Housing Grants One of the basic needs of survival is having a place to stay. When you have a comfortable home to stay at, you can concentrate on other aspects of your life such as looking after your family, your work or any other thing. A home is more than anything else a foundation stone of a happy life. The United States Government understands the fact that many people do not have the necessary resources to purchase their dream home. For the money a person falls short of he can avail of some schemes from the government that administer money. In this article we’ll look at how you can apply for housing grants and get free money for your home. Housing Grants: Housing grants are free money for owning a home and are aimed at assisting people with low or moderate income. Home grants, down-payment assistance and low-interest loans are some ways in which assistance is provided. Americans can avail of these grants for buying property, homes and also rental property and even renovating a home. Over $140 billion has been allocated this year for home grants. As with all grants, the primary source of housing and home improvement grants is the United States Government. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has partnered with the government and banks to provide assistance for home ownership. This includes providing loans to people enabling them to avail of low income housing as well as those who are going to buy a home for the first-time. Most of the funding offered can also be used for community development. Applying for Housing Grants: The great thing about grants for your home is that they serve the needs of a wide range of people with a variety of needs. First-time home owners, people who have owned homes in the past and even seniors who’re interested in gate communities catering towards them. New construction and existing home purchases are both included in these housing grants, as are grants that cover closing costs and renovations. You can find homeowner education for free with grants that are designed to assist homeowners in managing their homes once purchased, including training you how to set up a household budget and manage your finances. Because having a home for your family is one of the most fundamental necessities, your financial status, financial security and even your credit rating have virtually no impact on the chances of you winning a housing grant. Lower income groups and those with not a good credit can also avail of them. Free government grants are universal in that sense – there’s no distinction between people based on their background. You can find more information about housing grants and the ways in which you can get them here.