and Walkman players otherwise they are just going to flunk into bankruptcy. They’re calling it the PlayStation too… nope, definitely not going sell like hot cakes whatsoever. They should have called it the Super Game Station. Much better name. I’m rather sceptical about what’s to come if I’m honest. Like, it’ll probably be exciting, but why do I get the feeling that this is just the beginning of another crash of the video game market. It’s gonna crash as hard as a bandicoot being flamed by a small purple dragon. I write that because it sounds like a load of nonsense. We’ve got a blue hedgehog and an Italian plumber, and that’s all we need. Sooner or later, people are gonna say a bunch of Nintendo characters are gonna appear all at once and fight each other.


James’ Log — May 10th, 1995 If I were to figure out who would win in this console war, it’d definitely be Sega. While it’ll be cool for Nintendo to release Mario 3D and Zelda 3D (which honestly won’t work but that’s just personal opinion), Sega will knock it out of the park with new titles that will defy what people want. They won’t make a Sonic game, and if they do, it won’t be what sells the system. They have huge potential with new developers. And it'd be great if they put it on shelves the day they announced for a reasonable price of $499USD. It’d honestly rack in the bank with that idea. A new console on announcement? Hell yeah.

Well then. I was wrong… on every statement.

PlayStation won’t do well at all. They need to strategise a decent price lower than Sega’s and give it a year for people to know what the console is, otherwise they won’t make it at all. Everyone knows what Sega is. Sony’s PlayStation just doesn’t ring a bell to the ear. I think Nintendo will top the charts over PlayStation with the so-called VR32, kind of like a game boy, but a virtual boy of some kind. People are intrigued by the experimental, and I think this will be Nintendo’s chance at a shining product. But what about the games? Well I think for video games, we won’t be getting anymore yearly sports games like Madden 89 and FIFA 92. They will stop making them and just have one game per console life. My biggest request would be for Final Fantasy IV to come out on the Ultra 64, as well as Earthbound 2. They deserve the best recognition, for sure. It's going to be a very hectic decade for video games, and I fear it's not going to be the best line-up for the next generation. It could pick up well for Sega, but Nintendo and Sony have to tread lightly if they want to make it through the industry.


Dealing with Study Stress University Psychology Society Team

All students experience stress at some stage throughout their studies, especially during exam period! It’s important to know that it is normal, and that there are tools and strategies you can learn to deal with it. Tabitha Dempsey from UPS spoke to Elysia Chase, a Clinical Psychologist and Team Leader of Councelling for Student Experience UTAS.

What are the main problems students face, which lead to study stress?

For more information on 5 Ways to Wellbeing you can visit

Whether you are a student at University or not, life can be stressful. When tertiary study is added to the mix, it is easy to start feeling the pressure. Everything adds up and things that seem small can result in feeling overwhelmed and stressed really quickly.

What are some ways students can deal with their study stress when it occurs?

Some of the changes students face and struggle with include time availability, living situations, friendships and support networks, routines, work, income and financial pressures. We haven’t even got to all the ongoing tasks to complete such as assignments and assessments, not to mention the pressure to pass and do well!

What preventative techniques can students implement to avoid study stress? It is important to find balance. Using a weekly planner can help you break up the time for study and the other important things in your life. Make sure you get the necessities in. Eat a balanced diet, make regular time for sleep, exercise, and connect with others. Although there will be a lot of things competing for your time, make sure to put aside time to focus on you and your wellbeing. You might do this through exercise, connecting with others, learning, being present or helping others. By including things in your week from the 5 Ways to Wellbeing, stress will feel more manageable.

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The most important thing you can do is lean in, rather than run away. Avoidance and denial are not going to help you here. Feeling stressed is a normal experience, but holding it all in is not something that will help you release that pressure. Reach out and learn with and from peers. Take opportunities to ask how your peers are going as this helps you normalise your feelings, but also creates an opportunity for support. Develop your skill set: get along to lectures if you have been skipping them. Attend PASS sessions. Link in with learning advisers to learn techniques and skills that will help you achieve at university. If you start falling behind, talk with unit coordinators and tutors early on to work out your next steps to get back on top of things. And if things are feeling too overwhelming to go it alone, support is available. Student Advisers and personal counsellors are here to help you navigate university life, and the things that come up while you study.

Step back and try and remember the reasons you are here at uni. Having that goal in mind can help you to focus and get through stressful study periods.

Have fun. University can be stressful but it also offers plenty of opportunities to connect with others and try new things.

Get organised. This is good to do at the start of semester, but also whenever you are starting to feel a bit overwhelmed. Revisit your schedule or planner. Make a to-do list and aim to check something off it.

Break things down into small and achievable steps. Break up your week, your day and the task you are working on.

When you hit a wall and can’t go on with a task, get up and go for a walk. Take a break. Have a hot or cold drink in another room. Call a friend. Give yourself permission to have a break without feeling guilty.

If your breaks are becoming whole days or hours of avoidance, remember, every moment is a new opportunity to choose to do something different.

It is never too late to get support. Things always seems worse in your head than when you talk about it out loud.

For additional safety, health and wellbeing resources, you can head to or find UPS on Facebook at Contact the UTAS After-Hours Crisis Support team by calling 1300 511 709 or texting 0488 884 168

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Do you have any other words of advice to give to students regarding stress?

Wake Up Australia The Fight Against Narcolepsy Dana Anderson

“It’s just all the little things that you kind of go okay, if people knew more about this and knew the impact it had on your daily life, would they take it a bit more seriously because it’s not a joke.” — Pam Bird In a Lindisfarne cafe, with a whirring coffee machine and the hum of chatter in the background, a mother and her two daughters recount the story of how their lives changed when one of them was diagnosed with a rare sleeping disorder. Ella Bird, a local 17-year-old, suffers a neurological autoimmune sleeping condition that is not well known, cannot be cured but can be treated and affects approximately 0.05 per cent of the population. Narcolepsy. “Sometimes I can just be laughing and my head will drop and my eyes will roll to the back of my head. Or sometimes it could just be my hand, like I’ll be holding my phone and my hand will go and I’ll drop my phone. There is also the sleep thing as well. With that I get sleep paralysis and I see things and think things are happening that aren’t really happening,” Ella said.

“…drastically changes the way the individual and those around them live their daily lives…” Symptoms Narcolepsy Australia says sufferers of the disorder usually exhibit some of the five main symptoms: Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS), cataplexy, fragmented nighttime sleep, sleep paralysis and hallucinations. Narcolepsy manifests itself in two different forms. Type one with cataplexy and type two without. Ella has type one narcolepsy with cataplexy. She suffers not just from excessive daytime sleepiness, but also from full-body collapses and the sudden loss of muscle tone that are tell-tale signs of her condition. The sleeping condition means that Ella will not be able to lead a normal life. Things that the average person does nonchalantly, she may never be able to do or do alone. Narcolepsy means a loss of independence, which can be hard for the individual to come to terms with. Pamela Bird, Ella’s mother, reiterated just how lifechanging this rare sleeping disorder can be. Not just to an individual, but to those around them. “Ella’s life has completely changed from being quite an outgoing, bubbly person to knowing that she might never be able to drive like her friends, or swim in the ocean without someone there. “Things like that have been hard on her, and I guess hard on us too. You just want to be able to fix everything that’s wrong with your kids, and this is just something that we can’t fix,” Pam said. The diagnosis of narcolepsy drastically changes the way the individual and those around them live their daily lives but often the diagnosis is years off from when symptoms first start presenting themselves.



Diagnosis It initially took some time before Ella and her mother realised that what Ella was experiencing was not normal and that it needed to be investigated. “I found it quite strange. I started falling over at school and my friends and I would just laugh it off. After a couple of days I was like, ‘this isn’t quite right’ and I told mum,” Ella said. Pam remembered her daughter telling her about the episodes and, at first, she brushed it off as a form of clumsiness before witnessing it herself and realising it was not a coordination issue. “It wasn’t until I was getting ready for work one morning and we were in the bathroom just having a chat, and the next thing I knew she was on the floor. She was straight back up within a few seconds and she said ‘that’s what I mean when I say I keep falling over.’ I said, ‘well that’s not normal.’” Over the course of the day Ella had many more of these episodes, which led to the long and rigorous process of hospital visits, doctor’s trips, tests and many nights of research by a worried mother.

In Australia, narcolepsy is not a well-known disorder and can often take years to diagnose as doctors often do not recognise the symptoms of the rare condition. Ella was fortunate that her diagnosis only took eight months, though she was originally incorrectly diagnosed with epilepsy. “The medicines that they prescribed for epilepsy just weren’t touching the sides. It wasn’t helping at all, so I knew it had to be something else,” Pam said. Pam fought against the epilepsy diagnosis, insisting the symptoms did not fit what her daughter was experiencing and that the medication prescribed for the diagnosis was not helping. She was persistent and it led to the final diagnosis of narcolepsy.


The Fight for Recognition Ella’s family is doing everything they can to make a difference for those diagnosed with narcolepsy and their families in the future.

Medication According to Narcolepsy Australia, the actual cause of narcolepsy is unknown but patients with narcolepsy have limited to no hypocretin in their brain which is essential to regulate sleep cycles. There is medication available that does help relieve the symptoms associated with narcolepsy, but it does not always alleviate them completely, nor does it assist in the reduction of every symptom. A combination of stimulants, amphetamines and antidepressants are often used to treat the condition and its variety of symptoms. Pam said the medication does help reduce the symptoms of narcolepsy in her daughter's case, but there are other products on the market that could help further if made more readily available to the public. “At the beginning of all this, at its worst, unmedicated, she would be collapsing 60 times a day and sleeping 20 hours a day. Now, with the medication, the full body collapses have reduced. “The medications do work to a degree, but they’re not great. There are other products out there, especially in the States and Europe, which are better first-line drugs for narcolepsy but we don’t have them readily available here. They are available but at a very high cost,” Pam said. There is a worry for the Bird family as to the potential side effects of taking these medications over an extended period of time, especially when it comes to amphetamines. Ella is closely monitored through her weight, heart rate, blood pressure and other measures to ensure any issues or changes are noticed as early as possible. The medication itself is not the only issue with physical access to it creating difficulties. Pam and her husband had to fly to Melbourne earlier this year to obtain and fill a script for medication and bring it back to Ella. For many others in Tasmania, this option would not be viable. If the medication is not subsidised or listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) it also creates difficulties with those in lower socio-economic areas or the disadvantaged to gain the medicinal help required to alleviate symptoms.


Pam attended the Inquiry into Sleep Health Awareness in Australia conference in Canberra during April and made a speech on narcolepsy and her daughter’s experience so far, asking for changes to be made. “They asked for submissions, and I got invited to speak to the senate committee,” Pam said. Her submission included points on raising awareness, the issues that surround access to effective medication and the lack of medical practitioners’ knowledge on narcolepsy. She also included that there were only a small amount of specialised doctors in the sleep disorder field. Mikayla Fitzgerald, Ella’s half sister, also contributed to raising awareness for the sleeping condition, completing the Ross Marathon in April and raising $768 for Narcolepsy Australia. She said how important it was to bring attention to the issues surrounding narcolepsy. “You don’t meet someone in the street and they say they have narcolepsy. It’s just not a thing. Everyone I have ever spoken to when I’ve said my sister has narcolepsy is like, ‘What is narcolepsy?’” Mikayla said. “I think it’s important to raise awareness for it because it’s just not out there.” Narcolepsy Australia also aims to increase public awareness and is an advocate for all those suffering with the condition, raising funds, working to improve accessibility to medication and the recognition of narcolepsy as a disability. Narcolepsy is a condition that currently has no cure and is a disorder that the patient medicates to help control symptoms to try and live a normal life. “Realising that narcolepsy was a life-long condition was hard as a parent,” Pam said. “I guess you worry what the rest of their life is going to be.” Ella said it is hard to remember what life was like before being diagnosed with narcolepsy, since the disorder’s symptoms and medications have already become integrated within her daily life. The condition affects day-to-day activities, and can also impair concentration, attention span and memory according to Narcolepsy Australia. Pam said she hopes by talking about the condition they will raise awareness surrounding the rare disorder, and will help to initiate changes surrounding medication and education to ease the suffering of those with narcolepsy and their affected families. “It is quite a life changing diagnosis to get, and not only for her because she has to live with it, but for everyone around her.” — Pam Bird


TUU 2020 Breakdown State Council Statewide President: Braydon Broad Deputy President: Joel Philpott Postgraduate President: Ali Ghahremanlou Sports President: Josh Rowlands Societies President: Gabrielle Carswell Campus President South: Sophie Crothers Campus President North: Joji Kinivuwai Campus President Cradle Coast: Shirene Munday

SRC South Campus President South: Sophie Crothers Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer: (Vacant) Disabilities Officer: Bronte Mohr Environment Officer: Bethany Becker International Students Officer: Maisha Jaleel Postgraduate Officer: (Vacant) Queer Officer: Lily Russell Welfare Officer: Tim Lippis Women’s Officer: Maddie Webster

SRC North Campus President North: Joji Kinivuwai Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer: (Vacant) Disabilities Officer: RickiLee Stickler Environment Officer: Cathereen Phua International Students Officer: Ratchata (Zac) Panyadong Postgraduate Officer: Danni Ding Queer Officer: (Vacant) Welfare Officer: Rizza Poh Zulkarnaen Women’s Officer: Joey Safriti

SRC Cradle Coast Campus President Cradle Coast: Shirene Munday Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Officer: Tahana Radford Postgraduate Officer: (Vacant) Welfare Officer: Fiona Knapman


Dear School of Creative Arts Maddie Burrows

Dear School of Creative Arts, In our time together, I have come to learn many things that I will forever cherish. Alas, all good things must come to an end. In our case, it was a rather sticky end. It’s a shame things couldn’t work out. The promises we made could not be kept, and the dreams we shared were not lived. I wish I could say, “it’s not you, it’s me,” but this time I do think it was all on you. However, that is not why I am writing to you today, for the last time. My beloved Art School, today I’ve come to say goodbye. Let’s end things on a positive note, one in which we can reflect on our time together, learn and grow to improve our now separated futures. From our first meeting in 2016 I was smitten with you. You always knew how to take a good photo, when the sun hit you just right on those breezy summer days down at the waterfront. You’d smile at the horse-and-carriage man as he clopped past. Everyone felt at home when they were near you; there was always something to talk about. Whether it was the overstated importance of ‘allegory’ in painting, an argument over artistic legitimacy of Jackson Pollock, or your mediocre coffee making, we’d smile and laugh just the same.


In the early days of our relationship, it was our love for art history that made us so compatible. The classes Art Theory and Core Studies were a match made in Michelangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling heaven. Between those compulsory classes where we learnt the history that broadened our artistic perspectives, and the practical skills needed to survive the contemporary art world. Not all of my peers enjoyed these classes, but boy did they learn something. Little did we know that 2016 would be the last year we would learn anything in our compulsory theory and practise units. After those units were tossed in the garbage like leftover congealing milk from the counter of some modernist manifesto, I must admit, dear, that things started to go downhill. I look back on 2017 with sadness, for that was the year you introduced a new structure for a Bachelor of Fine Arts, and a trilogy of frustration and pain for the guinea pigs of Critical Practices units. Critical Practises was your so-called ‘Art Theory and Core Studies all-in-one’ solution to teaching theory and practice. I am not sure who said you needed to change — I am guessing it was peer pressure. But just so you know, I loved you the way you were. Critical Practises was a joke; a sad excuse for a foundation of art theory and practise. I wish you weren’t forced to conform to these unhealthy standards of art teaching. I cannot tell you a single thing I have learnt from that new course, only that I realised you could no longer keep your promise to me to teach me a solid foundation of art theory and practice.


You have been no stranger to drama, and I’ve stuck with you the best I can through it all. The rumours were the worst part. From the end of 2017 through to the end of 2018, the negative press only seemed to escalate. I have tried to help you, through petitioning, raising awareness and even independently investigating on your behalf. I don’t think it’s your fault. You’ve been pushed, pulled, beaten and swayed by those with power and money. All I can say is I hope things get better for everyone who comes after me and tries to make it through their time with you. Be strong, stand up for yourself, and remember your purpose. Money cannot buy you happiness. Though it’s been a long and rocky four years together, I don’t regret a second of it. We learn things from each relationship, and I hope you’ll remember our good times. All the laughs in the lecture theatre, tears in the computer lab, and revelations in the library — they are the moments that make our time worth it. Not only that, but who could forget the family we have made. Only

someone as bright as you could bring together such a close knit community of creatives. For that I am eternally grateful. Nonetheless, I regret to tell you that I have had to seek relationships elsewhere, somewhere beyond our island. We will see what the future holds for me there, but who knows, I may come back to you one day. Perhaps in a decade or two we will both be ready to try again. Long live Tasmanian School of Creative Arts… you will be missed.

With love, Maddie


What I Learnt as a UTAS Student Monte Bovill

“It’s hard to describe my time here… but I know one thing for certain: it has changed my life.” It’s been almost three years since I moved from Launceston to Hobart to start studying at the University of Tasmania. It’s hard to describe my time here in a succinct way, but I know one thing for certain: it has changed my life. Since I started in 2017, it has been an immense time of change at UTAS. From the campus moves and accommodation shortages, to the course changes and institutional responses, our University has changed as the world around it has changed. Let’s talk about the campus moves: they will alter our university, our cities and our state forever. In the NorthWest, West Park in Burnie is set to be transformed, in the North, construction is about to start on the new campus at Inveresk and more facilities and courses will move into Hobart from Sandy Bay over the coming years. No matter what side of the debate you find yourself on, the University is forging ahead with its plans, and with them come both opportunities and challenges. This vision is energising for our state, but it’s also complex and won’t be easy. If your degree is anything like mine, there's an increasing component of online content. I’ve been spending less and


less time on campus and it begs the question, are all of these spaces needed and will they be used consistently? Let’s hope so, but the social and personal experience of university seems to be shifting to an external delivery of information. With courses set to be spread out across a much larger area, UTAS students of the future will need to work harder to ensure connections between areas of study are maintained. There’s no doubt that the coming years will be a huge test for UTAS and the students who study here. Student life has rapidly changed and will continue to change in the years to come. But in my short time at UTAS, the way our university community has responded to challenges has been inspiring. The 2018 floods in Hobart is a prime example of how UTAS is able to come together in times of devastation. Buildings on the Sandy Bay campus were inundated on the night of May 10. It’s a night that remains in the minds of many within the UTAS community — a night when years of research, personal belongings and valuable infrastructure were destroyed in a matter of minutes. Despite the messages to stay away, students and staff turned out in droves to salvage some of the items that were swept away. The very best of us came out in the darkest of times. That’s what I love about this place. A place which can seem so divided at times, but you know people will be there to help you in times of need.

Reflection At times, your sanity will be tested as you settle in to write another essay or sit through a two hour lecture. But remember, you are working towards a goal. Take it one step at a time and ask for help along the way. Learn from your mistakes, but know not everyone is going to help you. But those people come about as much as an available spot in a UTAS carpark — not very often. The people who study and work here are what make this university the place it is. The level of knowledge on certain areas of expertise that some students have never ceases to amaze me. Their passion for their chosen area of study is inspiring. This drive to learn new things and uncover information engrained in the mindset of many UTAS students should give us hope for the future. Some of the students that have inspired me the most have been Tasmania University Union student representatives. Yes, if you know me or have read any of my other Togatus articles, I am sure you already know how passionate I am about this. But it’s so important. Without this student voice, it is hard to imagine where our university would be today. My advice: engage, vote and run. You have the opportunity to be a game changer, rather than just playing the game like others want you to.

There are 35,000 students who study at UTAS. Whether you are full-time or part-time, whether you’re studying in Hobart, Launceston, Cradle Coast, Sydney or via distance, this is your university. You have a unique story to tell. There are opportunities out there for you to take part in, and they might come your way or you might have to seek them out, but they’re out there. Do everything you can to put yourself closer to your dream job or pursuit after uni. When it all comes down to it, is the piece of paper at the end really worth it? For me, the friends I’ve made, the experiences I have had and the skills I’ve learnt at UTAS have been life-changing. The piece of paper is only as powerful as you make it. Don’t waste this opportunity.

That’s another thing: the University gives us, the students, the opportunity to give feedback, whether it be on units or on foundational changes. It’s essential the University listens to and acknowledges this feedback and responds to it appropriately. In some cases, you may feel like your advice won’t benefit you personally, but more likely than not it will help future students. Always speak up about what you believe in.


Brave New World Not Tomorrow, But Today Dan Prichard It’s July 22, and I’m writing for the future. Realistically, publishing a quarterly student-written and published magazine means preparation for an end-of-year issue takes place no later than the early days of second semester. Whilst I’m writing this right now we’re closer to tax-day than Christmas and celebrating the year that has passed seems more ridiculous than petitioning to rewrite the conclusion for a blockbuster franchise of the decade. Undoubtedly, you’ll be reading this many months later — be it an exercise of panicked procrastination amidst the chaos or in a post-exam era. You know many things I am yet to discover… how many films will Marvel crap out in time to stuff stockings full of new action figures over Christmas? Which overrated actress will Trump call out next and shame so bravely online? Does Lana’s new album bop or flop? Will any of these questions be answered by the time you’re reading this? Or will this stream of consciousness even make it through the editing process to print?


I guess it’s important to realise that the future is constant and whilst you know more of how the story goes than I, we both know very little as the second wave of the roaring twenties approaches. Even cloudier is our understanding of what the coming decades hold for the long-term future of our planet and human civilisation itself. Right now, I’m expected to worry about the future of my own fishbowl existence. Churning out assignments and submitting them on time in the hope of meeting the expectations of academics. Working to ensure I have the money to keep eating and sleeping and living and breathing. We’re all usually in the same boat — juggling our obligations and the expectations of the world around us while trying desperately to stay happy and healthy as we stumble along. It’s funny to think that in ticking these boxes we seem to ultimately distance ourselves from others in order to keep sustaining our existence. More often than not, we are unaware of those around us who are living the same way — panicking over legitimising their presence with purpose and money and food and something to whittle away their time. Our society demands immediate attention for pressing matters in our own lives and tells us other issues of importance can be swept under the rug as problems for our future selves. Problems for another day, not to interfere with the vitality of routinely checking our follow count or passionately disagreeing with something for the sake of pride. Who needs personal growth or authentic joy? Why should I hold the door open and freeze to death or smile at strangers? How will taking my canvas bags to the supermarket do anything to improve the monotony of my daily existence?

world’s wonders and problems. We might not even realise these problems exist, and for that we have only ourselves to blame. Self-love. People in need. A helpless planet crying for a chance of survival. We save these problems for the future yet fail to recognise that the future is now. Our wellbeing can’t wait. Our planet is dying. No longer can such crises be ignored by the false sense of security offered by the genius of our hypothetical great-great grandchildren. Instead, we whine about poor public transport and no-caller ID voicemails and the seemingly unforgivable inconvenience of a temporary Wi-Fi outage. We work and work and work until we’re left asking ourselves why we lack the energy to smile and we feel as though the universe hates us more than Trump. The time for change is now. The future no longer sits before us on the mantelpiece as something to be romanticized. 100 million barrels of oil used each day. A suicide every 40 seconds. Petty routines can wait: the livelihood of ourselves and our planet cannot. With Greta Thunberg, perhaps the most rational and necessary voice of the 21st century, ‘I urge you to please wake up’. The future is here, and we must be brave. Yes, our careers matter. Study matters. Our personal futures matter. But the world is bigger than our office, classroom and supermarket. It is time for immediate action. And not tomorrow. Our tomorrows have expired. No more excuses, no more disregard, no more ignorance. ‘It is time for civil disobedience. It is time to rebel’.

“We save these problems for the future yet fail to recognise that the future is now.”

Urgency dominates our lives. As we endure the chaos of the ticking clock, we forget the importance of issues outside of our ritualistic daily routines. We are blinded by our own ignorance and are often unaware of the



All careless questions aside, you’re reading this in my distant future. You know how the year has played out, and therefore have knowledge that I am yet to receive. You know what I am yet to find out. I envy your hindsight and awareness of how this decade concludes.

Do you have a restless pen? Are you an aspiring writer, journalist, or artist?

Then Contribute to Togatus! See the details below for more information. We look forward to hearing from you!

Togatus is the independent student media magazine at the University of Tasmania and simply wouldn’t exist without the contributions of our fellow students. We are always looking out for new students to contribute. Togatus showcases UTAS talent, news and discussion across every campus. As well as publishing four print editions each year, we also report on student news through our social media channels and website. If you’re keen to contribute, feel free to shoot us an email or message us on one of our social media pages. All students are invited to join the team!



If you want to talk about or submit an article contribution, email Togatus or Joe. Likewise, for artistic contributions talk to Maddie and for advertising inquiries chat with Monte. We look forward to hearing from you!

Togatus Joe Brady Maddie Burrows Monte Bovill

Treasure Hunt: Clues and Answers Congratulations yet again fellow avocado aficionado! The Togatus Team and I congratulate you heartily on your triumphant recovery of our most priceless treasures — swishy green stuff that goes well with toast! I imagine Captain Odacova isn't thrilled about their stolen treasure.

Fortunately historians have done a fine job documenting the exact geographical locations of all our fruity friends. Just in case you need a helpful hint (or a hand-hold in this trying time), refer to the clue list below that details the avocados' antics throughout every edition this year.

This year we have glimpsed the millennial scourge, inconspicuously hiding amongst innocent illustrations, as well as photorealistic imagery. Equally shocking are reports of an elusive human-fruit hybrid, Avo McAvoface!

If you still can’t find them all, or are weak-willed and give up easily, give in to temptation and turn the page. Turn back now or forever hold your peace. Think of how much cooler you'd be if you found them, though.

Avocado Clues

Edition 1, 2019 Pages: 1, 13, 18, 23, 33, 41, 43, 45, 46

Edition 2, 2019 Pages: 10, 14, 17, 25, 29, 32, 39, 42, 55

Edition 3, 2019 Pages: 12, 18, 23, 30, 34, 39, 42, 46, 49

Yearbook 2019 Pages: 6, 17, 20, 23, 26, 30, 34, 37, 38, 47, 55, 64, 71, 81, 83, 90, 92

Avocado Answers (Over the Page)


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Yearbook 2019

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Yearbook 2019

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Yearbook Signatures 99


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