Toledo Free Press – December 16, 2012

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16, 2012


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The voices

WTOL-11’s JERRY ANDERSON and 1370 WSPD’s FRED LeFEBVRE lend their talents to Make-A-Wish benefit CD “Holiday Wishes 2.” Story by Jeff McGinnis, Page A6



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A2 n Toledo Free Press

DECEMBER 16, 2012

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DECEMBER 16, 2012

Publisher’s statement

Ringing for Bell


here are a number of modest voices starting to squeak about replacing Mike Bell as Toledo’s mayor, but all of them together are going to have a tough time drowning out Bell’s record of progress. There are still many months to go, but if the election took place next week, what arguments are there against Bell retaining his office? Bell has reached out to surrounding communities with an eye on cooperation and inclusion. His administration has put (contested) money back in the rainy day fund, arranged for a class of police officers and helped accommodate the smooth opening of Hollywood Casino Toledo, the city’s biggest development investment in a very long time. Bell’s efforts to chisel out a place for Toledo on the global stage will have deThomas F. Pounds cades of continuing impact. His latest trip, a late-November visit to China, was another marketing and exposure success that further cultivates the seeds of commerce he has been planting on the international stage. “The marketing of the Toledo region throughout all of China by the 5 Lakes Global team with the support of Mayor Bell, the Regional Growth Partnership and members of the Toledo business community has been astonishing,” said James Lindsay, president of Louisville Title of Toledo, who made his third trip to China with the recent Toledo delegation. There are those who are ready to combat Bell over his 2011 support of Senate Bill 5, which would have restricted public employee collective bargaining; it is interesting that even though their side “won,” they would advance that ideology over what is best for the city’s momentum. We have questioned and criticized some of Bell’s budget decisions and continue to be concerned about some of the communication issues between Bell and City Council. But with Matt Szollosi apparently out of the race, those publicly acknowledging their interest in the mayor’s office seem to be much more interested in their own advancement than what is best for Toledo. Bell has restored dignity and action to an office that was sorely lacking both qualities. His challengers will need a lot more than the same old rhetoric and misguided ambition to take a serious shot at silencing his voice. O Thomas F. Pounds is president and publisher of Toledo Free Press and Toledo Free Press Star. Contact him at tpounds@

n A3


God says the darndest things


entered parenthood six years ago with the belief that But he looked me right in the eyes and said, with preternatchildren were blank canvases needing painting, empty ural calm, “Daddy, don’t hurt Evan.” It wasn’t his voice or his vessels requiring filling. It was my conviction that their tone. I remember taking a step back, grape juice forgotten, curious little minds and evolving personalities required shocked and dismayed that my action had warranted what I understood to be a supernatural intrusion. I have never shaping solely through parental influence and direction. again allowed any crisis or emergency to But as I have watched my sons grow — blind me to how I handle my sons. Evan is 6 and Sean is 4 — I understand that Nothing like that has happened in the it’s not that simple. As our boys settle into ensuing four years, until a recent episode their identities, I am increasingly convinced with Sean. Since he has been able to sit up that their canvases were born with many and play, Sean has enjoyed princess dolls as brush strokes filled in, and that their vessels much as he likes superheroes. He will play were never anything resembling empty. with dream castles and fire trucks with equal That is not an abdication of our responjoy. He can set out a pretend tea party one sibility; clearly, our children’s sense of right moment and then wrestle or play soccer like and wrong, work ethic, affinity for education a demon the next. We let Sean play and exand inclination to kindness come from our example. But I also believe these little people Michael S. miller plore as he will; we are not going to yank a Barbie out of his little hands and force him to were born with large amounts of their personalities and centers intact. It’s not like shaping clay, as I march G.I. Joe across the playroom floor. There have been a thought it would be; it’s more like trying to color and rein- few times at school or at friends’ houses when I wish he had picked up Woody the cowboy instead of Cinderella, but in force clay that has already taken its form. As Evan hurtles through first grade, he is asserting a very general we are not wringing our hands over Sean’s choices. But we do have friends and relatives who make comreal idea of independence. We can take some credit for his initiative and fighting spirit, but what I see in him now has ments, and I know Sean has heard some of them. I do not always been there, emerging as slowly and surely as a plant know how to engage a 4-year-old in a conversation about pushes through earth in springtime. We can channel Sean’s gender roles and society’s expectations for sexual identity, precociousness and playfulness, but those have been ele- so we stick to letting Sean be Sean. On a recent Sunday, we were watching the animated “How ments of his personality since long before he could speak. In addition to the tendencies and traits they were born The Grinch Stole Christmas!” in our living room. Sean was sitwith, and the contributions of parents, family, teachers and ting on my lap, his little body warm and relaxed. Out of noculture, there is a spiritual element to their being that is where, as the Grinch pinched a Christmas tree, Sean, without more difficult to define. You may believe in God in any of looking up at me, said, “Daddy, I like the way I am.” Startled, I said, “Sean, we like who you are, too. Don’t his many forms and faces, from the old guy with the long white beard sailing through the clouds on a Flash Gordon you know that?” He shook his little head side to side, closing his eyes Jet Ski to Allah to a cosmic muffin. But if you have children, I bet you will relate to the notion that children are little against imminent tears. “Well, we do!” I told him. “We love you and your brother radio receivers through which God occasionally speaks. just the way you are. We might get mad at you sometimes, This has happened to me twice. One day in the month of Evan’s second birthday, he and but that never means we don’t love you or that we want to I were on the living room floor playing with blocks. He change you. What made you say that?” “I don’t know. I just like the way I am.” liked to stack a few, then knock them down, then repeat. For the second time, I felt like God was speaking to His bottle contained watered-down grape juice, the dark purple kind designed by nature to stain and ruin any carpet me through our children. How could a 4-year-old boy in not designed by NASA for space shuttle use. As could have preschool contemplate such a weighty concept as self-acbeen foreseen by anyone other than a first-time parent, ceptance? How many millions of adults are unable to make Evan managed to loosen the bottle top and spill the grape such a simple declarative statement as “I like the way I am”? Since that day, we have worked to reassure Sean that we juice down his front and on the rug’s cream fibers. In a momentary panic, I righted the bottle and tried to stand up love him as he is, even when he is in trouble or not behaving as I picked Evan up under his arms. None of my intended at his best. But the real lessons of parenthood are that we actions worked. I respilled the bottle, started to totter back- have just as many blank areas, and empty spaces, as our ward and nearly lost my grip on the boy. Now angry and children. And just as we are trying to teach and mold them, desperate to stop the grape juice from further pouring on God is trying to teach and mold us. O the rug, I regained my balance and sat Evan on the couch, Michael S. Miller is editor in chief of Toledo Free Press and Tomuch more jarringly than I intended. I set him down so hard I expected him to start crying. ledo Free Press Star. Email him at Thomas F. Pounds, President/Publisher

A publication of Toledo Free Press, LLC, Vol. 8, No. 51. Established 2005. EDITORIAL Mary Ann Stearns, Design Editor James A. Molnar, Lead Designer Sarah Ottney, Managing Editor Brigitta Burks, News Editor Jeff McGinnis, Pop Culture Editor


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Michael S. Miller, Editor in Chief

STAFF WRITERS Brandi Barhite • Mike Bauman • Jeremy Baumhower • Jim Beard John Dorsey • Vicki L. Kroll • Don Lee • Jason Mack John P. McCartney • Duane Ramsey Chris Kozak, Staff Writer Emeritus • Lisa Renee Ward, Staff Writer Emeritus COPY EDITORS/PROOFREADERS Darcy Irons, Marisha Pietrowski, Gary Varney

Toledo Free Press is published every Sunday by Toledo Free Press, LLC, 605 Monroe St., Toledo, OH 43604. Subscription rate: $100 /year. Reproduction or use of editorial or graphic content in any manner without permission is strictly prohibited. Copyright 2012, all rights reserved. Publication of advertisements does not imply endorsement of advertisers’ goods or services.

A4 n Toledo Free Press


A cavalcade of clowns


DECEMBER 16, 2012



s we near the deadline for Democratic stronghold of Toledo falling off the fiscal cliff, into two districts, represented by the Republicans continue two different representatives. Thanks to this feat, my representheir obstructionist ways and continue to think that it’s their way or tative is now Bob Latta, one of the the Thelma and Louise highway. most useless Congressmen to ever They are doing everything they draw breath. He can be counted on can to keep the Do Nothingest to vote no on virtually everything Congress alive, right through the that isn’t ordered by the GOP bosses, the interests of his constituents be end of the lame duck session. Throughout President Barack damned. His opponent, Angela Zimmann, carried the Obama’s first term, Lucas County portion they consistently of the 5th District and voted against bills that her portion of Ottawa they previously supCounty, previously ported or even intropart of Kaptur’s disduced themselves, in trict. Out of the 16 repthe attempt to keep resentatives in Conanything from getting gress from Ohio, 12 done that Obama or went to the GOP, even the Democrats could though more Demouse to show progress. cratic votes were cast This week, Senate Don BURNARD Minority Leader Mitch McConnell for Congressional candidates than took this to new heights by actually Republican votes. It hardly seems like filibustering his own bill. If ever we a representative democracy. Keep in mind that this was in needed proof that the Republicans are more interested in playing politics spite of the voter suppression tacthan addressing the problems that tics that Ohio Secretary of State Jon face the American people, this has to Husted pushed to the state Supreme be it. The hypocrisy is staggering. If I Court, once again making Ohio were the president, I’d let them stew electoral processes the subject of nain their own juices. The last election tional derision. To my mind, if you can’t win showed that the smoke and mirrors act was no longer fooling a majority of with your message, maybe you’ve the electorate, yet they keep doubling got the wrong message. The elecdown on their same old failed policies tion didn’t turn out as Republicans hoped. People turned out this time and talking points. The GOP has long been en- and stood in line for seven or more trenched in its ways, but if it continues hours to cast their votes in some to refuse to change with the times, it places. People seem to be catching risks becoming irrelevant. Its mem- on to what the stakes are when they bers argue that they control the House, fail to vote. The GOP may still conthus giving them some sort of man- trol the House, but I have a feeling date. I would argue that their success if it keeps trying to do “bidness as in House races stems more from their usual,” the 2014 midterm elections gerrymandering of congressional dis- could get interesting. Before the votes had all been tricts after the 2010 elections. The election that brought us the counted, the pundits and journalists tea party was more a product of who started handicapping the 2016 presifailed to vote than who did vote. The dential election. The pundit money GOP numbers were relatively the seems to be on Hillary Clinton for same as the 2008 election, whereas the Democratic nomination versus the votes for Democrats and inde- an unnamed Republican candidate. pendents were decidedly fewer. Un- It’ll be interesting to see if they can fortunately, the so-called tea party do better than the Cavalcade of wave gave the GOP in the state- Clowns they put up the last time controlled legislatures the power to before settling on a candidate that draw up state and federal districts. even they didn’t really like. Newt Gingrich has said that the GOP They drew them with a vengeance. In Ohio, one need look no fur- doesn’t have anyone who could go ther than Rep. Marcy Kaptur’s 9th head-to-head with Hillary Clinton, District. About three miles wide and and truth be told, there seems to be 100 miles or so long, and in places a lot of Clinton nostalgia these days. connected only by a bridge, it is the Yep, things could be interesting for poster child for gerrymandering. the next few years. O This creative drawing managed to pit two longtime Democratic legislators Email columnist Don Burnard at against each other while splitting the

Holiday WisHes 2: RiveR of staRs A greAt stocKing stuffer or corporAte gift!

local musicians✯ 44 tRacks ✯ $15 Holiday Wishes 2

Executive Producer: Michael S. Miller

(Traditional: 25. The First Noel 5:04 Denise and Michael arr. by TAPESTRY —, Used Grupp-Verbon (www.t Again 3:48 // 26. Christmas Time (Pat Dailey; Island sion) 5:16 Permis Stars 27. by Of River 1. // by Permission)s//unite for Phillips; Used Ohio Used by Permis sion) artist (John ‘Butch’North west House Music BMI, aine; By A Reindeer 3:23 (Randy own 4:13 (Sheri LaFont Grandma Got Run Over Must Be Santa 28. // // 2. Toledo, My Homet ing) sion) Used by Permis Brooks; Alfred Music Publish Fredericks; Hollis Music, LaFon taine Music, BMI, Miller; S. l William and (Michae Claus 3:56 3:20 (Hal Moore Kings 4:42 (John Henry 3. Interview With Santa Fum Fum Fum 4:52 (arr. Three We 29. // use // 4. Intuitive Music) n Rodebaugh.) // 30. Lightho Used by Permission) Christmas Hopkins Jr.; arr. by Jonatha “Mannheim Steamroller ion) // 31. The by Chip Davis, from LLC © 1988 Franzen; Used by Permiss Nash; 1942) Christmas 2:40 (Russ American Gramaphone Reserved. Extraordinaire” © 2001 Santa Claus 2:54 (Ogden Anderson; by Permission. All Rights ys 3:17 Boy Who Laughed At Christmas 2:10 (Derek Dots and Lines, Ink. Used A Million Dollars For m) // 5. Winter Holida 4:06 (Butch 32. // Ball as msteam Christm A lf The Yourse 33. At www.mannhei ing Group, Used by Permission) // by Permission) // 6. Have aw; Universal Music Publish (Tatiana Owens; Used and Ralph Blane; (David Thompson, F.W. Longsh as 2:59 (Hugh Martin 34. Christmas Time 3:47 as 2:45 as Merry Little Christm BUG MUSIC 1942) // ) // 7. Looks Like Christm ion) // 35. Blue Christm MGM Inc., EMI Feist Catalog s; Used by Permission) // Winfree; Used by Permiss and Josef Mohr; Athana Charles, Franz Xaver GruberMusic Publishing, // 9. Is Here 3:54 (Steven J. 1917) (Daniel Guest, (Edgar Ltd., EMI 8. At Christ mas 1:41 ; arr. by Kobalt Music Publishing ing LLC, Universal Music Gruber Xaver Silent Night 3:25 (Franz Xmas (War Is Over) On Sony/ATV Music Publish Music Corp.) // 36. Up Joe Boes) // 10. HappyYoko Ono; EMI Music arr. Publishing Group, Demi and (Benjamin Hanby, 1864; // 3:42 (John Lennon The Housetop 1:45 Music Publishing LLC.) // 37. Party On The Roof Publishing, Sony/ATV 5:36 (Harry Connick Jr.; By Wesley J. Linenkugel) Used by Permission) // as hoff; Riepen (Chuck ey 11. Pray On Christm 2:56 Come Home) 3:10 (Jeff 12. Christmas In Killarn Papa’s-June Music) // Frank 38. Christmas (Baby Please Bertha James Cavanaugh and Ellie Greenwich; Mother ept 3:00 (John Redmond, Barry, Phil Spector and ell Music Inc., Windsw chase Music and Malt Shoppe 4:02 Weldon; Warner/Chapp Music, Trio Music, Steeple 39. Deck Home For Christmas with ABKCO Music) // Holdings) // 13. I’ll Be Music by arrangement Used by Ram; Alfred Music s; Buck Sayger and David Kent by nal: arr. (Johnny (Kim Gannon, Walter The Halls 1:30 (Traditio 2:12 (James Lord Pierpont; 1850) Christmas Baby 4:15 Bells Publishing Publishing) // 14. Merry Permission ) // 40. Jingle 3:12 (Mel Torme, Robert Wells; MPL Baxter; Universal Music Dudley Moore and Lou Music Inc.) // 15. Santa Baby 3:06 (J. // 41. The Christmas Song Tunes) // 42. Snowed In With You ell That First TV Group, Warner/Chapp r; Tamir Music) // 16. Music Publishing, Sony/A Maluchnik, M. Culp, J. Almaguer; M. Javits, P. Springer, T. Springe Eddie Boggs Productions, Used Clay, K. , Aossey Run Like 5:05 (J. Boggs; Morbid; y MOMA Groupe) // 43. Snowfall 3:05 (Eddie To Bethlehem 2:14 (Dinty Used by Permission courtes ’ To Town 4:58 (Roger Waters by Permission) // 17. Soon Santa’s Got A Jump Jet! 3:00 Hell/Santa Claus Is Comin Waters Music and Pink Floyd 18. ime Used by Permission) // by Permission) // 19. Wintert // and David Gilmour; Rogers Catalog) // 44. Auld Lang sion) (E.J. Wells (ASCAP); Used J. Fred Coots; EMI Feist Roberts; Used by PermisTimothy Music, (Joel 1:49 Knorr). ys Jerry Holida arr. by (Traditional: arr. By Syne 1:53 (Traditional; 20. O Tannenbaum 1:49 sion) // 21. How The Grinch 34, 15, 23, 25, 28, 29, 33, Pecsenye; Used by Permis Tracks 6, 11, 12, 13, 14, (Theodore Geisel; Random Mixed and Mastered by Stole Christmas 9:55 35, 37, 38, 44: Recorded, re Recording Studio by Permission) // 22. House Publishing, Used Patrick Clark; Used by Christopher P. Stoll at Track 24: (Kerry 4:12 Hope Grows Toledo OH, www.audioflare Christmas 4:34 (Jule , This 23. // Mariasy sion) Dave by Permis Recorded and Mixed Universal Music, Toledo OH// Styne, Sammy Cahn; Inc., Sony/ATV AudioMatrix Recording, Mixed Warner/Chappell Music, and EMI Music Tracks 18, 41: Recorded Music Publishing LLC, and 2:39 by E.J. Wells at Happyl Publishing) // 24. The Gift OH Toledo Used ing, icks; Record Hendr (Jon by Permission) //

Publishing Credits

Powertrain Toledo and UAW Local 14

Jon Hendricks Mannheim Steamroller Pat Dailey Ramona Collins Kerry Patrick Clark Tatiana Owens 38 more local artists

100% of the proceeds

will be contributed to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana, Northwest Ohio Region for every CD sold through January 2013 up to a maximum of $20,000.


DECEMBER 16, 2012



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A6. n Toledo Free Press

DECEMBER 16, 2012


By Jeff McGinnis

Toledo Free Press Pop Culture Editor

In 2011, the first “Holiday Wishes” CD was released. With 100 percent of the proceeds going to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, local celebrities gave generously of their time and talent in an effort to raise money for a wonderful cause. Luminaries such as Pat Dailey, Crystal Bowersox, Alyson Stoner, Sheri LaFontaine and Jamie Farr all contributed. “I am so honored and proud to be able to do positive things for my hometown,” Farr said in a 2011 interview with Toledo Free Press. That kind of generosity — by artists and the public alike — led to an album which grossed more than $25,000 for Make-A-Wish Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana. This year, another outpouring in the spirit of giving has led to the creation of “Holiday Wishes 2,” a two-disc, 44-track collection featuring an even wider array of area talent. The CD was produced by Toledo Free Press Editor in Chief Michael S. Miller. “We all find different ways to help,” said Jerry Anderson, WTOL-11 news anchor. “The holidays, to me, are a great time of family and reflection. And to me, it always refocuses [me] on the things that are most important in my life, which to me are faith and family.” Anderson performs a reading of the Edgar Guest poem “At Christmas” on “Holiday Wishes 2.” Though this is his first year directly contributing to the project, he helped promote the original CD with coverage on his show “Leading Edge,” and was eager to directly participate this year. “I think it was as casual as, ‘Hey, would you be interested in doing a reading for the CD this year?’ And

I was thrilled to say yes. I mean, my partner Chrys Peterson sings on the record every year, and she’s a really accomplished performer. And I certainly don’t have that kind of skill,” Anderson said. Also skilled behind the microphone is 1370 WSPD morning host Fred LeFebvre, who lends his voice to “Holiday Wishes 2” with a reading of “The Boy Who Laughed at Santa Claus.” “Miller got ahold of me this year and asked if I’d get involved, and I said yes right away,” LeFebvre said. “I wasn’t even sure what he was going to have me do. And then when I found out it was an Ogden Nash poem, that made it even better, because those are always a lot of fun.” Miller said opening the project to readings expands the types of contributors he can pursue. “In addition to serving a great cause and being a lot of fun, this annual series can serve as an archive of Toledo history,” he said. “To have tracks by legends such as Jamie Farr and Dennis Staples, and contemporary media talent like Harvey Steele, Rick and Mary Beth from The River and now Jerry and Fred, is to preserve Toledo’s culture and legacy. “Jerry, Fred and our media participants have been incredibly gracious with their outreach and helping us spread the word about the CD, and we can’t thank them enough,” Miller said. LeFebvre recorded his piece in the same studio from which he broadcasts daily on WSPD, though he said his performance on the CD was a deliberate attempt to present another side of himself than his regular listeners usually hear.

toledo free press photo and cover photo by joseph herr

Local media stars lend talents to Make-A-Wish CD



WTOL-11’s Jerry Anderson, left, and 1370 WSPD’s Fred Lefebvre recorded tracks for this year’s Make-A-Wish Cd.

The Toledo Community Foundation helps individuals, families and businesses meet their charitable goals. We are committed to enriching the quality of life for those in our community.

Toledo CommuniTy FoundaTion Real Joy Comes WiTh GivinG



DECEMBER 16, 2012

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“I was going for not so much a dramatic reading, but more of a fun type thing. Not the radio voice that people normally hear, but there’s a little bit of personality in there that I think people will enjoy when they listen to it,” he said. Anderson, meanwhile, recorded his piece just down the same hall — at the 101.5 The River studio at Clear Channel headquarters. His moving reading of “At Christmas” is all the more impressive given that he didn’t know the piece before getting involved with “Holiday Wishes.” “I wasn’t familiar with ‘At Christmas,’” Anderson said. “The message in it was just so on point. There’s just something about this time of year that should bring out the best in people. Petty differences don’t matter. When you’re thinking more of others than you are of yourself, you’re less selfish and you’re more giving.” Of course, the spirit of giving can be heard in every track of “Holiday Wishes 2,” with the money raised going toward a cause that both Anderson and LeFebvre say they were honored to support. “What I like about this one — the Make-A-Wish, and some of the other ones that we do — is, No. 1, they’re local. I like it when the money stays

n A7

here,” LeFebvre said. “I like it when the organization has a great reputation, as Make-A-Wish does. And when you know the majority of money is going for what it’s intended for, not for administrative services and things like that. “Plus, the stories that they have to share, after they take a kid out and give them that wish — that’s just amazing. That’s what Christmas is about.” “To me, it’s what we should be doing — like the poem says — we should be doing all year long,” Anderson said. “To do something that was just fun to do, had meaning for me, and then to be connected to this tremendous group of talented people — I’m the least of all of them — these tremendously talented people on the CD. “And the bottom line is, there’s going to be wishes granted, there’s going to be smiles on people’s faces, there’s going to be times that the individuals and their families are going to forget about their circumstances for a while, when a wish is granted. It’s just very humbling and satisfying to think that you in some little way might be able to help somebody else.” “Holiday Wishes 2” is available at all area Panera Bread locations and select stores at Levis Commons, including Lily’s, Second Sole, The Flying Joe and the Levis Commons management office. O

12/3/12 4:49 PM


A8 n Toledo Free Press

DECEMBER 16, 2012


Don’t fall victim to a holiday heart attack


y father-in-law suffered a heart attack Dec. 8. He thought he was having one that morning and pulled into the parking lot of the emergency room. He sat there, waited and left because he started to feel better. That night, he doubled over with chest pains, started sweating and began experiencing numbness on his left side. He had triple bypass surgery Dec. 12. Data shows that deaths from heart attacks are more prevalent during the holiday season, according to Dr. Brian Kaminski, medical director of ProMedica Toledo Hospital’s emergency department. First, the ER sees more patients for medical reasons during the winter months. Summer attracts traumarelated injuries because of warmer month activities. People are outside

more, participating in sporting leagues, swimming, biking and enjoying the weather. In the winter, people aren’t as active, but the cold weather can affect those who are suffering from underlying heart conditions. The body working to stay warm Brandi can stress the heart, as can shoveling the snow. Also, during the holiday season, people are more likely to travel and will sometimes avoid going to a hospital in an unfamiliar town if they start to feel poorly, Kaminski said. Holiday parties or gatherings might also prevent a person from seeking help right away. A person might think, “I will go after the

kids finish opening their presents.” Kaminski has worked several Christmases in the ER and says the day always starts slow, but picks up as people who had symptoms earlier in the day finally start to come in at night. He said symptoms BARHITE of a heart attack should not be ignored. The typical signs are chest pain that is described as pressure and lasts for more than a few minutes, pain in the arms, back, neck, jaw or stomach, shortness of breath with or without chest pains, nausea and breaking out in a cold sweat. But not everyone has the typical symptoms, especially women or people with other illnesses. For instance, a diabetic might have burning

Offers are valid 12/15 to 12/28 or while supplies last!

pain in the stomach. “We see a small percentage of people who have heart attacks at a young age,” he said. “They usually have one or more risk factors or have a special condition.” Also, those who use or abuse stimulants are at a high risk for heart attacks, as are those with a strong family history of heart disease. “If you have a heart attack and it starts right now, every minute that goes by, more damage happens to your heart,” Kaminski said. Surviving a heart attack should not be the only goal. Minimizing the damage is crucial. Time is critical, Kaminski said. Don’t wait in the parking lot. Go in. “The sooner we can get you, the sooner we can help. We can make a significant difference. It is one of the things we really enjoy doing.” O

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DECEMBER 16, 2012

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A10 n Toledo Free Press

DECEMBER 16, 2012

toledo free press photo by sarah ottney


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Givt COO Josh Cooper, left, and founder and CEO Justin Blanchard.

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Toledo social gifting app set to expand nationwide

By Sarah Ottney


A social gifting application developed by a Toledo startup harnesses the simple yet revolutionary way consumers are interacting with businesses in today’s social media-saturated world. Givt allows users to send free electronic gift cards to their friends via a website or free smartphone app. Recipients can redeem the gift cards, worth between $3 and $500, at participating local businesses. Businesses pay a fee to Givt only when offers are redeemed. There is never a cost to users, who also earn credits toward gift cards for themselves every time an offer they gifted is redeemed or a friend they referred starts using Givt. “The more you give, the more you get back, so it pays to be generous,” said COO Josh Cooper, a Sylvania Northview High School and University of Toledo graduate. It’s a win-win arrangement that sounds almost too good to be true, said founder and CEO Justin Blanchard. “Probably our biggest barrier to overcome right now is people are just like, ‘What’s the catch?’” Blanchard said. “There really isn’t a catch.”

Idea into reality

Givt is an offshoot of digital technology incubator Whisper Labs, which Blanchard founded in 2011 and

Cooper joined soon after. The partners soon realized Givt needed to be its own company. Local venture capital group Rocket Ventures and private investors provided the startup funds this year. “In March we incorporated, in May we closed on our funding and in June we started building our team,” Cooper said. “We hired a staff, built the product and turned an idea into reality.” Givt’s iPhone app launched Nov. 28 and the Android app is coming this month, Cooper said. “The exciting part was within a couple days when you started seeing somebody we don’t know and have no connection with give it to someone else we don’t know and have no connection with,” Cooper said. “That’s when you’re like, ‘All right, this has gotten some viral element to it’ and that’s exciting.” The app will soon expand into markets around the country, including Ann Arbor, Los Angeles, San Diego and Austin, Texas, Cooper said. “We’re starting to bring on one city at a time,” Cooper said. “We’re going to be a national company based out of Toledo. It’s just a matter of a couple weeks before you start seeing Givt popping up all over the country.” More growth initiatives are planned for 2013, Blanchard said. “We’re still a pretty young company right now, but from a product perspective, I think we have a lot of our ducks in a row,” Blanchard said. n GIVT CONTINUES ON A12

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’09 Toyota Camry LE Clean Carfax, Sunroof, Power Everything, 63K...$12,845 ’09 Dodge Nitro SLT Leather, Tow Package, Heated Seats, Cruise 40K .................................................................$15,898 ’08 Mitsubishi Lancer ES 1 Owner Clean Carfax, Tinted Windows, 61K............................................................. $9,955 ’08 Chevy Cobalt LT Clean Carfax, Cruise, CD, A/C, Auto, Priced To Sell ........................................................................ $5,813 ’08 Mazda 3S, Clean Carfax, Cruise, Power Windows/Locks, Auto 59K................................................................... $10,982 ’08 Chrysler Town & Country Touring 1 Owner Clean Carfax, Loaded ......................................................................$14,903 ’08 Jeep Commander Sport 4X4 Rear Park Assist, Uconnect, Sirius, 67K .................................................................$13,779 ’07 Jeep Commander Rocky Mountain 4X4 Clean Carfax, Sunroof Only ............................................................... $9,929 ’07 Chrysler Aspen Limited 4X4 Clean Carfax, Leather, Navigation .................................................................$12,653 ’06 Jeep Wrangler Unlimited 4X4 1 Owner Clean Carfax, Soft Top, 61K ....................................................................$15,820 ’06 Lincoln Zephyr Sunroof, Navigation, Leather Heated Seats, 73K ...........................................................................$10,837 ’05 Ford Expedition Eddie Bauer 4X4, DVD, Sunroof, Heated Leather ....................................................................... $9,876 ’05 Chrysler Town & Country 1 Owner Clean Carfax, DVD, Only 76K ........................................................................... $7,895 ’03 Dodge Dakota SXT CD, Cruise, A/C, Auto, Spray In Bedliner, 32K ............................................................................ $6,774 ’02 Chevy S-10 Clean Carfax, Auto, A/C, CD, Great On Gas On Sale For ...................................................................... $5,926 ’02 Ford Explorer Limited Clean Carfax, Sunroof, Heated Leather ....................................................................... $5,776


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DECEMBER 16, 2012

TOLEDO-AREA CAMPUS GRADUATES* Sumer Abdulhadi Domonae Jenise Abernathy Katrina Adams Nicolette B. Adams Heather Stutts Nathan Addison Antoinette Anderson Nicholas Jacob Arndt Matthew Joseph Babaki Jennifer S Bacholl Jared James Badenhop Michael R. Baker Gabrielle A. Barbara Rachel Barnhart Jasmine L Bauknight Aaron T. Baxter Terrance R. Bell Colleen Marie Belt Brent J. Bences Michael Jeffrey Berger Barbara Ann Berry Brittany S. Berry Dion Henry Berry Janelle Barto Berry Richard Elmer Berry Amy Bethel Alina M. Betts Mindy L. Betts Amanda Bigler Sandra Marie Blair Brandi Gonyer-Boaston Jennifer Heffernan Mark E. Boggs Jeffery Lee Bowers Andrea Kristen Bowser Ashley Nicole Boyle Judith Ann Boyle Audrey D. Bradford Rachel Elizabeth Brewer Antanai Aserine Brown Bradley Z. Brown, Sr. Jessica L. Brown Heather L. Bryant Joseph J. Bryant Amy Sue Buck Cathy A. Bukowski Andrew Michael Burda Timothy J. Burks Helen Jean Bush Jennifer Lynne Cady Michael S. Carrick Lanita Cassandra April L. Casterline Sarah Mae Chambers

Chelsea Elaine Charniga Simeon Navin Chelliah Jason M. Chupp Jamie L. Irwin Bradley Charles Clay Trevor L. Clinger Taronta Cole, Jr. Elizabeth A. Comes Heather Cook Michael D. Copeland Amanda Rose Cornell Christina Marie Courtney Kimberly R. Cousino Todd Michael Cousino Sara M. Coy Kimberly A. Craig Sarah Jo Crockett Kayleigh Krystal Damron Zachary G. Davidson April Lynette Davis Grace Davis Jose R. Degollado Charles L. Dickerson Paul Dickerson Cassandra Nicole Dietrich Karen Ann DiNardo Rose Ann DiNardo Zackary Tyler Doane Emily Danielle Domalski Kevin Dorsten Sarah Jean Downey Brandon C. Dozer Alaura Denelle Drahosh Melissa Susan Duly David L. Dunn Brenda L. Dunning Crystal Sue Durflinger Teri Marie Easter Jeffrey Grant Easterwood Amanda M. Edds Paul Ehi Eguabor Laura Renae Elliott Ashley N. Erard Kent Euler Jason Gregory Everingham Amber Lynne Feckley Patricia Ann Ferguson Wendy K. Ferris Reann E. Figley Bailey Lynn Fillion Lycrecia Lynn Fitch Heidi Folger Stuart Foos Nicole Forman Susan Isabelle Friess Jordan Salem Yousef Gammoh

Leslie D. Gant Brian Garee Sarah Marie Gedert Lucas Randall George Patrick J. Gilmore Amanda RaeNel Glassford Danielle Marie Glover Lucas J. Gloyd Rebecca Ann Gluza Antonio G. Gongora Nicholette Goodson Daniel Gracia Cathy Rae Grady Antionette Patrice Green Darlene M. Grey Craig Robert Gribben Lena R. Griggs Jacob John Grime Carrie Renee Grisez Moriah K Gromer Briana M. Guhl Todd M Haas Andrew Hackney Candice Lynnette Hall Gregory Mark Hall Aaron A. Halstead Jacob Ryan Hamilton Todd R. Hamrick Careigh Caitlan Hand Jacqueline Marie Harley Annette M. Harper Amy L Harrison Deborah S. Hart Melissa Hartenburg Kelsey Hatfield Brianna Maree Hawkins Kirsten Kaye Heinze Kimberly Henderson Lauren N. Hendrickson Jon D. Hens Gregory B. Hermes II Susana Hernandez-Villegas William E. Hesse Cocou Maurel Mario Omram Hessou Lindsey M Hoagland Kristin Marie Hodges Michelle R. Hollister Sherry May Howard Darlasia Nichelle Hudspeth Constance J. Huguelet Seth Humberger Aaron Ilstrup Mark S. Jakubec Jr John M. Jennings Richard A. Jevince Alexis S. Johnson

Cheryl Rychelle Johnson Sarah J. Johnson Grant E Jonas Brian O. Jones Christie J. Jones Rebecca Sue Jones Wendy Jones Matthew Joyner Stanley Mbugua Kaguima Lori A. Kazmaier Athar Kazmi Brynn M. Keane Nicole J. Keister Kristen M. Keller Thomas J. Kelly Thomas George Kennedy Thomas Scott Kennedy Zain U Khan Alisha Maree King Jeremy William King Brynn Elizabeth Kingsley Kristen Leigh Kirkendall Kyle A. Kleeberger Christina Marie Kohler Aaron Paul Konwinski David A. Kreamer Jack E. Krontz, Sr. Julie Kae Kummer Ruth E. Kuohn Alison Marie Laing Allison Leigh LaLone Melissa Marie Lang Nicole A. Lee-Langdon Lisa M. LaPoint Tony Paul Latsch Kristi Sue Lauer Joshua Lehan Veronica M. Lehmann Christine C. Lemke James A. Lemke Jennifer Lender Jamesha Sharaye Lindsey Grace Leah Lomeli Kayla Elizabeth Lovingood Crystal M. Lowe Michelle Lynn Lozoya Angela S. Lucio Cori Beth Lucio Heather Marie Luttke Patricia A. Maier Shelby Caprice Majors Margaret Rose Martin Stephanie Mason Timothy J. Mason Lee A. Masztak Tiffany Elizabeth Mattys


Robert Scott Mawer Sarah M. Maze Audrey Estelle McCormick La Rhonda E. Mc Coy Dawn M. McCrory Erin Celeste McDougle Kelsie Brianne McGreevy Chelsey Renee McMillan Katrina McRae Ethan J. Meyers Grezen Mendoza Micua Milo Richard Middleton, II Joel Matthew Mies Brittany Mihlbauer Kevin Richard Miller Erika Lynn Molitoris Monique Nichole Montgomery Brittany Lee Vereen Morris Donald Lewis Morrow Kelly Ray Morrow Kevin M. Mossberg Lucretia Nicole Moye Tricia Marie Moyer Kristal T. Myers Joshua Douglas Nagel Wa-el Nasser Dianna L. Nevius Gavin Tyler Nickle Heather K. Nino Lisa Marie Nowak Janette M. O’Connor Timothy E. Oliver Zachary Max O’Neil Serena M. Ortiz Kameron Scott Owens Ann M. Palmer Courtney Rae Paszkiet Russell Patterson Caitlyn Denene Payne Lisa Marie Pennycuff BobbiJo M. Perez Erin L. Perry Matthew James Peternel Leesha M. Petersheim Thomas Peterson Joshua N. Peth Amanda Jo Phillips Jennifer S. Phillips Melissa Rubio Pinto-Alves Ello Jennifer M. Pizano Megan M. Pursel Mary J. Puterbaugh Phillip W. Quinlan, Sr. Jenna M. Rahm Mark A. Ramirez, Jr. Susan Kathleen Rapp

Donald A. Rawlins Joanne E. Rawson Clinton J. Reed Christopher M. Reynolds Austin Rhoads Terry Rice Alisha S. Rittner Elizabeth Robertson Charles Robinson David Edward Robinson Megan Elizabeth Rock Antonio Rodriguez Rodney Jay Rodriguez, Sr. Kailee Roessner Jeffery Joshua Rollins Krista Ann Sizemore Christine Alyse Roudebush Amanda M. Roumaya Thomas E. Rowe Andrew Michael Ruch Clayton Tyler Ruch Brian W Rusch, Jr. Erica Beth Russell Seham Saleh Christopher M. Samberg Elizabeth M. Sanderson Anita M. Santus John Colbey Sapp Jamie E. Saunders Alisha T. Savino Connie Sue Sayler Joyce Scarborough Cindy Schirack Christopher F. Schmidbauer Tonya M. Schmitz Adam Dale Howard Schumaker Daniel Howell Seely, II Andria L. Seifert Allison Jean Seifker Kellie M. Seiler Tara Sherman Crystal Simmons Abby Sloan Christopher J. Smigelski, Jr. Alana Smith Amarrah Raquel Smith Christopher S. Smith James R. Smith Shannon Marie Smith Kristen Smith-Alsawalha Alaina Snyder Misty L. Sobecki Misty Lyne Sorg Misty Michelle Sperry Jenna M. Spetz Robert Charles Stainbrook, III

Antoinette Michelle Stevens Janel Kristine Stoner Darla M. Strzesynski Haley Nicole Stuart Megan Lindsay Suehrstedt Savannah Morgan Follen Sully Molly Lynne Summers Thomas Anthony Sumwalt Juleen G. Tajblik Kirstin A. Talb Nick A. Tammarine Samuel Thomas Andrew J. Thomasson Andre L. Tiggs Thomas N. Tiggs Toby Lee Timmons Nicholas A. Tippery Leslie E. Tipping Jacqueline Marie Trubisky Priscilla A.L.Turner Jacob P. Tursich Jordan Tuttle Corey Tyda Alejandro Valentin Robin F. Valentine Jessica Lynn Verhoff Robert E. Vidra Jordan Mitchell Vinski David Alexander Warner Lori A. Watson Sarah Jai Webb Michelle Lynn Weber Dawn DeLaCruz Weinbrecht Holly A. Whipple Julie K. Whitlow Kyle Gene Whitmore Brian Adam Wickensimer Geegana KL Pradeep K Wickremasiri Kayli Wiley Natascha Yvonne Williams Me’shell S. Wilson Terry Louis Wilson Katelyn E. Wojcinski Brandi C. Wuellner Steven R. Yates, Jr. Heather C. Zimmerman Wendinda Roland Camille Zongo Travis Zunk

* Candidates for graduation ** Some candidate names omitted at their request

Congratulations to 538 Owens Community College graduates, who join more than 32,000 alumni in earning an associate’s degree. Since 1965, the majority of Owens graduates have remained in the community and contributed by working, paying taxes, voting and raising a family. Their investment in education is a mark of the confidence they have in Northwest Ohio. Thank you graduates! /owenscc

n A11


A12 n Toledo Free Press n GIVT CONTINUED FROM A10 “Dec. 1 marked our first bigger push from the sales perspective, bringing on more merchants and more markets, so the next three months will be pretty big in terms of growth in both users and merchants.”

New frontier

The phenomenon of social gifting is relatively new. “Social gifting emerged out of the Groupon era and, with the emergence of smartphones, it’s changed consumer buying habits. It’s a new delivery system for gift cards,” Cooper said. “It’s kind of where advertising is going. It’s honestly just this new frontier of advertising that’s now available because of the changing face of the modern consumer.” Toledo area businesses using Givt include 7 Little Cupcakes, The Art Supply Depo, BadDog Fighting, Balance Pan-Asian Grille, Barr’s Public House, The Blarney Irish Pub, Bleak House Coffee, Burger Bar 419, Computer Discount, Definition Fitness, Dooley’s Irish Pub, East of Chicago Pizza, HomeBody Xtreme Fitness, Interior Channel Basement Waterproofing, The Kitchen Store, LAPuTOPia, Manhattan’s Restaurant, Maxwells Brew, Nedley’s Ice Cream & Coffee Cafe, Papa G’s Pizza ’n Grill, Perretti’s Auto Detailing, Picture Perfect Painting, Rooter Pro, Shakin’ Street

Records, Stikki, Studio 14 Tattoos, SylvaniaVET, Toledo Indoor Garden and University Computer Repair. “Givt allows people to truly share their favorite local places with others. It’s one thing to say to your friend, ‘You’ve got to go check out Manhattan’s or Balance Grille’; it’s another thing to give them money to go there,” Cooper said. “The goal is to drive traffic to local businesses. We want to be supportive of the local economy. We want users to experience, to rediscover their city and discover new and unique places.” Givt helps “level the playing field” for small-business owners, Cooper said. “With Givt, they don’t need to have a $5,000 advertising budget to reach people,” Cooper said. “They just need to have a great product and a passionate fan base.” Givt removes the hefty upfront cost of traditional print mailings and also aims for a better return rate thanks to personal referrals, which creates a positive branch image, Cooper said. Plus, since the gift appears on a recipient’s Facebook wall, companies get free advertising even if the offer isn’t redeemed. “Even if the card is not redeemed, you saw it, other friends on your Facebook wall saw it. There’s social media chatter, which is a really valuable thing in and of itself,” Cooper said. The gift cards typically expire after

about 14 days, allowing unused offers to be gifted to someone else, Cooper said. “Daily deal sites are going to give you a big run of traffic all at once and then it’s going to die off,” Cooper said. “Givt can drive you traffic consistently, 365 days a year, because somebody’s always having a birthday, an anniversary, a baby and gift cards are always available rather than only available once every few months.”

Local reaction

Balance Pan-Asian Grille, with locations in Maumee and Sylvania, has partnered with Givt from the start. “I’ve seen it all come together,” said CEO and Creative Director Prakash Karamchandani. “It’s definitely groundbreaking. It’s going to be a game changer. One of the main reasons Givt will work out is it’s 100 percent brand focused. You are putting your brand in front of customers’ faces and promoting yourself the best way possible and it’s all done through social media. “Why it’s going to grow fast is there’s no payment involved, no hurdle to push someone over. You just download the app and send someone a gift for free,” Karamchandani said. “For a merchant, with traditional advertising you’re just throwing money in the air and seeing what comes down on your side of the fence. With Givt, it’s clean and easy. There’s no out-of-pocket ex-

DECEMBER 16, 2012 pense. I’m not paying any fees until I get a customer through my door.” The Blarney Irish Pub in Downtown Toledo was another early Givt merchant partner. “Givt has helped bring new folks through the pub,” said general manager Bill Kline in an email to Toledo Free Press. “We’ve redeemed quite a few so far and, from what I’ve heard, people like the idea of sending a Givt to their friends and/or relatives and it doesn’t cost them anything. People are evolving from paper coupons to

smartphone coupons that can be redeemed with one swipe and we’re glad to be in on the ground floor with Givt.” The Givt team is excited to officially launch in Toledo and kick off its national expansion. “This is the season for gifting so we’re excited to launch here in Toledo in December,” Cooper said. “You can share with your friends cool, unique places and help support local businesses at the same time. What a win-win overall.” For more information, visit or email O


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A14 n Toledo Free Press


DECEMBER 16, 2012

photo by molly lamountain


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n A15

health zone

A16. n Toledo Free Press

DECEMBER 16, 2012

By Brigitta Burks

Toledo Free Press News Editor

Striking up a conversation about tissue donation before a loved one dies can make things easier for everyone, said Reg Dawson, director of Community Tissue, which organizes local tissue donations. “If you’re not interested in donation, that’s fine, just tell your loved one,” he said. “If it’s something that you want to do, yes, tell your loved one because you don’t know when [death’s] going to happen. And I hear so often, ‘We never talked about it.’” Community Tissue, which has locations all over the country, has been in Toledo since 2002 and serves 28 hospitals in the area. Dawson said there are three categories of donation: organ, tissue and cornea. Tissue donations can include skin, bones, heart valves and ligaments. Community Tissue handles tissue and cornea donations while Life Connection of Ohio handles organ donations. “To become an organ donor, you have to be brain dead, meaning there’s no blood flow to the brain. So those people have a beating heart, but if you were to take them off a ventilator, they wouldn’t breathe on their own,” Dawson said. “To be a tissue donor or a cornea donor, you have to sustain cardiac death, meaning your heart has stopped.” About 54 percent of Ohioans are on the donor registry, which you can sign up for at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles. Although this figure is higher than many states’, Dawson said, there is still a need for more donors. “We sometimes find it difficult to

meet the needs of burn patients,” he said. For burn victims, donated skin can act as a natural bandage, keeping infection out and moisture in.


Some people have misconceptions about becoming donors, he said. They are sometimes worried about being able to have an open casket or show the body in cases of skin donation. However, the graft comes from the legs and the back. It’s also a misconception that certain religions frown on donation, he said. “The religions that don’t support donation are Shintos from Japan and European Gypsies,” Dawson said. He added, “Some people are afraid to put themselves on the registry. They think, ‘People won’t take care of me. They’ll see that I have the heart on my driver’s license and I won’t get the care that I need.’ “My response to that is I would think a hospital would do everything they can to keep you alive to pay your bill and no one has ever argued that.”

toledo free press photo by joseph herr

Tissue donors can help up to 50 people


Whenever there is a death in the area, Community Tissue receives a call from the hospital or coroner’s office. Community Tissue then checks to see if the individual is on the donor registry and if there are restrictions on what can be donated. Whether a person is on the list or not, the deceased’s family is contacted. If the family declines donation and, “[The deceased] have not placed themselves on the registry, we say, ‘Thank you very much,’ and once more offer condolences for their loss and that’s it. n TISSUE CONTINUES ON A17


Bruce Joseph, a tissue recipient, stays busy with his kids and job AT DIRECTIONS CREDIT UNION.

health zone

DECEMBER 16, 2012 n TISSUE CONTINUED FROM A16 “If [the deceased] have placed themselves on the registry [and the family still says no], we ask them if there’s anything we can do to help them understand that their loved one

has said yes. We’re not gonna twist arms,” he said. “Legally, could we perform the recovery? Yes … we choose not to because the family is not in a very good place and we step away.” If approval is granted, the funeral


home is contacted and the body is brought to Community Tissue where the tissue recovery takes place. The tissue is then processed and later distributed through Community Tissue in Toledo.

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Bruce Joseph

An average tissue donor can help or save 50 people. Bruce Joseph, a financial adviser at Directions Credit Union, is one of those people whose quality of life was improved by a donation. A high school football injury led to several knee surgeries — two of his surgeries involved donor parts. “If it weren’t for those surgeries and if it weren’t for the donors, I wouldn’t be as active as I am,” said the 43-yearold dad of three. His original surgery, done in his early 30s, used his own bone graft and was deteriorating. “What really got difficult was when my middle child was an infant. I would lay down on the living room floor and play with him and then I noticed it was difficult for me to get off the floor,” he said, adding that it also hurt to climb the stairs while holding his baby. “I’m thinking, ‘This is not any way for somebody to live,’” Joseph recalled. “When they told me they could take a donor’s ligament or tendon and create a ligament out of it, I though that was just the coolest thing ever. It almost sounds like science fiction,” he said. Now, Joseph can stay active and is also the coach of his son’s baseball team. He also volunteers for Community Tissue by speaking to donor families.

n A17

Denien Wilde

Denien Wilde, who works in the medical field, is in a donor family. About four years ago, her 2-month-old son Quinn, who had a seizure disorder, died. “I had declared myself a donor years before. I never thought I would be in a position to make that decision for one of my children,” she said. She and her husband decided to donate their son’s heart valves. “I really think that our grief would be very different if we hadn’t made the decision to donate his heart valves,” Wilde said. “It’s just been something really positive and beautiful to think about and hold on to.” Wilde also wrote a children’s book, “Who Will Feed My Goldfish?” based on her family’s experience. “When we were at hospice, my brother said to my daughter, ‘Now Quinn will be able to help feed your goldfish in heaven,’” she said. “The book just basically expresses that God loves all creatures and we go to heaven and live with God and have what we need.” Wilde has not met the heart valve recipients’ families yet. “It’s entirely up to them to initiate that. I hope that it happens someday, but I realize that it might not. It’s such an emotional, sensitive thing,” she said. To learn more, visit the website O

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Business Link

A18 n Toledo Free Press

DECEMBER 16, 2012


By Sarah Ottney


The marketing team at Hollywood Casino Toledo likes to be ahead of the curve. Whether it’s developing a free userfriendly mobile app, placing QR codes on slot machines so guests can track jackpots, allowing Marquee Rewards members to check their points online or generating a massive pre-opening online buzz, the focus is always on improving guest experience. “I want people to get knowledge of our casino the simplest way, the most practical way, so they don’t have to go out of their way to get information,” said 28-year-old Eric Saliba, a multimedia designer with Penn National Gaming. “I always like to be ahead and having something out before everyone else is really cool.” Many casinos have mobile websites, but only a few, including Toledo, have mobile apps, Saliba said. “[Apps] are more mobilefriendly,” he said. “If it’s designed for your iPhone or iPad, it’s going to be a better experience.” Available for both iPhone and Android, Toledo’s app was developed by Saliba in-house and has more than 7,100 downloads so far. Penn National has expressed interest in replicating the app for its other properties, Saliba said. “The delivery method of an app is perfect since it’s right on their phone and it’s always with them,” Saliba said. “They really liked this one. It’s in talks right now and it sounds like they are going to roll it out companywide.” User commenting is one of the app’s most popular features, Saliba said. “People love the comments. That’s definitely No. 1,” he said. “They comment on everything. They just like to get their voice heard, so that’s really cool.” Users who create a free account within the app can like, comment, upload photos and more, earning points and badges for interacting. “Right now, it’s just a set of ac-

toledo free press photo by joseph herr

Casino embraces technology, social media


Penn National Gaming MuLtimedia Designer Eric Saliba developed Hollywood Casino Toledo’s free mobile app.

complishments,” Saliba said. “It just encourages them to use our app more, but there’s potential for [rewards] in the future.” Another popular feature is the howto guides for table games, Saliba said. “If you’re not sure how to play a table game you can actually go in and learn how to play, so that’s really helpful,” Saliba said. “Or if you have a question while you’re playing or if the dealer does something, you can look right in the app and make sure.” Many gamblers appreciate being able to browse a list of available games, said Keira Finnegan, advertising and

promotions manager. “Most slot gamers are die-hard for a machine,” Finnegan said. “They call us and ask us if we have x, y or z, so this is really helpful.” The app’s dining section allows users to make reservations, view menus and hours, browse monthly specials and more. The entertainment section lists upcoming concerts and events. “You can actually say you’re going to be going and can post photos and share your experiences there, so that’s pretty cool,” Saliba said. Also available in the app is a floor

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map of the casino and hotel and weather information.

QR codes

In mid-October, the casino installed QR codes on about 50 highlimit slot machines. “It’s really cool. You just scan the little code and it shows the recent jackpots — anything more than $200 — won on the machine and the date and time it happened,” Saliba said. “We’ve had that planned since the beginning, but just rolled it out recently. We’re just testing it in high-limits right now and gathering feedback and if it seems to

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work, we’ll roll it out on all the games.” Even though slot payouts are random, people are superstitious, Saliba said. “It lets people judge which machine is hot, which one is a lucky one,” he said. “People will say, ‘I don’t want to sit at this one; it just paid out.’ They always want to know and they are always asking the slot attendants so now they actually can scan it and find out when it last paid out.” Saliba said he believes Toledo is the first Penn National casino to install QR codes. n CASINO CONTINUES ON A19




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Business Link n CASINO CONTINUED FROM A18 “This is the only one I’m aware of,” Saliba said. “You don’t see stuff like this popping up in the Detroit casinos. We just want to be on the cutting edge and keep our customers happy.” The structure of the app allows room for future growth as well, including possibly adding geotargeting, a location-based marketing tool, said Marketing Operations Manager John McNamara. “That’s one of the big reasons, when we were looking at mobile vendors, that we picked Mobile Roadie, because they had that geotargeting capability,” McNamara said. “For those who opt into receiving notifications, the app will automatically send an alert if you go within a boundary we set, to let people know, ‘Hey, you just missed us. Turn around.’”

Marquee Rewards

The casino also recently started allowing its 222,000 Marquee Rewards card members to check their points online or through a link in the app. Previously, points could only be checked at kiosks on the casino floor. “That will be helpful for people who want to see their points right now,” Saliba said. Unlike points earned within the app, Marquee Rewards points can be redeemed at the casino for food, merchandise, slot play and more.


n A19

toledo free press photo by joseph herr

DECEMBER 16, 2012

Hollywood Casino Toledo recently installed QR codes on its high-limit slot machines. Scanning the codes with a smartphone tells guests when the machines last hit a jackpot.


Creating buzz

The marketing team built a big enough pre-opening buzz that Hollywood Casino Toledo topped Penn National casinos in number of Facebook likes before it even opened, Saliba said. “We built the excitement really high,” Saliba said. “We did that by asking questions and encouraging people to comment and like and share our tweets. We made sure our Facebook was up-to-date way before we opened so people could check in and share, so that helped us a lot. Even the construc-

tion workers were checking in.” Finnegan said the team is always trying to raise the bar for guests. “We hope they gather all our information, all our promos, all our concerts,” Finnegan said. “We want guests to be able to have easy access to it since today’s world is definitely turning to social media, apps, things of that nature, and we want to be the forefront for Toledo here as a Penn property.” For more information, visit www. O

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Business Link

A20 n Toledo Free Press

DECEMBER 16, 2012

A view from the gulch

Forget the gold standard, let’s go platinum


received an email chastising me for advocating America go back to the gold standard. The writer said it was a waste of time to talk about it because there isn’t enough gold in the world for us to cover the outstanding currency the Federal Re- Gary L. serve has issued. In my usual charming way, I talked about this on air and said that while I agreed there was not enough gold to cover our outstanding currency, it was only because gold was priced too cheaply. If gold was priced at $1 trillion an ounce then we would have plenty of gold. So my contention is that there is plenty of gold — it’s just not priced properly. Well, apparently The Washington Post listens to the show, because last Friday it came out with an article indicating Congress could legally mint a trillion-dollar platinum coin. The writer says should President Barack Obama want to “avoid an economic calamity next year, he could always show up at a press conference bearing two shiny platinum coins, worth ... $1 trillion apiece.” This would also make it so that Congress didn’t have to go on record voting to raise the debt ceiling. Under the law, the Treasury is allowed to mint as many coins as it wants from platinum and assign an arbitrary value to each coin. So it could, legally and probably constitutionally, create a platinum coin or 10 and send them over to the Fed to hold on their balance sheet at whatever value the Treasury determines. The Fed would then move the money into the Treasury’s account and presto, you have no more debt problem. Economists will love this

because now the debit and credit ledgers will balance. Politicians will love it because they can spend any amount forever without creating any “formal” debt. This is a politically perfect solution because Congress would have RATHBUN no backlash from the electorate, the president could spend all he wants, the Fed would have even more power and the general population of the U.S. wouldn’t understand or care to understand the consequences of such stupidity. Platinum is priced at around $1,600 an ounce, so if the Treasury minted a $1 trillion coin either the spot price would go through the ceiling or it would drop to being cheaper than tin. If it went through the ceiling, the dollar would be able to hold its value in the world because it would be backed by a hard asset. If it fell through the floor, then we would be worse off in the world since the dollar would be worth less than it is today. Making a trillion-dollar platinum coin would essentially be the same as defaulting on our debt. Imagine that someone owes you $100 and instead of paying you back in the same currency that was lent out he decides to pay you in pop bottle caps because he has declared that they are now worth $20 apiece. You probably wouldn’t be very happy unless you were very certain that someone else would exchange the bottle caps for something else of value. This is likely to happen with the platinum coin idea. As far as an accounting entry, it will make everything nice and neat and probably give


the politicians and Keynesian economists a warm and fuzzy feeling. But it will do nothing for the growth of the economy or to keep us the reserve currency of the world. As for me, I’m going to start

saving bottle caps! O

Gary L. Rathbun is the president and CEO of Private Wealth Consultants, LTD. He can be heard weekdays on 1370 WSPD at 4:06 p.m. on “After the Bell”

and every Wednesday and Thursday at 6 p.m. throughout Northern Ohio on “Eye on Your Money.” He can be reached at (419) 842-0334 or email him at garyrathbun@privatewealth

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DECEMBER 16, 2012




Johnny Knorr Orchestra brings back its New Year’s Eve party By Brigitta Burks Toledo Free Press News Editor


Martin Freeman stars as Bilbo Baggins in ‘the Hobbit.’

‘Hobbit’ is long, rewarding journey By James A. Molnar

Toledo Free Press Film Editor

“Good stories involve embellishment.” So says wizard Gandalf the Grey to Bilbo Baggins at the beginning of “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.” In the first installment of director Peter Jackson’s latest trilogy, audiences are taken back to Middle-earth, the fantasy universe from author J.R.R. Tolkien. The opening scenes of “The Hobbit” show an old Bilbo writing a memoir of sorts and describing his “unexpected journey” 60 years prior. “I am old now, Frodo,” he writes, mentioning his nephew (Elijah Wood), who makes a brief appearance. “It is time for you to know what really happened.” In his writings, he describes what had been happening in Middle-earth — specifically, the Lonely Mountain in the lost Dwarf Kingdom of Erebor. This mountain had been home to the dwarves until the dragon Smaug the Magnificent attacked, forcing them from their only home — with nowhere to go. The narration ends and we see Bilbo (Martin Freeman) as younger man. Gandalf (Ian McKellen) stops by Bilbo’s home in The Shire, a quaint and quiet village inhabited by the hobbits, small people with large feet. The great wizard asks the young bachelor hobbit to accompany him on a journey. Bilbo, who was once a fiery teenager with a sense of adventure and wonder, has grown up into a young adult who cherishes his grandmother’s china, delicate dish doilies and the cleanliness of his home. He has become safe and ordinary. Gandalf still sees the potential of

n A21

the younger, adventurous Bilbo. “You’ve got the wrong hobbit,” Bilbo warns. A raucous lineup of 13 dwarves later show up to Bilbo’s residence and the plan is revealed. There are signs that the dragon is dead inside the mountain and the dwarves want to reclaim their kingdom before anyone else does. Bilbo, being a small, stealthy hobbit could help the team once they arrive at the mountain. And the story and mythology continue as Bilbo decides to go along on the journey. Director Jackson is at his best in the “Lord of the Rings” realm. What he has created is not only a 17time Academy Award-winning movie franchise with 30 nominations among the three films, but he has also set the bar extremely high for fantasy films — almost too high even for himself. Fans of the “Lord of the Rings” series will very much enjoy this movie, which can feel more like a director’s cut at times. However, “The Hobbit” suffers slightly from gorging on every minute detail, which casual fans may find slightly arduous. The new trilogy is based on one 300-page book, along with various other writings and “Lord of the Rings” appendices by Tolkien. On the other hand, each film of the “Lord of the Rings” trilogy was based upon a specific book, each about 400 pages. While watching “The Hobbit,” it is clear Jackson is embellishing, just as Gandalf suggested. Jackson allows his audience to savor every possible on-screen moment — ad nauseam. But this is not all bad. Audiences are treated to wonderfully extended scenes between Bilbo and Gollum, along with Gandalf and others. Look for a shared screenplay credit with

Guillermo del Toro (“Pan’s Labyrinth”). But while the story may drag at times, the visuals more than make up for Jackson’s indulgences. The picturesque landscapes, stunning CGI and 3-D are some of the year’s best visuals at the cinema. Middle-earth appears real. This makes the recent “Star Wars” trilogy visuals seem amateurish. Once again, the animating of Gollum is exquisite and frightening at times. The trolls, goblins and orcs are also impressive. For this movie, Jackson implemented filming in 48 frames per second. The industry standard for movies is currently 24. Television uses 30 frames per second. Rave Fallen Timbers and Franklin Park will be showing “The Hobbit” in the new format (look for HFR, high frame rate, 3-D). This reviewer did not screen the new format. After investing 2 hours and 49 minutes into the movie, there is a feeling of grief since there is no real story payoff, which may not come until the third movie. As for the second installment, fans will have to wait until Dec. 13, 2013, for “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.” It’s going to be a long 12 months. /5

Rated PG-13 for extended sequences of intense fantasy action violence and frightening images. O Toledo Free Press Lead Designer and Film Editor James A. Molnar blogs about all things Oscar at TheGold Watch him discuss movies on “WNWO Today” around 5:50 a.m. on Fridays. Also, listen to James discuss movies on “Eye on Your Weekend” on 1370 WSPD every Friday at 6 p.m.

The Johnny Knorr Orchestra is bringing the big-band sound back to New Year’s Eve with its gala celebration. Last year was the first time in decades the party did not occur. This year will mark the 27th New Year’s Eve Gala, said Jerry Knorr, the musical director. Knorr’s father Johnny started the orchestra in 1960 and died in August 2011. “The Stranahan Great Hall (the party’s location), they had booked another party [last year] and it was shortly after my father’s passing and it was just a little too much to handle. We’re pleased to be able to bring it JERRY KNORR back this year and resume a longstanding tradition,” Jerry said. The party will feature a large dance floor, a buffet by Michael’s Gourmet Catering and a performance by the ballroom act “Strictly Show.” There will also be a champagne toast to welcome 2013. “Ragtime” Rick Grafing and Dennis Williams will emcee the event. And of course, The Johnny Knorr Orchestra will perform. Jerry took over as musical director in early 2011 and has continued to lead the band since his father’s death. He joined the orchestra as a high school student.

“I’ve been with the orchestra since day one and have always been a part of it and this is just an evolution, continuing the tradition. As we approach our 53rd year, to me, it’s just been a natural transition of carrying on the orchestra,” Jerry said. Michael Drew Shaw, a longtime friend of Johnny’s who also produced a documentary on the orchestra, said, “I think that it’s been a difficult year for Jerry. … These guys weren’t just father and son, they were business partners. They lived next door to each other out in Oregon. I know Jerry took the loss of his pop pretty hard, but I’ve been impressed with his determination to keep the band going.” The reason the orchestra is so successful is because of its commitment to Johnny’s principles — and to pleasing the crowd, Jerry said. “[Johnny] grew up as what was known as a sideman and played with several different orchestras. And he thought he just wanted to do things a little bit better so he formed his own orchestra,” Jerry said. “[He] always was striving for a little bit better and I guess that’s what brought about the longevity (of the group). He always was observant and played for the dancers … we always played for the audience, the dancers, so they always wanted us to return.” Shaw said the orchestra’s work ethic is why it has been on the Toledo music scene for so long. “[Jerry and Johnny] have a passion for the music they play. … The orchestra members have that same passion. They just love to get out there and play the music. n KNORR CONTINUES ON A22







“I think it’s that collective passion they have for keeping big-band music alive,” he said. Although they have the same work ethic, Jerry said there are differences between him and his father. “Dad was a very stern taskmaster and I guess I’m a little more relaxed about it and achieve similar goals in a different manner” he said. Like his father, Jerry plays the saxophone and the clarinet. His grandfather was also musical and played the piano. Jerry has an engineering degree and also attended the Eastman School of Music in Rochester, N.Y. Today, his orchestra has 12 members and two vocalists. The average tenure of an orchestra member is 25 years, Jerry said. “These are all professional musicians and they travel as much as 100 miles to come play with us,” he said. The orchestra will release a new

CD, “We’ll Meet Again,” at its New Year’s Eve party. “We’re very excited about being able to have this new CD and have that be a part of the New Year’s Eve function. It’s been a few years since we did a recording, so we’re pleased to bring it out,” Jerry said, adding that the new album is “a little bit of the past, the present and the future.” The CD will also be available for $15 at The gala draws in people from all over, Jerry said. “The event is sometimes quite amazing as to the following we have. I have people who have obtained tickets from Columbus and from as far away as Florida.” Tickets for the gala are $60 per person and must be purchased by Dec. 28. Call (419) 697-7612 to purchase. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. Dec. 31 at the Stranahan Great Hall, 4645 Heatherdowns Blvd. O

Donations sought for children’s shopping event Local nonprofit Feet on the Street is organizing its fourth annual 12 Kids of Christmas shopping event. Children are recommended for participation in the program by police department members, school employees, social agencies and family shelters, according to a news release. The event is set for 8 a.m. to

noon Dec. 21. The children will be served breakfast at the Toledo Police Patrolman’s Association Hall, featuring appearances by Santa Claus and Ronald McDonald. Afterward, Toledo police officers will help the children shop for Christmas gifts at Meijer. After shopping, the group

will eat lunch and be entertained by a visit from Spike the Toledo Walleye mascot, Christmas music from Kyle White, Jeff Stewart and Johnny Rodriguez, and animals from the Toledo Zoo. For more information, visit O — Staff Reports

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Effective 12/17/12 - 12/24/12 | We reserve the right to limit quantities. | No sales to vendors. | Not responsible for pictorial or typographical errors.

A22 n Toledo Free Press

DECEMBER 16, 2012



n A23

Manet exhibit ends Jan. 1 EnErgy AffiliAtE: Earn extra income in the newly deregulated energy industry. take advantage of a short window of opportunity. not necessary to quit what you are doing now. Established company offering leadershiplevel income opportunities. Call recruiter for appointment: 419-654-7358.


Those who have been meaning to check out Toledo Museum of Art’s (TMA) “Manet: Portraying Life” exhibit have until Jan. 1 before it leaves the country. Toledo is the exclusive U.S. venue for the exhibition, which drew from more than 30 public and private collections worldwide to comprise the first exhibit focused on the portraiture of 19th-century French painter Édouard Manet. After TMA, the works will be shown at London’s Royal Academy of Arts. Born in 1832, Manet painted his family, friends and the literary, political and artistic figures of his day, often in casual settings rather than traditionally posed portraits, according to a news release from TMA. Often credited as “the father of modernity,” Manet’s style inspired many well-known Impressionists,

including Paul Cézanne, Claude Monet and Edgar Degas. Upcoming museum programming related to the exhibition includes: O 2 p.m. Dec. 16: “Portraits in Prints and Prose,” with Tom Loeffler, assistant curator of works on paper. Meet at Matisse mural. O Noon to 6 p.m. Dec. 31 and Jan. 1: Family Center activities, including hat making, photo ops with props, decorating a frame for photographs, 3-D clay portraits and paper cuts. Admission to the exhibit is $8 for adults, $5 for seniors 65 and older and students age 6 to 22 and is free for TMA members and children 5 and younger with a paid adult admission. An audio tour is available for $3. General admission to TMA is free. For more information, call (419) 255-8000 or visit O — Staff Reports

New Year’s Eve Gala December 31, 2012 STRANAHAN GREAT HALL 4645 Heatherdowns Toledo, Ohio

Live Big Band -­‐ Large Dance Floor Presented By

The JOHNNY KNORR ORCHESTRA 6:30 pm Doors Open • 7-8:00 pm Buffet Dinner by

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Reservations must be made no later than December 28, 2012

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A24. n Toledo Free Press


DECEMBER 16, 2012

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REAL ESTATE Condominiums SYLVANIA TOWNSHIP – NEW LISTING 2 Bed, 1-1/2 Bath, 1151 sq ft, attached garage. Not a foreclosure or short sale – $54,900 SOUTH – $10,000 PRICE REDUCTION 3 Bed, 1-1/2 Bath, 1580 sq ft, attached garage. Not a foreclosure or short sale – $69,900 Mary Ann Stearns, Loss Realty Group 419-345-0071 or

Homes WEST TOLEDO – NEW LISTING 3 Bed, 1Bath, 1050 sq ft, 1 car garage, large eat-in kitchen, 4 season sunroom, updated bath, large fenced backyard, well maintained. Priced to sell quickly at only $49,900 Mary Ann Stearns, Loss Realty Group 419-345-0071 or Toledo, 1232 E. Bancroft St. 2 Story, 3BR/1BA Single Family Fixer Upper, 1266 SF Owner Finance or Cash Discount $250 Dn, $278/Mo 803-978-1539 or 803-978-1607

RENTALS LICENSED PROPERTY MANAGEMENT AND LEASING SERVICE CALL 419.350.5049 (CITY TRENDS REALTY) Toledo Free Press publishes classified ads and cannot be responsible for problems arising between parties placing or responding to ads in our paper. We strongly urge everyone to exercise caution when dealing with people, companies and organizations with whom you are not familiar.

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By Elizabeth Hazel

Your Tarotgram and Horoscope

DEC. 16-22, 2012

Events: Sun enters Capricorn – Winter Solstice (21st) Aries (March 21-April 19)

Libra (September 23-October 22)

All forms of communication are emphasized; even intuitive senses are tingling. Glad tidings arrive Wednesday. Gossip grapevines are sizzling with hot rumors. There’s a tendency to go overboard as the weekend arrives. Expect lavish events and hospitality.

Messages zoom back and forth all week. Major choices hang in the balance and it’s hard to see which way to jump. A friend steers you straight and boosts your mood midweek. By Saturday the most important factors are clear. Big changes are in the wind.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

You want to settle plans or lock in deals, but negotiations are mad pingpong balls bouncing back and forth. Modest steps or small quantities are a good way to test new supply lines. Joyful holiday events contrast with serious work or ongoing financial/career choices.

Big plans developed in the autumn may be wobbling now. Much depends on people's ability to follow through and keep promises. You can choose to take on burdens to compensate for others’ shortcomings, or turn your attention to pressing personal concerns.

Gemini (May 21-June 21)

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

The week builds up to a huge crescendo. Monday starts it off with multiple talks and tasks. Midweek news relates to extra money. After Thursday, your ability to juggle everything at once it tested to the max. Personal, professional and work obligations are a big pileup.

Energies scatter between many interests and commitments – it’s important to stay grounded. A political storm may be raging around your workplace. Good news arrives midweek. Joyful seasonal events are mixed with turbulent personal and career matters.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Good organizational skills are critical, as your abilities and resources are strained this week. Time flies and pressure builds. Extreme stress can trigger physical or emotional collapse. Pace yourself, delegate, simplify and streamline. Accept your limitations with grace.

This week tests your ability to present a calm exterior while hidden or private matters boil and bubble. Unexpected twists midweek change the direction of these situations. After Friday, you’ll have a better grip on the way things are going to work out.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Friends and relatives keep you hopping. An offer or opportunity arrives midweek. Priorities and goals are in flux. Discuss your options and concerns with a trusted friend on Thursday evening. A fabulous event on Saturday is a social coup for you. Dress for success.

Intuitively you know that certain situations are in temporary accord, and slight nudges can trigger a mess. Go with the flow and enjoy the blessings of the holidays. Don’t worry about problems that haven’t happened yet. Spend time with good friends Saturday.

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Gracie is an 8-year-old female german shepherd and husky mix. She weighs 79 pounds and stands very tall. Gracie has been spayed, examined by a TAHS staff veterinarian, is current on her vaccinations and is microchipped. Toledo Area Humane Society is located at 1920 Indian Wood Circle, Arrowhead Park, Maumee. Adoption hours are 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Call (419) 891-0705 or visit www. O







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Virgo (August 23-September 22)

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Separate zones of responsibility tug you back and forth. You’re thrust into a leadership role and may not feel entirely secure with it. Avoid mental gridlock – the big picture is the key. Your confidence rises after Friday. Focus on what’s most important to you.

Messages Monday split your focus. Exciting invitations and offers arrive midweek. Family members are in dicey situations that could implode at any moment. Follow through on your own offers without hesitation. Weekend events put you in the public eye.

Elizabeth Hazel is a professional tarotist-astrologer and author. She gives readings every Wednesday at Attic on Adams above Manos Greek Restaurant. She may be contacted at (c) 2012

All real estate advertised in this paper is subject to the federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation, or discrimination based on race, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, in the sale, rental, or financing of housing. This Publisher will not knowingly accept any advertising that violates any applicable law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this paper are available on an equal opportunity basis. If you believe you have been discriminated against in connection with the sale, rental, or financing of housing, call the Toledo Fair Housing Center, (419) 243-6163.


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TV Listings


8 am




11 am


12 pm


1 pm


2 pm



2 pm


3 pm


General Hospital Katie The Talk Let’s Make a Deal Judge Mathis The People’s Court Judge B. Judge B. The Jeff Probst Show Varied Programs Criminal Varied First 48 Varied Real Housewives Varied Programs Movie ANT Farm Varied Programs SportsCenter Outside Football Movie Varied Movie Secrets 30-Minute Giada Giada Varied Programs Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Jersey Jersey Varied Jersey Raymond Raymond Raymond Seinfeld Movie Varied Programs Varied Programs Varied Programs Wendy Williams Show Bill Cunningham

4 pm


Ellen DeGeneres Dr. Phil Anderson Live The Doctors

5 pm


4 pm


5 pm


6 pm


7 pm


8 pm

6 pm


News News Access H. News News First 48

ABC News CBS News News NBC News NewsHour Varied

First 48


Comedy Good NFL Live

Futurama Futurama Sunny South Pk Varied Programs Phineas Around Pardon SportCtr Varied Movie Varied Programs Contessa Varied Programs Diners


Tosh.0 Good Varied Diners

Movie Varied Programs Friends Friends

Varied Programs Jersey Shore Friends Friends

Movie Jersey Shore King King Movie Varied The Mentalist


Fam. Guy

Two Men



9 pm


Fam. Guy

Two Men

December 16, 2012


3 pm


News News News at Five Dish Nat. TMZ The Dr. Oz Show Cyberchas First 48 Varied

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

›› The Santa Clause 2 (2002) Tim Allen. Deep H20 Extreme Makeover Extreme Makeover News ABC Funny Home Videos Wipeout (CC) Bachelorette: Ashley and J.P.’s Wedding News Insider NFL Football Denver Broncos at Baltimore Ravens. (N) (Live) (CC) NFL Football Pittsburgh Steelers at Dallas Cowboys. (N) (Live) (CC) 60 Minutes (N) (CC) Survivor: Philippines (N) (CC) Survivor: Philippines News NFL Football Regional Coverage. (N) (S Live) (CC) Bones (CC) The Closer (CC) Mother Mother Cleveland Cleveland Simpsons Burgers Fam. Guy American News Leading 30 Rock Office Action Sports From Breckenridge, Colo. Golf PNC Father/Son Challenge, Final Round. (N) (S Live) (CC) News News Football Night in America (N) NFL Football San Francisco 49ers at New England Patriots. (N) News Woods. W’dwright Kitchen Sewing Independent Lens Great Performances Sessions Plugged Moyers & Company NOVA (CC) (DVS) Choir Masterpiece Classic Masterpiece Classic Austin City Limits The Shawshank Redemption ››› A Time to Kill (1996, Drama) Sandra Bullock, Samuel L. Jackson. (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Be the Boss (N) (CC) Real Housewives Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Shahs of Sunset (N) Happens Atlanta ››› Beverly Hills Cop (1984) Eddie Murphy. (CC) ›› Beerfest (2006) Jay Chandrasekhar. › Grandma’s Boy (2006) Doris Roberts. ››› Get Him to the Greek (2010) Jonah Hill. (CC) ›› Zack and Miri Make a Porno (2008) Good Good Austin Shake It ANT Farm Phineas Phineas Phineas Good Good Austin Dog Dog Good Shake It Jessie ANT Farm Jessie Good Austin Dog Jessie PBA Bowling World/Poker World Series of Poker - Europe Final Table. From Cannes, France. (Taped) SportsCenter (N) 30 for 30 30 for 30 SportsCenter (N) Year Without Santa Santa Claus, Town ›› Disney’s A Christmas Carol (2009) ›››› Toy Story 2 (1999), Tim Allen ››› Toy Story 3 (2010, Comedy) Voices of Tom Hanks. ››› Toy Story 3 (2010, Comedy) Voices of Tom Hanks. Restaurant: Im. Chopped Chopped Chopped My. Din Health Diners Diners The Next Iron Chef Sugar Dome (N) The Next Iron Chef Sweet Genius Iron Chef America Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Hunters Abroad Abroad Abroad Hunters Hunt Intl Million Dollar Rooms Extreme Homes (CC) Property Brothers House Hunters Reno Hunters Hunt Intl › The Perfect Holiday (2007) (CC) ››› His and Her Christmas (2005) (CC) All About Christmas Eve (2012) Haylie Duff. Movie Movie Movie Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Married ›› The Heartbreak Kid (2007) Ben Stiller. › Rush Hour 3 (2007) Jackie Chan. (CC) ›› Bad Boys II (2003, Action) Martin Lawrence. (CC) › Killers (2010) Ashton Kutcher. (CC) (DVS) › Killers (2010) Ashton Kutcher. (CC) (DVS) The Iron Petticoat ››› Wait Until Dark (1967), Alan Arkin (CC) ››› Light in the Piazza (1962, Drama) (CC) ››› Born Free (1966) Virginia McKenna. Carol for Another Christmas ››› A Christmas Carol (1951) Night-Movies ››› The Town (2010) Ben Affleck, Rebecca Hall. (CC) ›› The Holiday (2006) Cameron Diaz, Jude Law. (CC) ›››› A Christmas Story (1983) (CC) (DVS) ›› Four Christmases (2008) Vince Vaughn. ›› Four Christmases (2008) Vince Vaughn. NCIS (CC) NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Restless” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS “Safe Harbor” NCIS “Thirst” NCIS (CC) (DVS) NCIS (CC) (DVS) Royal Pains (N) (CC) Royal Pains (CC) Christmas Too Made in Hollywood Cooking Now Eat! Chris Chris Friends Friends Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang 1st Fam 1st Fam Box Offi Box Offi Browns Payne Scoop Made


10 am

Good Morning News This Week Conklin Bridges Round Full Plate Your Morning Sunday CBS News Sunday Morning (N) Nation Leading Mass The NFL Today (N) RECLAIM Total Gym Fox News Sunday Cindy C Best Gift Lions Report Live FOX NFL Sunday (N) Today (N) (CC) Meet the Press (N) Van Impe Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. P90X! Sleep Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur Toledo Stories (CC) Plugged-In Microbes Antiques Roadshow ››› Top Gun (1986) ››› The Perfect Storm (2000) George Clooney. (CC) ››› The Shawshank Redemption Suits “High Noon” (N) Housewives/Atl. Shahs of Sunset Real Housewives Real Housewives E. Mirman › Mallrats (1995) Shannen Doherty. (CC) › Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo (2005) ›››› Cinderella Phineas Phineas Good Jessie Star New Year Wizards Wizards SportsCenter (N) (CC) SportsCenter (N) (CC) Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) (CC) Richie-C’mas Home Alone: The Holiday Heist (2012) ›› Home Alone 4 (2002) French Stewart. Gia.- Christmas Rachael Ray’s Grandm. Guy’s Sand. Be.- Made De.- Christmas Income Income Income Income Income Income Property Brothers (CC) Love It or List It (CC) R Schuller Jeremiah J. Osteen Cindy C Chris Chris Christmas at Water’s Edge (2004, Drama) (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Friends Friends Friends Friends Wedding Band (CC) ›› Tyler Perry’s Why Did I Get Married Too? ›› It Happened on 5th Avenue (1947) (CC) ››› The Shop Around the Corner (1940) ›› The Iron Petticoat Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order “Empire” Law & Order Miracles J. Osteen Royal Pains (CC) Royal Pains (CC) NCIS “Silent Night” NCIS “Faith” (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Missing Old House Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Cooking Now Eat! Christmas Too


December 16, 2012


9 am

n .A25


7 pm



8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

December 17, 2012 10:30

11 pm


Ent Insider Extreme Makeover Extreme Makeover Castle (CC) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! How I Met/Mother Broke Girl Mike Hawaii Five-0 “Kahu” News Letterman The Office How I Met Dragons Ice Age Happiness Is Fox Toledo News America Seinfeld Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The Voice (N) (S Live) (CC) 1600 Penn Take It All (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Antiques Roadshow Market Warriors (CC) Independent Lens Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders (CC) Hoarders “Jan; Bebe” Intervention (N) (CC) Intervention “Sandi” Housewives/Atl. Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives Colbert Daily Futurama Futurama South Pk South Pk Merry F... Christmas Daily Colbert Shake It Austin Beethoven’s Christmas Adventure Dog Good Phineas Good Jessie Monday Night Countdown (N) (CC) NFL Football New York Jets at Tennessee Titans. (Live) SportCtr ›› Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) ›› Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas (2000) Diners Diners Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Diners Diners My. Diners Health Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (CC) Love It or List It (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Love It or List It (CC) Holiday Switch (2007) All About Christmas Eve (2012) Haylie Duff. ›› Holiday Wishes (2006) Amber Benson. (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Teen Mom 2 Teen Mom 2 (N) Catfish: The TV Show Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Conan (N) (CC) ››› A Song Is Born ››› Destination Tokyo (1943, War) Cary Grant. (CC) ››› Battleground (1949, War) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) The Mentalist (CC) CSI: NY “Snow Day” NCIS: Los Angeles WWE Monday Night RAW (N) (S Live) (CC) CSI: Crime Scene Big Bang Big Bang Gossip Girl Gossip Girl’s identity is revealed. Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad



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HOURS: M Mo Monday-Thursday onday nd day ay-T -Th Thu hurs hurs rsd day 11 da 11 aa.m. .m. .m m. – 11 11 pp.m. .m m. d 11 a.m. – Midnight Mid i h | Sunday S d Closed C Cl Friday-Saturday

7 pm


Ent Insider Wheel Jeopardy! The Office How I Met Jdg Judy Jdg Judy NewsHour Business Storage Storage Start-Ups Colbert Daily Shake It Austin SportsCenter (N) (CC) Miracle on 34th Street Chopped Hunt Intl Hunters Accidental-Chr. Jersey Shore (CC) Seinfeld Seinfeld Myrna Loy: So Nice... The Mentalist (CC) Law & Order: SVU Big Bang Big Bang


8 pm


9 pm


10 pm

December 18, 2012 10:30

11 pm


Charlie Brown Happy Apt. 23 Private Practice (N) News Nightline NCIS (N) (CC) (DVS) NCIS: Los Angeles (N) Vegas “Estinto” (N) News Letterman Raising Ben-Kate New Girl Mindy Fox Toledo News America Seinfeld The Voice (CC) The Voice Carson Daly announces the winner. News Jay Leno First Freedom: Fight for Religious The Iranian Americans Stamp Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Start-Ups Shahs of Sunset Decorators Decorators Work. Key Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Daily Colbert Dog Good Jessie ANT Farm Good Phineas Jessie ANT Farm Women’s College Basketball NBA Coast to Coast SportsCenter (N) (CC) ››› Home Alone (1990) Macaulay Culkin. ››› The Polar Express (2004), Michael Jeter Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Chopped “Trout Bout” Chopped Love It or List It (CC) Property Property Hunters Hunt Intl Million Dollar Rooms Dear Santa (2011, Drama) Amy Acker. (CC) 12 Men of Christmas (2009) (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Teen Mom 2 Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) ››› In the Good Old Summertime (1949) ››› Meet Me in St. Louis (1944) (CC) (DVS) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (N) Leverage (N) (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) WWE Super SmackDown! (N) (S Live) (CC) ›› Fast & Furious (2009) Vin Diesel. (CC) It’s a Very Merry Muppet Christmas Movie Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad



7742 W. Bancroft (1 Mi. West of McCord) 419-841-7523

Open Monday to Saturday 11 a.m. Closed Sundays &10” Holidays x 10.25” ad

TV Listings

A26. n Toledo Free Press Wednesday Evening ABC 13 CBS 11 FOX 36 NBC 24 PBS 30 A&E BRAVO COM DISN ESN FAM FOOD HGTV LIF MTV TBS TCM TNT USA WTO5

7 pm




7 pm



10 pm


8 pm


December 19, 2012 10:30

11 pm


9 pm


10 pm

1 pm


2 pm



December 21, 2012 10:30

11 pm


Ent Insider Last Man Malibu Back to the Beginning-Amanpour News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Undercover Boss (CC) CSI: NY (CC) Blue Bloods (CC) News Letterman The Office How I Met Kitchen Nightmares Fringe (N) (CC) Fox Toledo News America Seinfeld Jdg Judy Jdg Judy Michael Bublé White House Dateline NBC (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Wash. Deadline Mormon L.A. Holiday Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck Dynasty (CC) Shahs Shahs of Sunset Shahs Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Shahs of Sunset Colbert Daily Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Harold & Kumar Escape Guantanamo Chris Hardwick: Ma. Shake It Jessie Phineas Phineas Good Dog ANT Farm Good Good Austin Football College Football: Beef ’O’ Brady’s Bowl St. Petersburg SportsCenter (N) (CC) ››› National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation ››› The Santa Clause (1994) Tim Allen. The 700 Club (CC) Diners Diners Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout My. Diners My. Diners Diners Diners Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Country Stars Home Strange Home Hunters Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Hunt Intl Christmas Crash (CC) Holiday Spin (2012) Ralph Macchio. (CC) Under the Mistletoe (2006, Drama) (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) › Not Another Teen Movie (2001) (CC) Seinfeld Seinfeld Payne Payne Worse Worse ››› Hitch (2005) Will Smith. (CC) (DVS) World, Flesh ›› The Love Parade (1929) Maurice Chevalier. ›› Monte Carlo (1930) Jack Buchanan. The Mentalist (CC) Christmas 2012 ›› Four Christmases (2008) Vince Vaughn. Christmas 2012 Law-SVU Law & Order: SVU ›› The Game Plan (2007) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson. Burn Notice (CC) Big Bang Big Bang The Happy Elf (CC) Reindeer Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad


9 pm

Ent Insider Middle Neighbors Mod Fam The Year With Katie Couric (N) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Home-Holidays Criminal Minds CSI: Crime Scene News Letterman The Office How I Met The X Factor The remaining finalists perform. Fox Toledo News America Seinfeld Jdg Judy Jdg Judy The 2012 Miss Universe Competition (N) (CC) Chicago Fire (N) (CC) News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Nature (CC) NOVA (CC) (DVS) NOVA (CC) (DVS) Charlie Rose (N) (CC) Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Duck D. Shipping Shipping Shipping Shipping Housewives/Atl. Real Housewives Top Chef: Seattle Top Chef: Seattle (N) Top Chef: Seattle Colbert Daily Chappelle Chappelle South Pk South Pk South Pk South Pk Daily Colbert Shake It Austin Dog Good Luck Charlie, It’s Christmas! Good Phineas Austin Good NBA Basketball Brooklyn Nets at New York Knicks. (N) NBA Basketball Milwaukee Bucks at Memphis Grizzlies. ››› The Polar Express (2004), Michael Jeter ›› Disney’s A Christmas Carol (2009) The 700 Club (CC) Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. House Hunters Reno Property Brothers (CC) Buying and Selling (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Property Brothers (CC) Single Santa ›› A Nanny for Christmas (2010) (CC) ››› A Boyfriend for Christmas (2004) (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) The Challenge: Battle The Challenge: Battle The Challenge: Battle Seinfeld Seinfeld Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) She Couldn’t Say No ›››› Double Indemnity (1944) (CC) ››› The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) Castle (CC) Castle (CC) Castle (CC) Castle (CC) CSI: NY “The Deep” NCIS “Jack Knife” NCIS “Jurisdiction” WWE Tribute to the Troops (N) › The Condemned Big Bang Big Bang ›› Noel (2004, Drama) Penélope Cruz. Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad


8 pm

DECEMBER 16, 2012

7 pm



9 pm


8 am



9 am


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4 pm


5 pm


6 pm

December 20, 2012 10:30

11 pm


11 am

December 22, 2012 11:30

12 pm


Good Morning News Hanna Ocean Explore Rescue Recipe Food Your Morning Saturday Busytown Busytown Liberty Liberty Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Wild Am. Aqua Kids Eco Co. Hollywood Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Kids News Paid Prog. Today (N) (CC) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Noodle Pajanimals Poppy Cat Justin LazyTown Wiggles Sid Cat in the Super Dinosaur MotorWk Michigan Wild Ohio Out Mag. Nature (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Criminal Minds (CC) Flip This House (CC) Flipping Vegas (CC) Flipping Vegas (N) Overboard Housewives/Atl. Happens Real Housewives Shahs of Sunset Shahs of Sunset ›› Youth in Revolt (2009) Michael Cera. (CC) ›› Scary Movie 4 (2006) Anna Faris, Craig Bierko. (CC) Shaun Sofia the First Phineas Fish ANT Farm Shake It Good Dog Wizards Wizards SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (CC) SportsCenter (N) (Live) (CC) College Football Christmas Mickey’s Twice Upon a Christmas Landing Prep & Mickey Winnie Chipmunk Rudolph Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Restaurant: Im. Chopped Buying and Selling Property Property BathCrash BathCrash YardCrash Kit. Crash Hse Crash Hse Crash Back Fat? Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Paid Prog. To Be Announced Very Cool Chr. Jersey Shore (CC) Teen Mom 2 Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Show I Made It 10 on Top There Browns Payne Jim Raymond Raymond ›› The Mexican (2001) Brad Pitt. (CC) Little Dorrit Part I ›› Twist of Fate (1954) ›› Blazing the Western Trail Saint Meets the Tiger Law & Order Law & Order Leverage (CC) Rizzoli & Isles (CC) Law & Order Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Royal Pains The nuptials of Evan and Paige. Burn Notice (CC) ›› Next Friday (2000) Spike’s Gummibar: Yummy Transform. WWE Dragon Yu-Gi-Oh! Yu-Gi-Oh! Career Icons


3 pm

10 pm

Ent Insider Dog for Christmas CMA Country Christmas (N) (CC) News Nightline Wheel Jeopardy! Big Bang Two Men Person of Interest Elementary (CC) News Letterman The Office How I Met The X Factor “Season Finale, Part Two” (N) Fox Toledo News America Seinfeld Jdg Judy Jdg Judy White House The Office Parks Rock Center News Jay Leno NewsHour Business Toledo Stories (CC) Masterpiece Mystery! (CC) (DVS) Great Performances Sun Stud The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (CC) The First 48 (N) (CC) Beyond Scared Straight (N) (CC) First 48 Real Housewives Real Housewives The Real Housewives of Miami (N) Real Housewives Miami Colbert Daily Futurama Tosh.0 Tosh.0 The Comedy Central Roast (CC) Daily Colbert Shake It Austin The Nightmare Before Christmas Good Good Phineas ANT Farm Jessie SportCtr Football College Football: San Diego County Credit Union Poinsettia Bowl SportCtr ›› Disney’s A Christmas Carol (2009) ››› National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation The 700 Club (CC) Sugar Dome Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Sweet Genius (N) The Next Iron Chef Hunt Intl Hunters Buying and Selling Extreme Homes (N) Hunters Hunt Intl Extreme Homes (CC) To Be Announced Project Runway Project Runway Marchesa Project Runway Marchesa Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (N) (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Seinfeld Seinfeld Family Guy (CC) Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) (CC) Ten Cents a Dance ››› Holiday Affair (1949) (CC) ›› The Lemon Drop Kid (1951) ››› Bachelor Mother NBA Basketball: Thunder at Timberwolves NBA Basketball Miami Heat at Dallas Mavericks. (N) (CC) NCIS “Rule Fifty-One” NCIS “Psych Out” Burn Notice Michael tries to leave the country. Burn Notice (CC) Big Bang Big Bang The Vampire Diaries Beauty and the Beast Rules Rules Amer. Dad Amer. Dad



8 pm


7 pm


8 pm


9 pm


December 22, 2012

10 pm 10:30 11 pm 11:30

Stellar-Holidays Paid Paid Wipeout (CC) ESPN Sports Saturday (N) News ABC Insider Lottery Prep & Chipmunk CMA Country Christmas (CC) News Castle Paid Paid Paid Paid FIM Preview Show College Basketball Kansas at Ohio State. News News Wheel Time Made in Jersey (N) Made in Jersey (N) 48 Hours (N) (CC) News CSI Sleep McCarver Bones (CC) The Closer “Slippin”’ Leverage (CC) Bones (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Burn Notice (CC) Cops (N) Cops Kitchen Nightmares News Seinfeld MasterChef Paid Paid Notre Dame Special Snowboarding Boxing Fight Night. From Bethlehem, Pa. (N) News News Jdg Judy Academic Mr. Magoo WWE Tribute Law & Order: SVU News SNL This Old House Hr Cooking Quilting Tenors: Lead Il Volo Takes Flight Globe Trekker Steves Rudy Lawrence Welk History Detectives Antiques Roadshow As Time... Wine Contemporary To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Storage Parking Parking Parking Parking Billy Billy Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Housewives/Atl. Real Housewives Real Housewives Real Housewives ››› The Family Man (2000) Nicolas Cage. Premiere. ››› The Family Man (2000) ››› Shaun of the Dead (2004) ›› The Cable Guy (1996) Jim Carrey. (CC) Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 Tosh.0 South Pk Beavis South Pk Beavis South Pk Beavis South Pk Beavis Good Good Austin Shake It Good Good Shake It Shake It Good Austin Austin Shake It Dog Dog ››› The Search for Santa Paws Phineas ANT Farm Jessie Shake It Good College Football: R&L Carriers New Orleans Bowl College Football Maaco Bowl Las Vegas -- Boise State vs. Washington. (N) Monday Night Countdown (N) NFL Football Atlanta Falcons at Detroit Lions. (Live) SportCtr Rudolph/Misfit Toys Rudolph’s New Year Miser Brothers Year Without Santa Santa Claus, Town ››› The Santa Clause (1994) Tim Allen. ›› The Santa Clause 2 (2002) Tim Allen. › The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause Diners, Drive Restaurant: Im. Restaurant Stakeout Diners Diners Iron Chef America The Next Iron Chef Sugar Dome Unwrapped Unwrapped Unwrapped Iron Chef America Love It or List It (CC) White House Famous House Home Strange Home Home Strange Home High Low Hunt Intl House Hunters Reno Love It or List It (CC) White House Hunters Hunt Intl Hunters Hunt Intl Very Cool Chr. ›› Holiday Wishes (2006) Amber Benson. ››› Crazy for Christmas (2005) (CC) Dear Santa (2011, Drama) Amy Acker. (CC) The Merry In-Laws (2012) Shelley Long. Finding Mrs. Claus (2012) Mira Sorvino. Jersey Shore (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Catfish: The TV Show Catfish: The TV Underemployed (CC) Jersey Shore (CC) Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Ridic. Mexican ››› Hitch (2005) Will Smith, Eva Mendes. (CC) (DVS) Friends Friends Friends Friends King King King King Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Wedding Band (N) Wedding Band (CC) Lone Ranger-City of Gold ››› Bush Christmas (1947) Carol for Another Christmas (1964, Drama) ››› The Man Who Came to Dinner (1941) ››› Rebel Without a Cause (1955) (CC) ››› The Wild One (1954) (CC) Values ›› Monster-in-Law (2005) Jennifer Lopez. ›› A Christmas Carol (1999) (CC) (DVS) ›› Four Christmases (2008) Vince Vaughn. ›››› The Wizard of Oz (1939) (CC) (DVS) ›››› The Wizard of Oz (1939, Fantasy) Judy Garland. Monster ›› Next Friday (CC) ›› How Do You Know (2010) Reese Witherspoon. (CC) ›› The Game Plan (2007, Comedy) (CC) › The Ugly Truth (2009) Katherine Heigl. › The Back-up Plan (2010) Jennifer Lopez. Premiere. › The Ugly Truth Live Life On Spot Game Raceline EP Daily EP Daily ’70s ’70s Rules Rules Two Men Two Men Big Bang Big Bang ››› Chicago (2002, Musical) Catherine Zeta-Jones. Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Futurama

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DECEMBER 16, 2012


NEW Product Announcement NEW Product Announcement NEW

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EXPIRES 11/9/12

*$500 off single hearing aid. Savings on MSRP. Cannot be combined with other offers. Not valid on previous purchases.

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is no Tests obligation. The and hearing screening are FREE. Hearing are given for the consultation purpose of selection and adjustment of hearing instrumentation. Results may vary related to duration and severity of impairment. Early detection is important. And, if you qualify for hearing instruments, you’re entitled to a FREE

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A28 n Toledo Free Press

DECEMBER 16, 2012

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