10 inventos que debes conocer 13

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The defender: this invention helps people in their personal defense. It incorporates a high amount of pepper spray, and immediately takes a picture of the aggressor or murderer.

Pulsera cicret: this device connects with the cell phone, and allows a screen to appear on your skin with the wrist turning. In it you can do my activities with the cell phone.

Movpak: this skateboard is incorporated with a suitcase in the back which allows you to charge the person anything. This skateboard reaches a maximum speed of 24 km

Mascara Dashbon: this invention to connect with your cell phone with an HDMI cable can play games, movies or videos. Although it also serves as headphones if the person wishes.

Seatylock: this is a bicycle which incorporates a padlock in its chair, meaning that the same chair serves as a padlock to be able to secure the bike and not worry about it.

Digitsole smart sole: this template for the shoe allows you to adjust the heat and know how many calories you burned. This can be operated from the cell phone by bluetooth 4.0.

Bombilla playbulb: this light bulb through the cell phone, can generate several colors thanks to an application and its maximum range is 10 meters.

Robot keecker: this robot can play movies, video games, even multimedia files, on any surface. This robot can be bought for 5000 dollars.

Guantes zackees: these gloves can produce an intermittent arrow on the back of the hand so you can warn the vehicles behind you and also possibly those ahead. You can get them for $ 75.

Anillo inteligente mota: this ring allows you to display notifications, calls and messages that the person has. This is linked to the cell phone to be able to exchange information through it.

PARAGRAPH OF VIDEO OPINION: "10 INVENTIONS YOU SHOULD KNOW". I say that the video was good because it shows the people who make these inventions and also tells them where they should buy them in case the person is interested. The bad thing is that they do not explain so very detail everything that incorporates the object and only in some say where you can buy and others do not. That's what I do not like because if the person is interested but does not know where they can buy the object they select, they will not be able to order it so they can enjoy it. So the video has a good side and is that it shows very innovative and peculiar inventions, but what I did not like was that it does not explain in detail what the object brings or where it can be obtained.

GLOSSARY SURFACE: It is the outer part of an object that delimits it or separates it from what surrounds it. ADJUST: Accommodate or adapt one thing with another.

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