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'til The BeachBoysnailedit' "She'Ilhavefun,fun,fun herDaddy takesherTbird away."A beachbuggyisn'tjust a vehicle,it'san experience. Summergetssweeter whenyou roll in style.
PICK-UPS, If you're expecting action, get a pickup truck. Everyone's gear fits easily so you don't need to stress while loading up. Toss your surfboards, bikes, kayaks, clam rakes, and fishing rods in
safari and military variations,like the
the back and drive away. You can be cre-
Sunligbt.Roofs and walls surround you for
British Leyland Land Rovers and the
ative with a pickup. One of the best uses
much of the year, so lose the top and
Toyota Land Cruisers.
I've seen was at the Wellfleet Drive-ln,
Lots of reasonsmake beach buggiescool.
catch some rays. Space.You've got people
The driver parked sideways with a couch
and gear,and sticking to a pal sitting next
Old, Any early CJ, 3, 5, or 7.
in the bed and a small gas grill on the tail-
to you doesn't cut it. Romance. If it's just
gate. That's style. Run the beachesor tow
you and your love, get a two-seater to
New, JeepVrangler Author's Pick, \w\i/II
watch the sunsets.Low-maintenance. If you
a u t h e n t i cp a i n t , s e r i a l n u m b e r s ,a n d
sweat the sand on the floorboards or sun-
Old: 1960sFord F-250,three on,thetree with a bench seatso your gidrein scoot
tan lotion on the seats,trade it. You're on vacation to relax, not to clean a car. You'll
a boat' a pickup gets it done.
For some, nothing
see a variety of summer rigs around the
beats a ragtop. Push a button and watch
,,,:. New: 2007 Toyota tcoma Double Cab
Cape and Islands.\X/hich one is right for
the sky unfold. Convertibles range from
Author'sPick: 1958Chew Apache3100
performance models to cruisers, some-
Short Bed
thing to suit everyones driving style. As \i/hy
are Jeeps so popularl
all convertibles ride low to the ground,
They're simple. Tops unzip and fold
they're perfect for accelerating into turns,
IJLISFS A N D V O ( ) [ ) l t : S , Y o u ' l lo c c a sionally see V\i/ buses and \i/oodies,
down in seconds, doors slide off, and
letting your hair blow in the wind on a
which havebeenas integralto beachlife
windshields lower with an adjustable
straight-away, or watching the sun set as
asthe sanditself.The V\i/ Microbuswas
wrench. Cet an over-sandpermit, drop
you cruise Ocean Drive.
the tire pressure, shift into four-wheel
Many American performance cars,
a staple, mostly with surfersand large familieswho'd live out of 'em. All they
drive, and stake out a remote part of a
like Mustangs, Firebirds, and Camaros,
needed was a parking spot near some
beach. Jeeps don't carry a lot, but they
are on the Cape. You'll see foreign
wavesand they'd be set for a week.Also
carry enough. They're so perfect for the
machines,too. Vintage MCs, Tiiumphs,
popularwere Voodies, the alternativeto the steelage,with wood-framedexteri-
Cape and Islands that even rental car
Fiats, Alpha
companies offer them. If you're new to
Porsches.Or cruiserslike the VW Beetle
ors. $/oodie station wagons were the
driving one, slow down and make sure
or the Kharman Chia, and Caddys or
SUV of an earlierage.Regardless, wood
yours is equipped with a roll bar.
Lincolns that bring an entire party to the
meanswarmth, warmth meanssummer,
beach bonfire.
and summermeanssurfboardsand girls
Bombing around in a Jeep has been a beach tradition since \flillyi
summer school, "G'
stands for
Covernment, and "P" refers to the B0-
in bikinis.
the CP in l94l. For all you history buffs in
Romeos, BMVs,
Old, 1968 Mustang
New,BMV Z-4
Old: 1963VV Microbus
inch wheelbase,reconnaissancecar. Say
Author's Pick' Toss up: 1965 Lincoln New,2008V\/Microbus/Minivan Continental, 1964 MGB, 1969 Fiat Author'sPick 1940Ford \ilZoodie
CP three times fast and you get Jeep.
Spider,or 1966Mustang
Adventure travelers favor the foreign www.capecodlife.com
_Tom Keer C A P EC O D L I F E 1 5 5