May Days by Tom Keer originally printed in Cape Cod Life

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the Salt Pond Visitor Center, you can

focusedaround the Vindmill

learn about culture and life on the At-

built in 1680.The green is the scene


m o n i n E a s t h a m .I f y o u ' r e a n a n t i q u e hound, don't miss Collector's World


lantic coast.Take a walk on the Nauset

for weekend events throughout the

on Route 6 or the Cristmill Callery.


M a r s h h i k l n g t r a i l ,w h i c h i s a h a l f - m i l e

summer that range from arts-and-

M o s t a n t i q u es h o p s o n C a p e C o d f e a -


loop through ftelds and an oak-and-

crafts shows to antique car festivals.

ture marine or nautical items such as


pine forest. If you're a birder, be sure

Leave it to a portless coastal town to

ship's lanterns, scrimshaw,and weath-


to bring along a pair of binoculars.

make a party out of growing veggies-

ervanes, but here you'll find land-


the Eastham Turnip Fest arrivesjust in

based antiques, too. Lucy J's Class


time for Thanksgivingl

s p e c i a l i z e si n g l a s s a r t , f r o m s t a i n e d


Hotels and motels abound along

glass,fused glass,or jewelry. On rainy


Two sections run through Eastham.

Route 6, but many visitors to Eastham

days, ScrapnCraftz is jammed with

No tracks from the old Penn Central

favor quieter inns or bed-and-break-

families buying materials for creat-


Railways remain; instead, you'll find a

fasts. The Whalewalk Inn is arguably

ing scrapbooks. Blackbeard'sBait and

widened and paved trail through tne

Eastham's most luxurious inn


Tackle near the post office will get

M (n

woods and near the beaches.

spa.There are l6 rooms and full spa

you catchin' insteadof fishin',and if

is th


I f y o u c o n s i d e ra t w o - m i l e b i k e r i d e a merewarm-up,try the 22-mile Dennis to Vellfleet Cape Cod Rail Tiail.

a m e n i t i e s ,i n c l u d i n g m a s s a g ea n d a r o -

you break down on the bike path, Idle

bayside jaunt, starting at Rock Har-

m a t h e r a p y s e r v i c e s ,w h i r l p o o l s , a n d

llmes or Little Capistrano will get you

bor Road, past First Encounter Beach,

saunas.The Over Look Inn is a former


with scenic stopoversat Boat Meadow

s e ac a p t a i n ' sm a n s i o n ,b u i l t i n l 8 9 1 . I t ' s

Beach and Dog Beach. For a longer

i n c l o s ep r o x i m i t y t o t h e R a i l t a i l a n d

ice cream and mini-golf is un-Ameri-



The first section is a 10.7-mile


Remember:zlSUrrrrernight without


ride, try the 15.2-mileride from the

walking paths. Rooms at the Penny

can. There are three miniature golf

visitor center past Thumpertown,

H o u s e I n n , b u i l t i n 1 6 9 0 ,c o m e w i t h

courseson Route 6 in Eastham: Poit's,


Sunken Meadow, and Nauset Beaches.


the Cift Barn, and Adventure Mini


Many of Eastham's activities are

Eclectic specialty shops are com-

Colf t

syr ge





ary is a quaint reservethat seemsmuch

F o r a d a y o f l e i s u r e l yh i k i n g a n d e x -

and fall with the seasons.The pictur-


bigger than it actually is, thanks to the

ploring, start at the sanctuary'sNature

esque wetland habitats that surround


2,000-acre buffer of state, town, and

Center, a quick walk from the park-

the pond are home to hundreds of bird,


private property that surroundsit. The

i n g l o t . I t f e a t u r e sa l a r g e i n f o r m a t i o n

a m p h i b i a n , a n d m a m m a l s p e c i e s .T i y


property'srare natural elementsrequire

b o a r d w i t h t i p s o n a n e c o l o g i c a lv i s i t

t o s p o t s o m eo f t h e m o r e t h a n 1 0 0b i r d


visitors to exhibit some extra caution:

to the sanctuary.Be sure to check out

species,and be sure to come back in a

n o s m o k i n g , f i s h i n g ,o r h u n t i n g o f a n y

the bird barn, often full of commotion

few months to enjoy the late-summer

kind is permitted, and no bicyclesor

from 35 pairs of barn swallows from

rainbow of rare wildflowers that will

S; 2t

motorized vehicles are allowed on the

May until August.

border the pond's sandy shoreline.


premises. Visitors are asked to leave

The Crassy Pond Tiail loops around

F o l l o w t h e s i g n st o t h e v e r n a l p o o l .


pets at home, since pets can disrupt

the 3,000-foot pond that provides its

A breeding ground for hundreds of


established ecosystems and threaten

namesake. It's the reserve's longest

a m p h i b i a n s , t h e s m a l l , f t s h l e s sp o o l

native wildlife. Throw on your long

path and takes about an hour to navi-

forms each spring from melted snow

pants, socks, and sneakersto protect

gate. The Crassy Pond itself is the

and water runoff. Hop

around the


against poison ivy and ticks, and pack

centerpieceof the sanctuary,a rare and

Mystery Ti'ee Tiail or veer off onto the


a brown-bag lunch from home to en-

endangered natural habitat known as a

Rhododendron Tiail, which boastssev-

joy at one of the sanctuary'spictur-

kettle pond. It was formed during the

eral varieties of the colorful flower for

esquepicnicking areas.

last Ice Age, and its water levels rise

which it is named. Keep an eye out for


MAY 2008

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