2 minute read
From fake news to cyberbullying
The topic we worked about was "political correctness". To make the debate more dynamic and organised our facilitator created three different parts in the common room: agree, neutral and disagree.
First motion was "is it political correct" to show a prince kissing a Snow White in cartoon. We debated a lot on this first question, there were different opinions, ones rather enjoying the moment from the outside perspective and others were so passionate to say out loud out they point of view.
The second motion was "it's political correct to do a referendum?" The people on agree, said it's so important to do a referendum to listen to all of the people to do the rules, and the disagree said better not to do a referendum because some people might get hurt.
The last one was surprising for us: "What it is more useful to give a girl, a rose or a cauliflower?" They were a lot of different opinions about this topic: the rose is useful to "win a girl"; getting rid of the stereotype that man gives a woman a rose; you can cook a cauliflower as relationship builder.
To learn more about cyberbullying, all of our groups received a case description - on real events based situations that showed us the harm that cyberbullying may cause. By creating a theatre sketch, we made an insight in specific situation and proposed the best possible solution for it.
Case: leakage of drunk person's pictures on the internet. After party where the main character had been consumed too much of alcohol, pictures with his painted face can be found through the internet. Solution - when this person asks, offer your support and have a chat if he's worried about this situation.
Case: leakage of women couple's sex tape. Someone has leaked in the internet sex tape of a women couple, worth to mention that one of them was married, with kids. Solution - employer and both women are supportive to each other in this situation, also changing the environment where they live might help.
Case: bullied student in school stabs his offenders. Radu, a new student in his class is offended by some bullies in his school, one day, when he has enough of offence, he stabs his offender. Solution - inform teacher, school principal as soon as possible to prevent this situation.
Case: students leak innapropriate videos of their teacher in schools e-mail. Solution - principal should not blame the teacher for students wrong decisions but to be understandable between the harmed teacher and have a serious conversation with students to prevent this kind of situations to happen again and also to educate about respect to teacher.
Case: intimate pictures of a lady leaked on internet. Because of an intimate pictures leakage on internet, lady loses her job. Solution - employer could be more empathic and focus forgivable about persons past if it has nothing to do with job responsibilities.