Quality assurance guidelines

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Quality Assurance Guidelines

Tomรกs Lara, Quality Assurance Director.

Quality Assurance Guidelines, Objectives and Procedures

Version 1.1 4/14

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The Quality Assurance Department logo

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Table of Contents 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13

Overview and Objective……………………………………………………………………………………………4

Department Requirements and Positions Descriptions………………………………….4 Monitoring…………………………………………………………………………………………………….7 Call Monitoring Procedure…………………………………………………………………………….7 The Call Evaluation Form……………………………………………………………………………….8 Submitting the Call Evaluation Form Procedure…………………………………………….8 Scoring the call………………………………………………………………………………………………8 Feedbacks……………………………………………………………………………………………………..9 Coaching……………………………………………………………………………………………………….9 The Coaching Form………………………………………………………………………………………10 Calibration……………………………………………………………………………………………………11 Performance Recognition…………………………………………………………………………….11 Reports, Dashboards and the QA Network……………………………………………11&12

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1.1 Overview and Objective

CCD Quality Assurance team mission statement is “100% of Quality 100% of the time.” Quality is defined as a grade of excellence. Every interaction is essential. Our representative’s primary responsibility is to create a positive and the best experience for the customer. This Quality Assurance Guidelines aims to provide best practice procedures for implementing a consolidated call center quality assurance program. The main objective is to provide valuable insights into Management, Agents and Client about agent performance and identify agent development opportunities. The program and the procedures within this guide will be in a constant process of improvement that guarantees a permanent analysis of the results, improve training and achieve total customer satisfaction.

1.2 Department Requirements & Positions Descriptions CCD Facility has a fully staffed, trained, and equipped department looking out for your company’s best interest. The QA Staff will insure that the agents are following all internal and external regulations and client standards. In order to provide the highest level of quality CCD has established all of the QA Department structure and team responsibilities as follows: 1. A Quality Assurance Department. 2. A Quality Assurance Director. 3. Quality Assurance Analysts with a ratio of 1 every 20 representatives (1:20) unless otherwise directed by the management or client. Quality Assurance Analysts are Monitors and Verifiers. 4. Verifier’s number will vary depending on the amount of recordings needed to be verified. 5. Each QA new Member will go through a two week training period with in the department, conducted by the Director. 6. All QA Members will have personalized access to the CCD Contact Center software suite tool and the QA Network. 7. Necessary and fully efficient computer system and headset per QA team member. 8. QA Analysts must attend new project training and roll out. 9. Each QA Monitor and Verifier must be tested on each project with a passing score of 100%. 10. To ensure product knowledge on each project each QA Monitor and Verifier must be re-tested with a passing score of 100%. 11. QA Monitors and Verifiers must attend all calibrations sessions. 12. QA Monitor and Verifiers must be fair and unbiased. 13. QA Monitors and Verifiers must demonstrate excellent Listening skills. Page | 4

14. QA Members provided written feedbacks with fact based information. 15. QA Members must follow all the guidelines for each operation as established on this manual. 16. The QA department will work closely with the Operations Manager. 17. The QA Department will work closely with the Center Manager. 18. The QA Department will closely with assigned Account and Billing Manager.

Positions The Quality Assurance Director Function: Position is responsible of monitor the Quality Assurance department team in order to ensure operations excellence. Its main goal, in consultation with all staff, is to lead the development, implementation and review of the Quality programs to ensure regulatory requirements are met and best practice is achieved. Will made improvement recommendations to the Operations Manager or Management and monitors the result of stated recommendations. Responsibilities: 1. Supervise a team of Quality Assurance Analysts by defining goals and expectations following the company mission statement of “100% of Quality, 100% of the time�. 2. Evaluate quality of work being performed by tracking on-going agent’s performance and the quality assurance program development, daily, weekly and monthly. 3. Ensure that all industry regulations, Client and CCD guidelines are being followed. 4. Review with management and QA Team, previous weekly quality results. Mutually discuss various techniques to improve quality performance. 5. Document quality patterns and goals. Recommend any corrective action if negative patterns develop or quality goals are not achieved. 6. Supervise all processes within the department and communicate result to Operations. 7. Manage Quality Monitor ratios and measure on-going review performance. 8. Coordinate with Operations all related to client requirements. 9. Coordinate with Operations, Account Management and training; Quality Assurance guidelines for each client program. 10. Develop agents motivational programs with other managers targeted at enhancing call center quality. 11. Perform other functions as assigned by management.

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Qualifications:       

2 Year’s current experience in call center environment. In depth knowledge of the operations of a call center. Proven excellent analytical/management skills Excellent oral/written communication skills Strong coaching and development skills Teamwork oriented Excellent interpersonal skills

Call Center Relationship: Reports to: Operations Manager or Management Subordinate staff: Quality Assurance Analysts The Quality Assurance Analyst Function: Position is responsible for ensuring call center quality standards and programs guidelines are being followed. Depending on the campaign specifics or Director Instructions, Analyst will monitor and verified interactions. Will need to identify areas of service improvements and developing programs that improve the overall quality of the customer’s experience when interacting with the CallCenter. Responsibilities: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.


Accomplished call monitoring guidelines according to campaign guidelines. Verify all sales, appointments or other outbound campaigns interactions. Ensure that all Client and CCD guidelines are being followed. Complete daily Scorecards and perform daily, weekly and monthly reports and as indicated on the campaign specifics or by QA director. Maintain an in depth knowledge of all client requirements to accurately measure agent performance. Establish a permanent and effective communication channel and recommend to campaign manager any methods to improve agents overall performance. Provides structured and timely recommendations; verbal and/or written feedback to Campaign Manager and QA director. Oriented to enhance agent customer service skills and sales skills by performing the necessary monitoring and coaching sessions if ratio is not sufficient related by campaign Quality program. Analyzes/audits campaign data, recordings, and coordinate customer surveys to identify areas of service delivery that did not meet pre-established performance standards within the CallCenter.

10. Perform other functions as assigned by QA director or management.

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Qualifications:     

Must have been an agent for at least 90 days (unless signed off by management) Must have excellent written and oral communication skills. Proven excellent analytical/management skills Strong coaching and development skills Must meet CCD attendance standards.

Call center relationship: Reports to:

Quality Assurance Director

Subordinate staff:


1.3 Monitoring The goal of monitoring our agents is: One, to provided valuable insights into management, Agents, Clients about performance and opportunities. Two; will verify and ensure that agent performance meets or exceeds internal requirements and Client expectations. Tools of monitoring A call evaluation form (scorecard) and the built in contact center suite software.

1.4 Call Monitoring Procedures 1. Each CCD agent is to be monitored and evaluated 3 times per week if they are a full time employee and 2 times per week if they are a part time employee. This evaluation frequency will vary if is otherwise directed by Management, Client or the Quality Assurance Director. 2. Used the digital CCD call evaluation form assigned to the specific campaign from the QA Network, unless otherwise directed by client requirements. 3. Monitor 2 complete calls, score and evaluate the agent overall performance. 4. Log all the agents which were monitored on the daily monitoring sheet. 5. If an Immediate feedback is required then complete the following: a. Document the call scoring and comments by completing a digital ‘’Immediate feedback Form’’. b. Specify the issues that must be addressed immediately in detail. c. Follow up with a 1 on 1 counseling session with the agent. d. Upload the IFM to the specific campaign documents folder on the QA Network. Type of Employees and detected Issues A full time employee is defined anyone working 25 or more hours per week and a part time employee is defined as any employee working 10-24 hours a week.

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If during another monitoring session the same issue is detected the QA analyst will repeat step (5) and will proceed to email the immediate feedback form to the campaign manager and request a second counseling session of the agent this time including the campaign manager. Outcome of this session needs to be documented in the End of the shift report.

1.5 The call evaluation Form The call evaluation form or Scorecard is a tool used by CCD Quality Assurance to measure call quality by a set standard of criteria either set by CCD, QA Team or by our client. The scorecard is digitally structured and stored in the QA Network home page. Every form is unique and specially designed for a specific campaign objectives.

1.6 Documenting the evaluation form The 4 basic steps in evaluating all monitoring sessions are documenting the form, scoring the interaction, submitting the form to the database and if is needed providing the immediate feedback. Procedures: 1. The QA Analyst will document all pertinent heading information (i.e. TSR/CSR, Date, Project, etc.) 2. Listen to 2 presentations or no more than 10 minutes for each representative. 3. Will fairly evaluate the interaction by completing the all areas of the scorecard (point questions, yes/no questions and comments box. 4. If the situation reference in the evaluation form does not present itself during the interaction the box or question is left blank. 5. The Comments box section is used to document strong/weak areas that a representative may have. This information is used when feedback or coaching is given to the agent.

1.7 Scoring the Call When the QA Analyst completes an evaluation the agent gets a score in each of the sections of the scorecard and an overall score of his performance. This total score will reflect an overall view of how the agent is performing. Every campaign will have its own scoring criteria previously designed and agreed by the QA team and the management. The following table shows the rating, definition and value given.

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Rating 1.Excellent 2.Good

3.Satisfactory 4.Needs Improvements 5.Immediate Feedback

Definition Requirements met. 100% of all mark -up opportunities Baseline requirements met. 75% of all mark-up opportunities. Only baseline requirements met. Not meeting one or more Baseline requirements. Exhibiting extreme behavior (e.g. Aggressiveness Profanity, hanging up on customer, misrepresenting company or product etc.)

Score 90 to 100 80 to 89

70 to 79 60 to 69 0 to 59

Type of monitoring and Scorecard Detail The QA Analyst can choose type of monitoring (DVR, Live Monitoring and specific or random selection of calls) to be utilize or otherwise directed by QA director or campaign guidelines. Specifics breakdowns of the scorecards sections and structure will be included in every QA Campaign guidelines.

1.8 Feedback The QA Analyst will provide specifics, frequent and consistent feedbacks* to the agents, campaign manager and QA director about the individual and overall campaign quality performance. This information exchange between the QA Analyst and agents or manager it does not pertain to any personal traits of an individual, but focuses on the actual work being done. The Analyst uses CCD and or the client’s guidelines as a tool for giving feedback to the representative. Feedbacks specifics Motivate contact center agents and communicate clear performance status. Feedbacks can be formal or informal. I.e. Analyst could take a minute on agent station to listen or update the agent with a finding.

1.9 Coaching The QA Analyst will develop a weekly coaching session per agent or otherwise directed by the client. This session will be made on the QA room in a 1 on 1 formal session of a maximum of 10 minutes.

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Procedures: Once all the monitoring sessions have been completed and documented via the scorecards and this has been achieve on the QA Network, the Analyst will then provide an individual coaching session to the representative via the following process: 1. Review the results of the scorecards and general agent performance. Indicate any trends, areas of opportunity of the agent. 2. Document the analysis on the Coaching Form. 3. If is necessary review the coaching form with the campaign manager or QA director. 4. Proceed to ask for a coaching session with the selected agent to the campaign manager. 5. Review the coaching session with the agent and discuss interactions specifics.

Coaching specifics The coaching session can be delivered in other room previously determined by the management or the Analyst can choose other method to perform it. I.e. Virtual coaching or integrate the different guidelines tools. Every time Analyst ask to pull an agent off the phone needs to make sure that agent disposition stays as QA feedback. Bullet points     

Address agent‐specific performance strengths and opportunities. Provide timely and specific progress evaluation. Improve agent confidence and empowerment. Use efficient tools. Ej: Role plays, best practice clips etc. Set realistic goals and expectations.

1.10 The Coaching Form The coaching form is a tool used by CCD Quality Assurance to track the agent overall performance after results are gathered from the monitoring sessions. The form is digitally structured and stored in the QA Network, tools and forms page. The form is totally customizable and merge the criteria’s with the previously designed call evaluation form for the specific campaign. Based on the QA Analyst analysis of the overall weekly performance of the agent, the coaching form will have a score result based on the same criteria of the call evaluations ratings. (See page 9)

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1.11 Calibration The QA Director will coordinate with the QA Team and the operations manager when to conduct periodic and simultaneous monitoring session between all the staff or the client. This is a tool that makes the monitoring program more establish and accurate, at the same time will help in building a strong partnership between CCD and the Clients.

Procedures:    

 

The Operations Manager will coordinate the session Operations Manager will set the date, local time, project, point of contact for client and the type of session to be made.(live or pre-call categorization) The QA Director will facilitate all tools needed. After the completion of the session both teams Client-CCD will discuss specifics and will update any guideline or needs within the agents, call evaluation and scoring etc. The QA Analyst will give verbal feedback to the agents about the session. Letting them know of the strengths and areas of opportunities. QA Analyst will complete a Calibration report with all the sessions’ details.

Bullet points  Control the background noise  Always use the mute function when there are not conversation with the client  Let the campaign manager know when the session will be move to another agent.

1.12 Track and Performance Recognition QA Analyst will track all the individual and team progress and will do monthly recognition to agents with the best quality scores or notable improvements. This agents will be recognized through CCD’s email newsletter. By recognizing top performers further incentivizes representatives to improve their performance, and reinforces the culture of prioritizing high quality customer service and sales productivity.

1.13 Reports, Dashboards and the QA Network The CCD Quality assurance reporting concept is design to provide timely and accurate information. QA Analyst will made a daily End of the shift report and Weekly Summary Overview of the campaign for the manager and the QA Director. The Analyst will resume all weekly operations made and Quality statistics of the campaign in the Weekly Summary Overview. The QA Analyst will made the Monthly Report in coordination with the QA Director.

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Monthly QA reports will be provided to the Operations Manager by the QA Director. All the Reports formats are defined and stored on the QA Network tools and forms page. They can be updated at any time to meet clients or program needs. QA Team will design Dashboards for every campaign specifics needs or specifics data to be collected and track. This Dashboards will be stored on the QA network. Reports Procedure: 

Once the shift has finished, the QA Analyst will document all the operations made during the shift and resume all major important findings on the end of the shift report form that is stored on the QA Network tools and forms page. o Follow up sending the report through email to the campaign manager and the QA Director. After the weekly shift is completed the QA Analyst will resume all week operations by completing the Weekly Summary Overview form that is stored on the QA Network tools and forms page. o Follow up sending the report through email to the campaign manager and the QA Director. (ask for proof of receiving it) The QA Director and QA Analyst will set a date and time to evaluate all month statistics and operations. The outcome will be documented on the monthly report. Monthly reports should be delivered no more than five days after the end of the month or otherwise directed by the operations manager.

Reports bullet points    

Simply Structured (google docs, Microsoft word, Excel or PDF’s) Appropriate writing Accurate statistics Coherence

The QA Network Is cloud based and powered by Google. The QA analyst can access to it via his CCD email account. The QA director is the site administrator.

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