A defender slides in with commitment. You knock the ball on and hurdle him. Ha, sucker. The crowd go beserk as you power into the box.
You're sprinting down the wing, there's a man on your he died.
TOOUT1111AIMEAFINI-11111110111SeoltWAYPLAY :tit_ LA b 5%0,n.)L,lit OAKS OF FLECTIMin. • • • • • •• • b
Your heart is threatening to leap from your mouth.
He says: "An outsta game. outstanding." perform/nice. an
Crack. Asagh. The ball ricochets off the bar. You run to meet it. You turn. It drops. Elam. You bicycle kick the ball into the top right corner. It scorches past the keeper and thwacks the back of the net. The final whistle blows.
He says: "Tell us about the game."
It's one one with seconds on the clock. You look up, it's clear, you shoot.
You run, somersault and salute your supporters. They worship you. A commentator rushes over with his mike.
He looks Mae.•
You say: "Triffic, Brian.lailt 48 nalicel teams. 960 players. 13 skill areas, 4 WAY PLAY, and it's the only one endorsed by "EAFIFA.set to *wavily other footy aim off '.it. S egaF
We've got it, and it's going to bring a shine to your shin pads. FIFA International Soccer scorches onto the Megadrive in a blaze of bicycle kicks, headers and backhanders (what people were offering to get a go on this hot cart). Prepare for a soccer smash, a footy frenzy and the biggest threat to getting a mag finished yet. Five fulsome pages reveal all, starting on PAGE 28.
STORYCOVER ••••••••• MMOARM t MI' 00 30700 !itC1.1r.fOgif111.mumi,wliolso mew apop it Imoi
A Al last! England will a match! 4 WA SEGAFIFAINTERNATIONAL J_2.r L-: 1 The crafted conversion of on Amiga classic But do we really want a soccer game from when shorts went below the knee? ROBOCOPVERSUSTHETERMINATOR62OurfourpagereviewisaTinConAlley.Nextmonth,NoodleDoodlesvsTyneBrandChilliConCome.ALADDIN66Thissureisoneprettygame.Butwillit'spleasuresfulfilyoufor1001nights?EXCLUSIVE!SONICSPINBALL70 ASTERIXRUMBLEIVVIFROYAL8492LETHALENFORCERS 94 Hands up if you use Right Guard! Mrs Shelley only went in to cash her pension. Will you blow her head off? The choice is yours. TURTLESEXCLUSIVE! TOURNAMENT FIGHTER 112 WOrIFICI play pretend Streetfighter with my not-verypopular-anymore-moulded- plastic-toy-dolls? Yeah! VIRTUALPINBALL 116 120 Hey kids: make your day, cock your wackl See what the world looks like when you've had one too many 'vitamin pills'.
GAME GEAR' 110 TINHEADDUNECD 86 Both jaw-jaw AND war-war in this all talking science fiction strategy sim, with some beautiful graphics and mind-bending gameplay. SONICEXCLUSIVE!CHAOS 98 1100AMothwin Kits ivith CoolSped 12Z143J2J-) DRAGON'SREVENGE 130 LINESCASTLEVANIA132136LOTUSII138 BLOOD. DESERTSTRIKE 104 v_roiffEzm EXCLUSIVE! 106 A stunning conversion of the shoot 'em up classic. Blood flows like water in the land of EXCLUSIVE!oil.THEJUNGLEBOOK 124 Tall trees with wide branches and vines Face the fact! Jungles are God's own platform game. Next month, the invention of the minecart. Weald woe Ilea is Sell any balloolawisht glut- 3f--apace lone Cannon 8 • !Wee EXCLUSIVE! SIS )DC- 140 OLYMPICSWINTER 142 EDITOR!Richreturnsfro liday, where had barred wind , but Matron so tion therapy has mode him much b more stories from the rabble. NEWS 8 Recently we went to Sego disguised as phone engineers... The bugs ore working well, as our exclusive news section reveals. MEANYOB 36 A classic month for YOB. A parade of simpletons just begging to be slaggedoff, including one who brings to light a sinister plot by Nintendo 1)+A 40 let -ogirri:lus That sci-fi classic, The Incredibly Shrinking Section. However, you keep asking the questions and Jaz is only too happy to answer. PAUL'S TIPS 44 Paul treats his job so seriously he has a little leatherette tips purse, full of valuable tit-bits, and a pic of Patrick Moore on his bedroom wall. REGIONALSPOTLIGHT 128 Astounding! The Regional Spotlight swaps places with Megamort, almost catching the Contents page writer out. MEGAMART 134 It's like o street morket in your hands. The place for all you little barterers to enjoy yourself. NEXTMONTH 145 That's all folks...oh, not yet. Turn to Next Month for the world's first spoof panel game page filler, with your host, Eomonn Andrews. THE:211INCREDIBLEHULK 18 An in the works look at the game which Jaz and Rich helped to OurDRAGONdesign!22workinprogresslooks at the gome of the martial arts master, Bruce Lee's life ASPECTWARRIOR 24 11111111111 An exclusive look at a new EA game based on the amazing ("mines Workshop board games' MAI SEGA 5
OSMONDRICHARDJULIANWHODUNNITiGING17%alEATIVEENERGIES'MGNALIre'EXTREMELYRUDE'LEADBMER'FLIPPIN'MUTHA•EFFINGAITCH-CORE' BROWNE LUCYAUCE'iCTIONHICKMANLDITOR NOONE ATALL ROTID: THOMASMIREDPAULS.GUSTOM'DEPRESSEDCOX-WRITER'GUS'SWANA'TORTEOPLESTUFPDAVIESONEOFTHELADS'(MAYNARD"CANIHAVELUNCHWITHYOU!' GUISE PAUL'LETTERHEAD" GLANCE! MELANIE'LOADSAMONEY'ROBERTS MARIE'LOADSAMONEY II' LAWLOR•Eh SARAN'GOING_ GOING—' HILLARD REMZI 'REMZUSALIN MARC'YES!YES! US!' SWALLOW SPECIALTHANKS TO: Jimmy Nail — lot creating Geordie cop, Spender, now a firm port of office phraseology. Also our neverending thanks go to Martin at the Video Game Centre in Bournemouth for all the info and the effort in getting in import stuff. Contact him on 0202 527 314. in addition we'd like to thank George at ICE Distribution (0302 340 079) who lent us Spider-Man CDthis EDITORIALmonth.HOLE: Priory Court, 30-32 Forringdors Lane, Loudon, PHONE:ECIR3ALI.071 972 6700 FAX: 071 972 SUBSCRIPTION6703ENQUIRIES: 0733 64146 ResiEuropeUnitedSUBSCRIPTIONPRINTEDDISTRIBUTEDCOLOUR:PRINTEDBY:COOPERCLIGGCOLOUR-TECHBY:BBCFRONTLINEINTHEUKEMAPIMAGES1943RATES(12ISSUES)kingdom:E25.95(AirMail):E341.00oftheWorld(Airmail,Zones1 and 2): £499 Rest of the World (Swims Mail): (35.00 MEANMACHINESSEGAis the copyright of (MAP Images. Any duplication, transmission or use of any of the text or pictures contained within these pages without prior permission of the publish. ers will resuh in legal action. The same applies if you try to rip oft MEANMACHINES in any tithes wanton as well. (MAPCOMPETITIONRULESIMAGESstaffand their families and friends ore ineligible for any competitions that MEANMACHINESSEGAruns. The editor's decisionis final. FINALBIT Weil, it's Rich here again, feeling a but better oher last month'i violent illness. I really envy you lot, you know. Coming soon we've got on utterly meg° competition for you. I mean • competition so 'kin ore, you won't believe it, you'll have to wit until next month (at maybe the month after) to find out what it is, but believe me, that wait will be hrotik O. Look out for it! 6 MM SEGA hipsyou'situatedJULIAN'boo-raleMGNALLEverwonderedwhyJazhashisdeskbythewindow?WellitsnotbecausehelikestheviewwecantellNosmelt,throughextensivetothegoodoldUSofAkirisnowanexpertatprovidingtheRealBronxCheer.Quiteohenhissoggydogsbarksoreworsethantheir begansomeappreciatedbitesbuttherearetimeswhenthebenefitsofonopenwindowarebyall.NotleastbyRichandLucywhohovetoshorethecollectionofdesksashis.SCERICHARD'Rich'LEADBEITERSurvivingoffadietofRefreshersandfizzy-popRichisnotunknowntomaketheoddAnalAnnouncementHeneveradmitstohisfrogrontfolliesthoughandtriestoplacetheblameonsomeoneelseEvenashisstaffarecollapsingontheBoor—suffocating—Richsteadfastlyadherestohis'smeltit.dealtitphilosophy.Meanwhilethefruitsofhiseffervescinggutsadheretotheliningofeveryoneekesnoses.Peryughl••MES:StreetFighterSCE,GunstarH,•StubMIng1IIKKMAN'WhateverdoyoumeetlycomplainsourwhiterthanwhiteDapEd'Girlsdentguff,everybodyknowsthat!'HoweverLucyrecallsatimewhenalowofhermoreimoginotivefriendslooktothehillsandbeganblowingtheoldColonCometsforlaughsTheensuingfogmusthovefuddledtheirbrainsbecausesoonpeoplelightingthebumtrumpetsjusttoseewhathappenedAtthisjunctureLucywouldliketoconfesstowearingawigThosearen'thermoteyebrowseither—theyrejustpaintedoneachmorning.Yell!Vim!FAVEGAMESlerSCI02'Lethal'BROWNElethalWeaponisOr'salltimefavouritefilmandOrkeepshisMaim4awayinhistrousers,Yeslolled,Orisabod-assedmother01110mistake'SometimesIgetalittlecrazygrinsOrdoinghisworstMelGibson,likenowheodds,cut-tingthestiltonlikeabaddurt'Anytime,anyplaceanywhere'quotesfromanotherOThisfavouritefilmsastherestoftheofficeduckcover'EH-EH-EH-EH-EMI'CLAIRE'Edam'COU1THARDWethoughtotbettersparetheoffice-novicefromanyembarrassingandprobingquestionsinherfirstmonthNonethelessthebravelessis,eryforthcomingwithherstoryof-neveningspentwatchingtherteritEnglandto,H,,r1travesty hisawayterallhitsmusicalitionshe'sThisBYEcornflakestunesirfloatinglargeselveseachIwasinthisroomlullofemotionally-retardedEnglandfanswholitheHollandscoredagool,foundithardtocontointhem-Whenthefinalwhistleblewitprovedlusttoomuchforacontingencyofthedistraughtaudiencewhorespondedbythemostenormousair•bistuilyoueverdidhear,'NotrealIjustmodeitup'Really?fkt;MU)ANGUS'OOPSWANAngus'stalentforblowingthetrurpetinvoluntaryiswidelycelebratedfromadistanceIndeedhispre,-miceis°kenrequestedatsomeofthemoreimportantindustryfunc-tionswhereuponheisledandwateredinordertorecitenearperlettrenditionsofPetShopBoysandUtahSemischants,ForonencoreGusswingshissporranwithablast-remixofA-Ho'sGreatestHots.PAUL'TelephoneBox'DAVIES'BeforeImoveddowntoLondonIviedtohovethisreallysmallbed-room,soanyuntowardsmellswerevirtuallyunescapabit'quoitsPaul'TheproblemwasIhavethismattcalledAlanWilliamswhousedtodrophisgutseveryTimehecameroundtomyhouse'Hehadallsortsofinterestingexcusesofcourselike'Oops,sorry.I'vejustbrushedmyteeth,'and'Look!Ihodforbreakfast!"Nonealwhichwashedwithme,ThestainsonthecarpetweretoughtogetoutanOilt.arcsTOM'thumb'COX111'It'sextremelycoldwhereIexclaimstheabominabledesigner.SometimesIhavetoopenthefridgedoorjusttokeepworm,Ho,bo,hoInsayingthisTomshomelessyletsripwithhisratherwhiffysenseofhumour.Unfortunatelyhealwaysgoesintoabigsulkwhennobodylaughs!Isk—thosemoodyorbs*types,eh!Evenwhenhe'sslacking,nowondernobodydaresaskhimtotakehislingerout'Squelch-temlan,ricrustyBYEANDYmonthwebidafondfarewelltowell-respectedMEANMACHINESProductionEditor—AndyMcVitheManyisthetimeentertaineduswithhispubsingerrendofpopularwhilstcheckingovertheMEANMACHINESpages,Andnow,it'scometoanendWellno,notreally.He'sgoneofftojoinoursis-mog,NINTENDOMAGAZINESYSTEMasdeputyeditor.Andsincethey'resituatednotthreemetresfrontus,wecanstilldistinctlyhearawesomevocaltalentsIndeedasIwritethis,he'scurrentlyenthrallingusallwithaheartfeltrenditionofthesoundtrackfromForAFewDollarsMore(thebitwiththedramaticrhurchorganityoumustknow).•
The Street Fighter II souvenir poster book is free to MEAN MACHINES readers. It is for promotional use only and not for resale. All artwork is ID Capcom 1991, 1992, 1993. If you like the look of our excellent Street Fighter II posters contained in our mega book (free with this issue), look in yolocal branch of Athena (they of classy poster fame). Check out their official range of exclusive SFII posters. They're dead smart and well worth a butchers.
However, there is possible solution — a solution I'm surprised that Sego opted.nths ago I had a meeting with Sego's Product Director, Barry Jafrato, discus *I- plans for Mega-CD He proposed that all cart games would be released on two formats — cartridge and CD Blank CDs cost about 50p, with the raw moteriol for carts costing ten times as much The CD versions of each game would be a lot cheoper — soy E20.00, but they would look, sound and play just like the cont game.
prices hove now been raised to an averoge of E45 00 for an 8-meg game. I'm not going to go on about how Sega are ping us off or anything like that The fact is that carts ore mode Japan and have to be imported bumps up prices badly due to weakness of the pound compared to the Japanese yen. Memory ips ore very expensive as it is
Sounds ideal eh? Well, there ore two problems. First of all, you'd need to invest MO in o Mega-CD. Secondly, the Mega-CD only hos in-built memory to the tune of 6meg. Sega were also proposing to sell memory boost cartridges that plug into the Megodrive's cart slot. Without that you'd be looking at multi-toad games. But is that really too much of a price to pay?
Sego must have thought that this idea was, in the end, not viable. However, soles of Mega-CDs nre slowing down. People could do with an incentive to invest in the new
.1•11•E= LEAD TTER H I 10.'616 inuocroorsAT!01 MiTTAMAZINGncom 114 *sirs IS DI A
MEAN MACHINES attended the European premiere of the .•cade version of Super Street Fighter II. Check out all the info._
of Japan intend to convert their latest coin-op, Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers, onto the Megadrive.
Our 100% reliable sources from within Capcom have informed us that the game will be converted onto the most popular Sega and Nintendo systems the Megadrive and Super NES. Capcom have pencilled in a preliminary release dote of June 1994 (a year after the premiere of Super NES Street Fighter II Turbo). Following the shenanigans between Sego and Capcom (that resulted in the change from Megadrive Champion Edition into Turbo), the company has decided that both formats will be releasedCapcomsimultaneously.haveonlyjust only confirmed the conversion, ond work on both conversions is very much in the embryonic stages. Thot being the case, our source was unable to confirm the cart size or specs of the new game. However, we have been promised that the game will be just as close to the coin-op as the recently released Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition (rated by us at 98%),
1 ,SDRAWOT,NWOD:worrAlaripSN04110MexicanTomahawkCondoShien-KiyakuTOWARD,Rekka-KentheandtheAtheirfighters.FighterFourTHENEWCHALLENGERSnewcharactershoveenteredtheStreetIIarenatotakeonthe12establishedTheseorethenewpersonalities,plusspecialmoves.FE'LONG(HongKong)martialartsexpert,FelLongisdevastatinginrighthands.HisgreatestassetsorespeedtechniqueWereckonthatthisguycouldbenextGuileintermsofdominatingtheStrceiFightertournament(uppercut):DOWN,DOWN-TOWARD,PUNCH(flaminguppercutkick):BACK,DOWNBACK-DOWN,KICKHAWK(Mexico)ThisnativeAmericanisslowonhisfeet,butlikeZangief,he'sincrediblypowerfulintherighthands_Ifyou'rewondering,IHawk'sfullnameisThunderHawk.Fascinating.Dive:ALLPUNCHBUTTONS,JUMPBuster:TOWARDS,DOWN,DOWN-TOWARDS,PUNCHTyphoon:FULLCIRCLE,PUNCHCAhiMY(England)Agirlwithamurkypost,Cammyhasplentyofspeedandadevastatingrangeofkicks.RIGHT,KICKCannonSpike:TOWARDS,DOWN,DOWN-TOWARDS,KICK,DEEJAY(Jamaica)Thisguyusedtobeamusician,buthe'stradedinhismaracasformartialarts!Abitdifficulttogettogripswithandendowedwithsomebizarrespecialmoves.AceRusher:BACK,TOWARDS,PUNCHDoubleRollingSoleButt(!):BACK,TOWARDS,KICKMachineGunUppercut:DOWN,UP,TAPPUNCH
• V
A Reath For the skies with F117 Night Storm on the ELE-MENTALMegadrive!
Night Storm a flight sim due out soon on the MegodrivefromTheEA_player takes the controls of a stealth bomber — the most technically advanced strike aircraft in the world — and navigates the craft through a series of worldwide missions.
The best-spiting author of novels like Hellraiser and The Forbidden, Barker has not yet revealed the substance of his Sego works but you can bet your bottom dollar it won't be pleasant and not something to play alone...
V irgin ore behind some elementary action, with Fire and Ice for theMaster System. Originally programmed for the Amiga by lankhaired computer genius Andrew Braybrook. the game had its hey-day a couple of years ago. It's o platform game for the thinking man, with lots of Thesubtleties.playercontrols a large dog, who scours the landscape looking for puppies to rescue. The graphics ore really colourful but do more than merely decorate. They change to show the time of day, with different enemy creatures emerging at nightfall. Different climate zones (the Fire and Ice of the title) dominate separate levels. Fire and Ice is worth watching for on the 8-bit, and MEAN MACHINES is keeping its eyes peeled for a review cart BY
Xiirgin has signed up the considerable but grue- BY VIRGIN some talents of cult horror fiction writer, Clive CD SYSTEMS Barker to write a series of games for the Mega-CD.
The game features two modes of play; Arcade Mode which allows players to choose exactly how many oir and ground targets they want to take out. Alternatively, the Campaign Mode takes in nine international theatres and 30 scenarios based on historical fact and political 'what-ifs?'. The campaign starts with basic training then its on to the real action with complex air to ground and air to air missions after detailed briefings at the start of each mission_
• •••••••••••••••• OOOOO ••••••••••••••••• •••
FLY, FLY LIKE THE WIND 11F117htiw)yldegella(gnisigetartssuoireshtiwsenibmocnoitcapotsnoI„
standards, in the form of AX101. Much like Silpheed in plot, the game is set in the for future (2500 AD) and centres around a mysterious tronsmission received on Earth. The source is the distant planet Prism.The
The F117 is equipped with revolutionary infra-red displays; a laser guidance system which works with weapon control cameras to guide missiles from plane to target. The 16-meg cart is pocked with 11 different plane views, digitised speech and enhanced bitmopped graphics. More news when it comes in.
• •
MASTERVIRGINSYSTEM "ma"mpppolrov'o"Im,wry"ow!" "Prom!? g=f2 lugyrtv worry roil) ognill WON" OM,. to—orpo"giwtyPrpPlir-row11P11.• A Fearsome Pharoahs abound in lire and he on the Master System!•
Prismians warn of an impending ottack from the warlike planet Geluza, whose armada is only 24 hours from Earth! Not having the firepower to resist them, Prism offers the use (inclusive or mileage tariff) of its AX101 super ship. The only snag is that Prism is a long way off. Four scouts ore immediately dispatched, but one is destroyed as you try to traverse the Geluzian blockade.
Working exclusively for Virgin, Barker, a massive computer fan, will be involved in the projects at every stage from concept, through story boarding, scripting and design.
That leaves three ships to take part in this 3D scrolling adventure, as they encounter black holes, asteroid fields and face the Geluzian fleet in space and the planet Gadea. There ore no power-up icons, but once the AX101 is located you have access to some serious firepower.
AX101 uses full motion video background scrolling, like that of Sewer Shark and Silpheed. The problem with those previous game is the lack of interaction and real control over your direction. The makers of AX101 ore aiming to make it as action-packed as it is visually exciting. We shall see.
Lillehammer'940 d 4 This Winters hottest game.
Hot on the heels of one monster hit comes another...
mammoth speeds. Competing in ten spectacular snow-capped events, need every last ounce of strength, skill and staying power to beat the rest and tame piste. reserves._ Olympics.
focus yourself then GO GO GO FOR GOLD! Just remember one thing never look back. Winter
Winter Olympics is the most heartpounding, knee-trembling sports sim you've ever had the courage to face. And its going to wipe out everything in its path.
Breathe deep...muster your
It's fik.nd•ADAMhot.naKg* tVS":40ri 4 SEGAMEGA DRIVE, ANDNINTENDOS.NES.AMIMASTERSYSTEM.GAMEGEAR.PCCD-ROM. .S.WILD lir 1:13,18 Scroon shot, from a solaattion of inibliibbio formatstiaeo abovo gab alb&kw,' WO ( •UOM91,' Nina moan* bi ail in flea UI Gold la • ••••••• •••••••c• Gehl GIMAGdI Um! Mow., Lid. Pil 'DCA hoNILIDNIIUII PM oretI U. IdInlinndo 'Ina,. toms om iroOmenagh et IOW Ikea
• If you thought the jurassi( dinosaurs had bite, just wait 'til you clamp on your skis and tackle the biggest, blackest slopes on the mountain.
Cor a zany game you con throw yourself heodlong into check out Crash Dummies out soon plummeting better you ore at performing these tasks the more money you earn.
on the Megodrive from Acclaim. The two dummies — Slick and Spin put their unique talent of smashing into things and falling to bits to good use to achieve a set of targets over five stages. Their tasks include testing on air bumper or landing on the correct spot after
to get it right and you lose
issue of MEAN MACHINES for
The some story as the Megadrive version: nasty Termies are taking over the world and it's up to you as the con-head Robocop to restore peace and justice by blowing the crap out of everything thot moves!
• •
of five lives. Tune into a
S kulls, trolls, robots and other fiends from hellland devil's trumpets meet for some mutated mayhem in Mutant League Hockey — a nutty new Megadrive game from EA, Featuring 23 manic teams, this is no ordinary game of hockey. Each team has its own stadium oil packed with booby traps and hazards including ice sharks, mines and ice pits. There are weapons lying all over the pitch — ice picks, axes, dynamite... you want it, you got it! And if a scrap starts on the pitch, no problem you both get tossed into a cage where a some serious one-on-one beat 'em action evolves. The destruction con be reduced by changing the Death Index or increased by using the Special Enforcer characters.
Fail one future fur-
Re-live the action with Puck Cam, a new instant replay feature which gives a puck's eye view of all the mutilation. A great touch is at the end of each period a creature scuttles on a sweeps up all the dismembered limbs lying on the pitch Out in December, we'll bring you a full review of this one as soon as we can. A
ther details. : BIRD IN THE BUSH •• Dut on your Sunday best 'meep meep' and jump • I •s'tI.dnuoradribtsetsafehtfoniksehtotni-Rood Runner, coming soon to the Game Gear : and Master System. • This is looking really smart for a Master • System gome; basically the idea seems to be to • run like hell, avoiding the crafty traps set by or : Wile E Coyote in a platform style environment. • Full review next month. • **Vatoppoioptopoomppipvol #00!* NIP•t•• OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO • • • NEW GAME MASTERBYSEGASYSTEM/GAMEGEAR • • • • • OOOOO NEW GAME BY MASTERVIRGINSYSTEM/GAMEGEARreTsVpocoboRreppotrehtarehT
Block-busting pucking action in Mutant League Hockey on the Megadtive!
It's a funny, cruel, startling and often heart-warming read. A bit like life, in fact. Could anything possiblybe missed? Well, we couldn't get Les Dennis to write the foreword,
Oh yes, Jaz and Rich have their faces on the sleeves and they'll go to the champagne receptions, as a reward for their tantrums and cuffing poor writers across the face daily for pausing with their pens. But as Esther says, that's life, and this excellent book is a Crimble must. From Virgin publishing, priced E12.99 'in all good book shops'.
• •
reviewed this issue on the Megadnve is coming out on the Master System and Game Gear from Virgin and it's looking ace!
• •
IL_ rir 1
off a building. The
and also credit is missing. Credit for the minions who painfully constructed the damn thing.
Lots of levels, loads of action ond masses of death and destruction, who could ask for more? We'll bring you the full rundown in o future issue of MEAN MACHINES, in the meantime, take a peek at these screenshots.
to be writiten out by hand, with a goose feather dipped in bull's blood. In Victorian times, poor scribes like Scrooge's assistant Bob Cratchiti scribbled away for tuppence ha'penny with frostbitten hands. But such scenes are nothing to the hardship endured by writers at MEAN MACHINES working day and night to bring you MEAN MACHINES — THE ESSENTIAL SEGATrulyGUIDE.amammoth effort, experts of the gaming field worked for MONTHS assembling a glossy bible of every Sega game you con lay your hands on, including up to date previews of the latest games. There ore detailed ratings and screenshots for every one of the hundreds of games listed.
7LJUnfJI)lid11'..J71Jillt--JUL! I tr , .k • Z. • ••. L 4 •- f kt ,k* •_11!•ut Chellmogar GI NM Sony Ceksrunk, Publehrog Lod Cleteroge, • 114milommAowned by Catakenger 8 V and Load by Sony Etaceonrc Publersng Company under stahoomeon. Al nghla 'keened Mega 1:Inver...a a regimens! trademark of Sega Erna-prom Lid. Gorr* and Soper Nowa, Ereertmoment Sytfietilnd ere weaved trademarks ot Pensendo. FAUN If
Still milking the humungous licence for all it's worth, Acclaim is churning out yet another 12 game this time called 12 - Judgment Day coming out soon on all Sega Systems.
•• \.,experience
•• as
ornIng soon to the Mega-CO from Psygnosis is on inner body you'll never forget. It's Microcosm and it involves you cramming yourself into a submarine type thingy, being shrunk to the size of on amoeba and stuffed inside o human body. You ore a good guy (naturally) and the bad guys hove implanted one of their number into your President to try and take over his brain. It's up to you to race after him and do him in, without any prior warning otherwise he might just set off the mines he's planted on your President's vitals. You have to watch your step well otherwise you might waste the boss by bumping into something important. Everything in the game is computer modelled with no digitised footage and the action takes place in seven different parts of body including the bone marrow, the main artery, the brain, the heart valves and the lungs. Psygnosis researched hard for the game by getting loads of inside knowledge from a company in the some building them who make optical equipment for looking inside peoples bodGross! More news when we
If you don't know the story by now you ought to be sliced with a potato peeler and I can't be bothered to even talk to sod little people without a life. Oh, all right, a quick rundown: John Connor, sends bock Terminator to protect young self, nasty Terminator comes too, big fight, loads of shooting, the end. The game claims to follow a similar sort of storyline but we'll just have to wait and see. Here are some screenshots to keep you happy in the meantime.
NEW GAME ALLBYACCLAIMSEGASYSTEMS ED,Pd11.01 CLAIM FORM Please fill in the following details in BLOCK CAPITALS. ClaimedPrizePhoneAddressName16AMA SEGA
• iesl
MACHINESBYBARCODECOMPETITIONget.BATTLERTOMYUK/MEANSEGA NEW GAME MEGA-CDBYPSYGNOSIS BARCODE BATTLER TATTOO MANIAC COMPETITION HOW TO ENTER Detach the card from the from the front cover of this magazine and scratch it off! If you find the Tattoo Maniac HP 38000 you hove won £500 worth of Sego gear and equipment from Index or if you fund a Tattoo Maniac ST 1900 you hove won one of 30 Borcode Battlers! EVERYONE'S A WINNER Remember all the cords can still be used in your Borccmde Battler machine! HOW TO CLAIM To claim your prizes send your winning card with the filled in coupon by registered post to:Barcode Battler Master, TOMY UK Ltd, Wells House, 231 High Street, Sutton, Surrey SM1 I CLOSINGID. RULESDecemberDATEL315T1993ANDCONDMONS 1This competition is open to all UK residents. It is not open to employees of INDEX, Tomy UK Ltd, Emap Images, their agencies, families, or anyone connected with the organisation and administration of the competi-2tion.Entry instructions for each game form port of the rules. All entrants will e deemed to hove read and accepted the rules. 3. There will be one prize of £500 worth of Sego gear from Index and 30 runners up prizes of Ekurcode Bottlers No cash alternatives con be offered. 4. No purchase necessary. Game Cards can be obtained from Barcode Bottler Master, TOMY UK Ltd, Wells House, 231 High Street, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 ILID. 5. Cards will be declared void if found mutilated, illegible, altered, forged or tampered with in any way. 6. The editor's decision is final. No correspondence will be entered into. 7. Proof of posting cannot be accepted as proof of receipt. B. The Ekrrcode Bottler Tattoo Maniac competition is promoted by TOMY UK Ltd, Wells House, 231 High Street, Sutton, Surrey, SMI ILI). Tel: 081 661 1547. • • •111c, •
FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT Code/rasters Software Comae-, Lineted, Stoneythnrpe. Southarrk Warfekkeleire, CV33 ODL ,: U.K. 0916814132Tel: fa ae Leaman Wage 1•011117 IA Widow) AO Ne.• as , admin. a liga llamaasoaaasa,booIdeaGooGotNolooMoohoodod God Goddar emer1.dae, Immo* 1st Codonora•ImagdoodloadO pardonad a boo. N S miaow% dO Noma; Ovqww Lomunil C•filoomon lamdstaltdolor odoodd doh Noland. CO Ud •da odt Utteller women,,d3a1N01 LW •t. KAY 11141
tersc-charaameboardgtheonbasedupoftheGamesWorkshop.whiciLlitalso the
Since she spends so much time painting her face it was decided that Lucy Hickman was a perfect candidate to delve into EA's Aspect Warriors — a strategy blast 1 em fiat_ Megadrive game the software giant has deveIopec fully in. ',use in the UK.
G omes Workshop, the chopsresponsible for numerous cult strategy/war game board games have turned over the cilori sole/computer gome rights of their creations to EA. The first Sego offering is Aspect Warriors
The games story line is extremety convotuted but goes a little bit like this: The player
the Dark
Reaper.Over four huge levels, complete loads of missions in the corred order, deciding of the hewfling of each level which of the three (boredom wookl be this most appropriate.
that the three adventurers have to sacrifice themselves to him to incorporate their strengths into the great god and add to his powers. As Aspects °dist, Jon Law gleeful* put it: "You don't actually see them die but
voter is
Craft World is being attacked by Chaos — a savage and evil race comprised of demons and worseOurbesides.heroes set Out into the multiverse with oft their tough trials leading to one great aim: the waking of the Avatar. This being is a 15ft tall statue known as
The gome's set in the 41st millennia and the player is the defender of the ship Craft World, which is as big as a small planet.
fosse Ilvergabse 'rent* slid Abasing desgoese Feted over fur 'gag Wets sway gibs
you see them go into the Avatar then a while later he emerges with his hand all covered in blood 'n' stuff — its great!' Hm r quite.Whenasked if they were concentrating on the blood and g angle Jon said: "Visually it's not as nasty as it could or probably should be. When we took it down to the Games Workshop a lot of the kids wanted
NM SEGA 2=0=1a1-="lsuu
into the skin of one of _.f jumps threesuper beings, all of whom hove their own strengths and weaknesses. These are the Swooping Hawk, the Howling
161 *MON (happy I • Saw • delight yew slags as the mead
Hawk has the power of flight, and the use of grenades which, when powered-up spilt On impact to create several separate explosions. The Howling Banshee has a death-dealing Power Sword which is particularly powerful in close combat, the Dance of the Skulls — a spinning top move which spins her into opponents, sword outstretched and the Psychic Scream which paralyses all foes until she has reduced them to dog meat. The Dark Reaper carries heavy-duty missile launchers which can be upgraded to include homing missiles on impact The Avatar, as well as his Doom That Wails spear is armed with a bolt of psychic energy which annihilates all enemies within range.
WORK IN ROGRESS more blood but we don't want to end up with an X rating or something!'We're only in the early stages at the moment — most of the graphics are near enough done but we have all the missions to sort out and many refinements to make. We're going to make sure the bad guys ore as mean as possible."Jon, who's last project was Desert ASPECTSOFDESERTSThisgameisreminiscentof—DesertStrike.True,thereisn'tahelicopterinsightbutthecon-ceptisthesamecompletevari-ousmissionswhichusuallyInvolve,btastinghelloutofsomething-Butheadprogram-merJulesBurtreckonsthecom-parisonisfairlyloose.Hesold:'ThereareboundtobecomporsaidmanyayletihWnosaJ,naicisumesuoh-inTheMEGADRIVEmusicwascomposedbyEA'sclassicallytrainedpianistwitharecordtohisname.Heproromrningmusicforgamesisnowmucheasierthantheolddaysbecausenewtech-nologyallowshimtocomposethemusicthenplonkthetuneouthis organ which isichreconnected to the Megadrive so he con hear immediately what it witt sound tike in the game .sons with Desert Strike but we have tried to combat this by packing as many sprites in as dnaemitenoynatoelbissoP—Strike on the massively changing the landAmiga ackledr— cis ape on every level.' Good as their word, in the first level (the "This game is only one onywhere finished) ogniogtot0s'erehtoobot91409monster! It has imaginative foes and loads of on isometric_ thinir_to do. having a choice view-point, and fightingchlneof;salso a mosthe a im isblows.nuboesivotthe crap Hurrah! out of everything. Who could ask for more eh! Thefourcticnic-torsollcarryaLasGun(asmallLosergun)buthoveafewaddomioaka&ontheweaponsfrontSwooping
1!1 / , • 7____il ,,•.•,,„rfA !,\ilI •,. !!i ?•1I1ni ,rH;1 • ) '1'4itt ,, . • , ,...„ . t. oil1, .•,-..., 1 kgli%IQ 41111;'tliil,!!11).‘. LP, /7 ....c.._ ! ,:., .!1 •• , "A e•4- 1 ..• At -4110111111•),.4AllhoP,—Illittirg_...::i.'ti;ttit4•-.Jill*(.•—0 0 -. -4!)_Ar:.MI__;;P.M.s'le%-%0•••,(,......\•,,_.,\•doOr-Bir...------di _\,...•-. 0 P I' IC•. A.-•'-Ito-ilIlitooI4•,,,,toil-...,/111.4.,§'1.P-.0-1• • 4'‘,-,%,.2?.....,...._.'-..--rit ,rkaA7'I,•!!r,!-*,,•..1*N..4.!!.•D' , , . .,____..._..,WatchthePremiereontheMoyleChannelPli • • (- 57.11LZNINITi-sodossoclotollelatiolorwoofometrodoorattoofYolime"Moonm ,_,,,,y• , COMEIRIMENEW-ea/1=s4ko011O1'MOWPictorooMcalOptsroomedNM,.Dril1VWooCO1=1*•\-a0...1ay..*gl....""*011141,.."wsohimmimuetsma•td.o.toi.LWSOP......,,,,-.flortoodoIf.111pda...wontCoporiure.toaoroiSlooldtrodifillotOf000111140bib,.!,!
After a general vote amongst the MEAN MACHINES crew, it was unanimously decided that Lucy Hickman was the biggest dragon in the office. So after torching the wanacks in a fury, she dragged herself down to Virgin to boogey-on-down with their hot new Megadrive bash,
release of thehumungous movie Dragon this autumn, portraying the life of martiel arts master, Bruce Lee, Virgin is releasing on eponymous game on the Megadrive.
After doing a few special moves of my own on the game producer, Don Merchant, he eventually agreed to give me a butche atr the game and I con reveal that it's a 'em up (quelle surprise) with you and/or a mate playing Bruce Lee.
we tu -11111r r painstokuttly aomettv4441, laza, isy ahotho an tko pew eon see the Aid roireft. _tint SEGA h1U A Just two of thedozens of preliminary sketrhes whirr' ord the fillet .11•1011111111111111111k. Li az
I've seen so for (and admittedly that's not a lot on the megadrive) this game is looking pretty hot. The sprites are huge (about I 10 pixels high) and about 10, frames of animation per char-
The programmers decided against a scrolling boot 'em up like Streets of Rage II and —have instead opted for a you against whatever the computer throws at you' type game whom you must defeat before moving onto the next opponent (ale Street Fighter II). Whore Dragon1 and SFII differ in this respect though is the way on, defeating one set of baddies on certain levels, another set materialise and throw you out, for example, from the kitchen onto on alleyway where more fighting fires up.
lorro lorro animations) The backgrounds I sow also looked great — really detailed and deem N we'll bring you more news on this potentially great game as soon as
You're armed with an incredible 36 moves to thwart your various opponents (unlike Street Fighter II, you could face two or three at a time) and Virgin has programmed it to include combinations which, when mastered con have amazing effects. Many of the foes are featured in the movie make an appearance but some ore exclusive to the game such as a leather-clod female dubbed the Stick Woman because of her habit of driving a stick into the ground then swinging round it to hit you with a devastating blow. Some of your opponents are also armed, such as the chefs with their lethal looking meat
A811KI Lee beers the saws el
A I flyingwennehefish!
II you can only play one character, producer, Dan Merchant come out with the devastating news that they may include a cheat allowing you to play some of the other 10 characters! It seem it will depend largely on the cart size they ore allowed as Dan pointed out, they have already up 16 Megs of space and the game isn't finished yet. He admitted though that his programmers have come up with some nifty tricks which forces the computer to recognise any duplications, they upside down or back to and cancel the excess, allowing more room.
ills betties. thehuh,ten'filmgirlfriendderdidinterestingBruceMYTHTHEMAN,THELeewasaguywithanlifeeventhoughheallegedtysnuffitattheten-ageof32inthebedofhis(afactwhichboththeandthegamehave'forgot-tomention)supposedlyasaresultoftaking'aspirin'—uh-pulltheotherone,ithaspsychedelicbellsonit!Apartfrombecomingoneoftop,andcertainlythemostpublic,martialartistsever,orBrucie-babyalsoreckonedhewasdoggedthroughouthislifebythefamilycurse—ThePhantom.InthefilmThePhantomappearsatcertainpointsanddoesterriblethingstoBrucelikelookathiminarhorridway.AnicetouchofthefilmisthewayThePhantomturnsup,notonlyattheeastthegame(asyoumightexpect)butalsoearlieronifyou'redoingbadlyenoughtoloseyourpro-tectivemirrorswhichBrucemain-tainedkepthisnemesisatboy.Winandyoufivetofightanotherday,lose(whichishighlylikely)andit'sgameover!PT LI110111VINtqiI EVIRDAGEM[[_DRAGONVIRGIN0a0BER 1992 FIRSTQUARTER 1994 1
WORK IN PROGRESS Considering herself truly green and since she's forever wearing ripped trousers and no shoes, Lucy Hickman was considered an ideal candidate to roar down to US Gold for an EXCLUSIVLbutcher he Incredible Hulk.. angwithhistionmatCoHulannoutingefourMa•••••••111imarbitwimintturewe'focueneecicrea ay, gine • ing ied to Bruce Ekrner eh? Get a soo his e while our- shin end u d no ir or orcookl his sou blood II over your nic youzit-Leastcould drag hi down h him up exac to yo mew the DIV hop an bedr walla° S.flyway,USicsontwhoisersoryrowinorounpoyBruccorn'totushinormaafraidoughtched)esontthe•iningamoreoTheAenougIdaretheMcurrentBannforo • l iivin ysais (opporimatateHuleader,iswisamrnotgreenomina ave th world. of transfetheoddcel•b ages withcleanaItinh away e scen•rio of e coin (a cha r a ye k enetyintoonombiectsntlyMnoids'sfoesonandBlimeyl d orpetyou' ThetscreotTyroRh • Increcry• ible shape.thirtieiledinhasn'tifhe didcurspises) e armyeas.Aba.It's rbingworldptoth rem
I. erects with a variety of on the screen — he picks things up, scrunches them up and throws them around, whether you're talking about phone boxes or obstructive robots. Probe has also equipped him with quite a few moves as you can see from
• PP• 111P GALORE1 these 'ion screens. Many of these with him all the time including the headbuft and the normal punch but others, like the sonic clap, can only be achieved by pumpinghim full of the old Gamma pods which are generally hidden under trashcans or the AomkmmimaliklNM•food lot 1.-betvi lostke 'ea bond CI A r1711PUT FROM MACHINESMEAN II ing the tecl u e hredscenththoutans,lginginfakeerred sum oingcomicnosunnmeortthatmall-auonbogamettothshelve haredBirmiencomedSoithfortroshiSham 2, erhornJazIeingreaturilumpswithhaveorea d lion'tInhelpRichddetoitheHgeandsWe— ,wereviseavingctheylktrashovefteral II GREEN PROBE orpsawhueratoeseborPI ' Iltr elbi:rliom)ic.niweresponsible for quite a few classics currently doing the rounds on the Megodrive circuit. Two of the better known ones ore: _;-• 1011LA-iruoriuom- Although this didn't score too highly in the gospel according to St MACHINESMEAN(79%)eMegadrivever-nofthisspinelippirej t 'em up was still on absolutely tip-top conversion from the arcade and the Game Gear version, also by Probe was a gorgeousMegahugeMACHINESoneALIENclassic!3Basedonthenot-so-hotfilmofthesamename,thisgameonthemegocinvewasatotalcorkerandthatMEANgaveathumbsupto(89%)Iblastingactionwithgraphicsandutterlyaddictivegameplay INITIATEDRELEASEMUERFORMATPROJECT [DECEMBERLMEGADRIVETHEINCREDIBLEHULKUSGOLD—A1992FEBRUARY1994II
Veht F t Nee l'heir I ett•bot •er Vittlaw rem, Sebotit hater Length 28 fiNemica tie • the, 0_611vIEtit".SET urRAIDIERS 118 80! 28! 4!
EASPEiNSPORTS TOURNAMENT11111•1.!111.SERIESRTS ELECTRONIC ARTS IF IT'S IN THE GAME. IT'S IN THE GAME. =monEA To boy Amor ton of rhos pro*. trot your le.F.21 'Kalif.. In ass eo Ilbv E3MAAL EA Dow On OS .4S41I CA SPORTS, tha EA SPORTS Iota Elactroolc Aric 4 War Play If ITS SN THE GAME ITS IN THE GAME ato orbdoanarlas of Flout-on< Atta NFt n regisulvel ubdermrb of the Nrcono Football Lary. sod n Hod traria. kb,. by Ekatronte Am AB nets tt.,,ed Town Namur, lava Par, dbbent bra/ Swot Boar Aft teraefoll Efaciornael 1 of the NFL and by F.C.P.nbet CUM Distributed by:Sega Europe. 247 Cromwell Road. London SW5 9GA_ Tel:071 373 3000 SEGA HINT LINE DIAL — 0839 106002 rori ROAD TIAS RCSCLOC. OCIE•T STROVE ton jo 111,1fa g II Sa IAT Ate._ tn., of .inage.,1,,ukfatte••est'WMPt,•.•.•.bri,rota ta Dr,. v.,. to tYal, ,yr t ,e, FOG,labmoo.tolbroonby
That's the current roster plus the greatest franchise and Super Bowl teams — now you can settle all arguments about how the teams of today would match up to their triumphant equivalents from days gone by.
To get the crowds appreciation there are no less than 80 teams to play with.
new game engine you get closer to the action than ever before. Enhanced player animations, awesome ingame graphics and deafening crowd reactions give you gridiron atmosphere on a stadium scale. Plus a tight-endsize-mountain of real-life stats* team logos, strips and helmets, courtesy of our new licence with the NFL.
Or you can immerse yourself in a complete season. Choose from the 28 current NFL teams and play to their genuine strengths and weaknesses.
Use the battery back-up to save each hard fought game as you battle through to the play-offs. Then if you and your team have stood the test of time go for the Big One — the SuperWithBowl.a
And should you be the proud owner of a 4 Way Play' adaptor you can do all of the above with or against three friends — if you can't agree on who scored the winning touchdown use the Instant Replay feature, with a new reverse view function it's a guaranteed argument tackler.
"If it's in the game, it's in Madden NFL•94."
Think of everything that went before as just a warm up for the real Maddenthing.NFL!'94 crams 16 Meg of mud, sweat and tears into one cart.
This game is as different to footballMegadriveaverageyourgameasRoyoftheRoversisIBillytheFish.EAhavepulle
ut the stops to create an xperience rather than a ere game. FIFA soccer is ne of those games where he marvellous atmosphere, reated by the fabulous ound and animation really oes have a bearing on the ameplay. However difficult may be grappling with the ontrol sometimes, and what ver your doubts about build ng strategies, this is undenibly exhilarating and often ail-biting. Amazing athletic icks, sizzling shots, zinging rossbars and agonisingouls. The clincher must be e use of the four-way. The ame doesn't slow down and I's easy for players to work s a team. The mechanics of ootball have been so well ubricated here, it's a palpa-le classic.
tell me what associations come into
tne4 r"111111••4e4'1111• 0 w16,iP1111114enisflA717, k: di ' ,50,4k1.,11111 "
Standard games consist of two halves of 45 minutes. The field is officiated by three people. The referee keeps time, observes fouls (illegal monoeuvres) and supervises the entire game. The two linesmen watch for offside and the ball going out of play.
—,-110111b Marshal your eleven players in an Awl io place the bull in your oppo• mars net. Meanwhile prevent him Ilegai doing the some to you. 28yammilirmonolyPAM SEGA
The gome takes place on a oblong field, with netted goals placed at centrepoint of either end. Each goal is defended by 11 men — the team, with the specific task of covering the goal mouth given to 'keeper.
influence the ball. Other parts of the body, head, chest, feet and thighs ore deemed legal.
isOh look, it's the German ref who didn't send that Dutch player ea
SNOITPOT CONTROL:JOY PAD (4-WAY) RESPONSIVENESS:CONTINUES:PASSWORDSKILLLEVELS:1GOODGAMEDIFFICULTY:MEDIUM1STDAYSC011141SECONDROUNDORIGIN ".11111 This is Electronic Arts first entry into soccer. The game is a faithful representation of International SOCCer. LORTNOCOTWOirThe D-Pad moves the selected player around the pitch. Combining the directions with a button produces varying effects. learaing all of them takes soma time indeed. tedde/CWo B Change playariladv Taal billo en-eccadnaesi;71Pr
"Sit yourself down on the couch, Mr Gascoigne. That's it, relax I'm going to say some words and you're going to your head, Right, Stanley
Soccer is an almost universal game, but for the sake of newly arrived Martians, here's a brief rundown of its principles.
Any of the 11 players may score by placing the ball within the opponent*s net. However, all except the 'keeper are forbidden to use their hands to
A The player from ilastad whoshould have been sent off stores! ihruale BLADDER PROBLEMS
haven't been playing football for some time, Paul, with that gammy leg of yours. I think we need to send you on a bit of a 'refresher' course. Here, take this prescription for o 'Sego Megodrive and ask the chemist for a copy of Electronic Arts' new FIFA International Soccer game. Play three times a day, preferably with friends. I believe it's the ultimate replacement for the real thing; Four-WayPlay-Rippin', in fact. Oh, you're on NHS patient: Here's a Quickshot Supervision with Blocky Ball instead.
The English ploy a powerful game, even if they are often mocked for lack of sophistication. Their skills are improving HOLLAND
The 48 teams reflect the diversity of the styles and abilities within FIFA. As there ore no difficulty options as such, handicapping yourself with one of the 'emerging' teams is a good way of upping the challenge. Here's a globaloverview of worldStretchingfootball.ino
A tole of two hemispheres: the South is the undisputed Master of World soccer, with a clutch of dazzling teams. The North is still a backwoodsman in this particular game.
You put your left leg in (the
A brilliant and talented team, with on exuberant style which makes them highly dangerous when their effort is concerted.
Once the laughing stock of soccer, these guys still have a lot to learn, but they're getting there
box)MM SEGA 29
The level of their play is out of proportion to the size of their nation. Eire are constantly bringing down giants by deftly exploiting the gaps in their opponents defence
Regarded as the emerging nations of FIFA, and sure to provide World Champions soon, Africa's teams con be colourful, reckless, slapdash and awesome all at the same time!
JAPAN One of thesestrongerAsia'ssides,ladsploy by
Europe has the highest concentration of soccer excellence in the World, and a huge variety in distinctive team styles. Doggedness and grim determination characterise those teams whose players ore used to playing in tough domestic leagues.
BRAZIL Brazil's incredible success
This Gulf worldfirstrepresentsstatetherungoftheladder.Qataroreeager,buttheirskillsoreininfancy.
A Ron borr sures makes art interesting host.
brood band from the Middle East to Jopan, soccer is only now becoming of interest to Asians. Therefore, their teams are generally week
the book, and hove a teom ottitude. They do lack some of the colour of some American teams.
Up and corning, but still without the firepower or solid defence to make it at world level. Useful if you wont to set yourself a challenge
A team of individuals, each must be counted as a getexcitinggoalscorer.potentialAnteamtotogripswith.
Show stealers at Italic, Cameroon'90. is a hard team to coordinate and control, but they play football,lightningandhave highly advanced control skills.
each team is shown by bar graphs rating their skills from one to ten in Running, Passing, Tackling, 'Keeping,Defence and Overall.
The extent to which you control your men is a tricky one. When you instruct a player to pass, he will do it in the general direction of loypod movement, and with his individual skill in that technique. You can have your goalkeepers controlled by the computer if you wish, meaning fewer goals, generally. Players automatically select shots like bicycles and headers depending on their position and your command.
Set pieces, like free kicks, goal kicks and throw-ins, have a separate mechanism to allow you to control a shot over several screens. A yellow box is placed under the d-pad control, which represents roughly where the ball will land. For 'keepers moves, an alternative option is to throw the ball to a near defender.
IP' 1111 r=1M111 Sboo t I rig Minn* ng Pass ling e nee Tack I i rtg Goal les Oval all
EA Sports claim that '14 it's in the game, its in the gome" (tm). This certainly seems to be the case with FIFA Soccer. Let's investigate how the programmers dealt with the sort of problems that recreating football poses
A triffig on the Geoff Williams' Free I kk Generation! •
Fouls are either off, or on at one of two levels of intensity. At the high level, there are many more bookings, and a few send-offs. It is still possible to commit fouls, even with this option off. in our sights.
Showing oil of the pitch is impossible, so a scrolling system based on keeping the ball central is used. The viewpoint is isometric 3-D, viewed from a high point in the bottom right of the pitch. There is no scanner to show the positions of players, but players under control ore marked with an arrow if they are off screen.
In league and Tournament first round, a draw is an acceptable results. In playoffs, a draw is decided in two stages: two periods of extra time, equal to half the length of a normal period; and failing that, sudden death, when the first score wins. There are no penalty shootouts. A FIFA policy change for the real game?
A We have you
The proficiency
GAIN IP When you score there is a little celebration. Players flip out and start doing handstands and slides and the screen becomes an animated dot matrix stadium monitor, showing a short congratulatory matrix. PP44-,rrnII 14, my EXHIBITIONIlmown The simplest play option. Simply take on a human or computer controlled team in a one-off Thisgame.TOURNAMENTis,byanyothername,the World Cup. This tournament option pits 24 of the 48 teams in a massive battle. The first round consists of six groups of four teams, who play each other. Two points ore awarded for a win, one for a draw. The top two teams in each group, and the four best teoms placed third go into the second round. From that point the tournament is o knockout towardsteams,stagePlayoffscompetition.PLAYOFFSareliketheknockoutofthetournament.Youpickbetweenoneandeightinsinglematchbottlesatrophy. 4,1010101,,A,d FOUR WAY PLAY FIFA Soccer uses EA's Four-Way-Ploy adaptor. With this connected, anything from one to four people can take part, in any combinations: three-on-one, even four against the Megodrive is possible. Each player has their own distinctive colour, which marks their player. LEAGUE A league consists of eight teams, either picked by yourself or randomly drown from the pool of 48. You play every team in the league twice before the League Champion is decided. PASSWORD You con save your progress in a playoff, tournament or league by noting the passwords given at the end of each game. Just use the restore option to continue. A•A frto • ...14•0a. Crelor I 1 Obpec On 64,41 4 II) COI,M• 11,4 "Fiiltrii4I0No X itt• • .0 A Ditch drama deserves hi-fives. feet,AlthoughRATTLEYOURCAGEEAhaveusedgodknowshowmuchmemorycreatingarealisticcrowd.Therangeofconvincingsamplescoversyells,roarsandchanting.theactionisoftenenoughtogetthemontheirtheydon'tshoutobscenitiesorthrowcoinsatthegoalies, Hoppily "•-••••.. A Games onion ahoy in Oa r A Get that GermanPAMref!SEGA 31
vow overall approach is defined here. An attacking posture is best when you ore the stronger team. Play defensively when you wish to maintain a narrow lead. The long ball option is o simple strategy for beginners to adopt.
Theword'classic' isusedto ! murkin thisbusiness,but anyonewho plays FIFASoccer mustconcede that this IS Football, In the Megodrive's spotting elite.
A variety of number formations exist, the three numbers relate to the player strength in defence, midfield and attack. The amount of people in each area should reflect your strategy. Sweeper is a special formation used by continental and South American teams, with a free defender to sweep the boll up through the midfield.
J AZ ultra realis-tic graphics, unbelievably good sound, fantastic gameplay, loads of moves, a great control method, options beyond your wildest dreams, lull replays and up to four-player simultaneous action! It is
0 or' Soccer hasit all: ninglystun-ani-mated,
A The pitch is pretty much standard, though the viewpoint is good- h's the that'sanimationutterlyamazing. Fluid, comical, most ol all believable.
A The tow player making FIFA soccer a game that will always be out of ds box. A vast range of team imeiL V Theft is only one 'skill level'.
A much maligned rule, that thankfully is optional. Off-side prevents the ball from being passed deep into on opponents half, as at least two defenders must be between the nearest attacker and the goal. Playing with this off means a more dynamic game.
, Passing seems difficult somelimes, and the response is not instant.
The sampled noises of the crowd are realistically constant, but never untating. A great sense of aural authenticity. Title screen musk Is brill
Each side has 22 players, each with statistics in 13 areas; skill, speed, reaction, ball control, power, accuracy, agility, slides, bicycles, headers, stamina, passing and aggression. Players also hove positionings based on their team role. Substitutions can be made twice per match
Football is the sublime mixture of the physical and the strategic. As team coach/manager, you hove full control of the strategic element from the sidelines. It's possible to take time out ot any point to change tactics.
Here it is! The soccergreatestlatest,gameyetseen.FIFA
Superlative pre. sentation al Ike game and couldMoreparaphernalia.globalintothanyouneed.ItItoon-scremsclock — major boo-boo.
action is superb,
Instant replays are available at any moment of the match. Select the option, and you are able to watch around ten seconds of the most recent action. The jaypad has VCR controls of play, rewind and a frame advance. Sadly those moments of glory cannot be saved. *,
Extremely easy to pick up and play. Always exciting. Feels like reel football, but plays taster
OVERALL90 P 94 • •11Elb -.mod
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New battery back-upsaves the personal records of up to 7 players on the same cart And of course, because it bears the NHL name, all the updates teams and players featured in NHL Hockey '94 are completely for real If you've heard it before, remember the name 'cos... IN THEGAME. ITS IN THEGAME.Tki
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! "I A ••• BILaWV114I
TIM Mo w- SEGA" HINT LINE - Dial 0839 106002 For- JUNGLE STRIKE ROAD RASH 2, ROLO TO THE RESCUE adici DESERT STRIKE ali• led mil...Oman, ••••• wu aT A•••••,•••••Bele•••••••• S •• A• B ••• N 1•*11•16,0 •1••• cam••••••• AB Lamm pn, lema %warm oAlpa may 1•••• a.%t S 11 PO Im !Maio 'FOY ILD b, alsurv1o01111111
It's also faster than its super-charged predecessor. So fast that the puck wears an asbestos overcoat
imageYou'veIQ110DearYOBWhat'shappened?changedbothinandattitudeand I
is but a skid on Spender's jockstrap. But, from what I hear, her evil horde is slowly growing in numbers. Could they bring an end to videogaming as we know it, or will the gallant chaps at MEAN MACHINES and their loyal band of readers stand up for their rights to choose to play what you wont? Margaret Shelley S say unto you: Your move, cheese lips.
Also, what's happened to your physical form? You used to be at least voguely humanoid (although your head was a bit big), but you seem to have been transformed into some kind hulk-
Another month and yet another flipping intro to write for YOB. I tell you what, you try writing on amusing intro for YOB fifty times. Each one as funny as the last and all completely different. It's hard, I can tell you. And if you don't believe me, try it. Then send the results in so I can have a laugh. In the meantime, send your letters, comments, fine witticisms, pictures, funny postcards and photos to: HERE ARE SOME MORE PRECIOUS NATURAL RESOURCES FOR YOU TO DISCARD, MEAN MACHINES, PRIORY COURT, 30-32 FARRINGDON LANE, LONDON, EC1R 3AU.
It's Gouache - sort of snobbyCHIYORS, and irs great: Stephen Sirkett of Winshi
Even if you do get up some campaign I'm sure that your rubbish bond of killjoys won't get anywhere — you'd be surprised at the large number of parents who play games, they ore not all tres serious like you, my mum always reads Mean YOB, all the insults and bog-standard toilet humour amuses her
ing robot monster thing. Why? Other than that, your magazine is great. The reviews are the most accurate of all the Sega magazines on the market, in fact there hasn't been one verdict I haven't agreed with out of the games that I've played. Oh, sorry, I didn't like Ecco. It's one of the most tedious games I've overAnyway,played. keep up the good work
'Promoting the ways of disorder and violence' describes how you hove made me feel towords you. Games ore the perfect way to release aggression- My friends and I all ploy games and none of us go out and smash up some old geezer's Mercedes after playing Final Fight or get into a spaceship and start blasting people after playing Vulcan Venture, I have never dreamed or hod the urge to harm anyone or anything as a result of three years of almost constant, hard, violent gaming.Youdo my head in and I'm not surprised YOB was 'malicious' to you. Ever since MEAN MACHINES started, YOB has only insulted wallies who just aren't
\I you, I bet you're one of the ugly, fat old bags who appear on Kilroyinghav-a
Mean Machines mode me laugh out loud, Now you seem to have toned down the rudeness of your replies and you're not funny any more. Please insult someone, even if it is only me.
go at sexy models because that's could never be. It's the same thing isn't it I bet you're jealous because all they invented when you were a kid was dolls and wooden train sets (judging you are over 30 by the oh so big words you use in your letter)
etuAll MANN Asterling effort, on 'feint ruied' t believe, from Simon Mann.
lithink you've changed for the worst.You used to be really insulting and this made all replies really funny. Your lies to P. Scotteruashion in the December 1991 issue of the original
Dear YOB (well, Mrs Shelley, actually)Iwas struck dumb after reading the letter by that bag Margaret Shelley. People like you make me sick.
Chris Spicer, Nuneaton.
YOB:You certainly are in mental insecurity. I wasn't going to comment on your gae.fattyargument.That'sSecondingmakesprogresstechnologyalreadymachinesSuperMegadrivespledon'tgoes.sotenapallingly-writ-twopoints,butI'mbored,hereFirstpoint:beafatpur-haemorrhoid.andNEShaveyesterday's—iswhatvideogam-interesting.point:apointlessLipupanddereg-Pleasepay
MEANhit- yog ,i
Chris Snell.
Dear YOB
Dear Mean YOB
Since everybody knows that Street Fighter II has more depth of gameploy, Mortal Kombot's oppeol lay portly in the blood and gore but olso in the digitised graphics, sinister atmosphere and booming sounds No wonder Jaz says it doesn't fell like you're
Your mag is totally excellent it beats the hell out of any other Sego mag but please give away some massive posters in the middle
IQ 87
There's always one slips through the net: This month, Chris Ballard of Henley. soles took off with the Megodrive and the SNES. Then CD systems came in and finally 32 Bit systems. Five years on things will become 64 Bit and by the year 2000 who knows? Can't the companies be happy with Megadrive and SNES? Prices for big machines will be too much and things will go too far. What do you think?
IQ 76
YOB:Yes it does. I just did. By the way, I saw this butcher's van going down the road the other day with the slogan "You can't beat our meat" written on the side of it. Is that hilarious or what. Lucky I had my incontinence knicks tied up tight that day or I could have flooded Lower Regent's Street.
Ohpages.yeah, I hate boring people on the telly documentaries who put down computer games as being violent and say computers should banned because computers especially Megodrives ore so bloody good and it's all I do and play on. Anyway, it doesn't teach anyone bad things because you're not replly going to rip someone's spine out are you?
Steve Reynolds, Hoslemere, Surrey.
YOB:Insults, eh? You are but a floater in Spender's lavatory. You walk like John Inman' s trousers. You're so crap the only job you're ever likely to get is the one you can fish out of the lavatory pan... and so on. Look. I need decent letters to inspire me to greatness, and on recent form they've been about as creative as Nintendo's new ad campaign.
I have a very serious point to make_ First, it was the Spectrums and the Commodores and let's face it, they were crop. Then came the Master Systems which were good for their time. Then con-
I am also in mental insecurity after your SF II versus MK section in November MMS, I think you have forgotten SF II turbo is the old SF II upgraded three times. If Midway took Mortal Kombat, gave it better graphics, better sound, more moves, more characters and tweaked it to the perfection of playability. SF II would have a challenger. That's what Copcom has done and because of that there is no contest.
more attention in school otherwise you'll be asking people whether they want fries with their order for the rest of your life
I received my copy of Mortal Kombot on the Megadrive a few days early thanks to mail order and since I am a fan of the coinop I was excited to soy the least. Imagine my disappointment then, when I turned up the sound through my hi-fi speakers only to find that I might as well unplugthem.How come Jaz was observant enough to discover the undeniable flaw in the gomeplay (I ignore this procedure in order to enjoy the one-player mode) but maintains that the sound is '...just about arcade perfect'. Has he played the arcade gome? For one, the music in the conversion is completely wrong and although good, just doesn't create the correct atmosphere. As for the SFX, the flying kicks make a faint phutt sound like a quiet fort, Kano sounds like a monkey and Royden's electricity sounds like a blue bottle in a jam
A The Living Dead walk again, courtesy of Steven Clothe, Newport Pogneit
ting someone — it DOESN'T on the Megadrive version
Why didn't Sega give Probe the go-ahead for a 20 Meg con• version when it must have been obvious that the sound couldn't fit on a 16 Meg cart. It's not as if MK is cheap at E50_ I'd rather pay more to hove the real thingand not feel let down.
A depressed and broke Peter Giles, Market Drayton, Shropshire.
YOB:Jaz says he was tryingto be charitable and was so desperate to find something nice to say about it he commented, incorrectly, on the sound. It just goes to show
A What sinister developments does Owen Taylor of Kirkcaldy have nest?
IP Guile grappling with his liver problems„ attording to Paul Brookes of W. Bromith.
up!!! 5. Know
Dear YOB
it's most certainly, definitely, for sure coming out on the Master System. But then again perhaps it's not. You really need to speak to a certain Mr Jazz erton of Rignolla about stuff like that. I don't really know. But I could tell you how many litres of butane a cow farts out of its arse a week, though.
now thank and salute Mr Neil Ramsden of West Wickham, Kent for pointing it out. Rest assured they will take steps to stop this from happening again! Meanwhile award you the Purple Nob of Honour. May you wear it with pride.IQ 89
Christopher Scott, Carrick Fergu,YOB:Yes,Ni
6. Who's Mystic Malcolm? 7. Your mag is fah! 8. People who think gamescomputeroreevil should be locked up. David Evans, Derby. YOB:1. We already did. 2. After you, sir. 3. Yes. You could write ads for Nintendo. 4. She is — we can all hear her from here. 5. Alright then. 6. The son of my father. 7. Cheers. And you're fob too, mate! 8. Yes they should. Down with the people who think A None indulges in some bean rending by • skint E. Southrott of computerStirlingshire.gamesare evil! Boo toIQthem! 103
Dear YOB
Dear Please,YOBplease, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please send me a copy of Sherlock Holmes for the Mega-CD.
A The motif that will not die! More Mario hwture from ThomasWoodward, Newport.
YOB:Well done. You're only about six years late with that cheat, you stupid great big urine
and It is quite annoying being more of a Sego fan than a Nintendo one (and no this is not a gap in the letter to say'He likes Nintendo so he's thick'. The person who said this has just had five lemons shoved up his nose).thinkDrrrrrrrr!Sega should be told aboutpatternthis
is I'm, change it immediately,2 I HATE the Nintendo readers who
like to express: 1. Your fold-out
be token out and shot. 3. Do
Dear Bent YOB
IQ 01
After reading the Street Fighter II review in issue 13 I thought the game was brilliant and I agree that it's better than Mortal Kombat. Could you please tell me if there is any chance of Copcom bringing SF!! out on the Master System?
IQ 27
of Mario killing Sonic,
* Fortunate artwork from the anhmtuninety named Stuart Shidmore of Solihull.
Dear YOB
so are oil
am quite annoyed that Sego bring out a console like the Megadrive and Nintendo wait. Nintendo take apart the machine (in this case the Megadrive) and produce the Super NES. They vastly improve upon the Megadrive and created an utterly outstanding machine. They improve it by giving it more colours, better sound, Mode 7, put more buttons on the control pod and making the machine smaller.Thepoint I am trying to make is that Saga bring out a 'new and technically advanced machine' Nintendo has a chance to study it ond then, surprise surprise, brings out a better machine a yearSegalater,ore following the same pattern again by bringing out the Saturn. Nintendo ore intending to bring the cartridge based new Nintendo machine out a few months after the Saturn'srealisedSegoreleased.hasnotthepattern
please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please volunteer yourself for bizarre medical experiments.
Tom Ungoect. White Hawk, Freckle Land
I hove a few things the ol' would cover draw pictures they should you know any good, fun jobs going in the console game industry? only but it's new world out there). is doing a great job, but then of you, keep it any good, fun ways of terminating my sister. She is so horrible! about hypnotising her?
YOB:Irs amazing what can come Out when you stick a mentally retarded baboon with a huge purple backside and buck teeth in front of a typewriter and let him bash the keys for a couple of minutes.IQ 03
Martin Kingston, Orpington please, please, please, please, please, please, please,
How ore you? I am fine Did you know that on the Master System 1, if you don't put a cartridge in when you see the Sego logo, press and hold up and 1 and 2, it will reveal a snail maze game. Cor wow, what a swiz eh?
4. Lucy
Dear YOB
otherwise it could carry on until the end of the century.Neil Wickham,WestRomsden, Kent pening,wasthatrealiseplyTheygratitude.enormousexpressedandtoldYOB:I'veSegatheysim-didn'tthishap-and
You are a lard sandwich and resemble the Elephant man greatly and listen to Nat King Cole backwards, hoping it will send messages to your head. Well think again Ken Dodd, you're retarded already Des O'Connor, Burdem Road, Moutscombe
what a Spender's armpit the game is and that you should have really saved your money for Street Fighteril. Still, there's no telling some people, is there? You know what people say about fools and money...
I've managed to swipe five brill Megadrive games from the games room and am willing to send them to the person who sends Gary Harrod the biggest and best photos of Spender/actor Jimmy Nail. Coiled as many Spender pictures as possible — maybe only one good one will be enoughand send them off to: HEREARESOMESPENDERPICS COURT, 30-32 FARRINGDON LANE,LONDON, ECM 3AU
IQ 0
Do you know when Street Fighter II is coming out exactly? When it comes out will the infrared remote control be a bundle with the game? You know the game will not hove 256 colours like the SNES, how many will it have? Whatever has happened to Rod, has he gone to Megatech forever? Do you know any cheats for SFII yet cos I've heard there is one enabling you to fight Dee.lay Maximum from Super SRI. Your mag is sound. long live Street FighterArmstrong.YOB:Yeaht
IMEAN A yosg t •
11-4C4 Pi letA ll
Biff YOB:StreetMorris.
intriguing, genetic Sonic hvins, both with eye deteds: Chris Moore, atelinsford.
IQ 42
isn't it, you disposable anal spatula.Yomo
main man
Dear YOB
After reading your feature about SFII and MK in issue 13, I thought you were very biased towards SFII. SFII is very good but where ore the deoth moves and gore?Also, it's over-hyped and paying E60 for it is stupid. I think it is about time you lot in the office woke up to reality.
Fighteril is already a superb game, it doesn't need death moves and gore to cover over the fact that it's a fairly average fighting game like Mortal Kom bat does. Do you realise if we woke up to reality, you'd no longer exist. Frightening
5. Will there be a Global Gladiators 2 for the Game Gear?
4, Are UK games the same as Australian games?
released?3Why doesn t George Graham splash out some money on the Arsenal midfield?
Mega-CD? 4. When
three? 4.
SylvesterHaunting,MegadriveCHELSEAQUEEN'SBAKEWELLTARTPUDDINGBUNSDearJazz°1.Whichofthefollowinggamesisthebest:WWFRoyalRumble,andTweety,RoadRunner or Pink2.Panther?Willthere
Dear Jaz
David Banks, Sandiacre, Nons JAZ:l. Haunting is the best of those I've seen. 2. Possibly - but it would make the cartridge price incredibly expensive.
will be amazingly good value for money because all we wont to do Is make you, the punter, a happy bunch. Fantastic Dizzy isn't coming out on the Game Gear. He's a perfectly normal heterosexual. His game is, there Holmes it the will Shork in the
Thanks for looking at these questions and keep up the norierwork at MEANTroy'sMACHINES.Wells,Penrith, Austrolio.
Thanks a lot, Scott Adams, Kettering JAZ:l. Ws a good version, yes, but what the hell has two buttons got to do with it? 2. No. 3. I've already answered that elsewhere within nose., special California answering pants that he bought from Bentalls_ Or was it Bullocks? it was one of those US chain stores, he just can't remember which. By the way, did you know that you can't buy Ralgex in the US a similar product is available, though, called Bengal,. Anyway, if you've got any questions, wrote in to: HERE ARE LANE. LONDON.
out. 3.
2. Super Kick Off. 3. We haven't decided yet, but rest assured it
now. SewerMega-blastiagSharkon hellroftsrtensmohog=7sTureelitin
5_ What's the latest on the Saturn?Mark Harris, West Midlands JAZ:1. No. The graphics and sound aren't quite as good, but the gamepiay is. 2. if both machines are pushed to their limits, the Super NES produces better graphics. 3. Alt the moment it's Super MIS only. 4. Sadly you'll have to buy it from importers who are charging a ridiculous E80.00 for it. S. I can't tell you because I've been sworn to secrecy. But I wish I could cos what S know is unbelievably twilit
1 Are Mortal Kombat and Chuck Rock 2 any good for the Game Gear?
I own a Sego Game Gear with a Master System converter and I would be very grateful if you could answer my questions.1.Ihaveheord that Mortal Kombot for the Game Gear is probably the best version because it only hos two buttons. Is this true?
be officially Out
1. Have you seen much of Sonic Spinball or Sonic 3? If so, ore they looking good?
4 Is Fantastic Dizzy coming out on the Game Gear?
Stuart Harvey, Gl Yarmouth. Very likely. Well a light and it do look like there is Sherlock coming What ha ed to question It out
2. When will Sonic Ill be
answer these questions?1.ISSunset Riders on the Megadrive as good as the SNES version in all aspects?
2 Can the Megodrive produce as good graphics as the Super Nintendo?3IsWorld Heroes coming out on the Megadrive?4.Howmuch will the six button joystick cost from Capcom?
JAZ: 1.
hivlo Two/Hy, 73 chee's/y (-zi) alike or tasting of cheese; (sI.) inferior, cheap and nasty* hence -INESS I. if. cheese 1 -i- -Y2] And so ends yet another fine lesson in selected quotes from t Concise Oxford Dictionary. Now onto your fine questions, whic shallh be answered in style by Jaz and his
ofgame?do4-Way-PloywithcanKNICKERBOCKERthough.GLORYDearJazIhoveafewquestionsIhopeyouanswer1.DoesNH1PAHockey'94worktheSegoTopaswellastheEAadaptor?2.I'mgettingSFRforChristmas,youthinkitsworthgettingMortalKombotaswell?3.IstheregoingtobeaStarTrek4.What'sthebestgameoneachtheSegosystems?5.What'syourfavouritemotor-bike?Mine'stheYomohoYZF Grant Tarhard, Basildon, Essex. JAZ:1- Nah. 2. frs up to you. I wouldn't, though. 3. A Next Generation game is coming soon from Microprose. And it better be good 'cos I absolutely love the series (it's the best programme ever seen on TV)? Regarding a game based around the original Star Trek series game at the moment, Interp/ay have done a PC game and Konami released MIS and Game Soy versions - but so for there's no sign of a Sega original series game. 4. Super Kick OH is my lave game on Game Gear, Impossible Mission is :the rather odd choice on Master System and StreetfighterMegadriveSIgetsmy thumbsup. Ask me next week and probably change my mind.- 5. O0000. Gimme a Itimota. Any mode/ will SPOTTEDdo.DICKDearJazCouldyoupleaseanswer some of these questions 1 Will there be a sequel to Night Trap on the Mega-CD and/or games like it?2.Will
EC1R 3AU. W7-1,a
2, I think Streets of Rage Ihs too easy, will Streets of Rage III be hard?er
1. Will Fatal Fury II be coming out on the Megadrive?
3, How much will your MMS guide cost?
haunting on the Meaqdriwo. ever be an upgrade on the 24 Meg carts?
40 Mht SEGA
so please answer my questions.
Mr Nobby, Nobby Lane, Nobbytown, Nobbyshere. Nobbylond, Planet Nobby, Near Nob by Sun, Star SystemJAZ:l.NobbyYes, they're bath brill.
4. Will there be any good Game gear fighting games coming out in the near future?
3. What do you think of the six button joypad?
5. This is the eternal question: Which is better on the Megadrive, Mortal Kombot Of Street Fighter II: Special Champion Edition?
How would you like to answer these questions?
2. Is a converter needed to ploy American or lap Game Gear games?
JAMROLYPOLYBig•UpJazAsyouseemtobethe don with nuff knowledge, I'd like to put a few questions to you.
be any more Sherlock
4. Will there be a six button joystick as opposed to a six button joypod?5_ Don't you think Ian Wright is the greatest? How about on Ion Wright Super Soccer Game? Francis, North London, JAZ:1. No official statement has been issued as yet, but I hear rumours that it might well appear. 2. March. 3. Why throw good money after bad? 4. Possibly. 5. Yeah. The object would be to hang around the 18-yard box and knock It in whenever the ban is passed to MANCHESTERyou.TARTDearJanaIamabouttoownaGame Gear
JAZ:I. Spinball is quit. a laugh and gets reviewed elsewhere in this issue. Sonic 3 Is still a jealously-guarded secret. But rest assured we'll be getting the exclusive in December. 2. I ruddy well hope so. 3. Feb. 4. Yes. 5.
3. What is the best game forth. Master System?
games and/or games like
blow me down If
2 What's the best game for the Game Gear?
me old china. Strike
5. Can you rent Electronic Arts games Out because my local video shop doesn't hove any?
2. Do Sega chip-lock every game or lust random ones?
3. Will Sega abandon this idea?
Torn Carroll, Lancashire
JAZ:1.. S didn't. It was a decision taken by other members of the Mom. They thought It was boring. 1 liked It - I thought it was quite nice to take a look at old games and see how they'd do these days. Particularly as some of them are now available on bud-
2. When is Monkey Island 1 82 coming out on the Mega-CO?
Dear CouldJazyou please answer some questions for me 1. Which is the best FIFA Soccer or Sensible Soccer?
4. Is the Amiga CD32 system better than the Mega-CD?
Derek Gabriel, Airdrie JAZ:l, FIFA. 2. Who needs 'em when you've got FIFA. 3. Next year. 4. 1 haven't seen much CO32 software so can't really make a comparison. But the hardware specs aren't at all bad and the machine does have plenty of potential. 5. Dunn°. Mine does. °bout the security chip lock system
RASPBERRYWHIPDearJazPleaseonswertheseboring questions
3. When is Jimmy White Snooker coming out on the Megadrive?
2 Are there be any other good soccer carts coming out?
Dear PleaseJazcould you answer my questions?1.Why did you stop Lookback?
get, or can be found lurking in the bottom of bargain bins. Ah welt c'est la vie. 2. Next year. 3. Around Christmas. 4. I didn't know they did. But if they did, they're wrong. 5. Not presently.CAKE
CARVERLOOKONZOOL'SNintendoSUPERNINTENDOGAMEBOYALLIRMAMEGADRIVEMASTERSYSTEMGAMEGEARAMIGACD32OUTFOR11:10-,••OUTSOONONAMIGASt440.4tenitOt4•e44•t01116%4••••4GREMLINGRAPHICSSOFTWARELTDHOUSE2.4CARVERSTREET•SHEFFIELDStIFSENGLANDTEL(0M)753423gsm, no chemicals added. biodegradable within 12 weeks, fully-recyclable, hot metal printed page. 4. The future looks a bit bleak in that department at the moment. 5. Doesn't look like* for AMYnow.DOUGHNUTDearJazzIknowIambutaspeckof dust upon a speck of dust upon a pinhead but would you answer these questions for my infinitely sub-humon mind?1. Are there any cheats for Final Fight CD? 2 Are there gonna be any good games for the Mega-CD apart from Silpheed and Thunderhawk? 3. Are you cool like me? Bolvis Noppledunk (aka Ben Airbury),JAZ:1.Cambridge.Whatdo you want to cheat for? It's easy enough as It is. 2. Not really. 3. No. I'm coo/ like a Pepsi that's been in the fridge for a couple of days that you take out on a very hot summer's afternoon after you've been out for an extremely long bike ride.
JAZ:14 2. SOCOUSAP not on games use the Sego security chip. 3. I doubt it very much. thing.Bollocks.Tennisthingsexchangemean?handleMegadrivehisStreedighteronMegadrivethereflashingMego•CDandIDEATHBYCHOCOLATEDearJazPleaseanswerthesequestionsormaydoeaccidentallyonpurposeforabsolutelynoreasonatall1.WhyistheMegodriveand2thesomepricecostheoriginalmachines-withthefirstMego-COatleastyouhadprettylitlightsandaliimotorpow.ereddisctraytypething?2.ThisgirlieIfancylikestheSNESbetterthantheMegadrivebecauseshelikesSuperTennis.AreanygoodtennisgamesforthesoIconhopefullyturnhertothegoodsideoftheforce?3.MySNESownerfriendsays11isfosterandbetteronmochinesisthistrue?4.InCVGitsaidthatthewasnotfastenoughtoSRHyper,whatdotheyMrPerson,NowhereLandJAZ;t.Segoblamecrappyratesandothersundryonthis.Bah.2.DavisCupcouldwellsaveher.3.4.Theydon'tmeanany-They'restupid. ru"--01
3. When is Royal Rumble out on the Megadrive?4.WhydidNMS say that Blonka is a 5.girl?Is it possible to subscribe to yourNobbymagazine?Stiles Who Forgot To Include his Name
1 How come I've bought over 10 new UK games and played them on the lop Megodrive?
IS NAMEYOURSYSTEM AND... STEP INTO THE RING! Get ready for the 16-MEG mayhem of Royal Rumble* on Super NES* Mega Drive*!! Check out the all-new, pulse-pounding action of King of the Ring- for NES* and Game Boy*! Tournament showdowns... special moves... Steel Cage matchups... RI El los ir 1, INAS loridor ors rorourkimoMortal illertakV1111 MOW. MEI Sou Imam trilloiris Ina ir app." socionively la 1 manSporli, lac 0111 romr disocome domicior Non loossom removal nom N•teldo trortanor ham los lig ail ilos dirmo
ACIalm ZS%) al ft
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
age is set for another winner. on't forget EA have FIFA International Soccer set for release which is superb. This arid others could well be yours! Keep those tips and cheats coming to this address:
Imagine starting the first Epoch of Mega-lomania with 200 followers instead of 100. Okay then don't! Enter SIZCSVLOPNIL as the passcode instead and praise K Sweeney of Elgin for fuming your dreams into reality.
This reads like a load of old pants to me but I'll print it anyway. Ashley Gezzodogo reckons there's a way of controlling the blue whale in level ten of Ecco. Apparently this is achieved by pressing UP, A, DOWN, LEFT, B, LEFT, C, C, and DOWN after positioning Ecco next to the enormous creature. Ashley says its takes practice, ...No phone calls please.
'm happy to announce the winner of the first three EA games. ey're going to Ed Lomas from Rochester, Kent. Ed's always writing in with tips for pretty much every game on the Megadrive and Mega-CD. Moreover his tips are always wildly different from the usual 'stuff' received and his
I! IMP S. 111
Raptor attack! A few people also supplied the codes to play as the STATION: 12100027 STATION: 1(2100029 M210002B
MEGADRIVE TIPS Easy with Max ammo: JUNGLE: OVVVVVTO POWER STATION 2VVVVVIQ RIVER: TrueRIVER:JUNGLE:VISITOR'SVOLCANO:CANYON:6VVVVVTUPUMPING4VVVVVISSTATION:8VVVVVTOAVVVVVT2CENTRE:CVVVVVI4Easywithnoammo:00000011POWERSTATION-2000001340000015toformEdLomasgoesto great lengths describing his latest incredible discovery - every level code for Jurassic Pork for play as Grant, with maximum or no ammunition. There is method to his madness but there isn't really enough room to print it here, suffice to soy this is the most inspired contribution to the section this issue PUMPING STATION: 60000017 CANYON: VISITOR'SVOLCANO:CANYON:VOLCANO:80000019A000001BVISITOR'SCENTRE:C00000IDNormalwithmaxammo:JUNGLEOVVVVVUPPOWERSTATION:2VVVVVURRIVER.4VVVVVUTPUMPINGSTATION:6VVVVVUV8VVVVVUIAVVVVVU3CENTRE:CVVVVVU5 4111•11M111111111111111•11119
Raptor pack: Fred Bird, Colin Eddieston, Simon Hudson, Graham Kates, Stuart Lucken, Daniel O'Brien, Carl Quincey, Duncan Robinson.HussainSaloh
has discovered a code that unlocks every level in the Jurassic Park. Furthermore the code allows players to room the pork as either Grant or the raptor in the other's allotted areas, The code is 02160016. After inserting this, select the options then leave the options straight away. Change the player to Grant and start the game. A level select is now presented. Choose Grant or the raptor to play in any level.
Voice Test: Like I said lost month it seems that some of our readers are hearing strange voices already, At the risk of making matters worse for everyone there's this cheat which transforms the sound test into a voice test. With the title screen dis-
1 1
are the work of the multi-talented Lesley Hall from Middleton, near Manchester_
played press and hold the A, B and C buttons on control-pod two_ Now select the options screen as normal using controlpod one. The speed of the voices is variable with control-pad two Maniaalso.
mode: Only the most skillful blast-freaks need bother with this one because it makes the game very difficult indeed! Once again input the cheat as the opening demo runs its course. It is as follows: Press B, 8, A, C, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, C, UP, A on control-pad two Start the game as usual and notice there is a number one at the bottom place of the score. Apart from getting immediately trashed this is the best way of knowing the cheat has worked.
Start on leve three: By pressing B and START_ Start on leve four: By pressing C and START
Calm down Vir ce Lamb re's nothing wrong with your chew it's just me that's a disgrace: On the options screen , B, A, C, A+8. After the explosion is heard d of the following: Start on leve two: By pressing Start
Stage Select: There is the possibility of a stage select for this most stunning of CD games. To access it press DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP, RIGHT, LEFT, A, B then START during the opening demo. The words 'Stage Select' are now added to the titlescreen's menu. Unfortunately this is not a method of skipping past levels to make completion of the game easier as only the stage that is selected is ployoble. Bahl
Start on leve five: By pressing B+C and START. Start on !eve six: By pressing A and START. Start on leve seven: By pressing A +B and START. Start on leve eight: By pressing A+C and START. Start on leve nine: By pressing A+B+C and START.
Restore Shield: This is an especially cool tip mode possible by pressing RIGHT, LEFT, A, RIGHT, UP, C, B, DOWN, LEFT, B, A, UP then START during the opening demo_ Basically — once the cheat is installed — all that is necessary is to tapthe A button on the second
controller and the shield recovers one notch. By repeatedly hammering the button the ship becomes virtually invincible_
Extra Continues: With only one continue left to go it is nice to know that a further nine are available at the push of few buttons. During the opening demo press RIGHT, UP, A, B r LEFT,C,LEFT,DOWN, C, A then START and the number of continues increases to ten. Whey hey!
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SCOPE 54 160
esley Regis' dreadful ory about his chance
Let's face it, if I didn't print the following codes I'd be out of a job. Far too many people have sent them in to mention here but I'll do my best nonetheless, Gore Mode: Press A,B,A,C,A,B,B at the grey intro/ storyline screen. Now all the death moves and their associated blood ond guts are there for all to see.
Hidden options screen: Press DOWN, UP, LEFT, LEFT, A, RIGHT, DOWN on the title screen. Incidentally it's easier to remember the cheat as the word DULLARD.
poor. Tsk — shame you Regis! Still the eot is good and it as a lot like this: led the last sound act and tune from the ptions screen. Starting ame as normal Is that only the s are fought ore by-passing all in between!
Modal Tipsters: Pietro leng, Paul Raley, Marvin Gibson, Richard Gleason, Liam Halley, Graeme Kemp, Dean Martin, Simon Meacock, Michael Powloff, Jain Ronald, Daniel Milward, Winston Oakley, Ciamn O'Donnell, Jamie Ricardo, S
-r A
desired character and press A four times,. START once and C six times. Press the buttons quickly though otherwise the cheat won't work. Thanks to Simon 'ee's all' White of Workington for that.
A bit of a mediaeval duffer this, in more ways than one. Still there's this level select, enabling players to see the ending slightly sooner than by witnessing the entire misadventure first. At the first character-select screen highlight the -Tr
YOU IIVONFT SEE NIE VWTH SPOTS. Getting spotswasno big deal. But given thechoice, I can live without them. It's been a while since I've had one. Nowadays I use Oxy* (lean Facial Wash. OXY 0_60 Twice a day, morning and night —no more soap and water for me. First, I wet my hands and clean them thoroughly with Oxy (lean Facial Wash. Then I lather up some more and rub it all over my lace before rinsing it off. Always read the label Ott 10 (omens Benz* PrIrOlIde, *OKI dnd '114 d IC IrodErIlirkt RIP.1 41• one UTE 5 1E11/1
On( 10.
That's it. That's all you need to know
01course, even when I'm really careful apersistent spot can slip through the net. And if one does, I lust use some But I hardly everhave
Andhow to keep it that way.
about how to get clean, healthy skin.
Honestly, each time a hit title such as Mortal Kombot appears it's like 'Day of the Triffids' or 'Invasion of the Body Snatchers'. Somehow everybody mysteriously discovers a secret, special cheat completely by accident and with the words 'cor, imagine my surprise' issuing from their cake holes. Divine inspiration or no, here's how to extract the gore from Game Gear Mortal Combat: On the first title screen — the one preceding the character files — hold down buttons 1 and 2 then rotate the D-pod in a clockwise direction. The words 'Now entering kombat appear on screen to indicate the cheat hos worked. They saw the light: Karim Bourouka, Michael Bull, Gregor Gilchrist, Nicholas Ives, Martyn Oke, Matthew Oxenham, Giles Read, Matthew Simpson.
System owners! Sorry but there's only this one tip th• nth and its for on old, albeit very good title, named Psyc . Apparently it stops the foxy one from dying when being hit. Hmm. The moment Psycho is hit pause the game and select the straw doll. ' 're luc rites Tim Chmielewski 'it ilf tl.
!0, ThatplayerarationscreentonHeirsresetslowkshholeDLPKOOddsbodkinsh.Putt—histheChuckPUTTERPUTTNFramehelpstoscropeGameGearbarrelwithsorrycollectionofthreecount'em—cheatsfor'n'PutterThecodetakestheplayerto16with81golf-balls!ThecodeSEGAthegamelteeth!:Pressingbut-2andSTARTonthetitlesummonsaconfigu-screenwhichincludessoundtestandallowsthetoselectnineballs!ChuckFrame,eh.
00107-'Y 111 1.11F; THANKSBUT For Edward hunts Jungle Strike and Flashback codes; the great Peter Neeson too late Jungle Strike codes; David Longman's Flashback codes "Your mog is ace Keep it up" Ooe-erl; Paul Leather for his strange-plc: lure on envelope and Andrew Forrant for his best wishes (but old tips). YouMARKTORCHIAstinkofpooandsmoking dog-ends will give you lung cancer. Sorry Chris Wells asked me to tell you this — what choice have I privs my wages?
HEMDALEORITOMrDlitr4344TION 1 the near tuture l wormisthe ot Robocop and The tpcobonoaso.„,vousincgemergeTerminatorintoareaLitu.mustsaveAllna8Mr ••th Partnership.ROBOCOPbuupercomputerpossitmelutureichmachinestheEarthandnetissupreme.RvaltabteseqasamesearmASSegemastersustemTmsoomTMIA01993OnionOctanesCoipciat.onAnghtsreserved.TMdesignatesatrademarkofOrionprotomsCorporation.THETERMINATORTM&1984Cinema'84.AGreenbergBrothersAltrightsreserved.TMdesignatesatrademarkofCinema'84.LeensedbyHemdaieFernCorporation.SubleansedbyBethesdaSoftworks.GameCodaci1993VirginGames.AllRightsreserved,VirginisaregisteredtrademarkofVirginEntemTinses1111.StliAbameClear•driLl31,SAti%MAUIyaIuIlaletrademarkOfSegaEnterprisesLtd,VIRGININTERACTIVEENTERTAINMENT(EUROPE)LTD.338ALadbrokaGrove.LondonW105AH
Ommunication•IMIME Simulation Puzzler Platform Items: 1 Beat 'em up Shoot 'em up The competition competitionjust got• a whoLe lot tougher.
Role-play Adventure Headline AforN iworingionot/MILO;l74rti191rmyrito..31A 1Ilir"" ,--'diP111.S11I1140 Ni NiNinticontinentdatirrteito Nintendo Street Fighter II Turbo ConsoLe with game around £140. Game around £60. PackliWf.
The action stage is an extremely simple platform game that casts you as Grant (although his hair is yellow/orange here!) blasting dinos in pursuit of the exit. Three different tranquiliser guns are on offer as a means to blast those pesky dinos. look out for medical kits to bind those wounds and retrieve energy!
GAME GEAR REVIEW ercemosewaehtotemocleW
ation that is Jurassic Park. By using DNA found inside fossilised mosquitoes, scientists hove cloned several species of dinosaurs. By putting them in a theme pork, they aim to provide the ultimate holiday
But something has gone horribly wrong. Doctor Alan Grant and several others have visited Jurassic Pork before its official opening and the pens hove somehow been opened and the animals are running wild. Are you going to be dino-dinner or con you guide Grant and the others to ,tOMMENTsafety?Thisisaveryaver-agereleaseindeed.Thesub-gameslockdepth,thegraph-icslockJurassiccharacterandthesoundisexception-allysadindeed.Evenifyou'readiehardfanofthemovie,you'reinforadis-appointment.RICH
Weore oow landing on Jurassic Park Please coat yourself with salt to mkt life easier for the dines.
In this section of the game, you play Alan Grant inside one of the Jurassic Park jeeps, blastingdinos that attack the car, It looks and plays like a very basic version of Operation Wolf. At the end of each level lurks en enormous boss — look out for the massive T-Rex and terrifying Nerodactyls1 Aloe&
CPAM SEGA Wow!A pixilated blob — the movie OPERATION DINOSAUR This andrubbishutterlylookssprites,decentsomecock.prettyisApartfrombossitthe gameplay is tedious to the extreme. A waste of a superb1AZlicence.Jurassiclogosabound, bui thew ItSMO ' options Verysodindeed Awful sampledMOBCINI inskintily lot. aerobic musk 1GRAPHICSATION 39 Somesmortdinebosses led h bet (lathe wholedisappointing ToQuotePawl Daniels, Not e ker. Not manylevelsat all anda la& of sionety YABILITY 30 , Varybask, buteasytoget into. Some Averyannowngswearslimnofgreetpalatial reiniti by lacklustre,e poorlyprogrammed pre
Everything you could wish for inWoolworths. •' ' 16-BIT CARTRIDGE FORust usrat flit SIGANINA NM VINO tontortsmotwr sYSTDI ITSWOOLWORTHSRIGHTUPTOURSTREET 01/1WEIE1
so now
T he Smegtons had always been the poor relations of the Smarts. TheSmegtons bought a lime green sofa with matching orange velour carpet for their sitting room, The Smarts hod Chesterfields and sanded The Smegtons drove a deep brown Vauxhall Viva ; the Smartshod a Monde°. And little Johnny Smegton hod an Amigo whereas his cousin had a Megadrivel young master Smart hod cause to horrumph one day, when Johnny showed him Sensible Soccer, a rather clever football game from 1991, that hod no peer on the Megodrive at that time. would the Smarts keep up with the Smegtons? Simple, Sensible have converted their own game to the Sego 16-bit, there's a way to and at the some time!
enjoy football
SONY MAOISM aworciAEASE_NOVEMBEROPTIONSORIGINdirectcopyofSensible'swinningAmigosoccer SIMUIOtIOL NOWTOCONTROLNOWTOPLAYSOCCER •71 PLAYERS11111111rMilli.K.tb=•101,0110•••••.100CONTROL:JOYPADCONTINUES:BATTERYSAVESKILLLEVELS:3RESPONSIVENESS:WRYGOODGAMEDIFFICULTY:MEDIUMUnlikeSuperKickOff,thebollactually"sticks"toyourfootasinsoccersimsofold.TheolophosisofthecontrolwiellohosgoneonNosfoolofAnkid& Guide the ball into ihe net with the help al tout eleven platen. Defend against the opposite team 1111111dit,Peal
gracious living —
06'10J111:10/a1272apC5 The rules of Sensible are the rules of soccer. 11 aside teams and an option to include foul infringements There is no off-side rule. Throw-ins, goal kicks and corners ore oil taken with the minimum of fuss. The direction of these set pieces may be changed by moving the ioypod. Sensible have created a clutch of the theplayersChippy).foodSpellings);Education(Clothesstrangeteamstheseofencounter.teamsstrongestyou'lleverSourcesinspirationforcustomcomesfromgarmentsCity);(Badand(InTheTheteamallfitintospirit,soifyouplay the Old Dear's Menu, you may find your star players being 'Nice buffered Roll' and 'Nice Gloss of Milk', The Edit menu allows you to create rib-tickling squads of your own. NEM ....1111.....11110MidEliMe10•1••••••••••••P•Eken.0. 1,•1.111i••••••••••• 0••••••• •-•• • Checkout formohons end Soffits here. intriguing. Sensible Soccer is designed to make passing quite easy, especially on the beginner level. Players pass quite proficiently, and the computer players respond to a nearby boll. There is also no loss of speed when a player is in possession, making dribbling an integral part of the game (the boll 'sticks' to the players' feet). However, tackling is also easily achieved and often successful. 14439
A "Games action ahoy in this action pocked screen she'," it urys here.
Should you wish to substitute during o game, press the joypad sideways twice when the ball is out of play. This brings the dugout on screen. Click on the manager to change tactics, or any of the players to bring someone on.
A The players Oneup just fike this before kick elf. Strange that, isn't it?
Before the game starts you view both your own, and the opposition squad, with their whatwhoscreenpositions-playingThisshowsisplaying,theirbestpositionisandstarplayersaremarkedassuch.Gamestrategyisalsoshown,
Sensi looks sick by comparison — its forty little sprites and hopeless sound ore absolutely no match for FIFA's stunning, ultra-realistic audio and visuals.
Fortunately Sensi delivers in the gameplay department, and its ultra-fast arcade-style football action is still incredibly enjoyable and highly addictive. But fob though it may be, FIFA offers that and far, far more — and that's what I'll be spending my wad on.
Highlyplayable it may be, but takenthatwithproblemtheSensibleSoccerisit'sfortoolongtoarriveon
the Megadrive. What sold for £25.00 on the Amiga two and a half years ago looks decidedly dodgy with a E45.00 price tag, especially when for a few quid more you con buy the allconquering FIFA Soccer.
MM SEGA %1 1s• 1111111 • ,41 Mai•%. elf ft
JAZ !pi n 1-11312"
with o variety of numbered formations, and more general tactics like Attack.
By highlighting teams in blue, you can ploy as any number of the teams within the league. You choose to play each other team either once or twice, and select two or three points for a win, You also select the month the ism leaguemo commences, which offects the weather and pitch conditions.
FIFA is trying to capture the atmosphere of televised soccer, whereas Sensible Soccer is on unashamedly playable video game, that sacrifices atmosphere for action. This is probably more the game for purists, who wont be put
There ore three pre-arranged leagues: League of Nations, European Super League and Booby League. These select teams from the Notional, club and custom respectively.
CupCOPHANDSareplayedasin two ports, as home and away legs There are two cups for each division. The first is on open competition, where every team in the division has a throw at it (UEFA Cup, Egg Cup, Maastricht Cup). The second is a select competition (Cup Winner's Cup, World Cup Ciuolifiers). World Cup qualifiers' groups, to your own, within any division. league option,
Sensible has affertouch, a play feature giving more subtlety of control and added realism. Hold onto the button as you kick and it responds to the joypad after it is played. This is useful for bending the ball into the net. Holding the button also increases shot power
YouDAMEDhovecomplete control
There are three different divisions in Sensible Soccer, each with progressively more talented and demanding teams. The game set-up varies within each, depending on what kind of competition you desire_
Just choose the unlabelled cup or
And it's oil over.., or is it? Who knows or dares to dream?
58 MM SEGA V11177171
set up and save a cup competition of
So here it is.
the game. No one could deny that this looks a sorry effort. Despite the excellent surround to the game, with it's sharp menus and well thought out competition structure, Sensible looks like a dog in-game. That's not to say it plays that way. It's just as great as the Amiga version was, and still offers a mean game of soccer. Its best attributes are speed, and the good feel created by lenient passing and unfussy tackling. Those looking to make a choice should look at Sensi and FIFA as ofesptynteredifftwogame.
rr, „WOW LEAGUE • • • •,• COMEARA1 Lit Al IONS IIAD SPEILLINGS VAIN THE EN3Ut *•0•6111•601111•••• c.GOMM001••••••••ONION NUM it0m1,PPC.•1080. MIK10•10 AMEN.. There are six BREAKDOWNdifferentOCIDOEIDE3IDEIE1ElElElElElEJElElCIE3EIDEI PRESENTATIONThewealthofcups,teamsandoptionsenhancesthelastingappealalthisgame.vThegamelochsspiteabitofthefootballmatchatmosphere." -,pikhandbe'moo&scrollingcrisp,TheGRAPHICSSOUNDgraphicsoreandtheisvery•Thegamelookssimplistic—figutesandtinyhardlyanimated.Someofthecoloursarehorrible. f The whistles. boll NOilei and music ore pretty good.The crowd erabsllIs'tahtlwoilcgnildiromassiorf:0.1014LIrtABI-Ii-PLA-..........,..-Superspeedy and uniussy gameplay. Very easy to get a feel at the tontrol method. Nice pose. ing 'Inploy.thegame, some spots promaster.Sensibleitkingdom,yourfreedomvideeasyscoringgrounds,IASTABILITYAsyouhavefalaitocreateownloalbaliyou'llbeatlotmonths.isnotaneasygainstoOVERALL7-11Doesn'thovethelourplovermodeortheglamourofFIFA,butSensibleSoccerisrecom-mendedtothosewitharealinterestinthegame.
So it's destination moon for the intrepid Pond, aided by trainee
Operation Starfi 5h is his biggest adventure yet, with over 100 levels of lunar laffs if you're player enough to find them all!
James Pond is back in the stunning sequel to Robocod.
His cunning plan — mine the delicious dairy products and undermine the economy of planet Earth.
01.91 filkoroar Pootoo•Noordrio pow Prod • • truktodi 01 liguo.all krorocoo Borrow Arm • s Indoor& rd (kapok Aro .Nris Dour mo mellow Id 01 Sep [mow.. lot
When it's discovered the moon really is made of cheese the dastardly Dr. Maybe moves in.
WITH OVER 100 LOONY LEVELS, YOU'LL BE OVER THE MOON WITH JAMES POND 3. Fl5H agent Finnius Frog and tooled up to the dorsals with a crater-full of groovy gadgetry. There's an army of cheesed-off aliens and hordes of Maybe's minions to face before the lunar landscape can be saved and the dreaded doctor dealt with. James Pond 3: Operation Starfi5h — it's the cream of the crop. IE. C: T 11 N I C: 1 TM Distributed by: Sega Europe. 247 Cromwell Road. London SW5 9GA. Tel. 071 373 3000. 411iNIBREIENE11V1E1). SEGA HINT LINE DIAL — 0839 106002 FOR - ROAD RASH 2, ROLO TO THE RESCUE AND DESERT STRIKE oh.1=6 woo • Wall., .• ONSTROM• MIPRICE INVM Op, ...MB OW. *Pm. 11•••“•••• 11•••.• IP...OW i•pf••• Main MN. modm Viv SU) tody pling COpy Of Mit pone, vtkit Valor boo renninr. In Me of ry. 00fiettity.coma EAOwen on OM 5,4442
C omic author, Frank Miller,certainly knew what he was doing when he brought together two of the toughest movie heroes ever known in his Robocop vs Terminator series of stories. Just imagine what would happen if the unstoppable cop had to take on the merciless killing machine from the future! Cyborg versus cyborg,_ what a battle that wouldWell,bedream no more, because in this very game, you con 'live that dream', taking control of Robocop on his singlecyborg quest to drive back a squad of cyborg Terminators who have just been sent bock in time to steal the Robocop technology and kill any humans that get in their way. As they retreat, Robocop has to follow them into the future to carry on the fight that will destroy the evil SkyNet computer system and free the world from Terminator subjugation forever! Hurrah!
rRELEASE(BYNOWOPTIONSTOCONTROLHOWTOPLAYICEVIRGINNOVEMBERGuideRobocoparoundriseplationsWeis,carryingouttheprimadiroc-tivaba'sgivenattbestartolnoch,blastingawayetamhostileforcesIstunsactossonthew DRIVE R IEW .00 00E97'301Mb IUG1115111111.11PLAYERSRosocor•go.11SUBCONTRIX:JOYPADCONTINUES:3MILMRS:3RESPONSIVENESS:GOODGAMEDIFFICUITY:TOUGH60,000+ThetwomovieinfilOr9$wereFirstbroughttogetherinocambootsserieswrittenbyFrankMinertorDarkHorse(omits.UsetheD-buttontomakeIllobenopwalkandclimb.%Paoand(IbutionshandlePowingandshooting.Chasms%lemonsHEMloopParisandpausesthegameMNISEGA EA-20, besdestroyedIs11416ewered
PHASED PLASMA RIFLE (WITH 40 WATT TheRANGE)mostpowerful weapon in the game — one shot disintegrates a standard Terminator! Once you've got one of these, don't lose
rid of ond
loses the
Launches miniature rocketpowered warheads in a narrow forward spread. Effective on any target.
LAUNCHER Releases grenadesslow-movingwhichcanthen be guided by the D-button. An odd system, but it produces satisfactory results.
L10-• GADR WE REVIEW MENTaven'tnoverlyImpressedwithanyoftheTerminatorRobocop°driveasesstuponanunsus-pecting public so for so it was with considerable trepidation that I approached this new offering from Virgin. What a pleasant surprise! The graphics immediately hit you between the eyes with their excellence — huge, detailed and imaginative sprites, atmospheric backdrops and tonnes of animation, there are masses of really neat weapons which you really have to hang onto if you value your life and adrenalin-pumpingnon-stop,actionalltheway.Virginhasextracted • the best bits fromboth characters and smliffosteshtob11 and added some magic of its own. This game is an absolute corker and being an avid 'em up fan myself I thoro b dmenomrec, th • dnaenoot,a BREAKDOWNElElElCII=DRIO1JLUDDDEIDEIEIErODEID 00000 ot.iiii 101•1111•1001 14111111111 14 111401111,1111 111 111•41111110111111111,4III 111 111411lMi1"111,414 111-200lams the "mar of Oa Aolvt tpirtel.nodal* 1
A mighty powerful ropid-fire machine gun. It's just a shame that it's only available at two points in the game
can carry two weapons at a time and switch between them at the touch of a button, but if he
of trouble. You can be sure
BIRETTA AUTO-0 standard armament chops human foes into small chunks but hardly dents the bosses in the game. Make sure you hove another weapon
could you? The programmers certainly haven't disappointed on this score. Weapon upgrades are to be found all over the place, either lying around in those hard-to-reach places or dropping out of a smashed
So if
he was
99H! GUNS! couldn't hove a game starring Robocop and the Terminator without putting in lots of big guns to play with, dustbin SkyNet• Robocop should lose a he also weapon using at time. it looks like he's about bite bullet, switch to weapon don't mind getting it saves lot of it!
titles. In fact, after playing the first few levels I reset the machine so I could check for David Perry's name on the opening credits. But, cynical fool that I am, I only had to play a few more levels to discover the truth. Simplistic the gameplay may be, but this is one of the best Megadrive blasts I've played in months! Loads of guns, explosions, and cyborgdeath mayhem. There ore a number of impressive features that stand out; little things like the ornaments from the OCP offices in the Robocop movie making it into the OCP offices in the game, and the burning TVs from Terminator appearing In the Terminator outpost. Even better are bits like the confrontation with Robocop 2 and ED-209 (all complete with the correct sound effects, sampled from the films) and being able to shoot off ED-209's gun to use yourself is a very neat touch. Graphically this game is excellent throughout, with excellent animation, amazing sprites (all the robots are brilliantly done) and even the backgrounds ore very detailed. The gameplay starts off very easy, then the difficulty setting rapidly escalates, so if you're a shoot 'em up novice BEWARE! Also, this is one of those games in which, If you lose your weapons you're in deep dung. Robo's Auto-9 is okay to start with but you don't stand a chance on some of the later levels if you haven't got one of the more powerful weapons in your pocket. All in all, though, this is an ate game, which should provide fans of Robocop and The Terminator with major thrills!
TAXI OUT MI SICURITY What?CAMERASHaven't they finished building this place yet? No, and the reason why is that the building sites ore infested with criminals! It's up to Robe to climb the scaffolding and walk the girders, dealing death to the evil-doers, while watching out for armour-scorching jets of flame. And guess who's waiting at the end! It's his old mate Robocop 2! Now things are starting to get tougher.
a good idea to stay out of the vats of super-acidic toxic waste around here, but a greater threat is posed by the legions of yet more heavilyarmed criminals. Somehow they've also rigged up robot sentries on girders which spew out bullets as soon as you get near them. Also, they've managed to lay.their hands on an Urban Pacification MiniTank which guords the end of the level.
The Terminators hove arrived en masse in the offices of OCP and after capturing the OCR executives, they've set up loads of robot defences and disguised themselves as security guards. Robo has to find all the hostages end release them while dodging the fire of the gun turrets mounted in the carpeting before taking on - CRIPES! — ED-209!
When I first saw Robo
*14 LEVEL BY41,111weLEVELikek • :'c4A4/.4 te I It AO..0. M SE e direcve future!you.,.asComeofthewantobeyedmustwhichbeifyoutoseenextpartthegame.withusweleadintotheLEUEL 1: TRIIIMIN PRIMO MECUM AVOID THI BULIMIA,Herewefind Robocop on the beat, patrolling the streets of Old Detroit where nasty men hang out. Robo has to fight off blokes with machine guns and keep an eye out for unappreciative civilians shooting at him from windows and throwing Molotov cocktails and sticks of dynomite ot him. Pahl EasyDIUstuff.Iispretty mu a clambers a buildings looking for o hove been kidnapped by , His built-in Hostage arrows on the screen, indito take nrptelp, even with !iOO5 around This doesn t ou pet to theable f cou UEL 3: DELTI3 CITY UNDER ' '1111rno rrpurTI9NMUMNDIRECTIVIs
41: 14
the first, only this EMPLOYS'S AND TRASH THI OFFICE
EGADRIVE REVIEW 1 TNEMM11)1N•#, th\ 4.* AhoitV11,4A,11
This vast maze of underground possoges is crawling with all sorts of Terminators, but the red command Terminators ore everywhere. Flaming pits, loose boulders in the roof, gun turrets — it's a nightmare! And to make things worse, at the end of the levet Robocop has to take on a miniature Hunter Killer which patrols a trench of fire! Mk
Where is the Secret Remote Bose? Not telling as with a lot of the secret rooms and hidden objects in this game, finding it is a matter of keeping an eye out for' apparently solid which you can walk through (or per mo0410 be walking behind them)
the humans and SkyNet raging around him, His first job in his new
with the war
It isn't easy to comply with the Prime Directive on this level. It's an onslaught against battalions of Terminators, backed up by ceiling- and floormounted laser turrets. It's also Robocop's first opportunity to take on the Red Terminators, which are extremely tough to destroy — even with a plasma rifle!
is to hunt through the
Robocop has to destroy SkyNet's surveillance systems before he can take out the main computer itself, and that means getting past herds of Terminators (standards and reds), giant laser connons and even wall-crawling Terminator spiders(I) to destroy all the radar dishes in the complex. Watch out for hidden passages in this section, and watch out also for the Terminator with the huge machine gun which guards the exit.
Robocop has reactivated consciousness in future, between surroundings human's underground home for captured rebels. The base has been occupied by several squads of Terminators, but danger also comes from the loose rocks in the ceilings. Make sure you find the loser rifle before taking on the big boss Terminator
loads of Terminators! Squadrons of flying robots! Help! Mother! All we're going to soy about the end of this game is make sure you've got two extremely good weapons on you when you confront the final boss — and be sure not to lose theml
GA DR IVE REVIEW•r/ • 11 • SCIHPARG.'1air-PRESENTATIONVerynicetitiescreensequencewiththelettersofMetitlesthuddingontothegreen.Goodrantsofoptionslash—or-11PHICSAcesorties,ani-mationandbock-;1grounds.SOUNDLotsofsmartsamplessuchasItobotop'sgun,ED-209'sgrowlThemuckispre*,goodlao,andthetunesonthelatimharkareextellet%LAYABILITYStartsoffeerysimplebutquicklygetseiseysompl.vLosecoltweaponsontheInterlevelsandyou'recomptehelykneeler.%•.•-.••••.-..101•1-LASIABETRIRedlychallengingstufwhichgetsbet-terthetotteryouplay.You'llbehookedfromstarttofinish.Oh,andthereareallthosesecretbolttofind.OVERALLI-190-_A91Fundamentallyasimpleformshoot'emup,butan excellent blast nonetheless!
Inch level has on silt, leading to fue-I Piet adventures. Pick up the netesAmyoblects on each level. Fighl the
A Anyone for esgame of Snakes end Noddies ?
(PRICE ASEGw---rirraE49.99HOWTOCONTRThejeeredmovesAladdinstandardplatformtoshisaMoveupanddownto5441fur-therareasofthescreen.THROWUPPti•MisriwonimusEKCIMBEIUOPTIONSOS,CONTROL:JOTPADCONTINUES:VARIABLESIMLEVEES:3RESPONSIVENESS:G0011GJUALDIFFICULTY:EASY1ST6111Vicol48,000ORIGIN
he scarlet skies of twil In ancient Baghdad set the scene for the Adventures of Aladdin. At that time a beautiful, veiled young maiden would be token to the highest minaret of the Suitors palace. There she would tell elaborate tales, knowing that failure to please her exalted audience would lead to death For 1001 nights, she wove myriad stories into one seamless strand, The Arabian Nights. Aladdin is just one thread of Scherezade's rich tapestry.Aladdin is a fearless young man — bold and often foolish. His adversary is the cruel and Vizier,deviousJake% His goal is wealth and the hand of the ownJasmine.fragrantDisneyhasproduceditsversionofhisadventures, but the elementsmeinof exotic places, magic carpets, a princess and a Genie's lamp ore all here.
The old fairy-tote of Alloidat was asetverted by Disney Wilde animeted film, and ham those to e Illesadrive platform game. NOWPAUSETOPLAY
Dunes sand snakes, outcrops, the Desert
Each of the areas of Aladdin port tradition
of the
effort that has gone into making a beautifully coloured, stunningly animated depiction of the Disney film. Surely the media of games and films are getting inexorably closer? But this game that is technically excellent is elementary in terms of gameplay. The action is basic beyond belief, and totally untaxing throughout. The amount of extra lives and continues offered in so many ways makes it about as thrilling as trapezewalking with a safety net, parachute, jet-pack and 'copter helmet. Though the game strives for graphical originality, the gameplay offers nothing new — being o transparent rehash of Cool Spot. My first impression was disappointment despite Aladdin's incredible appearance. These doubts were confirmed by seeing a rotten end sequence within one and a half days. Games like these once fared very well, even in this mug, but with the range of challenging Megadrive games as alternatives, they no longer deserve to.
oases and rocky
has a distinctive and lavish decor. A variety of fantastic locations is very much
of fairy-tale. Here is a glimpse of some scenes, and a rundown of dangers. COMMENT DES RT
is a flat, spike-infested wasteland. The comic element of Aladdin is present here, with Mickey Mouse ears left out to dry, and impeccable outdoor toilet eS 11111001113o PkIN Vin'PACIdt ScnerinhoMe town, but on utM place. Boorish guards and hot cools ore avoided by sviinging 0005S viashelg Two separate levels tok.e you across the rooftops. -0101P1-'SCENIC ROUTENLEVELSThecleverestlevels,involving a hair-raising escape, Indiana Jones style, then a reflextesting dash on the magic carpet, with only the aid of the Genie's finger. All with a glowing backdrop of scarlet magma. IOCeinAiodosoropeRrevocrLevoh1°ohtnisrZni'cioil lliirT.seirotnecw ePfor ,koctrfudescr rti-1,s'khP°rgYt4rnrdnaeSTeoglo- e this 1 rhoCltelYPher'eArtrernf Is l0ric-cerfo M gorn P 01P,,,,,b,6„0diPnri! , . -,.., s II; srengeiissnitrodniYpbpirude,hsiifistone0 w,niem'uesstatun.sar
Aladdin is a game.markland-Inmanywaysadisturb-ingone.EvenashortplayIllumi-natesthemassive
At the start of each game. Aladdin provides you with on instruction screen
Sparkling jewels are a valuable bazaar commodity. If Aladdin collects five or ten, he can barter them for on extra life or continue with the merchants.
Lucy Aladdin is living proof of this. Don't get me wrong, this is not a bad game by any means — it does look and sound goodand the animation is tremendous and very reminiscent of the Disney film but sadly the gameplay is lust standard and somewhat shallow platform fare and although nice to control, is much too much like Cool Spot to offer any real excitement or incentive to splash out more dosh if you already have the other. A game which can be completed in less than two days Isn't worth E50 of anybody's money — why oh why were so many extra lives and continues included? It would have been so much better and almost worth buying if the challenge factor hod been upped. As it is though, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone except Disney fans and die-hard platform nuts who don't already own Cool Spot.
pops up after each completed level. An object flashes in the Genie's mouth, the player presses the button to select it. Extra lewels, apples or lives ore awarded until Jafar's face appears You are given one chance for each Genie head collected on the previous level.
L MRETGLON1OrliElMOElI11 EHo o El = ONIto Al1 EJEJLJLI ICEIODEI DEICIEZIO ODIKAERREto In El El la • •11110==•DIDEIET [SICPHRA-or---PRESENTATIONThreeskilllevels,andsomegreatcat.screencharacterportraits.Vimmanywaysthegamepresentationis•steedard•andunimaginative.SOUNDEasyenoughtogPtonto.Eachlevelcoversalaigeurea,withplentyofaction.vAkicidinissoon.[lordplatformlate,neymuchgoingthroughthemotions.Colours,lionandanimationareofthehighestorder.Asclosetocartoonlikenessesaspossible.'Someoftheareaslookabitdimensional,despiteparallax.9584Thefamiliarthemesofthemovie.VThearrange-menhareokay,butnotrichandromantic.RATABILITY83LASTABILITT74Thehardlevel1oilersthebestvalve.Thegameislovelytotitandlookat.vAladdinisjustfarJtooeasy.Mostalayenwilldoitwithinaweek.OVERALL-182r_"1ThetalentandtheefforthasbeenchannelledintoAladdin'scosmetics.Thegagabehindthepaintedlaceisnothingspecial.
Rescuing Jasmine from Jafar is the ultimate aim, but there's a dozen sub-tasks to be completed beforehand. Finding the two halves of the Scarab, exploring, the Cove of Wonders, flying the magic carpet and even travellinc) inside the lamp are all on the wa
Restart points are spread across the levels, allowing Aladdin to avoid areas he has °treacly negotiated. Once the Genie smiles, Aladdin's progress is recorded
laid out as a mark%stall (much in the • style of Cool Spot). It covers every area of ThegarrieplarGenielevel
pet monkey has a few bonus levels of his own. Bonus items appear at various points of the screen. Abu collects thorn while avoiding or breaking the many missiles dropped on him. The level continues until Abu is hit.
Apples are collected automaticolly, and offer a safer °Bernetive to close-range sword-fighting. A maximum of 99 apples may be held at any one time. Some bosses need a hail of apples to be beaten.
Aladdin takes quite a few hits His health meter is shown as a wisp of smoke Blue hearts restore a small portion of the smoke. Some spikes, lava or boulders cause instant death.
Presents The Video Gain Get down to th bare necessitieoflife and escort Mowgli through the jungle to the safety of e.gillagihumanFight the bog-eyedsnake,Kaa and defeat Shere Khan the hungryiiger, in this excitingbasedadventureonthe • Disney's classic! It'll apedrivercrazy! P111-AVQri i ()I 441/t:1:jM 1 &j- \/IL) tP-t te & Master TheorksematradareystemT"h[tingleBook'm Disney titertamment (Europe) Ltd All rights registered trademark fit Virgin hnterprise: ,, CTIVE ENTFR FAINMENT (Ft 'ROPE) Grove, 1-01 110. W 10 ISNEtiS CLASSI 005
III, or an intermez-zo after Chapter II Sonic the Hedgehog bravely challenges Robotnik in his Sky Fortress, and jumps onto a passing biplane just as the construction crashes towards earth. However, the Egg One is not finished yet, and retires to an island fortress, impregnable save for one underwater entronce.Thebiplane is winged by
Fire from Robotnik's artillery,and Sonic finds himself at the mercy of tidal currents.
mod Professor is a secret flipper fetishist. Of course, his pinball palace is filled with deadly traps You control the flippers propel Sonic to safety!
Right, here's the set-up. The four areas of the fortress are regulated by a boss situated in his own chamber. The boss chamber is sealed, the only way of gaining admission lies in collecting all the emeralds found on that level. Emeralds ore found in concealed places, attained by bumping ,nto level features in a certain order. Once in the boss chamber, a means to destroy the hideous creature must b•found.Chopter
Helplessly he is sucked into a conduit that leads to the fantastic innards of lb. evil island. Every a • s been
fashioned and furnished with the accoutrimenti of the pinball table. Banks of bumpers, rows of knockdowns, lights, arrows and bonus chambers. It seems the
noxious collection of slime pools, crusty caves and sewers. In a homage to platform games post, present and probably future, there's a brief minecart section.
RESULT: Slime drains the STEP 3:Ride the cart. tavdlareme..N sawBREAKDOWNmaoUoElElElEl El El El El El El RESULT: the three rof4niellA1+ CI Boa Nippers NIGIRO---•EROCSTADTS1,r1f The third Sonic outing on Illegadrive, Spinball uses the rihcIiPscitsiretcarahcdnalortnoci rliPPelpinball tables. HOWTOCONTROLTOPLAYThe d-pod wcwks like an iriverillitile. Instead of racking the , the pad influences Sonic s movement inittaRIFIALP,LIIIdirectly. • Birralrj99.94.E,zitipi SEGA 1 RELEASE NOVEMBER 1 RESPONSIVENESS:CONTROL:JOYPADCONTINUES:NONESKILLLEVELS:2GOODGAMEDIFFICULTY:EASY15,000,000 Use the flippers to deflect Soak. Collett she emeralds to gainaccess the boss mom on each of the lour levels.
STEP 2:Knock the three barrels to clean out the sewer.
STEP 1: Guide Sonic into the
It's like a heatwave in here_ There's more old boilers here than at the Miss Scarborough beauty pageant. Learning to ride the lets and pump the bellows is the way to succeed in these lava-loaded serussif,MECHANISM 3: THE GUNS STEP1 Guide Sonic into the gun loop to bombard the gate. STEP 2 Once gate collapses, jump to enter the steam arena. RESULT Jump into the boiler and be propelled to the first emerald. MECHANISM 4: THE PLUG STEP 1: Propel Sonic into the upper table from steem arena two.STEP 2: Ride the loop to strike the plug three times. STEP 3: Fall into the side tunnels, and use the jets to climb. A huge metallic table with five well concealed emeralds. The table is not symmetrical, and involves almost as much well timed jumping as fiippering. Lots of flashing lights and winding cogs. MECHANISM 5: THE WHEELS STEP 3 Use left flipper to guide Sonic into wheel. MECHANISM 6: THE CELL STEP 1- Get Sonic into one of the three thrust cylinders. STEP 2- Catch Sonic using the flipper. Hold as the flipper ascends.STEP4-Break every cell in the animal RESULTprison.Emerald falls from top of the coll. Mht SEGA 7 11,1111•11111•1111•10E1119. EachMECHANIZAllallina0.111Wlevelhasavarietyofstandard pinball features, but also a series of mechanisms that lead to finding emeralds
up to the mak sonic!Vehesaction! I EW TIIOITTAENES(PR DNUOS-r ••••••
GUS Spin ball 11 offers pin-
Many of the familiar features of pinball • find themselves in Sonic Spinball. Most are mere point accumulators, like the bumpers and bonus multiplier lights. When rows of targets are dropped, they open safety channels which save Sonic from an early bath. Lighting up sequences of channels is also a way of rocking up massive bonuses.
Just when youthoughttherewas a new
Between rounds is a mini-pinball game set on a single screen. This time its real flippers and bolls and a set task, like freeing the creatures in a canister or knocking Robotnik's teeth out
His tail is poisonous, and arcs to protect his bock.
Al-ray-ted action! 72 IMIEW1111 1
RICH butgameplaythe is absolutely superb. The game plays incredibly well,with brilliant control over Sonic. What Ilk. is the fad that there are actually miniplatform games where Sonic moves much like his did in his previous platform romps. There's also some excellent touches over and above the usual pinball fare — the mining cart level is well smart. However, once you're really Into the game it's all over. Yes, the levels are quite large, but there are only four of them, with the game complete in a week. At E49.99, It's just not worth the cash. Dragon's Fury remains the definitive pinball sim, making that the preferred game In the
I was thisaddictedwelltogameSonicSpinballmaynothavethegreatestgraphicsandsound,
MACHIN' tubes ore carrying animals to be converted into Robotnik minions
The ultimate goal on each level is the boss room. Actually beating these monstrosities is easier than it looks if the right tactic is found. Without revealing anything, here is a rogues gallery SCORPIUS
refreshing approach to pinball. Working out each table and grabbing the emeralds Is fun, challenging and satisfying. But the crux is that Spinball needs to have about ten levels, not four. I thought op I was going to be at this until Christmas but reaching the caused only shock and dismay. Superb stuff, just not enough of it.
I'm steamin'
IFThe key conhgugone.
A lontes action in this
mtioas don't allow you to pkry with the D-Pad. ?-A The Sonic animationis great. The levets hove rout character and a whole image of good-looking featuresSomeareas look a bit too chunky. Sonic is slightly deformed. The effects sound like real pinball, especially the is variable and does tend to annoy. Sante of the effects are tacky.781 .•••• .mn=1•11. menteausablesnaturetive,APLAYABILITYIncrediblyaddic-theinteractiveofeachoftheencouragestopenevere.VSomewillfindthechanceele-ofpinballfrustrating. •••••••• YTILIBATSALF 89146.68A Pinball is a good game be high-score chasing.F04)Ilevels is simply not enough, and 1there is MI high-score saw LLAREVO- g••••IfOJ Eminentlyplayable,and lull marks for the ingenious approach to pinball, but Soak Spinball is not the Nis of Megadrivegames.One bite and it's
Me won't be climbing into any slippers. 111011.11 Foiling between the flippers leads to a lethal drop towards dooml
fun while it lasts. The game lacks the polish of previous Sonic efforts, with some of the graphics on the scrappy side, and the music never quite sure of itself. But the gameplay more than makes up for this, with the sprawling,
tt • iPt
lovely superfluous touches within the game, and a great message bar.
is very wrong Bruno's head, but kindsBrunolandedcoatingelseantndntfatiOtngyouofminiature—he'sreallyerentfromany-;hisage.thathehasthestarrinI.inonewadrivegamefromInhismindimaginesallofweirdthingsrrentlyconvincedtherisbeinghelrbyextra-terrestria r r Ottifant is merely working late at h e. Howe Ily-babies dropped from Daddy's brief-case en route rticular morning is playing havoc with Bruno's imogi trail of sweets as a guide this infantile-elephant explorer treks gh six make-believe worlds in order to rescue his father. st to fill you in, the Ottifants are • cartoon characters in Germany at ament. Apparently Ottifant and an animated television are major successes with ou an cheristers.bras-
IS ottera forget but isn'tyet to master the
e ep never
entirely natur and is somethi an acquired sk Bruno has
art constantly Iasi track of where and hasn't bee his fantasy wo Bruno has deci trigger Jock-in-thehim from getting io the g points should Bruno become co enemi
- rt ely overw by his A Gasp as Bruno barks up the wrong tree.
Lime, Lemon and Raspberry lollies provide Bruno with the power to bounce higher in the air with the aid of a double lump.
Bru 'ways racking his brains f to just his craving for ice-lollies. To his parents remain unconvinced by each his ten good reasons. You see in Bruno's dreams, ice-lollies are the source of many super powers which serve to aid the little lad his adventures. Just for good measure Bruno is required to eat three before the deliciouslycold citrus flavours take effect. Of course it's nice to have variety and so different flavoured lollies d combinations of the some impart cliff. bilities. Here's a taster of just of
Slurping on three !ime-flavoured lollies boosts Bruno's speed for a time.
ds,GothemRICH their Megodrivefirst title, continued their tradition of quality software production. This game from the same company is extremely ; disappointing. The graphics • are a mixed bag — some of the levels are great, some have visuals worse than some Master System games (level one for example). The sound is a similarly mixed bag. However, it's the gameplay that is this game's worst problem. The action is utterly unoriginal — the platform gameplay is very similar to Cool Spot and Global Gladiators with very little variation between the levels. However, when you're paying over or around E40.00 for a game, you expect a lot more. Basically, what's the point of buying this when there ore games like Flashback, Rocket Knight Adventures, Sonic II and Tiny Toons available for the same price? An exceptionally forlorn piece of unremarkable software and a sad day indeed for one of the country's best
GV DE11 1004,1GE EI=IDEID S MEIL:1001 • jrS.
The least Bruno could do is keep the confectionery in his gob, but no! Upon swallowing mouthfuls of one lemon and Iwo lime-flavoured ices he spits the whole lot bock out again! Isk.
Dumb° has nothing on Bruno when it comes to aerobatics, but only when he's Super Ottilont and only once he's eaten three lemon lollies.
repro. saltation of the sir areas Bruno is to explore sets the rime on GRAPHICSwell.
•• itailikelv to finishthe pwee in one sitting. Sadly you're unlikely towantto lionththe pantecooil.
am akin ta
platforms that
that ore used as
look of the game is very well crafted and there are some nice ideas but there's no affinity to the game's central character who is given no chance to really prove himself within the confines of this below average adventure. Apparently Bruno is something of a Bart Simpson character with a wild imagination but there is no evidence of that here. Instead the player suffers along with Bruno through six similarly styledlevels that all feature fatal spikes and the opportunity of falling right off the bottom of the screen with no prior warning. Of course this is very annoying as it is so unfair. Without these problems the gameplay is extremely obvious and therefore easy. There is no compulsion to collect the jellybabies neither is there any need to take advantage of Bruno's ice-lolly driven super-powers. Honestly I can't think why Sega wanted to license this game at all. wallet-busting £50 price tag?I don't think so. spits colourful beads at his enemy who hate this so much they self destruct in anger. Bruno's piece de resistance is his almost godsucking ability. Bruno encounter are out of reach engages his tremendous vacupowers to draw said long-distance ledge Bruno triggers dropping blocks mobile his sucking skills these GINA! Oel... 6nothit! (Pam - Squeich,) Gmuch--Gnnnnich..-Ool!Grunt.
I've yet to enjoy feature.whichformtypicalthisappreciatetoI'mOffilantsepisodeanofandunlikelyeverratherplat-gameintheyThe
W an scenery. leirno is animated well.The enemy sprites are small and lock flair. Some backdrops are dire — and why has Bruno gol an enormous block outline? soundsoccasion.whoopsimams11'SomeomittinganderneonGenerallytheoneselfhere
steps and using
•"' 71br;ism,- • .• Si Pir I 0._1111111111I • PSI Ii. Quitea wellpresented platformgamewith acoupleof novelideasto prevent it from it.toprettybeingcompletelydull.Thegraphicsaren'tenoughdoBrunoandhispalscred78 MAI SEGA 6A4 he
to I transport
towards him. Elsewhere
blocks around GRA!
rO4TNATSN51124938P;11AINTOIDOFWINASEGASUPERJURASSICPARKGAMEG-1-JURASSICPA,"rip1tinwnwlACTIVATOROALEIGHcAØRJVE2STREETtiAFo)406052Inyourteam'scolour4 Calls cost 3643 per min (cheap) 48p per min (other times). Max possible cost c.3.60. Please be sure you have permission to make this call. Where Instant Win is indicated there is no tiebreaker and prizewinners are decided instantly by playing a deciding game. Other competitions close 30.11.93 and again on All compatitiona involve multiple choice g000tione. NiritondoSmeivAmigiochirsoiciahipc it and Juunscir Park are all recostered trademarks of their respective companies. We are not related to or endorsed by them. For rules and winners' names please send SAE to: Into Media Services Ltd, PO Box 28 Northampton NN1 5DS. Llikt Dec93 dn--RocaINSTANTofAction!dert
**ism r-v 12 orwrsio irtv
One new attribute of James Pond is his blinding speed. Obviously all the training of the Aquatic Games did him some good. It's easy to reach ciallymoonscapes,speedsincredibleontheespe-withtheoldof -
a slope. Pond is so fast he often sticks to the ceiling. The A button gives him extra speed as long as it is held. a fruity gameHas truiy is, kids.
' What
E lectronic Arts hove uncovered a shocking global con-spiracy involving Nose, the Secret Service and the EEC ogriculturol policy! First off, it seems that Neil Armstrong and all his fellow astronauts concealed the fact that the moon IS mode of cheese after all!
James Pond has previously been a bottom-bouncing fish in his adventures, and it's a skill he retains. But to harm an enemy he has to pull up his toil before he lands on their heads. On the moon, most of his enemies take several hits to kill. Those sitting in tanks and cars need more than a bounce — Pond has to use his gun or explosives.
99.914PPR"PLAYER 11E1 E1ME Novi m in RESPONSIVENESS:COMMIES:CONTROL:JOYPADPASSWORDSKILLtraiStGOODGAMEDIFFICULTY:HARD-.ow. i 1ST DAY158,000SCOREj •NIGIROr fleis Is il. JamesehtforptechadthirthePond saga, beano, the hallmarks of Vectorokadi I satellitemines,ESOAN,faowoWAleft-rightHOWTOCONTROLTheMypadworksinstandardmanner.Upanddovmareusedtogiveextraboosttolimpandperformbottom-bouncing.NumMUBwispHOWTOPLAYoploreeacholOlelevels,&stoolingWWIagents,!emotingtheOnoandfindingtheexihi
James Pond's arch-enemy, Dr Maybe conceives of a plan to mine the cheese 1and11110flood the supermorkets of Eorih with the stuff. His monopoly of the food
The 'qualityold s(t)urgeon'slikePondJamesadagequantity'notfitsIIIa P' glove thenately,unfortu-and,it'swrong
111U'Kei would be o step on the rood to world domination.
With this handy headgear (light and battery included) Pond cannot hurt himself by bumping into the ceil ing or by something falling on his head.
appears to be just a sight gag -- pick it up and the screen monochrome.goes
LONG TERM 171017117301REPORT r E l E IL N EH 17100i=E11EN
Yes, that favourite.rib-ticklingTheseattach-mentsreallyletPondfly,ashebouncesacrosshugescreenareas.
There are tons of items to collect and use in Pond. Objects are found in boxes, often invisible until Pond strikes them. Items ore used to solve the many puzzles that face Pond, and ingenious solutions open up new areas of the mop There ore many more than this lot
The red sticks contain a big charge, and the fuse lights as soon as James picks them up. Use them to derail Maybe's monstrous engines and blow walls apart
Thank heavens secret agent James Pond is around, to accept the mission of closing down the moon mine operation. Ecco may be the Megadrive's most stylish aquatic stor, but James has the stomino to wade through this mossive platform adventure as only he
This applianceconsumerbizarre
A Pond's banging away.
However, piccomesture-ghostingtoyouraidmuchlater into the game
Like one of those groovy personal rockets that Michael Jackson goes ape over .As long as you have fuel, you con soar around the heavens looking for isolated booty.
way round. After three years 1 people1 are still trying to emu- r late Super Mario World on the Megadrive. I wish they'd 0stop! Even Nintendo themselves ore being more creative with their flag-ship character these days so Ws annoying that Electronic Arts
game of this ilk. On the premise of some terribly cheesy storyline, James Pond embarks on an incredibly huge mission packed like il sardines in a tin with bonus opportunities. Of course ther are variations to the Mario theme as EA has introduced elements of their other most popular platiormer — Robo into the action. Ws all so clev erly designed but so very average as to become quite ow dull after a time. One to appeal to Megadriveg'wearinanorak-owners.
Get these by overpowering a mouse guard. They fire fruit, including apples, oranges and useful, enemy-seeking meringues.
style looks a little naff, and the character of James Pond has little attraction, this is a meticulously programmed, massively challenging and hugely playable platform epic. This is not the sort ofgameGusyou'llfinish
scope is utterly huge, and I don't even pretend to have seen it all. The gameplay is inventive, having a speed comparable with Sonic, and puzzles as clever as Puggsy this is best of both world's for platform fans. It lakes a while to get into, partly because it's so tough, even -10 from the first levels, but you • soon appreciate just what a great game this is. Vectordean have really improved on the ideas in Roba to the Rescue, making James Pond 3 the best in the a series. Definitely for those people wIIke a real gamein their
MEGAIDR VE REVIEW 111 frIlL4gm1 thought out 'YTILIBAfSAleIIdnuosmellecxE"I0PRESENTATION1continue.maketem.passwordsys-whichdomenittooeasytoThe'comic'approachspeechorewhollyredundant.SOUND85andGRAPHICSThePondspriteiswellanimatedandthereoremountainsofwellexecutedvisualideasinStarfish.IstelkntscrollingwThereissomethingalittledullandAmiga-ishaboutthevisuals...dr86effectsthroughoutbetweenlevelsisyThespeechpurposeless,boothemusicisfarmorermaaying,likekids'TV.PLAYABILITYThereissomuchtodo.andthegamecombinesspeed,actionenddepthsupetbly.vThegameishard,andoftenjfrustrating.8992Excellentvalueformoney,thisgameismachlargerthanmosthiegadieregames.Donutsoflevelsmeansmonthsofplay.OVERALLIimaynotlookit,butOperationStarfishisatrulysoundplatformgame.Abumperpackagewhichiswellworthalook E189 transmitteracrossdestroyingCompletingCUPCODINGeachlevelinvolvesfindingandMaybe'stransmitter.Cupsorestrewnmanylevels.Intheseareas,thenecessaryisturnedoff,andallthecupsareneededtoactivateit.NMToffFAT'WIDE,WIDEASTHEOCEANOperationStarfishconbeapproachedfromeitheranarcadeoradventureangle.Thoselookingforpointsshouldtryandcalledasmanycrescentsaspossible.Thesespinningtreatscovereverylevel,andevenmorearefoundcascad-ingoutthecrescentmarkedblocks.Adventurefansshouldcon-centrateonuncoveringasmanylevelsaspossible.Aspecialmulti-pathdeviceopensupevenmorelocationswhenfound. don't think that rand 'Deed Boweigeon w own well. The decor of moonland is more bizarre and varied than you maythink. The first levels are set in a distinctly cheesy environment, but Pond treads through custard levels, murky moors, fruity waterfalls, beanstalk land and a massive china service, where tea and sympathy is served
thisComparewithAladdin,also deweiverti this issue, and James dnoP•rt, • makes fish • paste out of It. theAlthoughgraphic
in a week,
guys of the WWF circuit get from dressing up in spangly leotards and mouthing off like demented hyenas we'll never know, nor why these barkingbeefcakes are so damn popular. But in demand they are and also bock on the Megodrive for another bout of mindless violence.Bigger, faster, with new moves and new competitions, the superstars of wrestling are this time fighting it out at the annual Royal Rumble tournament where the only aim that matters is to be the last one left in the ring — eliminating all others through fair means or foul,
the name of this game is beating several shades out of the other guy but in Royal Rumble there are so many ways of doing itt All the modes of play have two things in common — foil mode where you simply have to pin your partnerdown for the count of three. Brawl mode is a bundle of fun cos you can't be counted out it's just a matter of battering the hell out of the enemy, in or out of the ring, until
(RELEASEACCLAIMNOVEMBERJPRICETBAOPTIONSCONTROL:JOYPADCONTINUES:8SKILLLEVELS:10RESPONSIVENESS:GOODGAMEDIFFICULTY:jMODERATEr----1STDAYSCOREWonSinglesChampionshipIt'smoreofthesomeinAccloim'ssecondMNlicenceonlywithnewcharactersandin•gomeOptions.NOWTOCONTROLUseD4adforthedirectionyouwantyourfightertorun..throwin..Combinationsofbuttonsachievedifferentspecialmovesdependingonthewrestler.NOWTOPLAYj rake possession of your fighter's enviable musclet and guide those luttiout limbs into pounding the pep out ot all and sundry. PLAYERS11-2 111 larell"ftwi
There ore several
the fighters all of which op kb, guaranteed to cause %havoc.IFFSeconds out, round
they drop with exhaustion Hulk gives Papa Shang° a short sharp lesson on breaking.baskFOP us La sat lAe; A Hey Randy, didia enjoy yet trip? Nur, bur! H. GADRIV REVIE v hew amPther was a hamster . year father smellsakimbostfies!
en first storied playing this second WIAIF offering I thought it was more of the same but after cruising through the masses of options then finally playingit for a while I found that there's a hell of a lot more in this game than the origi-nal. There ore more wrestlers, more moves, bigger and better sprites who at last have their own special moves, more tournaments and more fluid movements. Unfortunately, although it does involve more skillful manipulation than the Arst game, there is still an awful lot of mindless
V hist does a sasersault just coshe con!
Each wrestler has a special unique move. These cause massive amounts of damage but may only be performed at certain times. One a wrestler's energy has fallen below 50 percent, his time hos come to toke a good duffing up. Bestow on him a string of kicks and punches in quick succession and the recipient will wobble about like a pickled old tromp. When they're in this condition get in close and use the correct combination of buttons (depending on the wrestler) to produce a devastating finishing move
If you think boring rules and regulations are going to hold you back fear not As well as being able to knock the ref over by jumping off the ropes, for example, when in a tag team, everything is a fair cop. Your partner helps out in every conceivable way. Sometimes when you've got several tonnes of throbbing meat lying on top of you, your buddy strolls into the ring and heaves him off. And if you guide your attacker to your corner, your mote often grabs him by the throat while you lay into him. Alternatively, if you're getting a pounding outside the ring, more often than not, your opponent takes out the assailant with a chair over the head — effective stuff huh?
• !et-ant
OMMENTthoughincomputer.appealgameinvolvedbutton-bashingandthesoonlosesItsagainsttheGreatfuntwo-playermodeandwellworthalook. LAW OF THE RINGS LONG' TERM =00ElMOOD=REPORT0E100ElEl SOWED' ES El D El Ell CHRLLEN6Er=31211U E) IE [ 5 UDUEJD NEIIIAT El CM El El MEI OLD E] El GI El El ED El El El El -r -SHICAPGR#---PRESENTATIONTonnesoloptionsandasmoltintrosequenceswithlowerleypottiesofyourlorewrestlersroomingonandout.Big,baldsprites,nicely&toiledbackgroundsandgreatanimation—especiallyinthespecialmoresdepartment.'Sons.ofthewieldersaren'tasdeloiledasothers.SOUND9089Means,grownandsomegreethead-banging musk Not enough noise during the matches. PLAYABILITY84j AA good choke ad difficulty leveh lets you get straight into the gam. and Increase the chatkmge as your shills Improve. ' Not machcop in ane-playet mode after a while incentiveM01101.lerentthroughtournamentstoadsLASTABILITY88aldifferentItowadeand12dill-wrestlers10Oncecompletedthere'snotocomebockinono-playermode.80OVERALL 81-„2 Abig improvement on the first game but a bit el a dog when itcome to playing against the computer.
The Fremen are the natives of Arrokis, easily distinguished by their deep blue eyes (a side-effect of proximity to Spice). You cannot hope to mine Spice without their help Fremen live in burrows called witches. They are a resilient people, able to survive on the arid surfoce of Dune with the aid of stillsuits clothing which recycles body fluid. The Fremen have profound psychic powers.
PLAYERSMEG -CD R FEW BYPRICE• VIRGIN RELEASECONTINUES:SeledNOVEMBER—%CONTROL:JOYPAOBATTERYSAYSSKILLLEVELS:1RESPONSIVENESS;SLOWSAMEDIFFICULTY:EASYORIGIN1"10 lbw CD is based on NW MIllit Herbed novels, and the nit direction of the Deltill tends movie. 4 Use the 0-pad as a pointer cene troller. Commands are seledsd by highlighting the letters. Storl producingSpice on Dune to nwel the Emperor's demonds. on ofmr to defend agornsi the Harkoomen Etplose. dronieulavasihi,yxalaglaitneuqesnocninonimetsysetomerafo,tenalpenO
Dune uses the full audio capability of CD. Every message given by a game character is spoken as well as written in sub-title format. The game text is shown in a round of languages, including American AND English! Well howdy doodyl
ICI MOWosmi..1.•HAP •••• "ream. Clo4.0 Snol,OmPoeFromm I, ORM You ttot • STN.1WW.•FoLP fl ,, =NM
Anexcerpt from Jaz's new book he 011 from Amerke.
Padishoh Emperor Shaddam IV. This ruthless galactic ruler desires the precious minerol, Spice, that lies beneath the sandy surface of this mysterious world, Arrakis. Spice is the key to space travel, and also unlocks more esoteric pathways the most potent mind-expanding substance in the universe (after guaranaShaddamgum)has deviously sought to protect his interest by allowing two rival factions within his court to mine Spice on Dune. You are of the honouroble House of Aireides, sending spice shipments while repelling the growth of your enemies, the Harkonnen on Dune. You proceed by befriending the natives of Arrokis, the Fremen As Paul Atreides the duties of Spice production and defence must be balanced against each other.
Atreides has the highest moral code of any House within the Padishah Empire. Toll, beautiful, intelligent and intuitive, they regard themselves as blessed by birth and have a duty to others less fortunate. With you on Arrokis is Duke Leto Atreides, your fother. and Jessico, your mother. Leto is a good source of advice, and Jessica helps unravel some of the mysteries of the Spice. In addition, there is help from Gurney Halleck and Duncan Idaho, two stewards of Atreides. Gurney is expert at weaponry and dealing with the Premark. Duncan knows all about Spice harvesting, and holds statistics about stocks.
M1A41FP 1"LX TO ot-e 111111.1 PMNo+,TAL1D011,
This was ofdisturbedmayownersConsolethatplayitgame,computeraanddoesstillinway.bebythelackaction,
Duncon is invoked in lehe Fasiiisei bog.
What can we say? Fate Fremen art from the Dune vane. Huzzah!
SEE DUNE mFir 7"?tlird
but Dune has an atmosphere all its own. Using a lot of material from the movie, the game really comes alive with the speech, the animated portraits and the complex and stimulating plot. In terms of gameplay, It takes a long time to get beyond mere conversation and into the strategic element, but finishing the game lakes a long time. One nice feature is the detective element. Mysteries take some time to Illuminate themselves, but once solved, a real feeling of progress is perceived. I'd actually advise strategy fans to go for the Dune II Megadrive cart, but this is recommended to Dune fans and budding lecs.
'm Duncan West TM ton of spot
to new
Paul wasn't too keen on this at alt. However, if it's a unique adventuring experience you require, Dune CD can't be beaten.
TROPERMRETGIROLrir Hill i.IIEIDEI 011113 El El El E3 El Ern telll EJEJEJEJ lElE0lElELailv 11.11110/=1
This advanced flying
MEGA-CD REVIEW I andingquest,phericlyvast,CD—withentirelyagreeGusDuneisahigh-atmos-ooz-polishorigi-nality.The graphics and sound are superb the full-motion video employed when traversing the world of Arrakis is simply astounding — easily the best FMV on the Mega-CD to date. The game itself is remarkably involving, playing at one moment like a Lucasfilm adventure, and then just like a strategy game as you decide what to do with your fremen forces. Be warned though. If you're after arcade excitement, you're going to be disappointed with this.
any marked
vAtft your
sharp-eyed passenger, like Gurney. Later, on entirely new form of transport appears with the worms. Dune worms ore huge creatures who burrow just below the surface. Initially they are a nuisance — attacking harvesters because of their rhythmic vibrations. But once their secret is known, Paul Atreides calls the worms and becomes their rider. They are as fast as an ornithopter.."."11111EMP1111. will come to fear the Padishah Emperor. He ulorly calls the Palace to demand Spice. sahctapsidoterehtebtsumuoY the allotted time, and keep up production . to meet his stiff targets. Only Duncan con send a shipment. Failure has terribleAnconsequences...intriguingsparescene from the PIESENTATION,tWonderfulirsgameatmosphereandpresentation.Goodcontrolsys-tem.GreatFillilVkicker!.'Quiteaslawresponseonsomedisc(mess.GRAPHICStheHyingsequenceinthearmismagnificent,ifredundant.Thecharacterslaceslookverylifelike.Thelocationandmopgraphics'noirprettypoor.SOUNDWhatcanbesaid?Thespeechisperfect:wellpronouncedandnirelyechoedThemusicismostlyawfularidisquicklyturnedalt.ITLAYABILITYThegeniehasabroadstrategyappeal—withdetectiveandboard.gametypesections.There'snotmuchmawSamsectionsorespentlisteningtovolthashofstory.LASTABILITYThegameisbig.Dozensolseitchelhavetobecontrolledtowinthegame.vOncethegamehasbeen'seen',there'snopointIndoingiiagain.OVERALLAstrikinglyoriginalandwellproducedgameiontheMega-CD,butabitsedateasapieceofconsoleentertainment. IPIZE:M71 • Es 00141t HP, b1.11 f./.• MIL, •9001144•0 1111••••••• MOW , • • • • .••til
Youllnity on Dune ornithopter. machine takes you to seitches you hove on the Dune mop. Sometimes vague directions seitches are given by Fremen. In these cases, free-fly over Arrokis (shown in a remarkable 3D sequence) with a
Using a unique system of Total Object Interaction (T011 you have to guide him on his quest to find his ship. and get home.
With stunning graphics. amazing music and a • complete Junior section tor younger players — Puggsy is one orange blob who desperately needs your help P.S. Due to the fact that he just isn't smart enough. Michelangelo will nor be appearing in the game Puggsy's just too smart for you, call the helpline.
90%ennagalPageS/i192 Mega Drive Adv. Gaming I 90s/i Mega 4ch 91% Sega Mean Machines 'YOU DON'T HAVE TO BE A GENIUS BUT IT HELPS. 14letAfirol gillibm164°111---1.101, a Mega Drive a a copy et Pew di prisesruener'settames.lestsassier the quashes: Who is Itithelesteret 11 a) time. leraratd ter Lair° 11) 1,1pearlier al Iteceseatit's Chip4rper Seed poet Malt' • • postcard, starlet peer name, address. ages type of temperer mod the eche et this asapariar Ti : Penly the 11111ritit sairepri in totem. Psysm•sis temptritiees, Dept I /70, Woorethit Ititert Keynes Dia ihi) tit STATE J 1111111=1illdNCYGEEREMOE 1 MILANI ON AM st Ls DIM AM. ntiA HUMANE 0891 101 275 is isms cos vs ota me. as is a elks sea, ass a as la mon amass aka ss, 01 plas los • SS a ol issi IN is Papas Us* sassiest assist hiss halal U tipiti UN N *WWI Nalt all NUMMI 110. FROM THE UNITED STATES OF PSYGNOSIS
, If
Puggsys no wotk of art, 1 but when it comes to brains he's way ahead of his time.
But this time he needs help. Stranded on an alien planet after his spaceship has been stolen. Puggsy has to travel through seventeen different levels. each packed • with cunning puzzles. frantic games and hoard's of unfriendly aliens.
X-CITEMENTX-PLODESWHENYOUTEAM UP THSPIDER-MAW"FORTHE FIRST TIME EVER IN104•411/00,ARCADE'SREVENGE!NOWONMEGADRIVE1X-ACTYOURREVENGE!tapeiUettatIlwalDomainmodNoSeinithElamiouslMalanellima bilegolomi motmg ••sti oil 601111111MPLC 11S3 lilanel hololossent Sow lot. All MINA IMImNpimiss MAISAIN MOM IN INAc IOU Assisi', berm molt, ACIaim1203bailie II GAMBIT
Create a vopourtype platform which is enough to give the guys a leg-up FLOATERS Magic platforms which act as lifts up to heightslofty 'RELEASEBYPRICEPLAYEROPTIONSCONTROL:.10YPADCONTINUES:3APASSWORDSSKILLLEVELS:3RESPONSIVENESS:OKGAMEDIFFICULTY:HARD1STDAYSCORIEndofLevel4ORIGIN Flooriouehoror o ol,ii,riFrenhc r I atioamcirop elwh berame internahonells papilla , nenamethatthilliIllifthetoauAgent theme park in Frame! r HOW TOCONTROL Standood platform raMrols apply. Move the 0-button to walk, and hit the buttons I. month, fight and use milk trewnwVeraewawl slim musk wolpIsenaP11• • HOWTOPLAY travel loads of platicom levels, whahinq Ramon guards and trail mop( poisons to reach the kid. napped &elem.
I've igoesgamesMegodriveaboutcomplainedofteneingtoosy,butterixincompletelytheoppo-
site direction. Most of the , time you can't avoid things ke spears which are being rown at you or dying cause you're having to ump to platforms you can't even see. There are some really crazy features too, like the way the underwater sections are just more platform sections with a blue wash over the screen - there's no swimming or air limits as you might expect. Video games are supposed to be fun, but ibis just drove Inc up the wall and I certainly wouldn't want to ploy it again.
BOMBS Blow up baddios by tossing
To keep the Gauls weak, the Romans have kidnapped Getofix and have transported him back to Rome to torture him into producing the potion for their armies. So it's down to the heroic Asterix and his rotund pal Obelix to fight their way through six multi-stage levels leading from Gaul to Rome, to rescue Getafix and get him bock to safety while they've still got the potion coursing through their french veins. 4(
S acre-flippin'-bleul Thoseplucky Gauls are in a 50 BC-type anti-Roman uproar! The local Roman garrison are fed up with getting smacked around by the super-tough Gauls they're supposed to be subjugating but now they've discovered their secret - Getafix the druid's magic super-human strength potion!
Bottles of magical concoctions help get the guys across otherwise impassible obstacles by supplying the drinker with up to three shots of magic. Use them wisely, though, because if you use your three shots in the wrong place you'll need to go back for another bottle, and all the while the tim•r's ticking down!
it A 'I'm dreaming of • white Christmas... Well I wish I'd dreamt myself a irer while I was at it - it's freeeeeezing in here! ldnaeertaekileriomtsej,yddubnetsilslidooa
ut alors!
LONG TERM ODEIEIDiREPORT 11P 110111WENDEIEIDE:11ElElEl1=1ElERElElODEll NWODKAERBmc E.EDI=lE111 ED EDO DO IIEMMI=iElElElEl i MEIMEI ' er• lash Hie guard, grab the potion and mellowGrrrrriout! - Since I tegt'ndluoEII y hands , n 'himselfAsterix,or le jlinmererstill,ra-fthis dteasblyac game, the came in some pretty gh treatment when I tri to play it — it's so damn fru tratingl I love a tough gam but when you hove sections where there's no way you c avoid death and a ridiculously tight time limit it just win• you up. Asterix is supposedbe a hard man but even littl • bunnies can kill him! Graphically the game is ace with all the characters faithfly represented and there sire loads of levels — I just oubt anyone will want to lough through them. Afail number of options ✓ Not much in the way ol screens.presentation 1GRAPHICS A The sprites are emellent representations of their cartoon counierpotts, and the groundsback-atenice and colourful too. 89 ( SOUND80 Pleasant background tunes in a Jean-Mithel lane style... ✓ _Mich 43re, of course, completely unsuited to 1 agame set in$O BC PLAYABILITY ✓ There are so many annoying tea. lures to trap you, and even if roe escape those the maddeninglymighttime limits will get you! LASTABILITY56 A Them are loads at ✓ ...But you'll need supreme will-power to want to continue playing alter the first Mosel =155LLAREVOAreally annoying platform gamewhich isn't much fun and certainly doesn't do the characters justice. 111111111 50 MM SEGA 93
The game starts in the Gaul's village in sunny Gaul (aka Trance), Each of the six stages is set in a different country on the road to Rome, and each stage is cut down into a series of 'huts', which ore further divided into 'rooms', But even a Gaul's rooms aren't free of Roman occupation and there ore legions of legionnaires wandering around the decorative platforms therein.
,A" • 1
Though they've hod to go without since Getafix disappeared, Asterix and Obelix hove still got some potion power left and so they con still whack even the heavilyarmoured Romans off those platforms o well-aimed punch. The feeble legionnaires ore offed with a single punch, but the high-ranking centurions can stand up to three or four hits before they expire,
As either Astern( or his Obelix, get from the left of each 'room' to the right in a limited amount of time. To make things more difficult, some rooms are completely impossible, unless Ariterix con use some Gallic magic to bridge unleapable gaps or destroy hostile creatures,
great deal, leaving little to Separate this conversion from the original coin-op. After all, since when do LA cops go patrolling with a Megodrive loypad in their hands! It's also good to see the gameaccommodates for the differences between one and twoplayer games, with twice the hoods sticking their necks out when partners hit the streets
price tag is another matter entirely. Still the extra cash pays for a gun which serves
The all-American city cop wouldn't be seen dead without a gun for protection. Actually they probably would. In all truth, without their standard-issue pieces an officer of the law is naked and quite vulnerable. Mercifully the Lethal Enforcers package comes rigged with a gun so players are riot required to pretend with their joypods. An extra gun, for use in two-player games, is also on offer from Konomi for a whopping £13. Use of the guns heightens the tension somewhat as the emphasis is placed even more on a steady aim andreactions!lightning-quick
1 to enhance the gameplay a
accuracy and gun control adds to the appeal and makes up for the simple 'shoot-to-kill' philosophy — the chance of maiming innocents plays havoc with the nerves! However success is all down to pattern learning in the end. Though reactions are tested to the limit, victory Is well within anybody's reach and there are no surprises once all the missions are complete. Still this is quite a departure from the norm and Is far better than any of the menacer titles available. Gun freaks could certainly do a lot worse and this conversion couldn't have been much better. Worth a look.
BYPRICEPLAYERS211L,'Y'S1.411:1Mr•T•-c-rvironvk014.99KONAMI 1 •ailbow-I •••••••••••••=illdoREBMEVONESAELr CONTROL:OPTIONSXrfPAD/LIGNTGUNCONTINUES:3SKILLLEVELS:3RESPONISIVENESS:10TPADISSLOW/GUNISFAST...rjGAMEDIFFICULTY:MEDIUM1STDAYSCORE13290ORIGINLethalEnforcerssoskitsittheeveryday,crime-bust-inglifeofAmerkeminner-citycops. Easy. Just point the gold 1 shoat! In ioypad mode, a skills appcars on-screen. Move it around to aim and use alba buttont. skeet efIL smaimitserilABNesneletntienC liked" Viagun. eteetfdnastratSS holesShootHOWTOPLAYTOCONTROLallthecrooks,ovoidputtingininnocentbystander'. I ,tahtsiswendabehTdoogdnaswendabhtobseirracweafter the age of seven, it's no longer cool to ploy 'Cops 'n' Robbers' Of course, old habits ore hard to break and here's where the good news sidles in, nervously and with its hands behind its head. Konami, being very much in tune with the nation's desire to play Cops Robbers till we drop, hove coin-ops entitled Lethal Enforcers posted rcades across the country. The game features all the bcel-guy mg action any Dirty Harty wannobe could wish for, presented as lised images of a big city's law-life with players holstering imitation guns with which to pop the hoods. The best news of all is that it is now also available for the Megodrive — guns and all!
Despite the very soWhetherfunit'sEnforcersLethalpresentgameplaybasicinareallygame!it'smuchtunastowar-ranta£65
MEGADRIVE REVIEW v kill! Mein! Destroy! You get the ides.•_ $41_ L. MAC A Taw demo b dettikey the new characters ken Note trod Pore. Mht SEGA 95 THRILL LONG TIRNI ElEIDEIE1REPORT1E1E3E1E= ID DEIDEIDENDMIEI • El IN MINI EfBREAKDOWN01710EICIElEDElElEDE]EDElDrnEIMEI
Play begins with only a service revolver as the players' protection. Other fire-arms are obtained by aiming at the gunshaped icons that occasionally decorate the scenery. The upgrades afford the player rapid-fire capabilities, as is the case with the Uzi and automatic, and immense power provided by the shot-gun and SLR rifle. Such upgrades remain in the players' possession until their representative cop is injured.
PRESENTATIONThestandardofthisconversion'spresentationcom-portswellwiththatalthecoon-oporig.incl.Thereisanextensivecollec-tionofoptionstochoosefrom.GRAPHICSEveryimageseenIsdigitisedfromreal-lifepeo-pleandscenes..Thisselvestotsomedramaticsituations.-Theanimationisn'tgreat.Digitisationesprettyrough.SOUND 81 groovesomeEccellent tunes are backed by mega renditions al gun-fire and the homocaus banter of both the plebes and baddies, ..dnasegatsevilylnortTYILIABATPL-P-Theplasticrevolverprovidedmakesforsomefungunaction_1...which,unforiu-mutely,remainsthesomethroughout....olioIASTABILAWI6challengingewe,there'snodoubtaboutthat.Thoughtherearenosemen. mviommj711 AOVERALL8379greatconversionofakinarcadegame.It'stoohigha price to pay, though, for such basic gameplay.
This is digitisedseeamazingquitegame.arcadeofconversionexcellentantheIt'stoimages
people on the Megadrive although it's a bit gruesome when you realise you're shooting real people! It's fairly challenging and I loved the practice mode where you blast hell out of a series of targets in a shooting range sort of scenario. On the down side though, I think the game could have been improved in a number of ways. For example, you should be awarded more points if you shoot someone in the head or heart — these guys drop dead if you shoot them in the foot for chrissakes! A few bonus or hidden levels would have added substantially to the enjoyment value. As it stands, Lethal Enforcers provides a reasonable amount of fun but it's not going to take too long to complete, and the lightguns ore pretty redundant utiles other games make use of them in the future. Certainly
to get trigger-happy when ventilating the city's scum but its essential that players remain in control at all times. Rookie officers are prone to standing in the line of fire and clumsy cops are deservedly penalised for any such fatalities. Likewise hostages and passers-by don't take too kindly to bullets and tend to die horribly when shot. Unfortunately the word 'oops doesn't wash with the commissioner when facing evaluation. Any federal or civilian casualties sustained in ony given assignment results in having to undertake the some lob again!
AvorIobOe for both Super IVES and Sego GENESIS MEGA DRWE Try CYBERPad. Because it's fun to watch street fighters hide in the alley.
What's more, only CYBERPad has a 256-bit Memory Module that saves your programmed moves, even after your game system is turned off! For those who take no prisoners, there's also Cyber-Speed Rapid-Firing that shells out up to 27 shots per second. If things get out of control, use Slow Motion to fight your way through.
TECHNOLOGIES 6 Mercian Close Industrial Estate, Watermoor End, Cirencester G171LTU.K. 0285 642211 CYBERPaci 1 a t.actemcik of Suncom Tecnnolockes Sega. GENESIS and MEGA NNE are trademarks of Sega Enterories Inc Suael Notend0 EntOrtOnmOni
Tired of getting wasted by your opposition? Imagine blowing away your video adversary (or your friends morale) with the touch of a single button!
System lets you create your own deadly combinations for each game. Now you can jump, turn right, and kick with one button. You can even switch any button's function with another (including directions)! Its all your choice.
Introducing CYBERPad. The Programmable Control Pad with CYBERPad'sMemory.CMOS
Capable of programmed moves. Incapable of showing mercy.
Microcontroller Programming
Sonic Chaos stars logor's biggest game character, his familiar hedgehog, against familiar adversary, Rebotmlc.
Travel through the room killing the bosses and relieving the (hoes emeraldby finding the special sieges.
98 Mhi SEGA dnomanitdA
0V be forever, but an emerald is infinitely more useful at keeping a worldindimensionorder.Sonic'siskept
Unfortunately this game doesn't. In fact, it stops just short of being a pile of old tosh. Sonic himself is as fast and wonderfully detailed as ever but the levels are too short, there are practically no enemies, the backdrops aren't a patch on either Sonic 1 or 2, it's too easy and all in all, not worth the
ware giant's main flagship and the past games have lived up to that title.
it balance by the six Chaos emeralds, the source of all 1;vitality. Careless then of Sonic and Tails to leave the jewels in a position for Robotnik to steal one of the stones, thus destabilising the whole of Moebius.
Sonic's planet has collapsed into a frightening alternative universe, where Robotnik's creations ore much more frightening than before, All the emeralds ore round six zones, each of three stages, and the future of dependsMoeblus on themfindingall.
The some control mode hose ol in the previous Sonic game really. The bog standard pigform game control metbst
Oh dear, I think its jump on the it'scowtheandwagonband-milkcashforallworthhere.Sonicisthesoft-
dosh.LUCY 1 L AV separcrtely,MENTMO1 and each has Sonic and Miles are selected _ • _.6----I.„.. Sonic 2. Sonic retains his super spin ability. By holding the joypad down and pressing button B, he achieves maximum spin velocity immediately, which is useful for breaking down walls. Miles is now able to fly by pushing up onthilleioypadwithoneofthebuttons.learnednewskillssince A Rohotnik invite% the %roily teptigehng EMERALDCITYReachingtheemeraldsfirstmeanscollecting100ringsontheini-tialstage.Whenthattotalisreached,you'reimmediatelyzappedtooneoffivesub-games.Theseinvolvedifferenttasks:mguphun-soflarges,orscalingaofplatforms.takes 4412.1111%••••Amooloamal 4 1.111111114ta411111a -itit litiugrtt;
TheJ 4 , 4 4444 4 4 a a a1.14A_#_#_a_t.•aa!44,lJ44444 4 A-1-- - 1t t 4 4 4 4 m, 444 4444VTails takes on a Robotnik guardian in this action-packed screenshot. ' 11•1:0111 Fimanomikvs- mier
Good enough times ler the Mosier System "the effectssoundatepretty middy.
Two new pieces of footwear ore available to Sonic. Both or found in TV sets, much like the ten-ring sets. Picking up the rocket shoes gives Sonic a quick burst of flight. Sonic speeds horizontally, but -vertical movement is possib second piece of equipis the spring shoes. able to bounce over areas and reach in them.
to Sonic
A Soaks rocket-powered footwear conies in handy here.
As with all Sonic games, the visual designers have really gone to town. Sonic's six stages depict a moss of styles and tastes. The starting point is the familiar Green Hill Zone. Later on is a city zone, complete with skyline; a bizarre mixture of palm beadsand robotic, where the coconuts ore made ot metal; and sing castle. ALL SOLES
USABILITY lenge.withcombinesthatcAOVERALL64IveryweakSonigamelockoforiginalitycompleteabsenceofchat-:81MMSEGA99
COMMENTSonic'salwaysbeenatthespikyedgeofSego'sgametechnolo-gy,soit'sadisap-pointmenttoseehimletdownbySonicChaos.Thecharacterisasfastandfeistyasever,butthelay-outofthegameisseriouslyflowed.Mostofthelaterstageslooksuperb,andhavesomeingeniousideas,butthroughoutthequestionis'Wherearetheene-mies?'.Therejustisn'tenoughopposition.Evenworse,it'ssoeasytogetintothesub-games,younevergettoseethesub-stanceofmostlevels.Thinkonthis;Ireachedthefinalstageonmythirdgo,with14livesandsixcontinues!Let'sgivethehedgehogsomethingmoresubstantialtofight.Glis RESENtATION Mrs.choketithedintetestingsequeme,01charm.,Theoverallpre-sentuttonisinterior
Fabulous in some ol the later levels, with great use °Isolates and even swelhei3.
Some bits at the old magic are there, especiolk when Sonic gets going. This is very simika 10ream Whet Solar game, and even maim.
The levels look dull, and the enemy spates ace poor.
tven the task of wiling the emeralds Is not going to stop most players streaming through ihis in days.
fun and well worth a look. ESENTATION —801 28SKIttehtirGoodscrolling with decent foreground graphics. Excellent sprite'. Nicemusic hampered only by the Mosier System's sound chip. YTLBAYn Vert easy to get into and quite addictive. LASTABILITY Quite easy with very Mlle variety in the gameplay. Afart, very playable platform gametortesmitvaymeIVYiSt variety between each level
platform game I've played, but it's still
41.-pear.41710 •,. mootWhettomoonyhoodSpotlas. !Nee/ time omega peel ow bon? - 1 AlkFi-71/so offs& of cobs. 4 I wasn't the biggest fan of the Megodrive version, but I did play it until I completed it. This Master System ver,Won is excellent, with smart , graphics and decent enough ' sound. The gameplay is a tad repetitive though. A good game but not up the with life likes of Mkkey RICH Mouse I/II and DonaldSr,Duck: Rich. favourablycomparequalityveryaregameplayscrollinggraphics,Theandallofahighand
n a sen of
I Monty of options to wade through end decent presentation screens.
This isn't the
themselves trapped in cages at the end of tortur platform levels. And the funny thing is, Spot has to collect a series of Virgin Games icons in order to unlock these cagesi Isn't life extremely surreal when you're a flagship character?videogamesItdoesn'ttake a genius to realise that you play the Cool Spot in question and you have to get those spots out of those cages. However, the question remains. How did those other Spots get into the cages and who put them there? it's a question not answered in this otherwise entertaining platform romp and remains to this day in the folder marked UNEXPLAINED in the files of Arthur C Clarke.
Collect enough fin during each level and you're given the opportunity to take part in the bonus game. The riding bubbles and suchlike, collecting fizz and searching for an extra continue.
The Megadrive version of Cool Spot has been out for ages and received a worthy 90% in MEAN MACHINES. It's a lot like this version, but with incredible graphics and for smoother gomeplay.
Gus withexcellentthe Megadrive title. best Master System great
In MEAN MACHINES SPECIAL READER OFFER ,. misaE‘4.mirCLOTHING FOR SCREEN WARRIORS FUTUREDESIGNASHOOTER- • (TICKASAPPLICABLE GREYNAVYAJFUTURESHOOTERtDESI6MTRIGGERHAPPY(DESI6NBINAVYREY ShortSleeve(E14) LongSleeve(E16) T-shirtsFutureShooterarepioneersofgamewearwithattitude.Sickofwithplumbersandhedgehogs?'tmesswithher.AsareaderofMEANMACHINESyouhaveaspecialopportunitytobuytheseshirtsbeforetheyhittheshops.Thetaxislowertoo-justE14fortheshortsleeves.E16forthetongsleeves.RHinthecouponandspeeditbacktousintimeforthepartyseason.Rememberifyouflirt,clubandplaythisisthegeartobeseenin. TRIGGERDESIGNBHAPPY ocehcadneseseeMr expirydate. nameandaddresscotcardhoider to. MEANMACHINES/FUTURESHOOTERLTDT-SHIRTOFFER.TOWER ' PUBLISHINGTOWERHOUSESOVEREIGNPLACELATHAILLSTREETMARKETHABBOROUGH.LEICS. LE16NEEAdprices include posuge andpacking. Alloy/ 18days tor &nutty !UKoniyi Photocopiesor this couponaccepted. toLal value of order E L i Aceessillisa number [spirySignature Name Print notot end1611133 yory deorty CAPITAL arum andwroteyour name andaddress on the hod or the cheque or postai order
The Desert Apache is equipped with three different weapons systems which more or less target themselves on anything within their range. The chain gun is really only useful against very soft targets (enemy soldiers, for example), but for tougher stuff you hove o healthy supply of Hydra missiles and a small quantity of the much more destructive Hellfires which con take out a missile battery before its even got you in its sights. Naturally, ammo is limited, so it's important to keep an eye out for weapons crates which ore scattered around the landscape.
There are live Strike,Desertpaignscam-ineach with overallan butobjective,toaccomplish you need to complete a series of missions in each worzone It's as well to attempt these missions in order as the they're cleverly linked. In the first campaign, for example, your first target is a pair of radar installations on the coast. If you skip these in the search of tank-busting glory you'll find that the radar has already picked you up and has passed your position on to the tanks so they'll be ready to knock your rotors off before you fire a shot. Do things properly, though, and enemy artillery will be unprepared for any attack and you stand a much better
Knobbly knee contest in the Hawaiian ballroom at six.
It's lucky for us, then, that the USA lust happened to have a fleet of warships in the area to help kick out the invaders before they take total control. However, it's unlucky for you that you hoppened to be in one of those warships and now have to pilot a Desert Apache Attack Helicopter into terrain crawling with enemy ground artillery, 'rep, danger with a copital 'D' awaits you as you undertake five campaigns, striking at his weapons factories, releasing his unfortunate prisoners and putting his entire military capability to the torch.
ASTER SYSTEM AIL _ME PRICE 1 99•29: KRAMOD-r-REBmEvomESAELEiIr OPTIONS t1114111I1ST DAY SCORN LORTNOCOTWNOIPP-HOWTOPLAY CONTROL: JOY PAD CONTINUES PASSWORD SKILL LEVELS: 1 RESPONSIVENESS: GOOD GAMEMIDITMDIFFICULTY: MAD CAMPAIGN Electronic Arts first released Desert Strike on the Megadrirm Itamorh bought the licence far the Master System conversioa. The Opted controls this direction and speed (forward and backward) of the chopper. lire machine gum Press with I to launch Hellfire missiles. skiissinidihpAeriFir with A to lamsdi *Wore .1=E. $ Activates the may infe screens, displaying enemy types, lotatiosts and current mission status. Cross the desert landscapes, destroy. ins installations to complete the set missionobjectives in cads campaign. 104 PAM SEGA --------- -
A lert! Alert, if you don't mind 1 , ^ladies and gentlemen! A Mid& Eastern dictator, General Kilboba, has lust invaded a neighbouring country and annexed it to his own so that he can steal its precious no uml resources. If he gets away with it he'll be use them to further his plans for world conquest and then we'll all be sorry!
61111 \
I'm one of e thoutreseDdeyalpohwsndpo ke rodandforitto be one of the blastsrewardingmostof
_112,1TheDesertApache has a two-person crew — you and a gunner/winchman who aims the weapons and operates the winch when airlifting supplies or people. Before the game you get to pick a winchmon from a selection of officers who may be better at gunnery than winch operation or vice verso, There is one guy, though, who is excellent at both but he's been shot down and is stranded somewhere in the desert until you find him.
Surely n -margorp&AIN PA.."firsThehtx•IWintoducingpr
Pretty good title It.11411 MOW. The sound effects are annoy..
a li evtofproportion.SOUND -
4.1 mellow blend al blashog and shot. sly which groin you rigid Isom the start. IrCoNisoondetection kismet the helicopter and build. logs Is occosiomally suspect.
its time. This Master System is virtually the same with the same blend of highly original shooting gameplay. What I like is that this game isn't totally reliant on reflexes — you need brains to in order to beat Kilbaba's cronies. I'm not going to beat about the bush — this is an excellent conversion and one of the best Master System games I've had the pleasure to play for months.
He's worth tracking down though, as once he's on board he can get your gun to fire faster and he con make winching up supplies fast and easy — very important when you're surrounded by anti- aircraft artillery!
Sloth off easy but gets very tough by the third campaign.
91 Atremendousconversionof ise Systesaandexcellentgame.Thegraphicsgomeployshouldgodowndesertstorm.NoMosierWPMshouldmissit. VA,
, decent version h a mo r shoot 'em up as Des ke? Surely...? Well, it a minute now, because this isn't bad — in foct Ws excellent! Amazingly„ just about everything that was in the Megodrive game has somehow been packed into this Master System cart. The great mix of blasting with strategy is all there, all the missions which start off easy and get really tough I can't quite believe it. T graphics ore ace, everything is ace. The only thing I can possibly fault is that sometimes found myself crashing into buildings which I looked like I should have been clearing by a few pixels. But hey, for ameplay of this quality I n put up with that. All this el-death may not be in eeping with the spirit of ristmas, but Master stem owners should put is at the top of their lists to Santa NOW!
Escellent ionge ofoptionsandNIgame into displays. Having to use the pause button to pit those into displays is Oak helicopter smite looks
some.GRAPHICS Smoothonvesiesprim,Allenthewhole.scrolling,detailedspritesandbuildings. 1 'rile
s time thieevil Kingpin of Crime has gone too far! He sevIted his most cunning, evil scheme •yet which hat three goals: to destroy New Veirk,, wto take over the world —QqdtQdQ1,oyt11e,o"s.Amazing Spider-Mon once on or alit ,. After rescuing an old granny, Spidefcomes home from a day of web-slinging to spot the Kingpin making a TV broadcast — aransn1ission depicting Sp' ey as a criminal! W s more, the tIingpin re ols that a bomb has hidden, a 4 mb polpbrful enough to level M4thottonl Heil dnaelbijropsersirem:1j015,,temehtriehtsy on SPITIOUS reward for his pture. u Iusing only to get a snog from h actress , Mary Jane, Spicley leaps into e ht — his m: to put on end to the evil m•tioNtlKingpinath::ii any cost! a ; J14111110)V • ago,..••••!.!•••osIo , • ottollitIM Jot ottlatiPtilMOIK CANAL ST LAFAYIt Il 1 Iix PLAYER frig& (RELEASECONTINUES:a1/4OPTIONSNOVEMBER,CONTROL:JOYPAD1 ONTINUES:INSKILLLEVELS: 3 COMPLETERESPONSIVENESS:GOODGAMEDIFFICULTY:EASY/MEDIUML49.991STDAYSCORENORMALMilORIGIN-' Acortworsid•nr of the Oegadrivo translation et the best-selling emotegdirtracjaka-1•11: ea NOWTOCONTROL Use the jump button to cling onto walls. Press UP, attack and theniamo to eorformthe Guilesque flash kick. Otherwise quite similor to the cart version interms piatfore onion. hoop nopaewbewtsoohCS NOWTO PUT Swingaround **city &riling up supetvilla ins in search oil the konopm O:BOLWEBpreciousbilityVirtual:ELDSHIWEBimprisonsTemporarilyE:CAGWEBtimes.tancescrossingSWINGING:WEB-thesetheyleast.intureweb-relatedotewristableSpider-Mon'sWHITESHOOTINGSpideytionsEASYYorkchooseschoosesGETYOURMAPSOUTBeforeundertakingsomecrime-fighting,SpideywheretogolThisCDversionofthegameincludesamapofNewYorkwheretheweb-slingerhisdestination.AllofthesightsofNewarehere,apartfromtheStatueofLiberty...InandNORMALmode,thesuper-villains'loca-appearonthemap.InNIGHTMAREmode,hastotrack'emdown.OFFSTUFFwebshootersarehismostvalu-tools.Hehasonepositionedoneachandcancre-virtuallyanystruc-withthem—thecomicsatInthegame,arelimitedtouses:Spidey'smeansoflargedis-inshortafoe.invulnera-forafewseconds.Strongerversionoftheweb-cage.11.•,i1==31111111111=11111111•111111M1 -'4111
Saga's Marvel conversions at least try to capture the spirit of the comics. However, Spidey is still a bit of a weed (that's why I've included the Marvel Universe stets in this review — perhaps someone will take note) — those pesky rats and bats
R CH still sap loads of energy.Otherwise, this is a smart platformer - a bit easy perhaps if you've played the cart game, but there's a lot more variety and the amount of levels is lust amazing. The music is a bit sad. Some bloke from Mr Big contributes a lacking rock track — sorry, I can't forgive Mr Big for producing "I'm the one who wants to be with you" (most derivative rock "ballad" ever?) and the tunes here are even more unoriginal. In fact, the tracks Sega add are far superior and don't have crap lyrics either! Still, getting back to the game, the graphics are ace and the gameplay is a lot faster than the cart version. The villains change the locations of their hideouts with each game adding to the lastability. Ws a nice game, and whilst not quite a megagame, is still well worth a look. Believe it or not, I actually bought it.
\IFY OArew"I4%\ ttotApzit."we tiaf% dlOPOilESNEtaYAPPS,_tkiopv‘•p.ot*V MIL 1foorsdfees,==c:cYthwit0fgf,,41kETONESAELP*ZWAiNk44,f44 Neck a common punk ns d %MO- 9.,. COmics Sin n nos tipped overroil sihttingkiicfl4y-10toncan145rfreseemsa bit wro Why hove thin walls blocking our h o s progress when he has the strength I punch through them with the power of exploding mortar shell? How about h mg soo .,nof this power at the disposal the player in the next Spicley game These ore Spidey s abilities levraMehtotediugehybdetpoktraIlUniverse- co cs Perhaps one day , Spideya progliini.r might stick to them Height: 5' 10" Weight: 165 lbs '1P Eyes: Hazel Hair: ength:Intelligence:EkownGSuperhud:Superhuman ( Stamina: Su n sustalros4=rtion for_mp to aDurability: Enhanced h mon (ski , end -Wade augmented to make• ong harder than human imparviaus to injury to a certal 'xtent) Agility: Superhuman (5i lificantly beyond the n mi limits of the human body) Reflexes: Superhuman ortually instantaneous Fighting skills: No s•dic style, but a combi Con of skills, agility, siren totturceequilibrium.ofsuAllartworkan•tisti --moominspilattira 4101a4e' W iZ;;T; iiptrpowers: Venom fr I Name: Peter arkD al Identity: Secret1(can lift up to 10 tons) er land at 11 Ito 115mp the bite clic radioactive spider. el Enfant nment Group, Inc Spider-Man emu Mary Entertai t oup, In ROliERMRETCMO 11111CI El El EL QOM El El El ELI mg. El El El Dili EJEJEIDI 0110 -ommommoMMEMmtm=•• C MMENT ki 0REAKDOWN TM o lEcxDEIEIE1=11:3ElElEl=ODDOD0E30E=MhtEal==111 :IMBIBER 1==armel OwlEiTr
on Hi. Megadrive remains one of the better platformers available to this day, despite Its age. This CD version is expanded and refined in all areas and the standard of playability is raised as a result, Players now have greater control over SpiderMants abilities with his new techniques adding to the excitement and asserting Spidey's cool. Of course it's a bit embarrassing to find this superhuman troubled by rubbishy little bats and other similar tiny creatures but I suppose this Is all by the way when the game is so faithful everywhere else. Uke Rich I'm disappointed with the musical accompaniment. It's like CD games are doomed to J &rig laden with dodgy rock-guitar music for 4 all eternity! Regardless this is a mighty excel' lent platform game and is presented so stylishly that If hi hard to pass by. Ask Rich.
ilor(also a bit tricky tantefeat the comi Splay could pulp those twNrith one punch!)
moves (including oGuil • somersault kickl) and is a lot faapr.Nh plenty of very amusing animated Ibterl well However, the cart version hod players photos of supervillains in order to buy more webfluid (as if it's off the shelve oots). There's none of that in the CD tame. n't say that we h 7..7II AFROMSUPER111111VILLAINSHELLwholehostofSpidey'smosttwisted opponents have been enlisted by the Kingpin. All the old favourites like Doctor Octopus, Sandman Lizard, Hobgoblin and Electro rear their ugly heads. Also along for the ride are Mysterio, Vulture and of course, the evil Venom! Take them all on in order to track down the King p rIPRESENTATION1 Nice introductions,°Mewed decentinstivcrians and o lair snuffle,ing of options. The loading time of each Wag becomes annoying. oseg GRAPHICS A Some awesome spites hs Spidey end the supervilMims.VThe loothdrops id range ham great to a bit poor. ,.119.., SOUND A Montharmyversion.betterhocks°SoundAwesomesound-.courtesyofAThisplaysalotthouthecortFastandtogetintoandaddictive. LASTABILI1 V hornFoolornsang101111COACfrom Mr lig that is utterly poor. Sad Oka aboundPLAYABILITY Very diMcult to complete the game with all 21 Spidey covers in NIGHTMARE mode_ 1r lasy to compleit in NORMAL made and NIGHTMARE modes, toocartridgeAOVERALL80849087greatimprovementoverversion,withloadsmorelevelsandvariety.Atedeasythough..
The can ve ion of Spider-Man i ri excellent plat form g am , but this CD version a lot better-with loads m e levels, two more su rvillains to dipose of plus appearances from ullseye und
Aidey has more
1111•11 SegaSPINBALLSONICMegaDrivePreview: e ultimate Sonic game" ageSsehcaMna PLAY BEFORE YOU r PAY IN THE 1WWSegaMega D" Available am Reviews: 11YouYe91:It mega Drive get Nari 6..sega Power £49.99 f3-14FI MOW Sega Mega Dm eReleased: 54h November Rewews:gameingracbestTheever on the Mega C rVemean Mwhines Sega £49.99 STRUT MIMI 2 SPECIALOWAPOONIDMOA evnDagemageskola* tOter5lenntcocogsIrReviewsnOW"AtestMega Dri,..Llegame mean Machines w94, 09,99 ••••1., LANDSTALORSegaMegaDriveAv3ilab1enowRevrews:"Laneistallwq , ""isanadverAklemaste Mean Machres 5P(11 WICIO9C593OLYMPICS Sega Mega D'I' vePreview: 11 follows the real Olynitacs ti 1to nrt detair sega Pro £49.99 •A mule arm on meowed an* an I ONO, M 41,14 i01300 JUI MAW, Alown mewl, VATOWNS eeete ed•Welt Wel Mini • e , •••w• •• • Wwwhe Pree MAW' ccreecut,o deti PI Int liwelocUirt Recoonewdee Pnce aitweet fe-eleee POW le reeCetel IMO CA." , tWetel RIMS urflet I 611116 et
Ell MI • MEE Brace yourself for the battle of your Sincelife the arrival of the self acclaimed Emperor Boss - the megalomaniac to top all maniacs, the galaxy will never be the same Theagain.once peaceful Nebulan inhabitants have become hardened MI M101•11•1 warriors, sorcery sourcing wizards and mutated fighting machines. You must choose two champions to defeat the forces of evil in the four Barcode Nebulan Eras, before facing old misery guts himself - The Boss. With the awesome Barcode Battler you can play against 120 computer generated foes or beat the pants off
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in the
Pack. Which
store and demand: "Free the power or the sad cashier gets it!" free th , o 7 CUT OUT AND TRY YOUR LUCK!
You've got everything you need to play all three modes, an Instruction Booklet Battle Manual Barcode Battler just leaves you to hotfoot it down to local Barcode Battler
Face each of the clone cceatates ins variety of locations_ Survive the round with the most energy,
112PLAYERSMA1SEGA ThenituoedihriehtnignixalereraseltruteVSomefightingTheMEANANDGREENfourturtlesprovidethebackboneofyourforce.EachoftheRenaissancepaintershashisdistinctiveweaponandsetofmoves.charactersaremoreadeptthanothers,ewYork,eatingpizzaandgettin'down.thoughtthattheirmentor.Splintermight
logmy muTANT
The Turtles started as anarchic comic strip, then became salmi. tised captives of the toy and
The laypod moves the diaioners left and right lump and dock and mi. out combinations al button proem different moves,
the amphibious crime fighters as they are sitting down to watch Neighbours. Disturbed, they listen as Krang demands they come to fight for Splinter in Dimension X — a horribl paradox in space somewhere between and Nick's studio ond Cheadle Hulme There Krong has created clone turtles who fight with the same powers as the brave band, Only the help of the Turtles' four pals, including April, will helpthem now
be in danger from the evil Kmng never crosses theirMeanwhile,minds. in a distant sewer, the boss is in danger from the evil Krong. So much for /
short-range throwing weapon and a middlerange jabber. A quick flick to the side launches Donatello's staff wave, a powerful but slowmoving missile attack. Close up, Don uses the staff as a pivot to hurl opponents over his back. His last move is a bock flip, where his staff prevents any airborne
Raphael carries finger knives, and proves to be the most versatile turtle fighter. He steams across the screen as a turtle torpedo, knocking opponents for six. From the air, his windmill attack is a moss of spinning knives. He even has a fast long-range attack — a sharp knife fireball.
DonatelloDONATELLOusesaquarter-staff,usefulasboth a
Fang a galaxy, or a mak y way,
MICHAELANGELO is Michoelangelo's main weapon. His special attacks are characterised by the Nunchaka rush, on in-your-face dash, with the deadly sticks. The chain sticks ore also capable of producing a fast ground-hugging whirlwind, which is effective over a long distance.
range attack: by striking the ground with his blades he sends a lightning tremor along the ground. Finally, Leo turns into a tornado, whipping his opponents into a frenzy.
Leonardo carries two lethal blades, which work in unison. His most devastating move is much like Ryu's Dragon Punch from SF2, using the blades in a slashing spin. Leonardo has a good long
The Turtles may fight valiantly against crime, but Konami face a bigger battle flogging four toy characters that are as dated as Melvyn Hayes and Una Stubbs in Summer Holiday. The Turtles should have LI packed off to Shady Pines retirement lagoon aeons ago, but the games industry always knows how to flog a dead 'My Little Pony'. The game behind the license is quite good, but with qualifications. The turtle graphics and animation are good, but the weird backdrops don't always work. Some of the moves are superb, and the game's really fast, but the main play problem is the response. The delay between command and action makes combos hard, and that's compounded by the ridiculous early difficulty level. This game really has been pitched far too hard on the easiest levels. Despite this, I think adept Street Fighters will find this a better game than Mortal Kombat, but only just.
PAUL that, with accomplished animation, look spectacular. The fighter sprites are large and each planet's combat-arena projects a unique atmosphere. What is important is how Tournament Fighters compares to its competitors
141.11.11 /
game is very challenging, though this is an ambivalent vWhite.There are only eight charcwters to control.
1r The game hos o gloomy, tiny .•appearance
ASome good mum in each ol the rounds. Lots at effects.'Most of the 1 speech and effects we very crackly and poor. Rotten import sounds
Doesnotevenbegin to scale theSF2pinnacle,but afters somelast lighting action,and anewgamedirection forthe terribleterrapins.Although somegameplayflowsexist.
et that this gang of turtles and their pals are out of fashion and Imagine we're seeing them for the first time, okay. In this frame of mind the characters presented in tournament fighter make for a cool Street Fighter II clone and are far more exciting than any digitised images of nogood actors. There are some clever moves
option,Atwo-playerachoice al round backdrops andsome difficulty I w
and maybe not as initially attractive as the green. warriors. Apart from Casey Jones, they all unarmed
Well it's no Street Fighter II but the turtles give Mortal Kombat a run for its money. There is small scope for killer combos and the action sometimes slows when certain moves are performed. It's not the knockout title I'd hoped for but I recommend it nonetheless.
sn't a pleasure to control. He concentrates his attacks on his head mounted horn, either flying across the screen or shaking it vigorously. He also has the
April is unlikely to get abducted this time, as she hos some incredible attacks. Both her shoulder rushes ore blindingly fast. Her handslap is also a useful barrier weapon.
Ray is a curious aqua-person, roy type, and indeed he has a moves very slowly but packs a also has a torpedo attack, but is slow.
My' •;:, $o TheMESSWITHTHERESTotherfourfightersareamelangeoffightingstyles,
Nice sprite animation, and some visually impressive Wreck moves. Most of the backgrounds ore neatly drawn.
a mutant manta ray attack, which major punch. He again one which
Its suspiciously hard to detect j the difference in the skill levels,
joypadhove a serious use in Tournament Fighter. The third is a taunt button, used for issuing rude challenges to your opponent, only advisable from a Planet.IcefromgroundspickinggamesareGALAXYdistancelTRUFFLESIntournamentmode,theplanetsplayedthroughinsequence,butprocticeondtwo-playergiveyoutheoptionofsomeoftheweirdback-onoffer.Theserangegruesomewormheads,toStationZeroandtheJungle114MMSEGA
Very last, and with an intriguing atmy ol moves for eachplayer. Good lot two pirryetsv The chatociers don't respond immediately, whichis a big probAlem.The
A sinister mod axe-man type, replete with hockey mask. Casey's a dab hand with the hockey stick, and also has on incredibly sneaky attack, using his taunt button. By pulling down his places a time bomb!
wrong. In a rash moment of mis-spelling they set their beloved wabbits free and now it's a race against lime to capture them.
But now everything's gone
When it tomes to speed Wiz •n• Liz take on all-comers and leave them standing. They•re the greatest magicians on the Planet Puns. their spells are truly amazing. theft huge collection of pet wahhits. legendary.
With exploding wabbits, a crazy cauldron, hundreds of spells and the fastest gameplay ever. Wiz 'n• Lies
-novo CATCH
A STATE OF MAGICAL SPEEEEEEEED stiEa Meg Drive and g ropy al Wet Lit Mat live $$$$$$$ -op rum •t games. lass eas•tt rim getstioal What nod at magi do Mt 'a' to have to raid on I4 game a) Goalie Rhino tl Lemont Seed Ion Muer •o a remold. smog year mane. addeess. age, type al computer god rat sago al dm •agatioe I.. Wor 'a' Lie loan the rtst sr/adios. Myriam taapetotesos. Dept 17111. Wfategtall. 11,Itto tones Uli INQ. UR, Zro,gibo•Zosamoo. -• • ww uorp-igmunrit , • • Imp.. etp ANIMA(il ON AMIGA AND MEGA DRIVE HELPL1NE0891 101 177 IN IS Lem 1 he eef ego Otto Ii.. 1Sf II mit Eon. Rem ma, Me WI •o,r. L bolie• mug lie Owe* lot • le• ••1 el 'vie, L•e/lit a Pter•••• leadl Berney. 1•410,1, l•leee Wee, trettpe•I U Ole 'Mints mori to ntoo.4 WON lilt OttlalktO Nit
frantic Wabbit Wescue will kick your video gaming into warpCatchspeed.them now on Amiga and Mega Drive — if you can. Need help! Call the Wiz •n• Liz spell line. "The two player game is everything that the jerky.
MiGA DWI AVOWED GAMING "It's one of the fastest things since pre-puberty."
fuzzy head•to•head option on Sonic 2 should have been. 1116Aan tastically fast and furiously funny."
this problem Virtual
THE BOARD: With a choice of ten different boards on which to roll the silver ball the player is somewhat spoiled for choice. Not that it matters as the various surfaces don't affect the trajectory of the boll one bit. it's just a case of choosing the look that suits
AM-amWyou. AP' •dooAyllA-raAriAr01114W1114 Al
1 16 tAhl SEGA LEASERESPONSIVENESS:CONTROL:1r11V-OFNOVEMBERJOYCONTINUES:4SKILLLEVELS:AGOODGAMEDIMWIT: WY 1ST DAY 99,999,999SCORE-.-ir-•-••••-'ORIGIN The game of pinball and a NAV tenuous link with virtual reality. OWTOCONTROL Use the D-pad and the C Image is conntrol he left and right Ob. pets at Virtual Pinball taidiDt. Totes ore created by using the 1-pad to positions parts and the and C buttons to OM them.thebat .Oaklio11•11111NOWTOPLAY Employs the right-hand flipper. (Me 0 roe-pod-bob the left-hand awl). Starts and pauses the game Rack up paints by bouncing a Pinball around a variety of Pinball tables. Create some tables of your own and do the same all over again. PLAYERS1-4 tcOPRI 1114.99
whatever is on almost something or another. Virtual Pinball from Electronic Arts harbours the potential for on infinite variety of nball tables, all of which are created by the player Though a small selection of fully functionaltables ore readily accessible, the real fascination with this promising new cart lies solely with the avid Pinball player's vivid imoginulion. Design the kind of tables that even Tommy could n imagineot using ports from a selection of fifteen components, allocating them to tables chosen from a list of ten board types.
Its hard to concentrate on a game of Pinball when some fool has their stereo blasting music that isn't to your taste. appreciation of Pinball allows players to select a groove before ore eight soundtracks to choose from, of which is the golden sound of silence Interesting,
The preconceived tables presented in Virtual Pinball serve to demonstrate the basic features available to the player. It's as well to hove a few goes on these and take note of the way things work for reference during construction of a personalised table. There are two basic elements to consider before work begins:
VirtualconsoleeventhingwherefinesamusefarambitioustionVirtualVirtualTengen'sCOMMENTtable!EachtimeaMegadrivepinballgameisreleasedthequestionofhowitfaresagainstDragon'sFuryisraised.InthiscasemonsterscorchesPinballintoashes!Pinballpresentssuchabarreninterpreta-ofthegamethatit'slustnosubstituteforthedesignofitsbiggestrival.Eventheana-loguetablesbeingplayedInthearcadesoflatearemoreimaginative.Hardcorepinballfanoticsmightfindsomethingtothemwithinthecon-oftheworkshopbuteventhentheoptionsarelimited.ItIslikelythatatitlesuchasthiscouldfarebetteronthePCformatsthereisnosuchasDragon'sFuryorCrueBall,howeverownersgenerallyexpecttogainsomeexcite-mentfromtheirgames.Pinballoffersverylittle—inmyopinionit'sjustplainborinindia if dEr YeillNina r 11111=111hff 11:11111lit(IL Amy
play. There
IA tahtstseggusgnihtynalautrivA
Money,money, money, must be htney, on pinball
Construction of the custom tables is carried out with the aid of a tool, This saves a player's virtual fingers from rummaging around a virtual shoe-box for parts as the tool stores every conceivable item in its memory! Once a part is selected the tool is moved around the empty table in search of suitable places to drop things. Any mistakes are easily rectified by means of the tool's blaster Hitwillo;-riAriAAlibifacility.ailthetargets at the back of the screen and nothing happens! LONG TERM REPORT El EtqlL:1 El =I Dr WEIN •ID El OA Amyl" ED El Ll 1:23 El El El Or dagr AMMIEF EGADRIVE REVIEW lAlA-P111A4BREAKDOWN El LI 1:=11L -1- ElEIE1 0111 El 00 EWES LA ODE] LJUEII=LIEl AGore accessorieson a bathroom tile background — the ultimate in interior design! a--------Air—AorSr Am. S. t. Whentable•ferenttooCOMMENTpinnowadaysyouget/*husleels,andallsobitsanpiecesI'dexMegadrivepinballgoemulatethis.VirtualPinballsadlydoesn't.Itokaygraphics,lotsofdif-tablesandawhizzoorkshopmodewithwhioucandreamupyourbyaddingmoreflip-pers,walls,lights,barrierstheworks.However,enwithyourowntabu'restillstuckwiththeme'fliptheballandkeepitinplayroutine'littleelsewhichdoesn''vegotexcellentgameslikeDragon'sFuonthescene,youcanon•oumthefactthatEAputsomethinglikethisout.•SorryEA,areally,reallyleveridea,butonethatlustdoesn'twork. ynuL • .wnA0r42-AarPARTS: Considering that ports include such essentials as the launcher and walls it's safe to say that a game is strictly no go .• out them. In Virtual Pinball it is possible to alter the look of e ports to one of six styles. These range from 'Classic — le the most common — to 'Gore' who's party-piece is emitting blood when struck. Bleughl That deal, dumb and blind kid sant makes a mean pinball ! Or somthing like that anyway! Air Aar Amy41W w Chine dismal — Hot and dull and utterly lacking in •moiration•Thefhpaem are responsive.vThegame is bor. Mg. Constructing • customised table lie • chore and a halt. '"•••••••••111111MBP&mamma.1=•=m•MININN• GRAPHICSSOUND 1 Loads01 °ahem 170 allawieg you to alter all aspects of the 'Wslame'ery uncut. tractive though. •••111111" 6946All the New Romantic style music a player can handle.... much.,•WhiChThesoundeffects aren'tup to much either. Dragon'snativePinballAPLAYABILITY55LASTABILITY51dullvideo-gamerenditionofthatisbothunimogi-anduninspiring.Buyfuryinstead. ••• There are onthetablespermutationsendlessforavailablelaworkshop.•Withnosurprisesstoreandnorewords for skillful play the game isn't very entscing. OVERALL5?MASEGA117
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to erect Ir flare, then, is what to expect from the shop 'meant ars who ore obviously great fans of McDonald's?
B eing a magical kind of person Ronald McDonaldhe of the ginger wig and yellow overalls is surrounded by magical things. He goes for walks in a magical forest, hangs about a magical town and holidays on magical islands. Pretty much everything he touches becomes something rather special too. So when he discovers a piece of paper at the foot of o tree in the magical forest it takes the form of a treasure map, Actually it's only a quarter of a treasure mop. The missing pieces are who knows where, but Ronald has a pretty good idea where to the thought of a game featuring Ronald McDonald is a bit cheesy and may require an extra pinch of salt on your regular fries to digest. However the license is being handled by Treasure, the same people who programmed Gunstar Heroes, making this menu of fun instantly more appealing. One player controls the clown in his seorch for the missing pieces of the mop through a five stage platform adventure.
ecial Offers: This is Ronnie's chance to stack as many extra continues, l -Ups and magic;rodes as he con offord. replacement jewel d their containers also line the shelves as do rings which power them
On his travels RonctirkenttktfRts strange Itttle shops, Of course he is unable to take advantage of their wares until he has earned some cash. This doesn't prove too difficult as money is readiiy available. It doesn't exactly giow on tre rather it fast sort of hangs about in the many places_ waiting for passers-by
(PRICE(RELEASE IMPORT I OPTIONS CONTROL: JOY PAD CONTINUES: INFINITE SKILL LEVELS: RESPONSIVENESS:THREESHARPGAMEDIFFICUATII:EASY 157 DAY SCORI REACH LEVEL 5 1ORIGINSEGA McDomakes Treasure Land is pia. gromnwd by Ow team respomilda Gunstai Heroes. 'McDonald's is a chain at lost-lood restaurants. r HOW TOCONTROL Posh LEFT and RIGHTGel the Nand and Ronald walks la those directions. Push DM fond Ronald crouches. Push • and DOWN when Ronald is using his scarves to make him rise and loll. goweslI• Use Irmart$gimpsmagicandposimes thegame 149.99 —HOWTOPLAY Guide Ronald McDonald *tough the five stages ol this platform game, defeating his enemies by sprinkling them INA magic dust. 416 120 PAM SEGA Ronald h freight short os o robot fisk mob by• INAPPMEDiamond-geosierRel;ialdMcboriadisplayedintheformofjewels,He begins his quest with four and by finding extra towel con toiners, may increase this number to eight. Ronald looses a jewel each time het is hurt in some way but is able to regain them by collecting rings. A jewel irteworded far every two gold ond every three silver rings
Ganges action action screen shot
tiOPHRiL GADRIVE REVIEW &eztOtkoe ."tliFfnrE0,01 • 0 Gaines. For 200 (red; Ronald gets to play a variation i pr Sego's Columns game, only1 , here the shapes resemble ittsnose of the many icons found throughout Treasure Land For every row of three identcal cons formed Ronald receives •re benefit of that icon after leaving the shop. Ronald practises his Red Howl Gangirrtro exercises. CENTRETHEVIDEO-GAMETHANKSTOFORTHELOANOFTHISCART.CALLTHEMON(0202)527 G019200'031111-.1••=11EMEm•••- .denohyelinAi
as some
A Amos action ahoy in this action pocked screen shot first I found
because it's so well programmed. Although Treasure haven't added anything new to the game genre, there are tons of ingenious ways of presenting it within Treasure Land, and some great effects. The question is: Why? All this effort has gone towards a derivative game that is far beneath the talents behind it. Above all, the game is for too easy for most players, with the inclusion of a password system. Pretty and impressive and ideal for very young
are virtually closed off to
of Treasure
kids.GusPAM SEGA
skills in this area being BREAKDOWN El El CNA ID EIC:1E101DEIDDLIE:100E10'El=I1=1,
Not only is Ronald lighthearted but he's extremely plight*. weight. a directtesult of this he is able hoist himself around on string of scarves which hetucked inside his trousers. Players shouldn't form too light opinion of ability areas Land Ronald his
ahoy in this
The McDonalds menu is a tad different in the gone itsoll.
aPRESENTATIONAn0.11EIPOire amount ol niceTheingbosidingiplatstory-relat-isinevidence,gamehasafeel.vThepasswordsystem would he it was not so damning, ---CSPHIoRAem— b I All sprites and ackgrounds are presented in crisp detail and spectaculatNatureuseof .stceffelaicepsdnaruolocj SOUND90
cart is
Ignoring the misguided choice of Ronald McDonald as this game's heroic figure Treasure Land is actually quite rich in ideas and more or less superb. Gunstor Heroes stands as an awesome demonstration of this development company's talent and the
nation is further demonstrated with this, their second release. Ronald makes for quite a versatile if slightly cumbersome hero and his use of starves as an improvised rope is especially cool. Regrettably it doesn't take much more than a day to savour all the game has on offer. Since the desire to see all Treasure Land has in store is irresistoble the inclusion of a password system makes a speedy completion of the game inevitable. This is a class product, it is imaginative, wild and has original features too. With more challenge and a larger number of levels to explore Treasure Land may well have lived up to its namesake. Instead it's better that a per-son's small fortune is reserved for something more robust. However the game's still worthy of attention for its novelty value alone.
are chirpy and 11111411$1)11 v Not enough to blow anyone's red and white shipey•socks aft PLAYABILITY85 , The game is great fun and there are manysurprises in i owe,McDonaldRonaldmales for a surprisingly amusing character to control v PLATIFORM•GAMEOVERLOAD! yTILIBATSA'IflOVUM%•8184 Because
once in a whale ant foo a look. v Too easy. 6611'wawaWhy on earth Treasure would want to devote so mud' effort to a game only to make it so veryeasy is a mystery. Yet this they llippin well done did!
the game is worth
Ronald makes hrs enemies aisoppeO can say 'have a nice day' and does with the aid of his magic fingers. This is a slight-of-hand skill developed by Ronald his long and illustrious career as the man synrgburnitu.icius.w
Ourhero seems to be enjoying what must be the most enormous enema in history!
Musically this pretty cool. sound effects Treasure land looks socool digging topevery
Whoever said, "life is unfair' . Here'sascinahwitonesometagainsplayedhavemustwhy:itsgot(up to 24 shots per second),hands-free AUTO-TIM"^ and Plus, it looks cool, too. With this kind of control. you'll alwaysland• onyour feet Which is more than we cansayabout life. TheasciiPadMD.There's nothing fair aboutit MN II AsOMPRO00cevtegOoONBMA&06100E70 1993 A$01Entertao, • • ',Aware. ex, PO fitooK 6639, San Knee CA 94403 USA_ aw,IPad MD and ASOIWARE re Irade-na•-ks of ASO Plenthreragry. Sc•t1,,,re, Inc All mrs reserve Sega, Mega DrNe and Mega CD are trade m.0a di Sega Emerdnset LTD fig or00890rc8V10800ZSONOOR650gPROP/RII0OWE'
Apart from Mowgli's homicidal tenancies, this game is octually remarkably similar to the original Walt Disney classic. All of the excellent characters from the film are in there, either aiding Mowgli or taking the form of evil end-oflevel bosses that Mowgli must annihilate in order to Sinistercontinueleh?
cOr EMMO= • 7mar•VWF _man7",m1MF
RELEASEVIRGINTBAOPTIONSCONTROL:JOTPADCONTINUES:EARNEDSKILLLEVELS:3RESPONSIVENESS:SKILLGAMEDIFFICULTY:MEDIUM1STDAYSCORElivelevelscompleteORIGINTheplatformgamegenreiidusteddownandhasakateloRookfacelift.NOWTOCONTROLtheJangleBookemploysthederma-int,platformgamecontrolmeths&IIneedthislittlehocoitexttoyouaboutit,you'reabitthick.hmtP,ivelP! 111 Shoot mainktoellGoodeNOWTOPLAYlitowollwoundtheplatformandcompleteeachstage'sobtectme.
"Don't step on my bear necessities, pleads Rolm).
This is • "be there" sort of pldvrt 1110 *hew. RICH delhollipPkomA
I can't say that I spend much time on the Master System. However, this month, there has been a veritable avalanche of quality 8-bit product. First Domark's Desert Strike, then Cool Spot and now The Jungle Book. This is truly excellent stuff, with some smart graphics and compelling gameplay. even took this one home to play over the weekend. Although the killeverything-that-moves gameplay is hardly in keeping with the gentle film, the action is fast and playable enough to bring you back for more. Once the controls have been sussed, the game is a bit easy, but I really enjoyed playing it. One of the best 8-bit games I've played in months.
•And the surprise is that bunches of bananas often yield super-valuable power-ups. Look out for extra continues [disguised as leavell), 1 -UPsond extra energy. Perhaps the most useful power-up is the boomerang. Most jungle meanies take several hitsus to depkroy. Collect the boomagang ond arty one hit is required to take out anything short of on end f level boss.
n.their toll on M. man cub. There wos o time when he was quite willing to jaunt oround the jungle meeting all the nice 'n' nosty inhabitants and sing lovely songs like "Bear Necessities'.
Top ears of being gitessly re-r
But no longer. Mowgli is a man cub on the edge, on thin ice, on the brink. Deciding that he's hod enough, he packs his pants full of bananas and sets out into the jungle, dealing curved-fruit death to any of the jungle's inhabitants thot see fit to attack him.
ownersSystemMaster are spoiled for thewhatgamesplatformdecentcomeswhenchoiceittowithlikesof
owgli's trail of banana -drevaslotion pits him up against some of the most lovable bosses ever devised for a videogame The first boss to bite the dust is the ,hypnotising snake from hell, Kao the games helpful instruction here is simply DESTROY KAA!). The next character on Mowgbrs hitlist is King Louis himself. Take him on in his own palace, but mind the falling rocks!
WEEll MU C TERM REPORT LLJLJENEJ El El El El MEI El MIENMUNE 1011111 11111111MBES EAKDOW 1EIDOEIE)1=1E1E10 EDUCIEJIQEJEI=1=111 •rei. 1 [1141 1', A nice polished feeltothegame itself, but... v Othet than the tome is unspectacular in the presentation stakes. AAbsolutely fabulous graphics captine the spirit el The Jungle Book film very well. SOUNDPIKS Clayish Master System renditions of the JungleclassicBook songs...Butthe effects are asodpool the truthbe told. Mama....M1••••••"1•1111P" LASTABILITY78 Gertint ?Mouth some of the later kvels taker some doing, and the ink'. est level while you •attempt this remains very high indeed qualityliJungledepartmentAOVERALL188tadlackinginthedepthperhaps,butTheBookisstillartexcelplatformgame,wellworthinvestinginifyou'reottera8-bitproduct.90PLAYABIL117The game is very lost and easy to gel into, with the early levels teaching you the necessary skills to gel through the tougher stages. 841 r•••••1r•-12-re
lani••• lautc!tlEIPThe Jungle Book is Ais,mighttwithofstraightforward.Atikeremarkablybeginning"'eachlevel,MowgliischargedinnatasktooerforAl• bis simply to co0 eight gems, or just reacirtcartain part of the nce this is cornole :ji, 104 1 mowgli moves on to the uzl:lhreA
Asterix, Sonic, Mickey Mouse and The Jungle Book. Whilst this lacks the depth of some of those games (Mickey Mouse in particular), this is still an excellent Master System product. The graphics capture the style of the movie extremely well and I was hooked to the game for quite Bswhile. The response on the lump button seems a bit strange and I died quite often until I got the hang of it. That apart though, an excellent B-bit title and a credit to Virgin's program ming
I_ Who played Peter in Spielberg's version of Hook? Robin Williams Dirk Benedict Mr T
COMPETITIONoutandaboutonthecombinationndoutstond-kisived PAM. TIME w - 1 104 aMegaofalingclass)warmreceMEANMACHINingstaff),itsbounddownwellwithfans of the movie.However, to business: Sony have stumped up a topper four-day break for one lucky family in Centre Parks11,11111111Miesect Forest. All of the acc omcandadhities are by Sow. Centre Parks fob Mkt/ park who loads of sporting act nd water sports take lace — Sony assure us it's not for the "faint'ingexcitLoundsbhearted4Inorderto enter the 1 eh? ' draw for this superb holiday, answer the following clues' lions and sernd 'em in to HOOK IS ACE HONEST COMP, MEAN MACHINES, 30-32 Farringdon Lane, London EC1R 3ALl. Get those entries in quick — byoNovember 30, or we'll slyly discord your entry. .4a1100E 126 MM SEGA PUBLISHINGELECTRONICSOINTY molt
There's only one joystick for the serious gamehead • Cluickshat. With over 30,000,000 sold already, it doesn't take a genius to see how popular they are. And it's just as easy to tell why. There's a choice of over 30 different styles and levels (8 and 16 bit), with prices from only £9.99 all the way up to £29.99. They're compatible with just about every system available -
Quickstiat (Europel IA, Unit DI , Tariff Road, Tattenisam N17 OEH Quickshat is a registered trademark
Commodore, Amiga, you name it. And they all have serious standards of control that ore the equal of any arcade you've ever seen. So make sure you have the30,0joystick that's a real thrill to handle. Make sure you have a Quickshot.
Iee=n1Alle4.;,) x-eactu. PEW RELEASES 14111121/0110/11111 SPECIALOMIERS Seleit Fever I S_CE 5999 Mewave 2 • Aliddn__112510 092999 larcleakor_ 3999 MegaiNe I + SFI I SCE _1400 Raid REA2 2999 I Ram 4699 Mvictivit + firms —14510 £204 /cries frea141Nottos 4499 Melp CD 1 + lbodfrveryr 6,0,16:a5mghnl WORLD OF ILLUSION £25 PIGSKIN FOOTBRAWL Sont CD 4499MANY MORE USED GAMES FROM 110,„,... 1.117941.'99:99 ThrtlerheAPCD _____4999 DilAS C/4) _24S)X/ Mawr *teen + 4p1.h5 .00 Seel 6 time, _14 99 Cadell 34.99 Uernan Soctsr— 4199 CanCten peso* __,61 99 AquaticGwries____ .9.99 Chick Fixt 2 4299 lepUSAILIK Corm/rim _14 99 BatmanRearntiJoler____ 19.99 NHL 94_ 4/99 "413 6 titan jtypeti _2449 Doutle Craw/ 3-- 1999 SPECIAL OFFER Mega Drive This month only f79•00 45.99 BUBSY 1 IUNGLE STRIKE 1,39 ECCO THE DOLPHIN B7 ROAD RASH I I ............. -----.. SUPERMAN OF STEEL 139 STREETS OF RAGE _ LIO SONIC 1 I , __L24 LOTUS TURBO 120 GALLAHAD 122 TERMINATOR I I 1.30 JOHN MADDEN 93_, _______L29 EA HOCKEYALIENS I I I 125 SUPER KICK OFF 130 DUNGEONS at DRAGONS L24 DESERT STRIKE £297L2 Mortal Kombat lurassic Park Bubsy Bobcat 46.9935.99 Lungle Strike 39.99 Flashback 39.99 Cool Spot 39.99 Micro Machines 32.99 Sonic I I 24.99 TC ,tDVERTISE IN THE MEGA SHOP ONMARIECONTACT:GUIDELAWLOR071-9726700 DNEMELLIIIKAT TillsFREEi2VOUCHERUSETHISASAVOUCHERTOCLAIM1.2OFFVIDEOGAMESATDANIELOFWINDSORSEMLYNXDOESNOTINCLUDEGAMESALREADYREDUCEDOFFERENDS111.94SUPERNINIENNDANIELDEPARTMENTSTOREI20-125PEASCODSTREETWINDSOR 0753 862106 AIL BIRMINGHAMr-644HMEGA-DRIVE OWNERS WE BUY, SELL 6- PART EXCHANGE MEGADRIVE,MEGA CD SNES GAMES SATIVISION UK SYSTEM Tel: 021-382 6062•1Ciam-6pn0 P & P Chop: 2 Turfpits Lane, Erdingion. Birmingham B23 5DI' (op. Goldroo X Pub, Short tiedt)' Road) VIDEOBOURNEMOUTHGAMECENTRE MEGADRIVE, SUPER NINTENDO. PC ENGINE, LYNX. NEC GEO GAMEBOY, TURBOGRAFX GAMEGEAR • SUPPLIER OF VIDEO GAMES TO MEAN MACHINES CALL FOR PRICES - SEND SAE FOR FULL UST We have huge i ange of new & wed germ, in mock. Part cotchoogfa lerciccoffac, P&P free on games t 10 on consoles. Please tail for latest releases. 88= Tel / Fax: 0202 527314 This section shows you which shops are near you. All you have to do is took for your local area heading. and the details of the shops are below. SEGASLASHEDGAMES COOL DAVISSTREETROCKETJURASSICHAUNTINGDESERTSPOTSTRIKEPARKKNIGHTFIGHTER2CUPTENNIS 2EVIRDAGEM99-73f f32.99 07.99 with SONIC 2 EC.% E115.99 07.99 Mail order and cash & £49.99 carry shop now open L37.99 Monday to Friday. PRICE SLAYER UNIT 10, OZ TRADING ESTATE, CASTLE RAOD, SITTINGBOURNE, KENT ME10 3RN. 07915 420377 MEI dIZEL rantham Kings Walk, Guildhall Street, omputer Grantham, Lincolnshire. entre Tel I Fax: 0476 76994 SPECIAL OFFERS SECONDHAND GAMES Micro Machines 24.99 StreetsX-Men Of Rage IITecno Clash Strider NHLPAII'93 HockeyStreetsStrider Of RagePLUS LOADS MORE SECONDHAND GAMES ASK FOR THE SECONDHAND GAME YOU REQUIRE AND WE WILL RING YOU WHEN IT COMES IN! (THATS IF WE HAVE N T GOT TI)BUY ANY MEGA CD TITLE AND GET A CDX CONVERTOR FOR IMOD Add a 00 for P&P 29.9929,9924.9929.9919.99 14.9914,99 "THE CONSOLE SPECIALISTS" NINTENDO SEGA GAMEGEAR • GAMEBOY NE0 GEO P.C's • Repairs, conversions and modifications. The latest import's available. Partexchange welcome, new and usedgames available,mail order specialist's. Mega CD - Available. Phone Now. 121 ESSEX ROAD, ISLINGTON, LONDON Ni 25N TEL 071 359 4126/7 FAX: 071 359 8418 Pkone for details of our Gothers Club ChscountFutureSoft THE BEST GAMES AT UNBEATABLE PRICES! Moe' • Sot 1Oom - 7pm
IIATHISMONTHS OFFERS Braman Returns Mcata ik iy i i bat C42 95 Co pennonsISpotC29 95 k.g. Consoles Low L OW prices.r'Y''''''(111".art- 4 £2 DISCOUNT ON "'"MTVDIMi .hanalti ALL ORDERS "nurRECEIVED IA" "A Krum NOVEMBER , • ' doPFs.s iitsoktjar4aitaeR FREE! ytf1"r41 "wato"ignigihthAamor/maL,'3 sybdel ma el The LIkaaa MEMBERSHIP MIGADRIVECO Ukttti2rpmonnucrioN4PACKS WITH ANY ORDER •••, i 4lisselirro. Om F4onx, SOMA AI litar4onnoc2eirlu LI '9.99 ylntotscmas7mODCpiri OVER L65 P&P I IGAMES IS CONSOLES hiwiir! v ."*I'm 49,,'O/k t P LIS4119 Open early till Late 7 (Iva a week Please can for pnces on items not shown SALES HOTLINE - 0527 542654 All pricei correct at rinse of going to prek, S943LPtzais Pr itrill /34 9S (29 9S mi,_... a Streete01Rage 2 (2495Strike C29 95 2floG;ivdf (2995 RoadRash 2 Cie 95 Suas Vs Bataan (2495GlobalGladiators (1495 ilega-LoPlanie (2995Another World Llit 9S alaNi Boxing C19 9$ IlMicro-Mackenes L12 95 Flashback (2995 Super Kick-Oal SorasNHILPHE5(229eThallengitcosusEccoTtooDolpturto(2995(2995Tiobo(2295AHockeyt2295Hockey93git95Hedgehog219S29 SuperSmash TV idiamreMIL,izt of Suet I Predator 2 See Pocket Super100doc114,01Ler:,nraok Moots° GP 2 LHXAstedt Chopperoga""1all"..tedisF22 Dungeons12&Medi:InasDrns O2dnoPseml. Go WW Two 2TWM*1ldes"r0Wn"1CnAlo e 0,. Tone, lharn.. lila Tel 0811014 3951185'/1)811.5li2C22(199$(1995i1995(1995tI9(249595I99$1995199595952/952295'249599524951995II952295199524952/9522959 Golden Axe Golden An. 2 Last RevengeRoadBattleRash04 Shenobi ToeStriderSpiderrnenjarsand Earl ArrovAtthCracedownMeru;,houieriGhost&P01iiddoiisopiredwcliamraACheatit & PO's pay to Vatrofte Vida% Ltd Eli 95 5992C,neTeugS,ChuckRock (14 95 SIGA hsroilBireAMoeMI6021waftsPIEGADRIVEAupaw-PRICEEI7.010AnockSobAbramTankDragon NEW AWE SNOC&ESGAMTERCOMPU TING HIGH STREET N SW17ORG M Et; MASTERADRIVESYSTEMGAMEGEARNINTENDOSUPERNESGAMEROV THE LATEST OFFICIAL & IMPORT GAMES FOR YOUR CONSOLE. WE BUY OR SELL YOUR SECONDHAND GAMES OPEN MON - SAT 10.00am TO 6.10pm JohnSonyCodemastersSpecialWC.ElectronicADVERTISERS5752767IM1180:LETL1111111Arts26&2742&43ReserveIBCOBC,17..7.15.21Datel141Menzies144LISGoldI1,12&13ConsoleConnections...I37 INDEX Space City 118 Arcade Software 118 Voice Tech 118 Game Watch 119 Shekhana 119 Comet 109 Acclaim42 & 43, 90 & 91 Gremlin 39, 41 Midland Bank 97 FR Competitions 137 Smithkiine Beecham 49 Home Grown ConsoleAsciiQuickKG137ProductionsConsoles129Shot12712333I1589119118HornbyHobbiesPsygnosisMegaSwapLineMasters/ Konami 102 & 103 Virgin 51, 59,69 Nintendo 52 & 53 Woolworths 55 Suncom 97 Argos 83 Ritz Rumbellows7374 & iS Info Media 79 Al2Ir1111111 MEOPIDIIVE • SONIC 11 • 2 CONTROL PADS E112.00 MEGADRIVI 2 • ALADDIN 2 CONTROL PADS E112.00 MEGA • STRUT FIGHTERPADS°PETROLE129•00 WEGADRIVE TITLES comilmor .1 ,44444414,1 i [Gomm Chong ALLPLACEDSANKGAMES geCtLICE UK P&P ES ON CONSOLES NAGAatt TYRES anal FsimAiwa , eepe s pa TEL:MEGABYTES0813354224 Shama Homes noo at P44244 amokeibeWgAN04,L,4'.'1ir.hertflo, 44a.401 Eon4 GASIEBOY PIESAND APR' PIESAT SANASDISCOUNTS 0 22 CENTRA L. EYRRSUK,PARSTIRWORCEROAD, PRCESSNOOPMAYWARY la X aiaika 00 34 CO IS 00 34 GAMESNINTENDOSUPER3100SS314010000ATBESTPRICES YORKSHIRE 0 6 CLEVELANDDONCASTERSTREET e SOUTHDN1YORKSHIRE3EF L. CI DISTRIBUTION Tel: 0302 340079Fax: 0302 752064 YORKSHIRE'S NO.1 CONSOLE RETAILER IMPORTS ARRIVING DAILY OFF WITHGAMEANYTHISVOUCHER. Voucher valid until the enc4 of February 1994. ((3 off full RRP of game) STOCKIST OF SNES, NEO-GEO, MASTER SYSTEM & GAMEBOY. VISIT OUR SHOP FOR ALL YOUR CONSOLE NEEDS FOR MAIL ORDER PLEASE ADD f 1 P&P STOCKIST OF MANGA VIDEO at'W IF ADVERTAN IS WRONG, WHO PUTS IT RIGHT? We do. The Advertising Standards Authority ensures advertisements meet with the strict Code otAdverosine PrActice So It you question an advertiser, they have iu answer to US Th nnd out more about the ASA, please write to Advertistort Standards Authority. Department X. Brook House, Threlnigton Place, London 'WM 71IN• mil.. .pace I. de•ated le the l•tereets •t high •.1dmilfirdil In advertise wee r •
The best pinball game ever seen on any system i ever, Dragon's Fury has spawned a sequel — Wit called Dragon's Revenge, it's from Tengen and it's 41111lookingWiwihot.can we soya It's a pinball game and lust ik like Dragon's Fury it has flippers lots of them, flashing lights, bumpers, dark, atmospheric backdrops and loads of foul, festering creatures 1unning obout which you have to bosh with a ball to gain access to the bonus levels.
There's even a storyline of sorts — some 'bint' wearing very few clothes, who's reolly a dragon has captured some goad guys and gals (who are also wearing very few clothes) and stuck them in bubbles. They can only be rescued by your heroic self notching up the points and completing the eight bonusThelevels.bonus levels are very different from the Dragon's Fury ones — as you con probably see from these shots. Surreal art work (featuring more semi-clod beauties) and amazing scaling on the ball gives the impression of realistic perspective which is rather cool The bonus tasks include bouncing balls off birds' (the feathered variety) bonces, smashing spiders and bizarre goblin types who throw their heads at you. Successful completion of a bonus level frees one of your chums from IA the clutches of the dragon and gives you a smart 1 gold pinball which scores four times more points fort a limited period when you return to the proper table.There's been a bit of a glut of pinball games lately — Sonic Spinball and Virtual Pinball (both reviewed this issue) to name two but being complete pinball nuts in this office, the more the merrier. We'll bring you a full review of this one soon.
1 3 0 MM SEGA 1
Pkildp of *beret in broom% thafeals. Greet allptN01110.OW.61NtelEPNOiM,afdiENMWAIIME•waftofto•••.1111••ANEW2mlamalarFON
11 urbc;stsseem to pular thethwartplatformmulti-sectionedinreleasechosenMicroprosemissandconsoleheroesgamesneveronestout,how,suchasubjecttostarintheirnewM—Tinhead.Tinhead'stoskthisisfourlevel,jauntistotheplansofevilGrimSquidge who is, • ally pinching all the the sky. Run, ium and shoot your way 'ugh the moss of boddi then leap on a space hop or a unicycle or hook up to jet pack to improve your progress.Theaim is to find the s• cial star on each level ttle to the leport to get onto the next section. There •areiddenbonuslevloreandorethan one y to comple a viewgo RELEASE ISA EYALPII.411 ( PRICE%• 4-;Y TBA I °tteV INEWEIMMPERCENTCOMPLETE01MM MN ,•••••IT•
POPULOUS 2 Two Tnbes E30 as new and complete with codes Telephone (0287) 660183. MEGADRIVE • 6 Great Games and Joypad and Aliens 3. Joyseck, for E150 Phone Kunal on 081-508 7333 after 8pm.
Converter E15. Rattan, Spicier Greatman.-Basketball. Operation Wolf EIO each For the kiegadrive Japanese Convener E5, Olympic Gold, D Robnsons Basketball. Boeotian El 5-20 'ace. Phone 081( 422 8750 ask for Rick Open to offers North London area Person must GAMEGEARcollect, Mains Adaptor. Battery Pace and 3 Games Donald Duck, Sonic and Kick Off E100. Phone Ben (0367) 242039 (Oxon'.
FOR SALE desert Strike and John Madden 92 for Megadrry• £25 each ono Phone Sion on ()2481 722305 alter 4prn 1MEGADRIVE and 2 Controllers. band new and still boxed in perfect coedition with 8 games SOF12. PGA Goll2. Super Kick Oft Madden '92. Megeoarnes I and Sonic for £200 ono for more information ring le4461 711830 and ask tor ' LOADSIroned_,OF GAMES for sale • all under E25 • some below El 5 Swap your unwanted Megadnve Games for different o9er tor just E4 Phone 021 422 WHAT4159A
MEGADRIVE worth E400 selling for C1e5 with Jungle Strike PGA 2,
ersChe202MEGADRIVE and 22 Games for Sale. Master SySte(e Convener, Infra tea Joypads and much more, will sell separately or together. Games Include EA Hockey. 2 Crude Dudes. Sleiledball 2 etc , games tram 15 to 30 all worth over E900 will sell for E800-C650. Telephone Mike (0908)
SEGA235428.MasterSystem II 8
FOR SALE Sega Gamegear. Mans adaptor. Carrier Case. Sonic the Hedgehog. Unwanted get Boxer, as ram Excellent Condition, priced to sell must go, Instructors included Worth C
Kevin 0592
BARGAIN 2 Top C.a.. Games on Sege Megadnve, Super Kick Off and World of Illusion £25 each both E45 (0484) MEGANIVE719625.Games for sale Gotten Axe El 2 50 Aker 3 £20. £30 for Dom ono Great Condition Telephone Matt (C708) 524147
Megadnve Games
SUPER NINTENDO for sale. 7 Great Games Converter. all Boxed Worth over e450 sell for £300 ono Telephone Ales 071-794 0794 GAMEBOY for sate with 6 Games, Super Mario 2, Gremlins 2, See:Written, Hock, Othello Tete: £80 Cell Tim on 0572 65214.
year old,
Excellent value Peons 107341 781967 and ash for Jamie. TODAY( THINGS FOR SALE: Amstrad PCW9512 complete tyllere, some disks E250 PIES with Light Gun and 9 Games £90 BMX for ages 7. E35 BMX for ages 4 10 7. hardly used E70 interested well phone 081-656 5920 mere Pnces negoliebre computers bored UK MEGADRIVE !Good Condition) takes all cartndees. e Games EA Hockey, Star Control. Golden Axe, Magical Hal Altered Beast Two Joypads El 35 Also Hitachi Ghetto Blaster with Super Weeks E40 Phone Matthew after 6pie Aylesbury i0298l 24340 (Price includes °MUDDYpostage:•5Games. Tete Super Manolancl, Or Mario. Fortified Zone and Skate or Die Comes complete with 2 Player Lead, Game Manuals and Magazines. Sall tor E80. Call Das on 081 882 0031 atter 4pmittAMEGEAR for sale • 3 Games only E80 Telephone (0707) 644367 BOY for sale, 3 Garnet including Mario E30 ono Telephone Daeid Taylor on 104051 862483 NEO-CEO 'Scan 60/eZe Joystick. Card and Cross-swords £240 or swap tor ,Scarf 60HZ). Jag Macabre* and Mega-CD Teledyne (0834 Games, 1 mint condition E150 felepe000 (00021 if itSA
3 Games. Carry Case. ry Tuner and Adaptor E95 Other offers accepted Also Intruder Joystick and a Snooker Table for sale and Mega Cd Games to sell or swap Contact Nick On 051-644 9488 Wanted Mega Cd Games Call Me SEGA MASTER SYSTEM, comes complete with 5 Excellent Games in Outsold Pursesuri, will gull 11,pr.01). Phone Davie on 081-524 4131,
GAMES Ecoo E25, JM•93. Euro Soccer E18, Some Italia '90 Eie Weer MOrlaCO El 0, LAMM Of ItluStOn E15, Phone Nick (0443) 740718.
Monte Magazine from Nov92 toSeptinclude lei P it reviews all the Idlest Games on every Console Neese write to Simon Law 88 High Street. Cron:Mon Devon EX17 3LB. SEGA MEGADRIVE with I 3 Brilliant Games nickelling Monaco. Soidareran Gynoug and Streets of Rage. Only £250 ono, Telephone 1048.3) 36277.
print out.
BARGAIN/ Megadrive. I Control Pact 2 Stereo Speakers. Sonic 1&2, all kitty bored and only £90 Only 7 moots old' Phone Shaun on 081-337 6E134 rllbe
MEGADRIVE Games for sale: Golden Are Sword of VeinsIllOn. Castle of Illusion. Sexier and Sonic. EIS each Telephone 10932) 58
Too Games, 2 Controllers worth over E700 with free magazines worth over £200 for e450 ono 103031 25098
STARFOX FREE, Yes, Free. II you buy my Suoer R-Type ten E30. Telephone 071-462 7374. Other Games available also GAMEBOY for sale with 8 Games sec Headphones Case. Light Magnifier, Converter. All worth E350 but the price here is E210 oeo. It is a bargain Telephone (0460) 57495 ask for Piers Everengt-Weekends. MASTER SYSTEM, 28 Top Games Including Sonic 16.2 Donald Duck, Astons, Ms Pacman, R-Type, Galaxy Force. Italia 90. Time Soldiers. Outrun pies Loads More including Arcade Controese and Rapid Fire Unit Offers around E350 Contact Neil 386 Bordestey Green. Birmingham 99 54113. Be Ouick MEGADRIVE with 18 Games, Sonic 2. SOH 2. Alen 3. Ecoo Memo F22. Eswat, Batman with Converter ptus Powerseck and Joyeed. Sell for E155 one of will swap ton Hand held or Neo Geo TeSeptione 071-462 7374. AMIGA 500• with 3 Joysbclus, 2 Mice, Over 00 Games, Dekbox with leads of Coverdisks etc Cleaning Kit, Mouse Mat, and Dust Cover All in Good Condition, easily worth (1000. will accept E250 ono Telephone Ian on 091-268 8312 alter
2 NES, 1 Game each for sale. I with Adaptor E45, without E30. Call Marlyn on 071-223 6817.
FOR SALE Se9a Ganiegear with 10Gaines: Sonic 1 &2, Taxman Mickey Mouse, Shinobi, Donald Duds. G Loc arid more plus Car Adaptor Will sell for El 10 ono or see° lot Amiga 500. Phone Mark on (0737) 554101 'Surrey area)
SYSTEM lie 2 Control Pads. 6 Games and 25 various computer magazines E120 ono. Telephone Kristian (Maidstorse I (00221 MEGADRIVE754308.for sale with 6 Games £170. Phone (06937) 83782 or write
MEAN MACHINES Magamart is for private advertisers only. Anybody sending in a trade advert will not have it published. It will be ignored. your cheque will not be cashed and no correspondence will be entered into! Due to deadlines, allow up to six weeks for your advert to appear in the magazine.
Golden Axe 2 Sonic. 2 Joyeeds it autoem). Games Rack Cheats Codes for above garnes Call Will on (0223) 352663 for details
GAMEGEAR For Sale 4 Excellent Games costs E200. selling for E80 ono. vgc Boxed Telephone litaM on 081-948 6326 Hurry!
AMIGA 500 with Philips Monitor, 30. Games including Sweetie Soccer, Mouse, 2 Joysticks E350 ono. Phone Ben 3307) 242039 (Oxon). GAMEGEAR Mt 2 Games. Car Adaptor and TV Tuner for sale. Also Amstrad CPC464 plus Colour Monitor, Joystick and 95 Dames included in overall price of El 15 tenor* 10932) 889009 Surrey area Phone weekdaye 8
MEGADRIVE with 15 Games and Menacer Gun and Turbopaa wort E500 sell Or £270 ono Telephone Torn on 10772) 1162943
ATARI sr with over 20 Games, Joystick and 2 Mouses, sell for El 50 onswap II:4 5 Garage& Games 1 also wit accept 4 Games and a Carry Cage must be In nem condition Birmingham area Phone 021-523 7
Ben (0354) 692958
Olympic Gold 1E1 5t, /Mace Hat (E7). Aftenburner (C12) and Euro Club Soccer (C17) Phone (0302) 748253 ask tor Jonathan STAR COLOUR Printer LC24-200 E200. 3 Colour, I Black Ribbon Phone 10354) 740
Mester System
SEGA MEGADRIVE for "ale with 10 Games including Ecco, Speedball 2. EA Hockey. Word of etc, also includes Japanese Converter, Arcade Pewerstick 2 Joypects. Games HOldei and about 50 Magazines. vgc. all for £300 ono Phone 10241) 59882
Transbot, Mod, Global Defence, Spy vs Soy CIO each, all for £37 including free tips boOk. (0202) 603381 6•13pm FOR SALE Street Fighter 2 and Kruse% Fun House with free Universal Adaptor for E50 also for sale English Mega CD Perfect Condition El 75 to E200
Phone Trevor on r05041 398103
wanted Write to Mathew Sawtell 10 Little Walton, Eastry, Kent CT13 ODW Buyer must celled MASTER SYSTEM tor sale with 1 Joypad. Good Condition with 4 Ganes E40 Telephone te4750 MEGADRIVE638830 with 3 Joyeadis, 5 Games Sonic 1 ei2, European Soccer. Buster Douglas. Wrestlemania • Tice Book E1 X Cal (0784 ( MEGADRIVE24E1805GAMES for sale Road Rash 2 Wondemoy S. Peantasy Star 2, Dungeon' and Dragons, Bo Hazard Bates £25 each Atomic Runner. LeIX Chopper, Midnight Resistance. Elemenlac Master. Marvec Land E20 each Al boxed with instructions Phone Dive on 10265) 832930. ATARI LYNX 2 plus 8 Games AC Aclapitor and Carry Pouch as nee cost E250 sell for E150 ono Call James on 10242 CHEAPWhat,7pmalter232257,abargain'GAMEGEAR • Games Gamegear (50, Alien 3, Tattmaele. Streets or Rage. Defenders Of Oasis. Siena. 2 C12 each. Berlin Wall and Sonic 2 EIO leach TV Tuner E35. MS Convener C5_ Magnifier E5 Case £5. Battery Pack £15. Mickey 2 for MS (15 Phone dal -393 2082. UK MEGADRIVE for sale plus 17 Games inciereng Micro Machines Streets 2 PGA 2_ MaddenDoreen93. Stoke. EA Hockey, Lotus Turbo, Side Pocket, Speredball 2 Terminator 2 Plus 2 Joy-pads Quick sale hence E375 ono ExCeSerli lArtillairi. Medea filly allot Ode 031327l 331897.
752026 alter 6orn
CIALIEBOY,1 3 Games. Fatly Boxed E50 or swap for 2-3 Megadeve Games. Teledyne Mike on (0 FOR27005595)4SALE
I WILL SELL. 23 Gansegear Games worth over £300 for wait tor it E 50 ono. Games include Somme Baseball. Tennis etc Contact Simon On (0908) 317069 alter 60m. Not an offer to be missed so gel phoning SNES and Megadrive Games for sale SF2. Star-meg. tit/INF, Road Rash and lots more. Phone Russ on (0487) MASTER813434SYSTEM for sale with 2 built in Games plus 7 Boxed Games • E100 Phone Tom on Cambridge (0223) 3521e9
SYSTEM II, Boxed, tem Condition 2 Joypacts 8 Games Including Sonic 2, Lemmings). Nags El 1 5 Telephone Stephen on 10505)
STRIDER and World of IlluSiOnfor Sale E20 each or will swap for Sonic 2. Ecco the Dolphin. Lemmings. Cool Spot Write to Melanie 9ST Leverence Road, Frodsham, Cheshire WAG MeS.
MASTER SYSTEM 11tor sale: 2 Pacts Light Phatier. and 11 Games Including Fantasy Zone I &2. Heavyweight Champ, Strider, Basketball Nightmare, Rescue Mission. Laser Ghost Whole lot for ElSO ono If interested call (04941 716257 ask for Cline SPECTRUM •3, 130 Ganes_ Blank Disks. Tape Recorder. 2 Joysticks, WP Package E300 ono. Must collect Contact Blair alter 7 30prn (07371
SYSTEM for sale E130. 2 Pads. 6 Games ncludes Speedball 2, Sonic end Terminator. For mom information erg 1071381 446719.
874 48eeee10for
Kilkeel, Co Down, N keine AIEGADRIVE for sale, including 12 Games (Cooispot World of ikesion. Jungle Seise. Ecco. Cluackshot Golden Axe II, Sonic 1&2. Megalomania. Tazmania, SOP II and Peke/mer), 2 Joypads ( 1 auto6rel and loads of rrlegS E280 Telephone (0829: 824288 4pm..
MEGADRIVE for sake including Meracer set, Sonic 2. Speedball 2 loads of mags and cheats Al fully boxed with instructions. FREE Sony Disisman, 2 Control Pads (I Turbo), all wort E475 1 Ice E225.
FOR SALE Electronic Gaming
Ayrion, Senna, 'Nate Want World, Klee Voted E20 each Darwin 40e1, Blodtout Castle or Illusion. Ghostbusters, Junction EIS each. Plus SPIES Games. Lemmings EX. Smash TV E25 Bake Ruse C25. All vgc Ask for Dave on (02651 832930, MEGA CD, 37 Cons including Jungle Strike. SCR 142, Road Rash 1&2_ Tiny ICreel and many more, Also 4 CD's inciuding Final Fight, Master System Converter_ Jag Converter Action Replay Game. Genie 4. Joyped. Tons ot Nees. All for C950 ono (05921 631056
Telephoner Andy (0942) 725224. Also for sate Nintendo Deluxe, Boxed 5 Games E60 Buyer colect ME GADRIVE Games for sale_
Altered Beast E12, Two Crude Dudes £25 Mint Condition Telephone (0291) 689306 and ask for MEGADRIVEHobert
MEGADRIVE Games for sale including Streets of Rage II and Flageback Pieces may vary from EI0-C25 Buyer must collect. Phone (081391 835370 iBromleyOrpingon: MASTER SYSTEM II wit 6 Games including Sonic 1 and Asti Light
MEGADRIVE with lei Game. including Sonic 1 8.2, Macs, Streets of Rage, 2 Control Pads, still Bored. Onhy4 months old Worth £750, Civets sale needed £320 One.
waning'BARGAIN' Megadrive Games Lotus Challenge. Sonic 1.12 and Desert Strike £50 gets you lee lot. Buyer must reeled from Duns vonSalisbury,nearWiltshire Teed 10980)tone 53622 ask for Bob MEGA CO for sale including Jaguar XJ220, Cobra Commarid, Sol Feace, Streets of Regis. Super Monaco OP, Golden Axe, The Rei„enge of seinde and Columns. al on CO. Genuine reason for sale. All boxed £250. Teephone (0380) 724348
BARGAIN! UK Megadeve plus the best Foote Game out, SUMS Kick Off one ESO inckeling P&P Telephone (0884 I 38964 FOR SALE "Jurassic Pak' for the American Sega Genesis. rover been used (40 olo, Phone (0527) 401715
MEGADRIVE GAMES for sale: EA Hockey. Lotus, Turbo Chalterege. Olympic Gold.
COMICS For Sale over 200 al °coo Condition Marvel, Worth C3004- sell £150 Telephone Hu* on (0222) 611204 (Cardiff) Weekdays only
Game tor sake Tiny Toons £20 to E25 on swap for PGA 1 or 2 Phone Daniel on 10272) 730824.
Oates, Tamworth B77 1EE_ FED UP with your Mega CD then111 swap Sonic 162. Ghouls n' Ghosts, Immortal, Golden Axe, John Maddens '92, Winter Challenge, Altered Beast and Desert Strike for your Mega CD and plenty of Games possible pock up. Contact Andy after 4prn on 021-777 1217 please help SEGAme') MASTER Will swap Great God, Golden Axe, also Boxing or will consider selling cheap also some others. Andrew 0744 31918
m transportvethoutWANTTOSWAP
FANS! I own a 128.2 with over 400 Games to swap Many ClaSSIOS and also new games Also wanted Multilaoa 128 • will pay EIO
SEGA MEGADRIVE and Super Nintendo Games wanted, will pay good once for recent games or will swap some 10527) 32230.
Most games considered. SWAP MEGADRIVE wet, 2 Controllers and 9 Games tor Good Working Amiga 500. with Germs_ Phone Stuart 4-10pm on 081-360
LIKE TO SWAP World Cup 93 tor the Master System tor Williams GP on tee Master System with Instruction Book arid Cue Phone Daniel on 081-500 4843 I live -n the East London Essex area
GIRLS aged 14.16 who like and own a Magatinve please write to Dean Willson. 10 Glengail Road, Edgware, Middlesex HAS SST PS Send a photo of yourself and pleese list your games. MY NAME IS ANDREW, I am 1 1 Years obd I would like penpais with similar tastes to mine Telephone (0744i 31918 SI Helens
demonstraled and delivered for E350 ovno. Phone 10344) 484542 &lei 60in
BOXED MEGADRIVE with 8 Games. 2 Controllers. Games include Flashback. Ghouts n Ghosts.
SWAP my Megadrive with 4 Games (Sonic. Alien 3. Gynoug arid Castle of Illusdni for Amiga KC or 600 with some decent software and a Joystick Phone Mark on (04521 384485 between 6.9pm. Gloucester area only please as 1
MY NAME IS KERYS, rm 18 and rm Jcwing for a ponfnend who likes all computers, drawing, and himsveleos I/ you're bored then write to Kerys Mitchell Parc Farm Gwernatbeld. Mold Clwyd CH7 5ER 100% reply guaranteed Please wise
Great SWAPDeerMEGADRIVE with 6 Games.
WANTED any kind of Amiga with or without Games will swap for Megadrive with 9 Games plus 2 Joypads and 1 Joysbck Phone David alter tiom on (02821 457812.
PIEScollectswith 2 Control Pads, Zapper and 4 Games E55 one or will swap 'or Megadrive Telephone (0742) e90568
GAMES. UK Boxed Good Condition. Instructions Chase ISO I & II, Cisco Heat for novice) No time wasters' State details and ence required. please write to Richard, 2 Crown Buildings, 7 Durham Road. Belley. County Durham 0143 1 LG. No
NEED A PEN PAL? Weii send a cheque or postal order for El 50 to The Pen Pal Club. 129 Harnitton Avenue, Hatesowen, West Midlands B62 808 The cheapest way to get a TOPenPallALL
2 Joypads to. an Amiga 600. Telephone Adam or 081-220 3513.
and Donald MD Game for MD Game Ecco the Dolphin. Ring Ashley (0237) 451872
SPIES WITH 4 Good Games in Mint Condition witting to swap for your MD well 6 Games Ceti 011ie (0264)
MEGADRIVE WITH Mega Lo Mania, Kid Chameleon, Sonic 1. Swee'Pal Exchange for SPIES, 2 Games preferably Mario. Kart. SF 2 Telephone Ben on (0354) 692958 SPIES. 2 Controllers. Scope Converter • Games to swap for an Amiga 5004 Telephone (0248)
SWAPTASTICI Swap any Saga Game tor lust E4 Inc P&P). Send your Game, your 3 Game choices, your Name and Address and a ChequePO for E4 made payable to
MEGA CD and Megadrive. 9 Cd Games including Final Fight and Road Avenger. 16 Cartridges includes LHX, 12. Gynoug Monaco 2, Menace
crve my NecOoto. 2 Joysticks. Burning Fight. MegaCD Megadrive Games for swap from E5, excellent selection Phone Bean oiler 2pm (0463) 221173 Excellent.
MEGADRIVE kleoaCE) Games waited, cash paid, I have over 100 games for swap from E4 Give me your Megadnve and I will gPall you a brand new SNES and games. Brian
forG14Norse70tipsMEGADRIVEsoon'MISCELLANEOUSripsPool,Pr•ntediAingaMaccomputerwithI00,iSendSAEandEltoDavidRoadSootstown,Glasgow9HTFORSALE.issues9-13,15-19.21-24atMeanMachinesincludingTheCompleteGuidetoSegaTheCompleteGuideloConsoles4andCompleteGuidetoMegadrNesAlE50ContactChunon1070ei751829.Weekdaysafter4pmonlyAlVGCMESSAGESTHEPERFECTChristmasMegedrivewith9topreamga,,t2s.DesertStrike.JungleStoke.AHockey,JohnMaddensFootball,StreetsofRage11,LotusChallengeWrestling•afewmore.2idyl:Ade.Turbo.PhoneKieran0$1•42137089.WorthE500*Reasonableottersconsidered AddressNome PLEASE RENE IN MEGAMART Got something to sett? Or wont to swap games? Do you want something. or do you have a spec lot message? Perhaps you just want 0 pen pal? Well, whatever you want, the MEAN MACHINES Megomart is the place for you_ For just 11 you can have your very own odvertisement containing up to 20 words! Or if you're feeting rich and verbose (took It up in the dictionary). 12 wilt buy you 40 (Count 'em) words!! So what ore you waiting for? Fill in TOHSETHEMEAN111A(HIHESthesquares below with your words. pop it In an envelope along with a Cheque or postal order (do not send cosh) Mode payable to MEAN MACHINES and send It to MEAN MACHINES MEGAMART, MEAN 30-32PRIORYMACHINES.COURT.FARRINGDON LANE EC1RLONDON3ALI. THAT REPLYING i iltaTE AMIE 1 0'KSRI11HEkE'SIt ES Post Code TetNo: ATTENTION!MEANMACHINES Megam art Is for private advertisers only Anybody sending in a trade advert will not have It published. It will be Ignored. your cheque will mot be cashed and no correspondence wilt be entered Into! - However. if you ore Interested In ptocing a lineage trade od. please contact Marie on 071-972 6700 NOW! Due to deadlines allow up to six weeks for your *Overt to appear in the maga 1 IT 1111 i WANT PlY ADAM Tito U Itio DiNS frICI ntl nSP'/ El FL INTHETOPBOXCDR11(2CwORDS). OFFORALARGERNEsSAOE, ru., IN SON BOXESPOP ONNE2 (40WORDS) FLLASE NOTE ONLY ONE'WORDPEPBOX, P•AY4ENUMBERSCOUNTASOHE WORD THENFIL,LINYOURMf96AGE CAPiTALS ANDwRITE NIATLf TO AVOIDHISTAAES,
Sonic 1 82 Wit swap for SNES
Phone Gary on 10422) 886207
a Master System with 4 good Games and a Commodore 64 with hundreds of Games tor a SPIES with 2 or 3 Games 'preferably with STF 2).
NIEGADRIVE GAMES for swapOoden Axe 2 or Streets ol Rage 2 tor Super Monaco GP I or 2 Telephone (06891 836257 MAGA 500, 1 Meg. loads of Games, Joyead. Mouse etc.. swap for Super PIES with Games or E140 Phone John '0483) 428209.
SWAP MEGADRIVE with B Games plus Turbopact and Boxed Arcade Powerstick MD arid Games are all boxed with instructtions. I want American Super PIES with 5106 Games Contact Ricky on 081-368
Master System Owners' I'd like to swap Sonic 2 for Sonic 1, Ring Joel 10598) 3315.
MEGADRIVE Sorsa Madden 93, EA
Write to Kathryn, 2 Blagclen Grove. Bishop Auckland, County Durham DL 14 ORZ. Please send your games
Hodety. California Games for SNES with 3 Games, (OW) 33204.
weeedays weekends FOR SALE, Move:Inv@ with 5 Games which includes Sonic, Green Dog, Toki. Risky Woods and Alma Dragon, everything in onginal boxes and in great condition, even around £250 but selling tor E190 one Phone Matthew 071-791 0825- Buyer
I have B titles to swap -nciuding Lemmings Phone 10292) 443555
Telephone Roger on 081-482 4598 after SWAP5pmGAMEGEAR with 2 Games.
2 Joypacts and at least 2 decent Games or will soil for E200
Streets of Rage 2 on the Megadnve for Super Kick Ott on the Mega:ewe Telephone (0840' 250636 ask for Simon after
WANTED Amiga 600 without Games to swap with Sega Megackive with 5 &NM Games worth at least E350 willsell lot t 175 Phone James on (0392) 210193 after 6grn GAMEGEAR, many accessones including TV Tuner, to swap for Mega CD Games. I'm interested on • Menacer Contact Nick 051-644 94813
The Costlevanio saga tracks the exploits of an errant vampire hunter named Simon Belmont, who's confrontations with Count Dracula are now legendary. However fans of the series ore in for a big surprise as Belmont no longer stars os the hero, being replaced instead by two chorocters named Eric lecorde and Jonny MIIIIIP4annyMorris.isof the Belmont lin-
Costlevonia game planned for the Megadrivel Released in November the game is dubbed 'The New Generation' and follows on from the highly successful platform series previously only licensed to Nintendo, Of oil the Konami titles Costlevania is perhaps the most eagerly awaited and we are all hoping that the finished product meets the standards set by Castlevania IV. A half-finished rsion of the game currently has • - pride of place in the MEAN MACHINES office and, judging from this, the game is shooing upwell.
JOHN NOW "A47Sil1/1118!".1 II IVVA0111. I WE lit NOITARENEGNEHTemg
a whip known affectionately as the 'Vampire Killer', to aid him in his mission for Dracula's death. Unlike Jon, Eric's faith lies with his 'Witches Spear' as he prepares to avenge the nfortunate demise
'Boney,oeh? Well at lealr rnati a !etgirlfriend's
In selecting two new heroes foc the latest quest Konomi has further expanded the gameplov b Ilocoting unique powers to Eric and Jonny. The novelties continue with there being specialist levels for each character in which the benefits of Eric s spear or loony's whip ere exploited. Konnmi we doubtless dedicating mud time to tanSU ring
soon!wardCesffitteoryleMegctalrielVolliisascoolasitsheritage.Welookfor-.tobringingyouspectacularreviewofthi',promisinggamever)01.0 Ci I1144N41044*164 V I- Ihe 1011111011 •044osEplifmooniima111(01100(30001000111000IMI•••A.•'4•lit••14, I 0411(11 i 0 P 11-1.i-11114011 FRYPt/4_.00lisenr_LE no•ir oshe 136MPASEGA Grdol Go Immo! ado! Quit following me! Go home!410.- dais diet" dillto•
1I11 111r( OTT (II(1i(()I)• Tel / Fax 0736 331131 SEGA MEGADRIVESEGA MEGADRIVE 2 ()K) + SONIC 2 11 1 4.99 SEGA MEGADRIVE (UK) + STREET FIGHTER 2 1129.99 SEGA MEGADRIVE 2 + (UK) + ALADDIN 1 I I 4.9 SEGA MEGADRIVE 2 (UK)NO GAME 194.99 SEGA GAME GEAR + I GAME 179.99 SNES (USA) (SCART)1 1 1 9.99 + 1 GAME 1 1 3 9.99 MEGA CD 2 (UK) + ROAD AVENGER 1229.99 MEGA CD 2 (UK) + ROAD AVENGER + MEGADRIVE 2 (UK) 1339.99 MEGA CD SOFTWARE BATMAN RETURNS.. 42.99 ECCO THE DOLPHIN, „.,39,99 INXS - MUSIC VIDEO 39 99 LETHAL ENFORCERS CALL 39LLAC27 0 NIGHT TRAP 42,99 o Club Soccer SEWER SHARK . 49 99 Pderl'AJFereen000SONIC CD . 39 99 rnmorter SPIDERMAN THUNDERHAWK(USA) 3 9949993 t 192enatihnescillMas ,4/JOHNJANES-39-99GRANDSLAN119145._GLINSTAPGLOBALFLASHRAOCFATZL,FEXECCOEADRAGONSDOUBLECOOLDAVISCOLLEGEDiASEOWNONSHPOSMANCAPTANSISSYBULLSBCEBASB3AttBATTUASTEI;SxALACCONTOADS2070VSBLAZERSPLANET_27,99Atom31931-10_3299FOO1BALI______3493CUPTEN4G_399990T(loot.3999FURY.--3399503:ER7793MfiNtIlS__14991RACWFURY_429919,93GADATCPS„1999HEROES-2499BCND-_2499MADDEN93_2193SEGAMillaffgslir:.:5,ratlu,041•:::::::::::::::::::::::I:::: ,thogaifie6,?,,,,a..reg-i„,,,elt,„km, _3399 LINGLE MACE KARPS9CAJUR99..4214,99KRUSTYSRiNHOUSE V393 MICRO MACHINES___3999 MG 29_MORTAL COMM'3499 MURAMMB)NI MUTANTLEAGUE Fe -____NIA 94N14. POPULOUS94_ 1 SB4SONS9•40111SWOONROUNDRoorrrRISKYRAnGER-paw,mcosot____LXWOODSKNIGKrTHUNDER2OFBEAST2,39DEFo:KETsow2 SUIVIAROiALIENGE VE)(MEN_XENONTEO4NOSiPERMANCLASH2USED'TITLES )eciow yeast rttta?.ght.esera!rpeetsnagetaer ..... • vrrNAolect;,gratorcan rag noilltlifro tgAsetireptirlbotemi 3999279334993493449939993399279944993999 249939992499399934993993 9927.239939992499 249339993993229932_992499 3499 S FIGHTEREET 2 152.99 + 6 PADBUTTON166.99ANOTHERWORLD124.99NE0 CEO WORLD HEREOS 2 SENGOKU 2 3 COUNT BOUT FATAL FURY 2 OAD RASH 2 PADSONIC124.99SPINBALL/39.99ALADDIN139.99MDEXTRA1I2.99 TIRED OF YOUR OLD GAMES? WE WILL BUY THEM BACK OR PART EXCHANGE NE0 GEO (UK) + JOYSTICK/324.99 169.99169.99149.99169.99 WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF USED NW GEO GAMES' PART EXCHANGE WELCOME RETAIL & MAIL OREDER CONSOLE CONNECTIONS UNIT 2. 1:7)LDBAKEHOUSE MAIL ORDER OPEN 10AM 9FM Moo- Fri .11AM - SPM Sat Sun. LANE. CHAPEL STREET. PENZANCE CORNWALL TR113 4AE NEXT DAY DELIVERY NATIONWIDE, GAMES E1.50 CONSOLES E I 0 (E6 3 - S DAYS) THIS CHRISTMAS - ORDER BY MAIL WITH CONFIDANCE - FROM AN ESTABLISHED SHOP complete with 7 great6 cat Mega CD games rive games. foldand ti 2 Tlirbo per et Fighter 2 special ton edition on Mega I rive 5 to be won. Eachquestion into/pet answering 3 simplequestionseach question we ask_youto complete a well knowngame cartP 5trictly one entry per householdpleaseper competifion, / winnerschosen at random by computeron the closing da Laur, updaltd evety Mantiay. a pen d- paper ready cAus COg 30 9 PIREALSSCN44TERAAPCHEMNni OfEMEPERSON PAVING Nt 1.110E4 64.L WORE PEA42 'EPS CAL MAIDA)P4 CALtP Ili MINI I *UMW Likti....V51 i o4 LrEN' NAM IL1111 MAC 6 1., Ort,A, 1, 1 KA , L6.c MALIMMI i INCA 14 6 MPLS MANNAUM. COSI at E2 115 CHEAP ItAtt e2 le PIA cuNsott ,tolims FOP A CCAN OP PfTIONSCOMPEITAIskPiLiL$Ais1atIcrOP.lcri4EIDEIONE E3OSE ON 74 ib SEDPEM8E4 1 tucz Ii 0891 318 INFORMATION HELPL1NE 0891 318 401..........AAME OF THE MONTH - COOL SPOT IIIM 0891 318 401 GAME GEAR, ALL 0891 118 403 ....DESERTSTRIKE& TM TERMINATOR I & I I 0891 318 404..........4TREITS OF RAN 2 & I CHEATS & HELP 0891318405 I & I nil, mins &NEP 0891 118 406.........GOLDEN OLDIES, LOADS OF 111ECLASSICS 0891 318 407. NEW RELEASE(14EGADRIVE) 118 408 MEGADRIVE CHEATS (LOADS & LOADS) 0891 318 409.............MASTER SYSTEM CHEATS Hitirs & TIPS 0891 118 410 .........GAME OF ME MONTH (MEGAINUVE) THIS ...... 440NIN BUSBY 11MM NEW IM (CHANGESWEEKLY) )1 318 41 PC SUPPORT 0891 3 18 412 I IIThFITM..IJONIC II (MASTER STIn11) 0081 118 411 ........JUNGLE STRIKE RILL SOLUTION & CHEATS 0891 118 4 REALISE (MASTER STOW) 0891 318 41 GAMES, CHANGES EVERY S DAYS, WEEK MORTAL KOMBAT (GORECODES & CHEATS) HOME No ow NAWUYOIF,NB)n EN BUY A RADIO AYE PEN A PAPER READY FOR INFORMATION mutt ST I6p CHEAP, 48p ALL OTHER TIMES. PLEASE ASK NOON FROM NHL PAWN RSIFORF PRODUCTIONSLIBLIALERAIIILVER11101111AYPHONINGLTD,POBOX193.HAYES,MIDDLESEX.
MEGA DR I VE PREVIEW Mr" w AMMO!' IP% =moot -620 • 1 1 ,:ert:Vu! Mrs !Ill!!!••,' lA rP AIM Casten yer belts and rev up yer Fengines for the race of your life on the Megadrive. It's Lotus II: RECS, the sequel to EA's spiffing Lotus Turbo Challenge and it's coming your way coon.Dive into the hotseat of a Lotus '.upercor and either against the computer or csgainst a mate in a split screen racing extravagonza, drive, drive like the wind over 13 weird and wonderful where the weather is your deadly foe and your reflexes and courage your only allies.Each of the 73 tracks have new challenges to face and conquer — wind blows you off the track, snow covers the course completely so you almost have to guess ,-,"_-, 111 'API% 4fie ••••,•• •• nalklbe mom •ITIC 177 . • ••_ :sThi [ F. 1.11'OTT.5,••-••• • •:,iulkivimmMVI;1.11al 11119••••••• • • ..•-•ipior t t IF '44l• s ntM!ra ir;eta7t 138 MIA 1110A CVO 1==inimmel0:0 your way, roadworks hold up your mod dash for glory and fallen logs send you flying off the road. Choose from three super-models — an Esprit, on Elan or on M200 concept cor then decide whether you want monual or automatic gears, tune your radio into your fove sounds then tap into RECS which allows you to customise your tracks — making them longer, sharper, harder, more packed with cars, obstacles and so on. Boo-hiss there ore still no almighty crashes on the tracks (one of the conditions of the licence) but this game is looking like hot stuff. Keep your eyes peeled on future issues of MEAN MACHINE SEGA for a full review, OEM' GO T3 1 a Ta 13Ligebid •110. • 1= El in t maIMEME111.111a•I CO la 0 1 I"MIEl
Ook-argh,PLAYERSyou townies bairrt wanting to be drivin• them there autymobites across my fallow ground. Get oil my 1 SEPP IIPpe wow liwp Immo],m.=110-1;imm-mho•Imr r1)-4 -r FR FRI awo•)144001111C 1109thiatill-35 LEVIL j - Meet • 1 S S IS LIPS It L pl1,rHPlet1111M)1rIF=tocom=t-&het! • fiVtli ,
MACHINES SEGA, Wowld mom like to 11 any cannon? ShipwrightCannon0 Cannon 8Continua -0105paceColdPirate 31 21.40gametor5 EGADR !YE PREVIEW It was the most amazing thing Guy, this just fellrightoff the back of a lorry... Keep the lads happy or it's the plonk ler yea me hearty! travallor from Barbodog olterg informotiontip or LOP sold pliacolgo you ograo? on •"4. ,•••• walk tarn ialt PLAYER ri --71101RELEASE 0-ts' ptICEMICROPMMMTBATBA PERCENTCOMPLETE'111MM
oh-orhh me hearties! Pieces of eight o ho and a bottle of rum Just a brief hint to herald the imminent arrival of Microprose's new Megadrive experience which is, of all things, a piracy simlThis action adventure game drags youback to the 17th century and sticks you in the middle of the ocean, primarily on a clapped out old hulk. From there, navigate the high seas, pick yourself up a crew from some seedy tavern then start some serious plundering. Attack other • ships in the night then er steal the vessel or st pinch her goods kill her crew and sink her, to
Once you build up a bit of cash, start charging 'nto cities, overpowering fortresses and swiping re dosh. Make sure each time you land though at you stock up on the food otherwise your men t rocked off and start a mutiny. This game is certoinly unusual and graphically 's pretty good well give you the run down on the ayability front in a future issue of MEAN
EHTHTIW••ik-dimpA,rp„,Alipdilorw„,,4_41-- YOUCANNOWPLAY \ ==rAGETIRUOVAFRUOY:11111111=-11 JustTODESTRUCTION!!!!imagine,Infinite lives, unlimited energy, special effects, extra fuel/ammo or play on any level. Become invincible with the Action Replay Cartridge for your MEGADRIVETM MASTER SYSTEM" I& GAME GEARTM Console. So c.. on oh, 010 With its unique built-th b I N 11:R. you can actually find and cheats. No need to wait to. With this unique feature you ouwt,.. , ty tocrack the as they Cr i od. SUM TAN COOn No ottww product can offer this!TIONREPLAYLPILINEVofthu wide opeo. mber that only Action Replay gives you the power St open US, Japanese and European cartridges! lob Wa 1$041011 ,711f4411, CLIME GEAR' ,L, OU CAN PLAY IMP° NESIST" GAMES to ON Y MEGADRIVErmll PLAVia JAVAN&UMES MCA TOW CtilUR ifalRe TUE MITER STITOF • rme MEGADMPIff." 1ITIPOAIM%1,an!-MOW To GET YOUR ORDER FAST! 0782fineopeotam • 9.30om. I NIOADMVE I. 1•I. BA MIGA cot' PC IP'L.B1N'CNIPAIrolEtiOn Pa PAEGIAL-IDEVP ft Desilined and hy IDATFL Ft FCTRONICS • ALL CillECWIEWPOSTA I- cartoons MADE PAYABLE TO TNATFOnem 090Derri ill DISMAIlk otrUltD. Or/ CO LIDORSU IT SICIAIMTIUIU LT12 11&Luiz aiLLAilia& D O 1 AZUmmHg 111111111111111•111111•1111111M11111111111EMIEMINIENEMMEIRIMMEMIEMIIPATELILICTRONICS GOVAN ROAD, FENTON INDUSTRIAL ESTATE, FENTON. STOKE-ON-TRENT. ST4 2RS, ENGLAND. FAX 0782 744292 TECHNICAL/CUSTOMER SERVICE 0782 744324 KILL12121 24 HOUR MAIL ORDER HOTLIN 0782 7447MN0404••V
n Februorrof next year the
To celebrate this
the XVII
are fortunate enough to find themselves appointed as the sole developers of a Winter Olympics video-game — by' rder of the Lillehammer Olympicmmiffee,Organisingno Owe L.aSS*ewbait. d Of all the bokt Somebody very much larger than myself musrve mode it here before 'me! 1:1116-7111111.41.910;11.50 066.47 0, ,14I trees heteciest 11 MEGADRIVE PREVIEW 142 MM SEGA RELEASEDECEMBEfjp USGOLDT 1-1071 1111111TEAPERCENTCOMPLETE,PLAYERS ill I BY
free reign to make use of all the • 'official Olympic Winter Games'i •-• mascots and other marketing 1 11 images.:1 What this means for the player is the game looks and feels precisely the some way. the ,Olympics are expected t appecw in Lillehammer. This hype, its the simple truth. To ther capitalise on this fairly some marketing advantoge Gold plan to release a limit edition promotion pack upontitle's release in December. Obviously this does much to enhance the appeal of the game to us, the consumers, however similar titles have suffeeed quote a shaky history on consoles. D Winter Olympics offer anything new in terms of gameplay abov that of the button-hammeringfrecentyears? Norwegian city of Lillehammet hosts Winter Olympics. potentially spectacular event Gold
Kristin, &ikon and Jim (the skinny one behind the post).
cry. • cky enough to accompany US Gold representatives to Norway where he too braved the Bobsleigh with only a crash helmet and a big metalcoge for protection. at a hero, eh? Still he also nagekto have a good look ound mapy of the Olympic s s and reckons he's pretty clued u p on ihe whole lillehammer scene — him and just about every other spawnmeister from the "rival" moo. Basically, when it comes to the review next issue you can rest assured that Our opinion is, at the very least, well informed
inceNow the op!?
The US Gold pia research and d S Were allowed access Olympic arena; they took on the Bob 0 05 6R 017.62 kott Sleigh and visited all the downhill PIA PEN. Wheeze,,slopes. In short the interpretations of each event featured in the game ore as accu- - - -- '. rate as they cansideredr (-possible. When the game is released players choose to take part in ten of the Olympic's ..', . events The Bob, Sleigh and Lugo; Track Speed Skating, Ski•Jump and Super G; Down Hill, slalom and Giant Slalom The Freestyle Moguls is the most obscure title of l•; • them all and is really l'i
just an extravagant :name3,,:'0(for some fancy stunt-skiing. Of course .4.,SWthere is a fair amount of bunion bashing -,r involved with events such as the Speed Skating and the „Sleigh where high locity and stomina of the essence.
:4.", Generaily, though, the package is better .1 described as .–Californio Games on ic Furious, &nes refused to let, him post until he took the sign down.
110001011oO 1/1011R1410PSOSINMIE PlIRME \ ItI DEPIRIMENIS1011t1MENZIESCOMPIIIERVilitt11013SPE%E19.99ORMORE.ThisoilerisvaliduntilAthDecember1993.Thisvouchercannotbeexchangedforcash.bevoucherconusedforanyonepurchasOnlyonee.--FOR SI—ORE USE to the Store Manager: head office with \ -- ---------------, Slog• cods No Hops Na -- ,Return this voucher toyour Tat monthty tokens and Solos osmtioni isihols voucher retur - - • ,...K....00 ...memoomemom ....... ANDUO)I'TEARI:101111N'ITOJohnMenzies InJohnMenziescomputerdepartments, you'll find remarkable deals on entertainments software across all formats.And in everymagazinebelow, youll find another 5 voucher waiting to saveyoumoney.Buy the titles, rip the vouchersandcash in. 'Mt MI CH 0 stir-_40-6-. • 117 !KATPFIKANAICOMPUTER
Quick, someone get him a glass of water. If I could move onto our next questioner, Sporkster. SPARKSTER:You know, Eamonn, I can sense a kindred spirit, so I'd take a guess that our friend here stars in a derivative platform game! And(APPLAUSE)I'dalso wager there's lots of cakes and lelly for backgrounds, and this little blighter throws sweets at his EAMONN:Well,enemies.that's not really a question. urnaliste Tom Guise of MegaTech. Think, you can swing out for the panel, Tom?
Hello there, and welcome to Next Month Celebrity What's My Line. This month's distinguished panel of guests from the giddy world of games will be trying to work out who will be appearing in the next Mean Machines. So, little black insect man, with pointy ears and a ski-mask, would you like to sign In please.
JAMES POND:Flub, blurb, gasp, flop. EAMONN:You appear to be choking, Mr Pond.
TOM:Well, er, certainly Eamonn. Er, four way play
Tom's island, here come the pixies?
EAMONN:Well it seems like you've beaten the panel, mystery guest. Would you reveal your identiTOM:Ohhtfy. It's EAMONN:Well,Zoothat's all we've time for. See you next month!
Now, our first panelist, Blaze Fielding, what's your BLAZE:Thanks,question? Eamonn. You know, it's tough on those Streets of Rage, so I'd like to ask if you learned martial arts for your game?
“One in four of our children education,secondaryleaveandcan'tW-Aw--readproperly.”SponsoredbythePeriodicalPublishersAssociationJohnMajor,PrimeMinisterDON'TTAXREADINGWritetoyourMPtodayandsay"No"toVATonpublications.
MEGADRIVE GAMES 20"•-50% OFF RAP MILIDIEBSOP1912/1 LIRMEMBERS 4.00 ?firmsicMINOS 606 WEISII5 NOLO NENIMIS 1DO NIP ACCLAIM WORLD n.0 SOCCER • .3•16 MM. RADOM • 42/N3 MAIN 4 3010 NOTTIER WON() ISM • ISIS NCH RIVALS PSI 4 31141 NNW • TIN MEAT RESCIA Okla 4 sea Roll. LAM 33 119 IA4 VORA' COLECO pis PIMISALL (A POUR PRATER MAW) 4410 MIPS SCRANZA MOTOPIS :ISM PLCR ROCA 2 APPHANDiellMICKAICHUOPSON • ALSO VOL SPOT Ant CANIS 34 N ,A0111 Cl.P ISMIN 4:- 44 le MIST Mal M AMMO DUCK.CoA001401 31.90 CRIME CLUTCH Mao 'Cake DRAGON 21110 NACULA NISI NAOON SPURT it SPORTS SOCCER EA POUR PLAYER GANN • Nab EICCO1001,000UROPEANCWS FOOTSALL MIN as sham EAGLE y MOT na INTERCEPTOR an FATAL LAI TRIIIRM 16O1 MNERAL100444.1211501111MNLLAITOC2 CRAM NAMUR OaddllI , 4110 4384* MONA 14 GHOSTS AKIO .10 HI RANITAR HITIOES 44216 MN -.NOVO 10110 17 411 .500100 2 JOAO 30 10 <1041N01021410 ONE I • 31AS3110Jam2024OWN2120116250034343636NOT4000104140MI04040NO303041aIONtoo 31JOYPADSOtalass at EwHEEL STE ERING WHEEL FOR MEGADNIVE. ItIJOS INTO JOTPAD PORT SUMS MOST DRNING sames. CAN SE USED WITH FOOT PEDAL 23 _IC11 I LOGIPAD SO FOR MECIAORIVE net WORLDS FIRST FULLY INCSIOSWITCHED OTPAO WITH AUTO FIRE .13,99 DMIM PYTHON JOYSTICK MEM AUTOPIREI BACILJOY FOOT PEDAL (TRANSFERS JOYSTICK ANSGNIVIRDROFLAEDISLADEP10011OTONOITD111111 PLYING GAMES - CAN SE USED wiT11 PRSIEWHEEL MEMO WHEEL) DOCIIJOY MOAMAR JOYSTICK ROM AuTOPME AND Stow eICITION NOUSTRIAL STRENGTH INCITOSIMIc HES ANDSMOCKassoasso soon 1 s es OACILIOY SO PROGRAM PAD TR0OPIAMIIA6LF JOYPAD CAN NOLO up to THREE INIESET MOvIES IN REPORT IDEAL FOR GAMES adERE SPECIAL MOVES USING TORE MN ONE SUTTON ARE REQUIRED 21ACILJOI SO POCIPAD WITH SLOw NOTION NO TWO SPEED AuTIMMEI ----TM INTER MEGAGIRTP tei WITH inITOITIRE , 11.99 SATTER MEGA/RASTER IT JOYSTICK WITH AUTOMPIE IND SLOW NOTION rENCROSWiTCHEDI 1 s 99 lank M(GAPAD I WITH AUTOTIRE MC SLOW MOTION 11.99 VEGA SIX SUTTON CONTROL PAD ILINCOSI CTSERMAD PRIOGRAMMABLE JOTPAD CAM O LD TWO PRESET MOVES IN MEMORY WOUIPISS OX X GAME0142YTERBAT15126AAA GEAR DEALS SAME GEAR WITH :OLUMNS GAME NO MAINS ADAPTOR) GENUINE UK VERSION, SAVE t10.... ..,b3.9S GAME GEAR WITH FOUR GAMES 140 MAINS ADAPTOR) VOLLEY AND SMASH. KICK AND BLOCK. DRIVING AND COLUMNS IGAMES. GENUINE UK VERSION. 87 SS MEGADRIVE 2 DEALS MEGADRIVE 2 WITH SONIC 2 A TWO SEGA JOYPADS • GENUINE UK VERSION. t Ct MEGADRIVE 2 AS ABOVE COMPLETE WITH SONY 14" FST KVM14100 COLOUR TV/MONITOR AND SCART LEAD. SAVE 143 ON 295.99WU' MEGA CD 2 WITH ROAD AVENGER GENUINE UK VERSION 'REQUIRES MEGADRIVE 1 OR 2) SAVE L.20 MEGADRIVE 2 AS ABOVE PLUS MEGA CD 2 AS ABOVE GENUINE UK VERSIONS 'AVE L-Ir. MEGADRIVE 2 AS ABOVE PLUS MEGA CD 2 AS ABOVE (GENUINE UK VERSIONS) COMPLETE WITH SONY 14" FST KVM1400 COLOUR TV/MONITOR AND SCART LEAD. SAVE EN ON RI. 18.99 1 WIMANA JONES 3 31 4MIES POND 3 POE TIONTANASIMORMAIUN Ill POOMALL 3 4__..----.111111111 Ji NNEN MADDEN MD EA CI HOCKEY .-31 MOLE Shwa .44J0 ALIAAIBIC PARS 30 LAN ACTION NERO. 41 mendLIMN.REMIN10011INFORCERSLOH?Gotb• 64 1.141 ATIACA CITOPMER TAW MEGA MONDGAMESCUPITALIA 10 COLUMN& HOFER RANO ON 311.WHETmITIA.LowelaANDDONALD 30 Ile IS INCIHTIR IN-01 IIiooPIAL1000111ANKIN‘0111141 NS, 42 SUKAHMAD AL POMO ass se testae, 6.140L0 ToorBALL MIS 30 WA NUR PRATER DAME. • MSS ARILCIE HOCKEY 1 03 30Or/WNW32le • --44491 PGA 001." NNE PANTION • 4410 M POPULOUS,lalwata IIIVINGE• O. SNOOD 1990 WED RANT NM 30 "oho RAW 2 ISM N 110006001J4.mEs POND 2, moo 30 1106000R TERMINATOR • NES NI oeocoLITI 10111114 3*R/0INGET620O4*440ADVINTM112SUPERMONACO --SIMI Jo 40 4•000w op twl seat --lea SO PROM 3 IIN3U11 OP THE lionM RIASIMb MN DIM MAKE Merril IMO ?MU • .-44.110 BINE SONIC 2 Mal BIM Spritlaat -Mal ION •ISSO ITAI COMO MAIYEa..... TAM CHUCK ROCA 2040 CHUCK ROCA a ION OF CHUCK MIAS COLUMNS • IAN COOL SPOT 36 CRYSTAL welMoemS 174e DESERT snag 34 de OONAL 0 Dut n CORAL 0 NKR 1 2. Ie Multi DRAGON 26.40 OCCO TM DOLPHIN. 31111 FANTAITIC MIN 2216 1-00110JLA ONE GLOOAL DIA0111001 %NIL A •oomP42MAOJONES 22 0 TO BIREETTIONTIO 1STREETS 06 5401 AO SNORTS OF ,Not$YNDER • WAIMEA CNALLETTOE _II MORSE 1 roses. II suPER Is sUPER loom) NAOMI te 20 in SWORD VENIMLLON IN. MESTER ANO TWISTY mo SA 01 TANIANA 30 44 TIECNNO CLASH TICINO CUP SOCCER 4415 IS 44 TEEmla 101MIT MEMO TI1*111$44 AO , 36 40 TO -$0 60 1II55401 MUTANT MORD 1110112110 3640 100101241SOWKN06WMT10011114ITERMINATOR 3116 , 1740 INI 3156 MENACES upia GUN IMMEi 38119 46 notpRFONCE to rep WOO n TOE JAM ANE1 LAX ..••••• TORSO 2 RAMO AIM JOYINID FOR MICIADRIVE MOTH *UMPIRE AND ILO* MOTIONS.-- 9-11 IMMO TOUCH 300 FOR MECIADRIVE 'TOUCH SIDISTIPE JOIPAD WITH *WI:aim! _mos LEADS oftel LEAD - MEGADRIVE TO STEREO SYSTEM ALLOWS IMEGADFINE I TO DE CONNECTED TO STEREO VIA MEGADRIVE HEADPHONE SOCKET APO NI T1 PION° SOCKETS. IONITOR LEAD • MEGADRIVE TO PHILIPS CAMEO 55512 OR CON ISMS NOMTOR -SW SCARE LEAD • MECADRIVE I TO TELEVISOR WITH WORT INPUT MISC ACTION REPLAY PRO CARTRIDGE FOR soomasvil LALLOWS CHEAT CODES TO BE ENTERED TO GAME FOR REMOTE LIVES CREDITS ETC ) GAME GEM FOR IMGADRIVE !GAMES ENHANCER. ALLOWS CHEAT CODES TO RE ENTERED FOR IPIFWIITE LIVES, CREDITS, Esc SOCHI OF COOES HICLUIM 0) VMS DUST COVER FOR MEGA CO 1 RAO MEGADRIVE I$IS OUST COVER FOR INECIAORIVE 1 • ILES FOUR PLAYER ADAPT OR FOR MEGADRIVE ALLOW GAMES MARKED EA POUR MATER Gage IN CATALOGUE TO SE PLAYED BY FOUR PEOPLE MMuLTATIEOUSAT -4 4 NEW CLUB SHOP OPEN IN CHELMSFORD! GAME GEAR GAMES .5455115010557 032•-• ALAN 3 23 40 0 04011 100213111011WAPICIIAIWA04SE111101101211A44143440401•TNE LEADER 00400 SECRET MINOR __MAO WNW /, BATTLATOADSCIS 'WRIT 11011111 • -WM OLIPHANT INCIREF RONNE / SILK.MILK OLTIANCGmcemGOAD°TWIN,EGATOURCIOLPPOWEINTOME NAB PRINCE CO PERIM 25 REN m•D SWEPT ROAD SINNER MILE t. cor01111 38. 1050600 le MONACO1111414A241A410011111ROSOCOoNNW• X 1011110111 1100•110142 POEM __IAA* SONIC 2 Nal SONIC CHAOS IA *. soroc MEDGEMINTIC N le 335,99112.99 -0111210AII" ULTIMA TE SOCCER 44 WNW/ R 44 WAS SOOT 60014 111 44IAN•1.1611111EDDIV TENNIS 44 IR 40 1110021 GAMER 10 WINTER OIL TIMICS • 4* IS IAN WORLD CUP ITANA N.. os IS 5551.1151 NMI IS N II PCPAL MAME • --- IS de aw. NRISTLIONIA 3719 al 01 N II TOuNo NM asTmatotril• or CHAOS UM ,Oila$ :Moils, ISM SONY 14. FST TELEVISICOLMONITOR FOR A 0279CATALOGUEFREECALL600204IISNOWMAN...••OMAAWARS3404.NEEL'S0,INNmWELTSOFRADII211WINNER,LOWSICKIR4115011MON=GPIsinAISUPEROPP0460RACERaoPallNAMIS01020111122146?AMA's.%-23e*ISNDENWOMBOUP40SOCCER3$4,TERMINATORtsarTOWARD2111111"3110OutDRAMSacco!20104111e5.20.05e7114.122•0 ▪ WRITER 01 TIMICS 424.4b Moo. c c .24/10 01 1 1144115001 LER141:11LADLEPLEAPollA MODEL KVM1400 WITH REMOTE CONTROL FREE SCART LEAD tSTATE SPIES MEGADRIVE AMIGA Os $ri AVAILABLE IN WHITE Al NO EXTRA COST. FOR F ONOPTIASTEXIPLEASE ADO E50 SONY Team/nos ENABLES MCNTTOR RIEWAGIAT&MORFEURCTPI,-WarnNESSTOW MEGILDRiyI int SCAM CONNECTION. ALSO SUITS ALL coNSOLIS II1A NORMAL RE INPUT PACLuDES REAR SCM11.1010. SO CHANNEL TUP4ING BLACK Tiara* SCREEN. TWO POSITION MT Devoe 10/1 CROCE OF MESA, PICLUDES LOOP AERIAL SUPERB QUALITY. MEGA CO GAMES UP TO 25% OFFFlaRAP BATMAN RENNIN 40 in MACK HOLE ASSAuLT IS IS CHUCK INCA 44.01 0111*1 NOCK 2 SOW 0, CNCEALS, COIAA DOMANI° /SEIM _SEM 33 40 DeLACutA aale M de DUNI • ALES n 1s ECCO THE DOCNOPI• MOO 2641 FINAL 1010 El It 22 44 JA0511/11 XXX LETHAL 110F056EI54 11116*OILOTNOiLar WIND 55I8 44 NI -2600 NNW NORD IONS KROW 00 30 40 *171015 YEARS 014 0 0111 ISISINIINCEIS OF PERSIA SIN 34 II ROAD iv/ENDER 3111 121531203111AO:E44.10 40 SEGA CLA4 IOD1 0001.0111 AO. 12110110E OF 361114001. STREETS OP AWL $UPER MONACO 0.P WO COL WOW 000 • 3340 NOIR SMARR 5010 ON WERLOCK MOINES _4450 • 30 211 SHERLOCK NOUNS 2 _ACM ...Ma oLPHEED • 44•100 -ass sow co. sass .ssaa SPIDERMAN VS KINGPIN • RA SS ...11140 TERMINA TON • 0 1111 10240 1011112DERmA ow 4455 X ria 1116EC•AL 11 00 .2045 WOLF CHILD •311 IR ASKS MANGA VIDEOS WE ONLY ACCEPT POSTED/FAXED ORDERS FOR VIDEOS WITH AN It CERTIFICATE PLEASE WRITE I AM OVER ON YOUR ORDER. • • NEW VIDEO 1E3 EYES MATED 5095 MO EYESPART I damp • ...„ • 90 MORA MATED I SI. Alma MAIL! PACK 'RATED IM IDES1710) COWING MERMAN PART 1 MATEO 1 II)• 1091 CRYING FREEMAN PART 2 qPIATED $)• .11191 DOMINION TANK POLICE I MID 2 MATED i SI 1255 001019041 TANK POLICE 2 DOOMED12.111111.RATIO*5404111E0ALOPIDLIS MATE D s, 555 DOOMED MEGALOPOLIS 2 MATED 113. 511 MST Ot ITIE NORTH STAR (RATED UM 1299 NIC04F"11NE C AtOLBIRA0reGeLBU 04 CPOPOBTAt4ArtANA TID "); , 1 :otN1.1e11 JUDGENE IRATED isi • ,SMIMLERMAN (pmno ODIN (SATED POP PUOJECT A-ICO (RATED 1S) 10.55 NO. 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