KASA Magazine

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Samui edition JAN/feb 2014

‘Interview with Ashley Sutton: Bangkok’s nightlife king’ Samui’s plans to go low carbon | Samui as the ultimate luxury brand




CONTENT Raw Green Papaya // 011 Vikasa Yoga // 013

The Benefits of Increasing Eastern Ingredients in the Western Beauty Market // 018 Spotlight on // 020 Toto Rick Saint Nanalala Samui: The Ultimate Luxury Lifestyle Brand // 027

Low Carbon Samui // 032 Fisherman’s Village // 034 Weekend Away: Railay // 036

Rayavadee Resort



City break: Bangkok // 040 Afternoon Tea at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel The Patravadi Theatre The Cheese Room at the Millennium Hilton hotel


The Land of Smiles: A Melting Pot of Culture // 048 Moonshadow Villa // 052


Antiques in the home // 062


Bangkok’s Nightlife King // 064


stepping forward: Thailand’s Infrastructure development and economic opportunities // 068

Starting a Business in Thailand // 073 How to Avoid Investment Scams in Thailand // 075 Properties // 076


Tom Bloomfield

Ricardo Quintas



Graphic Designer

Andrew Creadie

Melinda Naylor

Photographers: Rick Saint

Elena Edwards

Tarniv Nevil

Anne Sophie Maestracci

Katy Thomas

John-Alan Dupiech

Kev Goldsmith

Alessandro Rossi

Managing Director

Sales Director

Greg Johnson

Kirsty Turner

c sa /Shutterstock.com

Adam Kohut

Jennifer Watts

De Visu /Shutterstock.com

Birat Lekhak

Mark Wright

Tom Matthews






Raw Green Papaya: Thailand’s secret super food Words by Alessandro rossi

One need only wander down any of the

benefits that are not available when it is eaten in its

innumerable side streets, or soi, anywhere

more luscious and ripe state. This is because the levels

in Thailand to come across the inspiring

of two of the papaya’s health promoting ingredients

sight of a highly skilled street vendor

actually diminish in presence as the fruit ripens, and

se t t ing a b ou t to r educe a r aw gr een

may not be found in ripe fruits at all. These two secret

papaya to a pile of finely julienned strips

weapons in the battle to aid digestion are the potent

in a blur of kung-fu-like knife wielding.

proteolytic enzymes papain and chymopapain. These

This display of skill, which would make a Michelin

enzymes work to break down proteins, carbs and fats,

hatted chef proud, is all in aid of creating that most

and help to facilitate digestive action.

famous of Thai salads, Som Tum. Amongst an aromatic concoction of fresh ingredients, vegetables and spices

Papain is found only in the papaya plant, and actually

- including garlic, chili, lime juice, fish sauce, cherry

functions more effectively than the natural pepsin

tomatoes, green beans and toasted peanuts - the

found in our own stomachs! For this reason, raw green

basic, but key, ingredient of this delicious dish is the

papaya can be a very powerful natural aid to digestion,

humble raw green papaya. More familiar to the rest of

a particularly important property in a day and age

the world in its sweet, fleshy and succulent ripened

where more and more of the food we consume is overly

state, in which it takes on either a vibrant red or yellow

processed and hence poorly digested. Poor health of

hue, raw green papaya is a common ingredient in Thai

the digestive system is gaining increasing attention

cooking. Thais can also often be seen enjoying it as a

from many in the medical community as the possible

snack on its own, frequently accompanied by a sweet

cause of a whole raft of otherwise hard to diagnose

and sour dipping sauce. It is likewise enjoyed in this

conditions. However, a word of caution to pregnant

state in other parts of South East Asia, India and the

women, and those with allergies to latex, as it may be

tropics of the Americas, from where it originates.

present in sufficient quantities in raw green papaya to cause problems for some. As usual with anything con-

Many of the health benefits of papaya generally

cerning your health, use your own discretion and consult

are both well known and accepted worldwide. It is

a medical professional for your own peace of mind.

recognized as an excellent natural and delicious source of antioxidant nutrients, in particular Vitamin C, carotenes and flavonoids. Additionally it is rich in the B Vitamins of folate and pantothenic acid, as well as the minerals potassium and magnesium. This combination of valuable nutrients is thought to have many amazing effects, including helping to boost

Papain is found only in the papaya plant, and actually functions more effectively than the natural pepsin found in our own stomachs!

the immune system, support cardiovascular health, and aid in providing protection against heart disease.

For those of us who would love to do as the Thais do,

It is also widely believed to help support digestive

what better way to strengthen your digestive system,

health, as it is a great source of natural fiber. For those

and improve your general wellbeing than to join whole-

who, even if they don’t like to admit it, keep a close

heartedly in the national obsession with the delicious

eye on such things, papaya is also extremely low in

sweet and sour flavors of Som Tum and the raw green

calories, containing just 39 calories per 100 grams!

papaya. Anecdotal evidence even suggests that it may have qualities as an aphrodisiac - we’ll leave that one

What many may not know, however, is that eating

for you to decide!

papaya in its raw green state offers certain health



vikasa yoga an envolving style of yoga for home or away When experiencing the rich culture that Thailand has to offer, yoga is one experience that should not be missed in this spiritual land of health and well-being. In Samui in particular, visitors will find they are more connected with both themselves and the nature around them, residing in a destination where healthy living becomes the norm rather than the distant goal it once was in their strenuous day-to-day lifestyle back home. Whether you’re on a path to self-discovery, or you simply desire a little self-nurturing and exercise, yoga can bring many challenges and satisfying rewards. Situated with stunning views on the rock face of Samui’s hilly border is Vikasa yoga retreat, an ideal place to practice yoga, find like-minded people, eat healthy food, and just relax in an amazing environment. Vikasa Yoga style is an open-minded approach to all the practices of Hatha Yoga; the physical, mental, and energetic disciplines of revealing a steady and clear state of being. What differentiates the folks at Vikasa from other systems of Hatha Yoga is that they encourage their teacher trainees to realize the structural framework that makes for an effective practice whilst still expressing their own style on this solid foundation. As an example of this, Kosta, the founder of Vikasa Yoga, and Betti, one of the instructors at Vikasa applying her own unique style, take us through a variety of poses from beginner to advanced for you to try at home.



Perfected Pose Siddhasana (easy) T h e r e a r e t w o c l a s s i c a l ly d e s c r ib e d p o s e s o f meditation practice. ‘Lotus’ (or ‘Padmasana’) and ‘Siddhasana’. Both require an advanced degree of hip rotation and lend to a very stable, wide-based p os ture. T hey are b ot h great p os e s for s eate d concentration. Concentration is the first objective of the inner realm of Yoga prac tice. I t s highest degree is when concentration is centered on only one object. Keep the spine upright and balance the head over the axis of the body, positioning your legs in the most comfor table position: ‘Padmasana’, with feet resting upon the thighs, or ‘Siddhasana’, with feet tucked in. Kosta and his pioneering brand of yoga, Vikasa, represent the ‘evolution of yoga’. His vision is one of raising human consciousness and

konstantin ‘kosta’ miachin

making the world a better place by spreading the message of love and peace. This mighty task is being

Warrior III Vhirabhadrasana III (medium)

accomplished at Vikasa yoga retreat by focusing

‘Warrior III’ is one of the key poses taught in Vikasa

on the study of yoga with an emphasis on holistic

Yoga for the great degree that it works on so many

health, organic food and an inspiring environment that

dif ferent par t s of the body. One leg is standing

is conducive to personal transformation.

vertical, whilst the rest of the body is horizontal to the ground. It is an incredible tool for reshaping the

Kosta’s passion for yoga blossomed in 2004 when he

legs and healing old injuries in the ankles or knees.

set out on his own journey of self-discovery. This journey

Vikasa’s approach is to hold the ‘Half-moon pose’ for

has taken him to the far reaches of the world, from

an extended period of time before holding ‘Warrior III’

remote Himalayan ashrams to his initiation by a mas-

for almost the same amount of time on the same side.

ter monk in a sacred Sak-Yant ceremony in the North

It’s a real challenge, but if you come down, rest a few

East of Thailand. Kosta is a certified yoga instruc-

breaths, and do it again, you won’t believe how much

tor with four different schools - Yoga 23 (Ukraine),

easier it gets practicing it this way.

Sivananda (India), Ashtanga Vinyasa (Thailand) and Andiappan Yoga (Hong Kong) - and maintains close ties to many other yoga schools around the world. The vision for Vikasa yoga was born on Koh Samui with Kosta’s realization that the deeper dimension of yoga is a spiritual journey and a conscious evolution endeavor, he committed his life to supporting others

Arm Balance for Sage Koundinya Koundinyasana II (advanced)

on this path. With his wealth of knowledge and expe-

Koundinya was a famous sage of the ancient world who

rience came the understanding that yoga is an ever

also started a kingdom. His name is still known in some

evolving process and unfolding of one’s own nature.

yogic related traditions in Thailand and Cambodia.

Thus the concept of yoga as a constant evolution was

This arm balancing pose requires the well-developed

born as ‘Vikasa: the evolution of yoga by Konstantin

strength that comes from a good, long ‘chaturanga’


practice, as well as lots of flexibility in the hamstrings

of the individual. Seeing this as the ultimate human

and hips. It develops abdominal health whilst strengthening the arms and thighs. The pose can be entered into in a variety of ways, but Vikasa most commonly teaches it from ‘down-dog split’ or ‘snail pose’.



Half Bound Lotus Seated Forward Bend Ardha Baddha Paschimotanasana (easy) A not too complicated pose with a rather long name... though it does require a high degree of hip mobility. Any foot placed into the ‘lotus’ position should be fully up so that the ankle is what actually rests on the thigh while the foot hangs over in its natural orientation (no twisting the ankle). The stretch works essentially the same as the normal ‘seated forward-bending pose’, but with the additional benefit of the binding arm to the lotus foot creating heightened body intelligence and mental mapping.

Bettina ‘Betti’ Maul Betti is a registered Yoga teacher and Reiki master with a

Extended Hand to Big Toe Pose Uttihita Hasta Padangushtasana (medium) This is a fun challenge of flexibility and balance. It creates noticeable achievements in working hamstring flexibility, hip rotation, and maintaining a stable standing posture on one leg. For this reason it’s also excellent for developing a balanced and healthy alignment for the pelvis. Think of the free arm as your own expressive avenue or just as a balancing aid. Touching the tips of the fingers to the thumb actually helps with balance. Try it!

deep rooting in Vipassana meditation. Yoga has been an essential tool in her journey, and one that she is passionate about sharing with others. She mainly teaches Akanda Yoga and Hatha Yoga (Flow) classes. Betti has studied and practiced yoga for more than 10 years in diverse styles and at different settings in Europe and all over Asia. Believing that one of the essential parts of yoga is meditation, she has developed broad experience in several meditation techniques. Having an extensive corporate background at several international

Full Split Hanumanasana (advanced)

companies, she knows that integrating yoga into your demanding daily life

This pose is characterized by working the full range of mobility in oppo-

can be quite a challenge. Her sessions encourage her students to relax

site movements. One leg goes forward and the other leg goes backwards.

and unwind, but also show how to build a daily practice for a balanced

This is an Asana to work up to slowly and enter into slowly, revealing

and healthy life at home.

exceptionally well how much the body can change from day-to-day. The beauty of ‘Hanumasana’ is how it naturally creates a radiating and expressive heart awareness. Splitting the legs this way also facilitates healthy pelvic alignment.



In response to the scientific surge, there has been an increasing demand for non-intimidating products containing herbal Eastern ingredients, often derived from traditional medicines developed over hundreds of years. Market researcher Mintel has stated that Eastern ingredients have now carved out their own individual segment of the Western market, which began with the increased popularity of Eastern BB creams in the West but has since expanded to include many other items. For example, the beauty industry in Thailand alone has grown 44% since only 2008.

Give it a try: Three easy, homemade facemasks using Asian ingredients for your skin care needs!

A large share of the growth in Eastern influence can be attributed to

The Benefits of Increasing Eastern Ingredients in the Western Beauty Market

traditional Asian botanical ingredients that were already familiar to

Though snail mucin and snake venim may not be your

the Western consumer, but have increased in availability and type of

cup of tea, here are three easy-to-make facemasks using

applications. Asia’s staple food – rice – that can be used in both its milk

widespread natural Eastern ingredients that you can try

and bran oil forms, is rich in vitamin E and incredible for skin nourishment

at home.

and sun protection. Additionally, white tea leaves and buds, which contain high levels of antioxidants to fight aging, are harvested for use in skin care have been used for centuries in Chinese herbology, as both an antioxidant

1 Tablespoon of Hibiscus Tea

and anti-sun element, and in Ayurveda, the traditional medicinal system

1 Tablespoon of Honey

of India, to halt premature hair loss and graying.

Plain Unbleached Oatmeal

Other Eastern ingredients helping to carve out this new market segment

Boil hibiscus tea for 30-40 minutes with a quarter cup of

are relatively new additions to Western beauty world. Asian holy basil,

water. Mix 2 tablespoons of hibiscus brew with the honey.

a sweet basil found in South East Asia, has recently exploded onto the

Add to oatmeal and mix until paste is formed. Apply to

British and North American market from India due to its anti-oxidant and

clean face for 10–15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water

anti-inflammatory properties. Wakame, a Japanese seaweed, has been

then cold water. Pat dry with clean towel.

used by Japanese women as an anti-aging treatment for centuries; now, the seaweed can be found in facemasks and creams in the West. It has natural UV protection, and helps to prevent the loss of hyaluronic acid,

Wakame: For Anti-Aging

which is vital for skin’s elasticity. Lastly, tamanu oil made from tamanu trees native to Asia, is used for the treatment of a variety of skin conditions

2 Tablespoons of Ground Wakame

including eczema and psoriasis, and can be mixed in smaller proportions

1 Tablespoon of Honey

into lotions to relieve most minor skin irritations.

1 Tablespoon of Aloe Vera Gel 3 drops of Fennel Essential Oil (optional)

Recently, some of the most bizarre fads in the Western beauty world have also come from the East; products using shark oil, squid ink, bee mucus

Grind dehydrated wakame in a food processor, coffee

and snake venom are all emerging. Perhaps the two most famous, however,

grinder, or with hands until it is in a fine powder. In a bowl,

are creams derived from snail mucin and pitera.

add 1-2 tablespoons of lukewarm water to the ground wakame, just enough to submerge the seaweed. Mix with

Snail creams, widely popular in Korea, have recently become available

a fork. Wait for 5 minutes whilst the wakame re-hydrates.

in the US as well. The mucin, which contains a unique blend of proteins,

Drain excess liquid. Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Apply to

glycolic acids and elastin, has an incredible restorative effect on damaged

clean face for 20 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water. Pat

tissue and moisture retention. It can be used to reduce pigmentation,

dry with clean towel.

scarring, and to treat acne. One step further: snail facials, which began

Words by Melinda naylor

in Japan, and utilize live snails placed directly on the face, are currently being researched in clinical studies in the West. Pitera, the yeast used

Asian Holy Basil: For Acne

Western skin care regimens are all about the cutting edge

to ferment sake, refines and evens out skin texture and tone. This was

of science. Consumers have come to expect - and demand - products

discovered when sake producers in Japan realized their hands were much

1 Bunch of Fresh Asian Basil Leaves

rooted in extensive research, backed up by clinical studies and staggering

softer, and had less signs of aging, than their faces.

1 Tablespoon of Plain Greek Yoghurt

before-and-after photos. Classic ingredients like vitamin E have given way


Hibiscus: For Dry Skin

products. Increasingly, Western products include hibiscus flowers, which

3 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil (optional)

to futuristic items, including rare gems and probiotics. Western products

No matter how extreme they may seem, these now widely available

have even begun utilizing the addition of human sourced ingredients like

Eastern ingredients - which range from rice to snail mucus - provide natural

Mash fresh basil leaves in a food processor or by hand until

gag-inducing placenta, human stem cells, breast milk and sperm (an anti-

alternatives to the many chemical options available in standard Western

a mushy consistency is acquired. Mix all ingredients in a

oxidant considered 20-30 times more powerful than vitamin E!). Recently,

products. Western women are increasingly recognizing their inherent

small bowl. Apply to clean face for 5 – 10 minutes. Rinse

however, there has been an increase in the use of more alternative and

value: natural, holistic, and vetted over hundreds of years of traditional

with lukewarm then cold water. Pat dry with clean towel.

natural Eastern ingredients within the beauty industry.

medicinal treatments.




The Thai artist with an obsession for detail

Khun Katika Krachaisri, better known as

they get it: “I follow their eyes, their reaction, their

Toto, is from the province of Surin, about

breathing, everything! They react just as I do when I

430km east from Bangkok. Surin’s city motto is

see something that I like.”

“Surin: the land of elephants, splendid silk, beautiful silver beads, stone castles, sweet cabbage, aromatic

Toto’s train of thought is a locomotive of iner tial

rice, and beautiful culture.” Moreover, vivid dyes and

qualities. She admits to be a notoriously slow-starter

exquisite patterns hold healthy heritage here too, and

and begins her work with a simple outline that can

it is of no surprise to see the beauty of these themes

come from an idea, a dream, or even a piece of jewelry.

and concepts coursing through Toto’s work. One is hit

The meticulous nature of her work means that she has

by color - and lots of it - when looking at her vibrant

time to think and reflect with every dot applied and

canvasses, where the painting and the artist implore

that she often changes the direction of the narrative

you to step forward: to step in and see.

several times throughout the course of a session.

The incredible detail within Toto’s work is immediately apparent and, depending on the piece, the tools used vary between pigment, acrylic, colorful beads, or indeed all three. “My work is so detailed because life is so detailed, and so are my dreams and my imagination”, she remarks. As common as the cliché of Art Imitating Life is, one is faced with a world of binary oppositions in Toto’s paintings. The definitive detail that represent s life today, mashed with the simple symbolism that was used to convey messages and teachings in Neolithic caves, is at the core of Toto’s philosophy and inspiration. “Before words, people used images to deliver a message… and they still do.” Every painting is borne out of inspiration and not the need to paint; every painting has a meaning and Toto lives in every

“My paintings are my meditation and my world” Images and ideas that are mentally stored come to the fore, all shouting and challenging to be shown. “Once I am in [the painting], I can’t stop! I’ll crawl to my crypt like a vampire as the sun comes up in my studio. I won’t eat, drink or anything. But for whatever reason I do get stopped, it is very difficult to get going again.” This cathartic quest is Toto’s power source: “my paintings are my meditation and my world… the detail is my life and proceeding with one dot after another after another refers to every step that I take in life.” Even Toto’s name, which in Latin means “all encompassing”, can be seen as a direct reflection upon her work.

one of them. The animals and monsters in her work represent individuals and collectives and, like other

Words by Kev Goldsmith

Aboriginal and Buddhist imagery, the innate characteristics of animals serve to represent humans better, for humans are talented at hiding behind a façade or a mask. Shapes and plants help serve to represent emotion, ethereal endeavor and life, health, wealth and happiness. Toto does not like to convey the deeper meanings within her paintings herself. Instead, she prefers for the viewer to find the meaning themselves rather than be directed towards it, otherwise they can never fully understand it. When at an exhibition or at a viewing with one of her clients, she says she can see when



For Rick Saint, this year’s ‘Out of Their Shadows’ exhibition at Chomp in Bangkok’s Thanon Lamphu represents a culmination of work as well as a journey that has taken this American photographer around the world physically and artistically. Originally from the deep south of the United States, Saint has found a home and a calling here in Bangkok that is particularly evident by his collection of bodyscapes within the exhibition.

SPOTLIGHT ON: rick saint The American photographer with a fetish for black & white Words by Greg Johnson

The description of the exhibition, ‘When the lights go down, the darkness reveals not everything is black and white’, could also be an apt description of Rick’s evolution in the arts. He started out his career as a school teacher in the States before landing in Korea for four years. Upon coming to Korea, his primary mode of artistic expression was through paintings in a variety of mixed media. Finding painting supplies difficult to source without the benefit of fluency in the local language, Rick migrated to expressing his talents through the lens of a camera instead. His day job as a

the media of photography”. The opening of the gallery

teacher allowed him to explore the rest of Asia with his

at Chomp included a photo booth where visitors could

camera each year for three uninterrupted months and

take pictures of themselves, and a message board

he eventually discovered the photographic treasure

for people to leave their own comments or reactions.

trove that are the people and culture of Thailand.

The feedback received spanned the gamut from positive - including lots of people who identified their

In addition to the exhibition at Chomp, Saint has

“favorites” amongst the gallery - to more negative

produced a large body of other, more varied, works

reactions towards the nudity of the collection, though

since coming to Asia. In many of his efforts in Thailand

there were only four actual nude photographs on

he has captured the quiet but exotic beauty of this country through candid as well as posed shots of its citizenry as well as scores of prints depicting both the natural beauty found up-country as well as some of the more unique architecture found in Bangkok and its surrounding environs. Moreover, Rick’s photography of

‘When the lights go down, the darkness reveals not everything is black & white’

Korea is especially interesting with his use of black & white photographs that emphasize the austere and

display. This dichotomy of responses is exactly what

frigid side of this country in the winter.

the artist is looking for, according to Saint. “If you stir up deep issues, you have done your job as an artist”,

Of his latest work, however, Rick describes the

is his comment on his own effort in expressing his art.

‘Out of Their Shadows’ collection as his “accidental

“When you display your work for others to react to,

exhibition” that originates from the work he has done

you are looking for an emotional response. The worst

as an ar tistic photographer. The subjects on the

reaction you can have is ambivalence”.

other side of his camera would often ask for pictures in exchange for posing, and over time his reputation

Summing up his work on display at Chomp, Rick

as a “safe nudes photographer” has allowed him to

encourages visitors to observe the exhibition with an

generate a large collection of extra shots left over

open mind in order to gain the most enjoyment from

from these sessions. The end result is a gallery of 22

his photographic effort. As he says about his works:

photos and over 100 projected slides documenting

“once you remove the labels, you can really enjoy the

these individuals’ exploration of themselves and their

people around you - as well as yourself”.

hidden desires, each exposing their personality and sexuality through the lens. The subjects of the pictures are a random collection


of straight, gay and bi-sexual models who, as Rick

More of Rick’s works can be found at

indicates, “were trying to find their true selves through



SPOTLIGHT ON: nanalala The eco-friendly artist with a distinct style

Amidst the eclectic enclave of artisans in

I love how they speak to me! And once I see that perfect

Bangkok’s world-famous Jatujak Market

piece, I know exactly what I will do with it!” Buying in

is a quaint yet impres sive eco-friendly

excess, Nana adds, may admittedly be her weakness,

art shop and studio that commands your

as she often returns home lamenting on the increased

at t en t i o n a n d a d m ir at i o n . Eponymously

work that she has just created for herself.

named by its owner, NanaLaLa Shop is open every weekend from late morning until late evening and can

A labor of love is precisely what it is, however.

be found in section seven, Soi five of “JJ” Market.

The messages in Nana’s work and the recycled, repurposed materials that convey them come from a

Borne out of a love of collage as a young girl, Khun

teenage realization that occurred whilst considering

Nana, this terrifically talented twenty-something

her place on this planet. “I was lost like many other

welcomes countless far-flung customers into her

youths and asked questions about life. The conclusion

shop and her world every weekend.

I came to is that we are all on one planet, it’s our only home and we are all a product of nature. The basic

On the path that brought Nana here: “I remember loving

reaction should be to embrace nature and to help her.”

to draw as some of my earliest memories and it has become my preferred medium for self-expression and

The Al Gore global warming documentary directed by

escapism.” Despite the amazing array of articles and

Davis Guggenheim, An Inconvenient Truth, certainly

artefacts that can be purchased from the NanaLaLa

had an impact on Nana. “I saw the planet as a sick and

shop, it is drawing that Nana enjoys most, “I doodle

angry Grandma who has been ignored for a long time,

all of the time; I let my hand communicate with my

forgotten about what she’d brought us,” she says.

heart and allow them to express my feelings and this

Consequently, self-study, donating some of her weekly

is where my ideas come from.”

allowance to Greenpeace, observation and reflection soon created today’s NanaLaLa Shop.

The variet y of themes, symbol s, material s and messages throughout Nana’s work can be seen somewhat on her Facebook page, but do not prepare you for the breadth and depth of artistic flair to be found once inside the shop. Jewelry and accessories are exquisite, whilst upholstered items such as scatter cushions are so tactile and enamoring that

“I let my hand communicate with my heart and allow them to express my feelings and this is where my ideas come from”

it is difficult to put them back down. Elsewhere,

Words by Kev Goldsmith

del ic a te p os t c ar ds sp or t ing Nana’s endear ing

“A lot of people who make that small change for the

illustrations welcome you into the shop, whilst ornate

better of the planet do make a big difference - I want

frames adorn the walls to display them on a larger scale.

my government to do more to create cleaner cities and better recycling systems, and invest in better waste

The coarse, cute and commercial textures, the creative

management and clean energy.”

use of oft-overlooked objects, and the femininity of Nana’s work does engender tactility, but Nana states

Knowing first-hand how difficult it is for people to

that this is not in her mind when sourcing materials,

consider more than their own agenda is not lost on

“I can say that textures are not in my thoughts when

Nana, and while she hopes that her work does inspire

I am working. I let the materials speak to me, but I do

and perhaps educate, the fact that her work is so

not select them for their textures.”

popular adds more than enough fuel to her fire. “What I can do best is to do more of what I am already doing.

“I love going to the flea market and the junkyard - rum-

My work is bought, shared and spread around the

maging through all of those items, finding charming

world, and I know that they get the message!”

objects that are broken, rusty, faded and imperfect…




The Ultimate Luxury Lifestyle Brand Samui’s journey towards establishing itself as Thailand’s prime high-end destination.

The progression towards Samui’s legitimate Luxury Destination peerage is coming about because of a cooperative synergy between the island’s administration and the aggregate of developers and business owners who have realized their ideals while working creatively through adversity and growth-affecting restrictions. Pessimistic comment containing the words “undeveloped” and “overpriced” had once been associated with Samui’s competitiveness with other Thai destinations. However, while the other destinations have had more time and arguably less obstacles to create a destination with distinction, it is Samui that is now the talk of the town. For a long time, Samui’s photogenic airport was limited in the restriction to 36 daily flights, all privately owned by its monopolizing master, Bangkok Airways, whose ownership of the airport allowed them to set unprecedented high prices. Tourists assumed that Thailand, despite her glaring diversity, should be a transparent, one-price set up and a lot of noise was soon made about high costs, monopolies and downright unfairness. The premium prices pushed many tourists out of the market and caused them to choose other Thai destinations that were considered comparatively ‘better value’. In this sense, there was

Words by kev goldsmith

no market. Taking the retail maxim ‘you get what you pay for’ and grafting it with Marx’s Form of Value demonstrates that those who believed Samui was not worth the trip based on comparative cost alone were precisely the type of consumer that the Samui market didn’t want. Today’s businesses, both big brand and boutique, are thriving in Samui because of its high-end customer-base.



have flattened any contrast between high and low seasons.” Emma states, “people are moving to Samui as a lifestyle choice: good weather almost all year round, healthy food and a relaxed atmosphere. Expats in Hong Kong, KL and Singapore are now able to hop over for a long weekend too, owing to the direct flights.” Semi-retired individuals and couples, families and expatriates looking for long-term rental make up some of Emma’s turnover. Fresh demand from private investors keen to capitalize on challenging and healthy rental demand are snapping up older townhouses, villas and land, and tastefully redeveloping them to appeal to the current demographic of tenants and buyers. “With work and a good property management company, people do make good money doing this.” Increased demand from Thai buyers testify to the mid to long-term value in owning property on Samui at the higher price points.

“I cannot definitively say that I deal with more clients from a particular country... but one common denominator is that they wish to spend”

The evolution of the island as a luxur y brand can be seen throughout Samui, as can the four roadmaps to achieving the Green Samui initiative, and the life cycles of each have been deliberately connected across several critical control points by the Mayor of Samui, Mr. Ramnate Chaikwang. The Green Samui vision will deliver via four key areas of waste management, water management, sustainable transport and energy. There can be no viable, thriving Samui without the ongoing, immediate and short-term investment and attention to these critical areas.

Market confidence in Samui is now at an all-time high:

“people are moving to Samui as a lifestyle choice: good weather almost all year round, healthy food and a relaxed atmosphere“

tourists, tenants, buyers and businesses are coming in record numbers, investing a lot of money and creating jobs. Huge noticeable shifts in style, substance and supply are sweeping across the island. Miss Emma Johnson, Managing Director of Overseas Property Portfolio, chose Samui to set up her independent real estate company in 2008 after visiting several key areas of Thailand because she believed

The global luxury brands that began to invest in Samui’s unique

that it had more growth potential than anywhere else

potential just a few years ago are already reaping rewards and the

in the country. Emma’s clients are from all over the

social, economic and environmental benefits can be seen right

world. “I cannot definitively say that I deal with more

across the board. Mr. Tibor Szedlak, Managing Director of The

clients from a particular country – they are as varied in

Mandalay Samui Developments & Consultancy has witnessed

their demands as their backgrounds - but one common

this first-hand, having formed his multiple award-winning

denominator is that they wish to spend,” she says.

company on the island just as the first condos were being built in

“Families are emigrating here for work, for business or

2007. “Samui has come of age!” he beams, “Even through 2011/12

simply for time out. The increase in improved resources

Samui still represented a safe haven for investors as rental

makes this a special part of the world to live.”

remained strong and there were impressive yields, especially in the luxury market.”

Emma pointed to the International School of Samui, who now have a Sixth Form that follows the British

“The record hotel occupancy levels through 2012 (68%) are a

National Curriculum from Kindergarten through to

clear signifier of the island’s immense popularity.” Tibor, fresh

18-years-old (Sixth Form) and teaches the rigorous

from finishing his most ambitious and deservedly acclaimed

and rewarding A-Level certification, as a huge boom

development The Mandalay Beach Villas, is looking forward

to the island.

to further unprecedented growth. “You simply have a greater selection of everything from hospitals to hotels and festivals to

As well as property and land sales, Emma sees ten-

first-class dining.”

ants booking for month-long stays with budgets of 40-150k+ baht per month (US$ 1.3 – 5k), “demand is very high for well-appointed villas and the longer rentals



Working closely with the Mayor and his administration is the

The continued growth and exposure that Samui is enjoying, the

cooperative collective: businesses and brands that know what

mindful nurturing of Boutique Brand Samui and the subsequent

the luxury traveler wants. “Year on year this is being improved

hotel occupancy figures for the first half of 2013 (7% up on last

upon - sustainably and sensibly - it has quickly become well

year’s historic figures) point to a future that everyone is looking

established and is showing signs that it is maturing nicely.”

forward to.

He applauds the tireless efforts from the municipality and private sector developers for maintaining the core beauty of the

Tibor and Emma’s final words echoed those of almost everyone

island and the extra steps that they have taken to ensure the

else with an opinion about what Samui can do next: the much

island’s bright future.

talked-about Marina. Tibor said that “This will allow Samui to compete further and it will help cement Samui as a leading

Notwithstanding, there are a couple of issues that Tibor would

luxury destination in the region.” When asked where this would

like to see adjusted so that Samui can capitalize further: “Major

happen, Emma replied, “That is uncertain right now – a lot of

differences between ASEAN markets such as foreign property

people speak with great confidence as to where it will be, but

ownership, alien business laws and tax systems need to be

if everyone was correct, there will be around fifteen Marinas

fine-tuned. Once these areas are managed efficiently, the gap

on Samui!” Both Tibor and Emma are confident that it will be

in competitiveness among the real estate markets in ASEAN

initiated within the next few years.

should become narrower, and every market will then be able to capture most, if not all, of the opportunities that will follow the

Samui: being considered less ‘value for money’ than other Thai

connectivity and collaboration within the sub-region.”

destinations at the budget end, correctly slowed the development and growth of that aspect of the island. This gave a few

Further immediate cause for celebration is the arrival of the

thoughtful folk the time to look, listen and learn from their

Central Mall in Chaweng, scheduled to open in March 2014.

rapidly expanding contemporaries. They made the best out of the

Forever heralded as Samui’s tourism core, Chaweng is also

adversities and qualities that the island had while thoughtfully

experiencing welcome redevelopment and change. “The mall

applying the fundamentals of the essence of a luxury brand.

will simply bring a lot more jobs to the island while providing

This niche has been nurtured and the realization of this success

a vital economic injection and of course the familiarity and

can be seen, as Samui itself is becoming the brand, to wit, the

pleasure that recognizable brands in a well-appointed mall

leading luxury destination in the region.

brings,” says Emma. While this shares some symbolism with the fabled Tortoise and One other early opener for 2014 is the OZO Chaweng Samui.

Hare, this is a very real and somewhat romantic allegory, for

Part of the ONYX Hospitality Group, the OZO can conveniently

Samui does share the victorious and the verdant qualities of the

conclude this commentary by demonstrating the clear direction

tortoise. This is a Green Samui, and it’s Green for Go.

and theme of progression towards luxury provision on offer throughout Samui. It is a clear homage to the backpacking heritage that Chaweng has, but it will deliver affordable luxury, revitalizing the idea of smart travel. ‘Flash-packing’ is a more colloquial term that grasps this concept: the same core demands of distinct quality and luxury but with a little less floor space.



Low Carbon Samui Words by Kev Goldsmith

Few people would argue with Koh Samui’s paradisiacal

The local government has made it a priorit y to

high power consuming processes, are underway in

status: its countless sandy beaches, ubiquitous palm trees, and

have Koh Samui awarded a low-carbon distinction.

communities throughout the island.

jungle-carpeted mountains are what tropical fantasies are made from. As

Deputy Director-General of the Alternative Energy

Thailand’s second largest island, Samui’s greenery and sandy white edges

and Efficiency Department, Twarath Sutabutr, is on

Rezoning the island to protect green space, the

draw in an increasing amount of tourism each year. But without careful

record to have said that Koh Samui has been selected

creation of a public transportation system to help

consideration of the impact of continued development, Samui could lose this

by the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Group as a

reduce private car and motorcycle use, and the

natural beauty. If steps are not taken to protect Samui’s environment, the

model low-carbon island for the region, with a goal of

increased use of alternative energy such as solar or

main draw of Samui – namely, its stunning scenery – could itself be at risk.

reducing energy consumption over the next three to

wind power are all part of the future campaign for a

five years, while maintaining an increase in hotel room

sustainable green Koh Samui. Government and the

Fortunately, efforts to reduce the effects of increased development are

availabilities by 30%.

the press, Green Island projects have been ongoing. Government, business,

T he c ommuni t y is al s o de eply involve d, t ak ing

and the community have all been striving together to save the unique

initiatives that are specifically designed to promote

environment that makes Koh Samui the dream vacation destination for

Koh Samui internationally as a ‘green’ destination.

people from all over the world. And the years of hard work are paying off.

Local communities and community leaders work at

Several resorts, for example, have been created from the ground up with

available on hotel and restaurant menus, which

having locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables

The local government has made it a priority to have Koh Samui awarded a low-carbon distinction

‘Green Sustainability’ in mind. From the selection of local building materials

reduces the negative effects of transportation upon the

to reduce environmental impact, to strategies to best utilize the land and

environment. Regional handicraf ts, made locally

Samui is a tourist island, and that will not change.

minimize the effects on water drainage patterns, increased recycling,

and using local materials and traditional techniques,

What can change, however, is how this tourism

planning of eco-friendly transportation, and reduced energy-use schemes

reduces the influx of products to the island, while at

effects and interacts with the environment and the

and programs, these resorts strive to lessen their ‘footprint’ on Samui’s

the same time helps the local economy.

on for all the island’s resorts to increase their sustainability activities.

local community. By taking proactive steps to reduce the effects of future development, and by educating

surroundings. Visitors to Samui are often eco-savvy, and the pressure is


private sector are uniquely in-step on these efforts, which bodes well for Samui and its inhabitants.

well under way, and have been for years. Even before it was ‘popular’ in

The reduction of energy used is also an important part

visitors, locals, and businesses in positive practices that

of any green plan strategy, as increased population

they can each take to reduce their impact, the future

The Thai government is al so heavily involved, both federally and

puts a strain on the power grid, and it is clear that

is looking bright and green for beautiful Koh Samui.

provincially, as well as locally. The Tourism Authority of Thailand

the population of Samui will continue to grow for the

aims to encourage corporate tourism partners to pledge their support

foreseeable future. All electrical power on Samui

for the “7 Greens” plan. This plan hopes to urge tourists and visitors to

comes from the mainland, but there are plans to

the island to be environmentally aware; to increase the availability of

increase this power by 5%, which should be adequate

environmentally friendly forms of transportation; to promote conserva-

to supply the island for the next 10 years. While

tion and traditional ways of life; to promote tourist destinations that are

increased power output is important in any long-term

eco-aware; to advance tourist attractions that are respectful and mindful

preparation, energy c onsumption must al so be

of local communities; and to encourage corporate partners to refrain from

reduced wherever possible. Energy conser vation

any activities that might prove harmful to the environment.

education, as well as eco-friendly alternatives to


Fisherman’s Village A Taste of the Old and New Words by andrew creadie

Nestled in the crown of Koh Samui’s land-

the distance. There are over 30 bars and restaurants

If clothes shopping is more your thing, Fisherman’s

scape, Fisherman’s Vill age - a seafront

to choose from, so you can rest assured that whatever

Village is an unexpected and refreshing change from the

section of Boput on the beautiful north

you are in the mood for, Fisherman’s Village will gladly

tacky T-shirts and neon-shorts shops you will usually

coast - is a must-see for anyone visiting the

accommodate. Of course seafood is plentiful and

find at tourist destinations (although you can find those

island. This shopping and dining mecca combines

the main culinary draw to the area, being fresh and

here as well). Vintage boutiques such as Bonjour, or

the quaint authenticity of a traditional Thai fishing

available in many national traditions, from Thai to

bohemian-chic Amrapalli, feature local designer-wear,

village with a selection of some of Koh Samui’s best

French to Italian.

much of which is hand-made. There is a sensation of

international cuisine options. Upscale, midscale, and

elegance at Fisherman’s Village that is unique in

affordable restaurants, all housed in traditional Thai

But if you are not a seafood lover, or if you are simply in

Thailand, and you will be forgiven if you suddenly sense

and Thai/Chinese buildings; an exciting weekly night

the mood for a choice cut of Australian or New Zealand

you have stepped into a Mediterranean village. It is here

market; and, the opportunity to sample a wide variety

beef, or some savory Indian delights, Fisherman’s

that you will also find quality jewelry and accessories

of local fashion, arts, and crafts makes this one of Koh

Village will not disappoint. Friendly owners, hosts, and

that you won’t see anywhere else in Thailand, making it

Samui’s premiere tourist attractions.

hostesses will entice you by their restaurant’s door-

the perfect destination for putting together an effortless,

way to check out their menu, but the sales-pitch is

sophisticated island ensemble once you arrive.

Fisherman’s Village is quite compact, consisting

usually low-key and friendly, being more informative

mainly of a single street that runs along the beach for

than coercive. If you aren’t hungry when you first arrive,

just under 700 meters. Restaurants on the north side

their descriptions of the menu items might cause you

of the street, of which there are many to choose from,

to become so rather quickly. If you are not in the mood

all back directly onto the beach, offering stunning

for a full meal but need to sit down and take a load

views for a family lunch or a perfect romantic moonlit

off, there are coffee shops and bars ready to delight.

dinner for two, sipping wine and watching the green

Try a healthy smoothie at Woody A Shop & Bar or opt

lights of the fishing boats bobbing along the ocean in

for sophistication with a tea at the Namcha Teahouse.

There are over 30 bars and restaurants to choose from, so you can rest assured that whatever you are in the mood for, Fisherman’s Village will gladly accommodate. The single biggest draw to the area, however, is the fant astic Friday Night-Market . T he entire area becomes a pedestrian-only zone and the center for trinket shopping; sampling of delicious foods from car ts and street vendors; and par taking in some refreshing beverages from one of the many ad-hoc impromptu bars that line the street from one end to the other. From traditional Thai favorites like chicken satay, to fair-style food like spiral fried potato on a stick, there is something for every taste. The atmosphere is friendly and relaxed, even during the busy season when the street can be very crowded. No matter what time of day or year you decide to visit, or whatever your initial interests, Fisherman’s Village will be sure to delight and surprise you, and should be a compulsory item on every visitor’s itinerary to the beautiful island of Samui.



Weekend Away: Railay

Thailand’s Unspoiled Gem 036

One of Thailand’s most beautiful get-away

The beaches here are breathtaking. You will be hard

destinations is Railay, a peninsula in the

pressed to resist the urge to pull out your camera the

K r a bi prov ince on the country ’s w es t

moment you first step onto the fine white sand. The

coast. Lapped by the blue waters of the Andaman

crystal clear waters of the Andaman Sea will seduce you,

Sea, Railay consists of a strip of land situated between

and you will soon find yourself slipping into the water,

two beaches, a short 5 minute walk separating the two.

noting instantly how perfect the water temperature is.

In addition, several smaller, more secluded beaches

Words by Jennifer Watts

serve as home to some of Thailand’s most beautiful

The nor th-facing beach is the stuf f of dreams.

and exclusive resorts. The scenery here is astounding

Approximately 70 0 meters of fine white sand is

and unforgettable, and the quiet, peaceful atmosphere

bracketed on both ends by impressive limestone cliffs.

makes Railay the per fect romantic destination.

Far off in the distance, small islands - little more than

The clientele here is generally composed of upscale

giant boulders - poke out of the surface of the water like

couples seeking the perfect place to gently unwind.

stone mushroom caps. The beachfront is lined by a variety

No trip to Thailand is truly complete without a weekend

of hotels and hotel restaurants, offering every imaginable

spent at Railay.

type of cuisine just steps from the sandy paradise.

While it is attached to the mainland, Railay’s beaches are

From here on the north beach you can hire a long-tail

only accessible by a short, 10 minute long-tail boat ride

boat to visit the surrounding islands. Poda Island, with

from Krabi town as Railay is separated from the rest

iconic scenery featured in The Man With a Golden

of Thailand by tall, stunning cliff-faces. These long-tail

Gun, is a photographer’s dream. Not to mention the

boats are readily and easily available. Your resort will

snorkeling, which is guaranteed to present you with

happily arrange transportation for you, but if you prefer

the opportunity to see hundreds (if not thousands) of

to take care of these details yourself, be assured that

tropical fish darting about the abundant coral.

these arrangements are easily made upon arrival.


If you are of adventurous spirit then you might consider taking rock-climbing and repelling lessons. The lime-stone cliffs are the perfect place to learn, and the scenery at the top must be stunning… only those who are brave enough to attempt the climb will ever know! Lessons and climbing happen every day, all year round, weather permitting. Fortunately, the weather usually permits. Night-life on Railay is exciting, but ver y relaxed. There are various entertainment options at your disposal. The fact that Railay has no large dance-club or disco is a positive feature rather than a criticism. If you are looking for bright and loud, Railay is not your place. You can ‘slum it’ with the bohemian crowd at the far end of the south beach, and enjoy some live reggae, or enjoy the more sophisticated entertainment at the luxury resort bars. But, almost assuredly, you will want to spent part of your night quietly strolling the beach, admiring the stars, wondering at the giant cliffs (beautifully lit up at night from below) and taking in the beauty that is Railay. While definitely not as stunning as its northern neighbor, the south beach is

Rayavadee Resort

If you r e a lly wa n t to m a k e your v isit to R ail ay a truly memor able, once in a lifetime e xperience, consider checking into the luxury Rayavadee Resort. This is luxury at its most natural. On its own private beach, this resort is nestled between stunning cliffs, blue seas, and green palm forests. It truly is one of the most beautiful places on Earth.

well worth a visit. At low tide it becomes a large mud flat, with a small bluff of fascinating mangrove trees perched atop their exposed roots. When the

The facilities here are second to none. Hire yourself

tide is low the long-tail boats are unable to reach the shore, and a wheeled

one of their exclusive private villas, complete with

landing-dock is driven out onto the flats, pulled by an ancient tractor,

Jacuzzi, private swimming pool, and personal butler,

to meet new arrivals. A unique and memorable mode of transportation

or try one of their many two-story pavilions, either on

that will be one of the topics of discussion over drinks later as you sip a

the beach or hidden away amongst the palm trees.

cool cocktail at one of the many hotel bars or restaurants. Af ter rela xing in your own private, beautif ully There are many resorts here in Railay to choose from, each offering their

appointed suite, take your relaxation to the next level

own distinctive take on the natural serenity that the local environs evokes.

with a visit to the world-class spa for an aromatic oil

There are hotels fronting both of the larger beaches, as well as several

massage, or a traditional Thai massage. An impeccably

resorts inland, off the beach. Don’t necessarily write off those resorts

manicured private garden and an impressive outdoor

that do not have beachfront, as many of them have stunning mountain and

Jacuzzi surround this beautiful spa.

cliff-face or jungle views, and wonderful facilities. And no resort is further than a five minute stroll to the beach.

Kayaking, snorkeling, tennis, squash, rock climbing, and lounging pool-side are all among your recreational


Even with the variety of resorts and its increasing popularity, Railay

choices. You can spend your afternoon partaking in high

remains an unspoiled natural gem, combining sea, sand, mountains and

tea, and your nights listening to live entertainment in

jungle forest in a unique and perfectly blended arrangement. You will be

the piano bar or having a romantic private meal by the

glad you came, and sorry to leave. And you will return.

beach followed by drinks at the beach bar. This is living!


City break: Bangkok the city that never sleeps Words by Mark wright

Shimmering Golden Buddhas, glistening

These complexes, including the buzzing plaza of MBK

mosaic temples, bustling designer malls,

for median shoppers, are located in the city’s Central

palate rousing cuisine, pulsating night-

Business District, which forms one of the largest

life, serene l andscaped hideaways and

intersections in the capital known as Ratchprasong.

a rchit ect ur a l m a s t er pieces. Ba ngkok

This is where multi-hued taxis snake their way among

– Thail and’s capital. The nation’s political,

swarms of motorbikes as far as the eye can see.

social, economic hear t and soul. Considered one

Just a couple of dozen meters above the streets’

of the most prolific cities in the world, almost 12

kaleidoscope of colors, the city’s sky train system

million people jostle for space in this ever expanding

streams in commuters to the downtown center from

modern metropolis.

outlying suburbs.

Often considered the central hub of Asia, Bangkok

On the other side of town, boat taxis and private long-

provides trouble-free access from most major cities,

tail boats roar up and down the expansive artery known

including 700 flights a day to and from the city’s

as the Chao Phraya River, allowing passengers to

international airport, Suvarnabhumi. Prominent sites

experience riverside views and stop at countless points

such as the National Museum, the majestic Wat

along the waterway and network of intersecting canals,

Pho, and the resplendent Grand Palace, are just a

including the well-known floating markets.

few showpieces of which the city boasts. The latter is arguably the most opulent jewel in Bangkok’s

Massive, distinct, quirky, diverse, hot, bustling, yet

awe-inspiring array of gilded attractions.

magnificent. It may overload your senses when you first arrive but, due to its extraordinary identity, Bangkok’s

Also known as a shopping-mecca, Bangkok hosts a

unique appeal will gradually have you in its grasp.

number of world-renowned malls. The megalithic malls of Paragon and Siam Discovery offer many high-end Western brands, whilst Siam Center and Siam Square introduce a number of boutiques run by Thailand’s best design talent.



Afternoon Tea at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Words by kirsty turner

T he ci t y of Ba ngkok i s fa mou s for i ts

extra surprises. As with any afternoon tea set, the main

decadent dining opportunities, but few

event here is the plate of scones, served fresh out of

experiences come close in terms of luxury

the oven and accompanied by fresh clotted cream and

and elegance to enjoying afternoon tea

preserves such as pomelo marmalade, raspberry

at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel. Afternoon

preserve and the intriguing ‘mystic rose petal jam’.

tea is served in the sophisticated Author’s Lounge, which is decorated in the Colonial style and hung with

The set al so includes an array of delicacies to

portraits of some of the famous writers that have

accommodate diverse tastes - whether it’s the simple

Pastry Chef Claus Olsen: the inspiration behind afternoon

stayed in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel over the years.

but flavorful ham and cheddar cheese sandwiches; the

tea at the Mandarin Oriental.

sugarcane smoked ‘Barbie duck in butter brioche roll’;

Claus Olsen was born in Denmark and has worked as a pastry chef for

The traditional afternoon set features all the standard snacks that you would expect, with a few extra surprises

or the mushroom and spinach turnover’s perfect blend

the last fifteen years. He started his career with the Mandarin Oriental

of ingredients. The potted crème brûlée was also a

Hotel Group in Las Vegas before transferring to Bangkok three years

real triumph, while it is easy to see why the Mandarin

ago. He says that one of the things that makes afternoon tea at the

Oriental is celebrated for its macaroons.

Mandarin Oriental Hotel really stand out is the fact that “the hotel staff are excellently trained and have full knowledge of all our teas, products,

For those wanting to sample some of the more local

development and the personal service,” and “the experience of having

flavors, the Thai afternoon tea set comes loaded with

tea in a hotel which was founded more than 137 years ago, surrounded

The Mandarin Oriental Hotel is celebrated for its

delicacies such as honey crisp vermicelli in rice flour

by images of the people who have spent time in the Author’s Lounge.”

excellent ser vice and, upon arrival, guests of the

shells, Thai curry and lotus seed puff, and pandanus

While many of the products used in the afternoon tea sets are sourced

af ternoon tea experience are immediately shown

leaf chiffon cake. This innovative afternoon tea set

locally, Claus says that they also import high quality ingredients such as

to their table in a st ylish room overlooking the

really stands out as it features both traditional Thai

butter and chocolate from countries like Denmark and France to ensure

hotel’s garden and the Chao Phraya River. Af ter

desserts, dating back more than fifty years, as well

that they meet the highest possible standards. While many of the

selecting their drink from an extensive tea, coffee

as Western tea treats with a Thai twist such as a

delicacies that you will find in the afternoon tea sets follow Western

and fruit juice menu, guests are given a moment to

soft and crumbly pandanus leaf and coconut scone;

classics, Chef Olsen says, “The Thai set was inspired by a mixture of

unwind in style before their treats arrive.

a lemongrass and Thai spiced tea sandwich; or turmeric

Bangkok’s renowned street food and more traditional Isaan dishes and

chicken and roasted chili jam in a wheat croissant.

flavors that can be found in the North.”

T h e t r a di t ional a f t er n o on s e t f e a t ur e s al l t h e standard snacks that you would expect, with a few



The Patravadi Theatre has developed widely since its creation

The Patravadi Theatre Words by kirsty turner

No matter how long you spend in Bangkok, you will constantly discover new experiences and unknown treasures. One such gem

The Cheese Room at the Millennium Hilton hotel Words by kirsty turner

is the Patravadi Theatre. Located on the far banks of the Chao Phraya River, this special theatre serves as

Catching up with friends at the Millennium

a training ground for Thai artists and also showcases

Hilton hotel while enjoying a selection

both classical and contemporary work.

of fine cheeses is a deliciously decadent e x per ience t h at should not be mis sed

Situated in a beautifully ornate Thai-style garden,

while visiting the city of Bangkok. Cheese

from June to Februar y the space doubles as the

lovers will really be in their element as they are

open-air Patravadi Theatre, where up to 450 people

offered unlimited access to the Millennium Hilton

can enjoy weekend performances. This is Bangkok’s

hotel’s perfectly chilled and excellently presented

only open-air playhouse and offers a unique experience

Cheese Room.

for people who are looking for cultural entertainment. The experience begins with an atmospheric trip across In one corner of the garden, a photography gallery

the Chao Phraya River aboard the Millennium Hilton’s

displays images of past performances, whilst further

private boat. After stepping inside the Millennium

along is a large restaurant, of fering picturesque

Hilton hotel diners will catch their first glimpse of the

views across the river. Known as Studio 9, this dining

Cheese Room through tinted glass windows.

theatre by the river offers entertainment as well as tasty, affordable Thai food.

Diners who opt for this unforgettable experience will be shown to a table at the Flow restaurant, which is

The theatre itself was founded in 1992 by Patravadi

situated on the ground floor of the Millennium Hilton

Mejudhon, who also serves as the theatre’s artistic

hotel. The restaurant is surrounded by exquisite works

director today. The main goal of the theatre is to

of art, while glimpses of the Chao Phraya River in the

provide Thai artists with training and performance

distance provide the perfect setting for what is sure to

experience, whilst theatre workshops are provided

be a truly memorable evening.

to both professionals and students of the Mahidol Universities. In addition, the theatre’s exchange

Under the guidance of the Millennium Hilton hotel’s

programme brings directors and choreographers from

cheese and wine expert, diners are invited to choose

all over the world to train in Thai classical folk dancing.

from a selection of sixty different cheeses. There are cheeses here to suit all tastes, from rich and creamy

The selection includes some of the most expensive and rarest cheeses in the world and diners are given full reign of the Cheese Room during the experience

The Patravadi Theatre has developed widely since

Brie Royale aux Truffles to hard and full-flavoured

its creation. Its blend of traditional Thai decoration

cheeses. The selection includes some of the most

The Millennium Hilton’s Cheese Room is open every

and culture with the addition of contemporary styles

expensive and rarest cheeses in the world and diners

evening from 18:00. In addition to unlimited access

makes it a unique experience. Now, with an extra five

are given full reign of the Cheese Room during the

to the Cheese Room, the hotel offers a special seven

art centres located around Thailand, the Patravadi


course wine and cheese dinner that consists of seven

Theatre continues to grow, occasionally performing

specially created cheese-based dishes, each served

on behalf of the Thai Government in cities such as

The cheeses are presented alongside a selection of

London, Paris, Milan, Frankfurt and Kuala Lumpur.

fresh fruit as well as freshly baked bread, preserves

with a different glass of wine.

and dried fruit. The hotel’s wine exper t is also on hand to help diners select a wine that will perfectly


Visit www.patravaditheatre.com to find out about

compliment their favourite cheeses and bring out their

current and upcoming events.

subtle flavours.




Take a stroll in the heart of Bangkok in the inner Sukhumvit area and you’ll notice various sights and sounds: there’s the American tourist, camera in hand, absorbing Thailand’s rich culture with each snapshot of the magnificent Erawan shrine in the shopping district of Rachaprasong; the Chinese Thai jewellers selling their sparkling, luminous gems at the popular MBK Center; the Indian businessmen selling high-end formal wear in boutiques dotted throughout Asok, Bangkok’s financial district; and, a little further down in the trendy area of Thong Lor, the young, affluent crowd from all over town gather around a plethora of sushi bars and bistros. Rich in diversity, Bangkok is but a microcosm of the melting pot that is the Land of Smiles - a country where skyscrapers rub shoulders with antique temples; a land where East meets West. But where does this diversity and rich cultural heritage come from and how does it affect modern life? Is the globalization of Thailand really a recent phenomenon, or does it have more ancient origins?

Rich in diversity, bangkok is but a microcosm of the melting pot that is the land of smiles - a country where skyscrapers rub shoulders with antique temples; a land where East meets West The internationalization of Thailand started back in the 13th century when ethnic Thai (or ‘Tai’) people migrated from China’s Yangtze valley and

The Land of Smiles:

A Melting Pot of Culture Words by Birat Lekhak


settled at the banks of the Chao Phraya River. At the time, there were Khmer (who are a majority in present-day Cambodia) and Mon people (minority in present-day Myanmar) based in the area. The ethnic Thais intermarried with the aforementioned groups and established their hegemony as the dominant ethnic group in what is now Thailand. Today they are a sizeable majority and make up around 75% of the population. Naturally, ethnic Thais have made a long-lasting impact on modern Thai culture. The abundance of golden-roofed Buddhist temples across the country and the creation of the Thai alphabet are attributable to them, for both were established and popularized by King Ramkhamhaeng, an ethnic Thai king of Sukhothai, in the late 13th century. The Ramakien, one of Thailand’s most prominent literary and cultural spectacles, was adopted by the ethnic Thai under King Rama I’s reign from the Hindu epic, the Ramayana. Names were modified to suit the Thai vernacular and the Ramakien grew in popularity over the centuries. The play was usually performed for a royal audience in the form of Khon, a genre of Thai dance drama involving silent actors in vibrant masks and costumes accompanied by narrators and musicians. Today, Khon involving Ramakien are popular among tourists and theatre aficionados, making it an icon of Thai culture. If you ever have a chance to go to Bangkok’s famous Temple of the Emerald Buddha, be sure to check out its walls, which are decorated with vivid, ornate murals of 178 scenes from the Ramayana.


Aside from the ethnic Thai, another key segment of the population is the Thai-Chinese, who make up around 14% of the population and are well-represented in all levels of society. In fact, the founder of the currently ruling Chakri Dynasty, King Rama I, was partly Chinese. It must be noted that the ThaiChinese are relatively more recent arrivals to Thailand than the ethnic Thai and largely did not intermarry with the Mons and Khmers. As such they have different cultural and physical characteristics to the modern-day ethnic Thai. Initial repression meant that the Thai-Chinese lived in close-knit communities and held on to their customs and traditions dearly, some of which have sur vived today. Nonetheless, the Thai-Chinese have been largely successful in Thai society, which is reflected by the fact that 23 of the 25 leading entrepreneurs in Thailand are of Chinese origin. While most modern Thai Chinese have assimilated

Chinese community here is over 200 years old and

under the reign of King Chulalongkorn, that Thailand

has incorporated a significant amount of English

into Thai society and speak mainly Thai, one trip

signs are bilingual throughout the street. The path of

initiated state reform and modernization efforts in

words, especially among teenagers and young adults.

to Yaowarat Road in Bangkok shows that the Thai

the road is said to resemble the curves of the dragon,

order to help preserve the sovereignty of Thailand as

It is common to hear phrases such as “get mai? ”

Chinese community is well and truly alive. The

signifying auspiciousness. Judging by the success of

neighbours fell to colonial powers. During this time,

(Do you get it ?); or “work rue pao? ” (Does it / this

Chinatown of Bangkok, Yaowarat is a sea of red

the Thai-Chinese in Thailand, perhaps they do indeed

a number of American, British, and other European

work?). Globalization has come full circle; just as its

with bright neon signs, intermittently-glowing lanterns,

have the blessings of the dragon.

architect s, engineers, and policy advisors were

forces affected the development of the Thai language

employed as Thailand entered the modern era.

in olden days, it is moulding the Thai language today.

and narrow alleyways with shops selling all kinds of goods ranging from shoes to Chinese snacks. The

The Thai-Chinese have been largely successful in Thai society, which is reflected by the fact that 23 of the 25 leading entrepreneurs in thailand are of Chinese origin

Just a stone’s throw away from Yaowarat is Phahurat, a

For some, the influx of foreign settlers is problematic,

bustling neighbourhood home to the Indian community.

During the Vietnam War in the 60s, 50,000 troops

The Indian influence in Thailand goes back to the 3rd

were stationed in the country. Those who stayed

century when King Asoka sent monks to promote

behind gave rise to the American expatriate commu-

Buddhism in Thailand. The previously mentioned

nity in Bangkok. A number of these troops settled near

adaption of the Ramayana into the Thai cultural epic

bases upcountry and it is common to find former vet-

Ramakien and the incorporation of Sanskrit words into

erans settled in places such as Chiang Mai, Nong Khai,

the Thai vocabulary are notable Indian contributions.

and Udon Thani.

The first Indian settlers to arrive in the modern era

for they claim Thailand’s cultural heritage is being

In addition to the expected influence of its Asian neighbours, Thailand has also had a history of significant Euro-American presence

settled in Phahurat, with speculation suggesting that

Today, Thailand’s recent rise as one of the ‘East Asian

it was due to its similarity with the Hindi name for

Tiger’ economies and its popularity in tourism have

India, Bharat. The aroma of Indian sweets fills the air

brought in a number of foreigners who have decided to

eroded due to foreign influences. Others, however, see

and the area is littered with textile shops. Red, yellow,

settle in the country for work, retirement, or leisure.

it as an opportunity for economic and cultural growth

green, blue; silk, cotton, chiffon, wool – you name it –

Some have invested in local businesses and opened

as the nation adapts to the 21st century. After all,

Phahurat is textile central. The area is also home to

bars and restaurants; some have bought luxury condo-

culture is but a fluid and dynamic concept. The advent

a massive Sikh community and houses a gurudwara

miniums and manage their time between continents;

of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) brings a

(a Sikh temple) with a magnificent golden roof, a

whilst others have entered the teaching profession

further influx of foreigners who will bring their hopes

landmark of the neighbourhood. Although initially

alongside those who work for multinational companies

and aspirations as well as their cultural traditions. And

based in the Little India that is Phahurat, the Indian

and NGOs. A number of foreigners have married into

they, too – like many before them – shall patch them-

diaspora has scattered throughout the city as well as

Thai families, giving rise to luk krung (half and half

selves into the multicultural mosaic that is Thailand.

the country and have expanded from the textile sector

child). Gaining the best of both gene pools, some luk

to real estate and teaching professions.

krung have gone on to have successful careers in mainstream Thai media as models, actors, singers,

In addition to the expected influence of its Asian neigh-

and TV entertainers.

bours, Thailand has also had a history of significant


Euro-American presence. The first Westerners to

Though the substantial Chinese and Indian cultures

arrive in Siam were the Portuguese in 1511. They were

remain present in Thailand’s capital and borders, the

followed by the Dutch, English, Danes, and French

burgeoning Western expatriate population continues

in the ensuing centuries coupled with the American

to grow and influence modern-day Thailand, where

arrival in the mid-1820s. All of these nations established

the ship of the Land of Smiles is firmly being led by inter-

trading posts in the country. It was during this era,

national winds. Nowadays, modern Thai vernacular


Moonshad ow villa

Words by Katy Thomas Images by Anne Sophie Maestracci-Samuipics.com

Winner of Thailand Property Award’s ‘Best Villa Architectural Design’ 2013



Moonshadow commands Koh Samui from the summit of Chaweng Noi as an island queen, looking out over coral

Perfect for families and entertaining hosts alike, Moonshadow was made for guests to enjoy her ample endowments

coves and endless white sands. The villa’s elegant curves seamlessly wrap the apex of a stunning tropical hillside, infusing sustainability with impeccable luxurious design. Billowed ceilings and walls echo the sails of the yachts circling the coral coves, just meters below. Privy to a 180-degree panorama of sapphire and emerald waters lapping at the feet of the most desired destination on Samui, this award-winning villa (Thailand Property Awards 2013’s ‘Best Villa Architectural Design’) captures the hearts and minds of every passer-by.



To really immerse in the surroundings, floor to ceiling glass walls can be slid away from the front and rear, allowing the garden and sea to meet your bedroom floor

A cascading waterfall welcomes you to the Moonshadow proper ty, flowing under the walkway to the front door alongside a plethora of Thai flora. Once at the property, a second stunning water feature runs down semicircular stairs to a translucent grand entrance where glass walls, doors and gables allow uninterrupted views through the entertaining areas to the sea. Crescent moon arches of paneled white bamboo capture both sun and moonlight to maximum effect; a luminous space that invites the mind to transcend tranquility. Perfect for families and entertaining hosts alike, Moonshadow was made for guests to enjoy her ample endowments. Glassed mezzanine dining elevates cuisine and conversation, opening into a multi-leveled reception area feeding into private guest wings and lower terraces. An elegant kitchen accentuated with rare white Thai porcelain handmade dinnerware nods to other exquisite hand-crafted art and sculptures that are sewn discreetly into the fabric of the house.



Moonshadow uses creative minimalism to let every function be a statement of style


Living blends seamlessly with lounging in the down-

Sunset and sunrise over the ocean are a spectacle

stairs area, where custom couches recline equidistant

to enjoy from anywhere in the villa, with magical

between flat screen and pool. Stunning white terrazzo

views of the moon at night giving this villa its name.

floor and decking are divided by floor to ceiling glass

With 3 guest rooms in an antipodean wing, the master

doors that simply tuck away to leave an uninterrupted

bedroom is an isolated haven. To really immerse in the

vista of the infinity pool, ocean and beyond. Poolside,

surroundings, floor to ceiling glass walls can be slid

sundeck and bedroom balconies alike are adorned with

away from the front and rear, allowing the garden and

polished terrazzo benches, handmade rattan daybeds

sea to meet your bedroom floor. Even the bathroom

and Thai teak sun loungers to capture every possible

offers stunning views, with a generous tub positioned

moment of idyllic bliss.

directly adjacent to the feature glass wall looking out upon the infinite ocean.


Amidst tropical gardens, waterfall entrances and flawless white terrazzo sundecks, Moonshadow uses creative minimalism to let every function be a statement of style. Capturing the full beam of natural light with raw local materials crafted to perfection by hand, Moonshadow infuses traditional crafts with modern design. To stay at Moonshadow is a refreshing experience offered by the island queen who lets all her guests live royally. For sales and rental enquiries please call +669 3581 3251



glittering, mirror-glass inlaid, gilded wood carvings

Burma is also a source of the ever-popular richly-carved

as it is for its bronze depictions of the Sakyamuni

colonial style teak furniture, with the larger pieces

Buddha, with both seen in all their glory in major

merging surprisingly well with the modernity of

temples across the land and equally lovely in a home

architect-designed homes. For a practical and elegant


highlight now found occasionally in Thai antiques stores, a pair of Chinese cinnabar-colored lacquered,

The most iconic treasures from Thailand’s past are its

tapered armoires is well worth searching out, espe-

ancient cast bronze or lacquered wood Buddha images,

cially if you’re visiting the Ban Tawai ‘furniture village’

sought af ter by collectors and home decorators

outside Chiang Mai. These are essentially country

across the world for their gentle, peaceful features

pieces, but glow with their subtle color and polished

and pleasing forms. The oldest and rarest come from

brass fittings.

Northern Thailand’s Hariphunchai culture based in Lamphun around the 13th century, and the Northern

A unique but rare ornament to any wall is an antique,

Thai 14th century Chieng Saen bronze images are

fully-costumed, traditional puppet. Puppetry is an ancient art found all across Asia, with older, larger examples difficult to find but impossible to resist for their character and intricate embroidery. The equally

antiques in the home

intricate rural hill tribe embroideries make great hangings if you can find large enough pieces, and Thailand’s glowing silks bring grace and beauty to any setting via luxurious cushions, bed-coverings and more. It doesn’t take much to combine the old and the new in an elegant display of design and color, as the dramatic impact of Southeast Asian antiques is such that gilding the lily isn’t necessary. A few, well-placed, artefacts bring a

Living history amidst stunning modernity

new dimension to even the best-planned interior.

Words by elena edwards

The st yle of architect-designed vill as

the world. The heart of Thai culture is Buddhism, with

known for their beauty. Thai Buddha images in bronze

in Thailand is now at its iconic peak and

its glittering temples and gilded images, and the country

or gilded wood are often large, perfect as the highlight

makes full use of the country’s glorious

is known for its amazing, traditional woodworking,

of an elegant room. Whether genuine antiques or the

light, lush green settings and stunning

weaving, painting and sculpting skills. Sadly, many

excellent copies still made today, Thailand’s Buddhist

views. Spaciousness, innovative shapes, angles and

fine antiques left the country in earlier times to be

images add an indefinable ambience to your home.

cool, elegant colours are the highlights of creations

sold in the West and many were destroyed during the

such as Koh Samui’s Moonshadow Villa, winner of this

centuries-ago years of war with neighbouring Burma,

For less exalted decoration, the rich black or cinnabar

antiques mall, the largest in the city, is possibly the

year’s Thailand Property of the Year Awards’ ‘Best Villa

but genuine artefacts are still found, celebrating the

red, antique, lacquerwares found here are mainly of

best idea, especially if you’re simply educating your

Design’ category, and our feature property this issue.

country’s centuries of craftsmanship.

Burmese origin, made either as offering dishes, con-

eye as to which artifacts will suit your style in your

To view a wide choice of both antiques and modern, decorative copies, a visit to Bangkok’s River City

tainers or small tables, and make stunning features

new home. Admittedly, it’s difficult to tell whether the

settings and the talent of its new breed of architects,

Decorating your Thai home with atmospheric remnants

in the home. Exquisite, small black lacquer cabinets

piece you’ve fallen in love with is antique or a mod-

ultra-modern homes here are now as spectacular as

of the past brings together traditional and modern

lusciously inlaid with mother-of-pearl designs also

ern copy, but the price may give a guide, as genuine

in any scenic hotspot worldwide.

styles and gives a unique ambience, atmosphere

originate in Burma, as do the exuberant embroidered

heritage pieces are expensive. In the end, the only cri-

and beauty to your environment. Most antique Thai

hangings depicting dragons, elephants and mythical

terion is whether you ‘connect’ with the piece enough

In complete contrast, it’s the fascinating culture and

artworks, whether they’re carved, cast in bronze or

creatures. The majority of wall-hangings nowadays

to place it in your home.

history of Thailand which draws many visitors to

sculpted from marble, almost invariably represent

don’t have great age, but are incredibly successful as

become residents in its rural regions, whether they’re

Buddhist images, and the charming two-dimensional

focal points in a room. If you find one with less flam-

refugees from the traffic and overcrowding of Bangkok,

paintings depict legends and folklore as well as

boyant colors and a less extravagant all-over pattern,

or retirees and business owners from countries all over

religious celebrations. Thailand is as famous for its

it’s a true antique.

Drawing on the natural beauty of Thailand’s island


...many fine antiques left the country in earlier times to be sold in the West and many were destroyed during the centuries-ago years of war with neighbouring Burma.


Bangkok’s Nightlife King A look behind-the-scenes at the man behind a plethora of Bangkok’s latest nightlife creations. Words by Adam Kohut


Ashley Sutton should probably have been

Sutton’s establishments are like movie sets. They

designing spacecraft. That might have been

are surrealism in physical form: like gin-soaked Dali

his real calling. If only he cared enough. “I wish I was

paintings or whiskey-scented Disneylands. Barbie

really passionate about physics and rocket science,”

dolls hang, introverted, from the ceiling in Clouds,

he says. “I used to draw in math class when I was like

like a child’s mobile gone insane – something that

ten. It was the most boring f—ing thing I’ve ever heard.

Sid – the bad kid with braces, a shaved head and the

And I failed it. I always ask myself, ‘Why are you so

skull T-shirt from Toy Story - might have rigged up,

dumb? Why couldn’t you have had the same passion

had he been of drinking age. As unsettling as it may

[for science and math] you have for bending steel

be, Sutton’s style has a dark charm to it, and it’s one

and knowing about building materials?’ If I was really

that leaves you needing a drink.

passionate about that, I would be on the f—n’ moon right now. I know I could build [something like that],

In Mr. Jones’ Orphanage, wooden train tracks snake

I just wish I was that clued up. It would be so exciting.”

throughout the seating area. Above, on the ceiling, hangs an intricate assortment of gears and cogs

And, truth be told, he quite likely would be. When

(also of the wooden variety), the guts of a clock, or

Sutton sets out to accomplish something, it gets done.

the bowels of a gigantism-struck childhood plaything.

He is a man who knows exactly what he’s doing – and

Toys – stuffed bears, plastic army men, you name it

exactly how to do it. The 39-year-old Australian native

– litter the areas that aren’t filled with Wonka-esque

has made a career creating ‘theme’ bars and restau-

varieties of cakes, cookies and brownies topped with

rants in the Bangkok area. Maggie Choo’s in Silom,

fruits, nuts and candies.

for example, has an early 1900s Chinese cabaret motif, with vault doors, dim lights, a cabaret-style

These aren’t your ordinary dine-and-drink establish-

swing in the center of the room, and a piano in the

ments. They are intricately designed and complex,

corner. Alternatively, across town is the Dickensian-

each with an original ambience. They are, quite simply,

styled Iron Fairies, with its iron spiral staircases

art - sculptures that come alive each night as steady

and old-time medicine bottles lining the windows in

crowds filter in and out. “I can see something to the

Bangkok’s trendy Thonglor. Elsewhere, Sutton also

last rivet before it’s built within about twenty minutes,”

had his hand in the creation of Bangkok mainstays

Sutton says. “Then it’s so easy to build the f—n’ thing.

such as Fat R’ Gut’z, Clouds, The Bookshop, and Mr.

I like to build a place and walk in and feel the expe-

Jones’ Orphanage. His latest venture, Bangkok Betty,

rience. I’m so passionate about building. I’m up early

is set to open in the coming weeks on Sukhumvit Soi

every morning because I’m building.” It’s a passion that

22, resembling an assembly line in a bomb factory.

started an early age, with wooden forts, underground


with the help of a small staff, to sell in his New Yorkbased storefront, where curious passersby began to gawk. “I’d decorated [the workshop] to give my designers inspiration. People used to look in the door and see this workshop and say ‘this is amazing. Do you have any drinks?’ so I’d have to run to 7/11 and get some wine. then they wanted food. In a few months, it was full, and I had to put a little bar in,” sutton says. Thus, Iron fairies – and sutton’s food and beverage career – was born. In person, sutton is calm, collected, and classically handsome, except for the tattoos that nearly cover each arm, which are visible only because his shirt – one part of his three piece suit – has its sleeves rolled up. for a savvy businessman and entrepreneur, it’s also quite difficult to elicit a quote that doesn’t contain at least some form of profanity. Sutton has stuck around the bar scene so long not because of a love of cocktails or alcohol or the high-societal life – he didn’t have his first drink until he was 30, and when it comes to the actual mixology of his establishments, it’s left in the hands of New Yorker Joseph Boroski (“I give him the concept of the restaurant and let him go,” Sutton says) - but because of an industrial pull. It’s magnetic, like a drug, and once you’re hooked, it’s hard to get away. “It’s an addictive business,” Sutton says. “You can make a serious amount of money; it’s very social.” Nonetheless, in Sutton’s eyes, he only has about eight years left before he’s worthless, at least in a business sense. “I think I will lose my passion,” he says. “By the time you’re 50, you’re probably going to get cancer or be f---ed anyway.” It’s not exactly a bright vision of the future, but it’s not bleak in any sense, either – Sutton detests the business side of things. He likes the sense of creating, building, selling, and then moving on. It keeps him busy, fresh. And when all of that’s finished

“I can see something to the last rivet before it’s built within about twenty minutes“

cubbies and tree houses. “I was the master of the tree houses for all my

– or he needs to get away – he always has his boat.

For now, though, Sutton still has time for his career left on the clock.

friends,” he says. But it’s drawing, too, Sutton says, that’s helped him

“It’s my escape; it’s on a remote island in Northwest

At least until the year 2020. Af ter Bangkok Betty opens its doors,

turn his passion into a career – and a fairly lucrative one at that. “After my

Australia,” he says. “I want to sail around the world

Sutton has his sights set on designing a high-end restaurant. Sutton says

ideas happen in my mind, I will draw sketches to fine tune the ideas,”

alone one day.” And that’s what he needs, Sutton

he also has designs for, amongst others, a boutique hotel, an airplane…

he says. “Barbie dolls and bombs are just something to make the concept

says, is to be alone. He doesn’t believe in marriage,

even tentative plans for a submarine. “I’d like to move more in the way

and though he’s currently in a relationship, he lives

of design,” he says. “I want to be able to sleep at night and think that

different and exciting.”

on his own. When he’s alone, he has time to build,

I’ve done something with my life. Right now I’m a f---ing bar owner.

Before he was designing full-time, though, Sutton operated a crane deep

to create. “I don’t think anyone could live with me

What is all the fuss? What a disgrace.”

inside the iron-ore mines in Northwest Australia. It was there he first

anyway,” he says. “That’s one thing I’m really terrible

began to experiment with creating toys and knickknacks out of iron. It was

at, is being with people. I’m the happiest when I’m

there where iron fairies – the tiny fantastical objects from which Sutton’s

alone. That way I don’t piss anybody off. I’m just a

arguably most famous institute took its name – were first constructed.

nightmare to be around.”

Although, truth be told, Sutton doesn’t really know why it was, out of all things, fairies. “I don’t [even] like fairies; I don’t believe in fairies,” he says. After working as a miner, sutton moved to Dalian, China where he began manufacturing various iron trinkets – fairies, mostly - on a larger scale. he then opened a workshop in bangkok, where he created his odds and ends



stepping forward:

Thailand’s Infrastructure development and economic opportunities

Words by birat lekhak

However, the country faces numerous challenges in

One of the most exciting projects is the construction

infrastructure development which need to be addressed

of four high-speed railway lines: Bangkok to Chiang

if it is to realize its full potential within the AEC. In a

Mai (the country’s northern logistics hub and tourist

report commissioned by the World Bank, it ranks 38th

destination); Bangkok to Nong Kai (which connects to

in the Logistics Performance Index. Similarly, it ranks

Laos and China), Bangkok to Rayong (the country’s

36th in road quality, 57th in railway quality, 43rd in port

eastern seaboard industrial hub and deep-sea port),

quality, and 28th in air transport quality.

and Bangkok to Hua Hin (tourist destination and gateway to the south). The trains can travel to a speed

Given the poor quality of the railway system, most

between 250-400km / hour. A trip from Bangkok to

freights are transported in Thailand by road (86%) as

northern Thailand, which generally takes 12 hours,

compared to countries like Japan where about half

is thus reduced to a mere 4 hours. In addition, people

(54%) is transported by road and the rest by sea and

living in areas within a 300km radius of Bangkok can

rail. This is a relatively inefficient mode of transport

commute to the capital within 90 minutes.

compared to sea or rail transport systems. As such, logistics costs in Thailand are considerably high, at

Having made tremendous strides in the

The ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is on the

around 15.2% of GDP when other developed countries

“The Land of Smiles is set to make tremendous gains if it can manage to develop into a logistical hub in Southeast Asia”

1990s by rising like other ‘East Asian Tigers’

horizon and is set to be underway by 2015. Among

are in the range of 5-10% of GDP and it has hurt the

who followed export-driven development

other things, the AEC promises the free flow of goods,

country’s competiveness.

models, Thailand has developed manifold in

services, investment, capital, and skilled labor. Tariffs

the last two decades. The percentage of people

on all intra-ASEAN goods as well as non-tariff barriers

living under the national poverty line has decreased

are set to be removed, standardized trade practices

government has recently unveiled a highly ambi-

from 65.26% in 1988 to 13.15% in 2011. From 1980

established region-wide, and liberalized investment

tious, long-term 2.2 trillion baht ($60 billion) plan to

Apart from the development of high speed rail lines,

to 2012, the Thai economy has expanded nearly

policies implemented through the ASEAN Investment

enhance regional connectivity and establish Thai

the existing train system is set to be upgraded with

sixteen-fold, from 913.70 billion baht to 4,898 billion

Agreement (ACIA).

cities as regional hubs before the implementation

the construction of dual train tracks. The expansion

of the AEC. Under the play, 55 infrastructure projects

of the motorway as well as road networks connect-

baht. The country has risen to a ‘newly-industrialized,

To meet these infrastructure challenges, the Thai

middle-income’ status and its remarkable devel-

Thailand is in a geostrategic position because it borders

are set to be completed by 2020, with 64% of the

ing ASEAN economic corridors, sea ports, and border

opment is exemplified by the fact that EuropeAid

four other ASEAN member states including Cambodia,

total budget being spent on 31 railway projects,

trade points have been planned.

now deems Thailand “too prosperous to qualify for

Laos, Malaysia, and Myanmar. Therefore, the Land of

24% on road project s, and 12% on water and air

development donations”.

Smiles is set to make tremendous gains if it can manage

transportation infrastructure.

to develop into a logistical hub in Southeast Asia.



The benefits that Thailand stands to gain from these

Given the massive developments that have been

infrastructure projects is tremendous. According

planned for implementation by 2020, it would be

to the Fiscal Policy Research Institute Foundation,

wise to invest in real estate in the vicinity of transport

it could increase per capita income to $10,000 per

links. Prices are set to rise as new stations are added

year from the present $5,000 within the next decade.

and, with some foresight, considerable gains could

The shift from road to rail will significantly reduce

be made if one moves early. In Bangkok, a number of

the cost and time for the transportation of goods.

commercial developments have already commenced

Furthermore, better transportation linkages will lead

in the vicinity of new BTS and planned MRT stations.

to the development of new towns and regional hubs in

The government has also planned on investing in new

other parts of Thailand – especially those neighbouring

economic areas in the East-West and North-South

other ASE AN countries. According to Transpor t

Economic corridors. Cities such as Nong Kai near the

Minister Chadchart Sittipunt, “the key goal of the

Lao border offer investment opportunities for people

high-speed train link is to build and to develop new

looking to get a head start before the AEC kicks in.

cities which will benefit the public… the network will

And let’s not forget the tourism industry, which is one

strengthen economic development and products will

of the highest revenue-generating sectors in the Thai

have increased value as people will be able to transport

economy. With the improvement in transportation

their products to the provinces by train.”

networks, it is estimated that domestic and interna-

Given the massive developments that have been planned for implementation by 2020, it would be wise to invest in real estate in the vicinity of transport links.

Demand is set to increase due to the linkages between

tional tourists will increase considerably, especially from the ASEAN countries. Investors in attractive destinations such as Phuket and Koh Samui would be wise to ensure their business ventures are ‘ASEANf r iendly ’, with multilingual s t af f and ser vic es. Furthermore, property prices are expected to surge – those involved in real estate could make considerable gains when the AEC kicks in if they invest now.

The ambitious infrastructure investment undertaken

various revenue-generating zones ranging from

indicates a bright future for Thailand. If all goes to

industrial to agricultural and tourist. In addition, the

plan, there are numerous benefits for all sections

government expects to create 500,000 jobs as well

of societ y, from the minimum-wage labourer to

as increase the level of GDP by about 1% each year.

the millionaire investor. The landscape is set to be

Logistics costs are expected to be reduced by 2% and

transformed by 2020 as Thailand looks to establish

Thailand hopes to save 100 billion baht annually on

itself as an economic and logistical powerhouse in

energy costs.

Southeast Asia and take another stride in development as it did when it rose as an ‘East Asian Tiger’.

Meanwhile, improvement in transportation infrastructure in the capital, where only 4% of people use mass transit and 56% use cars, is making headway. Average speeds during rush hours in Bangkok can reach as low as 16.3km / hour, with inner Bangkok reaching around 12km / hour. As such, an expansion of the subway line has been planned, with the goal of expanding the MRT to 10 lines and from the existing 80km network to 465.8km by 2020.



Starting a Business in Thailand Words by TOM MATTHEWS

The fundamentals of business may be the same in

There are many types of visa, but thankfully, there is help

every country but the Thai style of working is

available at the Board of Investment of Thailand and other

unique, making it important that foreign business-

government departments which are mentioned below.

people adapt to its culture and customs. However, once you have a clear understanding of how business works in

The Board of Investment of Thailand is an excellent source

the Land of Smiles, you can soon fall in love with the Thai culture

of information and provides a range of investment incentives

whilst watching your business grow from strength to strength.

including tax holidays and assistance with industrial estates in economic zones for factories and export companies. The One

In Thailand, cultural etiquette goes a long way, so practicing local

Start One Stop Investment Center (OSOS) in Bangkok helps

customs and showing respect for the local culture will benefit you

investors with various applications to make sure they understand

and your business in many ways. Relationships are more important

what they need to register a company. The OSOS also helps

in the East than the West, and this is especially true in Thailand.

investors obtain investment promotion privileges, foreign business

Thai people value fun (sanuk), politeness, and a relaxed demeanor.

licenses, environmental impact assessments, permission to use

In business meetings, it always pays to keep the tone light.

land for industrial operations, and utility arrangements. Work Permits and Visas can also be processed within the same building.

As a foreign businessperson, your most important relationship may be with your Thai legal advisors. Such engagements may

To reduce your business risk, you may consider buying a franchise

determine the destiny of your business because laws and

in Thailand and benefit from the franchisor’s established brand

administrative procedures are constantly changing, and vary

and centralized support. However, it is still necessary to conduct

from province to province. Therefore, it is imperative that your

due diligence on your prospective franchisor. If you take the

key advisors have their fingers on the fiscal pulse wherever you

franchise route you would normally still have the same choice

decide to base your work.

of business registration options, including Thai limited company and limited partnership. There is at least one franchise exhibition

Lifestyles vary enormously between the cities. Bangkok boasts

in Bangkok every year.

more Facebook subscribers than any other city in the world, while Pattaya is known as a 24/7 party zone. Phuket, Hua Hin

If you are thinking about starting a small business such as a restau-

and Thailand’s other islands attract high-end investors, whilst

rant with a Thai business partner, you may consider registering

Chiang Mai in the North attracts many tourists and backpackers

a limited partnership. At least one of the partners must accept

due to its relaxed nature.

unlimited liability for the partnership’s debts, but joint unlimited liability is usually permissible.

Think carefully about your role in the business. Do you want to be active in the business, or would you prefer to review your monthly

Finally, there are numerous business networking clubs, profes-

accounts while you sunbathe on the beach? This question

sional associations and chambers of commerce open to expats

may seem obvious, but many investors ask themselves this

across Thailand’s major cities, most of which can be found online.

question after they obtain their work permit. Don’t forget, there are many keen and educated Thais willing to work for you! If you decide to come to Thailand to develop a business concept and build contacts, you may find it worthwhile obtaining a non-immigrant B (business) visa from a Thai Embassy back home.

// Tom Matthews (tmfinancial@consultant.com) is a British financial services representative who loves Thailand.



How to Avoid Investment Scams in Thailand Words by Elena edwards

For many expats, deserting the sinking ship of their

seeking low-risk are all well-used scams. Promising a quarterly

home country and washing up onto the shores

review of the investment is another, as the salesman, after he’s

of Thailand seems like a passport to par adise,

received his commission, has no intention of ever visiting you

even if you’ve done your online research and noted

again. He’s got what he wanted and it’s time to move on to the

a few cracks in others’ dreams. Your expectations,

next victim unless, of course, you’ve more money to invest.

borne of reading travel guides, expat club newsletters and forums, include a new community with new friends full of helpful

All the above are cause for regulatory action in your home

advice, new cultural experiences and a magically-low cost of

country, but here in Thailand there’s little you can do. Thai

living, all bathed in eternal sunshine. The minefields of everyday

regulators have no interest in claims of misselling made by

life in your home country are just a memory, and you’re safe here.

expats and, even if your IFA informed you he was licensed in his home country, this bears no weight here, leaving you unprotected

Many of the above dreams can come true if you’re careful and

with an expensive civil lawsuit being your only redress. Living

ease gently into your new culture but, due to a disregard for and

in Thailand cuts off any redress through your home country’s

lack of application of laws regulating expats working as financial

regulatory body, and any IFA who claims you are protected

advisors, the safety of your hard-earned nest egg will be at risk

through his home country license is making a fraudulent claim.

unless you watch out for scams and misselling. Of course, this issue doesn’t just apply to expat hubs in Thailand – it’s an ongoing

The vast majority of FAs here are unlicensed by the Thai

scandal across Asia, the Middle East and in European expat havens.

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), have no work permits and are working illegally. If you are approached by one, a request

Here, for many years, it has been a practice of commission-hungry

for sight of his work permit, the name of his employer if any and

salesmen to pose as legitimized, qualified financial advisors after

his SEC licensing number should be your first response. Shell

creating themselves a position within the community via expat

companies registered in the Caymans and other offshore havens

clubs and other seemingly trustworthy groups. Their modus

don’t count, however convincing they sound. Of course, if you’re

operandi is straightforward and aimed mainly at new arrivals with

subject to cold calling by any individual or company, putting the

no definite investment plans, and all they’re interested in are the

phone down fast is the only way to go.

inflated commissions they receive by selling certain, often very risky, investments.

If you’re looking to invest through a Thai-based FA or company, you have a very small choice of SEC licensed, reputable set-ups,

A good example is the now notorious ‘LM Property Bond’, sold

most of which are asset managers and require substantial sums.

to expats as the best investment ever all over Thailand until

One such is Aberdeen Asset Management, fully regulated by

just days before the administrators were called in, carrying a

the Thai Ministry of Finance and SEC licensed and authorised.

commission rate of up to 15 per cent. Favourite ploys include not

Newly launched SKFM, in association with Siam Knight, is a

mentioning that the salesman will receive a commission, either

partnership of three advisors committed to a policy of fair

by not explaining charges in a transparent way or ignoring the

dealing, whatever the amount invested. Whilst investing wisely

subject entirely if selling to complete financial novices. Triple

in Thailand can undoubtedly reap big rewards, taking care

charges, management fees and trading fees can decimate an

financially is the only way to see your dream come into fruition

investment even if it’s marginally profitable. ‘Forgetting’ to explain that the investor is locked into the investment for a number of years unless a high penalty is paid at withdrawal, promising the same annual return as, say, a bank deposit account, and selling a high-risk investment to those



Samui Real Immobilier Villa with spa

Thai house

Tong Krut, Samui Internal area: 2100 sqm Land: 6400 sqm 6 bed, 6 bath Seaview Infinity pool 25 x 8 m with 3 seats jacuzzi, sala thai integrated bar. Staff quarters: 5 bedrooms

BOPHUT,Samui Sea view Surf . area: 814 m² Surf . plot: 6222 m² Number of rooms: 5 Number of bathrooms: 5 Private pool

(currently 10 employees live locally)

Price: 135 000 000 THB

Price: 280 000 000 THB

Covered parking area with four parking spaces.

Modern villa

beach villa

chaweng noi, Samui Internal area: 570 m2 External area : 470 Swiming pool 64 m2 Land : 804 m2 4 bed 4 bath Seaview

Choeng mon, Samui Internal area: 200 sqm Land: 450 sqm 3 bed,3 bath private pool

Price: 58 000 000 THB



Price: 25 000 000 THB



Karl’s Villa

Lamai Hill

Chaweng, samui

Lamai, Samui

• Karl’s villa

• External Area 240 m2

• Villas from 3 - 5 bedrooms/

• Seaview

• 4 bedrooms

• Swimming pool 60m2


• 5 min from the beach

• seaview

• Villa Already in construction

• Starting at 11.400.000 thb per villa

• Villas already in Construction

• Internal Area 289 m2

• 41,900,000 thb

website: www.stk-immo.com


Phone: +66 (0)91 835 0684



The Wave Pool Villa

Chaweng, samui


• Private or shared swimming pool

• Seaview • Appartments from 1 to 3 bedrooms • Starting from 8,800.000 thb

depending of the units

• Starting at 11.0000.0000 thb

• Construction in progress

website: www.stk-immo.com


• Seaview Villas 3 to 5 bedrooms

Phone: +66 (0)91 835 0684


High Moonrise

chaweng noi, samui

• 5 Bedrooms with bath

• Can be built anywhere on samui

• 5 bedrooms, 5 bathrooms

• External Area: 350 m2

• Internal Area: 858 m2

• Sustainable Construction

• 39.000.000 thb

• seaview

• Extenal Area: 559 m2

• Differed Payment

• Internal Area: 350 m2

• Swimming Pool: 120 m2

• Construction Cost: 45,000,000 THB

website: www.stk-immo.com


Maeva Villa

Phone: +66 (0)91 835 0684


dreamland samui

+66 (0) 935813251

VILLA papaya

Bedroom: 3

Lot size: 275 m²

Bathroom: 3

Land size: 698 m²

Bophut Samui

Price: Thai Baht 14.900.000

Bophut Samui

Bedroom: 3

Private pool

Bathroom: 3

Price: Thai Baht 14.350.000

VILLA Tamarine

FLASH SALE: 12.900.000 THB

Lot size: 250 m² Land size: 1000 m²



dreamland samui

+66 (0) 935813251

VILLA nirvana


Bedroom: 5


Bathroom: 4

Price: Thai Baht 37.500.000

Bophut Samui

FLASH SALE: 33.750.000 THB

Bophut Samui

Bedroom: 3

Private pool of 35 m²

Bathroom: 2

Price: Thai Baht 11.800.000

Lot size: 550 m²

Lot size: 220 m²

Land size: 2350 m²

Land size: 900 m²

VILLA mango

FLASH SALE: 10.590.000 THB







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