Toledo Free Press – Sept. 29, 2013

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Sept. 29, 2013

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An urgent appeal Michael S. Miller on Toledo Free Press’ response to recent decisions in the ongoing Blade lawsuit. page 3


Bus tracking

TARTA debuts computerized bus-locating system. page 7


‘Secrets every man should know’ Sam Mallette III hosts Oct. 4 relationship workshop. page 8

Business Link

The winner is ...

Grypshon team wins Startup Weekend Toledo contest. page 16

Arts Star

Getting real

Rockers Sanctus Real play hometown gig at Calvary Church in Toledo. page 22

Music man

Rocker JEFF STEWART sets the stage for new album. By Jeff McGinnis, page 4


Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005


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31 1 R E B O T C O st

September 29, 2013

September 29, 2013


A Toledo tradition since 2005



ince its filing in October 2011, we women who helped launch Toledo Free have viewed the lawsuit against us Press as opponents at best and enemies by Block Communications Inc. at worst. The Blade has used its reporters (parent company of The Blade) as a bul- to lacerate us and our business. We have lying attempt to silence a competitor. seen nonprofits threatened for working But a recent ruling by Lucas County with us. We have seen advertisers punished for doing business Judge Gary Cook has with us (and in many given the case implicacases, we believe actiontions that are potentially ably rewarded for not damaging to private doing business with us businesses in Lucas — those names will be County and Ohio. made public soon). We The background for have seen The Blade mathe suit is a separation nipulate relationships agreement Toledo Free with some Toledo instiPress President and Publisher Tom Pounds Michael S. miller tutions to pressure business leaders and elected allegedly signed when he left The Blade nearly 10 years ago, officials. We have every reason to bewhich reportedly provided that he lieve that if The Blade were to learn the would not disparage The Blade (I have names of our private investors, those men and women (and their businesses) never seen it). The Blade claims that Pounds has would be potential targets for The Blade used Toledo Free Press content directed owners’ wrath. The Blade claims it needs the invesby me to breach his agreement, using me as a proxy to accomplish the dirty tors’ names to query them about dedeeds. According to the suit, I am an cade-old conversations with Pounds, “instrument and agent” of Pounds and I but as far back as our first weeks in am personally liable for mythical “dam- business in 2005, Blade reporters ages” under the agreement Pounds al- called us asking about the financial inlegedly signed, long before he met me volvement of Tom Noe of “Coingate” infamy and specific elected officials. or Toledo Free Press was founded. As nonsensical as that attack on my The Blade sought those names in corFirst Amendment rights is, it has lan- respondence sent to us well before its guished for two years through filings, October 2011 suit was filed. It is part of our legal agreements hearings, depositions and the grindingly with investors that their names be slow wheels of law in Lucas County. held in confidence; that is common Dangerous consequences practice with LLCs. This is not Soviet Russia; AmeriMy singular right to speak freely and criticize is a cornerstone of American cans have a right to invest private freedom. As disgraceful as it is that a funds in private companies without publication proclaiming itself to be one fear of exposure to liabilities for which of America’s great newspapers would they are not at fault. The ability to prouse the court system to try to muzzle tect one’s interests is a cornerstone of a critic, The Blade is now on a quest American investment and capitalism. Toledo Free Press has refused to that could have exponentially more farreaching and dangerous consequences. comply with The Blade’s fishing expeWe believe that one of The Blade’s dition demands that we supply them main goals in using the justice system with a list of our investors. to achieve what it failed to do in the marketplace is to discover the names Handing over the knife of our private investors. We also believe But on Sept. 6, the judge ruled The Blade’s owners view the men and that Toledo Free Press must provide

its investors’ names to The Blade, even though the judge indicated that there is no case law directly on point in Ohio that supports his decision. In addition, we were ordered to hand over business plans and financial documents that may contain investors’ names as well as other corporate secrets. The judge would compel us to give The Blade a road map to our inner workings and an expedient way to crush our business. As the judge himself put it at a recent hearing, we are supposed to take a knife out of a drawer, clean it, hand it to The Blade and then voluntarily stretch out our necks for them. Given his accurate and insightful metaphor, it was surprising that the judge ruled The Blade’s “need for information outweighs potential harm to Toledo Free Press,” a decision based on optimistic speculation rather than reality. In the judge’s 49-page ruling, which he described as “particularly well-suited for appellate review and guidance,” he wrote, “Neither the parties nor the court has found any case law expressly

An urgent appeal S

Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 9, No. 39. Established 2005. EDITORIAL James A. Molnar, Design Editor Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor

ADVERTISING SALES Brent Long, Sales Manager • (419) 346-9983 Renee Bergmooser, Senior Sales Representative • (419) 266-0254 Chick Reid, Sales Representative • (419) 705-5396 Grant Grisier, Sales Representative • (419) 574-2856

addressing whether or under what circumstances the identities and/or ownership interests of a limited liability company or similar business entity constitute a trade secret.”

Bad for Ohio

Does the judge’s ruling mean he believes the alleged nondisparagement agreement Pounds has with The Blade can be extended, without consent or sanction, not only to me but to each individual who has invested in our company? Toledo Free Press is a small, private business; we are not a public institution. There is no public interest in the unveiling of our members’ names — this is not a freedom of information request; it is an effort to determine who was willing to step up and fund an alternative to the old-school, elitist Blade. Imagine the implications for businesses seeking investment in Lucas County and Ohio if this becomes the standard. How could anyone establishing a controversial, competitive or risky business attract the capital from

a person who is not promised identity and liability protection? If the finances and business plans of members of LLCs in Lucas County and Ohio are not protected by the law as they have been up to this very moment, why would any new businesses risk investing here? As a duty to our business and others who expect they can make investments in business without them becoming public, we are filing an appeal and seek to overturn the judge’s decision. Our appeal takes on much greater resonance now that LLC standards for the entire state — not just the future of Toledo Free Press — are potentially at risk. There are basic foundations of American rights of privacy under assault and the implications could debilitate the flow of investment dollars in Lucas County as well as all of Ohio. O Michael S. Miller is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Email him at mmiller@

Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

ADMINISTRATION Pam Burson, Business Manager

STAFF WRITERS Brandi Barhite • Jeremy Baumhower • Jim Beard • Bailey G. Dick • John Dorsey

DISTRIBUTION (419) 241-1700, Ext. 234

Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus

PRODUCTION Joseph Herr, Photographer


Vicki L. Kroll • Don Lee • Matt Liasse • John P. McCartney • Duane Ramsey

COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604. Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2013, all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.



A Toledo tradition since 2005

September 29, 2013


By Jeff McGinnis

Toledo Free Press Pop Culture Editor

In late August, a new project popped up on Kickstarter titled, “New studio album by Jeff Stewart!” The text accompanying the listing noted that “this album is the proper follow-up to my 2006 EP Mix Tape Blues.” The new project — “Can’t Sit Still” — is much more than that. It is the culmination of years of work that “Mix Tape Blues” began. It’s the latest step on a musical journey that began in Stewart’s childhood. And it’s the mission statement of a man — one of the most beloved figures in the Toledo music scene — who has only ever wanted to do one thing with his life. “I think I was always going to be either a fireman or a rock singer,” Stewart said in an interview with Toledo Free Press. “I think you just always know, even if your life goes in a different direction, you realize after that fact it just wasn’t what you are.”

toledo free press photo and cover photo by joseph herr

Jeff Stewart can’t sit still: Local music staple is preparing new album of original material

What cool was

Stewart has always been hardpressed to describe his musical style. His explanations run the gamut from rock, pop, country, British, American, you name it. And if there’s a reason it’s hard for the singer-songwriter to pin down what his sound is, that may be because his musical influences have been just as broad throughout his life. “My mom would play records on her big record player — Bobby Vinton, Elvis — and I always just remember having the TV shows you had, like had The Beatles or the Stones on it. I remember just seeing the Stones and just — I didn’t know what ‘cool’ was when I was 6 or 7, but I think I did understand it by seeing those guys,” Stewart said. An album by the Stones was the first cassette tape he bought, and the first time he picked up an instrument was in emulation of the group’s legendary guitarist, Keith Richards. He began playing when he was 11, taking lessons, but he said he learned the most from just hanging around and jamming with his brother and friends every day after school. “You grow, you get older, and then you go for different things. College brought R.E.M. and their massive influence through the ’90s,” he said. “And


Jeff Stewart cites The Beatles and the Rolling Stones as early influences; his first bands included The Flecks and the Starlings.

getting to play with different players through the years, and introduced to the John Prines and the singer-songwriters and that whole situation. The Grateful Dead, just so many different styles, Miles Davis — everything came in, you know? And I just think I tried to write a song, and my style is kind of a mish-mash of that.”


Stewart first began to make a name for himself in the Toledo music scene during his college years, joining groups like The Flecks and The Starlings. Each stop helped him grow musically.

“A couple of my buddies were older, so they would turn us onto ... all the new, modern rock ’n’ roll, and we got into the new wave stuff, too, so there was all kinds of things,” Stewart said. “And then, I went onto the Rust Belt of American music with The Starlings, and really enjoying the ‘Blue Rodeo’ country — the Canadian country, if you will.” “I was a supporter early on, when he made the leap to full-time musician,” said Larry Meyer of local music group Old State Line. “When I was doing JT & the Clouds shows at Mickey Finn’s Pub, it was a delight to have Jeff open, and to give him a

forum to play nothing but his own compositions. He never let us down, and he has only improved.” “It’s a beautiful thing when you can make music with your friends,” said Kyle White, another staple of the Toledo music scene. “Jeff and I have been friends for many years. He is one of my favorite people to sing with. I love the honesty in his voice and in his songwriting. When we get the chance to work together the studio, we have so much fun. His spirit and creativity inspire me.” Stewart reciprocates the appreciation his fellow musicians have shown him over the years.

“The support is great for you here. You’re working, and the musicians’ support is amazing,” he said. “Just such a massive amount of talented players and songwriters and drummers and keyboard players and bass players and guitarists and singers — we’re just really loaded with great people, and so many of those people are my friends. And we care about each other.”

Mix tape blues

The seeds that would blossom into “Can’t Sit Still” were sown more than seven years ago, a time Stewart refers to as a “defining moment” in his life. n STEWART CONTINUES ON 6

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A Toledo tradition since 2005

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September 29, 2013




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n STEWART CONTINUED FROM 4 “I went through a divorce at 30; it turned my world upside down. Everything changed, and everything had to change at that point in my world. It was the country song — lost the job, the dogs, the day job situation. And in the band, we were kind of on our last ropes anyways, The Starlings. “I needed to branch out, and I think that was just the perfect time. And I just left everything behind.” He poured himself into his work, writing songs that reflected the loss and renewal he felt at that time of his life. At the same time, the process was “a bear,” he said. He faced challenges with everything from “cash flow, and studio time to Gregg Leonard, my friend, my guitar player and producer — he’s producing this record for me — he was going through his own situation. And those situations just multiplied.” “He is one of my dearest friends and we have played a lot of music together and had quite a few late nights in recording studios,” said Leonard, who is working in Los Angeles. “He is an authentic artist in every sense of the word and I’ve watched him do the hard work of building his audience and craft the old fashioned way of countless gigs and dedication to carrying on this art form. Our belief all along is that there is no such thing as a local album or artists anymore and that anything we would present to the world would have to take its place next to any album.” Wanting to get something out to the public, Stewart quickly recorded the songs that made up “Mix Tape Blues.” But the desire to make something that really stood out made him hold off on releasing his next full-length EP. Stewart wanted — needed — to make something special. But now, he said, the muse is hitting hard and heavy. “It’s a lot of lost time that I didn’t put records out, and they’re all coming together,” Stewart said. “I could probably put six records out right now, with all the songs I’ve cut. So that process — it’ll never be done again like this.”


Even so, it takes money to produce an album that can, on a production level, stand against the biggest-budget labels in the music stratosphere. So to raise the capital, Stewart was convinced to take his case to his fans directly — through Kickstarter. “I was really against it at first. I thought it was a charity case,” Stewart said. “I didn’t raise any money for this before. People have offered me money over the years. They were adamant that they wanted to help me get this s--- finished. And my pride, or whatever, got the best of me and I never took it. “And I thought it was the same

September 29, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005 toledo free press photo by joseph herr



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In addition to music, Jeff Stewart paints in his downtown studio.

thing with Kickstarter. I got a lot of talking-tos by my friends, and I changed my mind about it, you know? I realized it’s not a charity, you’re getting something — you’re just helping and being part of the process. And it’s pretty exciting watching the support coming to you from it.” On Sept. 25, it happened. “Can’t Sit Still” was officially backed with a total of $13,760 in pledges — more than $1,000 more than its goal. The album that has been in the works for over seven years — or a lifetime, depending on your point of view — is officially a go. Now, the final work begins.

Times have changed

“Jeff and I would track parts such

as vocals, guitar, bass, percussion, etc., and then send a rough mix to Gregg in LA who then sent back his thoughts and we would go from there,” producer Chuck Mauk said of the recording process. “The same process is occurring right now as we are for the most part done recording and now Gregg is mixing the CD from LA and sending the mixes back to us for input. Naturally, Jeff has the final say, but it is still a process of bouncing ideas off of one another via the telephone and Internet. Times have changed.” And for Stewart, seeing the support of hundreds of friends and fans leading to him realizing his latest dream has been the most

wonderful of conclusions to a roller coaster of emotions. “I was scared, man. I tried to keep the balance of positive and negative, and try to ride the balance of that middle line sometimes, but I was pretty scared going into it, thinking I wasn’t going to get a buck,” Stewart said. “But we put it out there, and it’s pretty exciting, man. It’s pretty overwhelming, the response, you know? I can’t wait for these people who are helping out and pre-ordering — they’re gonna get some cool stuff. And get the record. “And that’s what I care about, that’s all I care about. I just want my friends to get the songs, and hear ’em the way I hear ’em.” O

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September 29, 2013


A Toledo tradition since 2005


TARTA debuts computerized bus-tracking system By Sarah Ottney


TARTA debuted its new computerized buslocating system on Sept. 24, allowing riders to pinpoint the real-time location of their bus and its estimated time of arrival at their stop. TARTA Tracker uses satellites and predictive computer software to generate the position of buses and predict arrival times, said Toledo Area Regional Transit Authority (TARTA) general manager James Gee during a news conference at DownGEE town Toledo’s Park Station. “When you walk to a bus stop the first thing you think is, ‘When is my bus going to be here?’ and this answers that question,” Gee said. “It takes the uncertainly out of your bus ride.” The tracker can be accessed from a computer, smartphone or mobile device by visiting Riders can view routes, locate nearby stops or search by street name or route number to view a list of stops and bus arrival times. Those without Internet access can call TARTA at (419) 243-RIDE (7433) to speak with a representative using TARTA Tracker in the office. Riders can also sign up for alerts via text

message, email or browser, letting them know, for example, when their bus is 15 minutes away from their stop, Gee said. “The alerts were available before, but only with printed schedule information,” Gee said. “Now we’re providing real-time information, which is new.” Tracking is currently available for a few hundred stops on TARTA’s busiest bus routes, but the goal is to eventually provide TARTA Tracker information for all 2,400 bus stops, Gee said. “We’ve been tracking the buses with GPS technology for several years. What we’ve done now is taken our GPS information and overlaid on top of that real-time schedule information and predictive schedule information,” Gee said. About 65 percent of TARTA’s passengers use smartphones, according to data collected during the past year of research and development leading up to the launch of TARTA Tracker. The bus line reports 12,000 passenger boardings per day. “We are changing how customers interact with TARTA. All in all, we’re not the same old TARTA,” Gee said. “We’ll be able to provide better information to you and, as a result, you the customer will be able to make better decisions on how to use our service.”

Leading wave

The TARTA Tracker technology and website was developed by Clever Devices, a Woodbury, N.Y.-based company. The mobile website was


developed by Maumee-based Hart. “We’re not the first city to do this, but we’re on the leading part of the wave,” Gee said. “Around Ohio, Cleveland has a similar product, but I’m not sure if anyone else does yet.” The Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority debuted a real-time tracker system called NextConnect last year. About 300 transit systems in 41 states use one of Clever Devices’ transportation technology products, although not all use the bus-tracking technology, said director of marketing Amy Miller, who said the company is the largest of its type in North America. About 25 transit systems utilize real-time passenger information products similar to Toledo’s, including Chicago Transit Authority and the Ohio State University bus system, Miller said. TARTA Tracker heralds a “new era” for TARTA, said Steve Atkinson, director of marketing, at the news conference. “The TARTA Tracker is a totally new way of answering passenger questions, such as ‘Where is the nearest TARTA bus stop?’ ‘What bus should I take?’ ‘Is my bus on time?’ To answer these and many other questions is now as close as your computer, your mobile device or your phone.” QR codes are being installed on TARTA buses, shelters and stations. The codes will automatically access the TARTA Tracker when scanned by a mobile device.


Honorary Chairperson Jay Berschback

New and Different!

Chief Meteorologist WTVG-TV


Shaheed Rashad of Toledo said he normally doesn’t stress about bus schedules because he is self-employed and has a flexible schedule, but said TARTA Tracker will be handy when it gets cold. “Especially in the winter season, you might not want to be out waiting for a long period of time,” Rashad said. “I can look on my computer before I leave and ... I might wait for five minutes, but at least I know it’s coming and it’s not delayed or I missed it.” Rashad’s fiancée, Shelly Taylor of Toledo, said she likes the idea of being able to track her son’s bus to and from school. “It’s convenient for someone with kids. I wait for my son Downtown and we go home together so for me it’d be convenient to know about what time he’s going to come,” Taylor said. “It’s peace of mind. To me, it’s really beneficial.” Owens Community College student Bryanna Simpson of Toledo said she would use TARTA Tracker to time catching her bus to and from school. “Sometimes you don’t know if it’s going to be late, or like this morning, it was a couple minutes early, so if you don’t know that, you might miss it,” Simpson said. “If you knew that, it would be more helpful.” TARTA Tracker is not available for Call-ARide or Toledo Area Regional Paratransit Service (TARPS), which provide at-home pickup of riders. For more information, visit TARTA O



Rider reponse

SUNDAY, OCT. 13 3 P.M.

What did Jay say?...

Rocket Hall (Dorr St. and Secor Rd.) The University of Toledo 2801 W. Bancroft St. Toledo, OH 43606

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Children, youth and adults are invited to participate in this ecumenical effort to take a stand against hunger and poverty locally and beyond! Church World Service uses the funds raised to support self-help development, meet emergency needs, and help address the root causes of poverty and powerlessness.


Toledo Area Ministries

One-fourth of the money raised through the CROP Hunger Walk stays in Toledo and goes to the FEED YOUR NEIGHBOR program of Toledo Area Ministries.

“I’m honored to be the “Honorary Chair” for the 2013 Toledo Area Crop Hunger Walk. To imagine that even one child goes to bed at night hungry makes my heart hurt. This walk will raise money, and awareness, for a cause that affects so many in our local area. Twenty five percent of the money raised will stay in Toledo to help feed hungry children through the Feed Your Neighbor Program. The other 75 percent will go to feed children around Toledo Area the world. WeMinistries can do so much for so many by just walking in the 2013 Toledo Area Crop Hunger Walk. Please join me and your neighbor on October 13 to help feed the hungry.”

For more information, please contact Toledo Area Ministries: 419-242-7401 or We will have a worship service send off in the Rocket Hall lobby and proceed to the University/

2013 CROP Hunger Walk Committee Steve Anthony- Toledo Area Ministries, Executive Director





A Toledo tradition since 2005

September 29, 2013

By Sarah Ottney


Toledo native Sam Mallette III describes his work as similar to “Date Doctor” Alex Hitchens, the character portrayed by Will Smith in “Hitch.” “I’m like him times 100 — mixed with a little Iyanla Vanzant, Oprah and Bishop T.D. Jakes or Dr. Phil,” Mallette said, laughing. “What I do really stems from what Will was doing in the movie. I’ve just really enhanced it.” The self-taught relationship expert will offer a new workshop, “Secrets Every Man Should Know to Make His Woman Happy,” at 7 p.m. Oct. 4 at Maumee Indoor Theatre, 601 Conant St. “I’m going to tell men in man language what women are trying to tell them in women language and it’s not working,” Mallette said. Cost is $15 for one ticket or $25 for two tickets. Tickets are available at the offices of The Toledo Journal, 3021 Douglas Road; Promises Hair & Nail Salon, 3205 W. Central Ave.; or Powell’s Beauty Supply, 901 Nebraska

Ave. Part of the proceeds will go to Project Genesis, a program of Family Service of Northwest Ohio, to fight domestic violence. The workshop is open to all. “The title of this one insinuates it’s just for men, but it’s for men and women,” Mallette said. “And it’s not just for couples either. A lot of this stuff will work in basic relationships with family or friends.” Mallette regularly advises men to be students of their significant other. “I’m a huge advocate of men studying who their woman is. You should be doing that all the time,” Mallette said. “You can’t be lazy to be in a relationship. You’ve got to want to master her. It’s fun. It’s just work.” A woman needs to be seduced emotionally, intellectually, sexually, spiritually and physically, he said. “If you can tap into all five of those areas at the same time, where you are feeding her mind, her emotions, all that, you become the greatest superbeing that she’s ever met and vice versa,” he said, laughing. “It’s not as hard as people think.” At the workshop, Mallette will address what he calls the Triple A’s. n SECRETS CONTINUES ON 10

toledo free press photo by joseph herr

Toledoan to host ‘Secrets Every Man Should Know’ workshop


SAm Mallette III will host a relationship workshop at 7 p.m. Oct. 4 at Maumee Indoor TheatRE.

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September 29, 2013


A Toledo tradition since 2005


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10 Community n SECRETS CONTINUED FROM 8 “The most basic things you have to do for a woman on a daily basis — and it takes maybe one to four minutes per day — is you have to give her in some way affection, attention or appreciation,” Mallette said. “You don’t have to be doing all three, but you have to be doing at least one of those per day.” The tendency of women to talk more than men will also be addressed. “Most men, when women be blah blah blah, think, ‘Why is she just talking? Will you please shut up?’” Mallette said. “I’m going to explain to men how when a woman is talking to you she’s trying to connect with you and what that connection and that intimacy means.”


Mallette’s path to relationship expert was forged in an unlikely place — divorce. He and his wife of seven years split in 2003.

September 29, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005 “Divorce is pretty rare in my family. There’s very few of us that ever got divorced. My parents just celebrated their 46th anniversary,” Mallette said. “Normally when people go through dramatic things like that they either say, ‘Well, I hate all women,’ or ‘Let me find out what really happened.’” Mallette chose the second route. “At first I had to do my own introspection. I examined me, I examined what she did, what I did and then what we did together, bad, good and ugly,” he said. “That’s what started me on this journey.” Mallette followed with observation of and research on human behavior, both of which led to the development of the set of philosophies he now refers to as Samology. He calls his workshops the Sambition series. The Oct. 4 presentation will be the third talk in the series. The first addressed why men cheat and the second was “Secrets Every Woman Should Know About Men.” During the


rail Forum

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Presentation by John Robert Smith, co-chair, Transportation for America. Mr. Smith is a passionate advocate for the power of train station renovation projects to link transportation and community revitalization. Registration required: PassengerRailForum. Fee includes buffet lunch.

second seminar, Mallette highlighted respect, ego and the visual. “I don’t think women really understand how far that goes in a man,” Mallette said. “No. 4 would be sex.” He said all his presentations are humorous and interactive. “I like for my audience to talk back. Sometimes I might point you out. We have a lot of fun,” Mallette said. “I love to give people theory and then give them practical appli-

cation. When you get up from the seat, you can immediately put this into practice.” Mallette said he hopes attendees leave more hopeful than they arrive. “Divorce rates are so high and women don’t believe there are good men out there and men don’t believe there are good women,” he said. “I want them to realize there is hope and then once you get it, you can really make it work and have fun doing it.”

Mallette, a graduate of Macomber-Whitney Vocational Technical High School, will soon debut a column for Toledo Free Press. He has a bachelor’s degree international business and business management from Lourdes College, a master’s in higher education administration from the University of Toledo and a doctorate of divinity from the School of Bible Theology Seminary and University in California. O

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September 29, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Community 11

12 Community

A Toledo tradition since 2005

September 29, 2013

The theme of Sibshops is one near to Smenner’s heart as a parent of two sons — one a “typical” child and one with special needs. “I relate to the issues and concerns For siblings of kids with special needs, it is not always easy to find that these sibs deal with day in and day outlets to express their feelings or to out and, as a parent, it affects my life vent about the frustrations of their every day,” she said. Smenner emphasized many sibsituations. However, an upcoming series of workshops can provide lings experience anger because they them an opportunity to do so — do not understand some of the special treatment such children may dewhile having fun in the process. Sibshops is an internationally mand, which can lead to a feeling of known mix of recreational activi- being left out. “It can be frustrating for them. ties, games, discussion and other activities for children ages 9-15 who They sometimes wonder why their have siblings with special needs. The [siblings] are the way they are, or workshops, sponsored by the Educa- why they need so much special attional Service Center (ESC) of Lake tention,” she said. She added that it may be difficult Erie West, take place at the Alternate Learning Center, 3939 Wrenwood for kids to empathize with their siblings’ special needs conditions, which Road, in Toledo. The first meeting will be held 10 is something Sibshops aims to amend. One of the activities replicates what a.m. to 1 p.m. Oct. 5. Additional meetings are set for Nov. 2, Jan. 11, Feb. 1 it might be like to have a disability. For example, participants may have to use and March 1. The meetings are free. Wendy Smenner is a parent walkers or wheelchairs for the day or mentor at the ESC. Three years ago, try to function while experiencing vishe and others took part in a Toledo sion or hearing impairment. “It puts them in their siblings’ area training session offered by Don Meyer, the founder of Sibshops, and shoes, and they say, ‘Whoa, this is began hosting their own sessions really hard,’ and they start relating to 4267 LCBDD LevyAd_TFP_929_Layout 1 9/25/13 3:40 PM Page 1 them,” Smenner said. shortly thereafter. By Jay Hathaway


photo courtesy wendy smenner

Sibshops offer outlet for siblings of special needs kids


A group of participants at a past Sibshop. The next workshop is Oct. 5.

Smenner said that while Sibshops do not focus on parents as much as siblings, workshops have been held in the past to help parents understand the needs of all their children. She added that the ESC offers a variety of workshops and activities based on the Sibshops philosophy, including a mix of guest speakers, bowling outings and

other community activities. “A lot of the kids I’ve had come back year after year, so I have to switch it up because I don’t want them to get bored,” she said. Sibshops also helps connect kids with other kids who understand their situations or have had similar experiences, Smenner said.

“These kids can get together and share their frustrations and their concerns — and the good parts, too — with other kids that get it. They know they’re not the only ones out there feeling this.” For more information or to register, call Smenner at (419) 214-3066, or email O

• Programs for infants born with developmental disabilities • Transportation services • Job training and employment opportunities • Residential support services This levy would replace 2 levies: • A .3 mill levy originally approved in 1958 and last renewed in 1983. • A .5 mill levy originally passed in 1973 and last renewed in 1984. And we are asking for one additional mill. Specifically, the Board is requesting a replacement levy of 1.8 mills continuing. The owner of a home valued at $100,000 would contribute an additional $56.33 per year or about $1.08 a week. The updated effective rate of this replacement levy will provide funds to allow for continued delivery of basic quality services to the children and adults of our community who have developmental disabilities such as mental retardation autism, cerebral palsy and Down syndrome. Paid for by the Lucas County Developmental Disabilities Levy Committee, 1154 Larc Lane, Toledo, OH 43614. Richard Curley, Treasurer

September 29, 2013

Community 13

A Toledo tradition since 2005


Wine, food fundraiser to benefit animal shelter

An Oct. 9 fundraiser called A Celebration of Wine and Food will benefit Toledo Animal Shelter. The event is set for 6-9 p.m. Oct. 9 at Manhattan’s, 1516 Adams St.

Cost is $35. Attendees will taste four wines accompanied by hors d’oeuvres and desserts. Raffle items include a 12-bottle wine refrigerator, one-year wine club membership from Flick’s

Package Liquor in Lambertville and cork pulls for a chance to win a variety of high-end wines. There will also be a door prize of wine accessories. The goal is to raise $1,000 to sup-

January 1 is the time to explore my health insurance options. Significant changes required by healthcare reform go into effect January 1. That’s why now is the time to consider your options for buying health insurance. Making a decision before the end of the year could save you money. Talk to your insurance advisor or a Medical Mutual representative today. Call 877-325-6664 or visit

port the operation of Toledo’s oldest no-kill animal shelter, said event chairperson Kathryn Kelley in a news release. The shelter, a nonprofit organization located in South Toledo, was founded in 1927. Tickets can be purchased in advance at Manhattan’s, by phone at (419) 243-6675 or online at under events. Tickets will also be available at the door. For more information or to make a donation online, visit www. O — Staff Reports

Church to host screening of sex trafficking film A Maumee church will host a free viewing of a documentary high-


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lighting the issue of sex trafficking. “Sex+Money: A National Search for Human Worth” will be screened at 6:30 p.m. Sept. 27 at Calvary Church, 1360 Conant St. The 90-minute documentary explores domestic minor sex trafficking and the modern-day abolitionist movement fighting to stop it, according to a news release. The film crew traveled to more than 30 states and conducted more than 75 interviews with federal agents, victims, politicians, activists, psychologists, porn stars and more. The screening is meant to raise awareness for The Daughter Project, a faith-based nonprofit organization based in Perrysburg that builds recovery homes, also known as “trafficking shelters,” for girls rescued from sex traffickers. “It’s a very well-done documentary. They definitely talk to some of the best authorities in the country about trafficking,” said The Daughter Project Director Jeff Wilbarger. “Hopefully it will inspire people to want to help.” The Daughter Project home, at an undisclosed Wood County location, is the only licensed group home in Ohio for adolescent sex trafficking survivors, Wilbarger said. It was constructed completely through donations from local companies and has helped five girls from Ohio since opening last October. The home currently houses three girls age 13-15. For more information, visit O — Sarah Ottney

World War II film at Way

Way Public Library will open its 2013-14 Reel Talk classic film series with the 1943 classic, “The More the Merrier,” starring Joel McCrea and Jean Arthur. The plot: It’s Washington, D.C., during World War II and housing is in short supply. Arthur’s character patriotically rents half of her apartment to millionaire Charles Coburn, who rents his half to an army sergeant played by McCrea. Coburn plays Cupid in this golden-era film classic. The film earned six Academy Award nominations for 1943, and a Best Supporting Actor Oscar for Coburn. Toledo resident Evan Chase, who coordinates the classic film series at the Maumee Indoor Theatre, will be the special guest speaker. The film will be shown at 10 a.m. Admission and refreshments are free. For more information, call (419) 874-3135. The Way Public Library is located at 101 E. Indiana Ave. in Perrysburg. O

14 Community

September 29, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Community Ombudsman


There are plenty of reasons to wear pink

have heard people complain that too much attention is paid to National Breast Cancer Awareness Month when there are so many other diseases that also deserve some publicity. Yes, there is a sea of pink jerseys, pink jewelry, pink bake ware, pink candy and pink everything. What about lung cancer? What about Brandi melanoma? What about sarcoma? Do they even have colors? The older I get, the more people I know who are afflicted by this farreaching disease. For every one person I know with another form of cancer, I know three with breast cancer. The 20th annual Race for the Cure in Downtown Toledo is Sept. 29. My aunt, Kim Cousino, will be participating. She found out she had noninvasive ductal carcinoma this time last year. She had a lumpectomy and went through radiation. She is now cancerfree. She told me if she had to get breast cancer, this was the type to get. She considers herself lucky.

That’s a reason to wear pink. A high school classmate, Michelle (Zieber) Morrell, died Sept. 15 from metaplastic breast cancer — one of the worst types of breast cancer. Following her journey online was heart-wrenching. As she became too weak to post updates, her husband got BARHITE online for her. One of the last things I read from her was Aug. 4. It stated: “Just found out from Dr. I only have 4-5 weeks to live if this current treatment doesn’t work! The cancer is spreading at a fast pace. Scary to think in a month I could be with God up in heaven. Obviously we’re praying this does not happen so soon. I’ve had several offers for help and the best way you can help is to pray. Thank you for all of your support this past year.” Morrell left behind her husband and two young daughters. That’s a reason to wear pink. I had my own breast cancer scare five years ago when a lump was dis-

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covered during my yearly exam. I had to live with that news until a doctor could see me a week later. I had reason to be scared. My mom’s two

armpit to my right breast. No surgery. No chemo. No radiation. I was cancer-free. That’s a reason to wear pink. O

aunts had breast cancer; their mother had it, too. As it turned out, the lump was a lymph node that had traveled from my

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All proceeds benefit The Victory Center - A Care & Wellness Center Offering FREE Support Programs & Services for Cancer Survivors & Their Families

September 29, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Community 15

Picture Above LeFtFrom to right todd beringer, vice President - Sales & -marketing, Metzgers Metzgers Printing +Printing Mailing +• Mailing matt Feasel, Owens Community College Alumni PictureFrom Above LeFt to right todd beringer, vice President Sales & marketing, • mattPresident, Feasel, President, Owens Community CollegeAssociation Alumni Association Jeannie hylant, vice President, Hylant • brian Supervisor, Hylant Administrative Services Services Jeannieexecutive hylant, executive vice President, Hylantcromly, • brianoperations cromly, operations Supervisor, Hylant Administrative

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ProMedica Flower Hospital ProMedica Flower Hospital Rudolph/Libbe Companies Rudolph/Libbe Companies Rudolph/Libbe Inc. Inc. Rudolph/Libbe SSOESSOE Stough and Stough Architects/MDA Stough and Stough Architects/MDA Engineering, Inc. Inc. Engineering, WTVG 13abc13abc WTVG

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MullIgan sponsors MullIgan sponsors American Interiors American Interiors Continental OfficeOffice Continental dimech services, inc. inc. dimech services, GreatGreat LakesLakes CreditCredit UnionUnion Hart Hart Mechanical Contractors Association Mechanical Contractors Association of NW ofOhio NW Ohio Mosser Construction Mosser Construction Mr. Lightbulb Mr. Lightbulb Signature Bank,Bank, N.A. N.A. Signature Dr. Lance and Dee Dr. Lance andTalmage Dee Talmage TARTA TARTA THE JUICE 107.3 FM THE JUICE 107.3 FM VM Systems VM Systems

Bayes, Inc. Inc. Bayes, Buckeye TeleSystem Buckeye TeleSystem Cintas Cintas First First SolarSolar Bogey sponsors Bogey sponsors Holland Building Services Holland Building Services Corporate Intelligence Consultants Corporate Intelligence Consultants Huntington Huntington JDRM JDRM Engineering, Inc. Inc. Engineering, Jim & Marsha Geers Geers Jim & Marsha Key Private BankBank Key Private Munger Munger + Associates Architects Inc. Inc. Munger Munger + Associates Architects Lakefront LinesLines Inc. Inc. Lakefront Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP LLP Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, Medical Mutual of Ohio Medical Mutual of Ohio UMG UMG Noron Inc. Inc. Noron WTOLWTOL 11 11 Owens Community College Foundation Owens Community College Foundation Phoenix Services, Inc. Inc. Phoenix Services,

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16 Business Link

A Toledo tradition since 2005

September 29, 2013

By Duane Ramsey


The Grypshon team won first place in the Startup Weekend Toledo competition. The competition took place from Sept. 20-22 at the Nitschke Technology Commercialization Complex on the College of Engineering campus at the University of Toledo. The Grypshon team of Tom Burden, Patricia Law and Kathy Worthy won the startup competition with the only physical product among the seven finalists. The team developed a proposed business around friction mats designed for use in the maintenance of military and commercial aircraft. The idea was the brainchild of Burden, a staff sergeant in the U.S. Air Force, who works on jet aircraft at the 180th Fighter Wing of the Ohio Air National Guard base at Toledo Express Airport. The Celina, Ohio, native is also a mechanical engineering technology student at UT. Grypshon is the name chosen for the product Burden demonstrated during the team’s presentation to the judges in the final round of the competition. The friction mat is designed to provide a safer work environment for airmen who must stand on jets to perform maintenance and service. Law, a mechanical engineer, and Worthy, a medical sales representative, joined Burden to comprise one of the smallest teams in the competition. They had never even met Burden prior to the competition, but said they were extremely impressed with his idea. While the judges met in seclusion to select the winners, Burden and his team had an opportunity to meet with Don Wedding, a local patent attorney and professor in the College of Business and Innovation at UT, to discuss the patent process.

Next step

As the winning team, Grypshon will receive a “two-hour IP brainstorming session” and two-month parttime membership to Seed Co-working space Downtown in addition to other

toledo free press photo by duane ramsey

Grypshon team wins Startup Weekend Toledo


Organizer Lindsey Danforth, right, congratulates Grypshon team, from left, Kathy Worthy, Tom Burden and Patricia Law at Startup Weekend Toledo.

prizes for individual members. Burden said the next step for the startup will be to concentrate on obtaining patents on the product and try to sell it at trade shows hosted by the U.S. Department of Defense. Tom’s parents, Tom and Sally Burden, who came from Celina for the final presentations on Sept. 22, said they were very proud of their son and his invention. Startbox, a business designed to help people complete craft projects, finished second in the competition. Cloud Control, a source for storing files at multiple locations from a single point of access, placed third.

Other finalists

The other seven finalists included CRUMS, a site for keeping track of independent phone and webcam service; Music Minion, an app for listeners to connect with their favorite music; Soundarific, a website where people can share their talent anonymously; and Writing Along, providing a safe environment for youth to learn through creative writing. Prior to the final presentations, Joe Gough, an entrepreneur in residence for Rocket Ventures, offered the participants some advice on how to pitch their ideas, products and companies. He told them that inves-

tors invest in people more than ideas and that they shouldn’t be afraid to ask for advice and referrals. The panel of judges included Henry Balanon, entrepreneur and co-founder of Protean; Anneliese Grytafey, attorney and senior program officer for the Toledo Community Foundation; Gene Powell, president of Spoke design and digital marketing agency in Toledo; Vijay Raghavendra, strategy and corporate business development executive for IBM; and Steve Schwartz, entrepreneur involved in three startup firms including Alfa Jango Software. Startup Weekend Toledo began with 90-minute presentations on

25 original ideas for companies and products. The teams worked on development of the individual ideas during the 54-hour event. The competition was narrowed down to 10 semifinalists and then seven finalists during the weekend, said Lindsey Danforth, lead organizer for the event. It is the second year for the Startup Weekend competition in Toledo, according to Danforth, who said they had about the same number of participants as last year. For more information about the competition and winners, visit www. O

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September 29, 2013

Business Link 17

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Super Fitness uses workout energy to save energy Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

One of Toledo’s largest gyms has gone green. In an effort to save energy, Super

Fitness installed the SportsArt Fitness Green System. The system consists of a group of cardio machines attached to an inverter that harnesses energy generated by the person using them. The energy generated by the user’s exercise then powers the gym’s televi-

sions, lights, ceiling fans and more. “It’s something that is slowly ramping up,” said SportsArt national account manager Ken Hanks. “Now the time is right. These ellipticals, upright bikes, recumbent bikes, it’s a part of any club. You’re

Save the Date Save the Date Save the Date 2013 Toledo Toledo 2013 Toledo 2013

6, 2013 October Sunday, 2013 6,6, October Sunday, 2013 October Sunday, Toledo of University The Toledo ofof University The Toledo University The Campus Main Campus Main Campus Main AMAM 11:30 Registration 11:30 Registration Registration 11:30 AM PMPM 1:00 begins Walk 1:00 begins Walk PM 1:00 begins Walk Register YOUR team to to walk! Register YOUR team Register YOUR team towalk! walk! Visit or call Visit Visit www.alsaohio.orgororcall call 888-592-2572 today! 888-592-2572 today! 888-592-2572 today! For more information please For For more information please more information please contact Amy Heuer, Walk Manager, contact Amy Heuer, Walk Manager, contact Amy Heuer, Walk Manager, at at at

going to buy them regardless, why not get a benefit out of it for everyone involved?” Super Fitness owner Ron Hemelgarn said HANKS the machines cost the gym a little more money, but the payback is worth it. The Green System is part of an established line of eco-friendly fitness products offered by SportsArt Fitness, an industry leader in designing and manufacturing highquality cardiovascular and strength equipment for more than 35 years. The Green System devices installed at the Toledo location include ellipticals, recumbent cycles and upright cycles. The Toledo location, 343 Newtowne Square Drive, is one of the first to install the new equipment. Hemelgarn appeared at an unveiling of the new machines Sept. 19 to explain the benefits. “I’ve been dealing with Sport-

sArt for 20 years maybe,” Hemelgarn said. “The idea of capturing energy, as long as I’ve been in the business, has been there.” In one hour, HEMELGARN the green system can generate up to 2,000 watts of power, according to a SportsArt fact sheet. Such wattage can power a ceiling fan (65 watts) for 30 hours or a 27-inch flat-screen television (117 watts) for 17 hours. The fact sheet also noted such wattage would power a dishwasher or vacuum cleaner (1,200 watts) for almost two hours, a microwave oven (750 watts) for two and a half hours. The system also saves the gym money, Hemelgarn said. “We do so many things to save energy and lower costs,” Hemelgarn said. “It’s a win-win-win situation. … I study this a lot; I have a really good engineering mind and I look at things and I want to make it better. I work at it every day. I pay attention. And I’m always looking ahead.” O


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NFL Preview The first eight weeks

18 Sports

Cleveland (6) at Baltimore (14) New England at Cincinnati (CBS) Carolina (23) at Buffalo (24) Detroit at Green Bay (Fox) Minnesota (30) at Chicago (31) Seattle at Indianapolis (Fox) New Orleans (16) at Tampa Bay (14) Baltimore at Miami (CBS) Detroit (21) at Arizona (25) A Toledo tradition since New2005 Orleans at Chicago (Fox) Jacksonville (9) at Oakland (19) Philadelphia at N.Y. Giants (Fox) Denver (41) at N.Y. Giants (23) Dallas (16) at Kansas at Kansas CityCity (Fox)(17) KansasWEEK City at 5 Tennessee (CBS) San Francisco (3)(24) Seattle (29) Miami Miami atatIndianapolis at Indianapolis (CBS) (20) Jacksonville at St. Louis (CBS) 3 THURSDAY, OCTOBER Tennessee (24) at Houston at Houston (CBS) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16 (30) Buffalo at Cleveland (NFLN) Carolina at Arizona (Fox) Washington (20) at Green at Green BayBay (Fox) (38) Pittsburgh (10) at Cincinnati (20) Denver at Dallas (CBS) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 6 Cleveland at (6)Baltimore at Baltimore (CBS) (14) New England at Cincinnati San Diego at Oakland (CBS) (CBS) Carolina (23) at Buffalo (Fox) at Buffalo (24) WEEK 3 Detroit at Green Bay (Fox) Minnesota (30) at Chicago (Fox) at Chicago (31) Houston at San Francisco (NBC)


Seattle at Indianapolis (Fox)

New Orleans Bay Bay (Fox) Orleans at (16)Tampa at Tampa (14) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19 MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 Baltimore at Miami (CBS) Detroit (21) at Arizona at Arizona (Fox) (25) Kansas City (26) at Philadelphia (16) NewatOrleans Chicago (Fox) N.Y. Jets Atlantaat(ESPN) Jacksonville (9) at at Oakland Oakland (CBS) (19)

Philadelphia at N.Y. Giants (Fox)

Denver (41) at N.Y. at N.Y. Giants Giants (CBS) (23) SUNDAY,Denver SEPTEMBER 22 Kansas WEEK 6 City at Tennessee (CBS) San Francisco (3) at at Seattle Seattle (NBC) (29) Houston (9) at Baltimore (30) Jacksonville at St. Louis (CBS) SEPTEMBER 16 Carolina OCTOBER at Arizona (Fox) THURSDAY, 10 N.Y. GiantsMONDAY, (0) at Carolina (38) Pittsburgh at (10) Cincinnati at Cincinnati (ESPN) (20) Denver Dallas (CBS) N.Y. Giants at at Chicago (NFLN) Detroit (27) at Washington (20) San Diego at Oakland (CBS) San DiegoWEEK (17) at Tennessee (20) 3 SUNDAY, OCTOBER 13 Houston at San Francisco (NBC) Arizona (7)THURSDAY, at New Orleans (31) SEPTEMBER 19 Green Bay at Baltimore (Fox) MONDAY, OCTOBER 7 Tampa BayKansas (3) at New England (23) (NFLN) City (26) at Philadelphia at Philadelphia (16) Cincinnati Buffalo (CBS) N.Y. at Jets at Atlanta (ESPN) Green BaySUNDAY, (30) at Cincinnati (34) Eli Detroit at Cleveland (Fox) SEPTEMBER 22 Manning WEEK 6 St. Louis (7) at Dallas (31) Houston (9) at at Baltimore Baltimore (CBS) (30) St. Louis at Houston (Fox) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 10 (0) at at Carolina Carolina (38) ClevelandN.Y. (31)Giants at Minnesota (27)(Fox) Carolina at Minnesota (Fox) WEEK 1 N.Y. Giants at Chicago (NFLN) Detroit at (27)Washington at Washington (Fox) (20) Atlanta (23)Detroit at Miami (27) Oakland at Kansas City (CBS) San Diego (17) at Tennessee (20) at Tennessee (CBS) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 SUNDAY, Buffalo (20) at N.Y. Jets (27) Pittsburgh at N.Y.OCTOBER Jets (CBS)13 Arizona (7) New Orleans (31) at at New Orleans (Fox) Green Bay at Baltimore (Fox) Baltimore (27) at Denver (49) Indianapolis (27) at San Francisco (7) at Tampa Bay (Fox) Tampa Bay (3) New England (23) Philadelphia at at New England (Fox) Cincinnati at Buffalo (CBS) (45) (Fox)(34) Jacksonville (17) Bay at Seattle Jacksonville (CBS) Green (30) at Cincinnati at Cincinnati Eli SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 8 Detroit at at Denver Cleveland (Fox) Manning St. Louis (7) Dallas (31) at at Dallas (Fox) Chicago (40) at Pittsburgh (23) Tennessee at Seattle (CBS) St. Louis at Houston (Fox) New England (23) at Buffalo (21) Cleveland (31) at Minnesota (27) Cleveland at Minnesota (CBS) CarolinaatatNew Minnesota (Fox) New Orleans England (Fox) WEEK 1 Tennessee (16) at Pittsburgh (9) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Atlanta (23) at Miami (27) at Miami (Fox) Oakland at Kansas City (CBS) Arizona at San Francisco (Fox) Atlanta (17) atTHURSDAY, New OrleansSEPTEMBER (23) 5 Oakland (21) at Denver (37) Buffalo (20) at N.Y. (27) Bufaflo at N.Y. JetsJets (CBS) Pittsburgh at N.Y. Jets (CBS) at Dallas (NBC) Baltimore at Denver at (18) Denver (NBC) (49) Tampa Bay (17) at N.Y.(27) Jets Indianapolis (27) at San Francisco (7)Washington Indianapolis at San Francisco (CBS) Philadelphia at Tampa Bay (Fox) Kansas City (28) at Jacksonville (2) 8 (45) Jacksonville (17) at Seattle at Seattle (CBS) Jacksonville at Denver WEEK 4 SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER MONDAY, OCTOBER 14(CBS) Chicago at (40)Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh (23) Chicago (NBC) Tennessee at Seattle (CBS) England England (23) Buffalo at Buffalo (CBS) (21) Seattle (12) atNew Carolina (7) at Indianapolis at San Diego (ESPN) SEPTEMBER 26 New Orleans at New England (Fox) Tennessee at(24) Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh (CBS) (9) THURSDAY, Cincinnati (21)Tennessee at Chicago(16) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 Arizona at San Francisco (Fox) at St. Louis (NFLN) Atlanta at (17) New at New Orleans Orleans (Fox)(23) San Francisco Oakland (21) at Denver at Denver (ESPN) (37) Miami (23) at Cleveland (10) WEEK 7 Washington at Dallas (NBC) Tampa Bay (17) at N.Y. at N.Y. JetsJets (Fox) (18) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Minnesota (24)Kansas at Detroit (34) Kansas City City at (28) Jacksonville at Jacksonville (CBS) (2) WEEK 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1714 MONDAY, OCTOBER Baltimore at Buffalo (CBS) Oakland (17) at Indianapolis (21) Seattle Seattle (12) at Carolina at Carolina (Fox) (7) San Diego (ESPN) SeattleIndianapolis at Arizonaat(NFLN) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 (21) at Chicago at Chicago (CBS) (24) Arizona at Tampa Bay (Fox) Green Bay (28)Cincinnati at San Francisco (34) San Francisco at St. Louis (NFLN) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 Miami at (23) Cleveland at Cleveland (CBS) (10) WEEK 7 Pittsburgh at Minnesota (CBS) Arizona (24) atMiami St. Louis (27) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 Minnesota (24) at Detroit at Detroit (Fox) (34) TampaTHURSDAY, Bay at Atlanta (Fox) OCTOBER 17 N.Y. Giants (31) at Dallas (36) N.Y. Giants at Kansas City (Fox) Baltimore at Buffalo (CBS) Oakland (17) at Indianapolis at Indianapolis (CBS) (21) Chicago at Washington (Fox) Seattle at Arizona (NFLN) Indianapolis at Jacksonville (CBS) Arizona at Tampa Bay (Fox) Green Bay (28) at San at San Francisco Francisco (Fox)(34) Dallas SUNDAY, at Philadelphia (Fox) 20 OCTOBER MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Louis Seattle at Pittsburgh Houston (Fox) at Minnesota (CBS) Arizona (24) at St. at Louis St. (Fox)(27) New England at N.Y. Jets (CBS) Tampa Bay at Atlanta (Fox) N.Y. at Giants (31) at Dallas at Dallas (NBC) (36) Giants at (CBS) Kansas City (Fox) Philadelphia (33) Washington (27) Cincinnati N.Y. at Cleveland Chicago at (CBS) Washington (Fox) Buffalo at Miami Indianapolis at Jacksonville (CBS) Houston (31) at San Diego (28) Chicago at Detroit (Fox) Dallas at Philadelphia (Fox) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 Seattle at Houston (Fox) St. Louis at Carolina (Fox) N.Y. Jets at Tennessee (CBS) New England at N.Y. Jets (CBS) Philadelphia at Philadelphia (33) Washington at Washington (ESPN) (27) Cincinnati at Cleveland (CBS) Cincinnati at Detroit (CBS) WEEK 2 Buffalo at Miami (CBS) at Oakland (Fox) Houston Houstonat (31) San atDiego San Diego (ESPN) (28) Washington Chicago at Detroit (Fox) San Diego at Jacksonville (CBS) St. Louis at Carolina (Fox) Philadelphia atJets Denver (Fox) (CBS) N.Y. at Tennessee THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 Houston at Kansas City (CBS) Cincinnati at Detroit (CBS) WEEK 2 at Oakland (Fox) Dallas at Washington San Diego (Fox) N.Y. Jets (10) at New England (13) San Diego Jacksonville (CBS) San Francisco at atTennessee (Fox) Philadelphia at (NBC) Denver (Fox) THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12 New England at Atlanta Houston at Kansas City (CBS) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Cleveland at Green Bay (CBS) Dallas at San Diego (Fox) N.Y. Jets (10) at New at New England England (NFLN) (13) San Francisco at Tennessee (Fox) NewSEPTEMBER England at Atlanta MONDAY, 30 (NBC) St. Louis (24) at Atlanta (31) Baltimore at Pittsburgh (CBS) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Cleveland at Green Bay (CBS) Miami at New Orleans (ESPN) San Diego (33) at Philadelphia (30) Denver at Indianapolis (NBC)(CBS) MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30 St. Louis (24) at Atlanta at Atlanta (Fox) (31) Baltimore at Pittsburgh San Diego Diego (33) at Philadelphia at Philadelphia (CBS) (30)

Miami at New Orleans (ESPN)

Denver at Indianapolis (NBC)

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 Carolina at Tampa Bay (NFLN) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 San Francisco at Jacksonville (Fox) Cleveland at Kansas City (CBS) September 29, 2013 Miami at New England (CBS) MONDAY, 21 Buffalo at New OCTOBER Orleans (CBS) Minnesota at N.Y. Giants (ESPN) Dallas at Detroit (Fox) N.Y.WEEK Giants 8 at Philadelphia (Fox) Pittsburgh at Oakland (CBS) THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24 N.Y.Carolina Jets atatCincinnati (CBS) Tampa Bay (NFLN) Atlanta at Arizona (Fox) SUNDAY, OCTOBER 27 Washington at Denver (Fox) (Fox) San Francisco at Jacksonville Green Bay atatMinnesota (NBC) Cleveland Kansas City (CBS) Miami at New England (CBS)

MONDAY, 28 Buffalo at OCTOBER New Orleans (CBS) Seattle at St. Louis (ESPN) Dallas at Detroit (Fox)

N.Y. Giants at Philadelphia (Fox) at Oakland (CBS) N.Y. Jets at Cincinnati (CBS) THURSDAY, OCTO BER 31 Atlanta at Arizona (Fox) Cincinnati at Miami (NFLN) Washington at Denver (Fox) Green Bay at Minnesota (NBC) Pittsburgh WEEK 9

SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 MONDAY, OCTOBER 28 Atlanta at Carolina (Fox) Seattle at St. Louis (ESPN) Minnesota at Dallas (Fox) WEEK 9

THURSDAY, OCTO BER 31 Cincinnati at Miami (NFLN) SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 3 Atlanta at Carolina (Fox) Minnesota at Dallas (Fox)

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Calvin Johnson

Schedule subject to change. Š2013 TMS

September 29, 2013



ou may not have noticed it, but three little letters shook college sports to its core last weekend. Twenty-eight college football

Sports 19

A Toledo tradition since 2005

All players united

players took to the field last week with the letters “APU” written somewhere on their uniform. The letters stood for All Players United, a campaign started

by the National College Players Association, an organization built to be a voice for student athletes. The campaign has a number of goals, but they

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But that’s where it gets messy, becan be boiled down to two main goals: protect athletes from concussions and cause if you’re going to pass that money head trauma, and get some of that in- down to the athletes, you have to pass sane money to trickle down to the kids. it all the way down; from the star QB and the monster center They’re not talking on the women’s basketabout Arian Foster ball team, to the dude “money on the side” on the cross-country payments (at least, not team who doesn’t make that close to the microit across the finish line phone); rather, they’re until after everyone went suggesting upping the home. Not to mention, a cap on scholarship school like Alabama has money or guaranteeing more resources than a scholarships for players Bowling Green; can the who end up permaMatt CULBREATH Falcons keep a competinently injured. These are all seemingly reasonable reforms tive athletic program if it can’t keep up? to assist the people who put their Should it even be up to the schools, or bodies on the line for college football. rather left to the governing body? Will It looks as if the word is getting to the the conferences comply? Might they powers that be. The NCAA responded instead separate from the NCAA and to the APU campaign this week by start anew? It’s a massive issue, but it’s saying it supports open and civil debate one that’s going to have to be addressed on the issues facing student athletes. head-on, soon. The landscape of college sports Well, it sort of has to, right? They can’t just say, “Shut up and go risk your life is about to change, and that’s with or for us.” And while I’ve not been the big- without the NCAA on board. Relevancy gest supporter of the NCAA, I honestly is on the line, and the players are starting don’t think that’s the mindset in In- to realize they hold the cards. They’ve dianapolis. (Did you realize the NCAA got a toehold in the Ed O’Bannon case was headquartered in Indianapolis? No against the NCAA, EA Sports and Collewonder the Big 10 championship game giate Licensing Company and the people on the other side are starting to realize is played at Lucas Oil Stadium.) Although I dodged the question just how indefensible their practices can about direct payment to athletes earlier be. The question will be how exactly in this writing, it’s going to come up things change, and if everybody is able eventually. A scholarship is good, but to make those changes. Everyone loves an underdog, and cash is king, and everybody knows that the TV and video game revenues have in the big picture of collegiate sports, only been growing bigger. Instead of the players might be the biggest unthat many just going into the suits and derdogs of them all. O ties at the NCAA and college athletic offices, some of it should go to the folks Matt “Shaggy” Culbreath is sports director for 1370 WSPD. who are putting their butts on the line.

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20 Star

September 29, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Rock Africa to raise funds for Zimbabwe By Jay Hathaway

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

Ron and Cathy King, owners of a screen printing and embroidery in Archbold, are passionate about turning their 13 years of business experience into education for struggling entrepreneurs in southern Africa. They will host their first Fall Festival chicken barbecue at their shop Three Cord, accompanied by live music and family-friendly activities, to raise money for their volunteer group, Rock Africa. During the past three years, Rock Africa has developed an ongoing mentoring relationship with a group of ambitious locals in Zimbabwe who believe business know-how will be the key to raising economic, education and living standards in their country. Following a civil war in the 1970s, Zimbabwe’s history since its independence from British colonial rule has been filled with hardship. According to the CIA’s World Factbook, in 2009 Zimbabwe’s unemployment rate was 95 percent. This January, the Kings, along with a nine-person team composed of some of their employees and other community members, will leave on their third trip to Africa to mentor and cultivate personal relationships with pastors and entrepreneurs in the Zimbabwean capital, Harare. “We’ve operated Three Cord for 13 years, and God has blessed us in this venture,” Ron said. “That’s why we’re involved in this today. We’ve really felt called to share our experience with this part of the world.” The Kings’ first trip to Africa was to Mali in West Africa, but the language barrier between the Americans and the local French and Bantu speakers proved problematic. “Mali was a rewarding experience, but we’ve found we’re best suited in Zimbabwe.” Rock Africa’s involvement with the business and religious community in Zimbabwe is a year-round affair. “When we travel to Africa, our volunteers stay for two weeks (the Kings will stay three weeks this year) to give in-person training and have fellowship with the people there,” Kathy said. “But throughout the year we regularly communicate through Skype to continue our mentorship. We’re close to family with some of our contacts there. In fact, one young man we mentor, Rob, calls us ‘mama’ and ‘papa.’” The Kings and their partners in Zimbabwe operate under the wisdom of the proverb: “If you give a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day, but if you teach him how to fish, he’ll eat for a lifetime.” The Zimbabwean people

will accept financial assistance out of necessity, such as affordable business loans through an organization called Africa Works, but they are more interested in learning how to become self-sufficient. “The people over there want to learn and better themselves, but they

face tremendous challenges,” Kathy said. “The next generation typically can’t afford the school fees and can’t get driver’s licenses. It is difficult for them to adopt technology because of unreliable power.” Rock Africa’s Fall Festival chicken barbecue fundraiser will take place

from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Oct. 5 in Three Cord’s parking lot at 203 E. Lugbill Road. in Archbold. Live music will be performed by Saved by Grace and the Archbold Assembly of God/Templo Cristiano praise band. For more information, visit rockafrica.thewayforward. O

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ZZ Ward to bring her ‘dirty shine’ to Detroit By Vicki L. Kroll

Toledo Free Press Staff Writer

She’s got the sound and look of a star — and one of the coolest names ever: ZZ Ward. The girl can sing, play piano and guitar, and man, can she rock a hat. “I started wearing the hat when I was a little kid when I would sing the blues, just because I grew up listening to so many blues artists like Robert Johnson and Muddy Waters,” Ward said. “It’s my way of remembering what inspired me in the first place, so it’s my way of paying homage to the blues.” Born in 1986, Zsuzsanna, ZZ for short, grew up in Roseburg, Ore., in a house with two Hammond B3 organs, a dad who played in a blues band and two older brothers who liked hip-hop. “I listened to a lot of really strong female vocalists — Etta James, Big Mama Thornton, Tina Turner,” Ward recalled. “I also loved singersongwriters like David Bowie and Tom Petty and Bob Dylan and artists that had a voice through their song and identity through their writing. That was always really special to me and something I really wanted to be able to do with my own music.” Her 2012 debut, “Til the Casket Drops,” includes the ultra-catchy hit “Put the Gun Down” and the bouncy follow-up “365 Days.” “The writing process for me, honestly, with this record it was about the ups and downs of a relationship I was in and just that sometimes it’s not always this perfect love story or that wouldn’t be any fun. It’s a frickin’ roller coaster ride of passion and heartbreak sometimes and then the love that comes out of it,” Ward said during a call from the road en route to a show in Arizona. “I think that’s what I can really give to people and what I grew up enjoying about music is sincerity and authenticity and real stories and real emotion. And I think because I grew up admiring that so much, I’m just able to kind of convey that, and that’s what this record is about.” Her powerful voice has been compared to Adele, Amy Winehouse and Aretha Franklin. She’s received rave reviews from Rolling Stone, NPR and The New York Times. “I never really expected people to

photo courtesy big hassle media


September 29, 2013

ZZ WARD like [my music] as much as they have,” she said. “The publications and all the support from so many outlets is incredibly wonderful, but at the end of the day, the fans liking the music is the most important thing to me.” She calls her mix of blues, rock, soul and hip-hop “dirty shine.” “‘Dirty shine,’ to me, it means embracing your authentic self, and I hope that my fans can do that through listening to my record, whatever they want to embrace about themselves,” the singer-songwriter said. “For me, it was just really kind of jumping into a record and not caring about what people were going to think; it was just really making music that I love.” Ward will bring her Down & Dirty Shine Tour to Saint Andrew’s Hall, 431 E. Congress St., Detroit, on Oct. 6. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Alpha Rev and James Bay will open. Tickets are $15.75. O

22 Star

A Toledo tradition since 2005

September 29, 2013


Sanctus Real reflects during homecoming performance By David Yonke


Sanctus Real has performed in every U.S. state except two (will someone please book them in Alaska and Hawaii?) as well as a number of concerts abroad, but coming home can be a bit nerve-racking for the Toledo band. Like Sept 20, when the twotime Grammy-nominated Christian rockers played a show at Calvary Church in Maumee. “It definitely feels different,” said drummer Mark Graalman. “Staring out into the crowd, you know half the faces there and so often it’s people … who literally watched you grow up.” Many Toledoans will remember seeing Graalman, singer-guitarist Matt Hammitt, and guitarist Chris Rohman — the three remaining original members — finding their groove on the local music scene when they founded Sanctus Real 17 years ago. “Matt and Chris were 16 and I was 18, we were just kids trying to

make something of the noise we were making,” Graalman said. Through the years, they’ve always made sure to fit a Toledo show into each of their national tours, including last week’s “Run” tour concert at Calvary. It doesn’t necessarily go GRAALMAN smoothly, even at home. After setting up the biggest stage and light show they’ve had on an outdoor stage at Calvary, a steady rain forced the show indoors. And the group has undergone two recent personnel changes, as bassist Dan Gartley left a few months ago and the band’s second guitarist, Pete Prevost, quit last week after four years with Sanctus Real. Jake Rye, a bass player from Adrian, Mich., has taken Gartley’s spot and local guitar ace Jeff Harris is filling in for Prevost temporarily. Graalman said being from Toledo

and playing for Toledo fans is fun, but it carries high expectations. “There’s always a sense of pride to it. We’re always excited to play for the hometown crowd. But in all honesty, I think there’s a certain amount of pressure, too. I get more nervous. We want to make it good, we want to be proud. So we put a little extra pressure on ourselves,” he said. The backstage scene gets a little crazy, too, with so many friends and family stopping in. “There’s a million people everywhere, and with our wives and the kids it’s just like a circus backstage.” Sanctus Real released its sixth album for Sparrow Records, “Run,” in February and the disc has gotten plenty of airplay with such hits as “Pray,” which was the official song for this year’s National Day of Prayer. The group was in Nashville recently rehearsing for the tour and planning their next CD, which they are slated to start recording in January. Graalman said everyone in the band contributes when it comes to writing songs, but Hammitt is the one with a special gift for that creative

challenge. He is “constantly writing,” Graalman said of Hammitt, adding that lyrics and vocal melody are his strong suit. Some Sanctus Real songs are sparked by a guitar riff from Rohman or Prevost, leading to an organic, oldschool team effort in creating a new tune. “A lot of the rock songs come about that way, with Chris or Pete having a riff and we start jamming,” Graalman said. It’s important to the band members that they get together and create music as a group, not just mail their ideas through cyberspace and tack their parts onto each other’s tracks in the studio. “It makes us feel like a band, not a factory,” Graalman said. As for his own songwriting abilities, Graalman is predictably modest. “Every time I think I have a good idea, I go back and listen to it a few days later and think, ‘Oh my gosh, it’s something a first-grader would have done!” he said with a laugh. In 17 years of recording and touring, Sanctus Real has performed

at venues ranging from major Christian rock festivals and arenas to tiny clubs and rural churches. Some memorable moments have come recently, thanks to the success of the soul-stirring ballad “Lead Me,” from the band’s “Pieces of a Real Heart” album, which topped the Christian Adult Contemporary charts for seven straight weeks. That opened the door for Sanctus Real to reach new concert audiences and new radio listeners, touring with Casting Crowns and playing for 20,000 people a night on the Winter Jam tour. “It’s interesting how fickle the music industry can be, though,” Graalman said. “That was all more than a year ago. Now the question is, how do we get back there again? It’s fleeting, just like everything else.” O David Yonke is the editor and community manager of Toledo Faith & Values (, a website that provides in-depth, nonsectarian news coverage of religion, faith and spirituality in the Toledo area.

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September 29, 2013


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News News News at Five Access H. Minute The Dr. Oz Show Cyberchas The First 48

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Recipe Food FREE TV! Hair! Extreme Weight Loss “David and Rebecca” X Games (Taped) News ABC Once Upon a Time Once Upon a Time Revenge “Fear” (N) Betrayal “Pilot” (N) News Insider NFL Football Cincinnati Bengals at Cleveland Browns. (N) (CC) NFL Post. Postgame Bull Riding News News 60 Minutes (N) (CC) The Amazing Race The Good Wife (N) The Mentalist (N) News Criminal NFL Football Chicago Bears at Detroit Lions. From Ford Field in Detroit. (N) NFL Football Philadelphia Eagles at Denver Broncos. (N) (CC) The OT Simpsons Burgers Fam. Guy American News Leading Arsenio Hall Paid Women-Spirit Fishing MLS Soccer Los Angeles Galaxy at Portland Timbers. News News Football Night in America (N) NFL Football New England Patriots at Atlanta Falcons. (N) (CC) News Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing POV “Best Kept Secret” (CC) Just Seen Weekend Charlie Moyers & Company NOVA (CC) Last Tango Masterpiece Mystery! (N) Wild Adv. Austin City Limits ››› The Bourne Identity (2002) Matt Damon. (CC) Barter Kings (CC) Barter Kings (CC) Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Happens Housewives/NJ South Pk ›› American Pie 2 (2001, Comedy) Jason Biggs. (CC) ›› Without a Paddle (2004) Seth Green. › Mr. Deeds (2002) Adam Sandler. (CC) ›› Happy Gilmore (1996) Adam Sandler. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 South Pk Al Mad. Good Dog Dog Dog ANT Farm Dog ›› Cars 2 (2011) Voices of Owen Wilson. Jake and the Pirates Austin Austin Liv-Mad. Austin Shake It Wander Jessie Austin Good ANT Farm NASCAR Countdown NASCAR Racing Sprint Cup: AAA 400. From Dover International Speedway in Dover, Del. SportsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) Baseball MLS Soccer: Red Bulls at Sounders SportsCenter (N) Honey-Blew ›› Gnomeo and Juliet (2011), Emily Blunt ›› Open Season (2006, Comedy) Premiere. ›› Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006, Comedy) ››› Despicable Me (2010), Jason Segel › Zookeeper (2011, Comedy) Kevin James. Restaurant: Im. Food Truck Race Restaurant Stakeout My. Din Thieves Diners Diners Chopped Kids Cook-Off Kids Cook-Off Food Truck Race Cutthroat Kitchen (N) Iron Chef America Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Extreme Homes (N) Love It or List It, Too House Hunters Reno Hunters Hunt Intl ›› Someone Like You (2001) Ashley Judd. ›› Hocus Pocus (1993) Bette Midler. (CC) ›› Madea’s Family Reunion (2006) (CC) ›› Meet the Browns (2008) Tyler Perry. ›› Tyler Perry’s Madea Goes to Jail (2009) ›› Meet the Browns ›› The Pacifier (2005) Vin Diesel. › What a Girl Wants (2003) Amanda Bynes. Teen Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 MLB Baseball (N) (Live) (CC) Friends Friends Friends Friends Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang › The Love Guru Mr. and Mrs. Smith ››› Suspicion (1941) Cary Grant. ›››› Strangers on a Train (1951) (CC) ››› Dial M for Murder (1954) Ray Milland. ›››› Rebecca (1940) Laurence Olivier. ›››› Notorious (1946) Cary Grant. (CC) Law & Order ››› Spider-Man (2002, Action) Tobey Maguire. (CC) ›› Men in Black II (2002) ›› Resident Evil: Extinction (2007) (CC) ››› Transformers (2007) Shia LaBeouf, Tyrese Gibson. (CC) (DVS) ››› Transformers Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam › The Back-up Plan ››› Insomnia (2002) Al Pacino. OK! TV Friends Friends Glee (CC) Middle Middle Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi Browns Payne Glee “Showmance”


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate News Leading Race for the Cure Nation Mass The NFL Today (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Fox News Sunday I Hate My Hair! Lions Report Live FOX NFL Sunday (N) Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Sheer Paid Prog. Focus 25 Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur Town Hall Toledo Plugged In Microbes Antiques Roadshow Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Comedy RENO 911! ››› Trading Places (1983, Comedy) Dan Aykroyd. (CC) South Pk South Pk South Pk Pirates Sofia Jessie Jessie Shake It ANT Farm Wander Dog Good Good SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) (CC) ››› Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory ››› Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989, Comedy) Honey-Blew Giada Contessa Pioneer Heartland Dinner Guy’s Sand. Barbecue Anne Burrell House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno House Hunters Reno Property Brothers (CC) Love It or List It (CC) WEN Hair Jeremiah J. Osteen Skincare Devious Maids (CC) ›› My Life in Ruins (2009) Nia Vardalos. (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. ›› The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift (2006) Ridic. King ››› Charlie’s Angels (2000) Cameron Diaz. ›› Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle (2003) MLB ›› Dead Reckoning (1947) Humphrey Bogart. ››› Rich and Strange (1932) Henry Kendall. Mr. and Mrs. Smith Law & Order Law & Order “Patsy” Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order P. Chris J. Osteen Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Old House Family St. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Game Raceline ››› Insomnia (2002)


September 29, 2013


9 am

TV Listings 23

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

September 30, 2013 10:30

11 pm


Ent Insider Dancing With the Stars (N) (S Live) (CC) Castle “Dreamworld” News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! How I Met We-Men Broke Girl Mom (N) Hostages (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Bones (N) (CC) (DVS) Sleepy Hollow (N) (CC) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice Vocalists audition for the judges. (N) The Blacklist (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Genealogy Roadshow Independent Lens (N) (CC) On Story Storage Storage Barter Kings (CC) Barter Kings (CC) Barter Kings (CC) Barter Kings (CC) NeNe--Wedding Housewives/NJ Real Housewives Real Housewives Happens Jersey Colbert Daily Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk Brickle. South Pk Daily Colbert Liv-Mad. Austin Teen Beach Movie (2013) Ross Lynch. Dog Jessie ANT Farm Jessie Monday Night Countdown (N) (CC) NFL Football Miami Dolphins at New Orleans Saints. (Live) SportCtr › Zookeeper (2011, Comedy) Kevin James. › Billy Madison (1995) Adam Sandler. The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) ›› Hocus Pocus (CC) ›› Hocus Pocus (1993) Bette Midler. (CC) › Because I Said So (2007) Diane Keaton. Catfish: The TV Show Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom 3 “Into the Distance” Teen Mom Seinfeld Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Magnificent ›››› Stagecoach (1939) John Wayne. (CC) The Story of Film ›››› Citizen Kane Castle (CC) Castle (CC) Castle (CC) Major Crimes (CC) CSI: NY “Do or Die” NCIS: Los Angeles WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) ›› Fast Five (2011) Big Bang Mod Fam iHeartradio Music Festival, Night 1 (N) (CC) OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

October 1, 2013


11 pm


Ent Insider Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Goldbergs Trophy Lucky 7 “Inside Job” News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! NCIS (N) (CC) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Person of Interest (N) News Letterman The Office Simpsons Dads (N) Brooklyn New Girl Mindy Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice The blind auditions continue. (N) Chicago Fire (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Latino Americans (N) (CC) (DVS) Frontline (CC) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Barter Kings (N) (CC) Barter Kings (CC) NeNe--Wedding NeNe--Wedding NeNe--Wedding The New Atlanta (N) Happens NeNe Colbert Daily Work. Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 (N) Brickle. Daily Colbert Dog Jessie Wolfblood ›› Girl vs. Monster (2012) (CC) Jessie Austin Good Jessie E:60 (N) 30 for 30 (N) 2013 World Series of Poker SportsCenter (N) (CC) ››› Pretty Woman (1990) Richard Gere. ››› Pretty in Pink (1986) Molly Ringwald. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Chopped Chopped Chopped (N) Cutthroat Kitchen Hunt Intl Hunters Property Property Income Property (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Income Property (CC) Abby’s Dance Abby’s Dance Abby’s Dance Abby’s Dance Abby’s Dance Teen Mom 3 Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: Mentiras Sara Catfish MLB Pregame MLB Baseball National League Wild-Card Game: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) MLB Post. Walk on the Wild Side ›››› Singin’ in the Rain (1952) Gene Kelly. ›››› Double Indemnity (1944) (CC) Castle “Hunt” (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Cold Justice (N) (CC) The Mentalist (CC) Law & Order: SVU Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Mod Fam iHeartradio Music Festival, Night 2 (N) (CC) OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland

10” x 10.25” ad


7 pm



7 pm



10 pm



8 pm


11 pm


9 pm


10 pm

1 pm


2 pm



October 4, 2013


11 pm


Ent Insider Last Man Neighbors Shark Tank (N) (CC) 20/20 (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Undercover Boss (N) Hawaii Five-0 (N) (CC) Blue Bloods (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons MasterChef (N) Sleepy Hollow (CC) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Fox Show Sean Save Dateline NBC (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Wash Deadline Great Performances Rebels continue to plot insurrection. Thea. Talk Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage NeNe--Wedding ››› Something’s Gotta Give (2003) Jack Nicholson. ››› Something’s Gotta Give Colbert Daily Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Commun Commun Commun Commun Tosh.0 South Pk Dog Jessie ANT Farm Dog Wander Phineas Liv-Mad. Austin Jessie Jessie SportsCenter (N) (CC) College Football Live College Football Nevada at San Diego State. (N) (Live) (CC) ››› The Breakfast Club (1985) Emilio Estevez. ›› 17 Again (2009) Zac Efron, Leslie Mann. The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant: Im. Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners Diners My. Diners Thieves Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Endless Yard Sale I Brake for Yard Sales Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Romeo Killer ›› Jodi Arias: Dirty Little Secret (2013) (CC) Left to Die (2012) Rachael Leigh Cook. (CC) Girl Code Girl Code Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. MLB Baseball MLB Baseball Division Series: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) ›››› His Girl Friday ››› Carnival of Souls (1962) ››› Night of the Living Dead (CC) Testament-Dr. Castle (CC) (DVS) ››› Wedding Crashers (2005) Owen Wilson. (CC) (DVS) ›› The Holiday (2006) (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime Scene Big Bang Mod Fam The Originals (CC) America’s Next Model OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


9 pm

Ent Insider Middle Back in Mod Fam Super Fun Nashville (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Survivor (N) (CC) Criminal Minds (N) CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman The Office Simpsons The X Factor Hopefuls perform for the judges. Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Revolution (N) (CC) Law & Order: SVU Ironside “Pilot” (N) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Earthflight-Nat NOVA (CC) (DVS) Quest-Maya Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink NeNe--Wedding Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA Top Chef (N) (CC) Happens Top Chef Colbert Daily Key South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Key Daily Colbert Dog Jessie Wolfblood ›› My Babysitter’s a Vampire Good ANT Farm Austin Good SportsCenter (N) (CC) CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit CrossFit SportsCenter SportsCenter (N) (CC) ››› Pretty in Pink (1986) Molly Ringwald. ›› Sixteen Candles (1984) Molly Ringwald. The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout My. Diners Thieves Restaurant: Im. First Place First Place Buying and Selling Property Brothers (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Wife Swap (CC) The Cheating Pact (2013) Daniela Bobadilla. Social Nightmare (2013) Daryl Hannah. (CC) Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: Mentiras Teen Mom 3 Miley: The Movement Miley: The Movement MLB Pregame MLB Baseball American League Wild-Card Game: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) MLB Post. ››› Monte Walsh ›› Doctor Dolittle (1967, Musical) Rex Harrison. Premiere. ››› Walk, Don’t Run (1966) Castle (CC) Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle “Watershed” Castle (CC) (DVS) The Mentalist (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles Mod Fam Mod Fam NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS “Secrets” Big Bang Mod Fam Arrow “Year One” (N) Whose? Whose? OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland


October 2, 2013


8 pm

September 29, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

7 pm



9 pm


10 pm

8 am



9 am


10 am


11 am


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

11 pm


October 5, 2013


12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue To Be Announced Your Morning Saturday Recipe J. Oliverr All In College Football Wild Am. Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News HOPE Fit 2013 Presidents Cup Day 3. From Muirfield Village Golf Club in Dublin, Ohio. (N) (S Live) (CC) Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur MotorWk Our Ohio Wild Ohio Out Mag. Earthflight-Nat Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Flip This House (CC) Flip This House (CC) Flip This House (CC) Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Million Dollar LA RENO 911! ›› Take Me Home Tonight (2011) (CC) ›› Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story (2007) Epic Pirates Sofia Wander ANT Farm Jessie Dog Liv-Mad. Good Dog Dog SportsCenter (N) (CC) College GameDay (N) (Live) (CC) College Football ›› The Last Mimzy ›› 101 Dalmatians (1996) Glenn Close. ›› 102 Dalmatians (2000) Glenn Close. Be.- Made Best Thing Barbecue Pioneer Pioneer Heartland Contessa Giada Kids Cook-Off Income Property (CC) Income Property (CC) Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Kit. Crash Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Unsolved Mysteries › Panic Button (2007) Made (N) Made “Singer: Katie” Made (N) Made (N) Bring It On Payne Browns There King King ›› Lara Croft: Tomb Raider (2001), Jon Voight Raymond Captain ›› 711 Ocean Drive (1950) Edmond O’Brien. ›› The Gorgon (1964, Horror) (CC) ››› The Devil’s Bride Major Crimes (CC) Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order “Illegal” Law & Order Paid Prog. Paid Prog. NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Sonic X Bolts Spider Justice Dragon B-Daman Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Pets.TV Career


3 pm

October 3, 2013


Ent Insider Scandal (N) (CC) Grey’s Anatomy (N) Scandal (N) (CC) News J. Kimmel Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Millers Crazy Two Men Elementary (N) (CC) News Letterman The Office Simpsons The X Factor (N) (CC) Glee (N) (CC) (DVS) Fox Toledo News Arsenio Hall Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Parks Welcome Sean Save Fox Show Parenthood (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Toledo Toledo Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) (DVS) Infinity Hall Live Sun Stud After the First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (N) (CC) Beyond Scared Beyond Scared Million Dollar LA › Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000, Action) Nicolas Cage. Million LA Happens Jersey Colbert Daily Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily Colbert Dog Jessie Wolfblood Austin Dog Shake It Jessie Dog Good ANT Farm Football College Football Texas at Iowa State. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) ›› Sixteen Candles (1984) Molly Ringwald. ››› The Breakfast Club (1985) Emilio Estevez. The 700 Club (CC) Chopped Cutthroat Kitchen Chopped Anne Burrell Food Truck Race Hunt Intl Hunters Flip or Flip or Flip or Flip or Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Project Runway (CC) Project Runway (CC) Project Runway “Butterfly Effect” Abby’s Dance Double Catfish: Mentiras Miley: The Movement Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Baseball Division Series: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) While the City Sleeps ››› The Private Lives of Elizabeth and Essex ››› Leave Her to Heaven (1945) (CC) Castle (CC) Castle (CC) (DVS) Castle (CC) (DVS) Hawaii Five-0 Hawaii Five-0 (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles Mod Fam Mod Fam NCIS “Kill Ari” (CC) NCIS “Kill Ari” (CC) NCIS: Los Angeles Big Bang Mod Fam The Vampire Diaries The Originals (N) (CC) OK! TV (N) Two Men Fam. Guy Cleveland



8 pm


7 pm


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9 pm


October 5, 2013

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

To Be Announced Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) News Lottery College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) News College Football Air Force at Navy. (N) (CC) Football College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) News Wheel To Be Announced To Be Announced 48 Hours (N) (CC) News CSI Paid Paid Burn Notice (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Bones (CC) Leverage (CC) McCarver FOX College Football Texas Christian at Oklahoma. (N) (S Live) (CC) News Carpet Office 2013 Presidents Cup Day 3. (N) (S Live) (CC) 2013 Presidents Cup Day 3. (N) (CC) News News Jdg Judy College Football Arizona State vs. Notre Dame. (N) (S Live) (CC) News SNL This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Broadway: Musical Great Performances Globe Trekker Steves Rudy Lawrence Welk History Detectives Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Masterpiece Classic Flip This House (CC) ›› The Bucket List (2007) Jack Nicholson. Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Bad Ink Million Dollar LA Million Dollar LA The New Atlanta The New Atlanta NeNe NeNe--Wedding Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ Jersey ›› How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) Kate Hudson. How Lose › Epic Movie (2007) Kal Penn. South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk › Me, Myself & Irene (2000) Jim Carrey. Premiere. (CC) › Grandma’s Boy (2006) Doris Roberts. Daniel Tosh: Happy Christopher Titus: Voice Daniel Dog Dog Shake It Shake It Shake It Good Good Good Good Dog Austin Austin Dog ANT Farm Jessie (N) Phineas Ultimate Spider-Man Lab Rats Kickin’ It Good Dog College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Score NASCAR Racing Nationwide Series: Kansas Lottery 300. (N) (Live) Score College Football Teams TBA. (N) (Live) (CC) Score College Football Teams TBA. ›› 17 Again (2009) Zac Efron, Leslie Mann. ›› Jumanji (1995) Robin Williams, Bonnie Hunt. ›› National Treasure (2004) Nicolas Cage, Hunter Gomez. ›› National Treasure: Book of Secrets (2007, Action) ››› Jerry Maguire Cutthroat Kitchen Restaurant: Im. Food Truck Race Diners Diners Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Halloween Wars Cupcake Wars (N) Challenge Restaurant: Im. Love It or List It (CC) Home of Tomorrow Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It, Too Love It or List It (CC) Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl › Panic Button (CC) ›› Sleeping With the Enemy (1991) (CC) › Obsessed (2009) Idris Elba. (CC) ›› Anna Nicole (2013) Agnes Bruckner. House of Versace (2013) Gina Gershon. Beyond, Head. Jodi Arias: Beyond Bring It On ››› Bring It On: In It to Win It (2007) › Bring It On Again (2004), Bree Turner ›› Bring It On: Fight to the Finish (2009) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. ›› The Dukes of Hazzard (2005) Friends Friends Friends Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang MLB Pregame MLB Baseball (N) (Live) MLB Baseball Division Series: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) The Devil’s Bride ››› Manhattan Murder Mystery (1993) ›››› National Velvet (1944) (CC) (DVS) ›› Where Angels Go, Trouble Follows (CC) ›››› Libeled Lady (1936) Jean Harlow. The Bitter Tea of General Yen Advntures › Killers (2010) Ashton Kutcher. Premiere. ››› Wedding Crashers (2005) (CC) (DVS) ›› The Holiday (2006) Cameron Diaz, Kate Winslet. (CC) ›› Valentine’s Day (2010) Jessica Alba. Premiere. ›› Valentine’s Day (2010) NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles NCIS: Los Angeles Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam Mod Fam ››› Bridesmaids Icons Live Life Made Game EP Daily EP Daily Rules Two Men Rules Two Men Big Bang Commun Big Bang Mod Fam ››› The Long Walk Home (1990, Drama) Two Men Two Men Fam. Guy Fam. Guy


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September 29, 2013

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By Elizabeth Hazel

Your Tarotgram and Horoscope

Sept. 29 – Oct. 5, 2013

Events: Mercury enters Scorpio (29th); New Moon in Libra (4th) Aries (March 21-April 19)

Libra (September 23-October 22)

This week is occupied with discussions and exchanges with other people. Outcomes may depend on the other person and the give-and-take balance between you. Sudden changes and decisions are possible on Thursday and Friday. Open-heartedness brings warm connections.

Creative efforts flow easily on Monday-Tuesday. Unpredictable events are possible. Sudden situations have long-term implications. Consider the balance of benefits on Thursday. Necessary adjustments can change your thinking. Institute new patterns for improvements.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Expanded connections and networks come through little things – a discussion, an introduction, a small gizmo. Consider innovations with others. People make rushed decisions or make errors; you may have to fix things. A lovely personal contact on Saturday inspires love.

Financial matters, especially those entwined with others, are focal this week. Transparency is good; favoritism is not. Thursday brings sweet exchanges and mutual gains. The weekend brings abrupt changes or upheavals. What you do and how you react is your choice.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Visionary impulses and big plans may collide with immediate realities and limitations. You’re on your mettle on Wednesday to find clever solutions. Brainstorming brings awesome results. People reveal unknown aspects of their characters after Thursday, good or bad or both.

Detailed investigations and scrutiny uncovers surprising facts. Little benefits and gifts float around; look for holiday gift bargains. As Friday arrives, information exchanges shift the hunt in an entirely new direction. A fascinating possibility appears on Saturday.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

This week is a race to complete a phase or a project so you can jump into something new. Messages fly between friends near and far. Thursday offers sweet rewards and an odd jolt. Quirky people are interesting, but not always easy to work with. A third party mends fences.

Your attention is drawn to society or the wider community. Pervasive changes are changing wants and needs in group situations. After Thursday, various interruptions and unexpected meetings can be beneficial. Unusual personalities tests social skills on Saturday.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

he focus on your home and family is intense. Changes around children, moving furniture, or big projects are in the works. Your normal schedule is interrupted on Thursday, may be for a special treat. People change, assume, or abandon roles suddenly, without much warning.

Conditions surrounding a partner or close friend remain a central focus. Mobility is crucial; travel needs require repairs or improvements. Some long-term assessments are in order. As the weekend arrives, some areas are in hand; others are wiggling and need more attention.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Intense personal development is in motion. Feelings and memories from the past can affect emotions. Some family secrets may be revealed, or you learn more about a mysterious relative or past event. Saturday highlights temporary issues that shift the status quo.

Caretaking, nursing, or a focus on well-being demands attention. You may have to remain in a state of preparedness, ready to jump at a moment’s notice. False alarms are possible. Thursday brings support from loved ones. New acquaintances or people enter your life.

Elizabeth Hazel is a professional tarotist-astrologer and author. She gives readings every Wednesday at Attic on Adams above Manos Greek Restaurant. She may be contacted at (c) 2013

TFP Crossword

“But Not Uranus” ACROSS

1. In a kimono 5. “Nothin’ on You ” singer 12. Time past 13. Chaney of 1000 faces 14. Michele of “Glee” 15. Green merman on “SpongeBob SquarePants” 16. Bond creator Fleming 17. Town in Palm Beach County 23. Bullfight cry 24. Serena’s sister 31. Hubbub 32. “---- Yankee Doodle Dandy...” 34. Policy with collateral damage 39. Thumbs-up to skipper 40. Lead singer of Queen 46. Skating star Babilonia 48. Pro wrestler from Cleveland 53. La la lead-in 54. R-V link 55. Chess pieces 56. He believes in rule by the wealthy 57. Foot lever DOWN 1. Leaf gatherer

by Dave DeChristopher 1

























































2. African tongue 3. Beginning of sorts 4. Comic strip waif of yore 5. Jazz style 6. Film director Grosbard 7. Persona ---- grata 8. ---- a customer

9. “Why I couldn’ta done it” 10. Stephen of “Guinevere” 11. December visitor 18. A job for Throne’s (on Upton) 19. Yale alum 20. Bro or sis 21. St. Louis gridder

22. Racetrack 25. Tom Cavanaugh series, 2000-04 26. 7 & 8 27. “Dexter” network 28. Take off the payroll 29. Polite address 30. Honolulu’s locale 33. Postal abbr. for The Treasure State 35. Massachusetts cape 36. She overacts 37. CBS logo 38. ---- Spiegel (German newspaper) 40. Certain camera setting 41. Nobel Peace Prize winner Root 42. Serious tippler 43. Title holder 44. Boxing match unit 45. Indigo 47. Yahoo rival 49. List ending 50. Robot play by the Capek brothers 51. However 52. Undershirt


26 Classified community

A Toledo tradition since 2005 n SUDOKU ANSWERS FROM 25

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September 29, 2013


A home for Sammy, Chicken

ADOPTION IS a brave choice: A secure life of love awaits your baby through this gift. Expenses Paid. Daria (888) 788-5624. UNPLANNED PREGNANCY? THINKING OF ADOPTION? Open or closed adoption. YOU choose the family. LIVING EXPENSES PAID. Abbys One True Gift Adoptions. Call 24/7. 866-413-6294.

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REAL ESTATE homes Toledo, 421 East Streicher 4BR/2BA Multi Family Great Investment Lease or Sale $750 DN, $168/mo 877-519-0180

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Toledo, 1910 Harlan Rd 3BR/1BA Single Family Detached Garage Lease or Sale $1750 DN, $625/mo 877-553-5348 Toledo, 3617 Lauderdale Corey Woods Area Brick Ranch 3 br, 1 1/2 b, new furnace & roof Sun porch, 2-car garage. $147,000 Call 419-351-4240

Specializing in the detailed maintenance of your landscape & garden beds.


Call 419.241.1700, Ext 230 to place a Classified Ad! Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.

From weeding to pruning, to trimming and planting, we provide landscape and garden care all season long! Available on an ongoing, periodic, or one time basis. Fully Insured. BBB Accredited with A+ Rating One of the top three finalists for 2012 Torch Awards presented by BBB.

All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.

ATTN: Business-Minded People • Start a part-time business • Don’t have to leave what you’re doing now • Generous pay plan • Consumable product backed by clinical trials • NO: employees, overhead, inventory, territory • More Info: (419) 654-7358

Sammy Sammy is a 7-year-old male fox terrier mix. Sammy’s elderly owner had to find Sammy a new family because he was moving into a home that would not allow pets. Even though Sammy has a few years on him, he is still an active boy. He loves to play with toys and enjoys long walks in the park where he can annoy the squirrels nesting in the trees. Sammy is not fond of going to the vet. He has been known to act a bit ornery when he is forced to do things that he does not like and may not be the best match for small children. He is perfect for a home with teenagers who want a dog that

Chicken will chase after a ball and do sprints across the yard. Sammy has been neutered, examined by a TAHS staff veterinarian, is current on his vaccinations and is microchipped. Chicken is a 4-year-old female gray shorthair tiger. She was taking a stroll through the woods at a Metropark when a nice woman found her and brought her into the Toledo Area Humane Society. Chicken is one of the most affectionate cats ever to arrive at the Toledo Area Humane Society. Her new owner will need to be willing to give her plenty of attention. There is no such thing as “alone time” where Chicken is concerned.

She will spend every waking moment by your side so you need to be a real cat fancier to live with this clingy kitty. Chicken was given her unique name because it is clear that she does not like to be left alone. Chicken has been spayed, examined by a TAHS staff veterinarian, is current on her vaccinations and is microchipped. Toledo Area Humane Society is located at 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Arrowhead Park, Maumee. Adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call (419) 891-0705 or visit www. O

September 29, 2013

A Toledo tradition since 2005

Toledo Free Press 27

28 Toledo Free Press

A Toledo tradition since 2005

September 29, 2013

Focused. Determined. Ready. 24/7.

Gopinath R. Upamaka, MD, FACC ProMedica Physicians You never know when a heart attack can occur. Which is why the ER at ProMedica Toledo Hospital is committed to provide a cardiologist on duty 24/7. It allows us to give you a more accurate and quicker diagnosis for treatment. We’re ready. Are you? Take our quiz and find out. Visit


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