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INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterprise


The Manufacturers' Agent (more correctly referred to as the Manufacturers' Representative and sometimes called a Sales agent, Sales Rep. or just plain Rep.) is a self-employed person who has elected to earn his living by representing two, or more manufacturers (Principals) in a sales capacity. His agency maybe a sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation. In essence, Manufacturers' Representatives provide services as an "out-sourced" sales function. The Manufacturers' Representative is a unique individual who has selected this profession in order to be his/her own person and to be an independent entrepreneur. Representative, Principals and Customers are, in fact interdependent.

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A sales representative is a person or entity that helps a company sell its products to a customer, and that gets a commission on the sale. The sales contract is between the manufacturer and the end user. The manufacturer defines the terms and conditions with the customer; he is in charge of shipping the goods (although this depends on the contract terms), of invoicing the customer. The manufacturer bears the financial risk. The sales representative is usually paid a commission. As a general statement, the manufacturer has more control over the sale with a sales representative than with a distributor. A distributor is an independant entity that buys the manufacturer's products and resells them. Distributors take posession of the goods, they can have inventory. They usually buy from the manufacturer at a discounted price and their revenue comes from the difference between purchase price and resale price. Distributors bear the financial risk of selling to their customers. As a general rule, the manufacturer will have less control over the sales process with a distributor than with a sales representative. You produce we sell

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Sales agent: in theory a sales agent is a person acting in the name of the manufacturer. He or she can commit in the name of the manufacturer. This is a major difference with a sales representative. However this distinction disappears and sales agents and sales representatives are used interchangeably.

Dealer: generally another name for distributor.

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Europe can define greatly different territories. You first need to consider carefully where in Europe you would like to sell your products. You may want to sell to all European countries, or you may want to sell your products to the European Union (now 25 countries representing almost 500 million people). You may want to restrict your sales to Western Europe or Eastern Europe, or any subset of countries. Note that RepGlobal lets you search by countries or by region. Europe's main characteristic is its diversity. Europe is a young entity. Each country has its own culture and above all its own language. There are roughly as many languages as countries. How do you choose a sales agent in Europe? The first question you need to consider is whether you need one sales agent or several ones. Most of the time you will need several ones, mainly because of language differences. One of the advantages of local sales agent is to rely on a person who communicates more efficiently with customers. But if you hire a German sales agent, how will he communicate with a Spanish company? In English of course. So having a unique sales agent for all of Europe does not make sense from a language point of view. You can minimize the numbers of sales agents you need by grouping countries that have a common language. French is spoken as the native language in France, part of Belgium, part of Switzerland, and Luxembourg. German is spoken in Germany, Austria, and part of Switzerland. Note that German and Russian are widely spoken as a second language in Eastern Europe.

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How many sales agents you need depends on your products. If you sales generic products, or if you sell products taylored to each language, you will need one sales agent per language. You may even need several sales agents per country if you sell a high volume of products. On the other hand, you may use only one or a few sales agents if you sell very specialized products and if there is no local competition. In that case you can also group territories by proximity or characteristics. Common groupings include:

One sales agent for Sweden, Norway and Finland One sales agent for Spain and Portugal One sales agent for France, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Switzerland One sales agent for Germany, Austria and Switzerland

In certain cases you may even choose to have only one or two sales agents for all of Western Europe.

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Germany in the Heart of Europe Germany is located in the centre of Europe. This makes it quite easy for companies coming from non-European countries to establish their distribution channels in Germany to serve the rest of Europe. With approximately 500 million consumers, the Single European Market offers an enormous economic potential. Apart from a few minor procedural rules, the customs legislation is completely harmonized with the European Union (EU) and its customs code. Germany shares borders with not less than nine EU member states, in which the free movement of persons, goods, services and capital is guaranteed.

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Europe's Most Popular Investment Location: Germany International companies consider Germany the most attractive place for investment in Europe. A survey published by the management consulting firm Ernst & Young at the end of June, revealed that Germany remains the most attractive investment location in Europe. The number of investment projects executed in the country rose about 57 percent within one year. In the view of the international managers, Germany's strength lies in its infrastructure and the well trained work force. Among the ten most popular investment locations world-wide, Germany occupies the fourth position behind China, the USA and India.

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How can you achieve significant profit from Europe? You have a choice of routes for achieving sales in Europe. You could try signing up distributors at trade fairs and through trade delegations. You could choose the high-risk, expensive route of setting up an office somewhere on the continent and recruiting people to staff it. Or you can outsource your sales operation to INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT

professional, pan-European and immediately available team.

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The world grows together, the borders and the tariffs falls. We work as an international commercial representation. You produce we sell

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An agency of your enterprise with the necessary bite Representation of your enterprise Sales office in customer proximity A competent selling partner A base of your enterprise in direct customer proximity An address of your enterprise in germany

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Our enterprise helps to open you lines of business again and your products better To marked out, in order to develop contacts in Germany and maintain these. We are on the search for new business partner and final customer, new sales markets for these enterprises. Thus we promote the import export between the countries and contribute to the stimulation of the economic situation. We offer the possibility new to you. To bring products into the market or to increase with already imported products the conversion!

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We are a industrie and a commercial representation with seat at the edge of the Ruhr district in Germany. Our company is a steady enterprise with extensive experiences in the area of the selling of consumer goods and capital goods in completely Germany.

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The motivated team of the industrial agency Thomas Artzt, under the direction of Thomas Artzt, sees its task being additional in it, for the traditional function of the classical general agency a reliable link between manufacturers and German customers, the understanding on both pages creates for each other.

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Contacts to industrial enterprises of all industries:

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INDUSTRIEVERTRETUNG THOMAS ARTZT Danziger Str. 1 58256 Ennepetal / Germany Europe Representative Office for your enterprise German Representative Office for your enterprise

MANUFACTURERS REPRESENTATIVES MANUFACTURERS AGENTS FON: + 4 9 ( 0 ) 2 3 3 3 - 2 0 4 0 FAX: + 4 9 ( 0 ) 2 3 3 3 - 4 9 5 4 FAX: + 4 9 0 1 8 0 5 0 6 0 3 4 4 4 2 2 0 1

Outside our business hours and on Sundays and holidays, we are under the Phone and Fax number 01805.0603.4442.201 to reach.

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