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Student Spotlight: Judy Saleh

JACOB JUDY SALEH ROBERTS SHEA favorite teacher, is Erin McKinney, a math teacher at Westfield High School. Not only was she an amazing teacher, and helped me find a new passion in math, but she also was, and still is, an amazing friend and mentor,” Eggleston says. “Mrs. McKinney has helped me through part of Student Impact since the fifth grade and will be a member until the moment she graduates high school. “I started volunteering at student impact my sophomore year, but it wasn’t until my junior year that I was volunteering on a constant basis. As of right now, I SPONSORED BY: SPONSORED BY: EGGLESTON some of the hardest times in my life,” she adds. “To this day, I try and see her at least once a week just to say hello or have a conversation. It is not only Mrs. McKinney at Westfield, but there are so many teachers volunteer nine or more hours a week, and love every minute.” Eggleston also says she loves living in Westfield. like her. I know so many students that “I have always felt safe and secure while have a relationship similar to mine with a being in Westfield,” she says. “I love the teacher and those relationships will stick amenities and opportunities available. I with the students for the rest of their lives.” love that Westfield has fun things to do with friends, and also fun things to do with Eggleston says Student Impact of Westfield family.” She believes Student Impact is a big has also helped her tremendously. part of that.

Writer / Matt Keating hang out and get mentorships and guidance. and extracurriculars, to be where I am today,

Photographer / Amy Payne but it has been more than worth it. With all “I attend Student Impact every Monday Danyele Easterhaus, executive director of Writer / Peyton Gigante Shea Eggleston, a senior at Westfield High School, is being recognized for her outstanding work at Student Impact of Westfield. Student Impact, 536 North Union Street, Zionsville, is a safe place where students from grades 5-12 can build relationships that bring hope and healing. It was started in 1999 to be an environment where kids can Eggleston says she is excited to be recognized by Student Impact of Westfield. “I feel extremely humbled and honored to win,” Eggleston says. “My high school journey has been far from easy. During my freshman year, I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, and missed a lot of school because of it. I get sick easily and miss more school than most people. It has taken a lot of hard work and dedication to school the hard work, receiving this award is even more special.” Eggleston plans to study zoology in college. “Ever since I can remember, my favorite thing has always been animals, particularly of the mammal species, but still animals in general,” Eggleston says. “My dream job has always been something to do with animals, whether that was a veterinarian or a zoo and Friday and volunteer as an intern/ student leader every Tuesday and Thursday,” Eggleston says. “I love everything about this organization. I love the people who run it and attend it, what they stand for, what they do for Westfield, and everything in between. Eggleston is proud to say she have been a Student Impact of Westfield, says says she is thrilled Eggleston has been recognized. “Shea is just an amazing young woman,” Easterhaus says. “She leads with a quiet, yet strong sense about her, despite all the issues she faces each and every day. She puts others first and displays leadership not in WESTFIELD HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR ENCOURAGES CLASSMATES TO LEAD BY EXAMPLE Photography Provided keeper, I did not really know, but I knew it Writer / Julie Yates had to be with animals. Third grader Judy Saleh has always been a Photography provided “Once I started trying to narrow down my dream job, I knew I did not want to be a bright and cheerful student. From helping others with their tasks to bringing an When West eld High School senior Jacob Roberts joined the Best Buddies club in veterinarian, but that is about all I could figure out. I hope one day I can figure out what career I want, but for now, I know it must be working with animals.” abundance of energy to the classroom middle school, he had a very personal Eggleston noted that Westfield has some of and playing pranks around school, her motive for doing so. At that time, he had no the best teachers. popularity around Washington Woods idea that  ve years later, he would be the “Almost every single teacher I have had since first grade I have really liked. With Westfield Elementary is no surprise. club’s president.  e self-proclaimed shy teachers you can tell they want every single one of their students to succeed, and they and quiet student has become a champion try to make that happen. I have had so many teachers inspire me, and make me want to Born with several medical conditions for promoting inclusion and recently led be a better person and student.” including vision difficulties, developmental a convocation to encourage his peers to Eggleston has a favorite teacher. delays, muscular hypertonicity and asthma, respect people of all di erent ability levels. “One teacher that will forever have a place in my heart and will forever be my absolute Saleh has flourished during her time at Washington Woods. “I originally joined Best Buddies in eighth grade at the middle school. I had just

an aggressive manner, but in the normal, everyday ways of life.

For more information on Student Impact of Westfield visit therockwestfield.org/ or call 317-414-6456.

She’s a leader in the school’s Functional go en news that my brother was going to Academic Program, in which participants learn at a pace that allows them to grow into accomplished students and people. be born with Down Syndrome,” Roberts says. “So, I really joined just to  gure out how to treat him since he would be di erent.  roughout that year and my freshman year, I learned so much more talks to everybody, and is a good leader in but she always has a good attitude and “Since last year when she first got here, she about Best Buddies.” our school.” makes it through,” Koroneos says. has become so much more independent with walking and navigating her way around the room,” says Anne Maslanka, one of Saleh’s teachers. “Last year we had to do a lot more things, helping-wise, but now she Roberts continues, “I learned that my original thinking was completely wrong and I believed the wrong mission.  e mission of Best Buddies is to end the social, physical, A middle child with two brothers, Saleh has had practice taking care of others. “I love playing with my baby brother,” she Saleh has bonded with all of her teachers during her time at the school, and shares a September 28 birthday with Assistant Principal Kristin Parisi. We include and accept people for who they are and simply just be friends.” West eld High School is among many schools both nationwide and intellectual and developmental disabilities are paired with a regular education peer.  e club typically meets on Fridays during the CORE Advisory period. Activities are organized and foster growing friendships just walks around the room.” and economic discrimination of those with says. “We play outside a lot.” internationally that o er the Best Buddies between each buddy pair. On Oct. 29, intellectual and developmental disabilities. program as a student activity. Students with “We have a birthday chain,” Saleh says. “It’s Roberts organized and led a special Since her first year, Saleh’s teachers and In her class she sits with Eli, a kindergarten a countdown for every day.” peers have seen her grow physically and 20 / student who she’s taken under her wing WESTFIELD MAGAZINE / DECEMBER 2019 / WestfieldMag.com mentally, becoming stronger and more selfand helped immensely since his start at Saleh is known around the school for the assured each day. Washington Woods. Like her baby brother, funny pranks and tricks she plays on the Westfield_1219.indd 20 11/20/19 10:54 AM she takes good care of him and makes sure he staff and other students. She is a collector “Her confidence has grown, and she’s has the help he needs throughout the day. of stars, which are rewards students receive become so comfortable in the school and in upon finishing tasks. this setting,” says Marcella Koroneos, who “Judy pushes through a lot of things, serves as Saleh’s instructional assistant. “She because many times she doesn’t feel well, “She always says good job to the students

when we count their stars at the end of the day,” Maslanka says.

Saleh’s caring nature and willingness to help other people shows in the way she talks fondly about her peers and her teachers, and also in how she talks about what she wants to be when she grows up.

“I want to be a nurse and a teacher,” she says.

Saleh sets a fantastic example for what a leader is, and her fun-loving nature and excitement for life is inspiring.

“Judy is always positive,” Koroneos says. “She always includes other people in whatever she’s doing. There’s nothing Judy can’t do. She doesn’t see herself as different than anyone else. She can do anything.”

SMILE SMILE A smile is a curve that A smile is a curve that sets everything straight. sets everything straight.

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Agent Jason Whiteley understands the importance of compassion and listening to what his clients need in order to provide exceptional customer service. He is a graduate of Purdue University where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in organizational leadership.

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