Project Report
Design Prototyping
Prototyping Strategy Based on the above "how might we" question and design
It was of course not possible to plan this process entirely in a
principles, we crowd-sourced a very wide variety of service
strategic way. The actual process was never a linear process,
ideas from Aalto University students, teachers and service
it went back and forth, and there were many unexpected by-
providers. This pool of ideas became the rich source of our
products revealed during the process. The key of the strategy
was to formulate small hypotheses in different levels, put them into prototypes, test them on real users, and reflect
Our prototyping strategy was to test out as many small bits
the feedback back into the service so that the whole service
and pieces as possible, of all levels from the strategy and
proposition could be built with the set of
mechanism to function and interface. We did not hesitate to
building blocks. The prototypes we built and tested are
show it to users and test it even if the fidelity was not high to
summarised below, according to the level of hypothesis and
get useful feedback. In this way we planned to ensure that our
the level of integrity. The following page summarise the key
service proposal was validated down to the smallest detail.
hypotheses in and feedback to each prototype.
Higher fidelity Manual Us Sports
Interface Virtual
Lower fidelity