7 minute read
A Witness to an Underground Realm Speaks
Christa Tilton is someone who has been a fixture in the alien abduction field for several decades, and who today keeps a low profile. It’s notable that many of Tilton’s personal experiences eerily mirror those of Myrna Hansen and Judy Doraty. Her experiences also demonstrate that she was watched secretly and quietly, and subjected to experiences reported by victims of the MILAB phenomenon. For Tilton, it all began in the summer of 1987, specifically the month of July. It was one particular night that Tilton experienced a period of missing time which ran into an undetermined number of hours. It was only thanks to extensive hypnotic regression that Tilton was able to unveil the erased experiences.
It all began, as so many such events do, at home. Late on the night in question, Tilton suddenly found herself feeling odd, spaced out, weird—descriptions which are acutely familiar in abduction history. Like so many abductees, Tilton did not go quietly or willingly: she was dragged out of her bed unceremoniously and taken to a craft. The next thing Tilton recalled was being inside some sort of vehicle; a UFO, she suspected. A figure who stood by her motioned her to take a drink from a glass, and it had the almost instant effect of wiping out the lethargy
and drugged-out feeling she’d had when she first woke up. Whatever it was, it was a definitive stimulant.
When fully recovered, Tilton was guided out of the craft by the same character—at which point she could now see she was on a hill shrouded in darkness, somewhere in the countryside. But where, exactly, she had no idea. As her eyes acclimated to the dark, however, she could see what looked like the entrance to a cave or cavern. Suddenly, what was clearly another figure appeared on the scene. He was wearing a red suit like that of a fighter pilot, and he carried an automatic weapon. The “Man in Red” greeted them.
Then all three proceeded to the cavernous abode.
Going Underground
As Tilton got closer, she could see a dim light in the depths of what was clearly a long tunnel. They were soon met by a second guard who was also in a red jumpsuit. They approached what Tilton assumed was a checkpoint, as there were cameras strategically placed on the walls. Tilton was then directed to a small vehicle that took her to another section of the cavernous facility which, she suspected, was a carved-out section of a massive mountain. The Dulce base, perhaps? It’s not at all an impossibility.
After what was a short journey further into the subterranean world, they exited the vehicle and Tilton was told to stand on something that resembled a pair of scales. A computer screen flickered, and she was soon presented with a card that she deduced was some kind of ID. By this time, Tilton was not just puzzled, but scared. She wanted to know where she was and why. And what was coming next. The man in the red outfit, says Tilton, made an enigmatic statement that intrigued her, but which didn’t really provide any answers, as she notes: “I asked my guide where we were going and why. He didn’t say too much the whole time except that he was to show me some things that I need to know for future reference.” Precisely what was meant by “future reference” was not made clear.
From there, Tilton was taken to a massive elevator. Noticing that she was staring at the elevator door, the man said that they were presently on the first floor but were about to descend to the second floor. Oddly, the elevator didn’t have doors: it was like an old-style dumbwaiter, but one big enough to hold people. On the second floor, the personnel were dressed in outfits of a different color. Tilton was then motioned to a long hallway, which she and the others walked along. Offices filled both side of the hallway, many of them containing vast arrays of computer banks. The lighting was odd: everywhere was lit up, but Tilton could not see any sources for the light. There were no lights, lamps, bulbs, nothing. It was as she was staring around the tunnel that she came face-to-face with a group of small, black-eyed aliens. To say that Tilton was stunned and shocked to the core would be a mammoth understatement.
The aliens were bustling around a group of small, UFO-like craft— perhaps engaged in repairing them, Tilton thought. She was quickly taken from the area and then directed to another elevator, which took her to even lower levels of the facility, specifically level five. On exiting the elevator, Tilton felt a sudden and inexplicable sense of cold fear. There was something very wrong about this particular level. Tilton’s instincts were right on target.
As if aware too that level five was filled with danger, her guide—the man in red, again—told her to stay close to him: that way she would be safe. She couldn’t help but see that several of the guards on this floor were staring at her, but in a harsh, almost sinister, fashion. Tilton wanted out. Fast. But there was more to come before she would finally be able to leave.
A Room Filled with Fear
Tilton was then taken to a room where she was told to change clothes— into what was somewhat like a hospital gown. Once again, she was told to stand on a pair of scales. As she did so, a screen near her lit up and penetrating frequencies rattled her eardrums. Tilton was then directed to
head out of the room and into a long corridor, much like the one on the higher floor. Cameras were everywhere. And the whole area smelled of formaldehyde. That was not good.
A large room was soon in sight, and Tilton was compelled to look inside—encouraged to, even. She recalls: “I saw these huge large tanks with computerized gauges hooked to them and a huge arm-like device that extended from the top of some tubing down into the tanks. The tanks were about 4 feet tall so standing where I was I could not see inside them.”
Tilton also remembers that something was being stirred in the tanks, but she was not told what, precisely. The guide then forcibly grabbed Tilton, roughly tugging her along the tunnel. She soon found herself in what was a huge laboratory. Grey aliens were working alongside people. Machines whirred, equipment flashed and buzzed. It was like sci-fi, but this was sci-fact.
Fear overwhelmed Tilton when she was ordered, by one of the staff, to sit on a table in the middle of the room, with one of the eerie Greys staring at her. The man looked grimmer than grim. Tilton refused, at which point the man said things would go easy if she went along with his orders. Tilton knew a veiled threat when she heard one, so she did as she was told.
Then another man wearing a lab coat entered the room, and the two men shook hands. Suddenly, the temperature in the room dropped drastically and Tilton started to shake. Her guide smiled, said that all would be okay, and left the room. A second Grey then entered the room and Tilton suddenly felt weak, drowsy, and disoriented. She realized she was now horizontal and being examined internally. An intense pain caused Tilton to scream, at which point one of the doctors applied a cold substance to her stomach, which alleviated the pain. In quick time, the procedure— whatever it may have been—was over. Tilton was then told to go to a smaller room nearby, where she dressed.
By this time, Tilton was far angrier than scared, and she screamed that this was wrong, that it should not be allowed. It fell on deaf ears. She was simply told that it was all “necessary” and that she should try to forget the whole experience. Her guide was slightly more talkative at this point and
told Tilton that she was in a very “sensitive place” and that she would likely return in a few years’ time. But for the safety of her very life, Tilton could not be told where exactly she was.
With that, they made their way to one of the small transit vehicles that seemed to be everywhere and made a brief drive to what turned out to be an exit. On the final leg, says Tilton, she was exposed to the horrific sight of a group of people—men and women—in canisters. They were immobile, like shop-window mannequins. But these were no dummies. Other containers housed various kinds of animals—all of which led Tilton to believe that some deeply sinister operation was afoot, an operation that involved human scientists, the military, and alien entities. Then Tilton was taken to the elevator she had originally descended in, and directed to the craft that she originally arrived in. The next thing she remembered was being back home, unaware of how she got there.