Ittt 2017 booklet

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 International Train the Trainers Conference a.k.a. tribe gathering

28. - 30. of april

2017 b.c.

Dear all,


Michal Rovnan, conference manager "chief mammoth"

Public speaking has been around ever since the ice age. Let’s rediscover it’s secrets and utilization together. Whether you will use presentation skills in you personal or professional life, you are all most welcomed to 2017 International Train the Trainers seminar in Radava. At the conferece you can meet trainers from different countries such as Canada, India, Romania, Poland, Czech republic, Egypt and Slovakia who are excited to accompany you on your journey towards discovering your potential and courage to speak up. Do not hesitate and join this great oppportunity. We are looking forward to you! Regards

Meeting cave:

Radava 471, 941 47 Radava

Agenda hu-ha-ha

Agenda hu-ha-ha

P C O OC ind Ink Patrícia Rybárová 0915 289 713

Ivana Hudecová 0902 601 414

OC Tribe OC

Viktória Šúšová 0910 930 959

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Tomáš Bubelíny 0902263848

de leg Martin Žitňan ate s 0914 274 349

Michal Rovňák

Facis tribe Szabina Némethová

Jakub Belobrad

Dominika Pappová


Do not hesitate and register now! You can do it here: /viewform

The registration is open until 10th of April

The fee includes: • Accommodation for the nights of 28th and 29th of April • Meals (except for lunch on the 28th and lunch and dinner on the 30th)


• Snacks and refreshments • Conference content

How to pay: You can pay until 10th of April 2017 to the account SK04 1100 0000 0026 6900 0052. Do not forget to include your full name in Note and "ITtTs 2017" in Purpose of payment.

See you at the

28. - 30. of april

2017 b.c.

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