Have you ever seen a Dragon? HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A DRAGON? Of course, you have. In books, in movies, in cartoons, in magazines, on cereal Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, diceret rationibus ea sed, no meliore accumsan boxes etc. rationibus quo. Usu aeque ignota reformidans et, mel libris patrioque an. Vim et postulant efficiantur. Magna accusamus in vis. Ei mea inani facilis. So! What do you know about them? They breathe fire...what else? Eum ad sint deleniti appetere, cu atomorum patrioque constituto sed. Not much really. And yet these mythical beasts fascinate us. Have you ever Alterum vocibus per id, ferri melius gloriatur ius ex. Qui eu tollit wondered how they could fly? Or if it was even possible? How they can doming integre, in nec rebum possim. Nec ea dolorem pertinacia breathe fire? Do all Dragons breathe fire? Millions of questions that efficiantur, in semper numquam quo. Placerat philosophia et quo. remain unanswered, truly because no Dragon has ever roamed the earth. Et dicant sapientem explicari nec, ne quando tantas admodum sea. An But... WHAT IF DRAGONS WERE REAL? What if they had always been a qui prompta principes, in sea vero aliquid platonem, ex homero saperet part of our lives, like bears or wolves? An apex predator living and explicari eos. Id facilis argumentum pro. Quo idque audire ea, eros sharing the landscape with the rest of the animal kingdom. reque forensibus vis ei. Suas corrumpit ut pro, pro id hinc denique deterruisset, volutpat forensibus eam cu. The human race would have evolved with it, around it and against it like they did with anything or anyone challenging the top spot of the food chain.
Based Et dicant on the sapientem illustration explicari booknec, by William ne quando O’Connor, tantas admodum DRACOPEDIA sea. explores An qui prompta the 21st century of in principes, a world sea vero thataliquid has evolved platonem, with ex thehomero presence saperet of Dragons. explicari eos. Id facilis argumentum pro. Quo idque audire ea, eros reque forensibus vis ei. At a corrumpit Suas crossroadsut between pro, pro Travel/Wildlife id hinc denique documentary deterruisset, and fantasy, volutpatDRACOPEDIA forensibus tells eam cu. the story of CJ DELACROIX an ADVENTURER, FILMMAKER and outdoor professional on a MISSION to document the LAST LIVING GREAT DRAGONS OF THIS WORLD. Ex laudem Following legimusthe debitis fieldvis, guide nonumy styleaperiri of the ei book, sea. DRACOPEDIA Eam et insolens exists in a format thatadversarium, interesset has NEVER been vimdone cu vero before. prima vituperatoribus, feugiat corpora elaboraret te ius. Te melius legimus probatus per. Oratio laoreet Dracopedia ius vituperata doescu, notsalutatus try to convince instructior anyone idthat duo.Dragons Est vocent exist assentior in our reality butea, efficiendi instead vis esse operates vivendum as ano, WHAT mel IF? deserunt salutandi cu. An ALTERNATE Vis id phaedrum REALITY scriptorem, NATURE iracundia SHOW combined definiebas with a quaerendum VIRTUAL REALITY ex mel. EXPERIENCE Sea diam unum to soleat discover, in,understand id altera latine AND encounter detraxit the sit. MOST AtAMAZING dictas animal our detracto omnesque world has mei. NEVER Ne elit SEEN. percipit mel, oporteat dissentias id pri, in dico causae dignissim mei. Eum maluisset mediocritatem et. Nowvix Id rule copiosae number lobortis one of Dracopedia... torquatos.
There are over one thousand species of Dragons living on all seven continents and in each of the four oceans of the world. Classified over 5 different orders and 14 dicant different families the DRACO class covers tantas animalsadmodum of manysea. shapes and prompta forms. Et sapientem explicari nec, ne quando An qui principes, in sea vero aliquid platonem, ex homero saperet explicari eos. Id Most of argumentum them flightless or marine species. facilis pro. Quo idque audire ea, eros reque forensibus vis ei. Suas corrumpit ut pro, pro id hinc denique deterruisset, volutpat forensibus Our cu. focus will be on the EIGHT known LARGEST species of the DRACOREXIDAE eam family, The Dracorexus Genus known commonly as THE GREAT DRAGONS. Thelaudem biggest, baddest, fire-breathing the world to offer. Ex legimus debitis vis, nonumypredators aperiri ei sea. Eamhas et insolens interesset adversarium, vim cu vero prima vituperatoribus, feugiat No animal in the world has Te inspired folklore and per. stimulation to the corpora elaboraret te ius. meliusmore legimus probatus Oratio laoreet human imagination the Eight species id of duo. the Great Dragons. vituperata ius cu,than salutatus instructior Est vocent assentior efficiendi ea, vis esse vivendum no, mel deserunt salutandi cu. Sadly many of them are on the “Most Endangered List� and all are in dire straits.scriptorem, Like the Rhinos, Tigers, and Elephants, Theex Great Vis id phaedrum iracundia definiebas quaerendum mel. Dragons most ofid their habitats ability to At thrive on Sea diamhave unumlost soleat in, altera latineand detraxit sit. dictas their own. detracto omnesque mei. Ne elit percipit mel, oporteat dissentias id pri, in dico causae dignissim mei. Eum maluisset mediocritatem et. Pushed back by humans expansion the Great Dragons have found Id vix copiosae lobortis torquatos. shelter in reserved protected areas and national parks all over the world.
Et dicant explicari ne quando tantas admodum An qui Under the sapientem DRACO PROTECTION ACTnec, of 1948 and WORLD DRAGON FUNDsea. of 1972, a strict prompta principes, in seaplan verohas aliquid homero saperet explicari environmental protection takenplatonem, place to ex save the fierce giants. eos. Id facilis argumentum pro. Quo idque audire ea, eros reque forensibus vis Suas corrumpit pro,priority pro id hinc denique deterruisset, volutpat Manyei. organizations haveut taken in rehabilitating the Great Dragons. forensibus cu. Now with soeam many of them on the brink of extinction, the magnificent beasts have become scarce and their sightings extremely rare. Vis phaedrum scriptorem, iracundia Withid the death in New York of PHINEUS diam unumlast soleat in,Dragon id altera latine the very Great to live in
definiebas exGREEN mel. Sea a 140 yearsquaerendum old ACADIAN and detraxit sit. dictas detracto captivity, TheAt WDF has financed
omnesque mei. around Ne elitthe percipit mel, oporteat dissentias id pri, in dico an expedition world to document the last remaining specimens causae mei.under Eum maluisset mediocritatem et. IdEXPEDITION. vix copiosae of the dignissim “GREAT EIGHT� the banner of THE DRACOPEDIA lobortis torquatos.
The show follows CJ DELACROIX on his travels across the world and his quest to document the Great Eight. From the rocky shores of Maine USA to the Yellow Mountains of CHINA, explicari passing through the icy valley ICELAND, the Et dicant sapientem nec, ne quando tantasof admodum sea. Anforests qui prompta of SWEDEN and the vero cliffs of CRIMEA. principes, in sea aliquid platonem, ex homero saperet explicari eos. Id facilis argumentum pro. Quo idque audire ea, eros reque forensibus vis ei. Under theexplores DRACOut PROTECTION of 1948 and WORLD DRAGON of 1972, The show all those different locations as they FUND are today but a instrict an Suas corrumpit pro, pro ACT id hinc denique deterruisset, volutpat forensibus environmental protection plan has taken tomyths save the ALTERNATE REALITY where Dragons are partplace of our and fierce legendsgiants. but also eam cu. our everyday lives. Many organizations have taken in rehabilitating Dragons. Ex laudem legimus debitis vis,priority nonumy aperiri ei sea. Eamthe et Great insolens Now soadversarium, manybetween of themvim on the brink offantasy extinction, the magnificent beasts At awith crossroads travel show and wildlife documentary, interesset cu vero prima vituperatoribus, feugiat have become scarce and extremely rare. the show contemplates atheir parallel present in aprobatus real environment with corpora elaboraret te ius. Tesightings melius legimus per. Oratio laoreet real peopleius sharing their culture, experiences, of their vituperata cu, salutatus instructior id duo.and Estknowledge vocent assentior With the death York of PHINEUS a 140 years old ACADIAN GREEN and resident Dragons. efficiendi ea, in visNew esse vivendum no, mel deserunt salutandi cu. the very last Great Dragon to live in captivity, The WDF has financed an expedition world toknow document the last remaining A love letter around toscriptorem, the the world as we it merged with an allegorical Vis id phaedrum iracundia definiebas quaerendum exspecimens mel. of the “GREAT under the banner of DRACOPEDIA tale, Dracopedia is built exactly like a THE Wildlife Docu. Sea diam unum EIGHT� soleat in, id altera latine detraxit sit. EXPEDITION. At dictas detracto omnesque mei. Ne elit percipit mel, oporteat dissentias id Dracopedia will never acknowledge Dragons domediocritatem NOT exist, onet. the pri, in dico causae dignissim mei.that Eum maluisset opposite Dracopedia will torquatos. exist solely in a reality where Dragons Id vix copiosae lobortis and all the other big animals are on the same level...revered by some, feared by many...but ultimately known by all.
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In the likes of “Crocodile Hunter” and other “River Monsters” types of naturalist and exploratory programs, Dracopedia’s journey is led by one host. For us it will be CJ Delacroix a middle-aged rugged Nature filmmaker doubled as an incredible tracker and avid outdoorsman. Et dicant sapientem explicari nec, ne quando tantas admodum sea. An qui prompta CJ is passionate his mission, fairly but not a principes, in seaabout vero aliquid platonem, exknowledgeable homero saperet explicari eos. Id professional Dracologist. CJidque will audire interact with numbers of local and facilis argumentum pro. Quo ea, eros reque forensibus vis ei. Under the DRACO PROTECTION ofstay 1948 and WORLD DRAGON FUND of 1972, a strict international experts in different countries. Suas corrumpit ut pro,during pro ACT idhis hinc denique deterruisset, volutpat forensibus environmental protection plan has taken place to save the fierce giants. eam cu. With a mix of direct to camera interviews and documentary style Many organizations have taken priority inwill rehabilitating Dragons. interactions with debitis locals and “fixers” CJ track each specific Dragon Ex laudem legimus vis, nonumy aperiri ei sea. Eamthe et Great insolens Now with so many them on the brink of extinction, the magnificent beasts in order toadversarium, reachof his goal...filming the animal IN THE WILD. interesset vim cu vero prima vituperatoribus, feugiat have become scarce and their extremely rare.per. Oratio laoreet corpora elaboraret te ius. Tesightings melius legimus probatus In a 30 minute format, every instructior episode is dedicated to vocent one particular vituperata ius cu, salutatus id duo. Est assentior With the death York of PHINEUS a 140 years old ACADIAN GREEN and Dragon specimen inNew a specific country. efficiendi ea, in vis esse vivendum no, mel deserunt salutandi cu. the very last Great Dragon to live in captivity, The WDF has financed an around the world document last remaining specimens Theexpedition show equally focuses on iracundia theto science andthe knowledge aroundex the Vis id phaedrum scriptorem, definiebas quaerendum mel. of the “GREAT EIGHT” banner of THE DRACOPEDIA species as well as a under presentation of the country and itsEXPEDITION. cultural Sea diam unum soleat in, idthe altera latine detraxit sit. At dictas relation omnesque with the mei. mythical beasts. detracto Ne elit percipit mel, oporteat dissentias id pri, in dico causae dignissim mei. Eum maluisset mediocritatem et. Offering a cornucopia of torquatos. scientific information, observational Id vix copiosae lobortis footage and never before seen images of Dragons in the wild, the show presents the Dragon, not as a movie antagonist or a friendly sidekick but a unique animal in his strife to survive in today’s world.
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The VR experience is designed as a companion to the more formatted show. 5 to 7 minutes in length the VR experience principally focuses on a short format on the last part of the show...the actual encounter with the Dragon. Et dicant sapientem explicari nec, ne quando tantas admodum sea. An qui prompta principes, in sea vero aliquid platonem, ex homero saperet explicari eos. Id Designed to put the emphasis on the proximity of the beast, the VR experience facilis argumentum pro. Quo idque audire ea, eros reque forensibus vis ei. is built specifically around the viewer as a guest of CJFUND Delacroix in his Under the DRACO PROTECTION ACT of 1948 and WORLD DRAGON of 1972, a strict Suas corrumpit ut pro, pro id hinc denique deterruisset, volutpat forensibus final approach. environmental protection plan has taken place to save the fierce giants. eam cu. The VR experience has its own script that different from the show and Many organizations have taken in is rehabilitating Dragons. Ex laudem legimus debitis vis,priority nonumy aperiri ei sea. Eamthe et Great insolens plays on different strings such as physiological scare and awe instead of Now with so many of them on the brink of extinction, the magnificent beasts interesset adversarium, vim cu vero prima vituperatoribus, feugiat curiosity. have become scarce and their extremely rare.per. Oratio laoreet corpora elaboraret te ius. Tesightings melius legimus probatus vituperata ius cu, salutatus instructior id duo. Est vocent assentior Every VR experience breaks the fourth wall and addresses the viewer With the death York of PHINEUS a 140 years old ACADIAN GREEN and efficiendi ea, in visNew esse vivendum no, mel deserunt salutandi cu. directly a member of theto expedition. Every script vary the very as last Great Dragon live in captivity, The will WDF has financed depending on the Dragons proximity, aggressiveness, location, specimens etc. an around the world to document the last remaining Visexpedition id phaedrum scriptorem, iracundia definiebas quaerendum ex mel. Sometimes it will go well, sometimes it will go wrong, sometimes as of the “GREAT EIGHT� under the banner of THE DRACOPEDIA EXPEDITION. Sea diam unum soleat in, id altera latine detraxit sit. At dictas planned, sometimes not, offering a different experience each time. detracto omnesque mei. Ne elit percipit mel, oporteat dissentias id pri, in dico causae dignissim mei. Eum maluisset mediocritatem et. No matter how different every experience is, they will all have Id vix copiosae lobortis torquatos. one thing in common...a very close encounter with the most interesting beast that has never been seen because it never existed.
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We have been capable of making computer generated photorealistic Dragons for a while now. We have had many movies since “Reign Of Fire”. The technique and savoir-faire are fairly well established by now and accessible by the majority of VFX studios...it just hasn’t been used for nature documentary before. Reptilian/scale creatures are one of today easiest creature to manufacture. Many Under thehave DRACO PROTECTION ACT of 1948aperiri and WORLD FUND 1972, a strict networks dabbled in CGI dinosaur documentary manyEam times, some more successfully Ex laudem legimus debitis vis, nonumy ei DRAGON sea. et of insolens environmental protectionvim plan taken place to save the fierce giants. than others. interesset adversarium, cuhas vero prima vituperatoribus, feugiat corpora elaboraret te ius. Te melius legimus probatus per. Oratio laoreet vituperata Many organizations haveon taken in Great Dragons. Success depends mainly the priority ratio ofEst CGIrehabilitating footage lengththe compared to ea, the budget of ius cu, salutatus instructior id duo. vocent assentior efficiendi Now with many of them the brink of extinction, the magnificent beasts an episode. vis esse so vivendum no, melon deserunt salutandi cu. have become scarce and their sightings extremely rare. Because all the scriptorem, great Dragons have a similar morphology we have a big advantage Vis id phaedrum iracundia definiebas quaerendum ex mel. Sea With inin, New York of PHINEUS 140of years old GREEN andcan be over the the death Dinosaurs. In the long run, aa lot CGI assets and Animation diam unum soleat id altera latine detraxit sit. AtACADIAN dictas detracto the veryand last Great Dragon to live in captivity, The WDFid has financed re-used average the costs per episode. It’s important to underline omnesque mei. Ne elit percipit mel, oporteat dissentias pri, in dicothat an expedition the world to document the last remaining specimens Dracopedia is around notmei. about CGI dragons from beginning to end, this model is causae dignissim Eum maluisset mediocritatem et. Id vix copiosae of the “GREAT EIGHT” under thebudget. banner of THE DRACOPEDIA EXPEDITION. unsustainable on a reasonable lobortis torquatos. Very much like River Monsters, where the quest is as important as the find, Dracopedia operates under the same template...the CGI Dragons are encountered in the third tier of the show and contained under ten minutes. The build up to it and the discovery along the way is what keeps the viewer involved.
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Summer is over, Fall is settling in. Overcast and a bit windy, a typical day in the coastal region of Bar Harbor Maine. The crashing waves of the Atlantic beating the basaltic blocks of the black cliffs. A beautiful and rugged landscape. CJ Delacroix an adventurer filmmaker, Avery Winslow an expert Dracologist are hiking up a trail alongside the cliffs. They are deep inside Maine’s Acadian Dragon Preserve. Fully loaded Backpack the group makes its way through the boulders and the evergreen. Under DRACO PROTECTION of 1948 andtamquam WORLD DRAGON FUND 1972, a strict Lorem the ipsum dolor sit amet,ACT solet viderer te quo, usuof harum recusabo CJ is walking,protection talking directly totaken camera. Histo breathing heavy, they have been environmental plan has place theis fierce giants. et. Nam at oblique vocibus quaerendum. Nam ridenssave sanctus delicata et, eu hiking for a while. option eleifend perpetua has. Eu ius dictas propriae, eu dolore cotidieque Many haveconceptam taken priority inatqui rehabilitating Great Dragons. vim. organizations Vidisse suavitate eum id, vivendo nethe ius, numquam NOTE : the camera represents thebrink viewer POV. Now with so many of them on the of the magnificent beasts oportere ex mel. Id est nostrud mandamus.extinction, Usu ipsum facilisis in. have become scarce and their sightings extremely rare. CJ (to camera): Te his dico homero. Usu te illud utinam reprimique, an minim laudem Wow, so wein are. National Dragon Preserve. I am CJ Delacroix. With thehere death NewAcadia York of PHINEUS a 140 years oldomnis ACADIAN GREENut and We are alterum mei. Vivendo volutpat iudicabit an mel, odio feugait about to meet the last great Dragon ofcaptivity, the eastern seaboard... The Dracorexus the very last Great Dragon to live in The WDF has financed sed. Probo mentitum cu usu, ex sed quem impedit dolorem, no mel aperiam Acadius more commonly known as to thedocument Americanthe green Dragon. Lessspecimens than 30 green an expedition around the last remaining recteque sadipscing. Mea world ullum munere vituperatoribus ne, voluptua Acadian have been accounted for, so its preservation hasEXPEDITION. become a top priority of the “GREAT EIGHT” under the banner of THE DRACOPEDIA liberavisse et vim. Ne altera referrentur eos. here in North America. CJ talks quietly as we progress along the trail. CJ (CONT’D): This is Avery Winslow our expert Dracologist, He will be guiding us today...We’re getting pretty close right?
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AVERY WINSLOW: Hi CJ, yes we are. First thing to know about the Acadian is we are in the middle of his mating season. We have been tracking four females and we know for a fact that we have at least two mature males within the preserve. Now if they meet, both specimen will be on their most aggressive behavior. CJ (to camera): Oh yeah let’s talk about that for a minute...The Acadian only mates every five years and the female will only lay between one and threeFUND eggs... So it’s a bit of a Under the DRACO PROTECTION ACT of 1948 and WORLD DRAGON of 1972, a strict Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, solet viderer tamquam te quo, usu harum recusabo stressful affair and theyplan can get edgy.to Now that being said we might be able environmental protection has pretty takenNam place the fierce giants. et. Nam at oblique vocibus quaerendum. ridenssave sanctus delicata et, eu to document their ritual in the wild, something that has never been filmed before... option eleifend perpetua has. Eu ius dictas propriae, eu dolore cotidieque as long as we can keep distance andin remain invisible... Many haveour taken priority rehabilitating Great Dragons. vim. organizations Vidisse suavitate conceptam eum id, atqui vivendo nethe ius, numquam Now with so on the brink of extinction, the magnificent beasts oportere ex many mel. of Id them est nostrud mandamus. Usu ipsum facilisis in. CJ and Averyscarce suddenly insightings their tracks. CJ spots something on the ground. He have become andstop their extremely rare. picks up a huge green feather. Longer than a Pheasant’s tail. Te his dico homero. Usu te illud utinam reprimique, an minim laudem With themei. death in Newvolutpat York of PHINEUS a 140 years oldomnis ACADIAN GREENut and alterum Vivendo iudicabit an mel, odio feugait CJ (CONT’D): the last Great Dragon captivity, The WDF has financed sed.very Probo mentitum cu usu,to exlive sed in quem impedit dolorem, no mel aperiam Oh my! We’re definitely getting super close...The Acadian is one of the few an expedition around the document the last remaining specimens recteque sadipscing. Mea world ullum to munere vituperatoribus ne, voluptua dragon species that has feathers. Bright and long like that...This is a male of the “GREAT EIGHT” under the banner of THE DRACOPEDIA EXPEDITION. liberavisse et vim. Ne altera referrentur eos. head feather. I am so exited about this. AVERY WINSLOW: Yeah this is a spot they particularly like. Open, high up, easy to take off and spot potential prey. We hear some screeching and roaring in the distance. Everyone picks up on it, but Avery is familiar with the sound. 19 7
AVERY WINSLOW (CONT’D): There she is. CJ hears two distinct sounds. CJ: Oh my! Over the ridge...One?...No two. Under DRACO PROTECTION of 1948 andtamquam WORLD DRAGON FUND 1972, a strict Lorem the ipsum dolor sit amet,ACT solet viderer te quo, usuof harum recusabo Everyone is crouching, carefully ato rocky outcrop. Avery and CJ clear environmental protection plan hasapproaching takenNam place save the fierce giants. et. Nam at oblique vocibus quaerendum. ridens sanctus delicata et, eu the ridge line, only to discover down below a hundred feet away TWO FEMALE GREEN option eleifend perpetua has. Eu ius dictas propriae, eu dolore cotidieque ACADIAN. Many haveconceptam taken priority inatqui rehabilitating Great Dragons. vim. organizations Vidisse suavitate eum id, vivendo nethe ius, numquam Now with so on the brink of extinction, the magnificent beasts oportere ex many mel. of Id them est nostrud mandamus. Usu ipsum facilisis in. Both are laying in the open by the cliff side. have Dragons become scarce and their sightings extremely rare. Without warning Avery sprays something on CJ (and the viewer’s POV). Te his dico homero. Usu te illud utinam reprimique, an minim laudem With themei. death in Newvolutpat York of PHINEUS a 140 years oldomnis ACADIAN GREENut and alterum Vivendo iudicabit an mel, odio feugait AVERY WINSLOW: the very last Great Dragon captivity, The WDF has financed sed. Probo mentitum cu usu,to exlive sed in quem impedit dolorem, no mel aperiam Weasel musk. an expedition around the document the last remaining specimens recteque sadipscing. Mea world ullum to munere vituperatoribus ne, voluptua of the “GREAT under thereferrentur banner of THE DRACOPEDIA EXPEDITION. liberavisse etEIGHT” vim. Ne altera eos. CJ: Woo lordy! That stinks! AVERY WINSLOW (to CJ and Camera): The Acadian Dragons have a very symbiotic relationship with the short tailed weasel. Dragon dens attract mice, shrews and all kinds of rodents, the Weasels go-to snacks...So, Dragons welcome Weasels — they get a clean den and weasel get fat bellies. Everyone’s happy. 20 7
CJ: So we’re weasels now. Avery nods. AVERY WINSLOW: Many Dragons identify by smell, using vision only to locate their prey. CJ is setting upPROTECTION a long range scope, looking through theFUND eye piece. Under the DRACO ACT of 1948 and WORLD DRAGON 1972, a strict Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, solet viderer tamquam te quo, usuof harum recusabo environmental protection plan has takenNam place to save the fierce giants. et. Nam at oblique vocibus quaerendum. ridens sanctus delicata et, eu CJ: option eleifend perpetua has. Eu ius dictas propriae, eu dolore cotidieque That’s interesting.have taken priority in rehabilitating the Great Dragons. Many vim. organizations Vidisse suavitate conceptam eum id, atqui vivendo ne ius, numquam Now with so on the brink of extinction, the magnificent beasts oportere ex many mel. of Id them est nostrud mandamus. Usu ipsum facilisis in. AVERY WINSLOW: have become scarce and their sightings extremely rare. What is it? Te his dico homero. Usu te illud utinam reprimique, an minim laudem With themei. death in Newvolutpat York of PHINEUS a 140 years oldomnis ACADIAN GREENut and alterum Vivendo iudicabit an mel, odio feugait CJ: the last Great Dragon captivity, The WDF has financed sed.very Probo mentitum cu usu,to exlive sed in quem impedit dolorem, no mel aperiam I don’t think those are just two females, it looks like it’s a mother and her an expedition around the document the last remaining specimens recteque sadipscing. Mea world ullum to munere vituperatoribus ne, voluptua Drakka. of the “GREAT under thereferrentur banner of THE DRACOPEDIA EXPEDITION. liberavisse etEIGHT” vim. Ne altera eos. Avery looks through a pair of binoculars. AVERY WINSLOW: Hmmm. Avery passes the binoculars to the camera - and the POV suddenly SNAP ZOOMS — To a longer lens. We are now significantly closer to the two dragons. 21 7
CJ: The males have a bright red nasal horn and way brighter plumage. For a moment we can see the two Dragons interacting as we are looking at them at close range. CJ (O.S.) (CONT’D): Wow! Under DRACO PROTECTION of 1948 andtamquam WORLD DRAGON FUND 1972, a strict Lorem the ipsum dolor sit amet,ACT solet viderer te quo, usuof harum recusabo environmental protection plan has takenNam place to save the fierce giants. et. Nam at oblique vocibus quaerendum. ridens sanctus delicata et, eu SNAP BACK to the wider lens. option eleifend perpetua has. Eu ius dictas propriae, eu dolore cotidieque Many haveconceptam taken priority inatqui rehabilitating Great Dragons. vim. organizations Vidisse suavitate eum id, vivendo nethe ius, numquam Gigantic shadows flies above ourbrink group. Everyone looks upmagnificent as the silhouette glides Now with so many of them on the of extinction, the beasts oportere ex mel. Id est nostrud mandamus. Usu ipsum facilisis in. over. have become scarce and their sightings extremely rare. Te his dico homero. Usu te illud utinam reprimique, an minim laudem AVERY WINSLOW: With the death in Newvolutpat York of PHINEUS a 140 years oldomnis ACADIAN GREENut and alterum mei. Vivendo iudicabit an mel, odio feugait There he is. the very last Great Dragon captivity, The WDF has financed sed. Probo mentitum cu usu,to exlive sed in quem impedit dolorem, no mel aperiam an expedition around the document the last remaining specimens recteque sadipscing. Mea world ullum to munere vituperatoribus ne, voluptua CJ: of the “GREAT under thereferrentur banner of THE DRACOPEDIA EXPEDITION. liberavisse etEIGHT” vim. Ne altera eos. Holy smokes he is huge! CJ is following the action with his camera. AVERY WINSLOW: Yep! Those big males can go up to 75 feet with an 85 feet wingspan. They weigh around 17 thousand pounds.
22 7
CJ (to camera): Check this out. He’s carrying a Porpoise as an offering for the older female. Some big males have been known to catch full grown killer whale...Wow...alright, let’s move closer. The male has landed. He is bigger and displays a vibrant red horn. CJ and Avery are on the move, now going down hill towards the cliff’s edge where the dragons are. The male has dropped the Porpoise carcass in front of the bigger female...She steps back and hesitates. She roars...The male immediately turns towards the younger female and charges her pushing her back towards the cliff’s edge. Still moving forward while Under the DRACO PROTECTION ACT of 1948 and WORLD DRAGON FUND of 1972, a strict Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, solet viderer tamquam te quo, usu harum recusabo keeping cover,protection the group threads environmental plan hascarefully. takenNam place to save the fierce giants. et. Nam at oblique vocibus quaerendum. ridens sanctus delicata et, eu option eleifend perpetua has. Eu ius dictas propriae, eu dolore cotidieque CJ (CONT’D): Many haveconceptam taken priority inatqui rehabilitating Great Dragons. vim. organizations Vidisse suavitate eum id, vivendo nethe ius, numquam What’s going on here? Theon male is really rough with that female. Now with so many of them the brink of extinction, the magnificent beasts oportere ex mel. Id est nostrud mandamus. Usu ipsum facilisis in. have become scarce and their sightings extremely rare. AVERY WINSLOW: Te his dico homero. Usu te illud utinam reprimique, an minim laudem This Drakka should have left mother now. She’s probably over 10 With themei. death in New York ofher PHINEUS a by 140 years oldomnis ACADIAN GREEN andbut she alterum Vivendo volutpat iudicabit an mel, odio feugait ut isn’t sexually mature so the male doesn’t really care forhas her. the very last Great Dragon to live in captivity, The WDF financed sed. Probo mentitum cu usu, ex sed quem impedit dolorem, no mel aperiam an expedition around the document the last remaining specimens recteque sadipscing. Mea world ullum to munere vituperatoribus ne, voluptua CJ and Avery stop andunder crouch behind a boulder. of the “GREAT EIGHT” the banner of THE DRACOPEDIA EXPEDITION. liberavisse et vim. Ne altera referrentur eos. AVERY WINSLOW (CONT’D): We’re close enough, let’s not push it. CJ hands the viewer the pair of binoculars. SNAP ZOOM — Now on longer lens. Close up on the Dragons.
23 7
AVERY (O.S.): The dragonling cannot fly before it reaches three years of age. On top of that, the female won’t mate if she is still caring for a young between 7 to 10 years. So what we have here is a mature female who is technically back in a cycle but at the same time allows her younger Drake to be around. The male roars - pushing the young female further away. The young female Dragon opens her wings and tries to stand her ground. Under DRACO PROTECTION of 1948 andtamquam WORLD DRAGON FUND 1972, a strict Lorem the ipsum dolor sit amet,ACT solet viderer te quo, usuof harum recusabo CJ (O.S.): environmental protection plan has takenNam place to save the fierce giants. et. Nam at oblique vocibus quaerendum. ridens sanctus delicata et, eu If the male does not chase the youngling away he won’t be able to court the female. option eleifend perpetua has. Eu ius dictas propriae, eu dolore cotidieque Many haveconceptam taken priority inatqui rehabilitating Great Dragons. vim. organizations Vidisse suavitate eum id, vivendo nethe ius, numquam The Drakka flaps her wings, takes off,of flies upward for amagnificent second and dips down Now with so many of them on the brink extinction, the beasts oportere ex mel. Id est nostrud mandamus. Usu ipsum facilisis in. disappearing bellowand thetheir cliffsightings side. have become scarce extremely rare. Te his dico homero. Usu te illud utinam reprimique, an minim laudem CJ (CONT’D): With themei. death in Newvolutpat York of PHINEUS a 140 years oldomnis ACADIAN GREENut and alterum Vivendo iudicabit an mel, odio feugait She’s gonna have to fend for herself now. the very last Great Dragon to live in captivity, The WDF has financed sed. Probo mentitum cu usu, ex sed quem impedit dolorem, no mel aperiam an expedition around the document the last remaining specimens recteque sadipscing. Mea world ullum to munere vituperatoribus ne, voluptua SNAP BACK — Wide lensunder now. the banner of THE DRACOPEDIA EXPEDITION. of the “GREAT EIGHT” liberavisse et vim. Ne altera referrentur eos. The older female is feeding on the Porpoise, while the male approaches her to her side positioning himself very gently. The male shakes his head and bows up and down. The female snaps back at him and resumes her feeding. He continues gently. CJ (CONT’D): Wow, this is incredible. 24 7
All of a sudden a very loud purring creeps from behind CJ, Avery and our viewer. Right there a few feet away stands a rattling YOUNG DRAKKA. Her snout so close, she SNAPS AND HISSES. CJ (CONT’D): Holy crap! Stand back! Under DRACO PROTECTION of 1948 andtamquam WORLD DRAGON FUND 1972, a strict Lorem the ipsum dolor sit amet,ACT solet viderer te quo, usuof harum recusabo SHE OPENS HER MOUTH -- SPITS Ahas napalm like LIQUID thatthe instantaneously catches on environmental protection plan taken place to save giants. et. Nam at oblique vocibus quaerendum. Nam ridens sanctus fierce delicata et, eu fire. option eleifend perpetua has. Eu ius dictas propriae, eu dolore cotidieque Many haveconceptam taken priority inatqui rehabilitating Great Dragons. vim. organizations Vidisse suavitate eum id, vivendo nethe ius, numquam ENGULFING THE ENTIRE IMAGE as the camera SHAKES AND MOVES OUT OF THE WAY. Now with so many of them on the brink of extinction, the magnificent beasts oportere ex mel. Id est nostrud mandamus. Usu ipsum facilisis in. have become scarce and their sightings extremely rare. CUT TO BLACK. Te his dico homero. Usu te illud utinam reprimique, an minim laudem With themei. death in Newvolutpat York of PHINEUS a 140 years oldomnis ACADIAN GREENut and alterum Vivendo iudicabit an mel, odio feugait BACK ONLINE. the very last Great Dragon captivity, The WDF has financed sed. Probo mentitum cu usu,to exlive sed in quem impedit dolorem, no mel aperiam an expedition around the document the last remaining specimens recteque sadipscing. Mea world ullum to munere vituperatoribus ne, voluptua CJ is talking to camera. of the “GREAT EIGHT” under thereferrentur banner of THE DRACOPEDIA EXPEDITION. liberavisse et vim. Ne altera eos. CJ: Okay that was a pretty close call, Gee! She was Cranky... I had to change my pants. But we’re all good here and the Drakka has cooled off. We hope you enjoyed your time with us. Next, we will push the expedition East, In Iceland to meet the uncanny Polar Dragon...So till then if the wild is calling...pick up!...I’ll see you next time on Dracopedia. TO BE CONTINUED. 25 7
In Conclusion IN CONCLUSION... —
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, solet viderer tamquam te quo, usu harum recusabo et. Nam at oblique vocibus quaerendum. Nam ridens sanctus delicata et, eu option eleifend perpetua has. Eu ius dictas propriae, eu dolore Dracopedia operates in a genre that does not exist yet.
cotidieque vim. Vidisse suavitate conceptam eum id, atqui vivendo ne ius,
A nature where the reality itself is indeed Virtual. numquamDocumentary oportere ex mel. Id est nostrud mandamus. Usu ipsum facilisis in.
The illusion of a Jurassic Park with Dragons in a real environment accessible by all... And what do kids like even mei. Vivendo volutpat iudicabit an mel, odio omnis feugait ut sed. Probo more than Dinosaurs??? ... DRAGONS! Te his dico homero. Usu te illud utinam reprimique, an minim laudem alterum mentitum cu usu, ex sed quem impedit dolorem, no mel aperiam recteque
sadipscing. Mea ullum munere vituperatoribus ne, voluptua liberavisse et vim. Ne altera referrentur eos.
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