easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable Products for advertising, promotion and sales events non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever. promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable ua ali litti t ve.e tive ess sse e tiall.p enti en .pr pre r ci reci ciou ous ou s.cl s.c s. c ev clev eve er.p er .pro p urab ble e protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid tivve ve.ffun unct ctiional t differentt.giganti tiic.un uni un niq ique ique e.v .val val a ua uab ble. e.ad adap ap ptive.d .dur dur ura able le.sol soliid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable e easy a syy.p .pr p ra ra ct tablle.stable e.roll l l abl blle g non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable n no o protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid
sales catalogue
o ved through c Success achie
l folding and ality functiona selling high qu en be s ha , ria pany doesn‘t Aust dynamic com ed in Koblach, 02. This young p GmbH, locat 20 ou ce Gr sin de ts en tra ing and ev Expo always expand otion and sales ment but it‘s lop vertising, prom ve ad r de fo t s uc nt od te pr more pavilion s partners in continual new r with busines nce through its lie te pp pe su m g co din it‘s lea only prove veloped into a potrade has de e fact that Ex r itself. fo ks ea sp innovating. Th e ort period of tim es in a very sh . than 20 countri er satisfaction ssible custom the highest po r fo t es en riv m st velop potrade nt stages of de the fact that Ex ring the differe success lies in , as well as du d quality o“ an Its recipe for „g rd ity al wo e tic ac m th Exceptional pr itself, even fro s. s er te m ta sto ien cu or g with Expotrade irements of it‘s n brand. Alon shes and requ present its ow idual needs, wi opportunity to ct sting rfe la pe g e up to the indiv th lon for ll as d a guarantor product, as we y‘s market an an Expotrade da es to ish on e gu ag tin ck dis le pa its an unbeatab -effectiveness its super cost success.
Our dealers‘
, lux countries any, the Bene Austria, Germ , Great Britain Italy, France, Switzerland, , rway, Sweden l, Denmark, No Spain, Portuga Bulgaria, ech Republic, Finland, the Cz tvia, Russia, tia, Greece, La Slowenia, Croa da. USA and Cana
List of conten Page 2/3: Page 4/5: Page 6/7: Page 8/9:
Page 10/11:
editorial c expotent basi ium expotent prem essional expotent prof expodome
and table pomotion flag ex 3: /1 12 Page expoprint Page 14/15: cessories details, tent, ac Page 16/19: accessories details, dome, Page 20/21: s ble, accessorie details, flag, ta Page 22/23:
expotent basic
‘s model
The beginner
n ather protectio
acious we ice limited for sp nt at a fair pr ur budget be yo ld basic. The A spacious te ou sh – party the expotent garden would be ion event or a eal solution . A short promot ally fair price ns then the id sio ca oc te cause of its re priva ove the rest be nal events or ab sio t es se of is pr r ion fo collect expotent tent odel from the quality. beginner‘s m the expotent t ou th wi n‘t have to do do u yo ss ele Neverth
it. That means is also behind that expotent ed te an ar gu n be d aluminium s and anodise appears you ca me expotent supporting leg na e m iu th r in ve um re al Whe basic model ard anodised the expotent tent has stand ed stability of sic sir ba de e e th th s en re livered su that ev al print! It is de uare profile en mm strong sq with an individu 30 en A ev le. or ofi rs pr in the colou scissors, 13 standard as we expect different sizes few minutes, a ur fo st in ju le in ab ed bl which is avail y hand assem g, and is easil nsportable ba in a handy tra nt manner. normal expote
Simple but ef
sale profile
race sport
expotent premium The classic
ing effect
ge advertis one with a lar
e to rise er. Now it‘s tim lder to should ou sh l al s or st that visitors. Exhibit You can do ju ous amount of u successful. it – an enorm that makes yo – “ luable en va se o Just imagine be int em d to d. This turns th o is „to see an rest. The mot dually designe e ivi th ind e ov be n ab th ca up s into e corlarge roof area your company premium. The w you can put nt ho te ‘s po at ex Th . e ay th e. with m far aw ur brand nam n been seen fro g effect for yo aces which ca class advertisin t rs fi advertising sp a te ea taneously cr ion and simul rect field of vis
me high Your brand na
above the rest
diameter and has a 38 mm each of which s le ofi pr m iniu ll even bear tagonal alum ce. This tent wi ium with its oc ct performan em rfe pr pe a nt d te an po ard coity The ex e, in 13 stand r quality, stabil of one‘s choic ofile stands fo es pr siz s or nt te iss al sc dividu d every reinforced ms to any an essly. Seven in sembly effortl emium confor pr as t nt en te qu po ex fre the brunt of sures that the place to place. nce heights en fortlessly from different entra transported ef be n ca it ls lours and two whee actical case on Packed in a pr requirement.
man Perfect perfor
event profile
support g merchandisin
est demands h ig h e th r fo rfect quality
s are, ng ather condition ng and anythi hi w hard the we yt ho r er te ev at m to t n‘ inly hold . It does Stands up wind and rain tents can certa
t also e expotent orching sun bu robust of all th s. Not only the sc her condition nal. The most sio es of pr nt in tough weat for the expote those events lem or ob ts es pr en a at ev ‘t pl t isn se en it ba r frequ th extra large ideal choice fo ors profile wi makes it the ngthened sciss indoor or re its own. This it‘s st r e he th et d an wh r te les . It doesn‘t mat octagonal profi ing ng yth ro st er ev m are ly m near Its 44 irements which which survive These are requ robustness – e. d tim an of ity d bil rio sta y day!“ stand for for a longer pe challenge ever or if it‘s set up here is „a new ent assembly ts. The motto en ev outdoor, frequ ion ot prom vertising and ofessional ad needed for pr to suffer life don‘t have ity and a long bil sta e m tre bly in at ex thout saying th , simple assem ional it goes wi r transporting ss fo ofe se pr ca g nt te yin rr For the expo gh quality ca ange of position handling: a hi an effortless ch -plates allow e cost of simple se ba e th on because of th thout. Being ls ot get along wi lockable whee as swivel and ional tent cann ll ss we ofe pr as is s, te th g hin minu oice of eight thanks to a ch ble, and somet t be a problem and indispensa d no ar ld nd ou sh sta s e ed entrance and ar ur individual ne tion the three rfect tent for yo int not to men pe pr y al all du re ivi a ind nd able to fi as well as an ndard colours shapes, 13 sta different tent choice. heights of your
Easy to handle
race profile
expodome ecatcher A stunning ey omotion
an exclusive pr s searching for ecial occasion t? Or are you en s have ev ss A dome for sp cla p ent promotor r a to nce fo ialists and ev exclusive ambie and name spec res Looking for an Well-known br up to five met n? tio ta en es t pr th heights of dome form wi quality produc e gh e siv hi ad r es m fo pr r ea im ilo ar ‘s a ta me. This tent it also allows red the expodo ecatcher but ve ey e co iqu dis un ce a sin ly long is not on poles inside, noying bars or without any an arket scale. m up an and events on n tio ta en es area for pr ally:
individu ith style s to be used gst the rest w on e expodome ha th am t ich ou wh ds ies lit es, side ibi Stan extension arch different poss
with many accessories, ne using the wide range of This can be do ngement of is tent has a th e individual arra pl e am rg la ex r e fo th e d ap an sh s ur to lo rd lly its nt co with rega many differe . Seen technica sing medium nnels. With its rti tu ve g ad tin se ec en nn e m walls or co become an im roof and the sid dome will soon aterial for the eas, the expo waterproof m 0% 10 e th d advertising ar m an ised aluminiu this. s made of anod ecatcher like supporting leg cts from an ey pe ex e on ich wh d ar nd sta e the walls guarante
culture race
table and flag
n every situatio d n a h c a e r A table fo
Show your co
vering material as co intable rolls of Pr . ea ar n tio of ality presenta in a multitude e and a high qu it can be used n, functional us height setting . e pe bl co ria ot va nn Exclusive desig its e ca lt of pomotion tabl ace. As a resu le and light ex advertising sp ab al ld s fo ion ou e m dit th or ad en or th which also support an quirement wi this table can t: there‘s no re appreciate that ss when it ey ways. In shor th ne d st an bu ro ble ta its n´t really see discovered this do s u ha Yo GP e. to bl ta Mo Even the nic‘s workshop as the mecha . it‘s often used bag on wheels weight. Here ving portable ient space sa en nv co a in comes packed
which cope flag pole lies in the teles et cr se s It‘ ! t cost the world le in one simple It also doesn‘ fitted to the po sting – and it is! e (4 – 6 m) to be siz ag fl e tiv Sounds intere ec an optimum in resp d assures you and allows the rotate 360° an by Expotrade to ed ag lop fl ve ion de ot s wa pom nt fastening mme: differe allows your ex ilt-in rotator in our progra bu e so Al Th t. s. en ow bl indoor as movem way the wind l cross – for s, whichever ry sturdy stee ct ve fe e ef th t or en m e, advertise ot base plat pegs, tent fo r example tent possibilities fo r use. well as outdoo
, but three One flag pole
functiona Exclusive and
presentation sponsoring
flag sizes
event salle
expoprint al
individu Impressively
g method screen printin By using the s. es oc pr g intin is impreslly resistant pr inting process ality of the pr and an especia , qu rs r lou lou co co e h numver, th Intense, ric ble for a larger eaking, howe especially suita technically sp is s its es lim oc its pr s g tin ese can creativity ha the costly prin lour areas. Th er fixed costs, arly defined co gh cle hi e ve th ha of e ich wh sive. Becaus simple logos g is ideal for . Screen printin ndard colours sta 13 l ber of items. al to on y restrictions an t ou th wi d be transferre
inting Silkscreen pr
y even very individuall s to be created nt te nt te po ex s , can be process allow e or event good e digital printing ur brand nam Th yo t. es for do ef at tle wh lit d printed Great effect, ver you wish an tures can be mbers. Whate ts, or large pic nu ien er ad all gr r sm in lou from es, co when ordered otects the print d logos, shad ective layer pr nt and detaile ot ga pr va ial tra ec ex sp e: d only .A made possibl on one side an the tent fabric omically onto only be printed n on ca ec s ly int ive pr l lat ita quickly and re advantage: dig rich. Small dis e colours look damage and th fabric. on white tent inting ts. This new pr colour gradien inting pr l to n os, pictures to io ria log at ate m m im fro e s bl th he Su etc onto r is transferred ectrum here str lours – the sp rs, wish. The colou y co lou er al co ev on se ur ati en yo ns int ls Se ore fulfi ssibilities and result: even m e po d Th ite d. lim ate un tre at you l prinprocess gives r while being he entional digita ecial copy pape f than the conv the help of sp e scratch proo or th m wi ing ed be int pr as be well ger durability as ery way. ing results, lon excellent print convinces in ev s es oc pr ing print on ati m bli su e ting process. Th
g Digital printin
ing (please enqu
are in oducts, which tion of their pr in the produc etely s pl ial m er co at g, m tin fied r with PU-coa sted and certi 100% polyeste exclusively te of es e us ad m de e tra ar s Expo aterial ndards. All m th current sta N 4102-19) accordance wi according to DI ed fi rti ce 1(B nt ta sis re d fire waterproof an
qu Your right of
urs Standard colo
blue - Pantone
yellow - Panto
ntone 533C dark blue - Pa
ne silver - Panto
sand - Pantone
ne orange - Panto
ne 349C
green - Panto
ntone 485C
light red - Pa
tone 3308C dark green - Pan
l grey 3
coo grey - Pantone
red - Panone
ct table
u expotent prod
3,75 x 2,5 m
4,5 x 3 m
2,5 x 2,5 m
4,5 x 3 m
4,5 x 3 m
leg-profile thickness in mm
30x30 2
30x30 2
30x30 2
30x30 2
38 octagon 38 octagon 38 octagon 38 octagon 38 octagon 38 octagon 38 octagon 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9
scissors-profile thickness in mm
12x26 1,3
12x26 1,3
12x26 2
12x26 1,3
12x26 1,5
12x26 1,5
12x26 1,5
12x26 1,5
12x26 1,5
12x26 1,5
12x26 1,5
20x39 1,5
20x39 1,5
20x39 1,5
20x39 1,5
20x39 1,5
20x39 1,5
20x39 1,5
20x39 1,5
weight in kg
pass line height in cm
packaging size in cm w|l|d incl. bag
44 octagon 44 octagon 44 octagon 44 octagon 44 octagon 44 octagon 44 octagon 44 octagon 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9 1,9
200|230|250 200|230|250 200|230|250 200|230|250
sidewalls standard
standard with door
panorama with window
s-panorama with two windows
s-panorama with door and window
1/2-height lower part
1/2-height upper part
sidewall height extension 30 cm sidewall height extension 50 cm
accessories transport bag
transport bag on wheels
transportbag with click-wheels
rain gutter horizontal
rain gutter vertical pipe (incl. closing)
roof (inside)
telescopic-bar horizontal
t-bar diagonal
foot-weight-plate 12,5 kg
foot-weight-plate 25,0 kg
4-er Set click-wheels (incl. bag)
6-er Set click-wheels (incl. bag)
click-wheel on base plate
transport bag on wheels
security handle with snap button
supporting leg profile
base plates
ct table
u expotent prod
rain gutter horizontal
expotent open
side wall standard
standard with door
panorama with window
s-panorama with two windows
s-panorama with door and window
1/2-height lower part
expotent closed
foot-weight-plates 12,5 kg or 25 kg
rain gutter vertical pipe
1/2-height upper part
sidewall height extension 30 cm
sidewall height extension 50 cm
click-wheel set (incl. bag)
connecting clamps
tent pegs
telescopic-bar horizontal
t-bar diagonal
roof (inside)
duct table
o expodome pr
dome NEW 3x3 m
4,8 m
6,0 m
9,0 m
details height (total) in m
profile diameter |thickness in mm
packaging size in cm w|l|d
frame weight in kg incl. bag
cover weight in kg incl. bag
standard with door
panorama with window
panorama with door
panorama with curtain
sidewalls on cover/on visor
expodome 3x3 m
( NEW )
accessories transport bag on wheels
connecting tunnel
dome banner foot-weight-plate 25 kg (3x3 -12,5 kg)
component parts 3x3 m
base plate with swivel wheels
foot-weight-plate 25,0 kg
transport bags on wheels
side wall standard
standard with door
panorama with window
panorama with door
panorama with curtain
dome banner
duct table
ro expomotion p
flag 60 x 120 cm
80 x 160 cm
90 x 180 cm
EF 280
EF 380
EF 490
profile thickness in mm
30 x 30
30 x 30
30 x 30
height in cm
packaging size in cm w|l|d
packaging size in cm w|l|d
weight in kg incl. bag
weight in kg accessories
accessories transport bag on wheels
transport bag •
transport bag for table sidewall on 3 sides (fixed with Velcro) height 75 cm
height 90 cm
height 100 cm
height 75 cm
height 90 cm
height 100 cm
flag-stand (17 kg)
cover on 5 sides (complete)
table set
sidewall on 3 sides (fixed with Velcro)
complete table cover
closed transport bag for flag
flag including flag-stand
open transport bag for flag
table in three different sizes
easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable urab ab ble e protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid rable es easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable e.gr e. grrea eat eat non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable oof. of..fle exi protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid uab ble.a e.ad ad easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable ablle.. st stab ab non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable no n er.p pro omo oti tion tio on protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid rot otec tecti cti tivvve ve.f e.f .fun fun u ctio ctio ona nal.up p to date. e.dif iffe fere fe rent re ntt.g .gi gig igan iga anti ant easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable b t fas fa s stt adj djustta dj tabl ble non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid Expotrade Group GmbH, Herrschaftswiesen 17, 6842 Koblach / Austria easy.practical.robust.fast.adjustable.resistable.portable.stable.rollable.great.foldable T +43 | 5523 | 54 010, F +43 | 5523 | 54 010-6, office@expotrade.at, www.expotrade.at non-fading.qualitive.essential.precious.clever.promotional.waterproof.flexible.favourable protective.functional.up-to-date.different.gigantic.unique.valuable.adaptive.durable.solid