Issue 3

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Adele Huughe Photography Amelia Oakley Photography Carly Hubbard Poetry Damir Oleros Illustration (Pen and Paint) Isabella Dow ** Photography


Jordan Brooks Illustration (Paint) Juan Manjarres Photography Linda Wu Poetry Nicole Chicoine Photography

Rikki Snyder Photography Thomas Simmonds * Photography Victoria Carlson Photography

*: This month’s featured cover artist **: This month’s featured artist

message from the editor Hello everyone! Welcome to the third issue of Token! The Token Staff and I would like to take the time and thank you for your endless support and the wonderful submissions. Originally, there was to be a theme for this issue (Simplicity) but many people overlooked it. We decided that we would not require themes until we feel that more people would participate. We would also like to point out that we understand many submittors come from different backgrounds and English may not be their first language but we kindly ask that you proofread your answers more thoroughly. We always try and make the effort to include as many artists as we allow in the magazine, but it can be difficult when what is written is hard to understand. Token Art Magazine is a non-profit magazine dedicated to bringing forth more exposure and recognition to deserving artists. The staff here at Token is determined to help those that need the extra push in furthering their artistic careers. We do not favor any artist over another and believe in providing everyone with an equal opportunity. We hope you enjoy another edition of Token Art Magazine and eagerly anticipate receiving more fantastic submissions. Sincerely, You Editor

Nhu Nguyen 3

ADELE HUUGHE A fifteen year old photographer from Milton, Massachusetts.


Orange Bokeh:

This was taken during fireworks. I think that when I simplify it, it actually looks pretty eye-catching. 5

Fringe The fringe of a lamp seems boring as if it just hangs there, but in this photo I tried to make it look crisp and somewhat…alive!

Single Light I included this because, to me, it represents the beauty you find in something so unbelievably simple. It’s one of my favorite “simple” shots. 6

Guest Room I have always felt that light was something simple and could be altered to liven things up. With a higher exposure on the once dark wallpaper, the flowers are now drowned out and the lamp becomes alive.

ADELE HUUGHE I’m Adele Huughe, a student in Boston and a photography fan for life. It’s rather hard for me to say that I would want to be a photographer when I grow up, but it’s definitely something that I’m considering. My greatest inspirations come from shows (concerts) and people of which I seriously don’t get to shoot enough! Other times, I just stay at home, watching online TV and spend time with my close friends. I work really hard to deliver interesting photos. It’s not about what other people want to see. I just snap interesting things. I want to improve and be criticized, but at the same time I don’t like the direction today’s photographer’s are heading. I like my style, and I’d love to share it with everyone else. See more of Adele’s photography on her Flickr: 7

I’m done:

This is one of the first photos I was happy with from my dslr. I swiftly proceeded to break the table after this. The soft light comes from the window outside of shot where a wonderful breeze was blowing by.


AMELIA OAKLEY A fifteen year old photographer from London, England. 9

AMELIA OAKLEY “I think it’s better to let people establish their own idea of me which I hope to be through my photos for those who have never met me in person. My own idea of me is that I am never happy with myself and my ability whether it be artistic or academic. I’m a bit of a dreamer, I like to think that I can take photos and meet amazing people and write poems in the middle of the night forever. And then the real world kicks in to remind me that such dreams are not quite reality.”

I think Art affects me in the surrealist of ways; it makes me feel. I can cry and scream and laugh over it; it frustrates me and excites me, but no matter what, I will always love it. I’ve loved it since I was a child, not photography in particular but Art on a whole. I just look into things at people’s thought patterns and see all their feelings expressed in a piece of art. I think photography is something which affects me because it’s real, real images though at the same time, it also seems unreal.


I started taking photos in October 2009 on a whim. I had seen some interesting photos on the internet and started playing around with my dad’s small camera, but that wasn’t photography. I suppose it must have been early 2010 when I began to take photography seriously, probably around the time when I knew I wanted to be a photographer/cinematographer. I had a little epiphany, I suppose, on one particular night where I burst into tears on the phone to my friend. Nothing really affects me that much unless I adore it.

I’m inspired by a lot of things, anything to be exact. It might be a photo or a landscape or a poem; anything and everything is a source of inspiration. Most of all, I’m inspired by film and an ideal world where I’d like to go into cinematography. View more of Amelia’s photography on Flickr:

Goosebumps is one of my more haunting photos. I always feel drawn in to the darkness in the photo.

Troubles is another film self portrait taken in my home on an experimental roll of film. 11

CARLY HUBBARD A nineteen year old poet from Chicago, Illinois.

I’m just a student at DePaul University trying to find my place in the universe, learning what it means to live in this world, what it means to love and laugh, and dealing with the darkness. I spend too much time lost in daydreams and even more time (unfortunately) in front of a T.V. But I love to travel, meet new people, have new experiences, and taste new things. I’ve also recently become involved in DePaul Interfaith on a path to discover my own sense of spirituality. In all things, there is always the written word. I’ve always been interested in the power of storytelling- as a child, I would listen with rapt attention to fairytales, fables, and Shel Silverstein poems. As I grew, I made up my own stories, found I could relay tales on stage, and then I began to write some that had been trapped in my head down. I think everyone strives to find a mode of expression in their lives, and for me, writing just always made the most sense. Writing is my way to attempt to organize this mad world spinning around in my head, and I love it. 12

The Phoenix is a commentary on the nature of life and death, not just of human life, but of everything that makes up the glorious world we’re blessed enough to inhabit.

The Phoenix whatever else may happen, whatever wild swings the Universe may dance, don’t ever let me forget who I’ve been or where I’ve gonedreams that have been put to rest, oh! let me remember their days and lay flowers at their feet -their head stones and cry and sing and smile and laugh and know that death gives way to rebirth, that ashes fly on the wings of the wind and the phoenix shall rise again... and in her fiery triumph, let my heart fling itself from constraint and rejoice in the deeds that have led to my own fall. 13

“To me, art is my best friend. I feel like it’s the only way people can try to understand the way I think. In a sense, it makes me feel safe.”

I’ve been drawing since I was around 3, but I found my personal style 3 years ago. I mostly draw in pen and occasionally in water color. After I finish high school, I plan on going to a four year college and major in art and motion picture. At the moment, I am also planning to start my own comic book project. I am mostly inspired by nature and my bad dreams. In middle school I would have horrible dreams, usually involving my loved ones dying and nature looking for revenge.


When I was a little over two years ol,d my father died of a heart attack. Although I was small when it happened, I still remember him and how much my life changed after that one day. I suppose drawing was my favorite way to express myself. I became very attached to art since I knew it would not just one day disappear.

DAMIR OLEROS A sixteen year old illustrator from Nipomo, California.

Beauty in the Breakdown

Drawn all in pen and red oil paint was used for the paint. 15


ISABELLA DOW A fifteen year old photographer from Boston, Masachusetts.


In the Middle of a Dream

My friend, Heather.This is probably one of my favorite places to go. It’s like another world. 17

ISABELLA DOW “I am a fifteen-year-old amateur photographer from the East coast. I’m generally a fun person and I really like to be around others. When I’m not taking pictures, I usually spend my time drawing, reading, working at the public library, flea markets, and feeding my addiction to the internet. I do a lot of the clubs offered at my school, and my friend and I run the photography club, which is fun but pretty challenging. Since I’m still a student, most of my time does go into studying and doing work for school. I still don’t have any idea of what I’ll be doing after high school, but I do know that I’m going to do something that makes me happy, and, right now, photography is the thing that makes me happiest.”


“I believe that photography is a gateway into a better place and way to create something tangible out of the intangible. While I do have a good home life, the past couple of years I often find myself feeling trapped and there’s a lot of pressure to do well at school. Photography really helps me because if I’m ever feeling particularly stressed out I can go out and shoot for a bit to lift the weight. I am inspired by other photographers, by things I see in magazines, by books that I read, and by poetry and music. Often times I find that my best work happens when I least expect it. I like to leave things unplanned and see where I end up.”

“I love the way art makes me feel. It’s inspiring and beautiful and it can be sad or angry or happy or anything you’re feeling. When I see a photo that I really like, I push myself harder. I try to improve myself so that one day, maybe, someone will see my work and do the same thing.” 19

Sunset I was taking pictures on the beach at sunset and managed to shoot this of a man who was walking down to see the sunset.


To the Name of Our Wounds It’s whatever you want it to be. 21

Somewhere One of the first “shoots� I ever did with my Nikon. This is my best friend and ever-willing model, Tanya.


Snip Freedom. 23

JO Genevieve:

Acrylic on Canvas This was also given high marks on enter by A tribute to a very great post-impressionist irises my way!


ORDAN BROOKS A twenty-six year old illustrator from Topeka Kansas. 25


“I am an aspiring Midwestern illustrator/ fine artist. I’ve been making art for practically my entire life. Whatever form it may be, I always try to make my new creations seem different than the last. It’s only until recent years that I’ve stopped fighting art. Now I’m letting it have control, and I know this is just the very start!”


Pursuit of Happiness Acrylic/ink on Bristol boardThis is my expression in color shifting the world out of focus. It depicts the moment you feel calm and nothing else matters.

“What naturally started as therapy influenced by my mother’s own artistic nature. I always felt that art chose me, rather than I it! I think that’s why I now love it even more so as I get older. It feels as if my love grows stronger and thirstier everyday for the desire to create. I try hard not to fall into a stereotype, but it feels as if artists are born with a special gene that grants them success in everything they do.” 27

JUAN MANJARRES A seventeen year old photographer from Montgomery Village, Maryland.


Complex Simplicity:

I found a seed on the ground, and I thought that the fact that just one simple seed could contain so much complexity within was beautiful.

S 29

Another Floor Closer To Heaven This is the Rockefeller Center in Manhattan, as the beautiful spring was setting the trees made the perfect arrangement for this photograph.



“I’m a really spontaneous person who enjoys trying to catch priceless moments in life. I don’t know how good of an artist I am, but hopefully you will like what you see. Photography is the way I express myself and how I see the world. It is like my stress-reliever and an open gate to my own little planet in which I can make something out of nothing.” 31

LINDA WU A sixten year old poet from Germantown, Maryland.

“My poems are inspired by myself, this world, my surroundings, and my friends. Oh yes, and we can’t forget music, the sister of poems! These triggers are like a match which ignites a fire that gives birth to an idea, and I love them because they’re always sudden like a nice surprise.” 32

Write, My Love Broken glass, Crushed flowers. Scattered pieces of my heart in the dust Nameless now, Forgotten later Dried old ink The details are faded Trampled sheet of paper, which our lives are inscribed on Lost, Buried, Covered. Trampled sheet of paper, never to be read again. "I hope you..." "We will..." "One day..." "Forever..." "I love you..." Aishiteru. Je t'aime. Te amo. Wo ai ni. All just tumbled into one.

“Sometimes my poems aren’t really made completely of logical thoughts, and I just piece together what feels right and what works with it. Write, My Love is an example of that; it’s made up of words sewn together to fit the topic of the poem. It’s a gentle poem that reminds me of an old rose, an old rose that exists to remind you it, too, was once beautiful.”

Abandoned child, newly born Its life is trickling away. Once a grand New place, it is now haunted by the past Given up, Time caught up, A perfect play, has been abruptly Ended. 33

“I’m your average teenage girl. I’m young, in love, and dedicated to what I do. I spend far too much time online. I’m too obsessed with cats and Harry Potter. I have passions in photography as well as painting.”

NIC 34


A nineteen year old photographer from Saint Johnsbury, Vermont. 35


A. Ailurophilia –Another image from my phobia series, the fear of books. Never could I have this fear. B. Bibliophobia –Part of my phobia series, the fear of cats. No cats were harmed in the development of this photoshoot. C. Vivid Visions – It was a beautiful day, and the sun was shining through the mountains, reflecting off the yellow leaves of the trees. I was able to capture beautiful sun flares. C 36


Cool, Calm, and Collected A beautiful day swimming with my boyfriend in the lake. It started raining just seconds after this shot. 37

RIKKI SNYDER An eighteen year old photographer from New York, USA.



There’s no feeling more freeing than running through an open field with a bunch of balloons. 39

RIKKI SNYDER “My name is Rikki and I’m 18 years old. I was accepted into the Hallmark Institute of Photography last October and I started there this past September. I was always into photography but going to this school has taught me so much and really allowed me to grow as a photographer. I’ve had some amazing experiences there so far, including learning from some of todays top photographers. After I graduate there in June, I hope to be a successful photographer and one day open my own business. “


The Butterfly Catcher This is one of my older pictures but definitely a classic with the butterflies and mason jars.

Fire & Ice On a cold rainy, evening the tree outside my porch windows was lit up by a street lamp and left a silhouette on my foggy windows. 41

Safe and Sound:

This is a little photo I took in my back garden. It’s about keeping all them lovely green things safe from them weird human fellows.




A twenty-one year old photograpehr from Brighton, England. 43


“I am an half-awkward person, and I enjoy drinking whisky and taking photos.” 44

Animus This photo conveys a feeling of apprehension about an inevitable event or a feeling of regret and action already taken.

Supine This is a Parisian inspired smoky bedroom scene, taken with 35mm film it is supposed to capture something of the past. 45

VICTORIA CARLS A twenty year old photograpehr from Seattle, Washington.



Snow, lace, and a fishtail braid.

SON 47

VICTORIA CARLSON “I’m a perfectionist, an idealist, and a romantic. I’m a wandering sinner, yet I’m also forgiven, loved, and desired. I’m a follower of Christ, and I’m just a part of creation that likes capturing other parts of creation through a lens. Inspiration comes to me mainly from nature; the bends and twists of tree branches, the colors of spring, the beauty of a birds nest... Really, there isn’t one part of nature that isn’t beautiful and inspiring to me. As a kid, I’ve always had a camera in my hand. More than half of the photos, however, are of unidentifiable people or objects. I was off to a good start. Then about a year ago, I decided to take my photography a bit more seriously and began to shoot more often, including as take senior pictures. I love it when I look at a photograph and the warm, comforting feeling of familiarity washes over me. When a photo can make me believe I’m looking into a memory; it’s those moments that have kindled my love for photography.”


Fields of White My sister and I stumbled upon this field and wondered if we had entered a fairytale. It was beautiful beyond words.

An Oregon Autumn This is a senior photo of a girl who goes to school with my brother. We found an incredibly beautiful pond and decided to stay a while. 49

Living Dead Girl Artist: Jordan Brooks

Issue 4

Deadline: March 31, 2011 For submission details, go to Š 2011 T.A.M.

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