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Less car dependant people
Less CD trips
Complete and refined active modes network
Improving the alternatives to using the car is important, because motivating people to not use the car when the infrastructure for other modes is lacking is a challenge. The mode of transportation is chosen depending on the obligations that people have and their options to reach those, Okotoks must provide good alternatives for not using the car. Making the car not required to access ‘lifestyle maintenance’ activities by investing in network for cycling and walking. Establishing a network that gets the people everywhere they want, in a safe and attractive way. Providing a network of fast and direct routes alongside Mayer roads in combination with secondary pass through within the neighbourhood.
Highways for everyone
Changing the main roads within Okotoks, from car only into a connection that is accessible for biking and walking gives people choices. As this road is used for accessibility of the different parts of Okotoks, everyone should be able to use those connection, including biking and walking. this way Okotoks can provide direct, fast, and safe routes that lead to every destination within Okotoks. facilitating an attractive and safe main route that connect neighbourhoods with facilities like schools, commercial districts and other daily needs. An example of this is the update of highway 7.
Public transport in Okotoks.
People might not be able or do not want to use their car of bike to go to work the importance of providing good public transport options is important. For instance, for people that live in Okotoks and work in Calgary. As public transport now is on demand, this can be improved. By bringing back a public transport line that uses the main town road and connect the different neighbourhoods, people have the chance to reach other parts of Okotoks using public transport. In example when they go the downtown area to shop or to a possible future passenger train station.
Mobility hubs for changing mobility modes
Facilitating a public transport line also means that people will need places for changing modalities. Not only do bus stops have to facilitate places where bikes can be stalled, but some of them can also have a bigger function as part of the infrastructure network. As example a commercial centre alongside the 7 highway can be a place where people can park their car and use the bus to reach destinations. Making use of the existing parking lots and provide places for people to change modes.
Main road Priority: car Main road Priority: active mode Main roads Priority: bus Railway
Modality switching station
Future expanding
Less CD trips
Example of the highways for everyone
As the highway 7 runs straight through Okotoks and provides a direct route into the downtown, the commercial centres, other utilities, and services and later even a university, upgrading this road is a must. Upgrading the highway by adding bicycle and walking infrastructure along the road to create the necessary accessibility of these destination by active modes. As can be seen in the picture, in the redesign of the road, infrastructure for active modes is added as well as the number of exists and entrances outside of the traffic lights is decreases. As these parking lots are accessible by the streets of the traffic lights this update will provide better traffic flow and safer environment for people that bike and walk.
Less car minded, more active.
Motivating people to use the bike instead of the car is very difficult. Even more difficult in the northern American culture, where the car is almost a body part where people cannot live without is. Where not owning a car in seen as weird and can that people do not feel that they can fully be participating in live. But this can be changed, by using a combination of all the measures. Focussing on creating places for people, locating activities and facilities on active infrastructure, and facilitating good alternatives. On this way people can feel like the can completely be part of the society.
Less CD people
Figure 22: Reconstruction Southridge drive
Figure 23: pedestrian friendly downtown
Step 2
InventorySouthridge Valley
Figure 24: Vision map Through the examination of the weaknesses and threats that region faces an acute vision was drawn up. The town has been in dire need of multi modal options in order to face the threat of the car oriented mindset. The decrease of the natural world within town and the ecological vitality are issues that can be solved with looking back at what their ancestors used to do. The problems that arise from a low employment rate are directly related to the problems related to the lack of services and functions Okotoks has. The main aim is to keep the existing nature, integrate it with a new lifestyle and connect it with the neighbourhoods to encourage the new residents to change their current life behaviour into a new active life through:
Building communities that offer fair access for all to services with active mode opportunities.
Improving the overall quality and surveillance of places
Provision of a range of housing choices for various lifestyles and age group in Okotoks, Opportunities for increased private investment and business innovation