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Less car dependent trips
Less CD places:
Facilities and utilities nearby
To decrease Okotoks car dependency, drastic changes are necessary. Car dependent places land use planning decisions over the location of origins are based around the car, the first step should be made here. By basing the Land use planning decisions over the location of origins on compact city methods, Okotoks can motivate bike and walking as a primary mode of transport. Changing the current clustered, sprawled, and low dense layout and focussing on accessibility for daily facilities and services, job, and leisure locations within their own neighbourhood. Establishing mix used area’s with is an addition to peoples live as a large part of their needs are accessible also by walking a cycling.
Less parking, more space for people
Making educated land use decisions about the location of origins and destination based on active transportation, is not enough. Destinations need to be attractive and pleasant to spend time in. At the current stage, the big parking lots with facilities in the middle make it difficult for people with no car to reach the store. Furthermore, this is not attracting for people using active modes and does not stimulate them in using the modes. To create places that are nice to stay in, it is essential to change the current look of the commercial clusters. Sinply putting the buildings alongside the road or placing the buildings closer to each other makes the world of difference. As there are already a couple of stores in close range, This area can then be used to create nice public spaces where people get the opportunity to spend time in the places as they go from store to store or get a drink somewhere.
Multi-modal accessible Okotoks
By focussing on a complete and refined networks of biking, walking and public transport network, Okotoks can physically give people other option to not use the car. If all neighbourhoods of Okotoks are accessible by as many modes of transport as possible, the basis is set. Although this already increases the number of alternative transport options the citizens of Okotoks can use, this can even be improved further. by facilitating a shared bike and shared car system, that people can get access to on different locations within Okotoks, car ownerships can be decreased. Furthermore, it gives people the opportunity to use the bike without owing it and to motivate toward using active transportation. Of course, further development of transportation options, with new product coming into the market cannot be forgotten. It is important to keep track of these developments and analyse if they can get a platform within the future of Okotoks. these new modes of transportation must also be added to the mobility hubs within Okotoks, to increase the accessibility of Okotoks even further.