Grupa Azoty - Fertilizers

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Grupa Azoty Poland’s largest manufacturer of mineral and compound fertilizers, Grupa Azoty is a major chemical group formed through consolidation of key players of the Polish chemical sector. We sell fertilizers, which are the staple of our wide product mix, in many countries around the world. In the European Union, we are one of the top fertilizer producers. We draw on the experience of many generations of experts, thanks to whom we are able to offer a variety of brands widely recognisable and trusted by farmers in Poland and beyond. However, with the future in mind, we employ the latest technologies, use new formulae and promote new strategies of fertilizer application – which are efficient, intelligent, safe to people and the environment, and meet our customers’ expectations. We see it as our duty to be innovative, since the scale of our operations means that we have a real impact on food security in Poland, Europe and many other countries.

At the leading edge of Europe’s fertilizer industry

Powering Creation

Grupa Azoty’s offering includes a wide variety of top-of-the-line fertilizers, a large proportion of which have been created through our own research and development efforts. The majority of Grupa Azoty’s revenue is derived from the Agro Fertilizers business. Grupa Azoty sells some 67% of its fertilizer output on the Polish market. The balance is exported, mainly to the European Union (Germany, UK, Scandinavia, the Czech Republic, Slovakia) and to South America (Brazil, Venezuela). An increasingly important market for Grupa Azoty is Africa, where we sell our NPK fertilizers..

Grupa Azoty amongst producers #1

in Poland ■





compound fertilizers1 mineral fertilizers2 ■

sulfur-containing fertilizers ■

nitrogen fertilizers


in the European Union ■

mineral fertilizers

revenue in 2014

PLN 9,898 million

#3 Chemicals

in the European Union ■

compound fertilizers


Heat and electricity Other


2% Percentage shares of product segments in total sales

1 Compound fertilizers combined (AP, NPK, PK); 2 Compound fertilizers + nitrogen fertilizers;

Locations of Grupa Azoty companies and their fertilizer products/services: GZNF Fosfory ■ compound fertilizers (NPK, CSP)

Grupa Azoty POLICE ■ compound fertilizers (NPK, NP) ■ nitrogen fertilizers (UREA) ■ nitrogen fertilizers with sulfur (NS)

Agrochem Dobre Miasto ■ fertilizer blending Gdańsk


Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY ■ nitrogen fertilizers (AN, UAN, UREA) ■ nitrogen fertilizers with sulfur (RSMS, AS)

Agrochem (Człuchów) ■ fertilizer distribution



Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN ■ nitrogen fertilizers (AN, CAN) ■ nitrogen fertilizers with sulfur (CAN+S) Zakłady Azotowe Chorzów S.A. ■ compound fertilizers (NPK, N, P, K)



Grupa Azoty S.A. ■ nitrogen fertilizers (CAN, AN) ■ nitrogen fertilizers with sulfur (ASN, AS)

Powering Creation

Grupa Azoty’s partners:

Investment projects and development For several years now, Grupa Azoty has been changing the Polish chemical industry. It has also been changing itself to better meet customers’ needs. Development remains our priority for the coming years, and in business development is synonymous with investment, which will give us new capacities in manufacturing, operations and logistics, as well as an ability to deliver new generations of fertilizers. As one of our running projects, we are building a second mechanical granulation plant in Tarnów, which will enable Grupa Azoty to expand its product portfolio, increase manufacturing capacities and optimise the production process, while doubling the potential output of ASN (Saletrosan) and other similar fertilizers. The new plant is scheduled for completion in 2016. A new mechanical granulation unit for ammonium nitratebased fertilizers is also under construction at Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY. It will improve the flexibility of ammonium nitrate production and allow the company to manufacture other fertilizers, such as calcium ammonium nitrate (CAN) and granulated ammonium nitrate. Its first line is due to come on stream in 2018, and the second one – in 2020.

By 2021, Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY will also modernise and enlarge its nitric acid units, which is expected to improve the efficiency of the acid production line by at least 5%, while reducing feedstock and energy consumption. An additional unit to be built in Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN will add a new product to our portfolio, bringing the company into Grupa Azoty’s liquid fertilizer distribution network. In October 2015, Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY launched a new unit, one of the most advanced facilities of this kind in Europe, to produce high-quality solid fertilizers – PULGRAN® and PULGRAN®S. Another investment project which has already been completed and begun to bring in profits is the model fertilizer depot for liquid and bulk UAN fertilizers built in Dobre Miasto, which has opened a new chapter in fertilizer distribution for Grupa Azoty.

Grupy Azoty’s high standards Grupa Azoty has implemented a management system compliant with the Fertilizers Europe Product Stewardship Standard. Holding Product Stewardship certificates, the key Grupa Azoty companies have made a commitment to manage their fertilizer products responsibly at every stage of manufacturing and use.

Grupa Azoty takes responsibility for its products throughout their life cycle, which covers their impact on human health and safety and on the natural environment, and entails compliance with legal requirements and other regulations applicable to fertilizer products.

product application and services for farmers marketing and sales

product development

material sourcing










Grupa Azoty is able to offer farmers a full suite of fertilizer products in a variety of types and forms. This has been made possible by bringing all major companies of the Polish chemical industry under a single brand. Our offering includes compound fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizers, nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizers, nitrogen fertilizers with sulfur, and specialty fertilizers. In addition, we have also launched a line of ‘hobby’ fertilizers. In our research, often conducted in partnership with leading scientific institutes, we develop new products in line with the concept of ‘intelligent’ fertilizer use – understood as the efficient application of fertilizers guaranteeing biological purity of crops with a minimum impact on the environment. We promote new methods of fertilizer application, such as biomodelling and micro starter fertilizers. Over the recent years, we have considerably expanded our product portfolio, which now comprises nearly forty fertilizers, suited to specific soil and crop types. The fertilizer industry has entered the 21st century, and we are determined to stay at its forefront. Grupa Azoty’s fertilizer products are manufactured in Tarnów, Kędzierzyn-Koźle, Police and Puławy, as well as in Gdańsk and Chorzów, at plants operated by subsidiaries of Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY. In the vicinity of Poznań, we produce micro starter fertilizers (state-of-the-art specialty products for precision fertilization) in cooperation with ADOB, while in Dobre Miasto – custom-made fertilizer blends based on bespoke formulae.

Powering Creation

Dialogue with customers At Grupa Azoty, it is a long-standing tradition to engage in dialogue with our customers, particularly with farmers who use our fertilizer products. We meet with the owners of Poland’s largest agricultural farms and food processing firms to discuss the future of agriculture in Poland. We have launched a research project into the nutrient content of Polish soils, with the objective of tailoring our solutions to the exact needs of farmers. We stay in touch and exchange experience with the most advanced and developed agricultural farms in Poland. We prepare web applications designed to assist farmers in crop planning and other agricultural work, as well as e-commerce systems to make it easier for our customers to order fertilizers.

Customer Zone The Customer Zone features advisory materials, industry news and comprehensive information on Grupa Azoty’s fertilizer products, including details on their application, use and dosage. It also offers access to folders, brochures and photographs of products, as well as contact with a market manager. The platform features an advanced search engine allowing users to find specific products based on additional criteria, including nitrogen forms, manufacturer and farming applications.

Fertilizer web portal is a professional agricultural website devoted to fertilizers and their application, where visitors can learn about Grupa Azoty products. Available free of charge, it contains articles, calculators and fertilizer application timetables, allows users to post queries to agricultural experts and consultants in the region, displays specialist weather forecasts, and offers access to an archive of agricultural product prices.



Powering Creation

To further enhance communication with our strategic customers in the fertilizer segment, Grupa Azoty has rolled out an e-commerce system – one of Europe’s most advanced sales platforms. Thanks to its modular structure, customers have quick and easy access to our offering and complete information on their orders, including processing status.

Grupa Azoty S.A. ul. Kwiatkowskiego 8 | 33-101 Tarnów | Poland Grupa Azoty KĘDZIERZYN ul. Mostowa 30 A | skr. poczt. 163 | 47-220 Kędzierzyn-Koźle Grupa Azoty POLICE ul. Kuźnicka 1 | 72-010 Police Grupa Azoty PUŁAWY Al. Tysiąclecia Państwa Polskiego 13 | 24-110 Puławy GZNF Fosfory ul. Kujawska 2 | 80-550 Gdańsk

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