Great Escapes by Tom Keer originally printed in Outdoor Life

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forsportsmen. Toomanydeskjockeys thinkthe lNTHEBIGCITY have to mean boredom LIFE doesn't price pay wall waters and they fora career isto beontheothersideoftheconcrete fromthewoods, thatmanyeastern cities offer rather depre.ssing outlook. considerin,g so.litude theycrave..Tt''31.r.u. nt w o - h o u drive. u r b aann g l e e r sx c e l l ef insth i nogp p o r t u n i w t i ei tsh i a

Boston, Massachusetts

Sure.withlandmarks liketheFreeciom Trail.the)ld StateHouseandBeacon Hill,Beanlown is knowntor ilsltistory. Butit hasa l1t m1reg1ingf0rit than that-includingsomefantastic angling justoutside citylimits.0newordof caution: Tunafishinghasgonedlwnhiil lefttown. sinceBillParcells

plugs, rubber Trout, troutandmoretrout. Tactics: Swimming Species: jigs,poppers runs, worms. leadhead Waler:Freestone riverwithriffles, pools andstreamers. andpockets. Dave's Sports Cenler Inc., Taclics: Flies, smallspinners, worms. Contact: Beaverkill Angler, 607-498-5194.215-766-8000. Conlact:

DELAWABE RIVEB Hancock. N.Y. Locatiou Trout, largemouths. smallSpecies: mouths, shadandpanfish. r,vith river. Water: Tailwater runs,pools, DEERFIEI.D RIUEB andpockets. Location: Northwestern Massachusetts.riffles FIies, spoons. spinners, shiners, rainbows, Taclics: theupper stretch, $pecies:0n gru0s. w0rms, brownies andbrooktrout.0n tholower and WestBranch Angler smallmouth bass. largemouth Contact: stretch, 607-467-5525. Sportsman's Resort, bassandpanfish. Water:Bdttom-release tailwater, Po[{T flEWrEtT perfect orcanoeing. forwading Location: Great Neck, N.Y. withllies Tactics: hatches Excellent Species; Striped bass, bluefish. bonitos thebestchoice, Nolivebaitinthe being andfalsealbacore. TroutManagement seclions. Water: 0cean flals,rips,beachfronts and Points Conlast: FredMoran, North islands. offshore 0utfitters 413-743-4030. liveeels. Tactics: Fiies. bunker, squid. trolling rigsandplugs. WESTFIETD RIVER GlenCove$por1s Shop, Massachusetts, Contacl; L0cali0n: West*central 516-676-71 20. nearWestf ield. Trophy rainbows andbrown Species: Pennsylvania trout,brooktroutandsrnallmouth ba$s. Philadelphia, Loveis wellknown (east. TheCityof Brotherly Thisriverhasthreebranches Water: for theLibertyBett,:Benjamin Franklin, together in middle andwest) thatcome of Pennsylvania and theuniversity Huntington" Mainbranch isfairlylarge roadtripanKeily withanaverage depth sixfeet. nocky,l springtime of r0ughly Flies, Taclics: spinners, spoons, livebait, DrivealongtheSchuylkillRiveris a majoreveitt,particukrlywhentheraw Inc . BG Sportins Goods, 9g1t3gl houses arebusywithcrewteamsand 4 r J - 5 b U - i5 b y . lf the thecherrytreesareblossoming. bustleof SouthStreetgetstiring.take BO$TttI{ HARBOR is a stane's throw Locatlsh: noston Harbor andthel$lands.heart*Philadelphia awavfromslmepremiertrlul andriver bass Species: andbluefish. $triped uth bassfishing. withledges. Water: 0cean, channels, smallmo

MAUCHU]IK LAXE CREEK AilOMIUCIIUIII( Localion: Penn. JimThorpe, walleyes, small$pedes:Largemouths, mouths troutinthecreek. andDanfish; '1,000 with Water:Thelakeis acres, motorsonly.Thecreek(the electric withbrownies lake's isstocked outflow) trout. andbrook Taclics: shiners, spoons, Rubber w0rms, lures crankbaits, diving andflies. 717-325-4364. Contacl: FourSeasons,

Baltimore, Maryland To its 700,000inhabitants, Baltimore hasthepaceandbustleof a large town.HarborPlace,a shoppingand diningareasituated0n thewaterfrant, is theperfectsp1tt0 stepautaftera longdayat wark:If that'snotyour thing,there'sthePeabody C0nservat1Art ry on Charles Street0r the Walters andfineart. Galleryof antiquities painter AordonAllen,a welFknawn andetcherof splrtingart,alsocalls thetownhishome.Butif art can't your thirstfor the0utd00rs (and stake n Wate rfowtFestival Naven ber'sEasto is too far off),you can passthetime withsomelocalfishing.

GUI{POWDER RIVEB Location: Hereford, Md. Wildtrout,browns, brookies Species: andrainbows. f ishery with Watet:A wadable tailwater inshore islands andrips. stretch of catch-andSGHUYtKItt BIVEB aneight-mile UPPER plugs, Taclics: Flies, liveeeli,suriace release waler. Pottstown, Penn. Location: rigs bunker andtrolling -T42-0288. $pecies: lures muskies. Flies andartificial only. Smallmouths. crappies.Tactics: 617 Contact: 0rvisBoston. or riverbestfished f roma Gonlact: 0ntheFly.4 10-584-8287 Water: Strong johnboat hull. 410-329-6821. orsemi-V l{ewYotkGity,l{ewYork jigs Taclics: Flies, shiners, leadhead If there'sa capitalof's IIARBOR BATTIMORE Architectural landmarks Manhattan. such an0p0ppers. Baltimore Harbor. French Creek 0utfitters, localion: theStatue Contact: StateBuilding, astheEmpire whiteperch Species: Striped bass, of LibertyandtheBrooklyn Bridgeloom 610-326-6740. andbluefish. theAdironaroundeverycorner.Luckily. Tidalestuaries, flatswith Water: small tAr(El{0ct$Mtxorl theCatskills andLonglsland are dacks, drop-offs andbeachf ronts. Location: Nockamixon StatePark, the all withinstrikingdistance. allowing Forflyfishermen, Tactics: usepoppers at Quakertown. urbansDortsman to leaveGotham should use Largemouth hybrid dawnanddusk. Spincasters Species: bass, notice. behind ata monent's lures walleyes standard andchunk bait. striped bass, andpanfish. Edge, Water: 1,450 acres, withboatrentals Co$ac!TheFisherman's BEAUERI$TI RIUER 410-71 9-7999. andfourlaunches. Location: Roscoe, N.Y.

TIBERTY RESERVllIR AI{IIt(t0HBAVEII RESERVOIR Location: Baltimore County. hybridstripers Species: InLiberty, and InLochRaven, largemouth crappies. bassandblueoills. Water:Publiciy with ownedreservoirs electric m0t0rs only.Boatlaunches and rentals available. Tactics: Softbaits,deepjigs,rattlelures, shiners andbullminnows, Conlacl: T.G. Tochterman's, 410-327-6942.

$yracusen ilewYork

Harrisburgn Pennsylvania

OAI((IRCHABD CREEI( Localion: Albion. N.Y. Species: Steelhead, chinook salmon and large lake-run brown trout. Water: Lake tributary, withruns,pools andriffles. Tactics: Flies, salmon eggs, spoons a n ds p i n n e r s . Contact FlyShop, Oak0rchard 716-682"4546.

SUSllUEHAIII{A RIVER Location: Harrisburg, Penn. Trophy Species: smallmouth bass, rockbass, channel cats,muskies andwalleyes. Waler: Onemilewideandthree feet deep, it'sbestaccessed bywading or witha johnboat. Flies, Taclics; shiners, spinnerbaits, rubber worms andcrankbaits. ConlaclFerguson SportsProducts, 717-545-3040.

IIII{EMItECRffK Localion: Syracuse, N.Y. Brown troutandbrook $pecies: trout. YEttOW BREEGHES IGIII{EBEC RIVER Waler: Small, freestone stream roughly Location: Carlisle, Penn. Location: Popham Beach. 30feetwideinthestretch outside Species: Wildandholdover trout; Species: Striped bassandbluefish. Syracuse. Carpenler's Brook Fish rainbows browns, brookies, and Waler:Saltwater riverwithbeachfronts. Hatchery palomino thecreek stocks heavily. trout. poppers, Taclics: live Flies, spoons, Flies, Taclics: spinners, spoons, shiners, Water:Freestone troutstream. bunker andmackerel. worms Asit'sa smallcreek, Tactics: Flies, worms, anddace. {athead minnows, Contact Barnes 0utfitters, 207-865-1 113 uselighttackle andkeep a lowprofile, mealworms andspinners. TheTroutfitter, Conlact: 315-446-2047. Conlacl: TropGunShop, 717-367-5585. RIIACII RIVER Location: Kokadjo, Maine. Ttsnton, I{ewJersey Manchester, l{ewHampshire Brook troutandlandlocked Species: salmon. DEIAWARE RIVER GREAT BAY Water:Wadable freestQne with stream, Localion: Trenton, N.J. Location: Portsmouth, N.H. flyfishing only,Canoes area plusduring Species: Hybrid andsaltwater stripers. Species: Striped bassandbluefish" periods of highwater. Waler:Rocky whitewaterinterspersed Waler: Tidalestuaries, rockpilings Tactics: Streamers, nymphs and withflattidalwater. Mostly boat-fishing,andjetties. patterns. attractor withsomewadelishing. Tactics: Bigflies,chunk mackerel, live Conlacl: VanRaymond 0utfitters, liveherring, Taclics: Flies, eels, white b u n k epr l,u gas n dl u r e s . 207-989-6001. perch , andlures, Contacl: Hunter's Angling Supplies, -8558. Contact; Delaware River 0utfitters, 800-331 Hartlord, Connecticut 609-466-7970. il0RTHcoilluAY lt0usAT0iltc RtvER IStAl{D BEACH STATE PARK Location: Saco andEllisrivers, North " Localion: Cornwall Bridge, Conn. lsland Park, Location: Beach State Conway, N.H Browns, rainbow troutandriver Seaside Species; Park, Species: Browns, rainbows, trout. brook smallmouth bass, Striped weakfish, Freestone Species: bass, bonitos Waler: streams withpools, Water: Top-release tailwater withpools, andfalse albacore. rifflesandruns.Bothrivershavea riffles andruns. Water: Cuts, beachfronts andjetties. section, llyfishing-only Taclics: Flyfishing-only in stretch Tactics: Flies, liveherring. eels, Taclics: Flies, worms, shiners Bridge; Cornwall worms, shiners and plugsandpoppers swimming a n ds p i n n e r s . spinners arepermitted above or below Contact: Betty Bait& Tackle, Contacl: NorthCountry andNick's Angler, theTroutManagement Area. 908-793-2708. 603-356-6000. Conlact; Housatonic Meadows FlyShop, 860-672-6064.

Portland, Maine


TARMI]IGTllH RIVER Localion: NewHaftford, Conn. rainbow Species: Browns, brookies, troul,bassandpanfish. Water:Bottom-release tailwater with pools, riffles, runsandpockets. Taclics: Thecatch-and-release stretch in NewHartford is opento bait,luresand flies.Livebaitlikedace, worms ano minnows workwelldownstream from theTroutManagement Area. Conlact: Classic andCustom FlyShop, 860-738-3s97.

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