June Jaunts by Tom Keer originally printed in Cape Cod Life

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On the eve of Ti"urot tercentenarycelebrationin 2009, the tranquil village continues to attract those looking for by-

holesat the Highland Links Colf Course.The 116-year-old courseoverlooksthe oceannear Cape Cod Light, an active

gone beauty.This famous Cape town's sweepingbeaches,

lighthouse. Kayakerscan launch out of Pamet Harbor-a famouswhaling harbor-and paddle in solitude down the

rolling moors, and serenity are pleasantremindersof days past for residentsand visitors alike. It is indeed one of the

protectedPametRiver.Fishingand clamming spotsabound

crown jewels of the Outer Cape. Tiuro offers a substantiallist of outdoor activitiesfor all

along the way.

ages.The four-mile, round-trip ride between Head of the Meadow and High Head is among the most scenicsections

Many avoid Longnook Beachbecauseof the shoretreasures. sharp dune descentfrom the parking lot; itt not the walk

of the bike path, winding past dunes,hardwoods,low-bush blueberries,and Pilgrim Spring,where, it is said,the pilgrims

down that deters,but rather the steep incline back up that is daunting.Still, it'sworth the hike-this is one of the most

drank their first New Vorld water. Colfers can enjoy nine



The village'swide, white-sandbeachesare National Sea-



restored Justoneofover100completely wallsconces ondisplay antique to mudroom, Dining room From wecanhelpyouchoose fromfloorto ceiling: "Jewels" foryourh0me. Justtheright inouiries areinvited. SDecific . www.oldlamp.com DanJohnson dan@oldlamp.com email: MA02653 #7Roule 28.0rleans, (508)255-8513. FAx(508)255-8515 Parking in rear. openyear-round. forhours orappointment. Call Alwaysmorcthan400 qualityrcstuedlanps in slock Roule6, Welllled,ll|A Atsodisplaying atTheFarmhouse,

5 4 J U N E2 O O B

quiet and elegantbeachesaroundand

MayflowerPilgrims discovered a cache

is well worth the cardio workout in-

of Pamet Indian corn, which helped

volved. Familiesand ffshermenoften

them survive the first brutal winter in

favor Longnook becauseof the off-

a new land.

shore bars perfect for surfing, swimming, and catchingstripedbass.(Fam-

conducive usually to growing grapes

\)/hile Cape Cod's sandy soil is not

iliesshouldnote partsof the beachare

for wine, Tiuro Vineyards has perfect-

clothing-optional. ) Headingnorth,you'llrun into Coast

ed this ancient art. Tours and tastings

Guard Beach, Head of the Meadow,

1830s farmhouse at the junction o{

High Head, and BallstonBeachat the

Routes 6 and 64. The 64 awards the

end of the PametRiver.Thesebeaches

vineyard has won since its first vintage

with pristinewater,simiareexpansive

in 1998 are a testament to the wine's

lar to Longnook.Vith the exception

fine quality. Find a wine you like and

are held at the vineyard's renovated

of Headof the Meadow,parkingis lim-

buy a case. Around the corner is the

ited. Those with four-wheeldrive and

Atlantic Spice Company. Founded in

an over-sandpermit can drive to High

1994, the wholesale spice company of-

Head and to the south side of Coast

fers an array of gourmet herbs, spices,

Cuard Beach.Don't missthe baysides

teas, and oils packaged in one-pound

historic Corn Hill, where famished

bags. If you're in the mood for art, a www.capecodllfe.com

stop next door at the Donna Mahan Studio to view fine glass and sculp-

rant thatt the talk of the town.

tures is in order. Mahan combs the

plete without driving on Route 6A.,

Hrcur*r.ruLrsrs Cclr Counsr

beachfor driftwood, seaglass,broken

where a high elevation reveals a


tea-cupfragments,and other collect-

world-class view of Cape Cod Bay,

Tnuno VruEvnnus

abletreasuresto assembleinto tasteful

Provincetown,and the absolutetip of

www.trurovineyardsofcapecod.com Arr-axrrc SprcrCOv plr.rv

worksof art. There are two main artistic venues, theTiuro Center for the Arts at Castle

A trip to Tiuro would not be com-

the Cape.As you wind along the shore

Tnuno CHnr.lgen oF CoM[4sRcE www.trurochamberofcommerce.com

you'll passthe historicand photogenic


Days' Cottages.Each of the 23 cot-


Hill and the PayometPerformingArts

tagesis identical in structureand lay-

Center.Castle Hill offers instruction

out, and every cottage is named after

in painting, drawing, clay, writing,

a flower.

www.dayscottages.com Pavovrr Penronvrxc Anrs Crrurrn www.ppactruro.org

photography,and more for both adults

If you plan a fall trip, checkout the

andchildren;they also offer summer

three-dayTiuro TieasuresFestival.The


This year marksoutdoor internships.

event has a little somethingfor every-


theatergroup Payomet'st0'h anniver-

one:a bassand bluefishfishlngtourna-

nr CnsruHrr-r-

sary.Catch independentfilm releases, ment, a fishfry, book and bakesales,art plays,puppetshows,and music,all in

activities.t auctions,and children's


www.castlehill.org Tnuno Tnr,qsunrs www.trurotreasures. org

anoutdoorsettingoverlookingthe Atlantic.Combinethe artswith a mealat year-oldrestauEricJansen's Blackffsh,

DouNn M*raN Sruoro

Freelance writerTomKeerlioesin Wellfleet


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