Social Media Yourself

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Webjam solu,ons for Enterprise Social Media Unleash engagement and interac0on within organisa0ons and between employees (c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Enterprise Social Media

People get excited when the have the opportunity to share something they’re passionate about. Social media is like pouring gasoline on a fire of great ideas.

(c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Benefits of Social Media for internal purposes

Making business leaders more visible

BeLer CommunicaHon with remote workers

Improving employee feedback

Improve Employee Engagement

Knowledge Management and collaboraHon 0%







Melcrum: January 2010: Social Media inside the firewall

(c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Social Media inside the firewall Other research findings •  Internal communicators are increasingly turning to Web 2.0 tools, such as employee and execu,ve blogs, online video, and internal TwiGer-­‐style forums, to deliver key strategic messages, s,mulate collabora,on and knowledge sharing and boost produc,vity •  When asked about channels used for internal communica,on, online video and webcasts were cited as of increasing importance, with the intranet ranked as the most effec,ve channel by 73% of senior communicators worldwide (c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Webjam Enterprise Social Media |  Turning employees in brand ambassadors, both internal and external. By using social media internally, companies open up their brand. By engaging with their employees, management can make the mission, vision and brand values come to life.  By giving employees access to social media tools they can share and publish knowledge and informaHon, unleashing creaHvity and improve producHvity.  by using social media internally, companies can start to experience and learn the concepts of content creaHon, sharing and engagement, in a "protected" environment, before applying it externally.

(c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Webjam Enterprise Social Media

CreaHng a shared vision   Internal communicaHons 2.0 -­‐ Using social media to engage with your employees with the objecHve to embed the company's mission, vision and values.   A CEO blog to discuss the vision, seeks feedback for improvement and explains how staff can live the values and the brand.

To engage employees   Management are opening themselves to their employees.   Employees are enabled to talk about how they feel, what they like to do and how they like to work together.   Management has to acHvely engage in these discussions.

(c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Webjam Enterprise Social Media

To inform employees   Social media as a medium to communicate and inform employees.   Blogs in which departments inform their staff, a newsleLer with opHons for employees to give comments, twiLer as a micro instant communicaHon channel to employees.

Increase producHvity   Using social media as a collaboraHon tool. Social media helps bringing documents, people and planning together. in the form of sharing documents, sharing feedback and synchronising project tasks. (c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Thoughts •  Social media allow companies to have real-­‐,me, authen,c conversa,ons with employees. •  Employees like to know that leadership cares enough to have a venue for conversing with them. •  Viable and robust social media at a company is a fantas,c recrui,ng tool. •  Employees who connect with each other or customers are usually already engaged with their employer’s brand. •  You can hear from people who have good ideas who you wouldn’t have heard from before. (c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Webjam Complete Social Media Solu,ons A focus on our clients’ needs…. Creative Services Social Experience Consultation Maximize Design, Branding Implementation

Webjam Platform

Managed Services

Easy-to-use interface

Moderation Services

Social Network Environment

Engagement Services

Broad and deep functionality

Statistics, Analytics, Advice

.... to deliver to their community (c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Webjam at a glance

“We help companies to connect with their customers and employees by providing them with an easy-­‐to-­‐use and affordable solu0on for social publishing and engagement.”


CEO & co-­‐Founder Former VP Product Management, Yahoo! Europe Essec, Paris; Harvard MBA

Alberto Barreiro

  Vibrant and innova,ve Social media company with 20 people based in central London   SaaS social publishing Solu,on providing the “magic bundle” between :   a community plaWorm on .NET/MsSQL   consul,ng and crea,ve services   managed deployment services   Licence & consul,ng/engagement fees model   Clients range from Random House Book publishers to Sony Music or JWT (WPP network)


Yann MoGe

  Seasoned management team with experience in growing companies   £3 millions raised from I-­‐Source Ges,on   Notable awards and press achievements hGp://

(c) 2010 Webjam Ltd - Confidential

Crea,ve Director & co-­‐Founder Former Senior Designer & Strategist, Yahoo! MA in Fine Arts, Vigo University , St MarHns University , London

Marcus Greenwood

Product Director & co-­‐Founder Serial Entrepreneur Created travel & hedge fund plaborms

John Eikenberry

CIO/CTO Former CTO of portal Lycos and daHng service Be2 Columbia/LBS MBA, London

Lexie Mendelson

Director of Business Development Start-­‐ups like Mobango, Amplefuture, WeeWorld ... BA Arts (Rhode Island), MBA

Marc Campman

Director of Marke,ng Former Exec at IBM and Logica with mobile and gaming start-­‐ up experience at Aristocrat ltd Breda, IBM, Erasmus Univ. 10

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