MCBC Pedal Press Winter 2011

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Bicycling in the Rain Tips SEE PAGE 8

PO Box 1115, Fairfax CA  94978 • 415-456-3469

Volume 13 / Issue 1

WINTER 2011 STAFF Kim Baenisch, Executive Director Tom Boss, Membership Director Jo Ann Richards, Volunteer & Activities Coordinator Bob Trigg, Administrator Deb Hubsmith, Advocacy Director David Hoffman, Director of Planning Andy Peri, Advocacy & Outreach Coordinator Wendi Kallins, Safe Routes to Schools Program Director Laura Kelly, Safe Routes to Schools Volunteer Liaison Peggy Clark, Safe Routes to Schools Project Coordinator Aviva Joseph, Safe Routes to Schools Teen Program Coordinator Gwen Froh, Safe Routes to Schools Teen Program Coordinator Frances E. Barbour, Safe Routes to Schools Instructor DIRECTORS Maureen Gaffney, President Scott Klimo, Vice President Ian Roth, Treasurer Don Magdanz, Secretary Matt Adams Jerry Edelbrock Terry Graham Stephen Hesson Vince O’Brien Tom Woolley ADVISORY BOARD Mark Birnbaum Joe Breeze Tom Hale Deb Hubsmith Jim Jacobsen Patrick Seidler Julia Violich PEDAL PRESS Editor: Tom Boss Copy Editor: Connie Breeze Design: Jeremy Thornton Contributors: Frances Barbour, Tom Boss, Gwen Froh, Maureen Gaffney, David Hoffman, Cheryl Longinotti, Andy Peri, Carolyn Szczepanski, Scott D. Warner


Bicycling in the Rain

Message from the President ��������������������� 3


Bikers Ball 2010 ��������������������������������������������� 3

Biketoberfest Update ����������������������������������� 3 2011 MCBC Board of Directors Election .......................................4 Route 5.............................................................5 ADVOCACY Bicyclists Lose Major Champion............6 Smart Train & Pathway Update............. 8 Cal Park Tunnel Re-Opened....................9 Next: The Alto Tunnel...............................9 Cal Park Tunnel Opening Day Photos 10 Lincoln Ave. Multiuse Pathway Now Open................................................ 12 Paradise Not Lost..................................... 12 Safe Routes Awarded $2.3 Million in Infrastructure Grants................................ 13

Bike Product Reviews SEE PAGES 21 – 23

Kirk Kicks Dirt with White Hill Middle School’s Mountain Bike Club..................14 San Quentin Bike Program........................ 15 Bicycling in the Rain.................................... 16 Second Annual Dirt Roll............................20 BIKE PRODUCT REVIEWS Brooks B-17 saddle, Part II...................... 21 Travels with Travoy.................................. 22 DZR SPD Shoes....................................... 23 Competition �������������������������������������������������23

Kirk Kicks Dirt SEE PAGE 14

MCBC Store �������������������������������������������������24 Join MCBC ����������������������������������������������������24 Cover photo by Miguel Farias. “Always wear your helmet!”


Happy New Year! MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT We at the Coalition are still abuzz with the best holiday gift EVER—the Cal Park Tunnel! Many congratulations and thanks to Deb Hubsmith and innumerable others who have worked so hard and for so long on this amazing piece of infrastructure. I rode to the ceremony with 50 other cyclists in a long, happy procession from Wilderness Trail Bikes in Mill Valley, and long lines of cyclists came from other locations throughout the County. The Marin County Bicycle Coalition was well referenced in the several speeches by elected officials, and our own Advocacy Director shared the stage. Quoting Deb quoting Margaret Mead, “ ‘Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.’” Next up: Alto Tunnel!

– Maureen Gaffney, President

BIKETOBERFEST UPDATE The Marin County Bicycle Coalition (MCBC) and Access4Bikes (A4B) hosted Biketoberfest on Saturday, October 16, 2010, in Fairfax. Thousands of people came out to see beautiful bikes, ride with pioneers and pros, listen to great music, taste delicious food, and drink fine beers from Northern California’s best brewers. The event has grown into Marin County’s largest annual bicycle event.

their enthusiasm for bicycle safety and advocacy. Vinyl kept us dancing, and the Broken Drum and Peloton Cellars kept our thirst quenched. Many thanks to all of the volunteers and donors who once again made the Ball a success for MCBC.

Biketoberfest had over 100 exhibitors this year, including frame builders, bike shops, cargo bike makers, bike apparel companies, and bike publications. Group rides were led by Alison Starnes, Marla Streb, Charlie Kelly and Joe Breeze. A cyclocross race at White Hill School drew hundreds of local racers to Fairfax.

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Biketoberfest raised $20,000 for MCBC and A4B. The funds will support future bicycle projects to expand Marin’s bicycle network.

• Driveways

• Sidewalks

• Patios

• Curbs & Gutters

• Sports Courts

• Stamped Concrete

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We’d like to thank everyone who came out to support bicycle advocacy in Marin County. See you next year!


BIKERS BALL 2010 525 Jacoby Street, San Rafael Lic. No. 132128

We’re happy to report that the 2010 Bikers Ball was a smashing success—you helped us raise over $8,000 for the Coalition, and we all had fun doing it! Doug McConnell from Bay Area Backroads was our MC for the evening, and our live auction has never been such a hoot. Professional cyclists Lucas Euser and Ted King were in attendance, sharing stories from the road and

Please reference this ad


2011 MCBC BOARD OF DIRECTORS ELECTION The Board of Directors is the governing body that provides direction and oversight for the MCBC’s scope of activities and is committed to the MCBC mission statement: “To promote safe bicycling for everyday transportation and recreation.”

The Board Development Committee of the Marin County Bicycle Coalition (MCBC) welcomes candidates for election to our Board of Directors. This is a rare opportunity to work with an influential team of community leaders and help shape the future of cycling in Marin. The Board of Directors is the governing body that provides direction and oversight for the MCBC’s scope of activities and is committed to the MCBC mission statement: “To promote safe bicycling for everyday transportation and recreation.” Our directors have a variety of professional backgrounds, keeping our perspective fresh and balanced. All candidates are welcome; however the Board Development Committee encourages those who would bring perspective and experience in: »»

County government relating to cycling or pedestrian infrastructure

2011 Election Timeline: »»



Friday, February 18: Director Candidate Statements are due (see directions below). Month of March: Ballots are sent to members and votes submitted. Annual Meeting on Wednesday, April 6, from 6:308:30 p.m. at the San Rafael Corporate Center’s Tamalpais Room: Each board candidate will have the opportunity to make a three-minute presentation. Final votes will be collected and counted, and winners will be announced at the meeting.


Government and contract law

If you are interested in being a Director Candidate:


Public works engineering


Direct marketing

1. Review the Director Responsibilities @ .








School Administrators

Directors must be current MCBC members as of March 1, 2011. If you are not yet a member of the MCBC, please join now at

Bike Locally Challenge is on Facebook

The MCBC Board of Directors typically meets bimonthly, on the third Monday of each month from 6 to 9 p.m. Directors attend the bimonthly meetings and are involved on MCBC committees and other activities such as fundraising, events, advocacy, share the road, and special projects.

MCBC is in its 13th year and is one of the most influential cycling organizations in the nation. MCBC works closely with members of the greater cycling community, governmental and intra-governmental organizations, and other non-profits focused on cycling related activities. MCBC is an incorporated non-profit membership organization with 11 Directors, each serving a two-year term. Elections are held each year at an annual membership meeting in April.

2. Review our Bylaws for more info on how the Board of Directors operates @ About/ MCBCBylawsOCT06.pdf. 3. Notify Kim Baenisch, MCBC Executive Director, of your interest at or 415-4563469 x 1#. She will schedule a meeting for you with members of the Board Development Committee to further explain the Director’s responsibilities, and provide the Candidate Statement instructions. 4. Submit your Director Candidate Statement by February 18, 2011. Serving on the MCBC Board of Directors is a rewarding way to share your talents to improve bicycling and the quality of life in Marin County. We look forward to your candidacy. – MCBC Board Development Committee

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Route 5


DON’T DRIVE: TAKE ROUTE 5! Use Marin’s new 10 miles of bicycle and pedestrian paths between Novato and Larkspur.

Northgate Shopping Center Marin Civic Center

1.25 mile Lincoln Ave. Pathway – created predominantly with local Measure A funds

s Bicycling locally just got easier P Direct route saves travel time r New bike lanes and paths


provide safe passage


Provides connections to your favorite destinations

Let Marin County Bicycle Coalition show you how. Marin County Bicycle Coalition thanks all of the government agencies that funded, designed, constructed and will maintain these important transportation facilities.

Transit Center Cal Park Hill Tunnel – shorten your bike commute by 15 minutes!

LARKSPUR Ferry Terminal 5



Photo: Michael Armstrong

By Carolyn Szczepanski Originally published at We weren’t naïve. Like everyone else in Washington, D.C., bicycle and pedestrian advocates expected a Republican surge in last week’s midterm elections. We knew a conservative Congress would have major implications for the next federal transportation bill. We were bracing ourselves for new faces and fresh challenges on Capitol Hill. But nobody expected we’d lose one of our most dependable and powerful champions. “I’m not going to lie,” Andy Clarke, president of the League of American Bicyclists wrote on the morning after the November 2010 election. “I’m depressed.” If you don’t live in Minnesota’s 8th Congressional District or follow federal transportation policy, you might not know the name James Oberstar. He was elected to Congress in 1974, and since his very first term he served on the House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. For bike-ped advocates, those committee members are critical. For three decades, Oberstar pushed to get bicyclists and pedestrians recognized and treated as “intended users” of our public roads. After the last wave election in 2006, when Democrats took control of the House, Oberstar became Chairman of the transportation committee. A few months after he claimed

leadership, he told a crowd at the National Bike Summit: “We’re going to convert America from the hydrocarbon economy to the carbohydrate economy.” Well, now we’ll have to do it without him, because that Tuesday’s political tidal wave sunk his ship. In a race decided by a mere 4,000 votes, Oberstar lost the election to Republican Chip Cravaak. That defeat in Minnesota cast a cloud over the entire nation. Jonathan Maus, a prominent blogger and editor of, might have summed it up best. “Oberstar’s loss signals the end of an era for America’s bicycle movement,” he wrote shortly after the results came in. “[He] was a titan of non-motorized transportation.” Andy Clarke, at the League, outlined the Congressman’s key role in a variety of bike-ped victories. “Over the past 20 years, you can trace many of the gains we’ve made straight back to the desk of Jim Oberstar,” Clarke wrote. “Broad eligibility for transportation funds, the Safe Routes to School Program, state bicycle coordinator positions, the requirement to plan for bicyclists at the state and regional level, the non-motorized pilot projects — all started with him.” Safe Routes to School has become hugely popular, directing more than $600 million in federal funding to thousands of schools and communities across the country to encourage kids to bike and walk. The NonMotorized Transportation Pilot Program awarded $25 6

Bicyclists Lose Major Champion in Midterm Election

Broad eligibility for transportation funds, the Safe Routes to School Program, state bicycle coordinator positions, the requirement to plan for bicyclists at the state and regional level, the non-motorized pilot projects — all started with James Oberstar. – Andy Clarke, president of the League of American Bicyclists million each to four U.S. communities to build infrastructure, initiate public education campaigns and demonstrate how bicycling and walking can ease the load on our heavily trafficked streets. Oberstar wasn’t out of bold, new ideas, either. Last year, the Minnesota Democrat released the House Transportation Committee’s first stab at our nation’s next — and already overdue — federal transportation bill. The bill roundly criticized our over-reliance on automobiles. It established an Office of Livability, which would study cyclists’ rights and dramatically expand research on bicycling and walking. The bill also gave significant support to the creation of a U.S. Bicycle Route System. Unfortunately, we won’t have Oberstar advancing such novel and needed ideas when Congress tackles transportation reauthorization next year. In his concession speech, the 18-term Congressman spoke at length about his transportation legacy. And he didn’t just highlight the major bridges and highway projects that he supported. He gave equal attention and pride to improvements and projects for cyclists and pedestrians. “The Lake Walk in Duluth will survive long after my service,” Oberstar said. “People will be walking and biking and enjoying a better quality of life… The extension of the Sunrise Prairie Trail will link Canada and the Twin Cities with a continuous bicycle facility that will be the envy of the nation… The Paul Bunyan Trail, for which I have great affection, when we first started promoting it had 40,000 users. Last year, it had 650,000 users and was an engine of economic growth and stability.” His legacy extends far beyond the borders of Minnesota. It’s not just the hundreds of thousands of people who bike and walk the Paul Bunyan Trail who are flooding his inbox with their gratitude. Oberstar is — and should be — getting thank-you notes from every corner of the country. Deb Hubsmith, the executive director of the Safe Routes to School National Partnership, was among the first to write an open letter to Oberstar last week.

“Through your 36 years of inspired leadership as a Congressman, you reformed the transportation system to make it multi-modal, institutionalized walking and bicycling within state Departments of Transportation, and ensured that the safety of children on the trip to and from school is a priority for transportation planning and construction,” Hubsmith wrote within a few hours of Oberstar’s concession. “Thanks to your leadership, foresight and hard work, many thousands of schools and communities across the country are now making it safer for children to walk and bicycle to and from school, and in everyday life.” Whether or not you ride or walk for transportation in your daily life, Oberstar was fighting to make our streets safer for everyone. He was fighting to give us all the freedom to choose how we travel to school and work, instead of having that decision dictated to us by infrastructure that only accounts for automobiles. And, for that, he deserves the gratitude of all Americans. (Hint, hint: His email address is At his press conference, Oberstar said he’ll find a way to continue his service to the American people, though it won’t be from Capitol Hill. “There will be opportunities for public service,” he said. “I’ll reflect for awhile and look for something in the public arena.”

Thanks to James Oberstar’s leadership, foresight and hard work, many thousands of schools and communities across the country are now making it safer for children to walk and bicycle to and from school, and in everyday life. – Deb Hubsmith

Clarke, for one, hopes the Congressman saves room in his schedule to take advantage of the fruits of his labors, and cruise the Prairie Sunrise or Paul Bunyan trails he worked so hard to fund and promote. “If anyone deserves to enjoy the simple pleasure of a bike ride,” Clarke wrote, “it’s Jim Oberstar.”

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SMART Train and Pathway Update MCBC continues to work hard to ensure that both the SMART train system and pathway are built during these economically difficult times. SMART recently reported an ever-widening funding gap due to increased costs for two major bridges and for seismic retrofit of the Puerto Suello Hill tunnel, combined with reduced sales tax revenues due to the current recession.

The desire for a northsouth pathway to enhance local connectivity played a critical role in why SMART’s Measure Q passed in 2008. The dual nature of the project must stay intact.

To successfully begin operations by 2014, SMART has decided to complete the project in phases, with the first phase going from Railroad Square in Santa Rosa to downtown San Rafael. Even for this segment, there’s a funding shortfall. Estimates of the shortfall range from $19 million to $125 million. SMART is working hard with the Counties of Marin and Sonoma, local cities and our local and regional transportation agencies to find ways of closing this funding gap. The Marin County Bicycle Coalition is being vigilant to make sure that the pathway continues to be included as part of the project. The multiuse pathway has been an integral component of the SMART project since 1999. The project has always been identified as the SMART train and pathway—a system. The pathway will help people get to stations and it also has the critical function of providing maintenance access for the rail line. The desire for a north-south pathway to enhance local connectivity played a critical role in the passage of SMART’s Measure Q in 2008. The dual nature of the project must stay intact. SMART General Manager Lillian Hames and MCBC’s Deb Hubsmith expressed a continued commitment to the SMART pathway project in this April 2010 Marin IJ editorial: http://www.marinij.

com/ci_14798798? The SMART pathway has always been planned to parallel the SMART train along the entire SMART route from Larkspur to Cloverdale. As portions of the system are now being “phased” (planned for completion in phases), the pathway is also being phased. MCBC supports this kind of proportionate phasing and urges proportionate, simultaneous funding and construction of the pathway for each rail segment of the project that is built. The construction should include the Class I (pathway) and Class II (bike lanes) system that was agreed to in the SMART Measure Q expenditure plan. MCBC is committed to continuing to work with SMART to raise funds for the train and pathway system. We have already helped write several grants. We recently alerted SMART to the opportunity for requesting Nonmotorized Transportation Pilot Program funds from the County of Marin, and we have encouraged the County to fund this request. MCBC recently released 10 Recommended Principles for the SMART Train and Pathway. This guidance document will help ensure that the SMART pathway is designed and built as planned as SMART makes difficult decisions about how to close its funding gap for the Initial Operating Segment of the SMART train and pathway. This document can be found at: http://www. shtml. MCBC will continue to advocate for the pathway system and is supporting SMART at every level possible to make this project a success.

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Cal Park Tunnel Re-Opened After 32 Years! Thirty-two years ago, the Cal Park Tunnel was closed. MCBC has been working for the last 12 years (since our inception in 1998) to have this valuable facility rebuilt and opened. Now it has finally become a reality. Even before MCBC’s founding—in fact for some 20 years before 1998— local citizens, such as Jean Starkweather, had been laying the groundwork for an eventual re-opening of the tunnel. The tunnel is now open seven days a week from 5 am until 11 pm. The total length of the pathway is just over a mile; the tunnel itself is a short 1100 feet. Riding between San Rafael and Larkspur now takes 15 minutes less time if you use the tunnel route instead of continuing to the end of Anderson Drive and riding down Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. It’s faster to ride a bike between the two towns than to drive in rush-hour traffic. The Cal Park Tunnel was originally constructed in 1884; significant renovations were done in the 1920s. Originally designed for trains hauling lumber, freight and passengers, it was sealed shut in 1978 after a series of fires and structural collapses. Today it carries bicyclists and pedestrians between Larkspur and San Rafael. It is a key component in the North-South Greenway and is also part of the future SMART (train) corridor with a planned station just behind the Larkspur Century Theater. Bicyclists and pedestrians are completely separated from the future train line by a tunnel within the tunnel. The tunnel includes cell phone access, security cameras, and emergency access points. The tunnel can be accessed via a pathway on the southbound lane of Anderson Drive in San Rafael, just across from the Office Depot, and just behind the Larkspur Century Theater in Larkspur (very close to the Marin Airporter). Friday, December 10, 2010, marked a historic day in Marin County when the Cal Park Tunnel was officially opened to a cheering crowd of several hundred cyclists and walkers. After the opening ceremony, which included speeches from elected officials, MCBC’s Deb Hubsmith, the Marin County Department of Public Works, and Caltrans, hundreds of walkers, and then cyclists, got their chance to walk or ride through the tunnel —last used in the 1970s, by freight trains.

Next: The Alto Tunnel

The Marin County Bicycle Coalition continues to work to get the Alto Tunnel re-opened. Constructed in 1884, the Alto Tunnel is an abandoned railroad tunnel between oldtown Corte Madera and Mill Valley (near Edna Maguire School). With the celebratory opening of the Cal Park Tunnel on December 10th, 2010, MCBC members are more excited than ever about the Alto Tunnel, which would remove a final barrier in the North-South Greenway. Opening the Alto Tunnel could be done without harming any of the homes or properties above the tunnel while increasing real estate values for homes along the pathway approaches. As we are already seeing with the Cal Park Tunnel, the Alto Tunnel would be a very popular and highly-used multi-modal transportation facility that would benefit all Marinites and provide access to homes, schools, shopping areas, places of employment and transit centers. The Marin County Bicycle Coalition is supporting taking two important steps over the next year to further the Alto Tunnel project. We are requesting that the County of Marin allocate Pilot Program funds to conduct a geotechnical study of the Alto Tunnel. No such assessment has been done in nearly 30 years; in 1981 a County of Marin study determined that the tunnel was in an advanced state of decay, with some of its redwood supports failing. Shortly thereafter, the tunnel experienced a series of collapses near the south portal. To get proper cost estimates for moving this project forward, it is necessary to examine the inside of the tunnel (using cameras, or by engineers entering the tunnel), and assess it’s condition. With this geotechnical assessment completed, contingency costs (up to 40% for some items) for tunnel restoration could be significantly reduced, thereby reducing the Alto Tunnel’s overall cost estimates. MCBC is also supporting the resolution of property issues above the tunnel. There has been some dispute about the current existence of tunnel easements for these properties. Properties above the tunnel held easements during the time the Northwestern Pacific train system was operational, but some property owners have argued that the easements, may not still be in effect. For this project to move forward, the status of such easements must be established. The Alto Tunnel has long been sought as a critical link for increasing bicycle/pedestrian mode shift between Corte Madera and Mill Valley and represents the jewel in the crown of the North-South Greenway. These next steps will help to move this tunnel project forward with the hopes that one day soon we will be cutting another ribbon and holding another celebration for a world-class transportation facility here in Marin.



Top: Marin County Supervisors cut the ribbon. Above: (left to right) Joe Breeze, Nat Lopes (Hilride), Matt Fritzinger (NICA President). Right: North Portal.


Views of the South Portal. Top right: Deb Hubsmith and Patrick Seidler.


Lincoln Avenue Multiuse Pathway Now Open! It’s taken a little longer than we anticipated, but the Lincoln Avenue Pathway is now open! This $12 million pathway project, funded by Measure A, is finished. This segment of Bicycle Route 5 on the North-South Greenway connects Terra Linda with downtown San Rafael and includes a break-away path to Linden Lane for community access, as well as a mini-tunnel at the top of the hill to allow riders and pedestrians to avoid the dangerous freeway onramps and off-ramps on Lincoln Avenue. The pathway is located between the sound wall separating the future SMART train and the newly widened segment of Highway 101 between the Lincoln Avenue offramp and the Central San Rafael offramp. Access to the pathway from Central San

Rafael is at the corner of Mission and Hetherton. From the top of Lincoln Avenue where it meets Los Ranchitos, a crosswalk shows the way to the multiuse path. The Lincoln Avenue Pathway has a lot of great features built in for year-round safety: video monitoring cameras at key sections, a path wide enough for regular sweeping and maintenance, lighting from beginning to end, and a centerline stripe to encourage orderly riding and walking. This project was one of MCBC’s first big efforts, and it has been years in the making. Like the opening of the Cal Park Tunnel, this project represents a significant gap closure in the North-South Greenway. Getting the project funded and constructed has been a true multi-agency effort, with work by the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM), Caltrans District 4, and the City of San Rafael. The Marin County Bicycle Coalition and Transportation Alternatives for Marin along with countless citizens in the community fought to keep the project moving forward—especially when funding shortfalls and timelines changed. Our sincere thanks go out to everyone who has worked to conceive of, push for, fund, construct, and maintain this fabulous addition to the Marin County Bicycle System.

Paradise Not Lost contractor, trying to see if someone from the Marin County Department of Public Works could review the striping plan.

A great example of how a good publicprivate partnership can work for all of us On Monday, November 15th, paint crews were preparing to place new road striping on Paradise Drive, from Trestle Glen Drive to very near the Marin Country Day School (towards Corte Madera). MCBC received word that the white stripes at the edge of the road (the “fog line”) might be too close to the pavement edge for cyclist safety. We arrived at the project to find local cycling legend Joe Breeze talking to the painting

A few phone calls and about 20 minutes later, no fewer than four Department of Public Works representatives met us at the site. While the painting crews were working on the other aspects of their job (painting the center lines, etc.) MCBC representatives, Joe Breeze, and Public Works crew walked the entire length of the project with a tape measure and a paint can, making adjustments to the lane width wherever possible. The result is several more inches of road surface between the fog line and the edge of the pavement, meaning that cyclists will have the same small margin of safety at the edge of the pavement as before, and that motorists will be able to better judge where cyclists will likely be riding. This is a great example of how a good public-private partnership can work for all of us. The Department of Public Works was willing to listen to our concerns— even at the very last moment. If you find a road hazard such as a pothole, gravel, glass, or any other issue that could cause a problem for cyclists, MCBC encourages you to get in touch with the local Department of Public Works. You can find a complete list of contacts online at: 12

Safe Routes Awarded $2.3 Million in Infrastructure Grants In September, the Transportation Authority of Marin (TAM) awarded 12 Safe Routes to School (SR2S) infrastructure grants to construct sidewalks, add bike paths, improve crosswalks, calm traffic, and add signs and pavement markings at or near 20 schools in Marin County. The $2.3 million in funding is from the county’s transportation sales tax fund, established by Measure A. All of the projects were submitted for consideration by the local cities and towns and the County of Marin, and were part of approved SR2S plans supported by the jurisdictions and local SR2S Task Forces. Infrastructure awards were granted to the following jurisdictions and school areas:


Lycee Francais La Perouse, Marin Country Day School, Marin Montessori Schools: Construct bike path along Paradise Drive between Westward Drive and Upland Circle to connect to the existing pathway





Hill Middle School: Construct sidewalk, curb and gutter and curb ramps, and additional pavement width for bike lanes within Indian Valley Road and corner of Indian Valley and Hill Road


Branson School, Ross School: Along Bolinas Avenue, construct pedestrian refuge islands, curb extensions and ramps; install traffic signs and pavement markings


St. Anselms, Wade Thomas Elementary Schools: Reconfigure the Red Hill/Greenfield/Hillsdale intersection



Lagunitas and San Geronimo Schools: Install sidewalk, curb ramps, high-visibility crosswalk, and signage at Sir Francis Drake Blvd. Miller Creek Middle School: Construct curb extensions at intersection adjacent to school’s driveway

Students test out the new crosswalk and sidewalk at Sun Valley School. Photo by Peter Oppenheimer.

Strawberry Point Elementary School: Construct a sidewalk with driveway approaches and curb ramps on Strawberry Drive through the intersection of Ricardo Lane Tomales Elementary School: Construct a sidewalk to close gap on 1st Street and replace drainage ditch with culvert on John Street Venetia Valley School: Construct sidewalk on south side of North San Pedro Road and provide crosswalk improvements across school’s two driveways

The six jurisdictions awarded the grants will soon start designing the projects. Construction is expected within the next 12 to 24 months, depending upon the complexity of the individual projects.



Bayside Elementary School, Willow Creek Academy: Make sidewalk and curb ramp improvements along Wateree Street; add new school-area traffic signage and markings Marin School, New Village School: Construct pedestrian path from Ebbtide Avenue to school parking lot and construct pedestrian path from Ebbtide Avenue to playing field


Edna Maguire Elementary School: Construct sidewalk, including high-visibility crosswalk and curb ramps, on north side of Lomita east of Greenfield Court to Shell Road


Kirk Kicks Dirt with White Hill Middle School’s Mountain Bike Club

By Gwen Froh and Holly Bogin

Cycling is the best form of transportation. It’s fast, healthy and it’s clean. – Kirk Desmond

Kirk Desmond, a physical education teacher at White Hill Middle School, is a Novato native and the coach of the school’s wildly popular Mountain Bike Club. Kirk grew up riding his bike to and from school, every day through 8th grade. He became interested in mountain biking after he finished high school and within a few years found himself training as a professional racer for the Wilderness Trail Bikes (WTB) team. He raced with WTB professionally for five years and was able to travel extensively around the country. “Riding gave me a purpose,” he says. “It kept me out of trouble at the time.” The White Hill Mountain Bike Club was started four years ago by Brian Bruckner, an avid cyclist and father of one of its original members. Kirk took it over last year after Brian’s first son graduated. He is assisted by Burton Eubank, another PE teacher at White Hill and also an enthusiastic cyclist. Today the club, one of a select few middle school mountain bike clubs in Marin County, has more than 50 members. Once a week, for two-and-a- half hours, the team can be seen climbing up and gliding down local trails or fire roads such as those at Tamarancho, Lake Lagunitas and Loma Alta. Kirk’s goals for the club are straightforward: He wants these students to get exercise and to have fun. He is also keen to expose them to the unique natural beauty of Marin. With a broad smile,

Kirk adds that what inspires him most is seeing kids “fired up at the end of every ride.” He is happy when they pass him in the halls and ask eagerly about the location of the next ride. Kirk is pleased to see the number of White Hill students who ride their bikes to school. “Cycling is the best form of transportation,” he says. “It’s fast, healthy and it’s clean.” He credits the popularity of cycling to the unique culture of the area. “Cycling is in their blood,” he says of his students. “It is obvious that there is a family culture here that supports cycling from an early age.” Many of the students that participate in the White Hill mountain bike club have been riding to school since elementary school. It is not a coincidence that many of these students were at Manor Elementary School when it piloted the Safe Routes to School program. What is next for the club? Kirk will continue to take the students on rides and inspire them with his own passion. His dream is to have a pump track at White Hill where the students can practice maneuvers and improve their skills. A pump track essentially allows mountain cyclists to ride without pedaling, using their momentum from the descents to navigate the route. He thinks a PE segment devoted to mountain biking would be a nice idea too.


More Bikes Needed for the San Quentin-MCBC-Safe Routes Partnership You might be thinking, “Why would MCBC and Safe Routes want to collaborate with a prison?” It actually was the prison’s idea, but all participants have appreciated the program. San Quentin’s fire department allows select, minimum-security inmates to operate a small bike-repair shop. They receive donations of unwanted bikes or bike parts in every imaginable condition. The inmates perform triage: Bikes that are beyond repair are stripped and the metals are recycled; they refurbish the others and donate them to the community. San Quentin is not allowed to handle financial transactions such as the proceeds from the metal they recycle from the junked bikes. Further, they only can collaborate with government-funded entities, such as Safe Routes to Schools and MCBC, who conduct education programs for the Transportation Authority of Marin and Walk/ Bike Marin. MCBC and Safe Routes receive the funds taken in by the San Quentin shop and use them to buy necessary supplies for the shop, such as cables, housing, brake pads, cleaning materials and tools. They also provide mechanical training. Matt Adams, Mike’s Bikes co-founder and MCBC Board Member, has volunteered the training and has given the materials at cost.

Since its inception in 2008, this “win-win” partnership has developed working bike fleets that Safe Routes uses for its elementary and middle school programs. It brings great meaning to the inmates to know that their efforts are being implemented in the community to help the youth. The middle school fleet is actually stored at San Quentin, along with a supply of helmets. Safe Routes Instructor James Sievert received prison gate clearance to allow him to pick up and return the bikes. Safe Routes/MCBC Instructor Frances Barbour also serves on the San Quentin Citizen’s Advisory Committee, and is the official community liaison for the project. Safe Routes to Schools is hoping to grow the fleets and to offer bikes to Marin needy communities in early 2011. Towards this effort, Barbour conducted a bike-donation drive as a Green Event for’s 10-10-10 global work party. On October 10, 2010, most of the Marin fire departments received bikes for the program. Barbour also has posted a “Bikes Wanted” ad on Craigslist, and is hoping to see MCBC and Safe Routes families donating any future eligible bikes to San Quentin. Watch for future drives in 2011. Also, ANYONE is welcome to drop off a bike ANYTIME at San Quentin’s West Gate. Please contact Frances Barbour (frances@marinbike. org) for details.

How to Donate Unwanted Bikes San Quentin State Prison is collecting unwanted bikes for their fire station’s bike program, which recycles and refurbishes the bikes and donates the useful ones to needy communities in Marin and the Bay Area. Bikes with gears (on rear wheel only OK) that have 20” or 24” wheels are especially useful.

Please bring bikes to San Quentin’s West Gate, near Larkspur Landing on East Sir Francis Drake Boulevard. Please approach the Gate Guard with information that the bikes are intended for the Fire Department Bike Program. Please provide contact information to Safe Routes ( if you desire a receipt (terms and conditions apply). 15

Bicycling in the Rain: Are you prepared? by Scott D. Warner, MCBC Member rode away. And finally there’s my work colleague Murray, who happened to have cycled to work a few hours before I saw him in the elevator. He commented, “with the rain, you really have to ride defensively. That is the most important thing.” I’ve heard someone say that the worst part of cycling in the rain is thinking about cycling in the rain! Cycling is about being in nature, and rain is one of nature’s most valuable gifts. No matter what drives you to strap on your shoes, don your helmet, and straddle your thinwheeled machine if nature opens her faucet in the sky, one principle should be the guiding consideration for everyone: safety. Whether rain is only threatening or whether you’re already pleading to the skies to stop the downpour, being prepared to handle the conditions makes the difference between comfort and misery. It could turn your ride into something exhilarating, and most importantly, it will keep you safe to ride again. The following are a few items to be aware of for rainy winter riding in the Bay Area.

Cycling is about being in nature, and rain is one of nature’s most valuable gifts.

Rain. A necessity; a nemesis. For cyclists, rain (and all inclement weather for that matter) means different things depending on your cycling focus. For the bicycle commuter, rain can be a nuisance (“gotta put those fenders on”) that provides just another adventure on the way to work, perhaps making you wonder if the laptop in your pannier really is wrapped in enough plastic. For the racer, slick roads may be an equalizer and could have dramatic impact on race strategy. For the recreational rider, rain may be a perfect excuse to stay indoors and drink hot cocoa while reading the last 20 days of Dilbert strips. Some love to cycle in the rain—this writer included. They’ll say, “It’s exhilarating to feel the rain on your face and hear the hydro-whoosh beneath your tires,” or, “It makes me feel like I’m 8 years old again riding through puddles on my Schwinn Stingray.” For others, including my friend Susan, it’s a non-starter: “I just won’t ride.” Marty, another riding buddy, says he finds “peace” and “freedom” while riding a rain-slicked street. “Something about the sound of the tires on the wet pavement,” Marty adds. Then there’s Linda, who says it’s just about being prepared. She adds that during a recent rain-soaked weekend in Petaluma, her husband and his friends simply slapped on their fenders and

Helmet – You’ve heard it before: “As you ride in rain or shine, your helmet is your life line.” No other words matter. Get over it, wear it! For the rain, a helmet that is light and reflective is a safe bet. Just make sure the helmet fits correctly and is rated to current safety standards. You might add a rain cover over the helmet or over your head. I have found that a rainproof head covering makes for a much more comfortable and warm ride —it keeps me from getting a totally soaked noggin. Clothing. Many articles have been written for cycling magazines, blogs and other e-spaces on the subject of cycling clothing for rainy conditions. Check out the many internet and bike store picks and reviews, and don’t be shy about asking lots of questions before buying. It’s important to try on your clothing before you purchase it. Keep in mind that you may be wearing thicker undergarments or layers in the colder winter conditions, so your outer gear needs to have room to accommodate more fabric underneath. Bicycling Magazine has a fun little website where you can plug in different weather conditions and get recommendations on clothing to consider. Check it out at BIKERS BALL 2010 whattowear. The Marin County Bicycle Coalition is heading back GENERALLY, THE FOLLOWING ITEMS ARE GOOD to Servino in Tiburon on Saturday, November 13, to FOR WET-WEATHER RIDING: celebrate another successful year of making Marin’s »» Waterproof cycling jacket – with reflective stripes. rides safer and a heck of a lot more fun. Stay tuned weight for light rain and everyday rides; heavy forLight details regarding whose music you’ll be dancing heavy-duty the lightto,duty whatfor fabulous auctioncommuters. items are on Pack the block, and what special guests mightwhen be in store. weight jacket on days there’s a threat of rain 16

Bicycling in the Rain continued or a chill in the air. Consider breathability. A breathable jacket may make sense, or you may just need a strong, protective, waterproof outer layer. If that outer layer has good air flow in areas less prone to direct hits of rain or water (such as underarm mesh areas), it can provide good comfort. »»





Waterproof or quick-drying shorts, and/or waterproof cycling pants. Try them on, particularly the waterproof pants. They need to move with you— check that knee flexibility—and be long enough so they don’t ride up your leg while you ride. I used to ride the rain in just shorts, and I still mostly do. I find it makes for a quicker change to work clothes after a rainy commute. But on colder, rainier days, the waterproof pants can really make your ride comfortable. Waterproof shoe covers. These little dandies not only keep your feet dry and warm, they also protect your cycling shoes from the weather. They can be tricky to fit depending on your cycling shoes. Make sure you have your shoes with you when you try on a pair. Gloves. I like the long-finger ones for riding in the rain, to keep my hands dry and fingers warm. Make sure you have that extra pair with you in case of rain. Goggles. Consider getting a pair of clear goggles or cycling glasses for reduced light conditions. Fogging up may be more likely if you are pedaling hard, heating up, and the air is cool. Some drops of defogger or a little soap on the inside can help (just as for diving goggles). Some goggles or glasses have vents that cut down on fogging. Covers for your panniers, rucksacks, backpacks and other carrying gear. It’s not much fun to change from wet clothes to wet clothes after your ride to work or school. There’s also something not fun about finding your laptop computer full of water. You can purchase outer protective covers, or you can fabricate a make-shift cover from plastic garbage bags in an emergency. Several companies make all-weather panniers and backpacks designed to keep the rain out. As a bike commuter, you may want to keep a set of dry clothes at work. If the rain begins while you’re at work and you don’t have a good way to keep your laptop dry during your commute home, either don’t take it home or wrap it securely in plastic so it cannot get wet.

Photo by Dottie.

on the road and your brake pads against your rims during braking — is substantially reduced. You must take greater caution and know that small mistakes can lead to big problems if you ride too fast, ride over metal or smooth paint, hit big dips, or come to traffic stops with too much speed and too little braking ability. Remind yourself of those YouTube videos of vehicles sliding into intersections during a snowstorm—and try to avoid being the next YouTube accident sensation! Rain doesn’t mean you can’t ride fast in safe spots, but it does mean that you must be greatly aware of the road surface, the distance to the next stop, downhill grades, curves, and other elements where wet conditions increase hazards. Hydroplaning is a real phenomenon and has the same impact on bicycle tires as on automobile tires. You are cycling on a layer of water, not on the pavement.

You must take greater caution and know that small mistakes can lead to big problems if you ride too fast, ride over metal or smooth paint, hit big dips, or come to traffic stops with too much speed and too little braking ability.

The Bike

Physics Happens

Some bikes undergo a complete transformation during the preparation for rain. Remember those giant fan-tails of water when we used to ride our Stingrays through puddles? Well, they’re not such a great thing if you’re commuting to work. Fenders, mudguards or “mudders” as I’ve heard them called, dramatically increase the comfort of wet-weather riding by keeping those sprays of water off your back. If fenders don’t work for you, other alternatives including racks (solid or covered) can block the spray.

Water is both the universal solvent and the universal lubricant. Dirt rises to the surface, oil “floats” on the water, and friction—the key force that keeps your tires

As noted above, water will drastically reduce the friction that your tires have for the road and your brakes have for your rims. Slightly under-inflated tires give 17

Photo: Francis Bourgouin

Bicycling in the Rain continued You want to be highly visible, particularly in darker, rainy, cloudy conditions. If your commute happens in early morning and late afternoon or evening, good enhanced lighting (front and rear) is a must.

you a slightly flatter tire surface and thus grab more of the road; clean rims will allow your pads to work better under wet conditions than rims full of road grime and oil. A key is to anticipate your braking and stopping well ahead of your destination. Stop pedaling early and coast with the occasional light brake pressure rather than trying to stop on a dime (an effort that may not be successful in wet conditions).

The Road We’ve already mentioned the new creation that rain and water make of a dry road surface. But a wet road undertakes other transformations too. One, water is a terrific cloaking device. Potholes, cracks, rough surfaces, all seem to fade from sight under wet conditions. And then, when the bright sun breaks through the clouds to shine on that wet, black surface, the lyric “blinded by the light” comes to mind. The key is be aware, stay in control. No hands-free riding!

Vision and Hearing If your eyes are being pelted by rain, or you are watching dancing droplets on your goggles, your vision is stressed and reduced. Light rain is a nuisance; heavy rain reduces visibility substantially. Keep in mind that others on the road, including car and truck drivers, pedestrians, and other cyclists, also are working with impaired conditions. Rain reduces drivers’ vision substantially, and their view can be severely impaired if their windows are fogged

or their wipers are working poorly. Give yourself plenty of space, go slowly around corners, and pay particular attention in areas of traffic, street parking, residential areas with driveways, and blind corners or curves. Hearing is also compromised because of the “hydro-swoosh” that we like so much—it muffles other sounds such as traffic, bike bells, and shouts of “watch out!”

Lighting Even for daytime riding in rain, good lighting on your bike and your person is highly recommended. You want to be highly visible, particularly in darker, rainy, cloudy conditions. If your commute happens in early morning and late afternoon or evening, good enhanced lighting (front and rear) is a must. There are many options from low cost to highly elaborate (and expensive). Check out the many reviews. Good reflective materials, both on your bike and on your clothing, are also very important. Tires with reflective strips will make your bike especially visible when headlights shine on it. Lighting or reflection on your helmet is also effective – consider that the level of your head is not far from the level of the driver’s eyes coming up from behind you.

Speed and Braking, Turns and Grades Again, safe cycling in the rain requires awareness of how your body and machine are affected by physics. Greater caution and awareness, slower speeds, coasting and early braking ahead of turns and stops, and extreme caution and slower speeds on downhill grades will give your brain a workout during your rainy weather ride. But 18

Photo by Chuck Rogers, Amgen Tour of California.

Bicycling in the Rain continued it’s that power of your gray matter that will keep you safe and comfortable for that next ride. I am not saying that fear should rule your ride—a calm ride is a happy ride—but you should be more “up” in your awareness of conditions and surroundings.

Bike Care Clean before, dry off after. Two simple steps will keep your bike happy and your investment well cared for. A few minutes to towel off your machine can keep it in good shape, removing dirt and keeping water from lingering in crevices where it could lead to damage. Lube the chain after lots of rain riding—that will keep it well set for your next rides. Check key components, such as brakes, frequently to make sure they are functioning well; adjust them or get repairs as needed.

Donning proper gear, staying aware, keeping safe, and riding with respect for others on the road or trail are primary responsibilities for all cyclists.

In Conclusion In many respects, cycling in the rain is no different from warm-and-dry-weather cycling. Donning proper gear, staying aware, keeping safe, and riding with respect for others on the road or trail are primary responsibilities for all cyclists. But when it’s wet out, when you get home after your rainy and safe ride, you’ll have an extra reward. Whether you partake of that mug of chicken noodle soup with a perfect grilled cheese sandwich, a triple non-fat latte, a cup of cinnamon or peppermint tea, or if you just plop on the couch to watch the 4th quarter of a ‘Niners game with a pint in hand – you’ll likely be feeling much better than if you had not ridden at all! 19



DIRT ROLL Photo by Wayne Shen.

Fundraising minimum of $125 includes:

Sunday, February 6, 2011, 10:00 a.m.

Pre-ride hot drinks, snacks, and a BBQ lunch.

The Marin County Bicycle Coalition and the NorCal High School Cycling League are pleased to present the 2nd Annual Dirt Roll, a benefit ride to ensure that kids have safe roads and great trails. Proceeds from the Dirt Roll will go towards the ongoing advocacy work being conducted by both organizations.





Raffle with great prizes Grand prize for the rider who raises the most money Saddle time with special celebrity guest Todd Wells

Register today @

The Dirt Roll will offer both recreational and competitive cyclists the opportunity to participate in a fun and well organized event. The Dirt Roll will start at the San Geronimo Golf Course in Fairfax, California on the morning of the Super Bowl. You can join the supported mountain bike, or road bike, ride through the famous Camp Tamarancho or the bucolic backroads of Marin County. After the ride, head back to the San Geronimo Golf Course for a BBQ, with local beverages, new friends and the big game! Adult participants will be required to raise a minimum of $125 to join the fundraising event, youth participants will be required to raise a minimum of $75. The sky’s the limit, so reach out to all your passionate cycling friends and family! Your contribution will include food and drink, a sweet Dirt Roll t-shirt, a chance to win prizes and a few other surprises. Of course, you are also supporting two great Bay Area cycling organizations! 20

REVIEW: Brooks B-17 saddle, Part II by Tom Boss Comfort discovered: the magic of Mink Oil This is part two of a series documenting a 12-month experiment to see if Brooks Saddles become comfortable over time. After I’d spent many hours on a brand new Brooks B-17 saddle over the first three-month period, it appeared that the break-in process was going to take a while. The saddle had started to become a bit more comfortable, but it was still pretty stiff. Just days after publishing my first article, I received an email from a seasoned Brooks user. He suggested that I douse the saddle with a thick coat of Mink Oil. I had heard about this break-in solution, but avoided it because Brooks strongly discourages the use of any product other than Brooks Proofide leather dressing. They warn that using oil on the saddle will destroy the integrity of the leather. My advisor made it clear that it was a one-time deal. He said use it once and your saddle becomes plush. Use it twice and your saddle becomes mush. I found a bottle of Mink Oil and used a piece of foam to wipe a thick coat on the top side of the brown leather saddle. I left the oil on the saddle overnight, as advised by the Brooks connoisseur. The next day I went into the garage to wipe off the excess and discovered that it had all soaked into the leather. Mission accomplished! It was clear right away that the oil had done the job. The leather had become softer, but still held its shape. Now it was time to put in some good miles on the saddle to help it form to my butt. After just a few rides the winter rains came and I had to figure out how to protect the saddle from water, which can damage its finish. Brooks makes a rain cover for their saddle. I couldn’t find one at a local bike shop, so I headed into San Francisco. First stop was Box Dog Bikes in the Mission. There I learned that Rivendell also made a saddle cover and that it was a little more durable. Unfortunately Box Dog was out of both. Next stop was Mission Bicycle on Valencia. Very cool store with Brooks saddles for sale, but no rain covers. The hipster behind the counter didn’t even know they existed. Last stop was Pedal Revolution over on 21st Street. They had both the Brooks and Rivendall covers, and I went with the Rivendell. I’ve since discovered that Randi Jo Fabrications [] also makes a rain cover, which covers the bottom of the saddle as well as the top.

off my bike for the winter. This led to an interesting discovery. I put my previous saddle, a WTB Rocket V, back on my bike. The Rocket V fits me well and has lots of padding to make it comfortable. It even comes in a retro brown color, which simulates the look of the Brooks. It only took two rides for me to discover that the Brooks had been much more comfortable that I had realized. While the Rocket V was comfortable at the beginning of my rides, it left my butt feeling sore after an hour or so, something I had not been experiencing with the Brooks. So now it’s clear to me that the Brooks is comfortable after all. The Brooks is back on my bike and will remain there throughout the winter. In the next issue of Pedal Press: Find out if the saddle survives the winter (and the Mink Oil).

TO BE CONTINUED… Watch the MCBC Facebook page for updates on my Brooks B-17 experience, and look for my next report in the spring issue of the Pedal Press.

I started riding in the rain with a rear fender to protect the underside of the saddle, and the rain cover protecting the topside. Conditions started to get muddy, though, and I decided it might be wise to take the saddle 21

REVIEW: Travels with Travoy By Cheryl Longinotti A cargo trailer that delivers! nance issues. But I soon discovered their value. The trailer tracked and handled the uneven pavement of the city streets quite well as I rode to the Ferry Building for my return to Marin. I rolled onto the ferry, unhitched the trailer and folded it down so I could keep it by my side during the Bay crossing.

For me, cycling is another word for freedom, and the more trips I take by bike, the more free I feel. So, months ago, I started shopping for a cargo bike, a bike that would allow me to transport ’most anything anywhere. I found many fine choices, but I couldn’t figure out where I’d store another bike. Then word reached me through the blogosphere that Burley’s Travoy Trailer had won a 2010 Eurobike Gold Award for design. After a look at a few videos on YouTube, I was smitten. My local bike shop could get it in later in the week, but I could go to its San Francisco location and pick it up right away. So I headed to the city to make my purchase. Why was the Travoy Trailer such a clear choice for me? By folding into a mere 21 x 18 x 8 inches, it easily fits into a hall closet. It’s sturdy and lightweight and can double as a hand truck. The hitching mechanism on the seat post lets me take the trailer off the bike quickly. I can go to the library, cafe or wherever else and bring the trailer and its valuable cargo inside at each stop. At the grocery store, it serves as my shopping cart. The Travoy comes with a single Tote bag (almost 2100 cubic inches by my measurement) and two straps for holding cargo in place. The trailer has space for a second bag; Burley offers two styles as accessories: Market, which has expandable sides, and Transit, which has a computer sleeve. At the bike store I was a bit chagrined to realize that the 12-inch trailer wheels have pneumatic tires. I supposed that those would save weight but add mainte-

A week later I packed a few things into the Travoy to spend an overnight in San Jose. The Travoy is designed for a maximum 60-pound load, so I had a lot of capacity if I wished to load myself down. As I packed my laptop I suddenly felt grateful that the tires would cushion its ride. The first leg of my journey was by Golden Gate Transit bus. I loaded my bike onto the bus rack, removed the carrying bag and folded down the Travoy. The bus driver reminded me that my baggage had to be smaller than an airplane carry-on bag. No problem! I pressed the quick-release buttons over the trailer’s axle and removed its wheels. Getting the bike and trailer onto CalTrain was just as easy, and riding over grades in San Jose gave me confidence in handling the Travoy on downhills. On my trip home, I got caught in the first fierce rain of the season. A dedicated rainfly for the Travoy runs $39 so I had foregone that accessory. I placed the Tote bag into a large garbage bag, made some small holes in the plastic and attached the bags to the trailer. With a second bag lining the inside, all of my baggage including my laptop stayed snug and dry – much drier than I myself ended up. The Travoy was proving its worth so I ordered a second hitch for another bike. That bike, a folder, has less real estate on the seat post for the hitch; also, I wanted to have the rear rack available for a trunk pack. This made installation a bit trickier, but in the end all I needed to do was remove a blinky and set the trailer hitch high enough to clear the rear rack. Sources tell me that Burley is developing an alternate hitch that does not interfere with a rear rack or child carrier. Overall, could I manage with panniers instead? On many days, yes, but with panniers I couldn’t transport a 26-pound package in an ungainly box. I’ve accomplished that errand quite nicely with the Travoy. The Travoy is a bit pricey at $289 MSRP but, as they say, freedom has its costs. The only benefit the author will receive from this review is to see more cyclists on the road. 22

REVIEW: DZR SPD Shoes By Tom Boss Click-in with these stylish urban bicycle sneakers Biketoberfest continues to grow each year. In the early days it had only about 10 to 12 exhibitors. In 2010 there were more than 100, including DZR urban cycling shoes. DZR is based in the Bay Area and is focused on the growing niche market of urban bicyclists. I almost purchased a pair at Biketoberfest, but got sidetracked and didn’t make it back to their booth. Lucky for me, DZR sent MCBC a pair of Strasse shoes, the very pair I’d been looking at. The DZR website calls the Strasse “a mix of full grain leather and a classic herringbone fabric, that hearkens to an early time of pocket watches and Fedoras.” I’m not sure about the pocket watch and fedora, but they are great-looking shoes and they fit my feet well. What makes these shoes so useful to cyclists is that fact that they are SPD compatible, which means you can mount cleats to the bottom of the shoes and snap them into your clipless pedals. As soon as the shoes arrived I mounted cleats to the soles and started to ride in them and wear them off the bike as well. The shoes have stiffer soles than regular sneakers, but they are not as stiff as a road- or mountain-bike shoe.

This makes them comfortable to walk in, and there’s still enough stiffness for aroundtown riding, though I wouldn’t choose them for a Cyclocross race. The cleats are recessed pretty well, but you still hear the cleat clack as you walk, especially on hard surfaces such as tile. It’s nowhere near as bad as regular cycling shoes, nor have I noticed any markings on the floor made by the cleats. I do find it a little harder to lock into my cleats with these shoes, but it’s something you get used to. The DZR shoes are so comfortable and stylish that you might want to buy them as regular sneakers. But you always have the option to attach your cleats and ride in shoes that you can keep wearing when you get to your destination.

Win a Chris King 1-1/8" NoThreadSet Headset! Answer these three questions correctly and enter a drawing for a Chris King 1-1/8" NoThreadSet Headset. Valued at $129, the NoThreadSet™ features aluminum cups, bearing cap, and stemcap built around the company’s renowned stainless steel sealed bearings.


1. Where did the Lincoln Avenue Pathway’s primary funding come from? 2. Which ex-senator has probably done more than any other to advance bicycle use in the US? 3. Where can you drop off your unwanted bike to support a great cause? Name Phone email Address

Clue: the answers can be found inside this issue.

City State


Mail this form to MCBC, PO Box 1115, Fairfax, CA 94978 or email your answers to The drawing will be held on April 6. Thanks to Chris King for contributing our Pedal Press contest prize. 23

MCBC STORE Visit our online store for these items. All proceeds support safer cycling efforts in Marin.

The MCBC jersey - $69.00

MCBC Map - $12.00 A must-have resource for anyone riding in Marin!

Men’s and Women’s Tee shirts - $25.00

Dirt Roll – Sun. Feb. 6

Bald Hill Broom Bust – Sat. Feb. 26

Annual Member Meeting – Wed. April 6


I want to volunteer!



Phone (day)



How you heard about us

• $40 Regular • $60 Family • $100 Century • $250 Tour de France For Century members and above select your t-shirt size: S




• Do not share my name with other organizations Make checks payable to: Marin County Bicycle Coalition, P.O. Box 1115, Fairfax, CA 94978



Street / PO Box

Credit Card #


Exp. date

• Attending public meetings • Advocacy in your town • Data entry • Events • Newsletter distribution/mailing • Phone tree calling • Safe Routes to Schools • Share the Road • Staffing an information table • Valet bicycle parking • Other


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