Mittagundi Autmn Newsletter 2011

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People . . There is nothing more important It is an inspiring time when each team of leaders begin their journey at Mittagundi. It is clear to us all that at Mittagundi, people will always to our strong core and young people our purpose. It is a warm reminder in a world of the electronic age and material values that there exists a place where people continue to be the most important aspect of what we do and who we are. This essence is often very strong at our open weekend Pioneer Skills where, this January, our fantastic past team said their goodbyes. How honoured have young people, their director and Mittagundi at large been to have them on board through the challenges and triumphs of the past year.

property. Exciting skills and

experience join our team this year with our leaders Jane Orme, Jacinta Ivory, Bec Wade, Raku Pitt, Bec Bartlett and new roles Program Manager Toby Floyer and Business Manager Colleen Adams (past staff and skilled educator). Already, everyone is in thick of Mittagundi with training and preperations for the beginning of courses. Bookings are open for 10 day courses this year with some sure to fill up fast ! There continue to be so many purposeful ways to be involved with Mittagundi. Mittagundi is also looking for a skilled outdoor leader for our Alpine programs from June to August. A great opportunity to see what Mittagundi is all about. Jac Semmler, Director.

What is Mittagundi? An independent, non profit organisation with outdoor programs for young people. Established over thirty years ago with a commitment to provide opportunities for young people from all walks of life to live and enjoy the challenges of a remote and simple lifestyle. On our classic outdoor program each group of boys or girls, aged between 14 and 17, will spend ten days in a beautiful part of Victoria’s high country; bushwalking, camping and abseiling from nearby cliffs, rafting the Mitta Mitta river and work alongside leaders to operate a pioneer style farm. During winter school groups cross country ski and explore the alpine environment of the Bogong High Plains. The atmosphere at Mittagundi is simple, honest and happy. There are no watches, no timetables and no money. Instead there is an opportunity

Heartfelt thanks and best wishes on

for young people to live and work

their journeys ahead for Carol

together in an environment where

Mudford, Lizzy Harding, Daniel

people matter more than anything

O’Brien, Thomas Grounds and Cindy


Chan for such hard work and a shared life in the Glen Valley.

Mittagundi is run by a professional and passionate team of volunteers and

With each team change over, an

a whole community of support. To be

amazing current of energy enters the

involved contact us!


✴ Program dates • • • • • • •

Boys 383 29th April Girls 384 13th May Boys 386 23rd September Girls 387 14th October Boys 388 28th October Girls 389 11th November Girls 390 30th December

Follow up program: •Winter 5th-9th of July












Introducing the leaders of Mittagundi for 2011! BEC B



We wake up early as the sun is rising. I’m feeling tired and a little lack luster. We

Jacinta is a lady of the world: before she

head over to the dairy and get ready to

came to Mittagundi, she worked in Britain

milk. Few words are spoken as our brains

caring for older people, and in South

warm up, and then Bec asks “Why does a

America as a tour guide – she been to

milking stool only have 3 legs?” I start to

Machu Picchu more times than she cares

smile as I say “I don’t know” she replies

to remember, which makes us all a bit

“because the cow has the udder one!” We

jealous. Before that she studied ceramics

both crack up laughing and the day

in Bendigo (where she grew up) and lived

seems brighter already!

in Adelaide afterwards making pots. More recently, she has also been a teacher of

This is Ms Rebecca Bartlett (know to us as Bec), always cracking a good joke

applied learning, and worked at the Alpine School in Glenmoriston.

especially when you need it. Bec brings an enormous amount of fun and play to

Now, Ms Ivory looks after our pigs,

Mittagundi but also warmth and honesty.

although that’s not a full time job as she

You can see from the thank yous that

is also on hand to make great food in the

before 2011 Bec had already given much

kitchen, look after our orchard, get fits of

of her time and energy to Mittagundi. She

the giggles, and tell us funny stories

has decided to put her zoology degree

about looking after people – which is

(majoring in bugs) on hold, and leave the

what she’s extremely good at – although

Melbourne lifestyle behind to support

she does also really care about the pigs.

Mittagundi for a whole year as a leader –

The forge is also one of Jacinta’s

and we are stoked that she has! She’s a

provinces, and she’s firm friends with

cheeky one and so is her cute dog ‘Party’.

long-time-friend-of-Mittagundi Jack

She’s always looking out for others and is

Gilbert, which is lucky because he knows

enthusiastic about her job areas like the

all about forges.

Fire-lighting queen, Bec’s first on the scene. Gettin the brekky cookin ahead o the sun gettin a look-in. A country lass from the Apple Isle with freckly cheeks and a cheeky smile she’s lived in big cities and, she’s toured the whole land. Moovin feet souls n hands with some crankin gypsy bands. Yep she’s an ace on the violin, can outpace the highest wind. Kid ya not, she’s been to the Con, gifted at music and at passin it on. Ridin so high on the Clydesdales, then tillin the soil as the light fails. Humble as, yet nobody’s fool, this here lady is Wade cool!


cows and cars. She knows how to both work hard and play hard and we love her!

We’re really lucky to have Jacinta on our team because, as the Scots say, she keeps us right.


Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut












JANE “All you need is your toolbox, your swag and your ute, and you just go, and you

Introducing Toby Floyer! Toby has a

know… work it out when you get there.”

unique role at Mittagundi this year as the

Says Jane around the campfire one

program manager for 2011. He is an

evening, and really, I can’t think of a

outdoor eder and much more. As an avid

sentence that describes her better; Jane,

outdoors boy, reader, and guitarist Toby

aka “D-Jane” is down to earth, always

has settled into Mittagundi, making it a

ready for an adventure, always ready to

warm home for us all. Toby is new to

jump in and get things done and whilst

Australia having just arrived from

she’s doing it, she always has a great story

Edinburgh in September. He has worked

to tell that’ll make you laugh. She loves

as a high school English teacher and is

tea, chips and gravy, dancing in the

chuffed to be spending a year introducing

pantry, and her new best friends at

young people to the outdoors and to

Mittagundi are the adorable 6 chickens

simple living. He is a thoughtful guy with

she lovingly looks after.

high attention to detail, and he often

Before arriving at the Gundi doorstep, Jane worked at Caulfield Park Community School in Melbourne, and judging by the stories she has told us about her time there and her cool collection of hoodies, she’s the kind of teacher we all wish we had. Any young person lucky enough to hang out with Jane will become great mates, and is guaranteed a cracker of a time. She’s a lady of the world and has had

cracks himself up with his cheeky jokes and educated wit. He lives by honest values and will have a go at teaching you about almost anything you might be wondering. Just a moment ago he was describing to me the science behind snowflake formation. We call Toby our “little brother” and “Toby”

RAKU Raku Rocks! He is a genuine and caring natured fella who has barrels of knowledge, creativity and fun to share. With a touch of quirky artistic fashion shown on a cap, vest or pair of trousers, he brings city culture to the valley and you may find him zooming around the place on his bike crunching into a freshly picked apple from the orchard. Raku once ran away with the circus to show case his many musical talents and we love it when he suddenly appears with his piano accordian to bash out a few folk melodies. He embraces the natural environment and connects with the land through his love and passion for gardening and hiking. If you can’t find him, check the vegie garden where he’ll be picking some herbs to whip up one of his lip smacking dishes.

honest Toby is a bit of a dag which is perfect for Mittagundi, home of the dags!

many adventures including tree climbing, broken down vans, crazy sharehouses and much much more.


Alpine Walk Each year the Alpine walk takes place between Wollangarra and Mittagundi and it is truly and inspiration to see. Louie Grech, Annika Miesien, Ben Kaye, Brooke Hudson and Luca Cherubin Symbolic of what Mittagundi means to young people and how capable young people are Please get behind the efforts of these young people and donate to sponsor more young people Online: Or send cheques to Mittagundi Outdoor Education Centre 4385 Omeo Hwy, Glen Valley VIC 3898











Program Manager Editorial

high plains with a clydesdale horse for company, live simply

I first came to Mittagundi to help out on a program in the

The answer is, of course, not many, and I feel very lucky

spring. Just like you young people past and present, I walked

because it’s a big part of my job to make sure all these

in over the mountains wondering what it would be like – and

wonderful things happen in the best way possible. We’re all

at the end of the ten days, I picked up my rucksack and walked

about giving opportunities for young people to do things they

back out again. In between, I went on a journey down the

might never have done before, to live a simple life in the

amazing Mitta Mitta river, made handles for tools in the

mountains, and to take on responsibility and challenge. We

joinery, plucked up the courage to walk backwards over a cliff

also like to give all our young people a few opportunities to

(tied on, of course), and had a lot of fun in the kitchen making

think about what they make of their experiences. But we’re

dinner for folk who had certainly earned it!

and mostly outdoors, go abseiling and rafting – as well as do some good honest work to maintain the farm, spend time meeting new people, and help cook for the whole group?

also all about safety and support, and I use my background in teaching, mountaineering and outdoor education to work

As I’ve been learning these last weeks, Mittagundi is many

with our fantastic team to make sure that safety underpins

things: an outdoor education centre, a home for its staff, a

everything we do. Together we make sure that every young

farm, the centre of a fantastic community – but its heart has

person who comes can make the most of this incredible place.

been and always will be the young people who put their time and energy into building and running the place, and who in

With that in mind, I’d like to thank all the people who have

return have so many opportunities to get to know the

welcomed me these last weeks, helping me out at the

mountains and have an amazing experience.

beginning of what promises to be a great year in Mittagundi’s long and fascinating story – and especially to the young

My role here as Program Manager is a new one, and its focus is

people out there, I look forward to seeing you here soon.

on the young people and the program we run. Mittagundi is a


special place, and to prove it I ask you this: how many other places in the world could you hike in for two days over the

Take care o f Mittagundi Each year Mittagundi needs care takers to look after Mittagundi while the team undertakes training, community events away from the Valley and well earned rest. Caretakers look after the animals, answer the phone and enjoy a break away to Mittagundi. No skills or experience required. Friends and family welcome. Caretakers needed this year for The month of June (All or some) Tuesday 9th to Thursday 11th of August Monday 5th to Saturday 11th September Saturday 8th to Monday 10th of October Friday 2nd to Monday the 5th of Decmber Wednesday 21st to Tuesday 27th of December (have a special family Christmas at Mittagundi!) Please call us at Mittagundi on (03) 5159 7238 for more info or to reserve your spot


Pioneer Skills










Farm News

Down the hill the pigs are busy jostling for position during feeding time with plenty of grunting and sloshing about.

A gentle hum in the Glen Valley in the first

Rolling in the mud continues to be their

week of Januaray evolved into a medly of

favourite free time activity, though sadly

sounds, as Mittugundi prepared for yet

they’ve got a date with John the butcher pretty soon…

another memorable Pioneer Skills

Our other exciting farm news is that


Mittagundi has not one, not two but THREE beautiful dogs living here this

Whilst soaking in the gorgeous Friday

year! Peggy, Jac’s stag hound is a big

evening light, revealers were treated to a

bundle of legs, grey fur and friendly licks,

delicious barbeque provided by our dear

and is about the size of a small pony.

Friends of Mittagundi supporters, and

Scrappy the dear old wise dog arrived

drawn into the hall by sparkling music to

several months ago, is much smaller than

stomp their feet, clap their hands and

Peg, and has already had a song

dance the night away with the sensational

composed for him to the tune of frosty

newly formed band.

I’m sitting in my cabin watching the sun slowly spread through the mist, over The

The following day as more people arrived

Knocker and through the Glen Valley,

and the camp ground was filling, the

filling it with warmth and light, and I’ll tell

kitchen was buzzing and demonstrators

you what, Mittagundi is looking stunning

were beginning to showcase their talents

right now. Everything is unbelievably

in blacksmithing, joinery, wool spinning, splitting timber, whip cracking and double hand sawing. The stage 3 Wollongarra crew and other young people did a fantastic job

green, and even the spring up the back is flowing. There has been plenty of weeding going on in the garden, and lots of winter veggie seedlings are starting to

Sometimes she wiggles her tail so hard she almost flies! So as you can tell, things are very lively here at Mittagundi with all our farm animal friends, and we just can’t wait to share it all with all the Young People we will meet this year!

resting their heads on Sambo’s belly right

licking pizza lunch, and throughout the

off to one side is looking veeeeery

day meats were sizzling on the spit and

pregnant (come up sometime after June

was also a real treat for Mittagundi’s

little dog Party is exactly that – a party.

Over in the cowshed Bec and Raku are now as they milk her, and Luca, standing

fashioned roast for everyone to enjoy. It

a very very good post dog!…) and Bec’s

poke their heads through the soil.

preparing the extremely popular finger

were presented for dinner as a good old

the snowman (Scrappy the post-dog was

and there should be beautiful new calf!). Over the other side of the farm, ‘the boys’ (Sampson and Phil the horses) are looking mighty fine and very well fed, and

Founder, Ian Stapleton to join us that

I can tell they are excited about walking


up into the High Plains to meet groups of Young People and maybe shedding an

As the day drew to a close the Mittagundi

unneeded kilo or two along the way.

community gathered in the diningroom,

Just up the hill, the chooks are enjoying

where our mighty directer Jac Semmler,

our left over porridge and will

extended great thanks to eveyone for

miraculously turn it into yummy eggs for

their continous support, to fairwell a beautiful group of individuals and 2010 Team, and to introduce her new team for the coming year. Afterwards, the spirit of the young people

us to eat! Speaking of eggs, Jane came to breaky one morning after weeks of updates about broody hens, excitedly announcing the arrival of the first chicken. The next day the chicken was nowhere to be seen, instead, a cheeky mouse popped its head out from under

along with others, engulfed the space

the mother hen! The following morning,

with musical prowess and many a song

when she went to check again, the

into the night.

chicken was back and the mouse was gone! Hilarious.

Do you have a magic Mittagundi photo from 2010? Send them in to the team with a name, a date and a story, for the 2010 photo album!


Training Our training started as we hit the ground in early January with a handover of knowledge from the 2010 crew. A week later we started our certificate 3 in outdoor recreation learning to navigate around the high country with compass and map with Terri. Another week later we headed off to Wollangarra to spend a week learning wilderness first aid. Two days after getting back from wilderness first aid we hit the road again for more training and a bit of a road trip. The first stop was Albury where we got to know the sights and did a touch of clothes washing. It was stinking hot by the time we left Albury so we had a quick dip in the Murray and then headed off to our next destination, Cobram. Heather and Giff’s place was our destination. When we arrived we were warmly welcomed

but we were bad company as we were

Murray taught us how to recognize

mesmerized by the television (due to

features in swift water and how to deal

not seeing one in weeks). After we

with them. Later we got to try out some

readjusted we all got to know each

techniques like throw bags, river

other and Heather prepared a delicious

crossing and safely getting through

meal. We chatted with Heather and Giff

swift water. That night the Wollangarra

about Mittagundi and their son Bruce

crew came and stayed at Wytce’s which

who was a past leader and is now on

was lots of fun with a late night of

the council. In the morning we had to

dancing in the lounge room (thanks

get up early and head to Shepparton

Wytce!). In the morning we piled back

for defensive driving. Heather had

into the troopy and headed home to

packed us lunch and Giff had offered to

Mittagundi via Cath Bucolo’s house for

help us with our rubbish – Thank you!

dinner. The next day it was straight

So we said goodbye as we set out for

into 4WD training with ‘Whitey’ (aka

the day. At DECA in Shepparton we

Russel White). 4WD training was all

learnt how to be safe drivers and then

about ‘getting ya hand off the gear

got to have a bit of fun on the skid pad

stick/foot off the clutch’, stall

(a highlight for sure). Once finished

recoveries and trying to find a shallow

we headed to our next destination,

enough river to try out river crossings.

Alexandra to stay with Wytce. We

It’s been a great few weeks and we are

arrived as the sun was setting and were

feeling skilled up and confident for the

instantly welcomed. Wytce gave us

first course. Thanks to the amazing

such a beautiful home for the weekend

Mittagundi community for their

and lovely company. We had a peaceful

hospitality and instant friendship!

night and were off to bed early. In the morning we headed to Eildon to meet the Wollangarra crew for swift water rescue training with Murray Tucker.












Thankyou team 2010 The team of 2010. What. A. Team. I have been wondering what on earth I can say that will sum up this incredible group of people and in the end I’ve decided it’s impossible! As new leaders arriving at Mittagundi it was so valuable to have a few days to hang out with the ‘Old Crew’ before they set off on the next stage of their adventures. Us newbies all ran about with notebooks, scrawling down all the pearls of wisdom and advice they had to pass on, wide-eyed and in awe of them and all the ‘stuff’ they seemed to have stored in their brains about so many things here at Mittagundi. We all felt so welcomed and knew that we were being handed over the reins from a wonderful group of leaders. We’d like to send out a million thanks to each one of those beautiful souls; Lizzy, Daniel, Thomas, Carol and Cindy, for all the work and love they put into Mittagundi during their year. What. A. Team!!! Here are some photos of the 2010 Mittagundi highlights…

Winter Helper Winter at Mittagundi is a fantastic time. Our courses are usually seven days long though they vary: into them we pack cross country skiing, snow camping, and some work on the farm and around the property. Winter’s a busy time, and we’re looking for helpers to come and join our brilliant staff team: for a bit of hard work, responsibility, early mornings, and some seriously amazing adventures with young people in the mountains. Some of our helpers will be going up into the mountains skiing with our young people, while others will be based at Mittagundi itself – for example cooking in the kitchen, helping out with farm work, and making sure all the things that need to get done in this busy time, get done. If you have experience of the mountains in winter – cross country skiing and cold weather camping – love working purposefully alongside young people, have a working with children card, and get fired up about cold dark mornings and wintry mountains, get in touch with us! Dates 11th – 17th July 20th – 29th July th 30 July – 7th August 13th – 19th August 21st – 26th August th 27 August – 2nd September Practicalities If you’ve got any questions just give us a ring. We need a balance of helpers with more and less experience of the winter mountains. We’ll need to see your working with children card – if you haven’t got one yet don’t worry, you don’t have to pay for one in order to volunteer – ask us about it. We’ll also need to see a CV or resume with some references we can call. After you contact us we’ll send out all the appropriate paperwork- the earlier you get in touch the better.

HI Save a tree? Get this newsletter via email and save a tree or two. Simply email and let him know. You can see the full newsletter online and in colour visit


U S : (03) 5159 7238 snail mail : Mittagundi, Omeo Highway, C/- Omeo Post Office, Omeo 3898










Thank you Girton A week or two ago I had a phone call from Marijke Horvath, who has worked at Girton College since the early days of Mittagundi. Marijke told me that she had some outdoor gear that the school was getting rid of, and that we might like. We arranged that she would drop it off, so just the other day, Marijke and some colleagues from Girton arrived in a whirlwind, and left a small mountain of the useful things that Mittagundi always seems to need: rucksacks, water bottles, some pretty luxurious thermarest sleeping mats, a couple of tents. Girton was the first school to send young people to Mittagundi – and Marijke was one of the teachers that accompanied them. Mittagundi flourishes through its supporters, who give materials, resources, some hard labour, and their enthusiasm for the place and its people. A big thank you to Girton, therefore, for past and present help – and thank you to the rest of you: do take a quick glance at our wish list!




Mittagundi will always work very hard to maintain our simple operations and running in a world of increasing costs. If you can offer any financial assistance for Mittagundi’s operations or to sponsor a young person it would be greatly appreciated ($375 for a full sponsorship or partial). All donations contribute greatly to the experiences of young people who come to Mittagundi. If you require a tax receipt please let us know. Name: ______________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________Postcode: ____________State: _______________ I would like to donate money for a sponsorship for a young person I would like to contribute to the important operations and ongoing projects for young people at Mittagundi











Thank you !

Mittagundi would not exist without all the support. We have a huge list of people to thank, some from 2010. It shows how fortunate Mittagundi is to receive so many kinds of support from so many incredible people. We may have left people off, spelt your name wrong or thanked you for the wrong thing so please let us know so we can correct it in the next newsletter. Thanks! Generous Donations and


amazing event and your ongoing

Jason – Young person helper

Sponsorships for Young People

All the young people who came

support of Mittagundi.

North East Trail Riders

and helped at the garden party Claire Bishop, Prue, Sarah Yeats , Kate Walsh , Kate Hill, Bec Bartlett,

Skermer Family – Folk, Rhythm and

Hazel – Young Person Helper Gabriel – Young person Helper Emily – Young person Halper

Eirene Lucas Foundation J & R Cowan Arthur Charles Graham Sloaman Happy Larry’s Simon Paton Folk, Rhythm and Life Festival DONATIONS Coffee Basics - amazing ongoing donation of fabulous coffee beans. THANK YOU! Sarah Douglas – Beanies

Mez Shaw, Stacey Gillv, Amy Navasha Wollangarra & Stage III Denno Bainger – Leading Stage 3 track party Wollangarra – Amazing open day and for hosting us Stage 3 young people – Fabulous

Life (FRL) Festival Cindy – FRL visit and stall help Arby– FRL visit and stall help Lucy– FRL visit and stall help Declan – FRL visit and stall help


Clare Bishop– FRL visit and stall help, Sarah Douglas– FRL visit and stall

Russell Whyte – 4WD training Murray Tucker – Water Rescue Terry McNeil – outdoor ed training

help, Shannon Smith– FRL visit and stall

Neil and Jason – Wilder First Aid Deca – Defensive Driving training


Wollangarra crew – Looking after us for a week Sarah and Mel – delicious food

Track 107 work WOODCHOP HELPERS 2010 Visitors, Trainers and Raft

Lucy Vardy – Course help Lucy Fallon – Course help

Laurie Haslem – 2 Wetsuits Mike & Leslie Caulston – Woolen jumpers


Nina Walton – 8 Bantam hens Eve Archibold – Seedlings Ally from Baccus Marsh –Gloves

Paul and Kylie – For leading trips ‘The mob’ at LaTrobe – For the visit Wally, Jeff and Arbie from

Sil Philpott – Seeds Amy Follet – Chocolate, tea, photos

Holmesglen TAFE – For the visit Cath Bucolo – Visit, Support and

Kev McGennan – Course help Cath Bucolo – Facilitating meeting

Arnold’s Fruit & Veg – Food storage Tom and Pip Hay – Honey The Woods Family – Coffee Plunger

group facilitation Jane – Help Raft Guiding Freddy – Help Raft Guiding


John Sibly – Drill bits Joy Potter - Christmas parcel

Arbie – Rafting and gear, dropping in with group and having us stay,

band for the bush dance THE GRAND BUSH BAND

Coral Arnold – Gift of tea towels, oven mits and aprons Neil Brown – cable ties and latches

Chainsaw, being an extra leader and so much more. Gene – Farrier training

Mezza – Pioneer skills weekend help Shannon – Pioneer skills weekend

Gary – paint, gloves , trailer time Graham Bloggs and family – bunks, ski’s and hospitality

John Lawson and oil mob – Visit and donation Mike and Karen Grimmer – Help

help Jack Gilbert – Pioneer skills demonstrator and staff training

Batty’s – Wood Graham Fall – Donation of

Rafting, chainsawing and more Scarlett Spain – Course help

Graham Fall – Pioneer skills demonstrator and

handmade drawhorse

The Gilson Family – Visit Gordy and Greg – Fridge and pantry work

Robert – Whip cracking demonstration Lance Tucker – Pioneer skills


demonstrator Meg Stewart – Pioneer skills

COURSE HELPERS Toby Floyer – boys 375 course Alice Carrow – boys 375 course Claire Austen – boys 375 course Lucy Fallon and Mez – boys 375 Lachlan Barlow – Course help Fliss Burgess – Walk out help Brooke Warren – HQ help Colleen Adams – HQ help Bec Bartlett – Course Help Neil Brown – Course Help Bec Wade – Course help James Burke – Course help, wine, fruit and coffee Marcel – Helping out Shannon Smith – Head Quarter

Latrobe Uni river students – Hosting Mittagundi rafting

Jack Gilbert – Enterprise demonstrator Graham Fall – Enterprise demonstrator Brian Beasley – Enterprise demonstrator Kevin – Enterprise demonstrator Lance – Enterprise demonstrator and also head torch and batteries Clare Easton – Helping out at enterprise Wollangarra crew (Mel, Brooke, Sarah, Smitho and Mo) – Helping out at enterprise

FOM – bush dance food and bar all weekend

Dec Fuber Gillick – Course help Jo Brockwell and Ruby – Course help Jack Gilbert – Course help and slashing

Sal Kimba – Organising the bush

Suz & Kate – Communication skills Kate Gilson – Looking after MG Wytche Kylstra – Home for the weekend Heather & Giff Crosthwaite– hospitality and dinner Tess & Graham Payne– welcoming us to the valley with a beautiful dinner Hamish & Frances (Natural Events) – Toilet knowledge, wheelies bins Jack & Faith – Fantastic knowledge and kitchen work Gordy Pirie – Garden help, fixing the shower boiler, dinner, constant support and being awesome Jack & Aileen Gilbert – having us for lunch and showing us around their home Dan Abikhair – 107 track work, baby sitting Mittagundi and farm help Cath Buccolo – Dinner with a view and training Ian Arbuckle - Fabulous Kitchen and Pantry Floor you can see

demonstrator Kevin – Pioneer skills demonstrator Brian Beasley – Pioneer skills

your reflection in!

demonstrator Bob Vincent – Pioneer skills weekend help

and Jackie Holland who are handing on their business

Jimmy Finlay – Roofing iron David Macilwain – Cheese demonstration John the Butcher – Spit expertise Arbie – Pioneer skills weekend help Denno & Lizzy – Organising stage 3 helpers for pioneer skills weekend

Also Special Thank You to Gary

Tawonga Motors. Thank you so much for all you have done and continue to do in your expertise, time, keeping our vehicles safe and well maintained and your ongoing friendship.


Wish List Steel cap boots (especially small sizes) Good quality hiking boots Copper for the comet (boiler) Rope Gaitors Thermals (wool or polypropolene) Compression sacks for sleeping bags Gortex pants










100% wool gloves and mittens Gortex over gloves Wollen trousers Calf (milker) Paint in various colours Jumper leads Car jack Snatch straps (rated) Watering cans Sprinkler heads Pasture hay (suitable for horses and cows)

Mulch for the garden (possibly hay or straw no longer suitable for stock) Long sleeve wetsuits (especially small sizes) Stone mortar and pestle Small paint brushes

{THE HOP!} Saturday 2ND OF July



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