Writer / Matt Keating Photography Provided
Austin Garland, a recent graduate of the Noblesville-Gaylor Electric Crossing School of Business & Entrepreneurship, has set his sights on a career in the electrical trade. Garland says his favorite subjects at school have truly inspired him. “Some of my favorite subjects in school have been science, English and history,” he says. “The reason I enjoyed history is because I enjoy learning about historical events that occurred worldwide and throughout history.”
Garland adds that his other favorite subject, science, has fascinated him for a long time.
The Crossing School’s job training program is an important part of preparing students to join the workforce upon graduating. The “Science came easy to me because I enjoyed program provides soft skills training and a studying the anatomy of specimens, ranging range of actual work experiences. It gives from animals to human beings,” Garland says. local businesses the opportunity to partner “English was a hard subject for me, because with the school and to seek out possible it was difficult for me to understand certain employees. aspects of it, but I enjoy a good challenge.” Garland is already hard at work in new Garland says the Crossing School has classes, and says he is learning a lot. helped prepare him for future endeavors. He says the school has been special to him, and “I am currently attending classes at the he has a made many valuable friends there. Associated Builders and Contractors Incorporated school in Lawrence to study Students at the school have their own the electrical trade,” Garland says. “They are campus, which is equipped with a partnered with St. Vincent University.” classroom of computers to help students with their academic pursuits. For the part When he is not busy with school, Garland of each school day devoted to job training, enjoys spending time with friends. students like Garland work with Gaylor “I play amateur paintball for a team called Electric staff members, which provides Minimal Effort - pun intended,” he says. a hands-on approach to learning how to “The reason I enjoy paintball is because you operate a business. get an amazing workout while maintaining / MARCH 2020 / NOBLESVILLE MAGAZINE / 27