Louisville-based SHALIA Botanicals recently found out about a nearly empty food pantry at Jeffersontown Area Ministries, and swiftly took action through donations to help make sure that local families are able to continue to put meals on their tables. “We are glad to be supporting local families and organizations during these challenging times,” says Angelia Inscoe, founder and CEO of Induction Therapies/SHALIA Botanicals. “Our small business is suffering financially right now, but if some of our local families don’t have food to put on their table, we all need to come together and help each other right now.”
Marlon Cummings, executive director for Jeffersontown Area Ministries, was grateful for the donation and offered to share it with Eastern Area Community Ministries located on Westport Road in Louisville. “Our local residents have always been very generous, and continue to be during the coronavirus,” Cummings says. “They drop off groceries, send Amazon orders right to us and have really rallied, even with the quarantine. The big problem right now is that the local family requests for food are up 30%, and we haven’t peaked yet.” Thom Blincoe, vice president of marketing at Induction Therapies, says he wasn’t surprised when he heard about Inscoe’s
desire to begin making donations, despite the company’s dipping sales. “She’s got a big heart and is a great soul,” Blincoe says. To make a donation, contact Jeffersontown Area Ministries at 502-267-1055, or Eastern Area Community Ministries at 502-426-2824. Induction Therapies, maker of SHALIA Botanicals, is a Louisville-based company that formulates, bottles, labels and ships medical-grade skincare domestically and internationally. Induction Therapies also owns Collagen P.I.N., The A Method and ColorLogix.
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