December magazine 2013

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Inspire To Love Again Ministries

Issue #26

December 2013

Content Going Through The Motions


What do You Want for Christmas?


Swimmers Solitude


Aunt Talk

Credits Writers


Sarah Williamson Kimberly Borst Debra Lilly Beverly Huffman

Editing Alan Porter

Photography Cover by Winston Wong (Photographers are named if available)

Design Kimberly Borst Copyright Š To Love Again Ministries 2012, Photos Š very

To Love Again Ministries Pick of the month This month we are highlighting an article by Barb Boling called Hit the Streets and a ministry to women trapped in the sex trade.

ESTEEM RESCUE. RESTORE. RENEW. Barb shares her experience working with Esteem, taking gifts to encourage exotic dancer in a club. Barb goes to the heart of overcoming our fears, to reach out to “the least of these.” I love this kind of ministry, one that gets in there and comes along side people in need in a practical way. Loving people requires action and grace. The love God has put in us is meant to come out. To read Barb’s article Hit the Streets click on the link below, then click read more.

Victor Bezrukov

Going Through the Motions Sarah Williamson Being a wife is not only a privilege, it is a God-given responsibility, one I have taken more seriously as the idea of me being a wife has gradually sunk in. My husband is a treasure; he’s a gift and a joy. Recently it came to my attention that even though I was doing nice housewife things like getting dinner on the table and folding his socks neatly together after they came out of the dryer, I wasn’t treating him like a treasure. My husband is the force that drives me to keep both of my feet on the ground. When I wake up every day, I look over at him and see how incredible he is, and I strive to generate as much kindness and humility as he does. My husband deserves to be treated like the treasure that he is.

I get caught up in the details. I find it lindsay.dee.bunny

hard to pull back from the small brush strokes to see the masterpiece as a whole. I had been so caught up in the day to day that I didn’t realize my husband was being a little neglected. I looked up from my corner of the picture and realized that we were living like roommates not a married couple. I was trying, but meanwhile I let more than one day pass without making sure he knew how much I loved him, and how much I need and want him in my life.

A little bit of time passed and Jordan contracted a nasty cold that forced him to be in bed for a couple of days. I was working hard to get his fever down and make sure he drank all of his fluids. I was putting blankets on him, and taking them off when he got too hot. Somewhere in his fever stupor he said something like “Why are you taking such good care of me?” My heart sank. Guilt flooded me, and I realized that I had been neglecting him. I had been neglecting his emotions and his feelings, and the parts of our relationship that I valued so much. In my mind nothing is more important than taking care of the things that God has given to me, and God has given me a loving husband that I adore. Ever since I came to this realization, our relationship has been the best yet. It feels like we’re dating again. We stay up late laughing and swapping stories about our day, we cook together and genuinely enjoy each other’s company in a new and exciting way.

It’s so easy to get lost in the Monday through Friday grind. We practice daily routines like religion because it’s easier to focus on the goals you can list on paper than it is to focus on re-igniting a relationship. It was a lot easier for me to find comfort in what I knew than to confront what I wasn’t sure about. My relationship with my husband is something I need to water and nurture daily. In doing this I realize that not only will I have a stronger, better bond with my husband, but I will also honor God by taking care of the many blessings he has chosen to bestow on me.

Tony Hall

What do you Want for Christmas Kimberly Borst What do you want for Christmas? Whether that question stirs excitement or dread we should all consider it. I believe God is waiting for us to ask for something special this year. He says, “We have not because we ask not.” So what would make an impact on your life? Think of something personal; something no one else could give you. I am not encouraging you to test God. You may even want to pray about what you should ask for. Remember, our faith will grow when we exercise it.

I learned a long time ago that God likes to give us good gifts. When I was around 13, I asked God for something no one else could give me. This may be TMI but this is a women’s magazine, (so any of you guys reading skip this one.) I started my potential to bring life into the world cycle at the young age of 11. Around age 13 I was ready for a break, so for my Birthday I dared to ask God to skip it that month. I thought that would

be a grand present. The cool thing was He did it. Not only did He do it but He stopped that sucker every year in June, my Birthday month, until I asked for it back, do to being married and afraid I might be pregnant. This may be personal, but it helped me to better know how much God loved me and cared about every detail of my life. Nothing is impossible with God. He is totally amazing.

So, what do you want for Christmas? God is a God who heals. He is a God who restores lost relationships. He is a God who saves. All of the world’s gold and silver are His and He owns the cattle on a thousand hills. He can change our hearts. He can give us joy and peace in the midst of chaos. He is a good Heavenly Father who knows how to give us, His children, good gifts! So what are you waiting for, stop reading this article and go tell God what you want for Christmas.

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Eric Kilby

Swimmers Solitude Debra Lilly I love to get up early and hit the pool. The Lord began to speak to me one day while I was doing my laps and said, “Swimming is a similitude to walking the in Spirit.” I said, “How so?” Here are some of His answers:

The water is God/Jesus/Holy Spirit/The Word enveloping us. (In Him we live and move and have our being). Know what the Word says and stay in it.

We breathe in and breathe out which


is evident that we are flesh and blood. God knows we are dust. We need sustenance from this world (realm) to survive; air, food, water, a place to sleep, and money to buy things, etc. He knows that.

When people swim, they are focused on one thing…swimming! Staying in the present moment with rhythmic breathing, strokes, and kicks is essential. Those who swim understand that it takes all of your undivided attention. You can’t swim laps and think of anything else or you will get distracted and lose your rhythm. I’ve heard that swimming is very mental, and that we can only swim as well as we are focused.

Speed is not the issue unless we are in a competition. The Christian life is not a

competition, but a steady walk (or in this case, a swim).

Swimming is like being in the presence of God - we are surrounded by Him and He sustains us (causes us to stay afloat). If we stop kicking or paddling, we begin to sink – it’s that forward motion (hope and faith) that keeps us afloat. Our feet are the thrust and we reach forth with our arms.

Sometimes we feel the lap will never end, but we know the end of the pool is near and we’ll be able to rest. With heart pounding, tired and out of breath, we can lie on our back in the water and hang our feet over the end of the pool and stretch out like we are lying down on a bed. This is complete rest and totally effortless on our part since we don’t have to do anything but just lie there!

God has us. He knows we are only human and our strength is limited. He will not ask us to do more than what He will equip us to do. We can rest in Him. We can trust in Him.

Whatever the circumstances or trials we face, we need to understand they are temporary. As we look into the face of these things, we can hear the Spirit say: “Keep swimming - stay in His Presence - keep going through the motions of what you know to do and He will see you through it - don’t stop – just keep moving forward. There is an end to this current trial. Victory and rest await you!”

Ant Talk Beverly Huffman I swept the sidewalk off and destroyed the graceful art of some ants. They had worked for hours and created mounds of sand through the cracks. Upon further inspection, they were still working hard. Do ants drink caffeine? It was unbelievable!

One small ant was dragging an insect twice its’ size. What a grand thinker that little one was. But, he was getting the job done. What makes ants think they can achieve so much? What drives them to even start such a huge project? A few days later, the ants had not only rebuilt their mounds on the sidewalk, they designed bigger mounds and nicely rounded them! Hmmmm, what’s up with that?

I came upon an internet article titled “All About Ants.” It said some ants can tunnel as far as 15 feet straight down to hibernate during the winter. Do you have any idea how many steps that would take an ant before they reached their destination; with their tiny feet? The article gave insight into what might be driving these mighty ones. They are social insects. They live in colonies, some having millions of ants. If you watch

them long enough, you can see that they have very effective communication with each other. They communicate by touching each other with their antennae or by using chemicals to leave scent trails for other ants to follow.

What a challenge they give to the human race! These little persistent ones believe in community and communication! Think of that! What would happen if we took time to communicate with each other in a way that would leave a positive scent? First, we would need to get close enough to be able to have such a connection.

Secondly, speaking of scent, some attitudes leave a lasting “fragrance.” Ok, it’s more like the smell of dirty socks! Yes, I know. It can divide a family, church, workplace or community. Who wants to be around that? Let’s imagine! What would happen if we, for one day, took the time to listen to five people? I mean really listen, waiting to respond until after they finish talking. Communication could be rebuilt like the ant mounds, larger and well-rounded!

Jesus is our example. He spent a lot of time with people. He watched. He listened. He listened some more. He talked with individuals, small groups and large groups. God, who is Love, designed us to be able to do that effectively.

Christmas is a wonderful time to get together with family and others you love. It may require putting some of the “urgent” things aside to create time for the “important” things ― people. Jesus came to earth to be with people. He came to bring good news to them. He loved people. Yes, He spent a lot of time alone talking to His Father, but He always went back to talking with people. Christmas is a time to celebrate Jesus and His unending love!

As we imitate Jesus this Christmas season, it is possible for us to touch lives like Jesus did. Jesus was born on earth. He lived among people. He died. He rose from the grave. And, He is alive today! He is our living Savior! The best Christmas gift we can offer people is Jesus. The next best gift we can offer is ourselves by taking time to communicate our love. Do a little “ant talk” and watch people blossom! This can be the best Christmas ever!

Go to the ant, thou sluggard, consider her ways and be wise! Proverbs 6:6

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