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INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterprise


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The world grows together, the borders and the tariffs falls. We work as an international commercial representation.

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We represent qualified manufacturers, a s w e l l a s wholesale houses from the world market and successfully obtain the products manufactured for our customers.

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21,12.2008, 09:48:00

The motivated team of the industrial agency Thomas Artzt, under the direction of Thomas Artzt, sees its task being additional in it, for the traditional function of the classical general agency a reliable link between manufacturers and German customers, the understanding on both pages creates for each other. Our enterprise helps to open you lines of business again and your products better to marked out, in order to develop contacts in Germany and maintain these. We are on the search for new business partner and final customer, new sales markets for these enterprises. Thus we promote the import export between the countries and contribute to the stimulation of the economic situation. We offer the possibility new to you. To bring products into the market or to increase with already imported products the conversion! Surftipp: Urlaub Spanien

INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterprise


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Contacts to industrial enterprises of all industries: Specialized technical

Air and space industry

specialist dealer

automobile industry

consumer markets

automation/robot industry

cash & Carry

chemical industry


electrical and electronic industry

department stores

household industry

furniture markets

leather and shoe industry

carpet markets

metal and machine industry

building markets


office markets


technique markets

paper industry

home textiles

plastic industry


textile industry

Konfektion and equipment industry packaging industry clock and decoration industry

INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterprise


You produce we sell Europe characteristics Home Contact us Representation What is a Manufacturers' Agent Download (partner) Toolbar Adobe Reader ® contact form Contacts to industrial enterprises Europe characteristics How Ready Are You THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF SALES REPRESENTATION

Europe can define greatly different territories. You first need to consider carefully where in Europe you would like to sell your products. You may want to sell to all European countries, or you may want to sell your products to the European Union (now 25 countries representing almost 500 million people). You may want to restrict your sales to Western Europe or Eastern Europe, or any subset of countries. Note that RepGlobal lets you search by countries or by region. Europe's main characteristic is its diversity. Europe is a young entity. Each country has its own culture and above all its own language. There are roughly as many languages as countries. How do you choose a sales agent in Europe? The first question you need to consider is whether you need one sales agent or several ones. Most of the time you will need several ones, mainly because of language differences.

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One of the advantages of local sales agent is to rely on a person who communicates more efficiently with customers. But if you hire a German sales agent, how will he communicate with a Spanish company? In English of course. So having a unique sales agent for all of does not make sense from a language point of view. You can minimize the numbers of sales agents you need by grouping countries that have a common language. French is spoken as the native language in France, part of Belgium, part of Switzerland, and Luxembourg. German is spoken in Germany, Austria, and part of Switzerland. Note that German and Russian are widely spoken as a second language in Eastern Europe. How many sales agents you need depends on your products. If you sales generic products, or if you sell products taylored to each language, you will need one sales agent per language. You may even need several sales agents per country if you sell a high volume of products. On the other hand, you may use only one or a few sales agents if you sell very specialized products and if there is no local competition. In that case you can also group territories by proximity or characteristics. Common groupings include: - One sales agent for Sweden, Norway and Finland - One sales agent for Spain and Portugal - One sales agent for France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland - One sales agent for Germany, Austria and Switzerland In certain cases you may even choose to have only one or two sales agents for all of Western Europe.

INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterprise


You produce we sell THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF SALES REPRESENTATION Home Contact us Representation What is a Manufacturers' Agent Download (partner) Toolbar Adobe Reader ® contact form Contacts to industrial enterprises Europe characteristics How Ready Are You THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF SALES REPRESENTATION

A sales representative i s a p e r s o n or entity that helps a company sell its products to a customer, and t h a t g e t s a commission on the sale. The sales contract is between the manufacturer and the end user. The manufacturer defines the terms and conditions with the customer; he is in charge of shipping the goods (although this depends on the contract terms), of invoicing the customer. The manufacturer bears the financial risk. The sales representative is usually paid a commission. As a general statement, the manufacturer has more control over the sale with a sales representative than with a distributor. A distributor is an independant entity that buys the manufacturer's products and resells them. Distributors take posession of the goods, they can have inventory. They usually buy from the manufacturer at a discounted price and their revenue comes from the difference between purchase p r i c e a n d r e s a l e p r i c e . Distributors bear the financial risk of selling to their customers. As a general rule, the manufacturer will have less control over the sales process with a distributor than with a sales representative. Other forms of representation exist. We will note in particular: Sales agent: in theory a sales agent is a person acting in the name of the manufacturer. He or she can commit in the name of the manufacturer. This is a major difference w i t h a s a l e s representative. However this distinction disappears and sales agents and sales representatives are used interchangeably. Dealer: generally another name for distributor. Below are a few examples of choices between a sales representative and a distributor:

Product with high sales price: it is better in this case to choose a sales representative. You stay in control of the sales price and you have more possibilities of negotiating with the final client. A sales representative will also avoid the outrageously high sales price that a distributor could charge. It is not rare, in a country where the manufacturer has little control and where competition is low, that the distributor charges twice the original sales price. To find the first opportunities to enter a new market: a sales representative is the best solution. You keep control of the offers you make. You get to know your clients and the local sales customs. A distributor will develop the market without you knowing the market. You will be at the mercy of the distributor.

If you answered “no” to more than just a couple of these questions, don’t despair, we can help.

Volume sales: a distributor is the best solution. You get rid of the whole administrative part of the sales. You only get the revenue from the sale, with your distributor as the unique contact. Technical sales: a sales representative is the preferred solution. You will need to give a lot of information to the final customer, either through the sales representative or by travelling to the customer's site for a technical presentation. Management of local distributors: in those cases where you have several distributors in the same geographical area, outsource their management to a sales representative. You will then have a unique contact point and you will minimize the management work. The sales representative will get a commission on the sales made by the distributors, so he will make sure that the distributors give their best. Necessity to store locally: for products that need rapid delivery, such as perishable products or common products, choose a distributor. Distributors will be in charge of managing the inventory they need for their territory.

and we’ll be happy to discuss ways for you to overcome these concerns.

INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterprise


You produce we sell Reps.

What is a Manufacturers' Agent (Representative)?

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The Manufacturers' Agent (more correctly referred to as The Manufacturers' Representative and sometimes called a Sales agent, Sales Rep. or just plain Rep.) is a self-employed person who has elected to earn his living by representing two, or more manufacturers (Principals) in a sales capacity. His agency maybe a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation. In essence, Manufacturers' Representatives provide services as an "out-sourced" sales function. The Manufacturers' Agent, hereinafter referred to as the Manufacturers' Representative is the sales force of the manufacturer and as such, represents the manufacturer in a sales capacity in a specific, exclusive assigned territory. Geography, market or industry segment, specific accounts, or a combination of these elements may define the territory. The Manufacturers' Representative will usually select and contact Principals for the types of lines he has an interest in selling which are compatible with his other lines and customer base. The lines represented can be OEM component parts, capitol goods or services -- the list is long and varied, but nearly every product manufactured can be sold by a Manufacturers' Representative. Product line compatibility and synergy are important to the Manufacturers' Representative, because it permits him to call and sell all, or certainly most of the lines he represents, to the same type of industry. This makes calling time more effective and saves time that is always at a premium for a Manufacturers' Representative. From the Principal's viewpoint, the Manufacturers' Representative can provide a national or international sales force at very low cost to the Principal. The Principal pays no salesman salaries, no fringe benefits, no automobile cost and no travel and living expenses. The Principal must only provide support to the Manufacturers' Representative in the form of product training, sales literature, sales leads, quality products to sell at competitive prices, competitive deliveries and occasional joint calls. The Manufacturers' Representative, by IRS definition, is an independent contractor and as such the Principal must not pay his expenses nor direct his activities except in an advisory capacity. The Manufacturers' Representative's responsibility to the Principal is to provide diligent coverage of the assigned territory and to professionally promote the Principal's products and services according to the agreed upon policy guidelines and product specifications. One of the Manufacturers' Representative's primary responsibilities is to be an effective communicator. The Manufacturers' Representative's broad selling experience usually makes him more familiar with the customer's specific needs and the Principal's particular capabilities. Therefore, the Manufacturers' Representative will endeavor to establish three-way communication between the Representative; the customer and the Principal with the objective to secure orders and maintain continued customer relations. So, what is the cost to the Principal for this national or international sales force of self-employed Manufacturers' Representatives? - only commissions on orders from the territory. No cost is incurred by the Principal for non-productive calls; territory development or customer follow up for service. For his sales efforts, the Manufacturers' Representative receives a commission from the Principal on the average of 5% to 25% of the order value, depending on the type of products sold. The Manufacturers' Representative, however, has all the selling expenses that the Principal would normally pay for a direct sales force. These expenses include auto, travel and living, office rent, secretarial, fringe benefits, FICA, unemployment compensation, insurance, entertainment of customers and a retirement program. All of these expenses must come out of the commission paid to the Manufacturers' Representative and still leave enough to provide salaries for himself and any sales persons he has working for him. The Manufacturers' Representative is a unique individual who has selected this profession in order to be his/her own person and to be an independent entrepreneur. Representative, Principals and Customers are, in fact interdependent.

INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterpris


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An agency of your enterprise with the necessary bite

What is a Manufacturers' Agent

Representation of your enterprise

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Sales office in customer proximity


A competent selling partner

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Contacts to industrial enterprises Europe characteristics How Ready Are You THE DIFFERENT FORMS OF


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What is Sales Outsourcing?

How can you achieve significant profit from Europe? You have a choice of routes for achieving sales in Europe. You could try signing up distributors at trade fairs and through trade delegations. You could choose the high-risk, expensive route of setting up an office somewhere on the continent and recruiting people to staff it. Or you can outsource your sales operation to

professional, pan-European and immediately available team.

INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterprise


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How Ready Are You to Work with Professional Sales Companies? One of the questions manufacturers need to ask themselves before starting a rep search is, are we really ready and prepared to go to work with a network of professional sales company partners? Jumping in before you are ready could have disastrous consequences. We’ve prepared the following questionnaire to help guide you to a realistic decision.


How many years experience does your company have in outsourcing the sales function? Are you willing to consider using an agreement that is fair and balanced and protects the interest of both parties?

Will you consider sharing the costs of developing business in territories where there is no existing business? Will you provide exclusive territories to your reps (no house accounts)? Will you co-insure your sales agents against product liability lawsuits by including them in your own product liability policy? Do you have a complete marketing support plan in place to support your outside sales program? Is the top management of your company committed to the use of reps? Are they willing to demonstrate this? Are you willing to make a long-term commitment to a fair and competitive rate of commission? Do you understand that attaining mutually agreed upon goals rather than arbitrary quotas is the best way to work with your outsourced sales partners? Do you understand that regular, written reports tend to destroy the strategic advantage that a multi -line sales professional has over his or her direct competitors and are you willing to accept timely verbal and short e -mail communications instead of call reports? Do you agree that your company and your reps should operate as Partners in Profits rather than employer/employee?

If you answered “no” to more than just a couple of these questions, don’t despair, we can help. Please call +49 (0) 2333 - 2040 and we’ll be happy to discuss ways for you to overcome these concerns.

Role of German Commercial Agencies The Commercial Agent is not restricted to selling and distribution responsibilities, whereby the Commercial Agent will assume the role of a full service company representing the entity in Germany. As such, the Commercial Agent fulfils the entire range of functions covered by a company's own sales office, either with its own staff or with additional external helpers.

These functions include: Receiving and processing orders Intensive customer care Marketing and acquiring new clients Advice and sounding out the market Help in selecting the product range to be offered for sale in the market

There are also additional services as, for example: Maintaining a depot, or stock of samples Representation at trade fairs and exhibitions Organising a sample show Protecting royalties, development work Carrying out and monitoring sales promotion, campaigns It should be observed, however, that the range of functions that Commercial Agency ful-fils varies greatly from company to company. This will depend on the trade concerned, the wishes of the company represented, as well as the marketing strategy of the Commercial Agent.

Why Use a Manufacturers Representative? When a manufacturer, distributor or service company determines that an important element of its marketing plan is contacting its customers face-to-face on the customer’s turf, it has three options: Conduct the field sales process with non-sales company executives and managers who sell part-time. Hire direct sales employees whose full-time job is to contact customers and service them. Appoint professional, multiple-line field sales firms as strategic partners. These field sales companies may be known as reps, agents, manufacturers ’ agents or representatives, sales agencies or even brokers. They work primarily on commission and pay their own expenses in return for a contractual agreement to be the exclusive “agent” of the manufacturers they represent in a given territory, market or for specific accounts. They profit by leveraging their time so that sales for multiple manufacturers can be made with the same customer, often on the same call.

INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterprise


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Mobil: +49 (0) 1577.317.0824

Outside our business hours and on Sundays and holidays, we are under the Phone and Fax number 01805.0603.4442.201 to reach.


German Representative Office for your enterprise - Europe Representative Office for your enterprise





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